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With wit and humour Schitt explains: a BUNS oana 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. . The myth of government “jabs” programs. 18. 19. . The roots of economic growth. . The economic benefits of underconsumption. . Where savings come from. . Why economic growth is dependant on savings. . How consumer spending stiffels economic growth. . How capital is created. , How governments destroy capital. . The four uses of capital. . How capltal benefits even those who don't have any. . The destructive nature of consumer credit. it. How free enterprise forces capitalists, no mat- ter how mean and greedy, to benefit society, if they want to get richer. Why government can not expand credit. How the federal government loats society’s limited store of savings. How the Federal Reserve operates as the U.S. Government's partner in crime. Where inflation comes from and why prices go up. How the government creates unemployment. Why most politicians are deceivers. (this of course will not be news to many, out this book will allow you to cite chapter and verse.) How the U.S. government destroys America’s abitity to produce. |. Plus a whole lot more! - ri eEh©™ ECONOMY GROWS WHY IT DOESN'T Jee GZ 2h es Vb ecieens| eve we Ave Sa TT BOOKS BY IRWIN SCHIFF The Great Income Tax Hoax How An Economy Grows and Why It Doesn't The Social Security Swindle — How Anyone Can Drop Out How Anyone Can Stop Paying Income Taxes The Kingdom of Moltz The Biggest Con: How The Gavernment Is Fleecing You Copyright * 1985 by Irwin A. Schitf Published by Freedom Books PO. Box 5303, Hamden, Connecticut 06518 Printed in the United States of America. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievable system, or transmitted in any form er by any means, eletronic, mechanical, photo- copying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher. thine SILL ” “a ae LES Tstions 1716 New Haven, Connecticut in 1928, and is a graduate of the Jniversity of Connecticut, vhere he majored in economics and accounting. After serving in he Army Finance Corp, he en- ered the life insurance field. He earned a C.L.U. degree in 1958, >»pened his own agency in 1960, and became a licensed N.A.S.D.) securities salesman n 1962. His extensive business ind financial dealings afforded 1im ample opportunity to view irst hand the distortions, the nefficiencies and the hardships caused by government regula- ion, taxation, and economic nterference. In 1968, he testified before the Supreme Committee on Banking and Currency opposing removal of gold backing from U.S. currency. His testimony while diametrically opposed to that of all government witnesses, proved to be dead right, while those of government “ex- perts” proved to be dead wrong. Growing increasingly fearful that irresponsible policies pursued by Washington politicians could only lead to economic and social dis- aster, he decided, in 1974, to write a book explaining why and offering solutions to prevent it. That book, entitled The Biggest Con: How the Government is Fleec- ng You, contains the original narrative from which How An Economy (a)NE UPON AN ISLAND XS LIVER THREE MEN WHO: FIGHE? FOR FOO? EVERY DAY... i ISH! FISHING BY HAND BNO BUCKET OF BASS! iTS HARPER THAN EATING 4 Sour WITH AND I'M cHarcie! (ur acre much TROUBLE THEY BACH MANAGE? Te caTcH ONE FIGH PER PAY... ANOTHER PAY... ANOTHER FISH! fN 7 50, IN THIS SUPER SIMPLE ISLAND? SQCIETY THERE AKE... i CATCH? a aT pa - by 5 His THINK-BOX f } STARTED hp”: H GRINDING. .- H oo NN? THE IPEA FOr A SFISU-CATCHER & BORN... ( Economic SIVING up CONOMIC PRINCIPLES EATING: , HAIGHT IN ORPER aes & ; NOT JMAPKOVE EVEN Work! 1S FRIEN?S SNOOZE CONTENTEDLY TOWARD A NEW DAY OF HANP FISHING... ne ey 2 f [sy PAYS ENP Lit ABLE HAS COMPLETEP HIS NET! HE HAS CREATED CAPITAL. THROUGH HIS BRAVONNT WORKS dusT AS I’? PLANNED! NOW I HAVE 1 MORE FIGH THAN I NEED TO CONSUME wl HAVE GENERATE? SAVINGS / tl TIRE SAIN Ore? THE IGLAND'S FIRST FIECE OF CAPITAL EQUIPMENT WAS PEKIVEP SOLELY FROM ABLES WILLINGNESS TO DENY HIMSELF FOOP FOR 1 PAY’ DONT HAVE \ To SFENr |i EVERY NOW I HAVE TIME TO BUILD A BETTER SHELTER. MAKE TOOLS ANP TILL THE SOIL / RUT ABLE 16 NOBODY'S 2) FOOL! ME REMEMBERS ij SELE SACKIFICE... NOTHING DOING! MAKE YOUR OWN NET, Buppy- Burress! / yun? B-BuT WE <4 CAN'T STANP TO BE HUNGRY! Pere VATION! I PROA oe Our NET STARVE CATCHES TO DEATH Hanp- BEFORE CRacrf On, YEAR! THEN 12 yO PRL IVE LOST wy / SAVINGS ! IP HAVE EVERYTHING TO LOSE ANP NOTHING- TO GAIN BY MALING SUCH A LOANS HES Gor A PANTS A STRAIGHT LOAN IS NO INCENTIVE For Him} IE Z LOAN THEM FOUR FIGH I7LE GET BACK EIGHT FISH. FOR EVERY FIGH YOU LOAN To US WHILE We BuiLO A NET WELL PAY BACK FWD Ii. Be FOUR FISH RICHER WITHOUT POING CAN USE ABLES uf REALLY WON'T CAPITAL WiTHOu Cost u ANY A 1 Ke, ANY AERSONAL CHARLIE! /SACRIFICE...LIK| CONG HUNGRY WITH THE Four FISH WE BORROW We CAN EAT WHILE BUILDING OUR Nets! ANC WITH OUR DAILY CATCH POUBLED NE CAN SOON REPAY THE 4 FISH LOAN PLUS 4 FISH INTEREST TO ABLE! WELL BE Act BETTER OFF AN SOON WELL We CAPITAL SAVING TO LOAN OUT; | CREASED PRODUC TiViTy, THARKS TO His savings! Minor) ma ONTO HIS SAVINGS FOR POSSIBLE FUTURE EMERGENCY LIE, BUT OF COURSE, THEN THEY HOWLENT GROW... EAT THEM 16 1M EVER SICK OF SOME- THING HAPPENS! Oo HIMSELE AND CONSUME ALL HIS SAVINGS... HE GOULD LOAN OUT HIS FOUR, FISK TO BAKER ANP CHARLIE ANP GET BACK EIGHT FISH IF THEY SUCCEEDED IN BUILPING NETS/ REARS ITS UGLY HEAPS SUSTAIN THEM- SELVES WHILE THEY BUILD A NET CA CAPITAL GOOD), WHY NOT USE THE FISH MYSELEP ‘Lt CoNsuME ONE Fis Pex Day Foz TWO pays WHILE I BUILP TWO MORE NETS... ce as f 4 a A HEN TLL Ste HAVE TWO isn (2 ZB S ANP TLL OWN THREE NETS... ae ab SS QUE: “RY si | aati YY Nase ff A f; HO ” . PAX Ke FER Pay, A REASONABLE ara ANP CHARLIE WILL BACH BE ABLE To CaTcH TWO SINCE I woutn' f CAMSHT 1 Fist We IT BEATS THE ThE Met AND aupraAcr HARE WORK OF 4 | MAND PLB HIME Um Now 34 ISM / “WHEREBY 1 CAN CATCH ONLY _TFlGH EES, » AND I CAN RETIZE ANP NEVER WORK AGAIN, WITH PER MONTH 30 FISH RENTAL FEES Soe in? C00 : 2 PAYS. mele INK OWN NETS! THEN USE THAT WOULD? THEIZ HAVE SAVINGS TC EAKNEV ME BUILP NETS A TOTAL OF FoR THEM- Aten! ar Suc é AL 2 FISH AAEAP! WHAT TO DOP... LOAN OUT 4 FISH, SO BAKER ANP CHARLIE CAN BLILD THEI OWN NETS, AN? GET S FISH BACK, OR...EAT TWO OF MY FISH WHILE BUILDING 2 MORE NETS FOR RENTAL THAT MIGHT BRING BACK ONLY 2 FISH... BUT POSSIBLY STEADY @ETIREMENT EARNINGS BRECISIONE... GECIS/ONES! BLIT NO MATTER WHICH WAY HE GOES, IP BAKER AN CHARLIE ARE SUCCESSFUL, ABLE WILL HAVE. vera 9 er ene HE CAN He can CONSUME SAVE what WHAT H SAVE wiar THE HAS SAVED © HE CaN LOAN OUT wuar He Has Saver... a OD HE CAN INVEST” WHAT HE HAS SAVED. ” HE CAN TRY A * COMBINATION , OF ALL FOUR | CHOICES your CAPITAL, LOAN IT OUT FOR LOW-LOW INTEREST! (lly HOW ABCUr " DIWY LIPS IM THE ONLY ONE WHO STANDS TO LOSE PIRECTLY IF MY SAVINGS AE WASTED! MORAL ANG M6 equitage (

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