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Watkin Tudor Jones is a South African rapper who has had a career that has spanned

24 years. His most famous act is with Yolandi Visser and DJ Hi-Tek in the rap-rave
group called Die Antwoord, for which he has directed/co-directed most of the videos.

His style of music videos compliment the music very well, as it features things that
would be considered 'zef', a South African term for a culture that is considered
trashy, using out of date, discarded cultural elements and featuring a lot of
stereotypical 'gangsta' elements. Examples of these would be in the music video
'Ugly Boy', in which there are a lot of gangster elements like golden hoodies, South
African slang and the rap being about the 'bad boy' archetype.
His past is very confusing as his backstories are very contradictory in what he tells
the press. He said that his father had been shot and his brother commited suicide.
South Africa is a country notorious for being a very crime ridden community, which
also connects the visual style of his videos and especially his music.

He raps in his music, using strong beats and samples some obscure or cultish
musicians, such as Aphex Twin, and uses South African slang such as 'dwanky'
(lame) and the aforementioned 'zef'.

Some more in terms of his visual style as a director is giving a very dirty, grimy
effect to his videos. He uses exterior shots of a lot of ghetto and urban areas in
South Africa, such as in his music video 'Pitbull', in which the majority of the video is
films in and around an abandoned multi-storey car park. Another example of it
would be in the music video 'Baby's on Fire' which takes place in a suburban
environment in which the characters come from a lower, working class background
indicated by their informal attitudes, archetypal 'chav' clothing and drinking
commercial, inexpensive drinks such as Coca Cola. This again compliments the
music very well as it is a hip-hop song.

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