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Step by Step Instructional Strategy based on ELD Standards

ELD Standards:

1A. Collaborative. 1. Exchanging information and ideas with others through oral collaborative
discussions on a range of social and academic topics. (SL.7.1,6; L.7.3,6)

1B. Interpretive. 5. Listening actively to spoken English in a range of social and academic contexts.
(SL.7.1,3,6; L.7.1,3,6)

1C. Productive. 9. Expressing information and ideas in formal oral presentations on academic topics.

Students will be learning how to find the surface area of composite three-dimensional objects, using
their understanding of finding the area of composite two-dimensional shapes and basic shapes.
Students will be placed into groups and will be provided a handout with instructions along with
questions to answer. ELLs will be provided with an additional handout with step by step instructions.

Students will be required to work together, and communicate, to break each composite three-
dimensional object into basic three-dimensional shapes. They will be required to use their oral language
to convey their perspective and their understanding of each problem. Students will be provided with
guiding questions on the board. ELLs will be provided with a handout with sample sentence starters. This
group work will also require students to actively listen to the language demonstrated by their peers to
convey their understanding of the content. Once they are able to break down the objects into simpler
objects, they will be required to solve each problem. At the end of the task, students will be selected to
present to the class, orally, what steps they took to solve the selected problem and demonstrate their
work to the class.

By having students (including ELLs) engage in this instructional strategy of working with their peers on
tasks focused on the content, students will be forced to engage in a discussion with their peers about
the content. This will require them to work together and communicate their perspective and
understanding of the content with their peers. It will require them to listen to what their peers have to
say and make sense of it. It will also require them to orally summarize what they learned from the group
work and how they solved each problem in the task and share their solutions with the whole class.

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