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Direct Lesson #1

Minute to Win It
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.2.MD.C.7 Tell and write time from analog and
digital clocks to the nearest five minutes, using a.m. and p.m.

Objective: Using their knowledge of analog and digital clocks, 2nd

grade students will tell time to the nearest five minutes by oral
communication among peers.


Good Morning! We have an exciting activity to play today. Have you all ever
watched the show Minute to Win It? On the show, contestants have to
complete a task in one minute. They are usually pretty tricky. We know you
have been learning about telling time here in Mrs. Ps class and we think you
all would make excellent contestants on our show! But to be on the show,
you have to be master time tellers. So get ready because here is your
chance, we are going to play Minute to Win It! Heres your first challenge:
Each of you will get a puzzle piece. Some of you may have a analog clock
(show example) and some of you may have a digital clock (show example). If
you have an analog clock that reads as 3:00p.m. then you can only win by
finding the digital clock with the same time. When you think youve found
your match, make sure you check that both clocks show the same time.
Everyone in the class has to find their matching piece, and heres the catch,
you only have one minute! Are you ready to complete your first challenge?
(Pass out puzzle pieces). We are not going to run, but make you sure you
quickly find your matching piece because! (Play fun game
show/ticking song for one minute) Raise your hand if you found your match?
Awesome job, time-tellers! Lets give it one more try and see if the whole
class can work together and match every piece! (When complete) Ok, times
up, hand us your cards. I think weve got ourselves some master time

_____ Wearing a full costume reflective of the concept
_____ Every student actively engaged in large motor movements away from
their desk.
_____ 2-5 minutes in length
_____ Related to your objective
_____ Create an esteeming name for your students like Clue Finders that
is related to your objective.

Time tellers, come look at this poster that weve created. You can see that it
tells us what we will be able to do at the end of his lesson. Who can point out
to the class one thing we might learn by looking at the poster? (Ask a few)
Yes, soon you will all be able to tell time to the nearest five minutes including
both a.m. and p.m. Were going to do this using chalk, hula hoops, and even
our own bodies so that you can all become master time-tellers!

_____ Create LARGE icon and put the B & D parts of your objective on this.
_____ Your icon must align to your concept.
_____ Orally state your B & D to the student.


Time tellers, fast forward to summer vacation. Youre sitting at home

T.V. and your mom walks in and says that some of the kids in your
neighborhood are going to the water park at 12:30 p.m. today! She says you
can go only if you finish the list of chores she made for you. You take the list
and see that the chores will probably take you about 30 minutes to complete.
The clock says its almost 11:30 a.m. and because you learned about telling
time in 2nd grade you know you have just enough time to finish your show
AND your chores before you go to the water park!!! You are going to need to
know everything we are learning today about time if you want to be able to
make plans with your friends over the summer! If you set up a time to go
over their house you need to be able to tell when its time to go! And if they
are texting you to come over in 35 minutes then you will want to know what
time that will be!

_____ Immediately applicable to their lives.
_____ Use one of the 6 F words in your purpose to show context to them
(food, fun, family, friends, finances, fashion).
_____ Orally state the purpose several times.


Analog - a clock or watch that has moving hands and hours marked 1 to 12
(Show them the analog clock in the classroom and a watch if someone has
one on)
Digital - shows the time using numbers (digits) instead of hands (show them
the clock that is on the computer or ask if they use an alarm clock or iphone.
A.m. - before noon (morning) - (From 12 midnight all the way until your
lunch time!)
P.m. - after 12 noon (afternoon/night) - (From lunch time all the way to
midnight when you are sleeping).
(Pair students up and ask them to share with their partners the difference
between analog and digital clocks, and a.m. and p.m.)

- How many of you own a watch?

- Raise your hand if you use digital clocks at home? (Stove, phone, alarm
- Raise your hand if you use analog clocks? (Wall clocks, watch)

Time tellers, clocks werent always around. Before they were invented, do
you think people still measured time? Yes, they did. They used tools like this.
Does anyone know what this is? (sundial picture) This is a sundial. It uses the
suns place in the sky to track time. Here is another time-telling instrument.
(hour glass picture) Who can explain how this device measures time? The
time it takes for all of the sand to fall from the top to the bottom is equal to
one hour.

So if we had to use this everyday to tell time, things would get pretty
complicated. What are some things that could go wrong if we had to use
these time-telling devices all the time? All good answers, we might flip the
hourglass too late or it could be cloudy outside and hard to tell where the sun
is. Its a good thing we have so many different kinds of clocks available to
use. We named a few of them earlier when we talked about the clocks in
your own homes. But have any of you ever seen these clocks before?

Are you wondering who makes these clocks? Daniel Weil does. He is a
modern-day clockmaker. See if you can look back at his clocks and find out
what characteristics they all have? They all have a minute hand and a hour
hand. Who can remind us what the minute hand measures? Minutes. What
about the hour hand? Hours. What about the direction the hands move in?
Do you know the word we use to describe the direction of movement?

Ok, lets see who knows the ins and outs of time telling. When are the two
hands pointing straight up? Is there more than one answer? 12 oclock
midnight and 12 oclock noon. Which ending should be paired with 12 oclock
midnight, p.m. or a.m.? When the clock strikes 12 oclock midnight a new
day begins and so, we label in a.m. because morning comes before evening.
So if a.m. starts the morning, what does p.m. start? The AFTERnoon. When
the clock strikes 12 oclock, noon you know you can use p.m. because every
second after will be afternoon until a new day starts again at, what time? Yes,
12 oclock midnight. Now, you have learned the 12 hours on a clock before,
so who can show us where the hour hand will be if the time is 11 p.m.?
Exactly on the 11 p.m. What about if it was half way through the 11th hour?
What time would it be if it was half way through the 11th hour? 11:30. So
where would the hour hand be? It would be halfway between the 11 and the
12. We cant forget about the minute hand so lets place that in the correct
spot as well. Since the minute hand measures mintues we cant use the hour
numbers to place it. What numbers should we use? We should use the
minutes 1 - 60 because there are 60 minutes in one hour. So if its halfway
through the hour than we just have to figure out what half of 60 is. Half of 60
is 30, so we count by fives to 30 and we end up with the minute hand facing
straight down. Now the circular clock is perfectly symmetrical which we know
means that both sides are equal. Both sides have 30 minutes.

Remember Daniel Weils clocks. He didnt write the numbers on his clocks,
but can you still tell time with them? If I put the hands here, what time is it?
The more familiar you become with clocks the easier time you will have
telling time with them. So you all are going to make your own clocks. Your
clocks can have their own design but they need to have both the hour hand
and the minute hand and you must write the 12 hour numbers in the correct
place. You will have hula hoops and chalk to create your clocks. But before
we do, we need to make sure we are all ready to be clockmaking time-tellers.
Lets get some help by watching this video clip.

_____ 2-3 vocabulary terms (one is the verb from your Part B of your obj).--
written on icon.
_____ 2-3 focus questions
_____ A mechanism to call on students to take their answers from the focus
questions other than calling on volunteers and/or those with their hands
______ Instruct the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE and WHY of your concept.
Use these 5 W words in your instruction.
______ Demonstration using visual aides in your instructionpictures, chart,
______ Use of a form of 21 st century technology (ex: Smart Board, YouTube
clip that you recorded and/or downloaded prior to your teaching, etc).


Stand by your seat and you will be given two sticks that we will use to tell
time. Lets pretend that the long, yellow stick represents a.m. and the short,
blue stick represents p.m. Hold up the one that describes the time right now.
You should be holding up the yellow hand because it is currently BEFORE
noon. Now, what about when are first waking up in the morning? Again, a.m.
What about when you are leaving school for the day. That time is considered
p.m. because it is AFTER noon. Hold up the one that represents 12 oclock
noon exactly. That one is tricky, but when the clock strikes noon, time has
kept going and so it technically is AFTER noon. If you go to sleep around 9
oclock every night, is that a.m. or p.m.? Think about this next one, what one
would you use for 12 oclock midnight? And can someone explain their
choice for midnight? Awesome, we think you have a.m. and p.m. down!

For the next part, you will have to figure out which one is best for a hour
hand and which is best for a minute hand. Think about the similarities
between the sticks you have and the hands of a clock. When you are ready I
want you to hold up the hour hand. Ok, now that everyone is ready, pretend
that you are inside a clock and YOU are controlling the hands. Time-teller
(name), what time should we make it? Everyone move your hands to show
that your clock is on time. Awesome, lets ask another time-teller, what time
is it? Ok, all of your clocks should look like (name). Now lets travel through
time 3 hours, lets see if your clocks can keep up! Good job, I see that you all
knew to move your hour hand 3 hours clockwise. I think you are all ready to
create your own clocks now.

_____ A set of checking tools for EVERY individual student.
_____ 4-5 questions taken specifically from your Input/Modeling Sections.
_____Student placed in groups.


Students now its time for you to tell time to the nearest five minutes using
a.m. and p.m. using clocks that you will make outside. Before we go out,
make sure you stay with the class and listen to our instructions once we get
outside. Lets pair you all up.
All right time-tellers, you and your partner will get one piece of chalk and a
hula-hoop. The hula-hoop will be the outline for your clock. After you place
start with the numbers 3, 6, 9, and 12. (Drawing clock as an example).
Where does the 12 go? Where does the 6 go? 9 and 12? Now we can fill in
the rest of the numbers. If you would like, you can write numbers for the
minutes outside of the hula-hoop. If I am counting by 5s, how many minutes
would the 1 be on the clock? Lets keep counting by 5s. Now that you have
all your numbers, put a dot in the middle. You will use your sticks as the hour
and minute hand again. Ms. Erica or I will shout out a time and you have to
make it using your sticks. Make sure you are working together with your
partner. If you need help make sure you ask one of us to help you. Ready?
Find a spot with your partner and we will pass out chalk.
_____ Students are doing the B & D parts while you walk around monitoring.


All right time-tellers, great job today. For your homework, you will have to
complete two math worksheets. For the first one, you will either need to
write the time for the clock or draw where the minute and the hour hand go
for the given time. Which hand is the hour hand? Which is the minute hand?
Make sure you are able to tell which hand is shorter and which hand is
longer. For the second sheet, you will have to be able to tell the time on the
analog clocks and write the time digitally. Remember, a digital clock shows
the numbers. You dont have to draw any hands.

_____ Students are doing the B & D outside of the classroom.
_____ Students have assignment that is the exact B & D parts of your
_____This assignment takes places beyond the classroom.
_____Verbally tell them again, by pointing to the B & D on your icon, what
they will be doing at home or in another setting to practice this objective
(THE SAME B & D parts of your OBJECTIVE) again.

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