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Spolon posedenie

Sitting Together

vstava v / exhibition in, Bratislava, 2016

Spolon posedenie

Sitting Together

Oblka | Cover:
Peter Barto: Pasenie oveky | Grazing a Lamb, 1979, Bratislava
(Zdroj | Source: Umenie akcie 1965-1989, SNG, Bratislava, 2001, s. | p 229)
Spolon posedenie Sitting Together

Paraleln chronolgie zhd okolnost vo vchodnej Eurpe Parallel Chronologies of Coincidences in Eastern Europe

Lszl Beke (1944), legendrny historik umenia Vstava sa zameriava na obdobie Lszl Beke (1944), legendary art historian from The exhibition at focuses on the
zBudapeti, aktvny od konca esdesiatych rokov a normalizcie v sedemdesiatych rokoch, poas Budapest, active since the late 1960s, also as a 1970s, the Normalization period in which the
priate slovenskho umenia aSlovkov, je vytrvalm ktorej sa fenomn paralelnej kultry vyvjal ako friend of Slovak art and people, is a persistent phenomenon of parallel culture evolved as the
zberateom zhd okolnost. Zhodu okolnost definuje jedin mon sfra kritickho anezvislho collector of coincidences. He defines coincidence only possible sphere for critical and autonomous
ako formu umenia, alebo presnejie povedan myslenia zdanlivo oddelenho od politickho as form of art, more precisely as a readymade, thinking seemingly detached from political action.
ready-made, ktor mono iba njs, no ned sa boja. Tto paraleln kultra zahala sple vemi something that you have to find and that you This parallel culture incorporated a network of
vytvori. m je prekvapivej, tm lepie. Tvrd vak, rznorodch disidentskch pozci zhadiska cannot make. The least realistic they are the very heterogeneous dissident positions defined
e na zhody okolnost je mon plnovite striehnu ideolgi, umeleckch hnut aivotnch tlov.1 better. However, he also states that coincidences on the level of ideologies, art movements, or
alebo ich vyvola. Zdrazuje tie, e zhoda Spolon posedenie pripomna udalosti can be consciously trapped or triggered. He life-styles. Sitting Together evokes events and
okolnost predstavuje jednu znajvch vziev pre akladie veda seba dokumenty zeskoslovenskej, points out that coincidence is one of the greatest juxtaposes documents from the Czechoslovakian,
avantgardnch umelcov snaiacich sa predstihn maarskej, poskej ajuhoslovanskej umeleckej challenges to the avant-garde artist who wishes Hungarian, Polish and Yugoslavian art scenes
svoju dobu. Pre umelcov, ktor as od asu narazia scny, ktor boli determinovan rznymi to be in advance of his era, but who from time to determined by different versions of state-
na inch umelcov, ktor prili svemi podobnou podobami ttneho socializmu akapitalizmu, time encounters other artists who have already socialisms and -capitalisms, changing political
revolunou mylienkou skr alebo sbene snimi.1 premenami politickho dohadu nad umeleckmi or simultaneously come up with very similar control of art events, and shifting the distinction
Vstava Spolon posedenie si chce posvieti na akciami ameniacim sa rozliovanm medzi revolutionary ideas.1 The exhibition Sitting between mainstream and parallel culture. The1
zhody okolnost vytvrajce zdanlivo nhodn, no z oficilnou aparalelnou kultrou. Nekonformn Together endeavours to trap coincidences that non-conformist art of the era which was at
dnenho pohadu paradigmatick svislosti medzi umenie tejto doby, okolo ktorho sa sstredil create seemingly accidental but from the present the centre of research in the 90s and 2000s
paralelnmi chronolgiami vo vchodoeurpskych vskum vdevdesiatych anultch rokoch, bolo point of view paradigmatic links between parallel was usually characterised by isolation, privacy,
umeleckch scnach. obvykle charakterizovan izolciou, utajovanm, chronologies of East European art scenes. individualism and anti-political dissident positions
individualizmom aapolitickmi postojmi in opposition to official culture, the mechanisms
Vstava vzila z projektu Parallel Chronologies disidentov vprotiklade koficilnej kultre, ktorej The exhibition has grown from the project Parallel of which were much less discussed. Three
(2009 ), ktor sa zaober chronolgiou ako mechanizmom sa prli nevenovala pozornos. Chronologies (2009 ), which features a genre, constellations of documents are presented
nrom hrajcim urujcu rolu vtransformcii Vstava predstavuje tri sstavy dokumentov, ktor chronology, which plays a significant role in at the exhibition that aim to overcome these
atomizovanch udalost do podoby histri maj prekona tto dialektiku aodhali miesta, kde transforming atomized events into histories and dialectics and trace coincidences between local
aknonov, ato hlavne vprpade umeleckch sa prekrva loklne amedzinrodn, individulne canons, especially in the case of East European versus international, individual versus collective,
akci vo vchodnej Eurpe. Seba-historizcia akolektvne, spontnne attne organizovan. art events. In this region, self-historization and self-organised versus state-run overlaps
tohto reginu, definovan medzinrodnm Manvruj medzi rznymi stratgiami kritiky defined by international synchronicity or local that manoeuvre between various strategies of
synchronizmom alebo loklnym asynchronizmom, aspoluprce ako alternatvami khrdinskmu asynchronicity was an important strategy criticism and cooperation as alternatives to heroic
bola dleitou stratgiou, ktorej cieom bolo disentu adobrovonej izolcii. 2 counteracting the limited opportunities for dissidence or solitary withdrawal.2
kompenzova obmedzen publicitu viacerch publicity available for progressive events.
progresvnych udalost. Umeleck podujatia s Art events are primary sites for mobilizing
primrne miestom, kde sa podnecuje pozornos attention and public discussion, thus their
a verejn diskusia. Ich histria teda potvrdzuje 1 Lszl BEKE, Vletlen, mint mvszet (1976), In: Lszl
history establishes the public and political 1 Lszl BEKE, Vletlen, mint mvszet (1976), Lszl
verejn apolitick potencil umenia inak, ne Beke: Mvszet/Elmlet, Balassi, 1994, s. 149. potential of art in a different way than it does Beke: Mvszet/Elmlet, Balassi, 1994, p 149.
to rob histria umenia. Tto stratgia prina 2 Projekt Paraleln chronolgie, ktor realizuje the history of art. It enables important insights 2 Tranzit.hus project Parallel Chronologies was started
dleit nhad nielen na premenu verejnej, iniciovali Dra Hegyi a Zsuzsa Lszl vo forme into the transformations of the public sphere, by Dra Hegyi and Zsuzsa Lszl in 2009 in the form
sfry a spoloenskej role umenia, ale aj na to, vskumu, vstavy a sympzia v roku 2009 v svislsoti the changing social role of art, and how regional of aresearch exhibition and symposiumin Budapest
s medzinrodnou spolurcou Art Always has its connected to the international collaboration Art Always
ako regionlna kultrna politika sjej intitciami Consequences. Pre viac iformci vi: cultural politics and its institutions interact with has its Consequences. For more information see: http://
reagovala na medzinrodn trendy ahnutia. exhibitionarchive/ international trends and movements.

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Medzinrodn stretnutia umelcov International Artist Meetings

Ako hovori o vchodnej Eurpe? How can we talk about Eastern-Europe?

Vidme dvoch nepodobnch muov sediacich veda kultrne produkty opozinch strn vnman tou We see two different looking men sitting next blocks were mutually viewed as potentially
seba vprostred, ktor m evokova atmosfru druhou stranou vdy ako potencilne nebezpen to each other in a setting resembling an official dangerous, thus exchanges were dramatically
oficilneho stretnutia. Vymieaj si gest a ich vmena bola vpdesiatych rokoch zsadne conference. They turn to each other with gestures blocked in the 50s. In the 60s, however, instead of
inteligentnej komunikcie, no zst im miesto slov obmedzen. Vesdesiatych rokoch sa vak miesto of intelligent communication, but instead of words restricting mobility and the spread of information
vychdzaj bubliny sln. Tento mkvy rozhovor obmedzovania cezhraninho pohybu arenia they produce bubbles of saliva. The camera institutions of cultural relations were founded
sleduje kamera. Jednm zmuov je Gbor Bdy informci zakladali intitcie pre rozvoj kultrnych follows this silent conversation. One of them to build and control cultural exchanges not
(1946 - 1985), maarsk experimentlny filmr, vzahov (napr. Artcentrum v eskoslovensku), is Gbor Bdy (1946-1985), Hungarian director only within Friendly Countries, but also with
len miestneho amedzinrodnho umeleckho ktor mali dohliada na kultrnu vmenu nielen of experimental films, member of the local and Capitalist States and Developing Countries.
undergroundu, priekopnk video-artu, ktor zaloil so spriatelenmi, ale aj skapitalistickmi international underground art scene and pioneer Neo-avant-garde artists developed an independent
medzinrodn video magazn infermental. Zhodou arozvojovmi krajinami. Neoavantgardn of video art, who conceived the international network of international relations mainly
okolnost bol vroku 1978 vPari, kde stretol umelci rozvinuli nezvisl sie medzinrodnch video magazine, infermental. He happened to through mail-art and the distribution of samizdat
Marcela Odenbacha (1953), tudenta architektry, vzahov predovetkm prostrednctvom mail- be in Paris in 1978, and met Marcel Odenbach publications, but also through the mediation of art
histrie umenia asemiotiky pvodom zKolna, ktor artu adistribcie samizdatovch publikci, ale aj (1953) from Cologne, a student of architecture, art events and publications issued in Western-Europe.
bol vtedy vPari na tudijnom pobyte. Odenbach medicie umeleckch akci apublikci vydvanch history and semiotics who was in Paris thanks to
bval unemeckho herca Uda Kiera, s ktorm vzpadnej Eurpe. a study grant and staying in the apartment of the A selection of international events that created
vtedy Bdy spolupracoval. Video Dialg medzi German actor Udo Kier, who Bdy collaborated a professional network between the artists and
vchodom azpadom (1978) natoili spontnne na Vber medzinrodnch akci, ktor dali vznikn with at that time. Odenbach had a portable art professionals active in Eastern European
Marcelovu prenosn kameru, neskr ho zaradili do sieti umelcov aprofesionlov zo sveta umenia video equipment with him and to shoot the video countries, and that also raised the question of the
prvho vydania infermentalu. psobiacich vo vchodnej Eurpe, atm tie Conversation Between East and West (1978) validity of geopolitical categories, is presented as a
spochybnili geopolitick kategrie, predstavuje was a spontaneous idea, the result of which was Network Chronology Diagram. It is compiled
o sa tu paroduje? o reprezentuj astnci tohto sstava sie chronolgia diagram. Je later included in the first issue of infermental. in collaboration with Lszl Beke, one of the
dialgu? Zatia o medzivojnov avantgarda bola zostaven vspoluprci sLszlm Bekem, jednm most important initiators and a protagonist of this
vskutku medzinrodn, poas studenej vojny boli znajdleitejch inicitorov apredstaviteov tejto What is this parody about, what do the participants network, as well as on the basis of the chronologies
of the conversation represent? Whereas the pre- contributed so far to the project Parallel
World War II avant-garde was truly international, in Chronologies. From this non-linear narrative two
the Cold War era cultural products of the opposing decisive events are featured in more detail.

Demontrcia Mariny Abramovi na Works and Words, medzinrodnej manifestcii umenia

Marina Abramovics demonstration at Works and Words international art manifestation
(Zdroj | Source: Work and Words, katalg vstavy | exhibition catalogue, de Appel, 1980, s. | p 2)

Klaus Groh, Aktuelle Kunst in Osteuropa: CSSR, Jugoslawien, Polen, Rumaenien, UDSSR, Ungarn. Anna Kutera: vod | Introduction , F-Art Festival, Gdask, 1975
Dumont, 1972 (Oblka knihy | Cover of the book) (Foto | Photo: Romuald Kutera, S lskavm povolenm | Courtesy of Anna Kutera)

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Medzinrodn stretnutia umelcov International Artist Meetings

Ako hovori o vchodnej Eurpe? How can we talk about Eastern-Europe?

siete, na zklade dosia zozbieranch chronolgi anonymn fotky stiskov rk zozbieral avytvoril Friendship of Nations in Action the meeting he wrote Czech, Slovak and Hungarian
vprojekte Parallel Chronologies. Dvom zsadnm tabuu identifikujc ich smenami astnkov. words on cards and pinned them on the wall.
udalostiam ztohto nelinerneho prbehu sa pritom The Meeting of Czech, Slovak, and Hungarian Some words echoed the shrewd and bureaucratic
vstava venuje podrobnejie. Medzi mnohmi zaujmavmi prspevkami, Artists in 1972 in Balatonboglr was the first, doublespeak of the era with expressions like
rezonoval sBekeho nvrhom koncept situci and even from todays perspective one of the provocation, reaction, repressive tolerance,
Priatestvo nrodov v akcii Petra Bartoa (1938). Jeho sociositucia most exceptional attempts in the 1970s to create and functionary. Some others traced the
Meditcia sudskm srdcom spovala professional contacts without western mediators differences and similarities between the
Stretnutie eskch, slovenskch amaarskch vtom, e jej astnci mali zotrva vtichu, km and independent from the stringent cultural languages, creating a practical aid and symbolic
umelcov vBalatonboglri v roku 1972 bolo prvm nenapotaj esdesiat derov srdca. Toto diplomacy between the friendly states of the dictionary of normalisation as well as the utopia of
adodnes je inpiratvnym pokusom nadviaza stretnutie inpirovalo aj Bartoove neskorie Communist Bloc. The meeting3 was organised understanding without a common language.1
vsedemdesiatych rokoch profesionlne vzahy koncepty zaloen na trojici holubc atrojici in Gyrgy Galntais (1941) Balatonboglr Studio,
bez zpadnch sprostredkovateov, no tie kon reprezentujcich mierov posolstv which functioned as an independent venue Beke also initiated two participatory actions,
nezvisle na strohej kultrnej diplomacii medzi ospolunavan troch susednch nrodov.1 between 1970-1973 in a deserted chapel. The Possibilities, with instructions presented as
spriatelenmi krajinami komunistickho bloku. initiator was Lszl Beke, who had been in contact concepts. He came across a special Czechoslovak
Stretnutie3 sa konalo vopustenej kaplnke v Zd sa, e poas priateskho stretnutia with Tom trauss (1931-2013) since the late
ateliri Gyrgya Galntaia (1941), ktor vrokoch vBalatonboglri nemali astnci problm 60s. Beke during his university studies started to 3 Participants: Imre Bak, Peter Barto, Lszl Beke, Mikls
1970 1973 fungoval ako nezvisl miesto stm, e reprezentuj iriu komunitu. V druhej learn Slovak as a personal undertaking, with the Erdly, Stano Filko, Gyrgy Galntai, Pter Halsz, Bla Hap,
rznych podujat. Inicitorom stretnutia bol polovici sedemdesiatych rokov sa vak konalo purpose to overcome the tension between the two gnes Hy, Tams Hencze, Gyrgy Jovnovics, J. H. Kocman,
Pter Legndy, Jnos Major, Lszl Mhes, Gyula Pauer,
Lszl Beke, ktor bol od konca esdesiatych niekoko medzinrodnch umeleckch podujat peoples which could be traced back to the time of Vladimr Popovi, Petr tembera, Rudolf Sikora, Tams
rokov v kontakte sTomom traussom (1931 zameranch na predstavenie umenia spoza the Austro-Hungarian Empire. For the occasion of Szentjby, Anna Szeredi, Endre Tt, Pter Trk, Ji Valoch
- 2013). Poas svojho tdia na univerzite sa eleznej opony, ktor vyvolali naliehav otzky
Beke zaal z vlastnej iniciatvy ui po slovensky, o oprvnenosti kategrie vchodoeurpskeho
m chcel prekona naptie medzi nrodmi umenia. Po fiasku Dissident Biennale
prevajce u od ias Rakska-Uhorska. Pri vroku 1977, ktor malo predstavi umelcov
prleitosti stretnutia napsal esk, slovensk zmajcich inak, no bez toho, aby sa vzali
amaarsk slov na karty atie pripevnil na do vahy mon politick dsledky, sa v roku
stenu. Niektor slov evokovali dmyseln radn 1979 konala ambicizna vstava v de Appel
doublespeak tej doby vrazmi ako provokcia, vAmsterdame Works and Words predstavujca
reakcia, represvna tolerancia a funkcionr, konfrontciu umelcov podobnej citlivosti
zatia o in zachytvali odlinosti apodobnosti zMaarska, eskoslovenska, Poska, Juhoslvie
medzi jazykmi, m vytvrali nielen praktick aHolandska. Ilo omanifestciu, ktor sa
pomcku asymbolick slovnk normalizcie, ale sstredila na dialektick interakciu teoretickho
aj utpiu porozumenia bez spolonho jazyka. apraktickho, prc aslov.4 Aj ke tu vraz 2
vchodn Eurpa explicitne nezaznel, astnci
Beke inicioval aj dve participatvne akcie ani recenzenti sa tmto diskurzvnym prstupom
snzvom Monosti, ktor prezentovali intrukcie nenechali oklama akldli podnes aktulne
ako koncept. Npad na prv znich vznikol, ke sa otzky tkajce sa jazyka amoci, individualizmu a
Bekemu dostalo do rk pecilne eskoslovensk internacionalizmu, reprezentcie a dokumentcie:
vydanie kultrneho asopisu Pages, v ktorom Je zjavn, e vraz vchodoeurpske umenie je
bola fotka maarskch vojakov preahujcich sa s
lanom poas okupcie eskoslovenska v auguste
3 astnci stretnutia: Imre Bak, Peter Barto, Lszl Beke,
1968. Beke priiel snpadom vytvori tableau Mikls Erdly, Stano Filko, Gyrgy Galntai, Pter Halsz,
vivant, iv obraz zopakovanm plivej fotografie, Bla Hap, gnes Hy, Tams Hencze, Gyrgy Jovnovics, Fotografia zo Stretnutia eskch, slovenskch a maarskch umelcov (organizovan
ktor v om mala by zrove znien tm, e J. H. Kocman, Pter Legndy, Jnos Major, Lszl Mhes, Lszlm Bekem) a Lszl Beke: esk, slovensk a maarsk slov vystaven na stretnut
Gyula Pauer, Vladimr Popovi, Petr tembera, Rudolf
poslila ako lano. Druh bola Akcia potriasania Photo of the Meeting of Czech, Slovak, and Hungarian Artists (organised by Lszl Beke) and
Sikora, Tams Szentjby, Anna Szeredi, Endre Tt, Pter
rk: umelci si poda intrukcie podvali ruky, Trk, Ji Valoch. Lszl Beke: Czech, Slovak and Hungarian Words exhibited at the meeting | Atelir Kaplnka
postupne kad Maar skadm Slovkom 4 Frank GRIBLING, Preface. In: Works and Words, Gyrgyho Galntaia | Chapel Studio of Gyrgy Galntai, Balatonboglr, 1972
pred Bekeho fotoapartom. Beke potom tieto Amsterdam: de Appel, 1980, s. 3. (Foto | Photo: Gyrgy Galntai. S lskavm povolenm | Courtesy of Artpool Art Research Centre)

8 9
Medzinrodn stretnutia umelcov International Artist Meetings

Ako hovori o vchodnej Eurpe? How can we talk about Eastern-Europe?

chybnm oznaenm, ato ani tak nie pre odlin urek (1948) aRudolf Sikora (1946). Stretnutie issue of the cultural magazine Pages, which critical relevance today in relation to language
podmienky povedzme vPosku aJuhoslvii, ale bolo zaznamenan na video a sprevdza ho featured a photo of the Hungarian troops and power, individualism and internationalism,
predovetkm preto, e nov, dnes pouvan obrazov prbeh dokumentov vytvoren Petrou playing tug of war during the occupation of representation and documentation: It is clear that
umeleck jazyky maj medzinrodn platnos Feriancovou (1977). Z mnostva spomienok, Czechoslovakia in August of 1968. Beke proposed the term East European art is a misnomer, not
anie s viazan na nrodn kultrne intitcie. 5 oktorch sa hovorilo poas stretnutia, zrove to create a tableau vivant repeating the painful so much because of the different circumstances
vybrala a zrekontruovala v poetickej intalcii image, but also suggested to destroy the photo in, say, Poland and Yugoslavia, but more because
Metdy historizcie aumenie vctenia prechdzku zorganizovan vroku 1979 by using it as a rope. The other was a Handshake the new artistic languages currently in use are
Petrom Bartoom. Petra Feriancov vytvra Action for camera: artists were instructed to shake internationally recognised and are operated
Jedna situcia sa stle opakuje: mlad umelec askma archvy u niekoko rokov.Okrem Petra hands with each other one by one, Hungarians outside of national cultural institutions.523
alebo historik umenia navtvi protagonistu Bartoa tie nadviazala uniktnu spoluprcu with Czechoslovaks, for Bekes camera. Then Beke
aarchivra sedemdesiatych rokov, otvoria sKvtou Fulierovou, partnerkou Jliusa Kollera assembled the anonymous images of handshakes Methodologies of Historization and the Art of
sa zaltnut anny, vypadn asn fotky (1939 2007), v rmci ktorej rozkrva subtlne and created a tableau of it identifying all the Empathy
adokumenty, zaznej ptav prbehy. Spomienky, svislosti medzi skromnmi aprofesionlnymi participants.
ktor poas takchto stretnut oij, vinou ved aktivitami tejto dvojice predstavujce slep kvrnu It is a recurring situation: a young artist or art
kpomyslenm dialgom sostatnmi astnkmi vkollerovskom knone.3 Among many other intriguing contributions, Peter historian visits a protagonist and archivist of
akci, na ktor sa spomna. V snahe vies zase raz Barto (1938) created concepts for situations in the 1970s, yellowed folders are opened, thrilling
skuton dialg sa konalo prpravn stretnutie, delicate resonance with Bekes proposals. His photos and documents pop up, absorbing
potla archvov, ktorho sa zastnili Lszl 5 Michael GIBBS, Documents. In: Artzien, 3, . 1, janur socio-situation Meditation with Human Heart stories are told. The memories activated
Beke aprotagonisti aarchivri bratislavskej 1981, s. 27. Tto sta vychdza z textu: Jelena Vesi: Works was performed with the participants, who were during such discussions create a mostly virtual
and Words Early critiques of the discourse of Eastern
umeleckej scny sedemdesiatych rokov: European Art. In: Parallel Chronologies. asked to listen in silence till they had counted dialogue with the other participants of the
Peter Barto, Kvta Fulierov (1932), ubomr exhibitionarchive 60 heartbeats. Bartos recurring later concepts events recalled. As an attempt to make this
of three doves and three horses representing dialogue actual again, a preliminary meeting,
peace messages about the coexistence of three a potlatch of archives, was organised for
neighbouring nations were also inspired by this Lszl Bekeandprotagonistsandarchivist
meeting. of the Bratislava art scene of the 70s: Peter
Barto, Kvta Fulierov (1932), ubomr urek
In the friendly gathering at Balatonboglr the (1948),andRudolf Sikora (1946). The meeting
participants - it seems - did not feel it to be an was recorded on video and is accompanied by a
onerous task to represent a wider community, visual narrative of documents created by Petra
whereas in the second half of the 1970s several Feriancov (1977). From the pool of memories
international art events were organised to that were discussed during the meeting she
showcase art from behind the Iron Curtain, also selectedandreconstructed in a poetic
which raised sharp questions about the validity installation a walk organised by Peter Barto in
of the category East European Art. After the 1979. Petra Feriancov has been creating and
fiasco of the Dissident Biennale of 1977 that aimed researching archives for years, and started a
to feature artists who think differently without unique collaboration with in addition to Barto
considering the possible political consequences, Kvta Fulierov, the partner of Jlius Koller
the ambitious exhibition at de Appel, Amsterdam, (1939-2007), and unearthed the delicate interplay
Works and Words in 1979 staged a confrontation between the private and professional activities
between artists who share a common sensibility of this couple, which is a blindspot of Kollers
from Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, canonization.
Yugoslaviaand the Netherlands. It was a
manifestation which focused on the dialectical 4 Frank Gribling, Preface, Works and Words, de Appel,
interaction of reflection and action, of works and 1980, p 3.
Lszl Beke: Nvod - koncepty k akcim na Stretnut eskch, slovenskch a maarskch umelcov words.4 Though the category Eastern Europe 5 Michael Gibbs, Documents, Artzien, vol 3, no 1, January
Instruction-concepts for actions at the Meeting of Czech, Slovak, and Hungarian Artists, was not used overtly, participants as well as 1981, 27 p. This passage is based on Jelena Vesi: Works
and Words Early critiques of the discourse of Eastern
Atelir Kaplnka | Chapel Studio, Balatonboglr, 1972 reviewers could see through the discursive European Art, in Parallel Chronologies.
(S lskavm povolenm | Courtesy of Lszl Beke) approach, and raised questions that are still of exhibitionarchive

10 11
Pasenie oveky. Pokus o rekotrukciu popoludnia. Grazing a Lamb. An Attempt to Reconstruct an Afternoon

Petra Feriancov Petra Feriancov

Prv fotografia zobrazuje priatemi a vonoasovch, i urek ope strom, Koller This photo shows a pretty Kvtas case it was a category the weather gets colder people
celkom neformlnu, mono polopracovnch aktivt (v klme sprav otznik, trauss pobehuje informal, perhaps even banal of meetings with friends and disperse in groups into the
a banlnu scnku. Pr ktorch vlastne vznikali kov s papekom v zuboch po lese. scene: a few people who know leisure time, or half-work half- woods. A couple of new things
ud, ktor sa medzi sebou Kollerove veci). Zbieraj odpadky. Zdu dole k each other, talking, sitting in a leisure activities (where most of are created. urek girdles a
poznaj, zhovraj sa, sediac prameu. meadow and in-between them Kollers key works originated). In tree, Koller makes his question
na lke, medzi nimi oveka. V prpade Bartoa mi lo skr o there is a lamb. This photo, Bartos case it was more about mark, trauss runs around with
Tto fotografia vak generuje dodanie jeho vlastnho zdroja, Cel t krajina nad Lamaom however, it causes things to go supplying his own resources bough in his teeth around the
chod vec sp. Kto ju vid m akhosi matrixu, ktor on sm je Bartoova. Barto chce, aby backwards. One who sees it for me, a kind of matrix that he woods. They collect garbage.
kopu otzok. Je prkladom nespoetne vea krt prepisoval, sme sa tm kusom prostredia may have a lot of questions. It is himself had rewritten countless They go down to the spring.
postproduknej kodifikcie vdy s novm vznamom. no, preli tak, ako ke prechdzame an example of a post-production times, always with a new
dokumentu v osi historick, Barto obrazy prepisuje tak, vstavou alebo katedrlou. codification of a document into meaning. Yes, Barto rewrites That whole countryside above
pretoe jej symbolike a ako sa pu ikony a tak, ako Prroda je priorita. A ete v something historical, because his works, just how icons Lama is Bartos. Barto
mnostvu referenci nie je to spomna aj Jlius Koller v skratke, o mi Peter nadiktoval. its symbolism and references are rewritten, as Jlius Koller wants us to walk through that
mon sa vyhn. Je presne rozhovore s Lszlom Bekem v Stretli sme sa tam, lebo sme cannot be avoided. It is exactly mentioned when describing his area, as when we go through
tm, o stle hadm, i vo svislosti so svojimi pojmovmi boli ist ako t oveka. Oveka what I always look for in my works with conceptual images an exhibition, or a cathedral.
vlastnch, alebo v cudzch obrazmi. V prpade oboch je mdium. Bola to etipska own or others work. An image, in an interview with Lszl Nature is a priority. And just
veciach. Obraz, prevyujci umelcov je prbuznos s ikonami oveka a bola bielo ierna, lebo exceeding its original intention, Beke, (which I got my hands on very briefly what Peter had
svoj pvodn zmer a ktor je len v akte ich prepisovania a aj nae Slovensko je bielo ierne. which goes beyond our ability, yesterday). For both artists, the dictated to me: we met there,
mimo nau schopnos, alebo sn aj opakovania. Tu nie je demokracia ABC, tu je or the ability of the author, to affinity with icons is only in the because we were as pure as the
schopnos autorovej kontroly. to tak alebo tak. Aj ke dvojica, control it. An image that can act of rewriting, and perhaps lamb. The lamb is a medium. It
Obraz, ktor pochopme, a Peter Barto usporiada akciu pr, je v podstate v poriadku tak, be understood only once we also repeating. was an Ethiopian lamb, and it
ke objavme to a preo bez pecifickej dramaturgie ako esko a Slovensko. Zklad uncover what and what was white and black, just like
vlastne. Asociatvne zblesky, a kontroly nad jej dynamikou, spolonosti tvor predsa ABC. for. Associative flashes the Peter Barto organized an event our country, Slovakia, is white
vybavenos, s ktorou stojme ktorej jedinm vstupom, a aj Mu a ena je len pr - A a B. facilities, with which one stands without specific editing and and black. There is not an ABC
pred nm asto plne bezradne, to len nhodnm (pretoe autor in front of it, often completely control over the momentum, of of democracy, here it is like
pretoe aj vzdelanie a intucia sm sa o jej zdokumentovanie baffled, because education and which the only outcome, one this or like that. Even though a
s subjektvne a oberaj nestaral) je pr fotografi a intuition are both subjective and that is also only accidental (as couple, a pair, is basically fine,
ns o monos zhodn sa spomienok zastnench. Tch deprive us of the opportunity to the author himself did not care just like the Czech Republic and
v porozumen. Asi sa zas fotografi odrazu pribda, pretoe agree on one meaning. Probably about the documentation) are a Slovakia. The basis of a society
opakujem ale odporam pozrie viacer zastnen si spomen, I will repeat myself again, couple of photos and memories is ABC. A man and a woman is
si Antonioniho zveninu, a o e fotili. Niektor, na ktorch som but I recommend watching of those involved. Those just a pair - A and B.
najskr, nie ako ja. sa vyslovene spoahla ako napr. Antonionis Blow Up, and as photographs suddenly grow
uba ureka, fotoapart nemali. soon as possible. in numbers because several
Fotografiu z Pasenia oveky participants remembered that
som prv krt videla u Kvty. Na lke nad Lamaom v skorom I first saw the photo of grazing they took pictures.
Nebola to jej fotka, bola vak jarnom vetre na ete chladnej a lamb at Kvtas. It was not
na nej a bola v jej archve. T zemi posedva bratislavsk her photograph, but she In a meadow above Lama in an
fotka ma fascinovala natoko, vtvarn elita, lpe vekonon was on it and it was in her early spring breeze and on the
e som ju opakovane musela vajka a ak, km Peter Barto archives. The photograph cold ground sits the Bratislava
poui. Najprv na vstave v napoj oveku, ktor priniesol fascinated me so much that I artistic elite; peeling Easter eggs
rmci OFF Bienle (Vulnerable, v take zo zoologickej zhrady. Peter Barto: 3 kone pij had to use it repeatedly. First, and waiting for Peter Barto to
Yet Everlasting, From Archive Peter Barto dnes vrav o ist vodu | Three Horses are in the exhibition within the give milk to the lamb; which he
Of Kvta Fulierov), neskr na stretnut disentu. Ke nachdzam Drinking Clear Water, 1979 OFF Biennial (Vulnerable, Yet brought in a bag from the ZOO.
vstave Domov / Homeland jeho prekresby, Vekonon (Zdroj | Source: Pertu No 7: Everlasting, From the Archive Today Peter Barto calls it a
Petra Bartoa v amt, a motv a symbolika oveky je Peter Barto, St. Auby Tams, of Kvta Fulierov), then in the meeting of the dissent. Looking
znovu sa k nej musm vrti zjavn. Ke sa ochlad, udia katalg vstavy | exhibition exhibition Domov / Homeland through his re-drawings, the
teraz. V Kvtinom prpade sa po skupinkch rozptlia po catalogue, Galria umenia by Peter Barto in amt, and now Easter motif and symbolism
lo o kategriu stretnut s lese. Vznik pr novch vec. Nov Zmky, 2007) I have to go back to it again. In of the sheep is obvious. Once

12 13
Od udovho vzdelvania a po demokratizciu umenia From Peoples Education to the Democratisation of Art

Neoavantgardn umelci ako vychovvatelia udu The Neo-avant-garde Artist as Educator of People

Vo vine socialistickch krajn vchodnej Eurpy poal ako Psychologick prostredie. No kee In most of the socialist countries of Eastern was embraced on both a practical and a theoretical
sa zakladali intitty udovho vzdelvania, ktor odmietol, aby ich sasou boli aj politick hesl, Europe Institutions of Peoples Education were level by the pedagogue and journalist Igor Zho
mali za lohu emancipova robotncku triedu jeho prca nebola prijat stakm nadenm ako founded in order to emancipate the working class (1925-1997), a member of the Brno unofficial art
prostrednctvom systmu miestnych centier na detskej oslave. Vrokoch 1981 1986 uil spolu through a system of local cultural centres hosting scene, as well as Ji Valoch (1946).
zastreujcich kurzy pre amatrov akrky sJliusom Kollerom aKvtoslavou Fulierovou aj amateur courses and popular education circles.
udovho vzdelvania. Tieto centr, rovnako ako na amatrskych letnch kolch vrmci ObKaSS The venues, as well as the discourses of popular Educational Situations
diskurz udovej osvety, si osvojili i jednoducho II. Vytvorili anafotili niekoko kolektvnych education, were appropriated or simply used
pouvali viacer neoavantgardn umelci pre aperformatvnych akci. Podobne ako pri for the purpose of the didactic and conceptual The artistic practice of ubomr urek
potreby didaktickch akonceptulnych innost. Cvieniach kreativity (ktorm sa bliie venujeme practices of several neo-avant-garde artists. In (conceptual artist, performer, filmmaker, and
Poprivhradne skromnch a spontnne v nasledujcej kapitole) cieom niektorch zadan, addition to completely private, self-organised author of experimental texts and books), who has
organizovanch akcich avmench viedli lenovia ktor urek pravidelne pouval vo vuke, je actions and exchanges, Peter Barto, Jlius Koller, been active in Bratislava since the 1970s, is an
bratislavskej umeleckej scny Peter Barto, Jlius fragmentcia individulneho umeleckho silia Kvta Fulierov, and ubomr urek, among engaging example of how to fill the quite hollow
Koller, Kvta Fulierov, ubomr urek a al do podoby kolektvnej sksenosti, ako naprklad others members of the Bratislava art scene democratic educational missions of socialism
amatrske krky,uili stredokolkov alebo vPosolstve IV (1982). taught amateurs circles, secondary school with avantgard art. In addition to producing
organizovali vstavy aakcie vkultrnych centrch, students or organised exhibitions and events in conceptual, performative, and participatory
ktor boli ovea progresvnejie ne to, o sa vtedy Vzhadom na to, e je urek silne skeptick cultural clubs presenting much more progressive situations and generally staying away from both
vystavovalo vgalrich. Mylienku demokratizcie k mdiu vstavy, primrnou formou recepcie practices than what was exhibited in fine art official and unofficial exhibiting, urek soon after
umenia akreativity ako utpie nielen socialistickej, urekovej umeleckej praxe, ako poznamenva galleries. The idea of democratisation of arts and his graduation along with occasional set design
ale aj Fluxusu, realizoval vpraktickej iteoretickej Mira Keratov vo svojom texte vkatalgu creativity as a socialist as well as a fluxus utopia commissions started to work as a secondary
rovine okrem Jiho Valocha (1946) aj pedagg kumelcovej retrospektve, je nvteva jeho ateliru,
anovinr Igor Zho (1925 1997), len neoficilnej alebo presnejie jeho medzipriestoru.61Vea jeho
brnianskej umeleckej scny. prc sa zaklad na performatvnej adidaktickej
vmene medzi umelcom anvtevnkom. Vmeny
Edukan situcie mali aj formu nedench tematickch Jarnch
aJesennch prechdzok po meste (1977 1978)
Umeleck aktivity ubomra ureka, aletnch exkurzi za asti Petra Bartoa, Jna
konceptulneho umelca, performera, filmra Budaja (1952), Stana Filka (1937 2015), Vladimra
aautora experimentlnych textov a knh aktvneho Havrillu (1943), Juraja Mihlika (1949) a Ladislava
vBratislave od sedemdesiatych rokov, predstavuj Snopka (1949). Tieto aktivity urek fotograficky
zaujmav prklad toho, ako je mon vyplni trochu dokumentoval aarchivoval ako vizulne narcie
vyprzdnen demokratick posolstvo socialistickej kolektvnych umeleckch situci. Diskusie,
pedagogiky avantgardnm umenm. Okrem krtke prednky, fotograficky dokumentovan
toho, e vytvral konceptulne, performatvne situan performancie adoasn kompozcie
aparticipatvne situcie, acelkovo sa vyhbal fungovali ako pomyseln spojivo kolektvnej
oficilnemu ineoficilnemu vystavovaniu, zaal vstavy organizovanej vhradne pre dan moment
urek u krtko po absolvovan vysokej koly vzjomnej komunikcie medzi astnkmi.72
popri prleitostnch scnografickch zkazkch Pravideln stretnutia atvoriv vmeny
pracova aj ako stredokolsk uite vtvarnej vbratislavskej kaviarni Palacka vrokoch 1978
vchovy. Tmto innostiam sa vak nevenoval 1984 slili ako vchodisko vtvorbe umeleckch
len ako obive, predstavuj zaujmav kontinuitu kariet, ktor na urekov podnet vytvrali lenovia
medzi jeho umeleckou apedagogickou innosou tohto neformlneho krku. Zostavil tie kolektvnu
i praxou itkovho vtvarnka. Vroku 1976, vstavu tejto zbierky, priom mdium predstavoval
kedy urek pracoval ako nvrhr vObvodnom balek kariet.
kultrnom a spoloenskom stredisku Bratislava
6 Mira KERATOV, ubomr urek. Situan modely
I (ObKaSS I), zorganizoval konceptulnu
komunikcie. Bratislava: Slovensk nrodn galria, 2013.
mikulsku besiedku pre deti zamestnancov.
7 Daniel GR, Species of Exhibitions and Artists
Po jej spechu ureka oslovili na vytvorenie Communities in the 1970s and 80 in (Czecho)Slovaki. In: ubomr urek: Posolstvo IV | Message IV, 10.11.1982
dekorci pre karneval v Muko klube, ktor Parallel Chronologies, (Z archvu ubomra ureka | From the archive of ubomr urek)

14 15
Od udovho vzdelvania a po demokratizciu umenia From Peoples Education to the Democratisation of Art

Neoavantgardn umelci ako vychovvatelia udu The Neo-avant-garde Artist as Educator of People

aisko urekovch prc tvorili intmne mali vyvola interakcie sokoloidcimi. Intrukcie school art teacher. Instead of fulfilling these jobs Palacka (a coffeehouse in Bratislava) between
aminimalistick situcie. Veda toho sa vak kneuskutonenej performancii Prosm, obrte only for financial reasons there is an intriguing 1978-1984 were the starting point of works in a
venoval aj kritickmu dialgu spropagandistickou ma sprvnym smerom, prosm (1980), kde mali continuity between his artistic and educational format of playing cards created by the members of
vizulnou kultrou aspoloensko-politickou performeri chodi vkrabiciach vydan napospas or design practice. Working as a designer in the this informal circle on the initiative of urek, who
realitou tzv. normalizcie tm, e tento kontext okoloidcim, boli vroku 1980 vystaven ako first Districts Cultural and Social Centre (ObKaSS) compiled a collective exhibition of this collection in
vo svojom diele podvracal arecykloval. Mestsk koncept na medzinrodnej vstave Drawing in 1976 urek organised a conceptual Father the medium of a pack of cards.
prostredie anhodn interakcie sdavom aumi vPcsi vMaarsku. al urekov participatvny Christmas party for the children of the employees.
na ulici slili ako vznamn pole didaktickch projekt, NFRMC Informcia orukch auoch After its success urek was commissioned Whereas he predominantly created intimate and
experimentov viacerm umelcom psobiacim (1982), vytvoren v spoluprci s smimi astnkmi, to create a display for a carnival party in Muko minimalist situations, ureks practice was also
vBratislave, ponajc Kollerovou aBartoovou ktor okrem hmatu nemohli pouva iadne zmysly, Club, which was realised as a Psychological in critical dialogue with propagandist visual culture
Antigalriou (1968 1969) vo vklade akoniac je zaloen na vzdelvacej akolektvnej sksenosti Environment. Since he refused to insert political and the social-political reality of the so-called12
verejnmi akciami Doasnej spolonosti zskanej zobmedzenej zmyslovej interakcie.83 slogans, it was not received with the same Normalisation era, subverting and recycling this
intenzvneho prevania (1978 1980), sktorou enthusiasm as the childrens fiesta. Between 1981 context into his work. The urban environment and
spolupracoval aj urek. Vrmci Tda 8 Tto sta vychdza zinformci ainterpretci vtexte Mira and 1986 he also taught amateur summer schools accidental interactions with the crowd and people
poulinho divadla usporiadal Rezonancie (1979), KERATOV,ubomr urek. Situan modely komunikcie, in the framework of ObKaSS II, together with Jlius in the street were also an important field of didactic
svojho druhu situacionistick drive, ktorho sa Bratislava: Slovensk nrodn galria, 2013. alej z jej Koller and KvtoslavaFulierov. They created experiments for several artists active in Bratislava
rozhovorov subomrom urekom, kde rolu prostrednka
zastnilo pribline dvadsa ud. Rozmiestnili sa lskavo zohrala Petra Feriancov, ako aj zvskumu, ktor pre various collective and performative actions for from Kollers and Barto Antigallery (1968-9) which
po ulici avytvrali geometrick formcie, ktor tto vstavu vypracovala Elika Mazalanov. camera. Similarly, as in the case of the Creativity took place in a shop window to the public actions of
Exercises (discussed in the next chapter), several the Temporary Society of Intense Experience (DSIP,
assignments that urek regularly applied in 1978-80), with whom urek also collaborated.
his teaching activity aimed at the fragmentation For the Week of Theatre on the Street he designed
of individual artistic achievement into a group Resonances (1979), kinds of situationist drives
experience, such as in Message IV (1982). performed by about 20 people scattered in the
street to create geometrical formations that
Since urek has a deep mistrust of the medium of trigger mobile interactions with pedestrians. The
the exhibition, the most valid form for the reception instructions for his unrealised Please, turn me
of urek artistic practice as Mira Keratov in the right direction, please (1980) a plan for
notes in her text in the artists retrospective walking performers enclosed in boxes at the mercy
catalogue was a visit to his studio, more precisely of passers-by - was presented as a concept at the
his interspace.6 A lot of his works rely on a international Drawing exhibition in Pcs, Hungary
performative and didactic exchange between in 1980. Another participatory project by urek
the artist and the visitor. Exchanges also took NFRMC. Information about Hands and People
the form of thematic Spring and Autumn Walks (1982), staged for eight participants with limited
(1977-8) taken in the city on Sundays, and summer senses, only entering in communication with
excursions with the participation of their co- their hands, is also based on the educational and
organizer Peter Barto, and others like Jn Budaj collective experience gained from reduced sensory
(1952), Stano Filko (1937-2015), Vladimr Havrilla interaction.83
(1943), Juraj Mihlik (1949), and Ladislav Snopko
(1949). These activities were documented by
6 Mira Keratova, ubomrurek. Situational Models of
photos and archived by urek as visual narratives
Communication, Slovak National Gallery, 2013.
of collective artistic situations. Discussions,
7 Daniel Gr, Species of Exhibitions and Artists
brief lectures, situational performances for photo Communities in the 1970s and 80 in (Czecho)Slovakia,
camera, and temporary compositions were the non- Parallel Chronologies,
material bonding agent of thecollective exhibition 8 This passage is based on the information and interpreta-
organized exclusively for the given moment of tions in Mira Keratova, Situational Models of Communica-
tion (op cit), and conversations with ubomr urek, Petra
ubomr urek: Viacgeneran priatesk stretnutie pri jazere (al z mnohch pokusov by neviditenm) mutual communication among the participants.7 Feriancov, and Mira Keratova, as well as on the research
Cross generation friendly meeting by the lake (another of the many attempts to be invisible), slide show, detail Regular meetings and creative exchanges at by Elika Mazalanov made for this exhibition.
(Z archvu ubomra ureka | From the archive of ubomr urek)

16 17
Od udovho vzdelvania a po demokratizciu umenia From Peoples Education to the Democratisation of Art

Neoavantgardn umelci ako vychovvatelia udu The Neo-avant-garde Artist the Educator of People

Cvienia kreativity ktor zaala vyuova na Akadmii itkovho Creativity Exercises experiments, as well as interdisciplinary lectures.
umenia a koncom osemdesiatych rokov. Zfotiek Erdly was interested in methods of developing
Mylienka udovho vzdelvania bola vMaarsku avideozznamov vytvorench poas Cvien In Hungary the concept of popular education was creativity through paradoxes, absurdities and far
zaveden v sedemdesiatych rokov, aby nahradila kreativity vytvorila vroku 1988 film snzvom introduced in the 1970s to replace a hierarchic flung associations. In his study entitled Creativity
hierarchick vzahy naznaen vchovou Kretaivita-Vizualita.10456 relation suggested by the cultivation of the Exercises, Fantasy Developing Exercises (1976),9
udu (doslovn preklad udovej osvety). Vtej people [the literal translation of the Peoples Erdly defined creativity as a hopeful and 4
dobe zaal fungova aj Intitt udovej osvety Sbene sCvieniami kreativity zaloili Enlightenment]. The Institute of Peoples euphoric state, and highlighted its difference from
ako vemi progresvne vskumn stredisko tudenti maarskej vtvarnej akadmie (dnen Enlightenment also started to function as very productivity. He also emphasized that the creative
podporujce mldencku kultru, sociologick Maarsk univerzita vtvarnch umen) progressive research centre supporting youth state of mind could be useful in every field of life,
vskum, ale inekonformn umenie. Jeden takto postkonceptualistick umeleck skupinu s culture, sociological research as well as non- including both the private and public spheres.
otvorene zmajci pedagg v kultrnom centre nzvom Krok Rzsa (1976 1977). Osvojili si conformist art. One such open-minded educator Lszl Beke also participated in the course on
budapetianskeho zvodu pozval vroku 1975 sce jazyk aner konceptulneho umenia, ale at a Budapest factorys cultural centre invited several occasions, and summarized in a public
umelcov Dru Maurer (1937) aMiklsa Erdlyho ditancovali sa nielen od utopickho vchovnho artists Dra Maurer (1937) and Mikls Erdly letter addressed to the participants the most
(1928 - 1986), aby tu viedli kurzy vtvarnho umenia posolstva avantgardy, ale aj od vemi tradinej (1928-1986) in 1975 to teach the fine art courses important results of the international discourse on
pvodne zaman ako osveta pre robotnkov. umeleckej vchovy, sakou sa stretli na Akadmii. originally intended for workers education. creativity and educational reform (Bauhaus, Arthur
Predstavili tu nov demokratick pedagogick Miesto toho sa sstredili na otzky identity, They introduced new, democratic pedagogical Koestler, Robert Filliou, Allan Kaprow, Joseph
princpy ovplyvnen zisteniami modernej samostatnosti arodovch vzahov. Orshi Drozdik principles influenced by the conclusions of Beuys, Ivan Illich). In 1977 the cultural committee
psycholgie, ale aj Bauhausom, Fluxusom (1946), lenka Krku Rzsa, realizovala v roku modern psychology as well as Bauhaus, Fluxus, of the factory terminated the contract with
aakcionizmom. Cvienia kreativity sa preslvili 1977 akciu Akt/Model. Konala sa vpoloverejnom and actionism. Creativity Exercises became Erdly, so he continued the work with his group
ako priam kultov workshopy vtvarnej pedagogiky, Klube mladch umelcov, ktor prevdzkovala a well-known, almost cultic workshop of art in another cultural house, which by the time was
ktor vak vskutonosti nenavtevovali robotnci, Liga komunistickej mldee. Tto tde trvajca pedagogy, attended not really by workers, but transformed into InDiGo Group (Interdiszciplinris
ale perspektvni umelci. Maurer svoj koncept performancia reflektovala musky orientovan rather by prospective artists. Maurers concept Gondolkods, Interdisciplinary Thinking).
atudijn pln navrhla tak, aby vyvila pnutia perspektvu v tradinej umeleckej vchove, ale and curriculum aimed to counterbalance inner
vntri skupiny arozdiely v schopnostiach tudentov ajna neoavantgardnej umeleckej scne. Kreslila tensions within the group and the differences 9 Kreativitsi gyakorlatok, FAFEJ, INDIGO. Erdly Mikls
pouva tradin vtvarn techniky: kolektvne ensk akt atto innos prezentovala ako in students skills in traditional arts: collective mvszet pedaggiai tevkenysge 1975-1986 / Creativity
Exercises, FAFEJ, INDIGO. On Mikls Erdlys art pedagogical
kresliarske zadania dopali cvienia zameran vstavu,performanciu a podnet kzamysleniu. drawing assignments were supplemented by activity, eds Sndor Hornyik and Annamria Szke, MTA MKI-
na pohyb, fotografick afilmov experimenty, ale Nvtevnci do miestnosti nemohli vstpi, exercises in movement, photographic and film Gondolat-2B-EMA, 2008. (With English summary)
imedziodborov prednky. Erdly sa zaujmal peformanciu sledovali len cez gzu, ktor
ometdy rozvoja kreativity prostrednctvom blokovala vstup. Na kad de pozvala Drozdik
paradoxov, absurdt avzdialench asocici. nejakho mua, umelca alebo historika umenia,
Vo svojej tdii snzvom Cvienia kreativity, medzi ktormi boli aj Mikls Erdly a Lszl Beke,
cvienia pre rozvoj predstavivosti, 1976 9 Erdly aby vstavu zahjili.11
definuje tvorivos ako ndejepln aeuforick stav
azdrazuje jej rozdielnos voi produktivite. Draz Aktivity ospolonosti
kladie aj na to, e tvoriv stav mysle nachdza
svoj itok aj vkadodennom ivote, nech u ide o Vporovnan sMaarskom aeskoslovenskom
skromn i verejn sfru. Kurzu sa niekokokrt vPosku tt podporoval ovea modernistickejiu
zastnil aj Lszl Beke, ktor vo verejnom liste verziu achpanie socilneho realizmu avtvarnej
adresovanom astnkom zhrnul najdleitejie
zvery medzinrodnej debaty otvorivosti akolskej
9 Sndor HORNYIK - Annamria SZKE (ed.),
reforme (Bauhaus, Arthur Koestler, Robert Filliou, Kreativitsi gyakorlatok, FAFEJ, INDIGO. Erdly Mikls
Allan Kaprow, Joseph Beuys, Ivan Illich). Vroku mvszetpedaggiai tevkenysge 1975-1986 / Creativity
1977 ukonila zvodn kultrna komisia s Erdlym Exercises, FAFEJ, INDIGO. On Mikl Erdlys art pedagogical
activity. Budape: MTA MKI-Gondolat-2B-EMA, 2008.
zmluvu, take vprci so svojou skupinou (toho Lszl Beke a Mikls Erdly demontruj cvienie: Nvrh etudy pozitv - negatv komponovanej
10 Dra HEGYI Zsuzsa LSZL, Creativity Exercises, pre dve postavy | Lszl Beke and Mikls Erdly demonstrate the exercise: Positive-Negative Etude
asu u ilo oskupinu InDiGo Interdiszciplinris, 2015.
Gondolkods, Interdisciplinrne myslenie) musel Design Composed for Two Figures, 1975
11 Dra HEGYI Zsuzsa LSZL, How art Becomes Public,
pokraova vinom kultrnom stredisku. Vo vuke In: Parallel Chronologies. AnExhibitionin Newspaper (Foto | Photo: Tams Papp, S lskavm povolenm dediov Tamsa Pappa a Mikls Erdly
amatrskych kurzov pokraovala aj Dra Maurer, Format, Budape:, 2011. Foundation | Courtesy of Heirs of Tams Papp and Mikls Erdly Foundation)

18 19
Od udovho vzdelvania a po demokratizciu umenia From Peoples Education to the Democratisation of Art

Neoavantgardn umelci ako vychovvatelia udu The Neo-avant-garde Artist the Educator of People

vchovy u od esdesiatych rokov. Vroku za experimentlne pole a jej vsledky mali Dra Maurer also continued teaching amateur and film cameras too. Seeking collaboration with
1970 zaloili Zofia Kulik (1947) a Przemysaw spsobi prevrat vangaovanom umen vtesnom courses, and only became a faculty member for artists of other disciplines they introduced the
Kwiek (1945), tudenti Oskara Hansena na kontakte so ivotom vspolonosti. Film Aktivity the first at the Academy of Applied Arts in the late term activity for ongoing spontaneous action
Varavskej akadmii vtvarnch umen, duo (1972) dokumentuje tvordenn kolektvnu 1980s. From the photos and footages created from which a new grammar of powerful artistic
KwieKulik. Ako KwieKulik u poas tdi akciu zaloen na experimente so spoluprcou, during Creativity Exercises, Dra Maurer in 1988 effects could develop. The other term they used
reinterpretovali Hansenovu architektonick ktor prebehla vposkej nrodnej televzii. made a film in the Bla Balzs Stdi entitled from the early 1970s with a specific meaning
avchovn teriu otvorenej formy, umeleck Organiztori Przemysaw Kwiek, Zofia Kulik a Creativity-Visuality.10 was game, which meant an open, participatory,
formt zaloen na dynamickej interakcii Jan S. Wojciechowski (1948) pozvali kasti but rule-governed process initiating dialogue
sdanm okolm aastnkmi, aaplikovali ju na bsnikov, filmrov ahudobnkov. Jednotliv akcie In parallel with Creativity Exercises a post- using visual communication. Though not directly
kolektvne akcie areflexiu praktickho vznamu sa konali bez vopred danho scenra aloveka, conceptualist artist group, the Rzsa Circle (1976- didactic, they considered activity and game as
kamery afotoapartu. Vyhadvajc spoluprcu ktor by ich riadil. Spontnne gest organicky 7), was formed by students of the Hungarian Art an experimental field, the results of which should
sumelcami z inch discipln, zaviedli pojem stili do spoluprce.Tieto situcie sa nakoniec Academy. They adopted the language and genres revolutionize committed art in close contact with
aktivita oznaujci spontnne akcie, ktor boli prezentovali pomocou slov, zvukov arekvizt of conceptual art but distanced themselves social life. The film Activities (1972) documents
predpokladom vzniku novej gramatiky silnch televzneho tdia. from both the utopian educational mission of the a four-day collective experiment on cooperation
umeleckch inkov. alm pojmom, ktor od avant-garde and the very traditional art education produced in the studio of Polish National TV. The
zaiatku sedemdesiatych rokov pouvali a dodali Vychdzajc zo svojho utopickho presvedenia of the Academy they attended, and raised new organizers were Przemysaw Kwiek, Zofia Kulik
mu pecifick vznam, bola hra. Oznaovala ospoloenskej roli avantgardnho umenia, issues like identity, self-management or gender and Jan S. Wojciechowski (1948), who invited
otvoren, participatvny, ale pravidlami regulovan iniciovalo duo KwieKulik zaiatkom relationships. Orshi Drozdik (1946) a member poets, film makers, and musicians to participate.
proces, ktor inicioval dialg pomocou sedemdesiatych rokov spoluprcu so ttnym of the Rzsa Circle, performed the action Nude/ They performed the activities without script and
vizulnej komunikcie. Aj ke nelo vyloene Intittom umenia, ktormu navrhlo rozrenie Model in 1977 in the Club of Young Artists, a semi- leader. Spontaneous gestures organically enfolded
odidaktick proces, povaovali aktivitu i hru jeho aktivt onov umeleck formty zaloen na public venue which was run by the Communist into cooperation, then situations designed with
Youth League. Her week-long performance words, sounds, and props taken from the TV
reflected on the male-centred perspective of studio were presented.56
both traditional art education and the neo-avant-
garde art scene. She was drawing a female nude Following their utopian conviction of the social
and presented this activity as an exhibition and role of avant-garde art, in the early 1970s Kwiekulik
performance, a sight for contemplation. The initiated collaboration with the states Institute of
visitors could not enter the room, but only look in Art and proposed to extend its scope of activity to
through a gauze cover that blocked the entrance. new art formats based on processes and collective
Drozdik invited various male artists and an art action. As representatives of New Red Art, along
historian, among them Mikls Erdly and Lszl with several other Polish artists, they criticised
Beke, to open her exhibition each day.11 the current form of social realism, as a synonym
of kitsch. They aimed to defy the cynicism of the
Activities in Society state and people collaborating with it accusing
them of not taking its own social utopias seriously
In Poland, compared to Hungary and and demonstrating its power through superficial
Czechoslovakia, the state supported much more restraints and allowances that encourage
modernist version and understanding of social consumption and individualism. The anti-politics
realism, as well as art education, from 1960s on. of the democratic opposition, which disapproved
The KwieKulik duo was formed in 1970 by Zofia of the political system not so much on ideological
Kulik (1947) and Przemysaw Kwiek (1945), both grounds as on a moral basis, and formed organic
of whom were students of Oskar Hansen at the communities with no responsibility to deal with
Warsaw Academy of Fine Art. Already during
their studies, KwieKulik reinterpreted Hansens 10 Dra Hegyi Zsuzsa Lszl, Creativity Exercises,
both architectural and educational theory of open, 2015.

Orshi Drozdik: Akt/Model | Nude/Model, performance, form - an artistic format in dynamic interaction 11 Dra Hegyi Zsuzsa Lszl, How art Becomes Public,
Parallel Chronologies. AnExhibitionin Newspaper For-
Klub mladch umelcov | Club of Young Artists, 1977 with its surroundings and users - and applied it to mat, eds Dra Hegyi,Sndor Hornyik,andZsuzsa Lszl,
(S lskavm povolenm | Courtesy of Orshi Drozdik) collective actions, reflecting on the use of photo, 2011.

20 21
Od udovho vzdelvania a po demokratizciu umenia From Peoples Education to the Democratisation of Art

Neoavantgardn umelci ako vychovvatelia udu The Neo-avant-garde Artist the Educator of People

procesoch akolektvnej akcii. Ako predstavitelia Seminre osdrnosti7 larger social system, was also rejected by the first work from her Stimulated Situation series.
New Red Art spolu sniekokmi almi poskmi artist duo. After more futile attempts to reform the Kutera called nine participants, male art students
umelcami kritizovali sasn socilny realizmus VJuhoslvii, ktor mala medzi socialistickmi Art Institutes conservative approach to engaged from Poland and abroad, to sit next her one by
ako synonymum pre g. Chceli sa tak vzoprie krajinami pecilne postavenie, tt podporoval art, KwieKulik opened their own art space in their one at a table for a few minutes in silence. Without
cynizmu ttu auom, ktor snm kolaborovali modernistick prejavy angaovanho umenia, studio, and started to reflect systematically on the words, a subtle bond formed between the two
za to, e nebral vne svoje vlastn utpie asvoju tzv. socialistick modernizmus. Skupina 143,8 stylistic contradictions of their self-organised and people, each time slightly different.1378
moc demontroval vpovrchnch obmedzeniach pozostvajca z kurtorov, kritikov umenia, state-commissioned practice, which included the
astupkoch podnecujcich konzum filozofov aumelcov, psobila vrokoch 1975 1980 design of monuments, exhibition displays, and Seminars on Togetherness
aindividualizmus. Odmietali vak aj antipolitiku vBelehrade, kde sa sstredila okolo tudentskho scenery for political events. The stamp Art on the
demokratickej opozcie, ktor politick systm ako kultrneho strediska, ohniska Novej umeleckej Run (1978) created an emblem for this situation.12 In Yugoslavia, being a non-aligned socialist
celok neodsudzovala ani tak zideologickch, ako praxe. Kjej lenom patrili Biljana Tomi(1940), country, the state supported modernist
skr z morlnych dvodov a nabdala ku vzniku Miko uvakovi (1954), Nea Paripovi(1942), The Meaning of Being Together in Art manifestations of engaged art, so-called socialist
organickch komunt bez zodpovednosti voi Jovan eki (1953), Maja Savi (1954. Okrem
iriemu spoloenskmu systmu. Po niekokch toho, e skupina koncom esdesiatych The F-Art (the International Festival of Art School 12 Zofia Kulik & Przemyslaw Kwiek: KwieKulik, eds Lukasz
mrnych pokusov oreformu konzervatvneho rokov kriticky prehodnocovala hnutia Fluxus Students of the Baltic Region) organised by the Ronduda and Georg Schllhammer, 2013. (Especially:
prstupu Intittu umenia kangaovanmu aneodada, venovala sa tie post-pedagogike State Higher School of Fine Arts in Gdask in 1975 Maciej Gdula, KwieKulik: Defying Cynicism, Defying Anti-
umeniu vytvorilo duo KwieKulik vo svojom aexperimentom so samovzdelvanm. Jej hlavnm is an example of a situation in which progressive Politics, pp 513-4)

ateliri vlastn umeleck priestor azaalo umeleckm mdiom bola konverzcia. Skupina ideas could be integrated into an official event. The 13 Anna Markowska, The Glass Must Be Wiped Clean. The
Complicated History of the Recent Art Gallery (1975-1980)
systematicky reflektova tylistick rozpory medzi 143 fungovala ako mikrospoloenstvo zaloen organizers were the same art students who later at the Paacyk Culture Centre, The Recent Art Gallery. The
ich samostatnou attom zadvanou innosou, na zdiean poznania atvorbe alternatvnych founded the famous Wrocaw-based Recent Art Avant-Garde Did Not Applaud, Part 1, ed A. Markowska,
ktor zahala nvrhy pamtnkov, vstavnch modelov ivota akreatvnej prce. Poas Gallery (1975 1980) in collaboration with a local Wrocaw Contemporary Museum, 2014, pp 287, and Ewa
Malgorzata Tatar, The Introduction performance by
prehliadok adekorci politickch podujat. Ako Seminra zorganizovanho vroku 1978 vgalrii Cultural Centre. Anna Kutera (1952) presented a Anna Kutera, Parallel Chronologies (
emblm tejto situcie slila peiatka Art on the SKC vBelehrade spolone skmali lenovia performance Introduction during this festival, the exhibitionarchive/author/ewa-malgorzata-tatar/)
Run (Umenie na teku, 1978).12 skupiny aich hostia zoempasu aZhrebu
rzne formlne, smantick akontextulne
o znamen by spolu vumen otzky umenia. Jednu zprednok pod nzvom
Histria ako umenie aproces vzdelvania
F-Art (medzinrodn festival tudentov udstva predniesol aj Marko Poganik. Tm, e
umeleckch kl z Pobaltia), ktor vroku 1975 Seminr zdrazoval procesulne zaloen prcu
zorganizovala ttna vysok kola vtvarnch anehierarchick vmenu poznania, sa staval proti
umen vGdansku, je ukkou toho, ako mono tradinm akademickm spsobom vzdelvania.
progresvne mylienky integrova do oficilneho
podujatia. Festival organizovali t ist tudenti
umenia, ktor neskr zaloili slvnu vroclavsk 12 Zofia Kulik & Przemyslaw Kwiek: KwieKulik, In: Lukasz
Recent Art Gallery (1975 1980) vspoluprci RONDUDA - Georg SCHLLHAMMER: KwieKulik, 2013.
smiestnym kultrnym strediskom. Anna (Predovetkm: Maciej Gdula, KwieKulik: Defying Cynicism,
Defying Anti-Politics, s. 513-4)
Kutera (1952) na tomto festivale predstavila
13 Anna MARKOWSKA, The Glass Must Be Wiped Clean.
performanciu Introduction, prv prcu zo srie The Complicated History of the Recent Art Gallery (1975-
Stimulated Situation. Kutera prizvala dev muov, 1980) at the Paacyk Culture Centre. In: Anna MARKOWSKA
poskch izahraninch tudentov umenia, aby (ed.), The Recent Art Gallery. The Avant-Garde Did Not
si sou po jednom sadli za stl astrvili sou Applaud, Part 1, Wrocaw Contemporary Museum, 2014, s.
287. alej tie: Ewa MALGORZATA TATAR, The Introduction
pr mint ticha. Bez slov tu vzniklo jemn puto performance by Anna Kutera, Parallel Chronologies, http://
medzi dvoma umi, zakadm trochu in.13

KwieKulik: Umenie na teku | Art on the Run, gumov peiatka | rubber stamp, 1978
(S lskavm povolenm | Courtesy of Zofia Kulik)

22 23
Od udovho vzdelvania a po demokratizciu umenia From Peoples Education to the Democratisation of Art

Neoavantgardn umelci ako vychovvatelia udu The Neo-avant-garde Artist as Educator of People

Film . 4 dokumentuje jeden zo tudijnch vletov pred poetnm publikom, v ktorom vidme aj modernism. Group 143 was formed by curators, seminar together with the former members of
skupiny do empasu vSlovinsku, kde sa lenovia hipkov zpredchdzajcich scn. Jeden znich art critics, philosophers, and artists and was the Slovenian OHO group, living in a commune
Skupiny 143 zastnili nekonvennho seminra vystpi na pdium aprihovra sa uom ukazujc active between 1975 and 1980 in Belgrade around that time. At the end of the film we see the
spolu sbvalmi lenmi slovinskej skupiny na abstraktn pamtnk z kamennch stpov the Students Cultural Centre, the hotbed of inauguration of a monument commemorating
OHO, ktor vtej dobe ili vkomne. Na konci v pozad. Hoci rznymi cestami aokukami, New Art Practices. Its members included Biljana the Day of the National Uprising created by
filmu vidme slvnostn odhalenie pamtnka avantgarda vytvrala vspolonosti jedinen Tomi(1940), Miko uvakovi (1954), Nea Marko Poganik and the empas Family. After
Da nrodnho povstania, ktor vytvoril Marko udalosti, ku ktorm by sme sa mali vraca Paripovi(1942), Jovan eki (1953), and Maja the utmost autonomy experienced in an entirely
Poganik a empask rodinu. Po tom, o aopakova ich.149 Savi (1954). Engaged in critically re-evaluating self-organised educational situation based on
sme svedkami plnej slobody vkompletne the neo-dada and Fluxus movements of the late the didactics of walk, exercises with a camera,
samoorganizovanej vzdelvacej situcii zaloenej 1960s, the group was also committed to post- and time spent together in nature, suddenly
na didaktike prechdzky, cvien sfotoapartom pedagogy and experiments in self-education. Its the camera arrives at a scene with Yugoslav
aspolonom ase strvenom vprrode, ns main artistic medium was conversation. Group flags, people in army uniform or suit and tie,
kamera zavedie na scnu sjuhoslovanskmi 14 Jelena VESI, For Art as Knowledge Production 143 functioned as a micro-society based on talking into a microphone in front of a board
and Theoretical Inter-Textualism: The Seminars of the
vlajkami, umi vo vojenskch uniformch, Group 143, In: Parallel Chronologies, the sharing of knowledge and the generation audience, among which we see the hippies of
oblekoch akravatch hovoriacich do mikrofnu exhibitionarchive/author/jelena-vesic/ of alternative models of life and creative work. the previous scenes. One of them goes to the
During the Seminar organized in 1978 in the SKC podium and speaks to the people pointing at an
gallery in Belgrade, the members of the group and abstract monument made of stone columns in
their guests from empas and Zagreb explored the background. Along different pathways and
various formal, semantic, and contextual issues detours, the avant-garde arrives in society at
of art. One of the lectures was the History of Art unique events that we should revisit and repeat.149
as the Process of Education of Humankind by
Marko Poganik (1944). Emphasizing process-
based work and non-hierarchical exchange of
knowledge, the Seminar was directed against the
traditional academic modes of education. Film
no. 4 documents one of the groups collective 14 Jelena Vesi, For Art as Knowledge Production
and Theoretical Inter-Textualism: The Seminars of the
study trips, to empas, Slovenia, where members Group 143, Parallel Chronologies (
of Group 143 participated in an unconventional exhibitionarchive/author/jelena-vesic/)

Grupa 143: Zber z Filmu . 4 - empask seminr | Still from the film No 4 - empas Seminar
(S lskavm povolenm | Courtesy of Miko uvakovi)

24 25
Tir Impressum

Impressum Impressum

Spolon posedenie Paraleln chronolgie zhd okolnost vo vchodnej Eurpe Publikcia | Publication
Sitting Together Parallel Chronologies of Coincidences in Eastern Europe
Texty | Texts: Petra Feriancov, Zsuzsa Lszl
13. 12. 2016 25. 2. 2017 Preklady | Translation: Palo Fabu, Natlia Tthov, Beskydsk 12, Bratislava Jazykov prava | Proofreading: Reuben Fowkes, Elika Mazalanov, Miroslava K. Valov
Grafick dizajn | Graphic design: Virg Bogy
Otvoren: streda sobota, 14.00 19:00
On view: Wednesday Saturday, 2 7 pm ISBN 978-80-972325-2-8
ISBN 978-615-80566-2-5
Autorky projektu | A project by
Zsuzsa Lszl a | and Petra Feriancov
Vydavate | Publisher: |
v spoluprci s | in collaboration with
Lszl Beke, Peter Barto, ubomir urek, Daniel Gr, Kvta Fulierov, Mira Keratov, Rudolf Sikora Nadcia ERSTE je hlavnm partnerom tranzit. | ERSTE Foundation is main partner of tranzit.

Diela, filmy a dokumenty | Works, films and documentations by:

Peter Barto, Lszl Beke, Gbor Bdy Marcel Odenbach, Orshi Drozdik, ubomr urek, Mikls
Erdly, Petra Feriancov, Stano Filko, Kvta Fulierov, Gyrgy Galntai, Group 143, gnes Hy, Gyrgy
Jovnovics, Jlius Koller, Anna Kutera, KwieKulik, Dra Maurer, Gyula Pauer, Vladimr Popovi, Rudolf
Sikora, Petr tembera, Tams Szentjby, Endre Tt, Pter Trk, Ji Valoch, a al | and others.

Architektra vstavy |Display architecture: Petra Feriancov Podujatia v rmci vstavy

Koordintorky projektu | Project co-ordinators: Petra Balkov, Elika Mazalanov
Loklny vskum | Local research: Elika Mazalanov 18. janur 2017, komentovan prehliadka a cvienia kreativity s Lszlm Bekem

pecilne poakovanie | Special thanks: Adrian Antoniewicz, Orshi Drozdik, Gyrgy Galntai, Lucia 16. februr 2017, komentovan prehliadka, prednky a diskusia, astnci: Daniel Gr (VVU,
Gregorov Stach, Dra Halasi, Petra Hankov, gnes Hy, Dra Hegyi, Lrnd Hegyi, Gbor Hushegyi, Bratislava), Mira Keratov (kurtorka a historika umenia, Bratislava), Zsuzsa Lszl (,
Jlia Klaniczay, Jn Kralovi, Ji Kovanda, Zofia Kulik, Virg Ldi, Helena Markuskov, Mikls Peternk, Budape), Lucy Steeds (Afterall, Londn), Jelena Vesi (Haus der Kunst, Mnchov)
Nataa Petrein-Bachelez, Jana Psakov, Bojana Pikur, Miko uvakovi, Krisztina Szipcs, Ewa
Magorzata Tatar, Katalin Tmr, Alberto Matteo Torri, Natlia Tthov, Jelena Vesi
Programs during the exhibition:
Partneri | Partners: amt_project, Archiving Air, Artpool Art Research Center, Hungarian National Digital
Archive and Film Institute (MaNDA), LUDWIG MZEUM - Museum of Contemporary Art, Moravian 18 January, 2017 Guided tour and creativity exercises with Lszl Beke
Gallery in Brno, Warsaw Museum of Modern Arts, Warsaw Museum of Modern Arts
16 February, 2017 Guided tour, lectures and roundtable with Daniel Gr (Academy of Fine Arts and
Vstava Spolon posedenie vznikla ako spoluprca medzi a Design, Bratislava), Mira Keratov (curator and art historian, Bratislava), Zsuzsa Lszl (,
The exhibition Sitting Together is a collaboration project between and | Budapest), Lucy Steeds (Afterall, London), Jelena Vesi (Haus der Kunst, Munich)

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