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The question of nature vs.

nurture has long been debated, are you a

product of your environment or were you predisposed to be the way you

are? Nature can be described as being caused by genetics. This means

you were born to be who you are. Meanwhile nurture is defined as your

environment and upbringing determining who you are. Let's take for

example, a set of twins adopted be two separate families. Will the twins

react the same way if put in the same situation simply because they have

the same genetics? Or will they react dierently because of the

environment and the dierent thing they have been exposed to in their

lives. I believe a persons upbringing, environment and experiences shapes

the person that they are. Another example, is the breed of dog, pitbulls.

They are known as being a violent breed. I don't believe that the breed is

violent, it all has to do with the environment they are brought up in. In

conclusion nurture forms a person more then their genetics.

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