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301: Appall/Dismay - ,

302: Dearth -
303: Abundance -
304: Superannuate - /
305: Innate -
306: Solace -
307: Engross -
308: Garrulous -
309: Punctilious -
310: Ovservant -,
311: Buried -
312: Tender - , ,
313: Preamble -
314: Commencement -
315: Preface -
316: Postscript -
316: Sycophancy -
317: Escape -
318: Abscond -
319: Eternal -
320: Exult -
321: Jubilate -
322: Imprudent -
323: Sagacity -
324: Reverential -
325: Redundant-,
326: Incautious -
327: Synopsis -
328: Encumber -
329: Recapitulate -
330: Gourmet -
331: Omnipotent - ( )
332: Asylum - ,
333: Sanatorium -
334: Impostor-
335: Mountebank -
336: Acrimonious -
337: Severe -
338: Cursive - ( )
339: Anomalous -
340: Vicious -
341: Capacious -
342: Intractable -
343: Wayward -
344: Easygoing -
345: Bleak -,
346: Abstinent -
347: Segregate -
396: Exorbitant -
397: Devious -
398: Cunning -
399: Debacle -
400: Friction -
401: Disputation /Argument -
402: Counterfeit-,
403: Shaky -
404: Expedite -
405: Impede -
406: Torpor/Lassitude/Languor -
407: Apathetic/Lukewarm -
408: Rush -
409: Hexagon -
410: Subtraction -
411: Fathom -
412: Truant -
413: Malingerer -
414: Hypocrit -
415: Concubine -
416: Telepathy -
417: Elegy -
418: Utopia -
419: Statesman -
420: Demagogue -
421: Dictator -
422: Martinet -
423: Malign -
424: Meager/Scanty -
425: proportionate -
426: Ancillary -
427: Unstable -
428: Conventional -
429: Potty -
430: Reparation -
431: Decay -
432: Transmission -,
434: Frugal/Persimonious -
435: Bigot -
436: Indispensable -
437: Inconsiderate -
438: Hasty -
439: Conceited -
440: Wrath -
441: Prompt -
442: Divine -
443: Malign -
444: Meager/Scanty -
445: proportionate -
495: Slothful -
496: Quarrelsome -
497: Flat out -
498: Backtrack -
499: Curved -
500: To do away with /To drive off -
501: Hastening -
502: Braking -
503: Slackening -
504: Vigorous -
505: Sluggish -,
506: Infuriate -
507: Commend -
508: Manifest -
509: Apparent -
510: Circulation -,,
511: Surreal -
512: Appeal -
513: Repression -,
514: Greeting -
515: Notorious/Ominous -
516: Robbery -
517: Cursory -
518: Demur -/
519: Convicted -/
520: Culpable -
521: Pay off old scores -
522: Worth yours -
523: Host in himself -
524: Hang in balance -
525: Pusillanimous -
526: Venturesome/Valorous/plucky/Spunky -
527: Reproach/Chide/Rebuke/Scold -
561: Treatise -
562: Chronic -
563: Impute -
564: Honorary -
565: Interpret -
566: Memento -,
567: Elegy -
568: Cosmos -
569: Duffer -
570:Snob - ( )
571: Licentious -
572: Suspect -
573: Trick/Deceit -
574: Hazardous -
575: Represent-
576: Superior -
577: Revealing -
578: Complexity -
579: Vigilant -
580: Diversion -,
581: Alienation -,
582: Worthy of -
583: Emulation -
584: Exploration -
585: Trial -
586: Demise -
587: Unimaginable -
588: Inexplicable -
589: Entertain -
590: Enamoured -
591: Possessed -
592: Fanciful schemes -
593: Unforeseen -
629: Suffrage -
630: Dearth -
631: Amass -
632: Accrue -
633: Disperse -
634: Plenty -
635: Animate /Lively -,
636: Squalor -,
637: Pressurizing -
638: Arouse -
639: Pressing/Urgency -
640: Odds and ends -
641: Exhausted -
642: Dead and buried -
643: At bottom -
644: Offended -
645: Cut and dried -
646: Dealings -
647: Above board /Frank -,
648: Abate /Soothe - ,
649: Grant -
650: Frown -
651: Regret -
652: Head and Ears -
653: Interrupt /Eat into vitals - ,
654: Square meal -
655: Rank and file -
656: Plainness -
657: Adequacy -
658: Drowsiness -
659: Vigor -
660: Mild - ,
661: Artistic -
695: Negligible -
696: Uninfluencial -
697: Thorough -
698: Imprison -
699: Expel -
700: Exonerate /Exculpate /Acquit -
701: Castigate -
702: Fastidious -
703: Aloof - ,
704: Lawn -
705: Stream -
706: Petrology -
707: Shore -,
708: Flatten -
709: Valley -
710: Interminable - ,
711: Easygoing -
712: Indictment -
713: Tirade -
714: Taciturn -
715: Placatory -
716: Espy -
717: Cogitate -
718: Attribute -
719: Reassurance -
720: Dilemma -
721: Constraint -
722: Agitation -
723: Stir -
724: Void -
725: Refute -
726: Optimist-
727: Idealistic -
761: Crank -
762: Formless -
763: Equitable -
764: Cereal /grain -
765: Queue -
766: Inimical -
767: Impel /Goad -
768: Orchestrate - ()
769: Repent -
770: Braggart -
771: Dilettante -
772: Pilferer -
773: Prevaricator -
774: Raconteur -
775: Scurrilous -,
776: Compassionate -
777: Servile -
778: Strict -
779: Outshine/Steal a march -
780: Hole and Corner -
781: Defy -
782: State of Shock -
784: Amateur -
785: Anticipated -
786: Antagonism -
787: Delirious -
788: Hefty -,
789: Delusive -
790: Heinous -
791: Inveigle -
792: Monopoly -
793: Rational -
794: Demolish -
830: Prolific -
831: Revolution -
832: Warlock -
833: Adopt -
834: Pose -
835: Infrared -
836: Finagle/Swindle -
837: Supplant -
838: Incite -
839: Abyss -
840: Alabaster -
841: Boaster -
842: Sticlar -
843: Fatalist -
844: Tenterhooks -
845: Reproof -
846: Impertinence -
847: Denigration -
848: Imbecility -
849: Senility -
850: Dotage -
851: Notwithstanding -,
852: Adoring -
853: Myriad -
854: Shortcomings -
855: Idolatrous -
856: Exaltation -
857: Venture -
858: Conspire -
859: Reimburse -
860: Pretend - ,
861: Incongruous -
862: Hedge -
896: Prick -
897: Paleontology -
898: Encyclopedia -
899: Bygone -
900: Polity -
901: Muster -
902: Demobilize -
903: Troops -
904: Jury -
905: Laggard -
906: Haggler -
907: Perjury -
908: Embezzlement -
909: Oath /Vow -
910: Encomium -
911: Aphorism -
912: Insolent -
913: Delicate -,
914: Effusive -
915: Mercenary -
916: Altruistic -
917: Deceptive -
918: Far-fetched -,
919: Paucity -
920: Plaintiff -
921: Preponderance -
922: Indulgent -,
923: Pampered -
924: Pout -,
925: Sullen -
926: Elated -
927: Desolation -
928: Pittance -
962: Correspond -
963: Manliness -
964: Instability -
965: Materialistic -
966: Remnants -
967: Abeyance -
968:Chagrin/Irk -
969: Distraught -
970: Lodge a complaint -
971: Tenant -
972: Recluse -
973: Prevalent -
974: Implacable - ,
975: Sober -
976: Frantic -
977: Ambiguous -
978: Admonish -
979: Reconcile -
980: Equilibrate -
981: Undertake -
982: Intake -
983: Ambivalent -
984: Ambidextrous -
985: Retractable -
986: Conscript/Recruit/Novice/Rookie-
987: Devoid -
988: Repeal/Quash/Rescind/Annul-
989: Arduous/Onerous/Grueling/Laborious-
990: Hoard -
991: Unfathomable -/
992: Traduce/Disparage/Denigrate/Vilify - ,
993: Emigrant -
994: Immigrant -

Govt Bank Word (2001-2016)

1: Fortuitous -
2: Inherent -
3: Legible -
4: Indelible -
5: Endurable - /
6: gregarious - /
7: Introverted - ( )
8: Alleviate -
9: Aggravate - /
10: Elevate - ,
11: Desultory -
12: Methodical -
13: Integral -
14: Dissipate - /
15: Exempt - /
17: Obliged -
18: Steadfast -
19: Valiant -
20: Repute -
21: Susceptible -
22: opaque-
24: Tepid -
25: Seething -
26: Intimate -
27: Turbid -
28: Swollen -
29: Accretion -
30: Procession :
59: Fragrance -
60: Restless-
61: Crone - ( )
62: Kleptomania -
63: Anemometar-
64: Jaunt :
65: voyage :
66: Philatelist -
67: Vendor -
68: Philanthropist - ()
69: Misanthrope -
70: Highbrow -
71: Aristocrat -
72: Expand -
73: Proliferate -
74: Deflect -
75: Cynical -
76: Traitor -
77: Unequivocal -
78: Gloss -
79: Barrier -
80: Agile -
81: Frisky -
82: Parallelism -
83: Obliquity -
84: Divergence -
85: Disparity -
86: Contrast -
87: Debonair -
88: Balmy -
88: Awkward -
89: Windy -
90: Landscape - -
91: Intellectual -
92: Lexicographar -
93: Venerate -
94: Severe -
95: Condemn -
96: Inculcate -
97: Ascend -
98: Stern -
99: Bend -
100: Eulogistic -
101: Deleterious -/
102: Impulsive -
103: Salubrious -
104: Inclusive -
105: Usurp -
106: Discordant -
107: Harsh -
108: Insouciance -
109: Composure -
110: Slumber -
111: Pretentious -
112: Egoistic -
113: Grandiose -/
170: Exhort - / /
171: Magnanimous :
172: Genesis -
173: Adapt -
174: Innovate -
175: Ponder -
176: Vacillate -
177: Revert -
178: Upheld -
179: Resist -
180: Publicize -
181: Subvert -
182: Refinery -
183: Ore -
184: Merchandise -
185: Mine -
186: Warehouse -
187: Lumber -
188: Grain -
189: Gargantuan -
190: Tiny in size -
191: Irritate -
192: Amplification -
193: Loaf -
194: Stale - ( )
195:Butter -
196: Forecast -
197: Override -
198: Diagnosis -
199: Estimate -
200: Appraisal -
201: Trivial - /
202: Fade -
203: Inscribe -
204: Epitaph -
205: Epithet - /
206: Epitome -
207: Scenic -
208: Melancholy -
209: Barren -
210: Skepticism -
211: Audacity -
212: Plausibility -
213: Conviction-
214: Harmony -
215: Glow -
216: Mild -
217: Untamed -/
218: Feeble -
219: Unruly -
220: Compliance -/
221: Adverse -
222: In deep water -
223: Hostile -/
224: Brevity -
225: Wallet -
281: Assiduous -
282: Harbinger -
283: Autocrat -/
284: Inauspicious - /
285: Untenable -
286: Defensible -
287: Hypothetical - /
288: Precise -
289: Recidivist -
290: Depart -
291: Recuperative- /
292: Evasive/Elusive -
293: Pensive -
294: Plethora -
295: Despair -
296: Aversion -
297: Scarcity -
298: Put up with -
299: Overt -
300: Erratic -/
348: Abolish -
349: Darken -
350: Compile -
351: Reclusive -
352: Urban -
353: A bone to pick -
354: Knotty -
355: Errant -
356: Bucolic -
357: Castigate -
358: Hidebound -
359: Evaluate -
360: Corroborate -
361: Refute -/
362: Contradict -
363: Contravene -
364: Profane -
365: Vulgarity -
366: Compensate -
367: Deprecate -
368: Enhance -
369: Bait-
370: Disparage - /
371: Heckle -
372: Adequate -
373: Muddle -
374: Abatement -
375: Incapacitate -
376: Stout -,
377: Hook -
378: Crook -
379: Biased/Partial/Partisan/Prejudiced -
380: Axle -
381: Build in -
382: leaning -
383: Yield -
384: Gloomy -
385: Provincial -
386: Cosmopolitan -
387: Extol -
388: Monotonous -
389: Rite -,
390: Writ-
391: Laid back -
392: Inflated -
393: Reasonable -
394: Ingenuous -
395: Sophisticated -
446: Hindrance/Barrier -
447: Discontented -,
448: Miserable -
449: Myopic - /
450: Intolerant -
451: Affirm/Assert -
452: Deny -
453: Panic -
454: Abandon/Desert -
455: Waive -
456: Evenhanded -
457: Enunciate -
458: Consolidation -/
459: Instigation -
460: Provocation -
461: Painstaking/Persevering -
462: Stimulus/Impetus -,
463: Revulsion/Repugnance -
464: Evanescent/Fleeting -
465: Limpid -
466: Evident -
467: Subtlety -
468: Prima facie -
469: Subterfuge /Trickery -
470: Simplicity -
471: Applause -
472: Impinge -
473: Facilitate -
474: Trespass -/
475: Profligate -
476: Intermittent-
477: Broker -
478: Merchant prince -
479: Persistent -
480: Destitute -
481: Teller -
482: Intense -
483: Abrasive -
484: Attempts -
485: Screams -
486: Admits -
487: Lucrative -
488: Rediculous -
489: Continuation -
490: Offshore -
491: Solemn -
492: Wholesale -
493: Retail -
494: Push sale -
528: Bustling -
529: Tranquil -
530: Prodigal -
531: Thrifty/Niggardly/Skinflint -,
532: Sage -
533: Cretin/Imbecile/Dullard/Ninny -
534: Pretty Penny -
535: On their toes -
536: Step on somebody's toes -
537: Toot your own horn -
538: Possess -
539: Destruction -
540: Intimacy -
541: Alluring -
542: Arouse -
543: Tenacity - ,
544: Elusiveness -
545: Adornment -
546: Anonymous -/
547: Namesake -,
548: Pseudonym -
549: Cannibal -
550: Holocaust -
551: Nugatory -
552: Judiciary -
553: Jurisdiction -
554: Famish -
555: Keen -
556: Amenable -
557: Covenant -
558: Summons -
559: Subpoena -
560: Tract -
594: To blow hot and cold -
595: Initiate -
596: Blaze -
597: Horn -
598: visionary -
599: Newborn -
600: Trustworthy -
601: Gratitude -
602: Thankless -
603: Indebted/Grateful -
604: Owe -
605: Ingest -
607: Inertia -
608: Inadvertent -
609: Inundate -
610: Trapped -
611: Coherent -,
612: Amity -
613: Vague -
614: Vocation - ,
615: Vital - ,
616: Faculty - ,
617: Vehemently -
618: Meticulous /Precise /fussy -
619: Colossal /Mammoth /Massive /Titanic -
620: Homogenous /Uniform /Identical -
621: Allay /Mitigate /Ameliorate - (,)
622: Worseen /Exacerbate -
623: Inquisitive -
624: Proximate -
625: Idyllic -
626: Cogitating /Ruminative -
628: Affinity /Kinship/Rapport -
662: Shortcoming -,
663: Extravagancy -,
664: Enduring -
665: Ball to the wall -
666: Pithful -
667: Toppling -
668: Regim -
669: Tantamount -
670: Arbitrary - ,
671: Worship -
672: Bibliography -
673: Amicable person -
674: Naive/Candour -,
675: Lenient -
676: Obstinate /Adamant -
677: Exaggeration -
678: Hegemony/Predominance -
679: Subordination -
680: Fiasco -
681: Fruitful -
682: Triumph -
683: Adopted -
684: Forsaken -
685: Discarded -
686: Vociferous - ,
687: Courageous -
688: Mockery -
689: Mean -
690: Negotiation -
691: Shallow -
692: Excessive -
693: Wear out -
694: Brittle -
728: Pessimist -
729: Peak -
730: Extreme -
731: Get along -
732: Pragmatic -
733: Insectivorous-
734: Electorate -
735: Exigency -
736: Complacent -
737: Austere -,
738: Artillery -
739: Docile -
740: Biased -
741: Salient -
742: Shove -
743: Visible -
744: Omission -
745: Inamorato -
746: Come round -
747: Hit Upon -
748: Depart -
749: Conclude -
750: Elective -
751: Craft -
752: Impede -
753: Mutation -
754: Commence -
755: Facultative -
756: Episodic -
757: Conventional -
758: Recapture -
759: Conducive -
760: Facile -
795: Understatement -
796: Tenure -
797: Protract -
798: Distract -
799: Currency -
800: Obsolescence -
801: Propensity -
802: Inebriated /Intoxicated -
803: Befuddled -
804: Sane /Rational - ,
805: Arrogant -
806: Vicissitudes -
807: Bohemian -
808: Sinister - ,
809: Meditative -
810: Categorical -
811: Sermon -
812: Fire and brimstone -
813: Agnostic -
814: Oracular -
815: Sacrilegious -
816: Empirical -
817: Puerile -
820: Nonchalant -
821: Sardonic -
822: Voluptuous -
823: Rotund -
824: Gourmand -
825: Condiment - ,
826: Piquant -,
827: Repast -
828: Nourishing -
829: Gifted -
863: Derrick -
864: Sacrosanct -
865: Resentment -
866: Equanimity -
867: Dubiousness -
868: Supercilious -,
869: Flagitious -
870: Frivolous -,
871: Impair - ,
872: Spool/Reel -
873: Thread -
874: Convolution -
875: Queer -
876: Orderly -
877: Murky -,
878: Archives -
879: Pedestal -
880: Regicide -
881: Belittlement -,
882: Zest -,
883: Fiddling -
884: Linguistic -
885: Polyglot -
886: Green eye -
887: Taunting -
888: Deter -
889: Blight -
890: Theist -
891: Theologist -
892: Pantheist -
893: Monotheist -
894: Debris -
895: Relics -
929: Enthralling -
930: Pedestrian -
931: Ravages -
932: Masterful -
933: Critique -
934: Towered high -
935: Electrify -
936: Bankrupt -
937: Solvent -
938: Unwitting -
939: Zenith -
940: Nadir/lowest point -
941: Poignant -/
942: Freak -
943: Prodigy -
944: Resemple -
945: Renowed -
946: Revamp -
947: Esteem -
948: Furtive -
949: Cud chew -
950: Grasp accurately -
951: Misconstrue -
952: Effeminacy -
953: Boorishness -
954: Celibacy /Chastity -
955: Misogyny -
956: Matrimony -
957: Eat drink and be merry -,
958: Epicurean -
959: Versatility -
960: Extradition -
961: Patronage -
995: Wander -
996: Meddle -
997: Discern -
998: Refugees -
999: Demonstrative -
1000: Horde -
1001.Contemplative /brooding - -
31: Applaud -
32: Evasion -
33: Transmit -
34: Obscure -
35: Withhold -
36: Generous -
37: Craven -
38: Ulterior -
39: Stated -
40: Rampage -
41: Strident -
42: Euphonious -
43: Laconic -
44: Verbose -
45: Wicked -
46: Bureaucrat -
47: Reinstate -
48: Indict -
49: Scam -
50: Extempore -
51: Elocution -
52: Cupid -
53: Sneer -
54: Cynic -
55: Tipped -
56: Sparkle -
57: Lethergic -
58: Distasteful-
114: Indolent/Lethargic -
115: Disinterested -
116: Halcyon -/
117: Motionless -
118: Casual -
119: Harmonious -
120: Venerate -
121: Defame -
122: Accuse -
123: Obdurate -
124: Contrary -
125: Stubborn -
126: Callous -
127: Pathetic -/
128: Rise rapidly -
129: Modest -
130: Rightfully -
131: Abuse -
132: Pithy -
133: Illusive -
134: Luminous -
135: Enigmatic/Puzzling -
136: Notion -
137: Congenial -
138: Intrinsic -/
139: Reprimand /Rebuke -
140: Humble -
141: Obsolete -/
142: Legitimate -
143: Fragile -
144: Bona-fide -
145: Spurious -
146: Bondage -
147: Debacle - /
148: Occupy -
149: Amalgamate -
150: Materialize - /
151: Generate -
152: Equip - /
153: Mercury -//
154: Humidity -
155: Entrepreneur -
156: Conflict -
157: Communism -
158: Capitalist -
159: Conduit -
160: Scissors -
161: Wagon -
162: Saw -
163: Exclusion -
164: Condone - ( )
165: Isolation -
166: Discover -
167: Suppress -
168: Redirect -
169: Belittle -
226: Tomb -
227: Flexible -
228: Obese - /
229: Tough/Rigid -
230: Breakable -
231: Complacency -
232: Conger -
233: Dispatch -
234: Postulate -
235: Invisible -
236: Inevitable -
237: Inaudible -
238: Irresistible -
239: Expose/Reveal/Uncover/Unearth-
240: Inadvertent/Unintended -
241: Intentional /Deliberately -
242: Accidental -
243: Gratifying -
244: Gracious -
245: Splendid/Glorious -
246: Disgraceful -/
247: Conceal -
248: Conciliate -
249: Benevolent -
250: Curious -
251: Flashy -
252: Velocity -
253: Doctrine -
254: Expound -
254: Confound -
255: Perplex -
256: Multiple -
257: Composite -
258: Barter -
259: Transient -
260: Relevant -
261: Enlarge -
262: Shrink -
263: Slip -/ /
264: Pact -
265: Expand -
266: Reparcussion -
267: Aftermath - /
268: Influence -
269: Scatter -
270: Accumulate -
271: Tentative -/
272: Hyperbolic -
273: Argumentative -
274: Reasoning -
275: Astute -/
276: Cogent -/
277: Deceived -
278: Coherent -
279: Ailment -
280: Indigent -

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