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'Leaky/gurgling/dry hitting Kayfun' should be a sticky post.......

a sticky glyce
rine covered post.
1/ Always fill from the bottom via the fill hole, which is a hole designed for f
illing. The clue is in the name. Alternatively, buy a top fill cap.
2/ OK; we're all lazy, so if you fill from the top, put your finger over the air
hole until the whole thing is screwed back together. Some will tell you to scre
w the cap on a couple of turns, and then finish tightening it with the atty upsi
de down, and your finger off the airhole. Sounds logical, but to be honest, I've
never had an issue with simply snugging that had boy together as long as the ho
le is covered, and you haven't filled it to a meniscus. Let's call this the 'aut
o prime' method. Autimus Prime.....some shit like that.
3/ Check the o-rings, and make sure the components are all nice and snug.
4/ Make sure the hole in the top cap has an o-ring fitted and that it is mating
with the chimney.
5/ Master your wicking. Too much and you block the juice channels leading to dry
hits; too little and it'll gurgle and flood. Get it right and you're in vapey n
irvana - albeit with an accompanying pan pipe solo played by the Patagonian pixi
es who live in all Kayfuns, and ensure the vacuum system is maintained. If it gu
rgles, then you're drowning them and they will ruin your vape with their evil pi
xie Magick.
6/ If you're flooded, take a long hit whilst slowly tipping the base of your dev
ice upwards. When it's at a 45 angle, hit it a few times until the gurgle stops, a
nd set back upright. You can also try blowing through the airhole, but the tippi
ng technique works better.
8/ Where did 7 go?
9/ Accepted wisdom is that 0.8ohm is the sweet spot for builds, though anything
up to 1.4 will work fine on a mech. Lower than that, and a good long chain vape
session risks melting your insulators. If you're careful, you can happily build
0.5 and even lower, but that's not really where Kayfuns shine - they're not clou
d machines, they're fun all day vapers.
10/ I'm a touch OCD, so this point is just here so the list has a nice round num
ber of points. Humour me, or I'll be washing my hands all day long again.
7/ there it is.

Nymza Vril 2014

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