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Deccansoft Software Service-SQl Server EXEC SpGeiAllEmp Print ‘Sum of two numbers is’+ convert(varchar,@rl) Parameter */ CREATE PROCEDURE SpinseriCustomer (@Custld int OUTPUT ,@Cname varchar(15} varchar(15)) AS Insert into customer valties(@Cname/@Add) Select @Custld=@@identity | To Execute: | Declare @ld int | execute InsertCustomer @Id output, Martin’ 2000 Print ‘Customer number is !+ convert(varchar,@Id) /*This Procedure Update Salar rows *! CREATE PROCEDUE SpUpdateEEmployee AS Update Employee Set Salary=Salary+500 Where fideptld =30 om retum @@roweount f To Execute: 7 Declare @no int pats rr | EXEC @no = SpUpdateEmployee | Print @no) RAISERROR '* Stored Provedures ean raise errors to the front end application: ‘+ If Error isGustony error message it is a assigned a number 50000, + RAISERROR message, severity, state Severity ma inghe range of 11 to 19. Ex: RAISERROR (‘Some Message Here’. 11, 1) Srey rocear SpinsertOrders(@CId int, @ODate datetime) AS BEGIN IF EXISTS S Weeigd * fiom customer where PKCustomerid =@Cid) BEGIN Insert into Orders values(@CId,@Odate) END ELSE RaisError( ‘Customer does not exists'11,1) return 19

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