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City Buildings

I. Introduction:

Getting around a city for business or pleasure (travel and sightseeing) is much
easier when you know the names of places. Listen to the words below and
consult a dictionary if you need a definition. Write a sample sentence for each
word to learn how it is used in context, as seen in the example. You can use
the Internet to find sample sentences.

1. bank - I went to the bank today and deposited $100.

2. beauty salon

3. bookstore

4. church

5. college

6. electronics shop

7. flower shop

8. gas station

9. hardware store

10. hospital


12. library

13. movie theatre

14. pet store

15. post office

16. restaurant

17. school

18. shopping mall

19. supermarket

20. video rental store

II. Practice:
Now, complete the sentences below with the best answer:
1. This afternoon, my wife and I went to the __________ to pick up some
groceries for the party.

A. supermarket B. bookstore C. restaurant

2. Let's drop by the _____________ and get some nails to repair the roof.

A. hardware store B. bank C. movie theatre

3. My father was discharged from the ___________ today, and he is

recovering quickly from his injury.

A. school B. post office C. hospital

III. Follow-Up:

Certain buildings might be specific to your country or area, including temples

and shrines. Discuss with a partner any specific businesses or buildings that
are commonly found in your area that you might not find in a different country.
Search the Internet for a picture of such places.

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