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Merrin Shyla Sebastian

B.Ed Student(Mathematics)
Mount Carmel College of Teacher Education Kottayam


The recent emergence of new technologies such as sensor network, smart phones and new paradigm
such as crowd sourcing social networks has induced profound transformations in the way traffic
management will be done in the future. Now we aim to get a brief idea on how Mathematics is applied
on our daily life. Cell phone is on such application. This project aim at the study of how Mathematics is
applied in cell phone. Thus we obtain an idea on how Math is directly or indirectly used in cell phone.


Mathematics can be discerned in many of the arts, such as music, dance, painting, architecture and
sculpture. Each of these is richly associated with mathematics. This science of numbers has become an
essential part the life of the common man directly or indirectly. In our daily life, we use Mathematics in
various fields. This paper portraits the role Mathematics in all aspects of our daily life.

There are countless examples of mathematical patterns in nature's fabric. Through the eyes of a common
man, in home, travel, kitchen, gardening, keeping a dairy, planning outing, banking, decorating home
moreover making phone call requires basic concepts of mathematics the knowledge of numbers. But it
is a fade and cloudy idea for the common people.


Mathematics is the queen of all sciences it is an admitting fact by every one of us. Even though
there are peoples who lack the interest of learning due to circumstances. They are worried about the
intellectual power, accuracy, speed, thorough knowledge, memory capacity needed for study of
Mathematics. So sometimes they show practice of neglecting Mathematics study during the primary
school days itself. But in fact both the one who shows interest in mathematical study and who neglect
Mathematics use Mathematics in their daily life.
Even those suffering from math-related anxieties or phobias cannot escape its everyday
presence in their lives. From home to school to work and places in-between, math is everywhere.
Whether using measurements in a recipe, or deciding if half a tank of gas will make the destination, we
all use math. It is a good idea, therefore, for teachers and parents of reluctant math learners to use real
world examples to ignite a spark of practical interest. This project includes idea of application of
mathematics in mobile phones.


to know about the application of various principles of mathematics in mobile phones by the common
to understand how mobile phones helps in math learning.
to understand whether the knowledge of basic concepts of mathematics is essential for the proper use of
mobile phone.
to understand whether mobile phone replaces the role of calculator, clocks or watch.


The project on mathematics in cell phone was conducted on during the month of 25th October
2015. It takes two days for successful completion the project. Project started with a survey method. The
survey was first conducted among 35 students. The main intention of this survey was to understand how
students take the advantage of mobile phones for math learning. Secondly another survey was conducted
among people of the society. The sample for this survey was specially included 20 business man, 20
bank employees and 20 common people. It was to study about the application of various principles of
mathematics in mobile phones by the common people. It also studied to understand whether the
knowledge of basic concepts of mathematics is essential for the proper use of mobile phone. Four set of
question papers were prepared and is given to the peoples of different sectors of the society. It also
analyze whether cell phone replaces the role of calculator, clocks or watch among the common people.
The project begins with a brief description of scientific outlook of mathematics in the working of mobile
phones and proceeds with the application of different concepts of Mathematics in cell phones.

A survey was conducted among the peoples of different sectors of the society. The survey focused on
the study of how mathematical concepts are used in cell phone.


A sample of 30 students are taken into consideration and are analyzed about the use of
mathematics in cell phone and the application of mobile phones in Math learning process. The
observations of survey are given below on table 1;

Sl.n Statements of the questionnaire percentage

1. Students using cell phone in math learning. 50 %
2. Students who are interested to play Math games in cell phone. 60 %
3. Students using cell phone to know time. 70 %
4. Students those who set alarm in cell phone 80 %

A tremendous change to learning through mobile is noticed in the learning process.

Many students have started learning through various mobile applications like math4mobile and almost
60% of students are interested in Math games.

Bank Employees And Business Man

A sample of 20 business men and the survey is conducted among them. The observations are
described in table 2.

Sl.n Statements of the questionnaire percentage

1. People who use calculator in cell phone. 80 %
2. People who use cell phone to globel marketing news of profits 60 %
and loss
3. People who use cell phone to know time. 30 %
4. people those who set time in cell phone. 80 %
Through the survey it is analyzed that 80% of the people make use of the calculator facilities in cell
phone. Most of them are depended on cell phones to know time.

Bank Employees
A sample of 20 business men and the survey is conducted among them. The observations are
described in table 3.
Sl.n Statements of the questionnaire percentage
1. People who use calculator in cell phone. 30 %
2. People who use cell phone to global marketing news of 80 %
profits and loss
3. People who use cell phone to know time. 70 %

Through the survey it is analyzed that 30% of the people make use of the calculator facilities in
cell phone. Most of them are depended on cell phones to know time. Businessman uses calculators in
cell phone than bank employee. Bank employee uses the cell phone as a watch.

Common People

A sample of 20 peoples of different sectors of the society are considered and
observations are marked on table-4.

Sl.n Statements of the questionnaire percentage

1. People using cell phone math learning. 50 %
2. People who agree with the necessity of basic knowledge of 60 %
numbers is necessary for proper use of cell phone
3. People using cell phone to know time. 70 %
4. People those who set alarm in cell phone 80 %

Majority of the people including housewives and farmers uses mobile phones for easy calculations.
They also agree with the necessity of the knowledge of numbers is required for dialing numbers on cell
phone. Those who fail to have such knowledge will have to seek the service of others. Thus it compels to
study the basic counting system in Mathematics.


Mathematics is a wide subject which plays an important role in the present era.
Science and Technology is developing through the application of mathematics. Not only mobile phones
but also many devices receive service of Mathematics. So it is the only subject which has wide
applications. It also welcomes its correlation with other subjects. This togetherness resulted in huge
discoveries. The applications of mathematics cannot be limited. The applications of mathematics cannot
be suppressed into few pages. It is a continuing service to people of the society.


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