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Can I have an A? Steve? Steve can you get an A played for me?

[ad lib
until ...]
*A 440HZ starts*
(she begins to warm up around an A major arpeggio, moving up in steps)
*loud screeching noise*
Ahh! Steve, what the hell?
*mumbling fumbling digital sounds *
*Steve says sorry*
thank you
(Sofia continues warming up)
*quiet buzzing begins and gets louder*
(Sofia continues warming up for a while, until ...)
Umm, Steve, can you hear a buzzing? Yeah. Can we stop that, please? [ad
lib until ...]
*buzzing cuts out*
Thank you, Steve.
(begins warming up again)
*buzzing begins again, really suddenly*
Steve! the buzzing's back!
*buzzing disappears slowly, comically!*
*buzzing turns into a raspberry as it goes lower*
*buzzing stops and then does one last little outburst on a D below middle
[Sofia pulls a face]
(Sofia sings an arpeggio starting on the D two above middle C, and then
holding the top D)
*D quarter-flat plays - at roughly same pitch as Sofia's singing*
(Sofia's tuning is put off, she copies the pitch of the playing sin wave)
*the playing note starts sliding down*
(Sofia completely loses her note)
*the sin wave goes all the way back down to D two above middle C and
plays a perfect arpeggio, then repeats it over and over again*
*during the repeats it become less like a sin wave and more like a voice*
*the repeating digital arpeggio gets faster and faster*
Steve?? The buzzing's beating me! [ad lib until ...]
*muffled sounds as Steve covers up the arpeggiating note*
(Sofia takes a very loud, frustrated breath)
*loud, fast, Eb major arpeggio*
*loud, fast, E major arpeggio, then F major, then Gb major, than G major,
*notes get really high because they're going through the keys very very
quickly indeed, and pretty soon they become inaudible*
*one long, loud, top G two above middle C*
(Sofia sings a top G to compete)
*top G again*
(top G again)
*(they fight out with the top Gs*)
*G below*
(Sofia copies)
*first G again*
(Sofia copies)
*jumps around notes at reasonably easy intervals, just quickly*
(Sofia always tries to compete)
*long, drawn out white noise sound*
I give up! Im sick of working with you!

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