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Presentation / Poster Rubric Date Name: Use of Time Student uses. Students uses __| Student uses some | Student does not | their time to work | most of theirtime | of theirtime to | use their time to productivelyand |toworkpredue- |work productively |work productively effcienty. ively and effi. Jandeeficiently. | and efficiently, Stu- | centy. | dent is frequentiy | | [oft task. Pictures / [Pictures and | Most pictures and | Few of the pictures |The students Graphics [graphics areclear |graphics are clear and graphics are | pictures ore not andrelevant. | andrelevant. _|clearand relevant, | clear or relevant. Required Allofthe required| Most of the re |Fewofthere- | Missingmostorall | Elements _Jelementsare —_|quiradelements |quiredelements of theraquired | clearly visible, | are clearly visible, |are clearly visible, | elements | organized and |organized and | organized and welt | wellplaced. |wellplaced, _| placed. May be | missing elements. Visual Clarity |The projecthas |The project hasa |The project needs | The project needs and Appeal |anexcellentde- | nicedesign and |improvement in _| significant improve- sign and layout. It}layout. itis neat |design, layout or |mentin design, | isneatand easy [and easyto read. |neatness. layout and to understand the neatness. | content, Content The project has |The projecthas |The projecthas | The project has Spelling excellent speling, |1—2 spelling, [3-5 spelling, gram- | multiple spelling, Grammar —|erammar, puncti-| grammar, or |mar,orpunctua- | grammar, or pune | Punctuation ation, and punctuation “* |tionerrorswith |tuationerrors. | original content. errors with orig Joriginal content. | some content is nal content. 1 copy and paste or plagiarized. | [iecanm [iocaem [toon ‘Total Score: - 14: 70% © oakdame com Bex [aceon [a

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