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Aaliyah Roman

Ms. Shaffer

English 2 GATE

22 February 2017

Juliet Diary Entry

Dear Diary,

You will not believe what has happened at the party last night! I met the most perfect guy

and his name is Romeo. When I first saw him, I instantly fell in love, especially when we danced

through the night and his lips touched mine. Oh, it all felt as if it were a dream! But oh dear,

there is a huge problem. He is a Montague, Romeo Montague! I cant stop thinking to myself, O

Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? (2.2.33). Out of everyone in this world, why did it

have to be you that my heart wants? So tell me, dear diary, what shall I do when the man that

Ive fallen for is the son of our greatest enemy? Honestly, Tis but thy name that is my enemy


Oh, what does his name even matter? If I truly love this man, I should be able to

overcome any obstacle. And I do love him so now it is too late. I need to marry him, for if I do

not, I cant marry any other man and my life will go downhill. The best choice is to Deny thy

father and refuse thy name! Of if thou wilt not, be but sworn by my love, And Ill no longer be a

Capulet (2.2.34-36). I will do anything for this man, even if it takes leaving my family.

I know that this decision is far too rash and needs more consideration, but can I help

who I love? I love him and he loves me. My mother already wants me to marry and although she

might not like who I might marry, at least Im getting married to someone I love, unlike Count

Paris. It is my decision and no one elses so that is why I told Romeo before we parted, Thy

purpose marriage, send me word tomorrow (2.2.144).

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