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Big shot: is a very important or influential person.

Brick: is a very nice, dependent person.
Busybody: is a person who is very inquisitive about other peoples affairs.
Chatterbox: is someone who cannot stop talking.
Dab hand: is a person who is very good at something.
Dark horse: is a person who has greater capabilities tan he/she shows or than people are aware of.
Diehard: is someone who refuses to change his/her ideas and opinions.
Dogsbody: is someone in a low-ranking position who has to do all the boring jobs that no one else
wants to do.
Fence: is a person who buys and sells stolen goods.
Gate-crasher: is a person who turns up at parties without being invited to them.
Grass widow: is a woman whose husband is away for a period of time.
Grass: is someone who informs the police about the people concerned in a crime.
Guinea pig: is a person who is used as a subject in medical or other experiments.
Kerb crawler: is a man who annoys women by following them slowly in a car when they are walking
along the street.
Lame duck: is a person who is weak or failure in some way and has to be helped by others.
Landlubber: is a person who is not used to the sea or ships.
Mole: is a person who works inside an organisation for a long time in order to provide secret
information for the enemy.
Old maid: is a woman who is unlikely ever to get married.
Rough diamond: is a person with a kind and generous nature, but whose outward appearance or
manner is rather rough.
Scab: is someone who continues to work when his/her fellow-workers are on strike.
Skinflint: is a person who dislikes spending or giving money.
Slavedriver: is someone who makes people work very hard.
Smart aleck: is a person who annoys other by claiming to know everything and trying to sound clever.
Soft touch: is a person front whom it is easy to get what one wants, for example money, because
he/she is kind or easily deceived.
Sponger: is a person who is always taking money and things off other people, usually by taking
advantage of their generosity or weakness.
Swot: is someone who studies very hard especially when trying to get good examination results.
Tout: is a person who offers tickets that are in short supply for sale for a price higher than usual.
Underdog: is a person who is expected to lose in a competition with someone else, or a weaker person
who is always treated badly by others.
Wet blanket: is a person who discourages or prevents other from enjoying themselves by being boring
and negative towards everything.
Whizz kid: is a person with modern ideas who works with energy and enthusiasm and achaives great
success in his/her job while still young.
VOCABULARY: American and British English

Bill / Note: Billete Restroom / Public convenience: Bao

Blow-out / Punture: Pinchazo
Scotch tape / Sellotape: Celo
Baby carriage / Pram: Carrito de beb
Sideburns / Sideboards: Patillas
Deck / Pack: Baraja
Smokestack / Chimney: Chimenea
Faucet / Tap: Grifo
Stand in line / Queue: Esperar en lnea
Fire department / Fire brigade: Bomberos
Street musician / Busker: Msico
Flashlight / Torch: Linterna
Hood / Bonnet: Cap del coche
Streetlight / Lamppost: Farola
License / Number plate: Matrcula
Sucker / Lollipop: Piruleta
Liquor license / Off license: Licorera
Tag / Label: Etiqueta
Monkey Wrench / Ajustable spanner: Llave inglesa
Undershirt / Vest: Camiseta interior
Mortician / Undertaker: Enterrador
Vacations / Holiday: Vacaciones
One-way / Single: (billete) de ida
Van / Caravan: Caravana
Pacifier / Dummy: Chupete
Waistcoat / Telegram: Telegrama
Purse / Handbag: Bolso Wash up / Wash your hands: Lavarse las
Yard / Garden: Jardn

Condicional cero:
A ball of wool: un ovillo de
If + present simple + , + present simple.
A bouque of flowers: un ramo de
A bunch of bananas: un grupo de
Primer condicional:
A crate of bottles: una caja de
A cube of sugar: un terrn de If + present simple + , + will + infinitivo.
A ear of corn: una mazorca de
A pack of cards: una baraja de Segundo condicional:
A pad of paper: un bloc de If + Past simple + , + would + infinitivo.
A punnet of fruits: una cesta de
A quiver of arrows: un canaj de rayos
Tercer condicional:
A string of pearls: un collar de
If + Past perfect + , + would have + participio.

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