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MYP Process Journal Entries: 11 - 17

11. Currently, I have no progress on the Personal Project; however, I have progressed greatly
in research.
12. The only challenge I am facing is gathering a significant number of sources. I definitely
have strong sources, but not enough.
13. By using my research, I can make informed decisions on how I should shape my website
to convey my message. For example, if I find more interesting or helpful information on
dialogue, then I will include more pages on dialogue.
14. I do have a variety of sources: books, websites, possible interviews. Additional sources I
could find are existing interviews.
15. As previously stated, my research is helping me make decisions on website structure.
16. The audience will see my sources because I will cite my quoted info with a hyperlink to a
bibliography page.
17. My Global Context is clearly visible and will be explained in multiple website pages.

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