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Meagan Villigan

Journal 4


Communication tools (newsletters) are very useful and helpful for me as a future teacher
and a present student. There are many advantages to doing a newsletter. Students can get creative
in their own way. They can put personality into a simple formatted documented. They can also
practice on skills that have to do with typing, moving things around the document, and basic
navigation of the computer. It is good practice for both my students and I. Newsletters are also
great for any kind of event. It could be a flyer or a poster with basic information on it for a sports
tryout or activities on campus, etc.

Spreadsheet is very useful for me as a future teacher because I can use it to organize data
and plug in data. I can see myself using it for grades or for other classroom planning. I could
also use it to plan a party in class or a check list of school supplies that the students bring. This
can be very helpful to organize data. I think it can also be good for my students to learn the
basics of excel for the same reasons; they can organize data, get averages, add up information,

Timeline is a great activity for kids because it can give them something different to do
than the basic work that they are usually given. It also gives them practice on a computer and
using the internet to create something of their own. I think it would be a great assignment for my
class if they are fifth or sixth graders.

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