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1 Introduction Of Business Etiquette

Etiquette in simpler words is defined as good behavior which distinguishes human

beings from animals. Human being is a social animal and it is really important for him to
behave in an appropriate way. Etiquette refers to behaving in a socially responsible way.

Business etiquette is about building relationships with other people. Etiquette is

not about rules and regulations but is about providing basic social comfort and creating
an environment where others feel comfortable and secure, this is possible through better

Social media communication platforms (i.e. Facebook, LinkedIn) are evolving

rapidly day by day, as the concept of social media etiquette becomes a crucial part of
business. Business etiquette consists of two things. Firstly, thoughtful consideration of the
interests and feelings of others and secondly, being able to minimize misunderstandings.
These are influenced by individual behavior & demeanor. Business etiquette instructs
this behavior.

Business etiquette differs from region to region and from country to country. This
creates a complex situation for people as it is hard to balance the focus on both
international business etiquette and other business activities at the same time. Therefore,
a wise step is to focus on some key pillars of business etiquette.

1.2 Need For Etiquette

The following are the needs for etiquette

Etiquette makes us a cultured individual who leaves his mark wherever he

Etiquette teaches us the way to talk, walk and most importantly behave in the
Etiquette is essential for an everlasting first impression. The way we interact
with our superiors, parents, fellow workers, friends speak a lot about our
personality and up - bringing.

1.3 Rules For Business Etiquette

The following are some of the rules for business etiquette

When in doubt, introduce others. Always introduce people to others

whenever the opportunity arises, unless we know that theyre already

A handshake is still the professional standard. Not only does this simple
gesture demonstrate that were polite, confident and approachable, it also sets
the tone for any potential future professional relationship

Always say Please and Thank you. This should go without saying, but
even in a very casual professional atmosphere, this basic form of courtesy is
still imperative. Today, sending a thank you e-mail is perfectly acceptable, but
a handwritten thank you note is always a nice touch.

Dont interrupt. Weve become a nation of over-talkers, so eager to offer

our own opinions or press our point that we often interrupt others mid-
sentence. It can be tongue-bitingly difficult to force ourselves not to interject,
especially when the discussion is heated.

Watch your language. Verbal and written communications are often much
less formal than in times past, but be careful to choose your words wisely. Of
course, derogatory, rude or offensive language is unacceptable, but so is
slang. While it may be commonplace in our society, its never acceptable in a
professional atmosphere.
Double check before you hit send. While were on the subject of
communication, always check our-mails for spelling and grammar errors.
Since the advent of spell check, there is no excuse for typos.

Dont walk into someones office unannounced. Its disrespectful to assume

that we have the right to interrupt other peoples work. Knock on the door or
say hello if its open and ask if its a good time to talk.

Dont gossip. Its so hard sometimes to resist engaging in a little harmless

gossip. But the reality is that gossip is never harmless.

Dont eavesdrop. Everyone is entitled to private conversations, in person or

over the phone. The same goes for e-mail; dont stand over someones
shoulder and read their e-mails.

Acknowledge others. When someone approaches us, acknowledge him or

her. If were in the middle of something important, its fine to ask them to
wait a minute while we finish.

Avoid the Big Two. We have blurred many of the personal and
professional lines, but politics and religion are still off-limits. These topics
are highly charged minefields for a professional atmosphere.

Be on time. Were all busy. Being punctual shows others that we value their
time. Being late doesnt mean that were busier than other people; it just
means that were inconsiderate.

No phone during meetings. When were in a meeting, focus on the meeting

discussion. Dont take calls, text or check e-mail. Its disrespectful to the
other attendees, not to mention, extremely annoying.

Dont be a business card pusher. Dont simply hand out business cards to
everyone we meet. Its a bit aggressive unless were on a sales call.
Show genuine interest. Keep eye contact and make an effort to truly listen to
what others are saying. Resist the lure of distraction and haste.

1.4 Conclusion
Improving our business etiquette can have a positive impact on our career.
Business Etiquette is important because it creates a professional, mutually respectful
atmosphere and improves communication, which helps an office serve as a productive
place. People feel better about their jobs when they feel respected, and that translates into
better customer relationships as well.

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