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Fiction Piece Checklist

I used all parts of the Freytag Pyramid to structure my story.

Inciting Moment
Rising Action
Falling Action
My story is appropriately paced.
I dont drag on in some parts and rush through other parts.
I have a clear beginning, middle, and end.
I include dialogue between characters with appropriate
I describe characters, events, scenes, and experiences with all 5
sentences and a ton of detail:
Sense of Sight
Sense of Smell
Sense of Touch
Sense of Taste
Sense of Hearing
I use words that establish an appropriate tone (sad, happy,
exciting, etc,).
My story has a powerful message.
My story answers all of my essential questions through the
events and characters. I do not answer my essential question
I write my piece for a specific audience.
I have identified a clear audience.
I have used words that are appropriate for this audience.
My piece teaches my audience about my topic.
I follow genre standards.
My piece is thoroughly edited and revised.
My images enhance my writing.

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