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1. I always want to challenge myself and my personal belief.

When I was searching

for summer programs, I came across The Experiment and it immediately captured
my attention. Since I now enroll in an international school and The Experiment
always cares how people from different background co-habitat and support each
other, I feel really close to its mission. Besides, I attempt to try brand new things
and go to different places to improve my independence, community service skills
and my first-hand knowledge about other cultures. I would like to contribute my
social and cultural understanding from some parts of the globe to the program, as
well as apply co-living skills with other to promote harmony in the place. Lastly, I
will be a responsible member engaging in any activities.
3. In my current school, I participate in Human Rights group and School Debate
club, in which every week we gather together and discuss some emerging issues
nationwide and international-scaled. I work as a member of Fund-raising team to
increase donations and support for the college. I also joined three shows (which are
called Regional days in my school) as a dancer and I really enjoy it. My other co-
curricular activity is kayaking in which the group of us kayak around the area every
week. Every week, students take turns to fulfil kitchen duty, and village services, in
which we clean particular areas on campus.
4. I have been living away from home for almost four months. I received a
scholarship to study two-year diploma program in Lester B Pearson College UWC
(United World Colleges) in Canada, which means I would leaving Vietnam. Since
August, I have been on my own, travelling, transiting and arriving to college. This is
the first experience I got living away from my homeland, it gets difficult at first but
now it is becoming settled.
5. I was born and raised in a small and old city called Ha Tinh. It is a beautiful city
with lots of changes happening every day. We are famous for cu do, a long-held
traditional food popularized by my hometown. We also pride on having the most

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