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Specific Ideas for taking action

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in your classroom

provide authentic
student centered
activities, projects and

allowing student
prompted information
MD, J. W. (2011, October 05). Three "Students need to be explicitly
and skill seeking
Brain-Based Teaching Strategies to taught and given opportunities
strengthens students
to practice using executive
Build Executive Function in Students. attitude about the value
functions such as how to learn,
Retrieved February 23, 2017, from study, organize, prioritize,
of learning review, and actively participate given personally
based-teaching-strategies-judy-willis in class."
meaningful problems
students apply effort,
collaborate successfully,
ask questions, revise
hypotheses, redo work
and seek foundational

The current study investigates

the development of the core
EFs at the time of transitioning
from kindergarten to first
grade, as this is an important
moment in EF development. Build working memory by:
Additionally, the relationship of
the core EFs with different 1)practicing visualization
Vandenbroucke, L., Verschueren, K., &
Baeyens, D. (2016). The development of aspects of academic
2) provide more opportunities
executive functioning across the achievement (reading, spelling
for students to recite or teach
transition to first grade and its predictive and mathematics) is examined.
you what theyve learned
value for academic achievement. 103-112. Specific attention is paid to the
Retrieved March 06, 2017. multidimensional nature of the 3) chunk information into
core EFs, by thoroughly subcomponents
measuring different
subcomponents of working 4) always provide time for silent
memory, inhibition and reading everyday
cognitive flexibility.

Results of the study show that Teachers need to build

M., & T. (2014). Examining Self- teacher-child interaction quality meaningful relationships with
Regulation Skills According to Teacher- level had a significant every individual student and
Child Interaction Quality, 39. Retrieved difference on childrens make extra effort to get to know
March 6, 2017. executive functioning scores their students because studies
that is a part of self- show it has a positive correlation
regulation. in the classroom that pertains to
executive functioning.

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