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The incredibly popular little multi has always been afflicted with an inferior tensioner and adjuster for the camchain. Guy de la Bedoyere explains how to modify it for the better. 1 basically reliable machine afflicted with an unsatisfactory eamchain tensioner and adjuster ‘mechanism, Most owners will be familiar with the theoretical method of adjusting, ‘he camchain and will be equally familiar with how it frequent results in an even noisier engine. ‘A noisy camchain can be identified by the lack of a distinctive whine When the engine is rewed. This non- appearance of the whine is accompanied by a light erratic tinkling from the top end — unlike loose tappets which make a regular ‘The 400/4"s camchain is tensioned by a blade which sits at the back of the barrels. [1 works like an archer's bow. Imagine taking a bow and placing one end on the ground while leaning on the top. The bow will bend and be forced outwards. In the same way the tensioner blade is made to bend into the camchain, Some eamchain tensioner adjusters work like the imaginary hand, for example on the Yamaha XS twins, and push down from the top onto the blade The 4004's is much more complicated and this is the root of the problem. The top of the tensioner blade is fixed and the adjuster force actually comes via a spring loaded adjuster (A) inserted into’ deiling in the front of the upper czankeise just above the el filter housing he force is transmitted (B) via an arm which curves under the rankshalt from the front of Ure Sogine. ‘The aren hangs on a paver (©) ak the front of the engine. This Bas the effet of forcing the blade (D) into the camichain, L IKE many Hondas the 400/4 is IMPROVING THE HONDA 400/4 CAMCHAIN Theetn ee Sigran) ‘As most 400/4 owners will know, the official method of adjusting the ‘camehsin involves running the engine ac tickover, releasing the lock-nut and loosening the adjuster bolt. The two springs are then free to push the plunger harder onto the arm. The bolt is tightened and the job is done. That's the idea. But aften it simply doesn't work, The springs are probably 15 years old or more by ow and remember, they are having to transmit the force a long way against the back tension of the camchain, What usually happens is that the camchain's back tension actually pushes the plunger back thereby making the chain looser and the noise gets worse! Ifa new samehain bas been fitted, the effect can be even more pronounced, There are 1wo solutions. One is simple and ane is more complicated. The former va devised come ume ‘igo but having, met several 4004 owners with very noisy camehains it seems worth describing. The latter is more dramatic really more Suited for when a new chain is being ied From hel ‘hand side, To the left can be seen the chain ‘on the right the two bolis whic secure the tensioner blade holder (H on HIS i sible for routine "Tintin atti no peal il ‘Above the cmehain tensioner bot athe foot of the engine small Sole (mum hex) which faces Pea eae ie ee Ke sotewtere ef, I may bei in ohleh cate Ey be moony 6 remove the oupng pes onde eee ‘Ths ol sas off eh diling into whieh the tensioner plunge is sted By jemoving ia thn scewdrer cn be pushed dow to apy presare 0 the plunger wile peomoing the contentions tensioning tec. [n ‘bane Maintain the push the screwdriver the inkling should disappewr ta be Diagram of the camcheiss and tensioner mechanism as viewed from the left-hand side ofthe engiee(nct lo et arm ‘ct scale), Leters are refer \ red to in the text fo complecly then the cation’ Best gombined when ceplacing the mark on the advaneaemea 60 completely then the camchain Earuchain with a splivsoft rivet ype - mechanism behind the chtome cover Probably needs replacing. If there is amd tenvioney brag fon the boctom right hand side of the Peoinee at al then either the chin “IT only seeking as adjust the engine. Loosen and remove the 4s completely wom or the whole camchain, this method is most ible bolt (F) securing the eam | Tener Mechanism is seized. The gultable for when the canctoah ig sprocket to the camshaft ne opin Dobe Tui a complete exiemely noisy and Miedon Ons hay MECHEL fh engine 360 degeces strip of the engine But Ni n filst, Howoven ifthe noise is at and remove une baukec talc ee ay rectify the problem baa! the camchain.protsably neets These bolts are special shees-resistait replacing. Proceed ay follows tones and should not be subst Method Two oe foe eee "let on slacken all tappets (this ie viel e sprocket off the Ia tnd tag _‘ReMORE he rocker cover‘nd exponc camshaft ana eee se yu id find this the camshaft and talves, Fe AOU hod straightforward Its © Tum the engine to she TH fo" below rr ing the chai move on 400/44 CAM CHAIN the chain after tying string je of the split. A chain spliter is ideal bur the chain can be sawn (with extreme care). Remove the camshaft noting that the worm. ‘gear to drive the tachometer is om the Fight hand side. Use the string t0 pull both ends of the chain over the front of the cylinder head where they will be out of the way, Tie the string ends {0 the front down-tube of the frame. © Undo the two 10mm bolts which secure the top blade bolder (GH) and pull off the blade holder. Note that the blade holder contains a ‘metal damper inte which the curved top of the blade fits 1@ You ca now withdraw the blade (also called a slippes). The bottom of the bade fits into another damper which is itelf fitted into @ socket on the tensioner arm down inside the crankcases, This damper ‘may come out with the blade. Equally it may drop out and fall into the Sump to.a judicious wse of rags is recommended to prevent this. If ft does, the sump can always be removed. The blade will bear grooves wom in by the cameluin. The service limit is 3mm thick at the centre, © Install the new blade with the bortom damper in place. Install but do not tighten down the top holder yet © “The camehain guide which sits at the front of the barrels can also be replaced though this is less enitical Service limit is 5mm at the centre. It is simply pulled out and a new one placed in, '@ Attach one end of the new chain to the old one at the front of the engine either with a piece of wite ot ‘use @ split link from 3 CDI75 ‘camchain. Tie string to the other end ‘of the new chain and secure the string to the frame. Now pull the old chain ‘out and it will pull the new camichain in behind it © Now you need to separate the two camchains but you will have (© add a third piece of string 10 the end Of the new camchain where it joins the old before you separate them, Remove the old camchain. If you ‘drop the new one into the crankcaces don’t worry; # piece of wire and a liule patience will recover it easily ‘enough (he said, speaking from experience). 1 You should now be looking at = new camehain emerging from cither side of the camchaia tunnel secured by string at either end, Fine. Now make sure that the engine is at the THA mark and that either one of the camshaft bole holes ssi line with the: centre of the crankshaft (marked by IMPROVING THE HONDA the bolt securing the advance-retard luni It doesn't matter which). © On the right hand side of the ‘am sprocket two horizontal lines at ‘90 degrees to the bolts should Be in line with the top of the cylinder head. ‘This positioning will make sure that the valve timing is correct. Te must be done accurately, ‘© Install the camshaft with the tacho drive on the right and restore the sprocket t0 the camshaft, Replace fone of the special bolts which secure the sprocket to the camshaft (F or G), with a dab of Loctite, but do not tighten, © Pace the eamehain on to the sprocket, You may now need to remove the string, in which case i is 4 good idea to stuf a rag around the ‘hain to prevent it dropping into the engine. Te saves fishing around with wite (0 retrieve it ‘© If you are uncertain about the valve timing, use a D175 split link {o connect the Ewo ends of the chain for the meantime. ‘@ When you are happy that the valve timing is correct you ean. ‘eplace the split link with a soft rivet link, Push the link in and place the ‘open plate on the other side. You will need an assistant to hold the link together while you hammer a punch into the ends of the rivet link. ‘Turn the engine over and install the other special bolt (with a dab of Loctite) on the cam sprocket and tighten up. ‘Turn the engine over and tighten up the corresponding bolts, (© “Those not replacing the chain rejoin us here. You cen now tension the camebain, Only serew down the ‘wo bolts which secure the top Blacle Folder (H) until they are sitting about 5mm proud of the cylinder head. ‘Those who are not replacing the camehain should unscrew these mute ‘until they are about Smim proud of the head '@ Release the tensioner bole at the front of the engine and watch the bie ise op a the spring pushes it Freed of having 10 work against the chamcltain’s back tension, the plunger spring can work properly. 9 sghten caretuly the tensioner bolt, Now tighten down the two bolts wih secure the holder and watch as the blade is pushed against the chain, Ics theoretically possible to over- tighten the camehain so watch very carefully as you tighten down, If Soube slacken the tensioner bolt off and try again, this Gme starting with the holder boits serewed im further 10 begin with, If, on the other hand, the is still loose repent the whole procedure (© Tur the engine over on the starter and check that it moves smoothly. Pour oil over the camshaft Replace the rocker cover (you may need a new O-ring gasket) and adjust the tappets to the correct clearance of ‘wo thou on the Tid mark. (At this position half the appets are ‘Adjustable. Tum the engine over to ‘his point again to do the other halt. ‘See table below.) © Restore the coils, plugs and tacho cable. Replace the tank and ‘tum the engine over a few times before searing. F everything has gone smoothly you should now be listening (0 a Sound which will take you back fo the Golden Age when the sohe fours ruled the world. Thave performed this procedure several times quite satisfactorily. It only requires patience and care, there is nothing particularly complicated about the job. Remember that if the ‘camohgin is noisy and is left luntended it will undoubsedly wear away the tensioner arm introducing ‘metal particles into the oil, If the blade is worn down the same applies. Quite apart from this a Loose: ccamchain has the effect of puting out the valve timing slightly and diminishing performance, PART NUMBERS © Spt comchains 219-2) are manutocuned by Toba (aac from Tie ‘Frade, 0362-69414?) asnonas ooo (© "Fontmer Made. Honda part number saes339-000. 1 Comchain uid, Hondo par wuber 1 Rocker gasket. Honds pat member s2ipi-st 00, © DIPS ipl Bink, Honda part muri TAPPET ADJUSTMENT © Wik te eure a aerate T14 pons heats are eae cn fie "ot vm sack Wiake 5 2 CLASSIC & MOTORG: (OLE MEGHANICS

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