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Lacey Galbraith

John Overton High School

4820 Franklin Road
Nashville, TN 37220

November 16, 2016,

To whom it may concern,

It is my pleasure to recommend to you Alan Rasheed. Alan is currently a student in my Dual Enrollment
English classan advanced, college-level course taken through the local community collegeand I am
glad to have had the pleasure to teach Alan. An active participant in the bustling community at Overton,
he is a member of the National Honor Society, DECA, Beta Club, the Technology Student Association,
and Best Buddies. Friendly and outgoing, he always comes to class with a smile and treats everyone
from his fellow students, to teachers, to support staffwith respect and kindness. He is also hard-
working; for the past year he has worked after school and on weekends at Publix, the local grocery store.

Though I have only known Alan less than a year, I feel I have a sense of him as a person who works
hard and perseveres through setbacks. Before Alan came to Overton, he was a student at a local, private
Christian school. As a Kurdish-American of the Muslim faith, Alan said he initially felt lonely and
bewildered. In Bible class he didnt know the stories, and in the cafeteriaperhaps one of the most
intimidating places in a schoolhe didnt see anyone who looked like him. At one point some students
even teased him and called him a terrorist. Here is where Alan showed who he is and what he is
capable of, for where some individuals would have wilted, he rose to the occasion. An optimist who
doesnt give up, Alan worked hard, persevered, and won over everyone at the school

Alan has brought this same dedication to Overton, and I am confident that he will be a successful
student in college, making many positive contributions not only to his community but to the life of his
future university as well. He is a deserving candidate. Please give him your full consideration for


Lacey Galbraith
AICE General Paper
English Dual Enrollment

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