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Assess My Skills

Plan of Analysis
Step 1: Gather Information
1. What skills are you motivated to use in your career?
Visualize Teach, Train
Portray Images Expedite
Research Online Mentor
Deal with Feelings Design
Counsel Supervise
Read for Information

2. Which of these skills do you already have?

Research Online Portray Images
Read for Information Deal with Feelings
Visualize Counsel

3. Which of these skills do you want to build?

Mentor Teach, Train
Design Expedite

Step 2: Evaluate the Information

4. What is necessary to maintain the skills you have and are motivated to use?
In order to maintain the skills I have and am motivated to use, I need to practice them regularly and
continue my education.
5. How can you build skills you want to use but need to develop further? What activities or
experiences will help you build these skills?
I can build skills I want to use but need to develop further by taking classes that are specific to those
skills and find ways to use them in other areas of my life. Some activities or experiences that will help me
build these skills are internships, volunteer work, classes, clubs, seminars etc
6. Describe your level of motivation to take the steps required to maintain and build these skills.
I am highly motivated to build these skills over time in order to reach my career goals. I have been
attending Peninsula College for two years now to finish my AA and when that is complete I plan to start
the BAS program.
Step 3: Make Conclusions
The top five skills that I want to focus on using and building in my career.
7. Team Work 10. Manage Time
8. Work with Numbers 11. Plan, Organize
9. Proofread, Edit

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