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Name(s): Andres & Sierra

Title: Photosynthesis Lab

Problem: We are testing whether bits of leaves photosynthesize better with artificial or natural light.

Hypothesis: We predict that the leaves would photosynthesize best with natural light

Independent Variable: The type of light (Sun, outside)

Dependent Variable(s): How many leaf bits come up every minute

Control Group: Artificial light, inside

List of Materials:
Spinach leaves

Overview of the Procedure:

1. Add 300 ml of water into 2 different beakers

2. Cut 20 little pieces of spinach leaves with straws
3. Fill a syringe with the cut up spinach leaves
4. Use the filled syringe with about a quarter of water
5. Shake up the syringe and pull on it until the pieces of leaves no longer float
6. Take out the water and the leaf bits from the syringe
7. Distribute 10 pieces of the leaf into each beaker
8. Take one beaker outside, in the glory of the sun
9. Observe and document
10. Take the other beaker and place it under a lamp
11. Observe and document

Name(s): Andres & Sierra

Type of Light Outside Light (Sun) Inside Light (Lamp) ((control))

Minutes Leaves risen Leaves risen

0 0 0

1 0 0

2 4 0

3 7 5

4 8 6

5 9 9

6 10 10

7 10 10

8 10 10

9 10 10

10 10 10

Analysis of Results/Conclusion: In conclusion, the sun and the lamp had very similar rates of effect on the
leaf bits.

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