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The geological significance of a negative

gravity anomaly in the South Wales Coalfield

M. D. Thomas and M. Brooks

Three gravity traverses across the eastern half of the South Wales Coalfield indicate a local;
elongate, negative Bouguer anomaly of a few milligals amplitude bordering the southern rim.
The anomaly has a maximum amplitude of 4 mgal near Maesteg and attenuates eastward, dying
out in the vicinity of the East Crop. Two possible geological causes of the anomaly are examined,
namely a local thick sequence of normal Upper Carboniferous strata and a discrete, lowdensity
body of Carboniferous age with no apparent surface expression. The former, uncontroversial
explanation requires rock densities at variance with measured values. In the case of the hypothetical
low density body which can explain the anomaly, a variety of possible ages and configurations are

1. Introduction
During a regional gravity survey of the Vale of Glamorgan (Thomas 1968), several
readings were made within the South Wales Coalfield. These indicated a rapid decrease
of Bouguer anomaly northwards from the Carboniferous Limestone outcrop, which
was initially considered as the negative effect of the sequence of normal Upper
Carboniferous strata overlying higher density Carboniferous Limestone and Old Red
Sandstone. However, measured densities did not support this simple view.
Subsequent gravity observations indicated that a local, elongate negative anomaly
occupies the southeastern part of the main coalfield and that there is no clear-cut
negative anomaly straightforwardly associated with the entire coal basin. The re-
stricted anomaly shows up as a marked indentation on the small-scale Bouguer
anomaly map of southern Britain compiled by Terris and Bullenvell(l965; see Fig. 1).
The negative anomaly was investigated by establishing three north-south gravity
traverses across the South Wales Coalfield (Fig. 1). Bouguer anomaly profiles along
these traverse lines, together with the corresponding geological sections, are shown in
Figures 2, 3 and 4. From west to east the traverses are referred to as the Maesteg,
Tonyrefail and Pontypridd traverses. Along the Maesteg traverse gravity stations
were occupied at approximately one kilometre intervals across the entire coalfield.
The readings showed the anomaly to be confined between Maesteg and the southern
rim of the coalfield ; along the Tonyrefail and Pontypridd traverses therefore, observa-
tions were concentrated across the probable eastward extension of the anomaly and
fewer stations were occupied in the northern part of the coal basin, in order to obtain
the background field against which the local anomaly is expressed.
Gaol. J. Vol. 8, P t 2, 1973 189
- E U J W A W M Y
Fig. 1 . Geological map of the South Wales Coalfield with Bouguer anomaly contours (adapted from Terris and Bullerwell 1965) superimposed.
2. Geology
The geological sections of Figures 2, 3 and 4 were compiled largely from one-inch
Geological Survey sheets with additional information acquired from the following
publications: Strahan and Cantrill (1904, 1912), Dixey and Sibly (1918), Trueman
(1920, 1922), Robertson (1932), George (1933), Francis (1959), Squirrel1 and Downing
(1964), and Woodland and Evans (1964). Shaft sections kindly supplied by the National
Coal Board were also used.
In the Pontypridd and Tonyrefail sections the Carboniferous Limestone, in normal
sequence with the Upper Carboniferous, forms the southern limit to the coalfield. In
the Maesteg section the coal basin is bounded by a west-northwesterly normal fault
(the Coity Fault) downthrowing Mesozoic strata against Namurian sediments of the
basin. The throw of the fault is not known with any certainty, but an indication of its
magnitude is provided by a borehole near Bridgend which penetrated 170 m of
Mesozoic strata without the base being reached (Francis 1959 p. 170).
Structurally the South Wales Coalfield is an elongate basin with its major axis
trending E-W. To the east the basin is terminated by the malvernoid Usk Anticline,
while to the west it narrows towards and disappears under Carmarthen Bay. Skirting
the coalfield on the south and running northeastwards to form a single arcuate
structure with the Usk Anticline, is the broad Cardiff-Cowbridge anticlinal system.
The coal basin and surrounding structures are the products essentially of post-Coal
Measures folding but sedimentological studies (Bluck and Kelling 1963) suggest that
an embryonic basinal form had already been impressed upon the region at least as
early as basal Coal Measures time.
The stratigraphical succession of the coal basin (Fig. 5) undergoes marked changes
in thickness as a result of epeirogenic movements which occurred intermittently
throughout the Carboniferous period, and which had a major effect on sedimentation
patterns in South Wales.
Within the present area the Carboniferous Limestone reaches its thickest develop-
ment of 850 m near Bridgend (Dixey and Sibly 1918). On the opposite side of the
coalfield, along the North Crop, the thickness of the sequence is considerably reduced
being generally between 150 and 180 m (Robertson 1932). This attenuation is
the result of zonal thinning towards the contemporary land mass of St. Georges
Land lying to the north of the coalfield, and also the Intra-Avonian unconformity
(Pringle and George 1948). An even greater attenuation of the Carboniferous
Limestone resulting largely from the easterly overstep of the Millstone Grit is
observed along the East Crop where its thickness diminishes to as little as 30 m
(George 1956).
The Millstone Grit succession of the South Crop comprises shales and mudstones
with interbedded sandstones, and exhibits a similar pattern of thickness variations to
that of the underlying Carboniferous Limestone throughout the area. The maximum
development is once again in the southwest near Bridgend where the succession is
270 m thick (Woodland and Evans op. cit), while on the East Crop it is reduced to less
than 40 m (Jones and Owen 1966).
The Lower and Middle Coal Measures comprise a rhythmic succession of dark
mudstones, siltstones and sandstones, together with associated coals and seatearths.
The Upper Coal Measures, in marked contrast, are a dominantly arenaceou group
and consist mainly of the massive subgreywacke Pennant sandstone. Thickness
changes follow the same trend as that already established in the early Carboniferous.
Thus the Lower and Middle Coal Measures total 960 m at Maesteg, but are only
210 m thick on the East Crop (Woodland and Evans 1964; Squirrel1 and Downing
Table 1. Summary of rock density information

Rock Unit Saturation Density (')

Pennant Measures 262

Lower and Middle Coal Measures 2.66
Millstone Grit 2.66
Carboniferous Limestone 2.70
Old Red Sandstone 2.62

1964). The Pennant Measures are nowhere completely preserved but there are indica-
tions that a similar easterly reduction of these strata occurs.
The easterly attenuation of the Coal Measures has been attributed by Moore
(1948) and Blundell(l952) largely to the presence of intra-Morganian unconfonnities,
but more recently Squirrel1 and Downing (1964) have suggested that it is effected
mainly by a gradual thinning in all the major divisions towards a contemporary
shoreline. The existence of a land area to the east during these times is further evi-
denced by the fact that the earliest Coal Measures in the ForeSt of Dean are of Upper
Coal Measure age (Welch and Trotter 1961).

3. Rock densities
Extensive studies of rock densities were made during the course of the gravity survey
and the resulting estimates of mean saturation density values for the main formations
are summarised in Table 1.
The Pennant Measures density is based on 17 laboratory measurements which
~ , on an in situ value of 2-63
yielded an average value of 2.62 g . ~ m - and
for a 160 m section of Rhondda Beds by gravity observations conducted in the
Duffryn Rhondda Colliery No. 1 Shaft Downcast (see Thomas 1968).
Laboratory determinations on 28 Middle Coal Measures specimens of fine-grained
siltstones and sandstones indicated a wide range of densities from 2.63 to 3.22 g . ~ m - ~ ,
the higher values relating to iron-rich rocks. Because of this wide range, the estimated
mean density in Table 1 is based on in situ results derived from the Duffryn Rhondda
Mine survey. Here, 560 m of lowermost Pennant Measures (Llynfi Beds) and Middle
Coal Measures yielded an average density of 2.66 g . ~ m - ~The . Pennant Measures
portion (roughly 170 m) comprises approximately equal amounts of argillaceous and
arenaceous rock-types ; lithologically, therefore, it is more akin to the Middle Coal
Measures and its incorporation in the measured section is not considered to materially
affect the value of 2.66 g . ~ m ascribed
-~ to the Middle Coal Measures. On similar
grounds, the overall lithological similarity of the Middle Coal Measures to the .Lower
Coal Measures, and to the Millstone Grit succession of the survey area, has resulted
in the adoption of 2.66 g . ~ m for
- ~ these latter two sequences also.
Over 50 saturation density measurements were made on limestones from the
Carboniferous Limestone of the Vale of Glamorgan and the Gower Peninsula. A mean









Fig. 5. Stratigraphicalsuccession of the South Wales Coalfield; indicated thicknesses are somewhat
gcncralised but are fairly characteristic of the southwestern part of the study-area.
value of 2.69k0.01 g . ~ m -was ~ obtained. Some 50 other samples were measured
without attempts to saturate them, and these had a mean dry density of 2.70 g . ~ m - ~ .
The average density of the limestone succession will be lowered by contained shales
(5 specimens from Gower Peninsula averaged 2.57&0-01 g ~ m - ~ and ) , raised by
dolomites (13 specimens from Gower Peninsula and the Southeast Crop averaged
2.78f0-03 g . ~ m - ~ Since
). normal limestones comprise the overwhelming bulk of the
Carboniferous Limestone, a density of 2.70 g . ~ m has - ~ been selected.
The Old Red Sandstone presents a somewhat diversified sequence with sandstones
and marls forming the two end members of a gradational series of lithologies.
Despite this lithological variation, laboratory tests indicate that there is little difference
in the densities of lithologically-differing samples from the same locality. The mean
values for different localities around the margin of the coal basin do, however, exhibit
a significant range in density, from 2.66 g . ~ m -(Brecon
~ Beacons) to 2.56
(Cardiff district). In situ measurements conducted i n the Brecon Beacons yielded
values of 2.61 g . ~ m -and~ 2.63 g . ~ m - ~On
. these results a value of 2.62 g . ~ m - ~ ,
close to the overall average of laboratory determinations, is assigned to the Old Red

4. Possible causes of the negative anomaly:

preliminary discussion
All three profiles (Figs 2 , 3 and 4) exhibit a sharp fall in Bouguer anomaly northwards
into the coalfield from the Vale of Glamorgan. A few kilometres into the coal basin,
gravity values rise again, most markedly along the Maesteg profile (Fig. 2) where
after rising by about 3 mag1 the anomaly field remains almost level to the North Crop
before rising rapidly over Old Red Sandstone terrain. In the Tonyrefail (Fig. 3) and
Pontypridd (Fig. 4) profiles the local negative anomaly has shallower gradients on its
northern flank and the separation of the local anomaly from the background field is
therefore more difficult to achieve.
A uniform density of 2.67 g . ~ m was - ~ used in reducing the gravity data to sea level,
thus leaving in the Bouguer anomaly profileseffectsgenerated by rocks above datum
with a density different from 2.67 g . ~ m - ~In. the ground covered by the negative
anomaly, and on the basis of measured densities, these effects seldom exceed 0.3 mgal
and are therefore small enough to be ignored in the present discussion.
Two distinctly different explanations of the cause of the negative anomaly may be
proposed and there is no analytical method for establishing a preference on the basis
of present data. However, the most obvious and less interesting explanation, discussed
below, is not consistent with measured rock densities and leaves the second ex-
planation as an interesting alternative.
The first, and superficially the obvious, explanation of the anomaly is a local
thickening of the Upper Carboniferous succession for the belt of local negative
anomaly coincides, in broad fashion, with the thickest development of Upper Carboni-
ferous strata in the coal basin. The intuitive reasoning behind this explanation is as
follows. Firstly, as discussed in Section 3, the density of the quartz-rich Old Red
Sandstone is uncertain; however, it cannot much exceed 2.65 g . ~ m - ~the , density of
quartz. Assume, therefore, 2.65 g . ~ m as - ~a reasonable maximum value. The Carboni-
ferous Limestone density seems well established at 2.70 g . ~ m - ~Thus . the differential
gravity effect of the Carboniferous Limestone layer across the southern part of the
coalfield can be calculated by computer and applied as a correction to the observed
profiles. This effect is found to reach a maximum of about 0.8 mgal along the Maesteg
profile. We may then investigate the possibility that the corrected negative anomaly
merely represents the gravity effect of normal Upper Carboniferous sequences with a
density lower than 2.65 g . ~ m - ~To . test this postulate, the Upper Carboniferous
sequence under each profile was approximated by a two-dimensional prismatic
model of polygonal outline and its gravity effect was calculated by computer for
various density contrasts. The gravity effect of each model was then applied as a
correction to the observed profile. For each profile, a density contrast was sought
which led to the removal of the local anomaly and left a linear background field
compatible with the observed anomaly level south of the coalfield. It proved to be
possible to explain all three local anomalies in this way using a density contrast of
0.10 g . ~ r n - ~residual
, fluctuations of anomaly from the background field being every-
where reduced to less than 0.75 mgal. The overall form of the local anomaly is thus
explicable in terms of an Upper Carboniferous sequence about 0.10 g.m-3 less dense
than the underlying Old Red Sandstone, that is, about 2.55 g . ~ r n - ~ .
Without any measurements of Coal Measures density the above result would
appear eminently satisfactory as an explanation of the observed negative anomaly.
However, the density value of 2-55 g . ~ m -compares~ most unfavourably with the
measured densities shown in Table 1. Of these, the Pennant Measures density of
2.62 g . ~ m seems
- ~ particularly well established. Accepting this value, the gravity effect
of the Pennant Measures against a density of 2.65 g . ~ m can - ~ be calculated. The
faulted wedge near Maesteg contributes about 0.8 mgal towards the local anomaly
leaving the bulk of the anomaly to be explained by the Middle and Lower Coal
Measures and the Millstone Grit. A Coal Measures density significantly less than
2.55 g . ~ m is - ~then required to account for the negative anomaly; such a value would
seem to be unreasonably low. It may be noted that if the preferred Old Red Sandstone
density of 2.62 g . ~ r n (see
- ~ Section 3) is used, the above arguments lead to the con-
clusion of a Coal Measures density significantly less than 2-52 g . ~ m - ~ .
Although, as discussed below, a maximum depth calculation on the Maesteg
anomaly indicates a causal body lying within the Carboniferous sequence, the effect
of deeper density contrasts must also be considered. The Old Red Sandstone sequence
under the southern part of the coalfield almost certainly exceeds lo00 m in thickness
and is probably underlain by Silurian strata of shelf facies with a mean density not
exceeding 2.70 g . ~ m - Across
~. the localised belt of negative anomaly in the coalfield
the gravity change due to such a deep interface, paralleling higher interfaces, reaches
a maximum of about 1 mgal in the case of the Maesteg traverse, i.e. 20-25 per cent of
the local negative anomaly. An unreasonably low Coal Measures density is still
required to explain the bulk of the local anomaly.
In view of the unreasonably low Coal Measures density indicated by the above
approach, the authors now investigate the hypothesis that the cause of the negative
anomaly is a buried lowdensity body restricted to the southern part of the coalfield
and with no obvious surface expression; i.e. that only a part, and an anomalous part,
of the Carboniferous sequence contributes to the anomaly. For this purpose, the
densities selected in Section 3 on the basis of laboratory and field measurements are
accepted and their consequences are considered.
In order to restrict the negative anomaly to the southern portion of the coalfield it is
necessary to select a hypothetical background anomaly along the three traverses. This
anomaly is identified as regional gravity in Figures 2, 3 and 4, and the residual
negative anomalies of interest corresponding to it are illustrated in Figure 6. The
residual anomaly reaches its maximum development along the Maesteg profile where
it attains an amplitude of about 4 mgal; here too, the anomaly is more symmetrical
and the choice of background anomaly apparently less ambiguous, than along the

0- Q 0.


Fig. 6. Residual gravity anomalies in the southern portion of the South Wales Coalfield.

other profiles. Along the Pontypridd profile the residual anomaly has decreased to
about 2 mgal.
Since the Maesteg anomaly is best defined, initial consideration of a solution is
directed towards this area. Using the residual of Figure 6a, the maximum depth of a
prismatic body (infinite strike) capable of causing the Maesteg anomaly was estimated
using a graphical method by Skeels (1963). Assuming density contrasts of 0.1, 0.2
and 0.3 g . ~ m - ~the
, hypothetical body (for' all three contrasts) is predicted to fall
essentially between the base of the Pennant Measures and the top of the Carboni-
ferous Limestone. This indication of an intra-Carboniferous source for the anomaly is
further supported by the way in which the anomaly decreases towards the East Crop,
as if in sympathy with the Carboniferous succession which undergoes considerable
attenuation in the same direction. The low density body must lie below the Pennant
Measures. The measured density of the latter is regarded as most reliable, and since it
equals the Old Red Sandstone density value derived in Section 3, to which other rock
units are adjusted (see following section), the Pennant Measures contribute no
anomalous effect.
Density measurements on pre-Pennant Coal Measures away from the zone of
anomalous gravity field reveal a comparatively small range of mean densities. The
results of Cook and Thirlaway (1952) relating to about 180 m of Lower Coal Series
strata, of Whetton, Myers and Watson (1955) relating to an unspecified part of the
Upper Carboniferous, and of the present authors whose mine experiments reached
nearly to the base of the Middle Coal Measures, are 2.61, 2.65 and 2-66
respectively. It therefore appears that normal Coal Measures rocks cannot give rise to
a significant negative anomaly against a background density of 2-62
In the light of the above observation, borehole and colliery records from the vicinity
of the anomaly zone were examined for possible abnormal low-density lithologies. On
the grounds that the lithologies appear to be of normal Coal Measure type and hence
are unlikely to differ greatly in density from the values given above, it is possible to
eliminate certain parts of the succession from the point of view of containing a
sufficient thickness of lowdensity strata to explain the negative anomaly.
Close examination of available records indicates that practically the entire Coal
Measure sequence in the area of interest is of normal development. The succession .
down to the Garw Coal appears normal on the evidence of records from the Coedely
and Llantrisant Collieries which both lie close to the centre of the Tonyrefail anomaly
(Fig. 1). For the succession below the Garw Coal the only subsurface data are pro-
vided by the deep Margam Park No. 1 borehole and the Anglo-American Oil Co. Ltd.
borehole (Pontypridd No. 1) sunk into the core of the Pontypridd anticline about
I km northeast of Tonyrefail. In the former borehole, about 2 km south of the axis of
the Maesteg anomaly, two sandstones (Cefn Cribbwr Rock and Farewell Rock: see
Woodland and Evans 1964 pp. 77-79) each over 30 m thick occur near the base of the
Coal Measures and another about 15 m thick lies immediately below the Garw Coal.
All three crop out along the neighbouring South Crop. The. borehole also penetrated
275 m of Millstone Grit, but thrusting at this level is believed to cause repetition of
strata. Disregarding this complication, thickness measurements indicate that sand-
stones comprise over 120 m of the Millstone Grit sequence whilst silty mudstones
constitute the remainder. At surface also, in the vicinity of the Maesteg traverse, the
Millstone Grit contains a number of sandstones which rarely attain 15 m in thickness
but are usually massive and quartzitic, and in places conglomeratic (Woodland and
Evans 1964 p. lo). The Anglo-American borehole, 3.5 krn north of the axis of the
Tonyrefail anomaly, revealed a high proportion of sandstone8 within the sub-Garw
Coal Measures and the Millstone Grit. The base of the Millstone Grit was not reached
but R, fossils were encountered at 110 m above the bottom of the borehole (Woodland
and Evans 1964 p. 303).
While there is some evidence therefore, in the sequences of the lowest Coal Measures
and Millstone Grit, of a development towards a sandy facies, there is no strong direct
evidence for a major development of a lowdensity sedimentary facies in the local
Upper Carboniferous rocks. The findings of the Anglo-American borehole are dis-
cussed further below, in the context of interpreting the Tonyrefail anomaly.

5. Gravity anomaly interpretation

Before any detailed interpretations were attempted, an effort was made to eliminate as

I. - 0. .L




Fig. 7. Bouguer anomaly profiles (c) and residual anomalies (a) in the South Wales Coalfield after
correcting observed Bouguer gravity for the effects of supra-Old Red Sandstone geology-see
Section 5. (b) is the assumed regional background anomaly.

far as possible the gravity effects of all known and assumed Carboniferous structure.
With the aid of a computer, a process of stripping was employed to remove the
gravity anomalies arising from the supra-Old Red Sandstone geology. Since the Old
Red Sandstone has an assumed density of 2.62, the profiles were normalised
to this value by applying corrections for the Carboniferous Limestone, the Millstone
Grit and the Coal Measures strata, on the basis of their density difference from 2.62
g.~rn-~ The
. resultant profiles together with corrected residual anomalies are illustrated
in Figure 7. If there were no anomalous masses within the Carboniferous succession
then, assuming the measured densities to be correct and the geological sections and

0 5



Fig. 8. Geological models interpreted to explain the Maesteg anomaly.

regionals to be valid, these profiles would be featureless; in fact they contain pro-
nounced negative anomalies.
In the following interpretations the normal procedure was to calculate gravity
effects of twodimensional bodies of irregular polygonal outline using a computer and
to make final adjustments using a dot chart. Except initially, when large numbers of
models were being tested, it was quicker to use a dot chart than to prepare data for,
and await the outcome of, a computer analysis.
If, as discussed in Section 4, Lower Palaeozoic density contrasts are contributing up
to 25 per cent of the local anomalies, the maximum thickness of the following inter-
pretation models must be reduced by approximately the same percentage.

5a. Maesteg profile

For the Maesteg profile a series of models (Figs 8, 9) lying at various horizons
between the Garw Coal and the base of the Carboniferous Limestone have been
interpreted. The model of Figure 8a lies between the Ganv Coal and the top of the
Carboniferous Limestone; it has a density of 2.36 g . ~ m and - ~ a maximum thickness of
760 m. In order to accommodate the model, slight diminution of the Carboniferous
Limestone is required, or alternatively slight downfolding. The density contrast in this
case, 0.3 g . ~ m - is
~ ,the smallest possible that will allow an anomalous body to satisfy
the anomaly and at the same time occupy a wholly Upper Carboniferous position
below the Garw Coal.
Two models below the horizon of G . subcrenatum are shown in Figures 8b and 9a,
both with densities of 2.41 g . ~ m - The
~ . latter straddles the whole of the Millstone Grit
and the upper part of the Carboniferous Limestone, and has a maximum thickness of
825 m. The other model implies sediments which are entirely Namurian and of maximum
thickness 1,035 m, and also greater downwarping of the limestones than indicated in
the geological section of Figure 2. Before the final form of this model was outlined, the
effects of the differing geological section were computed and a new residual anomaly
(as in Fig. 8b) obtained.
The final model (Fig. 9b) for this profile lies entirely within the Carboniferous
Limestone. Its density is 2-35 g . ~ m - ~and
, it has a maximum development of 790 m.
The best fit for the latter model is shown in the set of curves (1) in Figure 9b, and it is
noticeable that there is a poor fit at the edges of the anomaly which suggests either
that the model is too deep and/or its density too high with respect to the chosen
regional, or that the latter has been wrongly estimated. Ry arbitrarily adding 0.5 mgal
to the regional background the residual (2) was obtained; using this curve a better fit
is obtained for the residual along its length. Though requiring slight changes in the
dimensions of the model, this arbitrary change in the level of the regional in no way
affects the essence of the geological interpretation.

5b. Tonyrefail profile

The Tonyrefail anomaly was the most difficult to interpret. In like fashion to the
Maesteg anomaly, a density contrast of 0.3 g . ~ m was - ~ used in attempting to produce
a model between the Garw Coal and the top of the Carboniferous Limestone. How-
ever, this particular portion of the Upper Carboniferous sequence at Tonyrefail used
with such a density contrast is too thin to produce the required amplitude. An intra-
Carboniferous Limestone model with a density of 2.35 g . ~ m -and ~ a maximum
thickness of 470 m is illustrated in Figure 10a. The correspondence between observed
and theoretical anomalies is poor along the southern end of the profile and in places
is discrepant by 0-6mgal. Selection of a lower regional field, yielding the residual of
Figure lob, allows the misfit to be reduced. Thus the model fitted to the residual of
Figure 10b still gives a slight misfit on the south flank, but the overall fit is good. The
low-density body is about 400 m thick at the point of maximum development. From a
geological standpoint the models 10a and 10b are similar; the geological significance
of the interpretation is therefore not greatly affected by the level of the selected
For a body straddling the Millstone Grit and the Carboniferous Limestone and of
density 2.41 g . ~ m - ~similar
, problems to those of the intra-Carboniferous Limestone
model were encountered, and discrepancies of up to 0-5 mgal occur on the south

0 5
a ( P- 2.41 WCM?

.>;..,;<... ...
...r .I.


Fig. 9. Geological models interpreted to explain the Maesteg anomaly.

0 5
a ( p- 2.35 ~ C M ' )

Fig. 10. Geological models interpreted to explain the Tonyrefail anomaly.

flank of the anomaly. The computer model shape is little different to that of the intra-
Carboniferous Limestone model discussed above, and in fact if the model shown
in Figure 10a were raised to underlie directly the horizon of G. subcrenatum, it would
adequately represent the straddling body. This model could also represent a wholly
Namurian body lying above down-folded Carboniferous Limestone.
The models in Figure 10 suggest a thickness of about 200 m of low-density sand-
stones below the horizon of G . subcrenatum in the core of the Pontypridd anticline.
This thickness may be compared with 100 m of sandstones recorded from the bottom
150 m of the Pontypridd No. 1 borehole, which terminated in Millstone Grit at a
depth of -603 m O.D.The borehole sandstones were, however, described as 'hard' or
'quartzitic' and probably do not exhibit a sufficiently low density to explain the bulk
of the negative anomaly. Consequently, the sandstone postulated to cause the main
part of the negative anomaly must lie below a depth of about -600 m O.D. in the
lower part of the Millstone Grit or in the underlying Carboniferous Limestone

5c. Pontypridd profile

The Pontypridd profile presented no problem in obtaining satisfactory models to fit
the anomaly. (The north flank of the Pontypridd anomaly contains a small negative
anomaly of 0.6 mgal amplitude which is attributable to thick superficial deposits
flooring the Taff Valley.) In Figure Ila, a model lying below the Garw Coal and
above the top of the Carboniferous Limestone is shown; it has a density of 2.36 g . ~ m - ~
and a typical maximum thickness of 245 m though locally at the extreme southern end
of the body it attains 365 m. Below G . subcrenatum a similar model straddling Millstone
0 5


..... ,._,
.. ....

....* ...

b t P- 2 - 3 5 h 2-48 GICM)



-1 -


Fig. 1 1 . Geological models interpreted to explain the Pontypridd anomaly.

Grit and Carboniferous Limestone was interpreted with a density of 2.41 g . ~ m - ~ .

Again this model might be thought of as being entirely Namurian with downfolded
limestones below. Intra-Carboniferous Limestone models of densities 2-35 g . ~ r n -and
2-48 g . c m 3 were also computed. Respective thicknesses of these models, in their
southern portions, are 240 m and 430 m; the models are illustrated in Figure l l b .

6. Geological significance of the models

The interesting results of the interpretation are the low densities and considerable
thicknesses required for the anomalous masses. Considering the geological environ-
ment and the possible stratigraphical levels of the causal body, it is postulated that it
represents a sedimentary facies comprising porous sandstones or carbonates, The
porous sandstones would apply to any of the models, while the porous carbonates
would be restricted to the intra-Carboniferous Limestone models.
If the low-density body is regarded as a sandstone facies comprising mainly quartz
grains, the saturation densities of 2.35-2-41 g . ~ m indicate
-~ a porosity ranging from
15-18 per cent. If the sandstones are considered to be dry, the porosity range is lowered
to 9-11 per cent. The nearest example of a comparable Carboniferous facies is the
Drybrook Sandstone of the Forest of Dean, of SI.%age (Trotter 1942; Kellaway and
Welch 1948). Lithologically it comprises fine- to coarse-grained sandstones with
conglomeratic bands, and locally it attains a thickness of 215 m. During the present
studies two lithological varieties of the sandstone were sampled and yielded saturation
densities of 2.39 g . ~ m -(fine-grained
~ sandstone) and 2.50 g . ~ m -(very'
~ fine-grained
sandstone); these densities correspond to porosities of 16 and 9 per cent respectively.
The densities.and porosities of the Drybrook Sandstone, therefore, correspond favour-
ably to those of the hypothetical models.
There is some evidence within the limestone rim of the South Wales Coalfield of
sandy developments occurring as early as S, and ranging upwards throughout the
remainder of the Carboniferous Limestone succession. They are thus, in part,
contemporaneous with the Drybrook Sandstone. In view of these occurrences, and
by analogy with the sandstone trough of the Forest of Dean, a similar structure along
the southern margin of the South Wales Coalfield would provide an explanation of the
negative gravity field. It should be pointed out that the gravity survey by the authors
in the Forest of Dean revealed no analogous negative anomaly over the Drybrook
Sandstone outcrop, However, the existence of a local negative anomaly cannot be
ruled out; on the basis of a maximum thickness of only 215 m and a density of 2.50
g . ~ m - a~ ,local anomaly of only 1.0 mgal would be expected. A more detailed survey
might reveal the presence of such an anomaly.
The intra-Carboniferous Limestone models may alternatively be attributed to a
low-density carbonate rock such as a highly porous limestone or a sucrose dolomite.
The porosity required to reduce the saturation density of a normal calcitic limestone
(grain density=2.71 g . ~ m - ~to) 2-35g . ~ m -is~21 per cent; for dry limestones the
porosity need only be 13 per cent. In the case of dolomites (those measured in the
present study have a mean grain density of 2-84 g . ~ r n - ~the
) , corresponding porosities
are 27 and 17 per cent. Although Carboniferous limestones of equally high porosity
are known (see, e.g. Thomas 1962), no low-density carbonates are to be found in the
exposed Lower Carboniferous of the region and the authors are inclined to favour a
porous sandstone rather than a porous carbonate as the source of the anomaly.
With regard to possible sandstone developments at a higher stratigraphic level, the
evidence for low density Namurian sandstones has already been noted in the geological
discussion of Section 4. If the Narnurian sandstones observed in the Margam Park
No. 1 and Pontypridd No. 1 boreholes and at surface on the South Crop, were to
thicken rapidly towards the axis of the anomalous zone and change their character to
become highly porous, they would provide a lowdensity layer capable of explaining
the gravity anomaly. However, as discussed above, in the case of the Tonyrefail
anomaly the main causal body must lie at a lower stratigraphic level than that reached
in the Pontypridd No. 1 borehole.
The low densities of all the models might be assisted by a rock which is unsatur-
ated to some extent, and an extremely interesting possibility is that the presence of
natural gas, to the exclusion of water, contributes to the low densities of the models.
Traces of hydrocarbon gas were noted emanating from the Carboniferous succession
in a spring at TafsWell (Strahan 1909, p. 107), and it is significant that the spring is
situated close to or on the boundary between the coarse grits and conglomerates of the
Farewell Rock and the overlying more argillaceous members of the Coal Measures.
Jn summary the preceding account illustrates the need for more geophysical studies
in the southern half of the South Wales Coalfield to determine the deep structure in
greater detail.

Acknowledgements. The communication arises principally out of the studies under-

taken by one of the authors (M.D.T.) during tenure of a Natural Environment
Research Council Research Studentship. That author wishes to thank the Council for
its financial assistance, and also to thank the co-author M. Brooks for his careful
supervising of the degree program. Both writers would like to express their apprecia-
tion to friends at the Geology Department of Swansea University for the variety of
help which they have given, and to Bonnie Thomas for typing the manuscript.

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Department of Geology,
University College,
Swansea, Glamorgan,

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