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Marquise Coleman

Dr. Finney
Dont Sleep On D3

Emory, VA Division III athletics has had a tough time for many years in

terms of being recognized. Athletics at this level shouldnt be taken lightly


Earlier this week, Emory & Henry assistant mens basketball coach Michael

Wolf and current Emory & Henry volleyball player, Sarah Scott were

interviewed on what its like to be current and former division 3 athletes.

Wolf has been the mens assistant basketball coach for a little over a year

now. He played his college basketball for William Peace University where he

was a four-year letter winner.

Marquise Coleman
Dr. Finney
Sarah Scott is currently a junior volleyball player from Collinsville, Virginia

where she attended Carlisle School and was a five-year letter winner.

They both were asked two questions about how they felt being division 3

athletes and their answers were slightly different.

It was harder than I thought it would be, Scott said when asked about her

experience playing volleyball. Naturally, I asked her why she felt that way

and she further explained that balancing time was a real challenge for her.

Wolfs answer, however, was the total opposite. It was awesome, Wolf said

excitingly. He went on to say, Ive made life long friends and built many

relationships with many different people.

When asked did division 3 athletes have a better college experience, Scott


Educationally, yes. She further explained, We dont travel as far as bigger

schools do and if we get hurt, we wont lose a scholarship.

She made a very interesting point. There are no athletic scholarships given

out to student athletes at the division III level. A devastating injury to a

division 1 or division 2 athlete could mean a lost scholarship and no

education continued at that particular institution.

Wolf was asked the same exact question & his response was much different

once again. The experience, I think, is really similar.

Marquise Coleman
Dr. Finney
The division I level has a greater magnitude, but we put just as much time

in as division I. He concluded by stating that, Each practice, film session, &

game holds just as much weight as Tennessee or Kentucky.

By comparing the division 3 programs in which hes been apart of to top

division 1 schools, one can easily understand the passion and seriousness

that Wolf has for division 3 athletics.

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