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High School/ Middle School:

Preparation for class (dressed)-(10%)
Knowledge, understanding, critical thinking, and problem solving-(20%)
Performance (skill)-(30%)

Elementary School:

Knowledge, understanding, critical thinking, and problem solving-(25%)
Performance (skill)-(30%)


For High School I chose that specific grading scale because I thought attendance
and preparation for class is very important, and attitude was slightly less compared to
elementary school. In high school, attendance is an important key factor; if the student
does not come to class they are never going to learn, therefore making the first step
coming to class. The second step, after already coming to class, is being prepared for
class, and that means wearing the correct clothes to do so. On the other hand in
elementary school, attendance should not be weighed heavy because no elementary
school student is going to be walking around the halls, and not be in class or not
purposely come to class because then that has to do with the parents. Also the students do
not dress themselves for elementary school, the parents do therefore as long as they
should be wearing sneakers every day they are doing fine to participate in the physical
education class. This is why I did not include attendance or preparation for class as a
grading scale in elementary school, but instead weighed out other important things like
attitude, and participation.

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