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Literacy Group K-A Dream Comes True: December 8th to 12th

Before reading:

Together the students will read the book title.

What do you think you will be reading about?
Ask students: What is a dream? What are some dreams you have about your life for the
future? What do you know about space travel?
Tell students that: from the time Franklin Chang-Diaz was a young boy he dreamed of
becoming an astronaut. We are going to read to find out how he grew up to reach his goal.

Day 1: Pages 1 to 5

During reading:

What did the children pretend they were doing on page 2 and 3?
What might the children pretended to see in space? (stars, Earth, other planets)
What is a satellite?
Where was Franklin born?
Astronauts are people who travel to space. Do you think it would be hard or easy to
become and astronaut? Why or why not?

After reading:

Write down something you learned, have a question about or are wondering.

Day 2: Pages 6 to 9

During reading:

Who was Franklins hero? Do you have a hero?

Where did Franklin learn about astronauts?
What challenges did Franklin have to overcome to reach his dream of being an astronaut?
Would you like to walk on the moon? Why or why not?

After reading:

Write down something you learned, have a question about or are wondering.

Day 3: Pages 10 to 16

During reading:

When did Franklin become an astronaut?

Did Franklin fulfill his dream? How?
What do you think life would be like in space?
Space stations are places where people can live and work in space for months. How do
you think space stations are different than the homes we live in?

After reading:

Would you like to travel to space? Why or why not?

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