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Supplement Wild Things Table of Contents Extercaps and Spiders (/T) 2 Manticores and Griffors Tt) 4 White Dragon UT) 6 Ores, Orogs, and Halves UT a Red Dragon (GB) f 10 Weems, Laroia, and Thr Kreen (OM). 8 ‘Trolls and Centeurs (CM) SEI Bandits and Storm Giants (CM) 2 Credits Desiga Grant Boucher (GB), David Martin (DM), Christopher Mostika (CM), John Terra OT) Development and Eulting Newton H, Ewel Interior Art: Jim Holloway, Daniel Horne Cover Art: Jeli Easley TSR, Ine 7 TSR Lid POB 736 120 Church End, Cherry Hinton Lake Geneva, Cambridge CBI 3.8 WI 53147 USA mcoucrs Broun aaaNarion United Kingdom 1990 TSR, Ine, All Rights Reserved, Printed in U.S.A. "te Ud King y TL yr Ettercaps & Spiders Terrains Heavy woods Total Party Levels: 24 (Average ath) Total g.p.! 3.300 gp Set Up '* While trudging through a thick, heavy forest, the PCs come upon a very old trail marked with a small stone, The stone has several faint runes scratched into it. The ranes are elvish, and indicate thet there is an elven outpost further dovra the ancient trail * A druid asks the party to fetch her some rare plants and herbs which grow wild near an old, abandoned elven outpost. The herbs are used to create a salve that neutralizes poison in the same way ‘a the fourth level priest spell neutralize poison. The druid gives ‘each PC ore vial of the salve es a reward, provided that they successfully get the plants. She gives the PCs a map of the general area, which isa day's march to the north. The PCs should look ‘out for an old elven tral ‘= Rumor tele of an ancient, abandoned elven outpost that hes at the end of a teal. The tea is marked with a small stone with, ‘elven rures carved into it. The outpost is reported te contain an ‘elven treasure hoard, originally kept there for safekeeping until a particular crisis blew over. It supposedly has never been re- claimed. (This is an exaggeration, The elves let afew things, but hardly enough to qualify a8 a “hoard!” The Latr ‘The trails extremely old, and some parts of it are overgrown with brush, Many tracks of diferent game animals, particularly deer and wild pigs, crisscross the area, For movement purposes, the tral is to be considered Rugged terrain (see the Encumbrance ard Movement rules in the Wilderness Survival Guide). The trail is 18 miles long, A proficiency check is requiced every tum to keep on the trai, The DM should coll dhs check for the tracking player. Failure does not mean that the PC can no longer see the trail, rather it means that he believes the trail goes in a direction different from the actual path Aemart PC with direction sence can use this proficiency te verily that the party is on the right track, This proficiency check should also be mace by the DM. ‘Asice from the risk of geting lost, the trail is otherwise not too bad. A stream well populated by fish flows perpendicular to the trail at the seven mile mark, and there is an abundance ‘of game animals and birds. DMs can determine the weather using the Weather Charts in the WSC, but itis reccmmended that the adventare begin with clear, comfortable weather and litle wind. Random encounters shouldbe rolled fer every mie ofthe path, the last roll made when the group is one mile from the outpost. There are many edible plants along the path, but none are of the variety that the PCs are looking, for if they have been sent to Jook for herbs. ‘Two miles from the outpost, tracking checkes reveal a marked lack of animal tracks, Ifherd animals are encountered from this point on, a proficiency check using animal lore reveals that the Creatures anticipate danger and are avoiding the areain the diree- tion of the outpost Ifthe PCs areusing mounts, these animals begin acting up once the PCs get to within one mile of the outpos., All mounts become nervous ard excited, requiring a proficiency check in animal handling for cach animal to be calmed dows. This ean only be tried once per animal. Ifthe check fails, the animal reiuses to io any farther. Should the check succeed, the animal continues ‘onward out additional animal handling checks must be made every tum Any animal, wild or domesticated, that is spoken to by magical ‘means says the same thing: "Much blood...fresh.... much blood ..fresh...death ‘When the small outpost is Finally in view, the PCs see that it js built from the trunks of huge oak trees. The structure is a 20 foot by 20 foot cube with a single door located in the middle of the south wall, Two arrow slits flank the door, which is ajar The other walls each have three arcow slits, A 20 foot high obser. vation platform rests atop the building's flat roof. Many plants sgrow around the building. A few even can be found growing right in the outposts threshold. There i + tiny clearing 25 feet in diameter that starts from the outposts door (the path is on the ‘opposite side of the clearing) The entire building is covered in moss and ivy, with long vines trailing off the eaves. Three large oaks grow a scant few feet from the north, east andl west walls. The trees are over 100 feet high, and their branches overhang the little outpost. The entire area is silent, no bugs peeping ot birds chirping, The air is stil PCs who were sent hereto look for plants must make herbalism proficiency checks to sentify the right plants, They are growing, at the bases of the three oaks, in the threshold of the building, and in a spot exactly halfway across the clearing. There are sul- ficient herbs to brew 24 poison-neutralizing potions, ‘Any suceesstul tracking attempts reveal numerous large arachnid tracks, and three sets of humanoid tracks, the later being unidentifiable as to race. The tracks go in and out of the building “The outpest’s interior és uninspiting, The floor thick with dust. Spiderwebs hang irom the walls and ceiling. The interior is one large room, any partitions having fallen down or been taken as firewood aget aga. There isa trap door on the ceiling, which ‘ads to the watchtower, ‘A group of four giant spiders lurk deep in the webs and they ae hungry, There are no bones or husks around to give their presence avvay. Giant Spiders (4): AC 4; MV 3, wb 12; HD 44: hp 2 ‘THACO 17: #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; SA poison and webs: ML 13; AL CE, These arachnids are the pets of the «ttercaps. The PCs could always just set fire to the building, which destroys all treasure in the secret recess in the floor. IF the PCs do use this unsportsmantike tactic, consult the fie rules in the Ettercaps & Spiders Wildemese Survival Guide, Remember that the entise building is made of wood, the webs inside are flarnable, and there are laees and plants touching the building, Things could get out of control very quickly. In the northwest corner of the outpost, a trap door lies con: cealed in the floor (Treat this as a secret door for any detection altempts). The trap docr is four by four feet Below the trap dace is a recess, within which ie a beautiful sheathed long sword +2 flame tongue, a suit of ell sized elven chain, a shield +2 with a realistic oak leaf painted on it, a Iongbow +1, aquiverof 12 sheaf arrows +1, and astee! cotter. The coffer is locked. Inside the coffer sit a dozen emeralds worth 100 gp each, a platinum headband set with a single emerald, total worth 2,000 4p. a silver holy symbol of Solenar Thelandira {elven god of archery) worth 25 gp, two jars of Keoghtom's ointment, and a magic missile scroll written at 10th level ability, The coffer has false botiom. The space holds a scrap of parchment with the word “aloria” yertten on it (the command word for the sword), ‘A three by three foot trap door is located in the middle of the ceiling. It is presently clased, There is an old locking mechanism, but it has not been used. There is no ladder to facilitate access to the trap door 'No inatter how the PCs get to the trap door, an Open Doors roll has to be made to open it. Afterall, it has not been opened in centuries, When the door is opened and PCs begin moving through it they are attacked by a group of hue spiders tha! lurk here amidet the dead branches on the root Hue Spiders (6): AC 6; My 18; HD 2:42; hp 14; THACO 19, #AT 1; Ding 1-6, SA Surprise and poison; ML 8; ALN. The Spiders leap out of the dead branches, in hopes of surprising the PCs (~6 on PC surprise ros) The observation platform is an old, rickety structure overgrown with plants. Due to the great number of trees in the area, the view is severely limited. I apparent that the forest ‘was much thinner during this outpost’s heyday, A ladder till stands to provide access tthe top of the platform from the out- post root. The observation platform itself consists ofa six by six foot floor with four posts that support an equal sized root, There are no walls, If more than 300 pounds of weight is placed on the plathorm. there s one chance on a de that the entre platlorm comes turrbl ing down, The three oak tees are within atm's reach ofthe plat form. PCscan attempt to grab hold of a branch and travel along the length of one of the trees. This requires a dimbing proficiency check. Using the guidelines set forth in the WSG, consider the surface Rough slope, Severe, If the PCs remain inside the outpost proper, the ettercaps and their remaining spider allies seal the adventurers) doom. If one for tive PCs are kept outside the building as guards, the ettercaps send bwo giant spiders to silence them, This includes making an aitempt to gag the guards using spidecwebs. There is one etier- ‘ap lurking in each of the three trees that surround the cutpost Each one lars deep in the heart of the branches, about 75 feet ‘up from the ground “Two giant spiders live with each etercap, acting as bodyguards and “watchdogs”, For battles in the recs the spiders will abways be sncountered before the eitercaps ‘Once the eitecaps realize thai their actions have not been seen, they and their giant spider alles spin thick webs and seal off the entire building, choking every sit and exit with a large amount Of icky webs. They begin with the front door, proceed to the ceiling trap door, then finish with the arsow slits-In essence, the monsters turn the building into a giant cocoon The entize dastarcly deed takes one tury to accomplish. It takes three Strength rollsto break a coor free of the webs. During this time, of course, the spiders can sense the vibrations along the web and rush to attack the PC whe is attempting to break out ‘The eitercaps wish to just let the PCs starve, Conscientious DMs should warn PCs that if they attempt to bbura their way out, they may just sueceed in setting themselves ‘on fire as well, All of the webs will catch fire and burn down the outport with the PCs still inside ‘Should the PCs not fall for this trick and ingtead figure out that something truly nasty dwells in the theee oaks, the etereaps have their craps all set up in their respective tees, Finding them requir either a successful findremove traps or detect snares and pits ‘The west oak has a series of trigger branches setup at its $0 foot mark. If 2 PC grabs one for leverage, it gives way. The branches are connected to large, thick, but supple branches that dare held in place under great tension, Pulling a trigger branch Feleases the larger branch which acts like a giant broom. PCs must make either a climbing proficiency check or roll half their Dex terity or less, lest they be swept right off the tree. A nasty 50 footfall awaits those who fail either ofthese rolls. Each PC takes 2d6 points of damage fron the sweep plus Sdé falling damage. ‘The branch is set to break off on impact, sending it hurting tlown on the PCs, The branch weighs 200 pounds, Once on the ground, each PC must make a Dexterity abibty check or take ‘an additional 2d6 points of damage from the éalling branct It aPC is hit by the branch, there isa chance (50% of being pinned. ‘The north oak has a net of webs set up at is 40 foot mark Each PC must make a Dexterity ability check or be stuck. Once the trap is spromg, the resident etercap and his spiders attack, ‘The eastern oak has a series of false branches that are nothing but large masses of sticky webs with twigs and leaves covering them, These branches are located at the 45 toot mark in all direc- tions. Touching one of these branches results in the victim being held fastas if in a spider web, Bach PC who reaches the 45 loot ‘mark has Four chances on a dé of being stuck fast, The ettercaps ‘use the opportunity te aitack anyone who is not stuck, then turn ‘heir attention t© the helpless viet, DMs should note that the traps are set up at the right height for PCs who get the idea to invade the trees by climbing up the observation platform and shinnying up one ofthe overhanging Butereaps (8); AC 6 MV 12; HD 5; hp 25; THACD 15) ¢AT 3; Diag 1-3113/1-8; SA Poison and webs; ML 13; AL NE. ‘Though only two ettercaps at the rost are ever encountered in an arta, the third ettercap is just passing through and is staying for just a few weeks, This is the ettercap in the northern tree, as is evidenced by the simplicity of his trap, Giant Spiders (61: AC 4: MV 3, wh 12:/HD 4-44: bp 36 THACO 17; ¥AT 1; Dmg 1-8; SA poison and webs ML 13; AL CE. These spiders are the special, well-fed and cared-(or pets of the etiercaps, hence their full hit points per hit die, The slaying, ‘of any of these spiders moves the etiersaps inio a fighting frenzy. The ettercaps and spiders themselves do not have any treasure However, the monsters have slain a few victims (though they didnot use the outpost trick). Any PC sho feels ko inepired can search the area for pessible cast-off treasure. The entite area is about 1600 square feet. For every 100 squace feet searched, there isa3% chance of finding one ofthe following: rusted short sword (143 vs. [ycanthropesand shapechangers), sling of seeking +2, ‘wand of metal and mineral detection (8 charges let), an old pouch with 10 gp. an old pouch with six agates worth 20 gp each, a Freass ring with mysterious runes an it(S gp), and a buckle knife +H4. Each item can be lound anly once! I the PCs were sent here to fetch the plants, they ace to be rewarded according to the terms set dovn in the Set Up. IF the PCs set the outpost on fire and the druid is informed of this, the 45 Pes Tose thee reward, though they set to keep thei lives Manticores & Griffons Terrain: Mountains Total Party Levels 40 (Average sth) Total g.4 3,632 gp. Set Up * The same druid who sent the party looking for rare herbs hasarother task for the players, The druid has recenily happened upon a clutch of griffon eges (two to be exact), The eggs have to be retumed to their proper nest, which is located high up on mountain. As far as reward is concerned, the druid crypiically ‘declares that suck things will come in time, What the PCs do not know is that the druid pave the griffon hall a treasure map for safekeeping, and the ereatures will relinquish it to whoever returns the ess * While travelling through mountainous terrain, the PCs see a group of four manticores killing two griffons in a spectacular ‘mid air battle. The griffons appeared to have been defending something in their nest, Something large. Semething whieh cat ches the sun's rays and dazzles the PCs. Something golden, The nest is st high up a mountainside, something which requires a Gangerous climb, Whatever the thing is, it must be big iit can bbe seen fromso far below, after the manticores kill the griffon, the horrid babinged things fly off ‘The Lair “The griffon lair is not the primary istue here. The manticore rest located on the same mountain but on the opposite face is the issue, The griffon nest is set on the easiezn face of the moun- tain and squite a sheer drop. The manticore nest is cn the weer face, where the mountainside isa bit better suited for climbing, DMs should consult the Climbing rales inthe Wilderness Sur- vival Guide, The east face ofthe mountain should he considered Normal slope, severe, The west face is Rough slope, severe, If the PCs ask, the north and south slopes are both Cliff, smooth, no ledges, All surface conditions are rated as Noa-slippery. If the DM is using the weather rules and changes in the weather ‘occur. the conditions could change. Speaking, of weather, gusts of wind of 5:60 (5d12) miles per hour are frequent hazards, These gusts of wind come from nowhere and last for 2-20 (2410) minutes, The Wi for moving ard fighting in windy conditions. ‘There is one insidious Feature to the east face of the mountain at the 5,000 foot mark, the surface becomes Cliff, smooth, no ledges, This lasts for 1,500 feet. PCs must go around to the west side i they want to have favorable conditions again. PC with the mountaineering proficiency are a valuable part of he group, as are rogues and their chrbing ability, DMs should make a careful note as to what equipment the PCs are carrying, not only for the purposes of determining encumbrance (the PCs ‘wil be lifting themselves and their heavy equipment up the moun: tain) but ako for determining what climbing, options are open to the PCs, Afterall, it is hard to use grappling hooks to climb the mountain if no cne brought any Both lairs are located at an elevation of 7,000 feet. The man ticores use a cave that Is well-conceakedl until the party is almost fon top of it. The geiffons' lair isan open-air nest with a few hardy trees tor shade and protection from rain, The mountain itself is 14,555 feet high, with a dense fog covering the last 2,000 feet ‘tthe 4,500 feot mark, or the west side of the mountain, there ian empty cave 80 feat in diameter. This would be a perfect place fer the party to rest, In fact, the cave shows signs of hay fag been used long ago as a rest siop of some sort, judging by the very old remains of camptices and the nearly wore smooth rues scratched into the cave walls. A successtul read languages roll reveals the following message: "Borhald the Ranger passed here, Venture not any further up the great mount. ‘Tis not the domain of man bet of winged creatures 4 he cave has ne inherent dangers, though PCa whe stay in it overnight have a 10% chance of spotting 1-4 ranticores on 2 nocturnal hunt, Bach manticare has a seven in 20 chance of spotting the PCs in the cave, though the chance is doubled to U4 if.the PCs have a brightly burning campfire in the cave, If the PCs have taken extra precautions to conceal the cave or theenselves, the chance of being detected drops to tw in 20. Teitial manticore range from the cave is $00 feet, Initial altitede from sea levels 4,700 feet. Manticores who spot the party begin a dive for the cave en: trance, firing off one volley of spikes to “soften up” their vic tims, They fly right into the cave, claws flailing. Consider this a charge, with the appropriate bonuses and penakies. If the monsters are outnumbered wo to one of more, they fight their way back to the cave mouth and take te the air again, Other: wise, the manticores attack the PCs in hopes of securing « good supply of Fresh food, If there ate any halflings or gnomes in the party, a manticore may attempt to grab one and ily out of the cave, Once outside the horrible beast drops the demi-numan frorn the great height in hopes of kiling the victim, then swooping dawn and colle ling its ready-made meal Manticores (Iell: AC 4; MY 12, F118 (E}; HD 6+3: hp 3: THACO 15; #AT 3; Dmg 1-3/1-3/1-8; SA Tal spikes; ML 14 AL LE, These creatures have no treasure an them; this is a food raid. They are not from the nest on this mountain, but from an adjacent peak. This entire area is infested with manticores, mest of whieh are recent aeriv rerritory until recently If the PC do not camp cut in the cave, DMs should inflict ther with the 1-4 ranticares anyway, making it an outdoor encounter somewhere halfway up the mountain, Do net roll random en ‘counters on this mountain! This place is urcer control ofthe man- ticores, with occasional clashes with the former residents. The cavironment around the griffon nest Is rough rock with Ihzee stubborn trees growing up behind the nest, ther branches spread as a “canopy” 30 feet above the nest. Approaching the nest isa dangerous affair; the terrain is assified as Smooth slope, moderate, The griffon nest is a round structure 40 feet in diameter and 6 feet deep. The nest is made up of leaves and branches (espe s, moving in on what has been griffon Manticores & Griffons ally from the agjoining three old trees), and bones of cattle and game animals. A staff of striking, a wand of enemy detection, ‘red of siting, and a bone scroll case are mixed into the building ‘materials. The tems can be found only if ether magic is detected for, or the FCs roll an ability check using half their Wisdom, ‘A successful check means that the PC in question finds one of the above items. The hone scrall case contains a scroll af proee- tion from undead “The western section of the nest leads into a 20 foot semi-ciccular depression in the mountain's face. Seitled snugly in this depres- sion are two griffon eggs. Each egg is 18 inches long, 10 inches wide, and weighs 25 pounds. Both eggs will hatch in afortaight, Scattered in the depression are 26 gp. 22 pp. and a pretty aquamarine worth 500 gp, ‘A large (128 golden statue sits on the rim of the nest. Ik is hollow, and made of brass with a thin gold overlay. It weighs 73 pounds, and sitson the im ofthe griffons nest, The gold can be scraped off (this takes two hours), netting the PCs 100 gp. “The statue depicts a robed woman with a crovn of leaves, holding asickle in her right hand. It isa druid, the same druid that sent the PCs to return the eggs, if thal Set Up was used. (NOTE: No rmaiter which set-up you use, the druie’s relationship with the sgrilfons is clear. This statue is a gilt from the druid to the gril fons. Defacing the statue in any way automatically incites the agritfons’ wrathl) ‘The srifons are not present ifthe PCs climb up to the nest inthe daylight. They areof hunting, but return five rounds alter the PCs arrive Griffens (3): AC 3; Mv 12, F130 (C}, HD 7; hp 56; THACO, 13, #AT 3; Ding 1-4/1-4/2-16; ML.12, ALN, There are owo females and one male. The male isthe last surviving griffon of its gender in this area. Its baitle-scarred and tough, being the dominant male of this pride, This majestic creature is concerned. for the pitiful remains of his pride. I the PCs wore sent to return the eggs, they had better epeak, up quickly either by spells or by hand gestures. The battle hardened (perhaps shell-shocked) grffons are encaged at seeing intrucers in their nest. If a rapport s somehow set up with the grifons, the male ex- presses his concer for his mates and the eggs. The area is over- rn with manticores. the worst being the ones on the other side ‘of the mountain. If shat pack were exterminated, the manticores ‘on the other mountains would think twice about coming around to this mourtain again. The PCs should fee free to step in at this point and offer ther services. The three adults even volunteer to take three nders over to the manticore nest Bear in mind that # the PCs try to persuace the griffons to sive them their eggs, under no circumstances will the grffone part with them. Thece eggs are the only hope the grftons have cof repopulating the region. “The manticore nest is lecated on terrain classitied as Normal slope, severe. The lairisa circular cave 135 feet in diameter, with fan enirance 40 feet wide. There is a 30 foot drop from the en- trance to the cave floor, while the ceiling is set 90 leet from the entrance ‘The floor is littered with bones of humans, grilfons, and livestock, In a grisly imitintion of other evil creatures who hoard ‘magic and treasure, a three-weeks-dead manticore rests atop 4 pile of valuables. Needless to say, the cave smells terrible. There is a 75‘ chance that the manticores are “at home! regardless ofthe lime of day. If they are not present. the beasts are out hunting, and return in 2410 minutes, The only living ‘creatures are the three eight-menth-old manticore cubs prancing around the lar, Manticore Cubs (3), AC 4, MY 12; HD 1; hp 4; THACO 20; HAT 3; Dmg 1/1/1-2; ML.4; AL LE. The cubs have the Faces of litte boys, bearing a disturbing resemblance to schoolyard bullies Like bullies, they attack until one cub is injured, then twin tal and ran to the farthest point of the cave. When the two mated pairs of manticores retuin, they are in- furiated to find humans and demi-humans in their lar. the cubs have been injured or killed, the manticores will bein ahoricidal berserker rage, increasing the monsters‘ base morale as reflected below. ‘Angry Manticores (a): AC 4; MY 22, F118 (E}; HD 6+3: hp 51, 90, 42, 38; THACO 13; fAT3; Dmg 13/13/18 ML 14 (18); ‘ALLE. If the PCs are planning on using the griffons to conduct aan zetia] battle against the manticores, the DM should be aware that the manticores attack from the seuthwres! in a diamond lor mation, cruising at an altitude of 7,300 Feet, DMs should cheek the WSG section that deals with fying mounts. ‘The manticores are not interested in verbal communication of any sort, They want blocd “The treasure hoard of the vile beasts (once the rotting, man- ticore carcass is removed) consists of a heap of 3.440 sp and 2,724 agp, all mixed together. Buried at the hattam of thie pile iva shield “Ha cloak oFelvenkind, and a sat of hafling-sized leather ar mor +2, Ifthe maruicores are indeed defeated, the griffons are grateful Regardless of the PCs suecess in either of the “egg” Set Ups, the male griffon shows the PUsa leather pouch that is secured around the creature's neck, and tes them to remove open the container. Inside the pouch ist map toa treasure hoard. The griffon tells, the PCs that the map is now theirs, This isthe reward that the druid spoke of. The griffons know the druid personally, since she was the ene who set chem up on this mountain a decade age, “The creatures have a fierce love forthe druid, and convinced hee to give them a likeness of her for their nest ifthe PCs rode any of the griflons in battle against the man- ticores, make a reaction roll for each steed using the Indifferent column, Do not include any boniiees or penalties except for the pride leader, who gets +4 modifier, Ie Friendly result rolled, that particular griffon offers to serve asa steed for the PC who rode him or her in batt, For turther adventures, the PCs could be sent by the druid to find out just who caused the ranticeres to swarm over the moun- tain range. Dic some evil wizard summon the creatures to the area to act as guards for his comples, also hidden in these moun: tains? Or were the manticores deiven out of their old stomping grounds by an even bigger threat? Only tine and the DM wil tl White Dragon Terrain: Arctic (all terrain! ‘oral Party Levels: 188 (Average 11th) Total gp. 38.825 gp Set Up + Acthe PCs are struggling through a howling blizzard, they. catzh a fleting glimpse ol a vast castle seemingly mode of solid ice, The siructure iy set upon a hill, Lying next to thiy beautiful Dulding is a vast white lump, definitely draconian in shape «In the course of their travels through the frozen wastes of the North, thePCs come upon a sirall town, protected by a large wall. A huge snowstorm looms on the horizen. Ikarrives in seven hours. Patrols make frequent rounds in the town, and watch towers bristle with spearmen and archers, The tavern talk is about Old Frosjaw. a male white dragon ‘of colossal size, Asthe oft-quotes proverb goes, "With every bliz- zard comes cutting wind, bone-chilling ie, suffocating snow. and the freezing death of the White Wyrm". Old Frostiaw, White ‘Wyrm, White Dragon, [cicle Teeth, Freezing Death With Wings, all names that mean the same thing: a huge white dragen that fttacks the fawn whenever a snowstorm hits, The dragon has been doing this for centuries. lis treasure hoard is considered beyond counting, The town is not part of any kingdom, so it cannot appeal to 4 Crown for protection, Several bands of adventurers have been, eked to go slay the heast, The groups ether Fal-out refuced, went to the lair and returned in full retreat terrorized (and less 2 few heroes), of went to the lair ard never returmed. The last group, a band of eight adventurers, set out three days ago. If the PCs are willing, they will be provided with a map and sent fon their journey + While ploditing through a snowstorm in a frozen arctic waste, the PCs see a group of eight states in the distance. Draw- ing closer, the PCs discover to their horror that they have stu bled upon a party of eight adventurers, irozen solid with thelr death screams still showing on their faces. A proficiency check tsing healing reveal that the group died sometime between yester~ day and eight days ago Whatever attacked them did s9 feam the sky, for the vast ma- jority of the victims are looking upward, If any PCs are feeling Father ghoulish, all ofthe victims’ items are ruined, The victims include a heavily armored dwarf male, a robed human female a male gnome in leather armor, a female in plate armor wield ing abastard sword, a holy symbol emblazoned on het breastplate paladin), a male hurnan in furs ane wielding a battleave, a female halfling in leather armor, a male human in clerical garb, and a snale elf in chainmail, frozen in the act of Firing a bow The only salvagable item isa plece of leather hide parchment fn the paladin, It is a map showing a small town (see second Set Lip) and a series of hills to the northeast, Anyone with the direction sense prolicency can read the map and tell where things are located, provided a proficiency check is mack (with a +3 bonus to the proficiency]. The torn appears to be half a day's march the hil «six hour march. There isa single word serawled over the hills on the map: "Wyrm DM's Information ‘Though white dragonsare the lea intelligent of dragonkind this Fellow has had an unusual run of goed luck. First ofall, the dragon has a scarlet and blue spherical joun stone orbiting his head, ‘This boosts his intelligence by one point, Secondly, the dragon found a gem of insight, which increased ts intelligence again by ore poin’. Thirdly, the dragon came upon a Tome of Clear Though. which he read, and gained yet another point of intelligence. The end result a white deagon with great bvisdom and an intelligence score of ten. PCs who dismiss white dragons ‘as stupid nasty brutes are in fora horrible surprise. This dragon has gained brains and is ready to use them, The dragon's favorite raiding toctic is te attack during a snowstorm, The great beast sless affected by the high winds and driving snows that hamper the human and demi-human defenders of the town. Furthermore, the terror that accompanies a wid, raging storm isthe perfect supplement to the paralyzing feeling of agonfear The toe deenders morale sata low daring the "The town has a militia of 50 humans and 59 devarves. The humans wear studded leather, and carry lang bows, flight ar- rows, short swords, spears, and daggers. They are first level Fighters with eight hit points, all of varying good alignments, and fan eight morale rating. "The dwarves have chain armor, batleanes light erosshows and bolts, and short swords. They are second lavel fighters with 18 hit points, all of awéal good alignment, and a 12 morale rating. PCs wite advocate taking command of the militia, setting up a defense and waiting for the dragon to come to them, may do so, The AD&D Batilesystem™ rules can be used to resolve the battle. If this tack is used and the white dragon is slain, the PCs are in for a rude surprise if they think that the lair is now ‘unoccupied. (Old Frosiaw, being an intelligent whitedragon, no lenger does his own raiding, Hehas made an agreement with another white dragon, in which the lesser intelligent dragon goes on raids planned by Old Frostjaw, The two creatures spilt the spoils anc the dumber drasten goes back to its ewn lair. Frostiaw has no Intention of leaving his hoard ungusrded for a measly mouthful of cow! ‘The other dragon is called Bloodblizeard, and he is not as old fas Old Frostjaw. The townsfolk are not avare of the duplicity as it is rather difficult for one to tell white dragons apart in & snowstorm while one is being breathed up on. Bloodblizzard (Not very smart adult white dragon): AC 1 MV 12, F140 (C), Br 6, Sur 12; HD 13; hp 75; THACO 7: #AT 3+ special; Dmg 1.6-+6/1.6-+6/2.16 +6; SA Breath weapon Gd6-+6, dragonfear 20 yards save at +2; MR 10%, ML 16, AL CE, Bloodblizaari has an elfective intelligence of five. He is stupid, brutish, and easily manipulated or confused. Bloodbiiz White Dragon 2ard dwells on a hillside 40 miles north of Old Frostjays, and has ho treasure whatsoever (Frostjaw conned him out of i, ‘The Lair Travel to Old Frostaw’s lair isa daunting undertaking. The snowstorm impedes progres as well as pctential combat. No ran- om encaunters need be rolled for the ip, since no ventent tereature ia about to intrude on the demain of a white dragon, Using, the weather system oullined in the Wilderness Survival Gilde, the storm Is clasiied as 3 Severe snowstorm. Eifective temperature is25 degrees Fahrennet, Theres astrong wind blow ing in irom the north at 50 miles per Nout. This unusual to: lasts for 15 hours and dumps one and a half inches of snow per hour. Consul the WSG for wind chill, movement and combat penaltiss, and other pessole ewironmental factors. PCs withthe ‘weather sease profiiency can have the DM roll a protickncy heck for them 10 see if they can ascertain the storm's statistics The DM should make the check secretly, giving the PC a false reading i the check is not succesful ("Oh, yeah, vou can tell that this storm wil let up in two hous or sone problem. You're sure of your instincts on this one. Regardless of which Set Up isbeing woe, the storm i already ‘over Old Frostaw’s lair. As meniiened before, the storm lasts for 13 hours over any given area. ithe PCs are sll inthe area when it Blows over, DMs can ether roll for new conditions, oF use the fellow: as the storm blows away. skies urn crisp and clear though the temperature drops to 10 degrees and the vind Stifes tothe southwest a 30 mle per hour, with occasional gusts to50 miles per hour. Bear in trind that We 10 deyeesteraperature is the daytime temperature. It ges worse at night When the party comes tothe hillside that Old Frosjaw prowls around, they can make out theellowing when they get iat visual range. ‘There is only one feaiure that breaks up the white mopoiony’of the arctic landeape: a gently sloping hill which ascends (o an apex of 750 feet, Atop the hill ae a caitle made {of solid ice, anda menacing draconian shape thet aypea’s to be sleeping next wo the case, The top ofthe hill covers aspace about 100 yards in diameter. The party i facing the western slope of the pil "The caste made of solid ice stands on the peak of the bill. The structure is 80 fet high, and has an area of 1,000 squace feet. A single open entrance on the cat's western wal fs the only ‘way to gan entry. The vallsare topped with iy parapets, and 2 100 foot high tower stands at each comer, Though the entice Structure is made of ice, PCs cannot see through many oF the walls. There appear to be several unmeving, inclstinet shapes beyond the walls “The dracorian shape is abou! 80 fet long. It does not move when the PCs approach, and with good reason, The thing is made cxitey of snow. This is Old Frontjew's idea of « decoy and a joke, The snowdrapon Is Set up 100 feet south at the caste ‘The castie has no rool. The interior is nothing but an over sued maze with an occasional blast-lrozen victim se up as 3 sniesome decoration, Old Frestiaw loves swooping down on the éastle and breathing frost down on the adventurers who are try ing to negotiate the maze "The maze leads nowhere. and js exact hallways do not ma ter. The intial hallway which tarts off atthe entrance goes 70 feet into the castle (heading east), then branches inte a north- south T-intersection. From there, the hallways twist and turn ran- domly a 20 fot intervals, The ice walsdisorient woulesbe ex- plore senses of direction PCs seat that they see things mov ing eut of the corners of their eyes. Proficiency checks ting ether tracking or direction serve ave needed every round in order to keep the party from getingost. Once lost, the PCS can attempt to retrace ther steps or get thew bearings once per fur, spain Using tracking or dizection sense, but at a 2 penalty tothe skill PCs who climb to the top of the hill and look down the other (cast) side see a vast structure se! up 100 feet !rom the bottom ol the hills eastern face. It appears to be a chaotic jumble of great stones and massive tree trunks (obtained from semeplace far from here, no doubt) frozen together into a gigantic cone-shaped pile 200 feet high, and 400 feet at the base, Thisis Old Frostjaws lie ‘Access is gained by climbing up the pile and entering through the hole at the apex. The hole ls 95 feet wide. Use the eliebing rules in the WSG, treating the surtace as Rough slope, moderate. Inside this huge ice cone lies Old Frostiaw. It is difficult to see hhim because of his coloration against the snow-encrusted walls of the lai. Inieavision eanzot spot him, jor he lovesta see snow ‘asa blanket. In fact, if the PCs elimbed up the cone, Old Frost- jaw felt the vibrations ond has taken sleps ‘0 conceal himself. Fe lies in wait, absolutely still under a layer of snow. ‘Old Frostjaw (Venerable White Dragon): AC 8-5; MV 12, HL 40 (C), Br 6, Sv 12; HD 17; hp 119; THACO3; #AT 3+special Dmg 1-6+10/1-6:10/2-16+ 10; SA breath weapon 1046+10, deagonfear 40 yards save at -2; Spells Magic micsie, color spray, taunt; MR 308; ML 16; AL, CE. Ole Frostjaw is 2 formidable ‘epporent who revels in his new found intelligence. Though the dragon is probably smarter than any other white dragon in &x- ‘stence, this still does not mean much. However, it says much to Old Frostjaw, who has becomes overconfident of his mental prowess, This cragon will actually talk to PCs ifthe opportunity rites (he speaks Common)! This may be hie downfall Old Frostjaw’s treasure inclucles the ioun stone that orbits his nea, the gezm of insghe (can be used again since it was used by the dragon 82 years ago), a bastard sword, frost brand, long sword, Hame tongue. spear +3, shield +2, platearmor +2, chain mail +3. dwarven chain mail +1, wo rings of warmth, a ring of Feather Jalling, a necklace of adaptation, a staff of curing, a Figurire of wondrous power—onyx dag, an aml of inescapable Iecation, boots of the north, and a potion of extra healing, Ad: dditionally, the dragon has 4,500 sp, 1,800 pp, and 12 diamonds ‘worth 1,000 gp each, All of this treasure Is frozen in a semicir- cular hollow 25 feet deep, ‘The treasure is buried under at least 10 feet of ice, making it difficult to find, Each PC must make an ability check using half ‘of his Inclligence. & successful check means that someone has noticed some dark shapes in the ice, though exaci forms cannot bbe made out. Detection spells would be useful here. ‘One smart thing that Frostjaw did was to create an escape tun- nel from the cone, A circular area 70 feet in diameter exists in the eastern section of the lar floor, which is made up of nothing but packed snow. no ground underneath jt, It takes at least 500 pounds of weight on the circle area for it to collapse. The hole isan opening into a tunnel that goes down vertically for 90 eet, ther becomes horizontal, siretching eastward for 180 feet, slowly rising to the surface, The tunnel opens out into the fresh ai, though itis covered [rom casual eyes by a layer of icy snow Old Frostjaw has also secreted a minor treasure stash near the secret exit, ab an emergency nest egg. Stored inside a 60 pound bag of holding are 1,000 pp, 2,000 sp, a matched set of a dozen amends, each worth 1,009 gp, potion of ESP, potion of longevity, a ring of shooting stars, a wand of conjuration, a talisman of Zagy, a scimitar nine lives stealer, and a helm of op- posite alignment Ifthe PCs wish, they may beinformed about the second white dlragon, perhaps by Old Frostiaw himself, It must be stresed that Bloodblizeard does act have his own treasure. Frostjaw's hoard includes the lesser intelligent ciagon's forwanes Orcs, Orogs and Half-Orcs Terrain: Desert Total Party Levels: 32 (Average ath Total #.9-: ‘len +500 gp per PC Set Up ‘= Aimerchant company hires the PCs t ac a advance scouts con acaravan route that goes through a desert, What particular iy snterests the merchant s the Saker Oasis, located three days from thecaravan's stating poin. The oasis sa popula siopover for caravans, and though itis reutral ground. unscrupulous ements have been known to seize contra ofthe water for brie! intervals, charging exorbitant rtes lo thisly travelers who wish drink “The PCs wil bepald 500 gp each, 250 sp now and 250 gp when the caravan catches upto the adventurers several days from nw ‘The merchants wari the PCs to rie as far as the oasis and keep it secure uni the caravan arrives. Besides the gold, PCsare allow ed “salvage sights" on any valuables foand on any outlaws or ‘monsters slain in the process of securing and/or defending the *# The PCs are in the desert looking for an ancient lost tem pile, As they travel across the wasteland, the adventurers see a stone marker lying partially buried in the sand. The stone's sur {ace is covered with runes, in an ancient form of Common. A successful Read Languages roll, a proficiency check im ancient ‘Common (iF anyone chose that specific languaye}, or at the very least an ability check using half of the PC's Intelligence, reveals that water and an outpost of some sort lie one day's tide to the south: '* The PCs are traveling through a desert, though they have ro particular gosl or aim that need: addressing in this locale. They fare merely going from point Ato point B, and using the desert as a traveling route, The PCs come upon a stone marker written in modern con mon which points out the presence of an oasis about ahalt day's ride to the south, The sign is rcdled with biack-tailed arrows, ‘Also, approximately 40 sete of hutnan-sized footprints proceed toward the oasis. No tracking proficiency check is reeded to see the tracks, I the PCs wish to determine who made the tracks, 4 proficiency check using a halved tracking proficiency score reveals that the creatures were doing a iorced march, and they ‘were not quite hurxan. Anyone checking the arrows need only roll an Intelligence ability check to se that the missiles are of goblinid manufacture. ‘The Latr Before the PCs get to the oasts, they must deal with one of the harshest ‘acts of lie in the desert: the climate, The effective daytime temperatute is 90 degrees Fahrenheit, with no wind and rio humidity, Consult the Wilderness Survival Guide for elects ‘of high temperatures. Nighitime temperature drops to $0 degrees, Two hours before the PCs are slated to acrive at the oasis, & sandstorm hits. Far five hours, winds come soaring i from the feast at 50 miles per hour. PCs would do well to seek steker. The teerain is rather flat, with only an occasional lonely due to break up the monotony of the landscape. There is a 15% chance of Finding a dune, though such a check can only be made once every theee tums of actual travel. PCs who have the survival, desert proliciency are sorely needed in this environment, eapecially to Hind water. The W'SG has tables for the chances of finding, water in any terrain the PCs have mounts, there is yet another problem to over come: Non-camels panic inthe sandstorm, requiring PCs to calm them down. PCs with animal handling skill ae best used here. There is another group caught in the sandstorm, 1 squad of ‘ores that have come from the oasis and are here on patrol, The FCs catch sight of the orcs right before the storm hits, and they have an option of trying to press forward and attack. The orcs are busy tryingto entrench themselves inthe sand and await the lifting of the storm. unless they have spotied the PCs. in which ‘ace the humanoids attempt to close range anil attack, sandstorm notwithstanding! The probability of the ores spotting the PCs %). Use the Visibility Range section of the Dungeon Masters Gide to figare out who sees what Ores 8}: AC 6; MV 9; HD 1; hp 8 THACO 19; AT 1; Dmg. 1-8 long sivord), 1-5 (arrows); ML 12; AL LE. This patrol is arm ‘ed with long swords, shor hows, and 24 flight arrows. The ar rows ate blacktailed, The orcs and the FCs are 1500 yards apart 20 minutes belore the storm arrives in the area Trany PC has the presence of minal to capture an orc alive and attempts to extract information either magically or by intimida- tion, a successful attempt reveals the following, The ore is part of a war patty that is currently occupying the oasis. There are about three dozen orce, including a sub-chief, a pack of orogs, fand a hall-ore cleric, The group ie et up in some ruins next to the oasis, The war party’ original goal was to raid caravans, bout the sub-chiel got the group lost rwo weeks ayo, In that time, 42 orcs died of thust, and 23 died of excessive whining (at the hands of ether rcs heer prisoners no exact rumbes (hes just a foo! soldier) ‘Alter the storm blows over, the PCs may continue on their way to the oasis, Remember that the storm lasts for ive hours, and keep track of the time of day. “The oasis itsel is a large body of fresh water that is fed by an underground stream, The pool is oval sbaped, 100 feet long And 60 feet wide at its widest point. A dozen palm and date trees frow along the banks of the oasis. The terran is flat, so PCs have Jitle hape of spying out the oasis from the safe vantage point of a canvenient sand dune. DMé should keep in mind the ameunt of daylight and the weather conditions in order to determine visibility for both sides. The PCs initially approach érom the north, There isa stretch ‘of ancient wall ten feet high and 90 feet long, which stands bet ween the PCs and the north side of the oasis. On the west bank ‘of the oasis stance an ald building 50 Feet long, 40 Feet wide, and ten feet high, The building's east wall ica pile of rubble, but the ther three walls are intact, A pair of orogs serds the fallen cast Orcs, Orogs and Half-Orcs wall "Another building stands on the south shore of the oasis. This building is 20 feet long. 35 feet wide, and 15 feet high. A large heap of rubble marks where the south wall once stood. Another pair of orogs stand guaré at this rubble-wall ‘Southeast of the oasis, a series of four tents and sx lean-tos are sel up, A cook fire pit les in the middle of the jumble of shelters. An orc battle standard stands defiantly in the middle ‘oF the camp. All ofthese things have been pat back up after the storm passed by. Obviously the ore warband weathered the storm fairly well ‘What the PCs cannot see is that a dozen orcs are on standby, behind the ruined wall, Furthermore, one orc sentry sis in each tree, each one scanning an assigned compass direction. They can signal to the 12 ores lurking behind the wall whenever intruders are sighted. The ores on duly ready bows and arrows, and the entries quietly spread the word throughout the encampment by vse of hand signals ‘The orc sub-chief uses the building on the west bank of the ‘oasis as his head quarters and sleeping.area, The ball-oreshaman ses the building on the oasis south edge as his own sleeping atea as well as a makeshift shrine to Grummsh, the chiet orc god. “The eight orags are split into two groups of four. One group, js responsible for guarding the sub-chie, the other group wat ches the priest, Each group sleeps in the building of tsrespective charge “The regular orcs have to be content with using the Few tents, in their possession, as well as building lean-tos, Consider the tenis to be Adequate, Large shelters, and the leanetos to be Poor, Medium shelters, using the Portable Shelters rales fourel in the WsG. ‘The entire war-band is here to recover from: their tek in the desert, They plan to moyeon ence they lind some victins to help them replenssh their food, gold, and equipment stocks, The sub- chief is hoping tor a caravan to pass through here soon. Ores (36): AC 8: MV 9; HD 1: hp 7; THACO 19: #AT L: Dmg. 41.8 long sword), 16 (arrows); ML12; ALLE. There are always 24 ores awake. The remaining 12 are sleeping in the tents and Tean-tos, unless of course the oasis is attacked. The orcs have no (Orogs (8): AC 4; MV 6; HD 3; hp 20; THACD 17; #AT 1) Dmg, 1-10 (two-handed sword), 16 (arrows): SA +1 to damage; ML ‘4: AL LE. The orogs are the personal guards of the sub-chiet and the priest, These brutes are fanatically loyal to their charges ‘The orogs have no treasure Tomarg Backhand (ore sub-chief): AC 3; MY 9; HD 5; hp 35; THACO 15; ¢AT 1; Dmg 1-842 Jong sword +2, Lata (dagger ‘of venom); ML | 6; AL LE. Equipment: human sized studded leather +2, shield +3, long sword +2. dagger of venom +3, vial of poison Type P (ten doses), a rng of fie resistance, and 3 potion of heroism. Tomarg is 4 veteran campaigner who has increase his shill beyond what a normal ore could hope to aspire to. He gothis last rame from his faverite manner of disciplining troops, answering an insult, disagreeing with someone, or show- ing his displeasure, Tomarg is a miitasy genius who made just cone big. mistake: trying to eross a desert witheut proper preparation Khark Gedspeaker (half-ore cleric}: AC 4; MV 9; C5; HD 5; hp 30; THACO 18; #AT 1; Dmg 2-4 (stall of the serpent); ML 7; AL LE. Equipment: human sized scale mail armor + 1, staff ‘of the serpent (adder), ring of speli turning, Spells: frst level— detect good, command, cure light wounds, protection irom good. Secard level—hold person, silence 15 foot radius. know align- meat. Thied level—animate dead, bestow curse. prayer Khark i a cleric of Grursmoh, the chief ore deity. As sign of devotion, Khark removed his own right eye, The priest is a fanatic, and he starts many of his sentences with "Grummsh has declared...” Currently, Khark ic the moe popular figure in the warband despite his halfore heritage. {t was Khar who predicted that the eres would find water, and sure enough they ‘id. Everyore jozgets that Khark sold the same thing every day: CGrummsh has declared that today water wil be found.” The orc battle standard set up in camp gives the ores a +1 to their attack rolls and morale checks. The standard represents the Blocdy Blade, the te from which this warshand comes. The cores protect the battle standard with their lives, Although the eres anticipate raiding a caravan, they are cer tainly willing to attack a handful of adventurers. The ores will altempt to lake prisoners, since slaves are always a good source cf income. Tomarg and Khark are not in the mood ta pariey, When the battles joined, all of the orcs participate. The sub- Chief and the priest certainly Fight, but their arog squacls remain lose at hand. The regular ore forees attomp to use arrows until the invaders aze within melee range, As mentioned before, the ‘eres may ty to feign ignorance of the PCS presence, Tuliog the PCS into a state of complacency until the intruders are within medium range of their short baw, Ifthe PCs change the camp, yelling bloodcurding screams and waving weapons, the orcs will attach, The orce pretense happens only if the PCs attempt to sneak up on the ass. “The interior ofthe sub-chiet's building i sanuly-Aloored ruin swith a bedro] in the corner farthest from the entrance, The orogs four bedrolls are located just past the entrance. Tomarg, has treasure stash ander his bedroll, consisting of a burlap bag with '50 gp and 220 sp. This is all that remains of the war-party’s For- tunes. There is also.a large clay pot with six pounds of figs, picked from the trees growing at the side of the oasis, ike the sub-chil, the priest has a besroll in the farthest cor- ‘er of his building, andl four orog bedtrolls are near che entrance The priest's building also has a mound of stones resembling an altar, A single blood-red eye is cravsled on the front on the ata. This isthe shrine, such asit is, to Grummsh, Due to Khark’s e- for, the building is encased in an evil aura of divine origin, Con- sequently, all good-aligned PCa auffer a -L penalty to theie at ack rolls ard saving throws. Destroying the altar removes the evil presence, Nether building has windows, furniture, interior walls or par- titions, What Tomarg and Khark are unavare of is that both buildings have trap doors in their sand-covered floors, These trap doors are located in the center of each building's floor, and bath trap doors lead to lower building levels. What the ores have come upen is not a couple of ruined one-story buildings, but rather the tep Hloors of large buildings tnat are part of a lost city, burled under the sand centuries ago! TF the PCs are defeated, Tomarg attempts to take them alive Once eaprired, the PCs are tied up and tossed into Khark’s quarters. The ores then wait for the caravan (which arrives in 25 days), They attack, sloughler the merchants, salvage the Loot land break camp, taking the PCs with them, hopefully toa slave market. DMs can play through the rest of the desert trek, ard even what happens to the PCs in the city If the PCs defeat the orcs, the caravan arrives as mentioned above. The merchants pay the PCS the rest of the money, ard ask if they would like to accompany them on the rest of the journey ar security. PCs who accept get another 500 gp, and are treated to a two week trek through more desert before « trade city is reached, [Asan alternative to ether idea, the DM could develop the lost city upon sshich the PCs are standing, The battle of the cass may very well be the beyinning of an entire desert campaign set underground! Red Dragon Terrain Mountainous Total Pasty Levels: 36 (Average 6th) Total G.P. Special Total Magic XP: Special DM Introduction. “Fire Mountain’ has been designed for 2 party of from 4 to 8 characters, each ranging from 4th to Bth level, While the DM. ig encouraged to modify the adventure for any level of adven- turers, as the antagonists within can be of any level required, its impoctant thal the party not postess too many magical items that might allow them to whip through the adventure too easily (ie, flying carpets, wings of flying, ete.) The adventure stresses mountaineering skills and the wilderness non-weapon proficiencies described in depth within the Wilderness Survival Guide, Oniy qualified party members with at least some of these appropriate nor-weapon preficencies should be hired for the mission, However, the two remaining town council members might be desperate enough to hice anyene who is brave (or foolish) enough to challenge the perils of Fire Mountain, Alternately, » skilled and adventurous group of rogues might also have a better than average chance of reaching the peak of the mountain, as their climbing skills and similar talents can substitute for the mountaineering proticiencies in most cases, While the adventure requires some preparation in advance, the additional job of tailoring the adventure For all possible adven: {using groupe ehould go easily for the DM. In any case, the locales featured within this adventure give the DM plenty of opportunity to use almost all ofthe rules and skills described in the Wilderness Survival Guide in an in-depth adven: ture setting, Naturally, how much detail and danger is added to the adventure depends solely on the preparations made by the DM beforehand A. The Set-Up ‘+ The ideal scenario for beginning the adventure should have the party hired for this mission, based on their impressive moun, taineering and adventuring reputation. The town council of Dragon’s Peak, unoificially renamed Dragon's Bane, is looking for someone to recover the treasure horde of the great dead dragon, Inferno, located somewhere high atop nearby Fire Moun: tain, No one in the town is skilled or brave enough to take the dangerous (yet highly profitable) job, so outsiders must be hied. The party gets hal of whatever they bring back down the moun: tain. See Encounter E for more details. ‘The party might also be just wandering through the area, ‘on their way to another adventure. oe returnirg from a geeat mis- sion already accomplished. Even if they don't get caught up in the town celebration (see Encounter D), the town council, hav: ing recently fired the last group hired to deal with the dragon (see Encounter £) is looking for a few brave and skilled replacements, All the party needs isa genuine interest and some tld fashioned daring and guts *# The party may have heard of the recent demise of Inferno, and of the great celebration underway in the town of Dragen’s Peak. If they're looking for one heck of a party, this isthe place (see Encounter Dj! Then, like above, the heroes might get the offer to salvage a real dragon's horde, B. Arsival at the Valley When the party arrives in Dragon's Peak, read the following description lod A rather nexious smell is Lingering inthe ait. The unpiea sant scent of rotting meat is only barely concealed by massive clouds oF incense and various smoldering woods, Entering the valley, you see thata small peaceful tow fills the green gras: land helore you. Strangely, the sleepy village is alive with a great celebration, even though the center of the city seems to have been utterly obliterated by some great catastrophe. ‘A huge blood-red careass lies at the heart of the devasta~ tion, and a ring of raging bontices encircles the remains o! what must have heen a great winged beast, an ancient dragon to be sure. ‘A signpost ahead of you ones read “Dragon's Peak," but has since been crossed out, Now the words "Dragon's Bane" are chiselled roughly into the wood, The dead dragon at the heart ofthe festival isno less than the great red dragon Inferno, a monstrous beas! that no knight had ever vanquished, before now The entire Kingdom is buzzing with the news that Sie Ivan of Thremp, a relatively unknown knight before now, was responsible for che great deed, The festival isin his honor ‘and even the king is rumored to be sending emissaries to the . Introducing...Sir Ivan, the Brave? The party can follow the nazrow path down into the village until they encounter Sir Ivan and his misbegotten band for the First time, Read: Riding thunderously cut of the city is a group of knights and squires, mounted astride a dozen coal-black horses The lead knigh’s armor is black, chased in gold, and his full helmet has Gragen's teeth for horas. Surely, tis is Sir lvan hime, and his brave band of followers, Unfortunately, Sir Ivan isnot slowing down, or even moy- ing to get out of your way, His band ie bearing down on you quickly, Red Dragon Sir Ivan is Heeing the city in disgrace and the party happens, to be in his way. The path is narrow and if the characters are ‘on horseback, they have to ditch inta the woods nearby to keep from colliding with the errant sarlords. followers, Each character's horse tokes 1-3 points of damage from the briars in the woods Ii the adventurers are on foot, they must also leave the path, but can do s0 saiely, without injury to themselves. Otherwise, anyone who doesn't’ move out of the way is trampled for 2d6 points of damage by the horses IF the pariy attempts to engage or otherwite stop Sir [van's bard, the knight and his followers only ride away at fast as they ‘Should the party successfully block the path (DM discretion), Sir Ivan claims rudely that he js on “orders from the king” and threatens to call the kings guards on the "trouble-makers,” Retus- ing to remove the blockade forces Sit Ivan and his band to pase through the briar paiches te escape (see notes above) Under no circumstances should the party be allowed to engage Sir Ivan and his men in combst, That should be saved for later inthe adventure, Even if Sir Ivan is forced to flee, he does $9 quickly, looking cowardly and ignoble in the process, He has ‘more imporiant things to aitend to ‘see Encounter G] Since this warrior supposedly defeated an ancient red deagon (ie, Inferno) single-handedly, adventurers of this level should be inno rush to tangle sith him D. “Ding, Dong, the Dragon’s Dead!” When the party finally reaches the center of town, where all the festivities are focused, read The town square of Dragon's Peak has been converted in- toa biarve funeral celebration, as raging bonties surround the rather grisly remains ofa deal 1e¢ dragon. The fires are foasting the carcass, as well as keeping the roting scent 0 Vendors ae sling ed cragon scales for souvenireatS gol pects each and dragon teth at 10 gold pieces each, Slices of Smoked dragon mett ate more reasonably priced at 1 silver piece «serving ‘Smashed beneath the dragon's corpse are the remains of a small church, its mangled steeple jutting out through the Hight wwing ofthe dead behemett ‘The dragon's long tail has been ted tothe balcony of the mayors howe nearby, and is aderned with flags al “The town of Dragon's Peak is atypical small village of about 1000 men, women, and children. The abundant rich farmlands throughout the valley are the only reason thecitizens ofthe town hhave remained here beneath Inferno's lair, atop Fire Mountain, Despite the annual tithes to the monster, the town sill manages to wreak a heity profit from the sich voleanic soll, and even learned a fair bit of protection from the ancient wyrm's reputa- tion alone, Prices in Dragon's Peak should be about twice the usual fer any newcomer (every merchant knows the locals as the rush of Souvenir seekers and tourists have brough! about 3 veritable ‘boom to the local economy. Otherwise, the happy town is normal and iriendly, (ft wasnt for the remains of the great red dragon lying in the middle of the town square, Dragon’s Peak vould be just another peacelul town, E, Then and Now ‘Aftor the party members have purchased a plentifel colletion of dragon souvenirs, drunk from dragon mug filled with deagon n ale, and eaten more than their human share of dragon steaks, the local Minister for Finance (ie. the town banker's new title) appreaches the party with an offer. ‘A portly gentleman wearing a red dragon scale on a gold ‘chain about his neck approaches you with a much-too-riendly smile, "You are the salvage team, yes? The ones who are going, to ant the dragon's treasure for us? Yes?” If the party members were hired for this mission already, then they should follow the Minister to the Mayor's house fora brief- ing. If not, smart and/or greedy players follow the Minister anyway. F anyone honestly denies any knowledge of what the Minster is talking about, read: ‘Oh, sure you are! You've had a long tip i'm sure. Come along now. All that gold is getting cold! ‘Oh, | made a funny" the pany still refuses to follow the over-jovial man, the Minister walke off without them, looking around for another group of adventurers. Later on, the Mayer himself ties to hite the characters forthe job. Note that itis up to the DM to prepare and role-play this encounter. ‘When the party artives a the Mayor's house, his living room is made available and the characters are seated, The Minister of Finance site proudly next to the Mayor's desk. Read: ‘A slately-looking man in his late SOs enters the room. "So, youcan climb a mountain,” he begins, ashe sts behind his desk. “What we need here is a little discretion. You see, the townspeople wouldn't hear for any bad-mouthing of Sir ivan, especially during the festivities, [Il tell them all what really ‘happened in good time, but you would be rather bad for business at this time, “Til et dear Trapper tell you the detailsdown atthe Trading Post, but for now, let me tell yeu what we know. “Sir Ivan didn't Lill this dragon. In fact, I suspect that two bit swindler isnt ever areal knight, just some guy with some Fancy plate mail and a good speaking voice, “We hired thar charlatan to take out the dragon, and ‘gathered all of our remaining gold for is reward. Interne was stating fog mere than abit cranky ins ol age think Started buming crops and houses, even afzer we paid him well "Weld have rone ofthat now. So it was time we tried get- tingid of him ourselves, Only, the peaceful folk of Dragon's Peak are farmers and goat herders, No one in this small town can tackle that.” With that, the Mayor steps over to window and points to 4 great mountainows peak rising thousands of feet into the ‘loude. "That's Fire Mountein, mountaineers. At the very peak lies Inferno’s horde, the profit of two thousend years of burning and looting, extertion and. murder. “Well give you half of whatever you bring down, free and clear. No taxes from us o¢ the king. ‘The Minister of Finance grumbles quietly off to the side. “Technically, it's all ours by land grant, and the king’s...well, because he's the king, ven now his greedy litle clerks are on their way, They'll never get up there, and that's why we need you: "With Trapper as your guide, you are the only heroes brave and skilled enough to reach the top of Fire Mountain. Red Dragon "Return what you can quietly, and you'l be rewarded well “Betray us, oF let anyone else know of your mission, and ‘welll et the king in on the whole dea). He's got long, arms to catch you with to be sure. "So, do we agreement?” If the party agrees, cond the playere off to the Trapper’ Trading, Post, Encounter F, Ifthe deal is refused or the players don’t ike the terms of the arrangement, reed “Well, that's the best offer we can make. It's our treasure afterall, We just thought the risk was worth a hefty Finder's fee. Naturally, we'd appreciate it if you kept your mouths quiet about all of this. We'll ust have to wait for the king and his ‘many povrerful magicians to recover it all Goodbye. With that, the Mayor has them escerted out, and hires some local spies to follow the party, just in eave they decide to head off on their own. Por possible Leackery by the Mayor, see En- counter V. F, Final Preparations Whether or not the party accepts the mission. ifthe characters want to get to the treasure horde, they have to enlist the aid of the local authority on Fire Mountain, a woman by the name of Trapper ‘Trapper (female human 6th level ranger): STR 13, DEX 16, CON 17, INT 14, WIS 15 , CHA 18; AC 82 (elven chain +1, shield +2); MV 12; hp 86; (AT | (bastard sword +2); Ding 244 +2 (magic weapon bonus): SA Nil; SD Nil AL LG: THACO 15; carries a bastard sword +2, and potions of extra-healing: and ying; wears a ring of warmth, elven chain +1, and a shield +2, Trapper is a young, altractive worran who grew up on Fire Mountain with her father, a 9th-level druid, Despite the name, ‘Trapper is not a poacher or a skinner of animals or profit; she's 4 ranger, raised to respect the forest and the animals that dwell within it. The name refers to the young girls numerous nen- weapon proficiencies in snare and trap building which are legen- dary for their ability to nab even the craftiest of poachers. Trappers father died recently, when he attempted to calm In- feo down alter one of the dragon's unexpected attacks on the town. For this and other reasons, Trapper feels entitled to a fair share of the dragen’s horde as compensation, toth for the loss of her father and in payment for his life-long service to the town. She alto harbors a secret suspicion that Inferna had young dragons atthe cave, but won't mention this uncozroborated guess to the party just yet. If the party proceeds up the mountain alone, the DM should have the characters wander around aimlessly for a few weeks, before finally encountering Trapper, who is on her way to the cave herself. She isthe only person wha knows the secrets of Fire Mountain, and making it to Inferno’s lair without her is impossible. Importantly, Trapper never tells che party anything in advance, or gives them a map. She gave Sir Ivan a map and received a rnow-worthless marriage proposal for her trouble. She is initially very rude to any knights and paladins among the party. but might just succumb to her habitual weakness for men in armor again iF the romance is role played well. Otherwise, the DM should play her aan dependent and stzong willl woman with kills find knowledge the party must rely on ff the dragon's horde is ever recovered. When the party members first arrive at Trapper’s Trading Post (on the outskirts of town) and inroruce themselves ether as hited by the Mayor, or free-lance adventurers), read: ‘Well Loaw the whole thing...the true demise ofthat blasted dragon, When I came down the mountain to tell that fegotist...J mean Sir Ivan, he was running around claiming he killed Inferno! "He tried to bribe me into keeping my mouth shut, so Ukick- ed him in the greaves and told that sleaze of a Mayor. Well they kicked Ivan out allright, and now I don't trust anyone not even you. But part of that treasure is mine, and I'm not going up there alone.” ‘Trapper doesr't reveal why she won't go up the mountain alone lie, what she’s afraid of), and doesn’t care if the party is in league with the Mayor or not. If asked about the death of Inferno, the Mayor, the crushed charch, or the Minister of Rance, Trapper starts talking about them all at once. Read or paraphrase as necessary: ‘Well, his whole thing started when that crazy monster started flying about burning things. Inferno was burning houses and crops, and no one knew what happened. ‘My father, rest his soul, went up there to talk some sense into that monster, He had some crazy notion the dragon was {in pain or angry about something, He never came back down, ‘Teouldn' wait out the long night ard began climbing up the mountain myself. My father had it easy. He could turn into bird and just Aly up there. Not me. I have to walk “Halfway up the mountain, the storm hit. And what afar tasie lightning storm i was! T had to take cover, and dug ‘myself into the ice pack, “Everything was shut up in town, and even the animals made themselves scarce. But net Inferno. The crazy beast went out flying again. looking to burn the whole village down, | ‘expect, [new al once my father had failed and was probably dead. [watched in amazement as the immense monster started whirling about the sky with thunderous flashes of lightning blazing everywhere, Just then, 2 great bolt struck the town, probably right in the church steeple where it usually get hit It. was s0 bright, the whole valley lit up. and I saw Infemno climb, stall momentarily, and then turn jowards the valley “There was nothing [could do. The whole town was about to be obliterated and there was nothing in heaven or earth that could stop hin “Ah, but there was some justice. A massive bolt of nature's purest energy struck the dragon dead on, All of the sudden, Inferno started falling almost uncortrollaby. It must not have been dead, though, becauce it apread itewings out and started Aeliberately gliding towards the town, “The vengeful monster plowed head-first into the center of town, destroying the church, and killing that creepy old minister, Father Linthro, "He's still under there, you know. His two bes friends, the Mayor and the Minister, haven't even tried to recover his body. Some friends, huh? They'd rather make 2 few gold pieces off of the desd dragon first. “You know, Father Unthro might have been a little scary looking, but he must have been the only hing keeping his friends in line all these years. Now, those bums have a free and greedy hand throughout Dragon's Peak "Well, atleast van hit the road. Im glad I routed him out before the town paid him hie undue reward, My only worry now is that he's ahead of ts. foolishly trusted that dimy srake and gave him a map of Fire Mountain my father had mace years ako, Red Dragon “Tve been training his band for weeks as wel, fr their even- tual assault on Inferne’s lair. Now, there's no doubt they're heading up the mountain to get their own reward without our consent. “You don't get a map, of course. I leamed my lessen. So, let's get packing, ‘heroes We have along climb ahead of us.” ‘The sooner the party gets out of here, the better. No maiter how fast they get ready, however. it should take atleast three days for Trapper to get the expedition in order, The DM need not rele play these details, but a sampling of information from the Wilderness Survival Guide might be in order here, ether as first-time training or a necessary review. ‘Anything the characters need for the journey is theirs. If these are experienced players. the DM should le them choose and keep inventory oftheir own supplies, and then penalize them later on forgetting “the obvious necessities.” Trapper doesn't have weeks to train the hecoes, and tell thers they're going to have to learn "on the job.” Depending on the skills and experience ofthe party, this adventure might turn out to be a very dangerous training exercise 6. Maye. Hh hei Bree ol reat er Gea devious cavaliers along the way. Unless the party stops for a. month or two during the trip. as long as they eventually reach PT eae gh be DMGRE: Csi Sourcebook from TSR), having fallen from grace after repeatedly. ae ee er pare sec en ae While not wholly evil, Sir Ivan is fond of deception and scams. His recent attempt at taking credit for Inferno’s demise was just the tip of the iceberg, and a shallow, ill-planned scam at best. fesse ce ae ee Asia en Lye If Inferno hadn't died, Sir Ivan was planning to climb the moun- intention to offer the dragon twice the annual tithe in exchange for the dragon's slaying of the Mayor, the Minister, and the Ho ly Father (i.e. the triumvirate that makes up the town council pie Cad recension dragon scales from Inferno’s lair, claim the reward from the townspeople using the scales as proof, and then flee the town ae He ce thy, ali i! a ip fetes ts ge kg ne see alee cnet correla from their assault and crashed into the nearby town. No one in town questioned the lack of sword slashes in the Semeousn es rtorette ht 3B ‘mark on the back of the dead dragon. Naturally, the beast was cat up quickly afterwards, and no one could tell what really killed the dragon after the firt day. However, Trapper saiv wba really happened and rather than fight the whole town or ruin thei: public reputation, the would- be knights headed off into the wilderness and decided to get the dragon's treasure themselves. From these examples, the DM should have a pretty good idea chat kind ofa scouncre! Sir [van really is. His hand of cutthroat thieves and mercenaries are an unsavory lot as wel. Its this renegade band of knightserrant that represent the major nor natural danger to the party during this adverture. H. Fire Mountain Random Encounters ‘Random mountain encounters are optional if the DM ie strvss ing role-playing and delves in detailed mountaineering and wilderness survival gaming. Otherwise, the adverturers might be in need of « few interesting combats to liven things up. The DM should use the tables in the Monsirous Compendiums -V. for sample encounters on the glacier, lower mountain, and up- per peak regions of Fire Mountain, [Note that use of the extensive weather tableein the Wilderness Survival Guide should add. greatly to the challenge of this wilderness adventure, Many of the natural hazard within become infinitely move dangerous in the midst of a raging blizzard or killer freeze. Even spending 2 few minutes of preparation before the adventure begins, roling up the weather for the next few weeks, should add immensely to the atmosphere, realism, and challenge of Fire Mountain Importantly, sssume any hazardous weather hampers both imbing groups (the knights and the perty) equally, so that ver side gets a clear-cut advantage courtesy af Mother Nature. 1. The Great Glacier Alter the party is ready, the band has a few days of travel bbelore they reach the base of fire Mountain, Since thie area is ‘well-patrolled (by the lecal guard and formerly Inferno) the trip to the glacier should be uneventful, When the party does reach the location the DM has chosen for the glacier, read the follow ing description: ‘The remains of a magnificent glacier surround the base of ice Mountain, TI (the hills around you are thousands ‘of huge, rounded boulders, no doubs carried along by the an- cient icy surge at the head of the immense ice flow. Alone valley o sot white snow leads up the southern face of the mountain, From here, the players characters might have a chance to spot a few small black specks atthe far end of the glacier, depending fon any viewing devices ie., eves of the eagle or a normal spyglass) they have brought along with them. These black specks areactually memioers of Sir van’s expecition. They should have at least a week's lead on the party at this point in the adventure ‘The recent warm weather has made the glacier a dangerous place to travel. Ifthe party docs not suggest probing ahead with along pole or staf, there is @ 109 chance per day that the slow- ly melting crust of ice beneath the party gives Way when itis crossed. Since Trapper will have insisted that the expedition ‘members all be tied together, this might be the death of the par- ty, or it might just save some unlucky party members from a long and possibly deadly fall ‘The area that opens up is large enough for 1c party members to all through, Roll randomly among the party to find the center cof the collapse and then assign the remaining characters to whoever is ied next to this “trigger person,” The DM should Red Dragon follow the Climbing rules for “Roping Together” on page 37 of the Wildemess Survival Guide in order to see ifthe free-alling, party members can be saved, and whether or not they drag the rest of the party down with thera! The snowy crevasse beneath the ice erst should be from 20-200 deep (2410x10), but any characters who fallin here take only half thenormal damage due to the soft snow at the botiom of the crevasse. Getting back up is anether matter entirely. J. Crossing the Rift ‘Twelve days later, after the party has crossed the majority of the great glacier and ascended come 5000 feet, the expedition comes to 8 bit of 4 predicamen:. Read: ‘A great rift in the snow pack signifies the end ofthe glacier, and a chasm some 300° deep and 75’ across is now in yout ‘way. Looking to the east and the west, the chasm narcows and widens chaotcally. There seems to be no easy way across According to Trapper, the only simple way across the chasin lies to the east, Two days travel over the glacer leads o.a natural ice bridge which has remained usable for decades. If the party proceeds that way. go to Encounter K. The chances for breaking through the glacier ice are doubled (/e. 20% per day) along this crumbling roote, if the party is not checking ahead. This great Ff varies from 200'-409' deep (200' + 120x40'), should enyone fall i, Otherwise, the party can cross with suitable magic spells or potions. However, Trapper might (at the DM's option) suggest ‘auch powerful magicks should he saved for the mare dangerous, crossings ahead If the party does aueceed in crossing the chasm at this point, the DM should continue with the ascent of Fire Mountain by go ang straight to Encounter L, skipping the Ice Bridge, Encounter K, altogether. For the DM's information, Sir lvan’s party used a potion of ‘lying hete, sending. one of their members to the other side of ‘he chasm with a rope. Alter tying to large rocks at bath ends, they moved hand-over-hand acrose the chasm. Ifthe party thinks Of this option, reler to the Wilderness Survival Guide, pages 3839, “Crossing a Chasm on # Rope.” K. The Tee Bridge IF the expedition decided to go the long way around the rift the party eventually arrives at'a beautiful, natural ice bridge, Read: Spanning the 100° wide chasm of rock and ice is 1 masnfi- ‘ent naturalice bridge. It seems both strong and fragile at the ‘tesnow-covered transparent structure glistons ight ‘At the base it rises steeply, almost perpendicular to the srourd, while at the top it runs horizontally ike a fallen tree. ‘The bridge ie completely sturdy and safe, Only the party members could harm their own chances of getting across “The snow ir easily grabbed onto and while the bases are con- sidered smooth surfaces for the purpose of climbing, The odds Of falling into the chasm while ascending are slim (characters ‘usually ust slide back tothe base). Even the upper bridge is some 5 across and can be walked along easily. Anyone who tries driving metal spikes (i.e. pitons) into the ice bridge hat s 19 comulative chance of cracking the bridge permanently, Check each time a spike ie driven in (i.e. 14% for the first spike, 2% chance for the second, ee.) Ifthe bridge does crack, each time more than 109 pounds of Pry ‘weight is on the structure, there isan equal chance (.e 1% chance ‘per spike) thatthe crack widens and the bridge collapses into the 400" foot chasm beneath, This base chance doubles for every 100 pounds of additional weight on the damaged structure at any one Hime (ie. every 1% becomes 2% at 200 pounds, 4% at 300 pounds, 8% at 409 pounds, ee.) IF the bridge collapses, party members stranded oa the other side are left in the same boat as they were back in Encounter J Itis up to the DM. to decide if and where another way across the rift exists, | Up the Mountain From here om up the terrain becomes rocky and treacherous. ‘The slopes are classified as moderate (see Wilderness Survival Guide, Page 3), and most common monster encounters (see “Fire Mountain Kandom Encounters,” Encounter H) should occur in this streteh of the journey. The party spends upwards of two weeks traversing this rezion, depending on breaks in the weather. M, Dead Man's Chit ‘When the party has completed scaling the first siage of Fire Mountain, read this description of the next hazard the expedi- tion must face ‘The mountainous slopes end ata huge cif, rising some 200 into the ar. The imposirg edifice sets to be the only way up. ‘A strange red pool is frozen solid at your fet. ‘Teanper informa the rary tat hierniana as Ded Man's Cllf and isthe major obstacle to reaching the upper peak. Tor the DM's information, Dead Mane elif clasfied at a “Clif, eough, no ledges, and noneslippery" For rules on clin tng ths type of surface, refer tothe Mldeess Survivel Guide, pages 345 ‘The poo! isthe blocd of one of Sir Ivans party who lost his footing bere and fell to his death, A number of fellow cimbers were also injured in the accident and they are waiting for 5 Ivarts return af Encounter N, along withthe corpe of thelr rcent- iy deceased comrade Ifthe party has magi spells or potions they can use, Trapper suggests his 35a good time to use them. However, she also en- Dhasizesthat the party should not take a week casting spells day [fer day to getup there, She politely reminds the characters that the blood en the grourd came from somebody recenly, and that the enemy is gaining ground every day thie expedition wats. I the characters want any share of the dragon's treasure, speeds essential Tithe DM is using the weather tables, strong winds a this time should make the climb even more hazardous, N. A Somewhat Suspicious Avalanct ‘At the top of Dead Man's cliff the grade is still rather steep, ‘and is considered to be “moderately rough and slippery" tor pur Bras of cing There ia large amount of ose gavel and aulders here, and the party should be on the alert for any avalan- ‘ches. Infact. one son the way as soon as they catch their breath Some 300' up the slope are three of Sir Ivan's followers. One dled in afoll while the other two were wounded while climbing Dead Man's Cliff. Sir Ivan supposedly left them behind so that they wouldn't slow his expedition down and then on the way back promised they would be picked up. ‘Actually, Sir Ivan (and the rest ofthe men) are privately hop: ing the exippies are killed by mountain lions or the weather, so that the healthy ones can keep the wounded ones share of the loot, In fact, even if Sir Ivan's followers win this httle contest Red Dragon (ice. the party is defeated in the caves, oF never even makes it there), these men will “take a long fall off a steep cliff” nearby when Sir Ivan’s murderous band returns. Meanwhile, the rwo wounded rpembert of SirIvan's band are desperately ying to keep the newly arrived party members from setting any further. They feel, quite wrongly, tha! they will be rewarded handsomely if they manage to stop the party from reaching the lair. So, the twomen are starting alittle avalanche. When the par- ty is finished resting after reaching the top of the clif, read the following description: “Above you, a number of large rocks start tumbling down the steep gravelly slope. Certainly net a natural occurrence, the rocks seem to he Hsing off of an overhang of ther own Unfortunately, the result is the same no matter why the rocks are coming, as the entire slope starts rumbling down the mountain toward you, ‘Avalanche! ‘The party members have two rounds to at, 20's nat quite as bad as it seems. If PCs still ave their fly spells or potions of ‘ying vp, they can simply move straight up into the ai fr sale- ty, From that vantage point, they can surely see the culprits behind the avalanche (Gee Encounter O) Saiety can also be found to the west, where the sturdy stone reluses to side, some 400 feet away. A light load. a quick move- ment rate and a good initiative roll are all that ie needed now. Otherwise, anyone caught in the avalanche takes 4d6 points of damage from the rock slide, then fall the entire way to the bot tom of Dead Man's Chiff (see Encounter M), Even ifthe 200° fall doesn’t kill them, deadly rock dust and debris chokes and crushes buried characters to death alter 5 rounds, It will take 4-24 (446) man-rounds to free the from the debris, so any rescuers had better act fast snd in unison (For example, i! the number rolled is 12, it would take one charecter twelve roundsto complete the digging I four characters, dug, they would complete the job in three rounds) O. The Rocky Ledge ‘At the top ofthe landslide i the ledge where it all started. When, anyone reaches or manages to see the ledge, read the Following: ‘Two armored warriors are leaning back against the cliff slope, on top of a large rocky ledge. On the ground in front of them the ies body of anther warrior outited in chain One of the living warriors is obviously suffering from broken leg, while the other has his right arm in a sling, They are both armed and prepared to fight. Mosia and Hyrum are ready to fight to the death anyone left after the avalanche. If they are clearly outnumbered, they pre- tend tobe former followers of Sir Ivan, left behind to die when they were wounded helping this heartless master. They offer 10 join the party (as spies and saboteurs of course), i their wounds ae tended. If the party falls for this, the Wilderness Survival Guide rules for "Medicine and First Aid” on pages 65-71 should, be referred to now. If the party doesnt buy it, casts detect lie, or whatever, the ‘ozo men fight tothe death, attempting to throw or puch people olf the ledge, down the slope, and over Dead Man's Ciffflucky. The three men’s treasure consists of two sts of plate mall +1 and shield +1, chain mail +2, two long swords +1 and a long. as sword +2, as well as four miscellaneous potions of the DM's choosing. They are carrying a total of 760 gold pieces in coinage in their packs as well as enough feod and water to last two men for a month. Encounter statistis forthe two warriors are found in Encounter T, except that one of the warriors must fight the party {som his knees, and the other is attacking with his off-hand (i.e, -2to hit), P. The Icy Peaks ‘Aiter the party has had another week: of very steep, very slow climbing up the icy slopes of Fire Mountain, the characters finally reach the last stop before entering Infemo’s lair, Read: ‘Twin sharp rocky peaks rise ahead of you. Tied between them is a snow and ice covered rope tome 40! lon Beyond the second peak lies the open cave of Inferno, the {reat red dragon, Stearn rises from within but the air is cold and wet here. ‘Because ofthe icy covering on the rope bridge, hand-over-hand ‘movernent js reduced to 20 feet per round. Every round a Dex- terity check must be made to keep from losing one’s grip. Refer to pages 38-39 of the Wilderness Survival Guide for more on this type of rope crossing. ‘Naturally, the rope bridge was let here by Sir lvan’s party. Unknown to the party, one of Sir Ivar's thieves fell to his death here, some $00’ below. ‘There are no other encounters here Q Inferno's Realm This deep maze of dormant velcanic chambers is heated by super-hot vents of steam throughout. Inferno chose to “retire” here aiter centuries of good raiding and hunting in another kingdom, which enjoys a higher standard of living since the dragor's departure Little did anyone know that Inferno was actually the female mate of an even larger red dragon, known throughout the cont nent as Lugach the Red. Anyone who was just hoping for the ancient dragons to pass on without a legacy was sorely mistaken; three of their progeny still live within these caverns. Near the entrance to the cave lies the charred remains of druid. The dead man has been stripped of all of hi treasure recent- ly, by Sir lvan’s band of cutthroats. Trapper ie moved to tears by the discovery of her father’s body, and assumes incorrectly that Infemo was responsible. For more details on the events of that fateful night, see Encounter 5 The caves are a series of smooth tunnels leading down. The party can find the lair easly by following the only tunnels large enough for a huge dragon like Inferno to fit through. Otherwise, the DM should let the party be lost for awhile, util the characters eventually bumble their way onward. “There should be no random encounters inthe lair, as there are plenty of prepared ones lurking within. R. Children of Fire ‘When the party has stumbled along through the air caves for a few tums, they are attacked by Inferno's children! Read: Entering a large, steam-flled chamber, you are suddenly bathed in three blasts of searing dragon fire. A trio of red dragons, at east $0’ lang each, appear from the thadowe, They ‘continue their relentless attacks on you with their horrid Fangs and razor-sharp claws. ‘The three dragons, Smelt, Forge, and Magma were driven off by the knight and his party days ago. They have since healed Red Dragon their wourds, and decided to lay an ambush for the knights wien the band started to leave the lair, Untortunately , the party got here first, ‘The young dragons are age 3, 2, and 2 respectively and are ‘very hungry. It i these children of Inferno and Lugach that were responsible for the deuid's death (vee Encounter S) Smelt (young fernale red dragon); AC 2; MV 9, F13 (C), Jo 3, HD 1; hp 88; @AT 3++special; Dmg 1-10/1-10/3-30; SA {&410+3 fire breath weapon, spells; SD immune to fire; AL CE; THACO 7, Forge and Magma (two very young male red dragons}: AC MV 0, FL3 (C), Jp 3; HID 9; hp 72; #AT 34+special; Dmg, '10/1-10/3.30; $A 4d10-+2 Fire breath weapon, spells; SD im- mune to fire; AL CE, THACO 9. ‘Unless the party uses the create food and water spell to drop a load of fresh meat in the room, the dragons are not likely t0 stop attacking, They believe the “humans” are responsible for their mother's death, and that of their young sister, Rage (again ste Encounter §). Naturally, they are wrong on all counts, but they're to2 young to be making such decisions for themselves anyway, 1 the young dragons are treated firmly, lke bad children, the party might escape from here without further bloodsbed. Other- ‘wise, they fight untl they reach half hit points and then flee from thecaves. They wander the mountains alone for many months, for at least until their father returns (see Encounter V). ‘The young dragons have no treasure S. Tale of Sorrow In an alcove easily visible from the chamber where the party fought the three young red dragons (Encounter) lie the remains ‘of one dead baby dragon. Rage, asit was called, was.a newborn female and was aceidenially crushed by falling rock during a re- cent carth tremor. Inferno, Rage’s mother, went temporarily mad upon discover- ing that her baay girl had died and thus began the recert assault ‘onthe town. The townspeople, of course, didn't even know In- ferno was a female, let alone that she had any children. “Trappers father, the druid, knew something was wrong and came here polymorphed as a bird to see what he could learn, ‘Atte same time he found the dead baby, Inferno was just Ieay- ing to attack the town. Trollowing the dragon to the cave entrance, the brave druid tumed back into a man and summoned a storm in a vain effort to tur the dragon back from its mission of murder. Unfortunate- ly, the druid had made the mistake of assuming the dead baby dragon was Inferno’s only child. Her rach young slings surprised and killed the druid soon after he completed his spell Ironically, the druid’s spell did save the town, ine way. The party should be able to figure out most of ths stery by just look- ing around the lair. I they need a little coaching, Trapper might mention that "the storm that aight was completely unexpected and did arrive rather quickly.” ‘Despite wrapping up the details of how this whole sad affair started, this room leads towards the great dragon's lair and the final encounters of this tragic adventure T. Re-introducing..Sir Ivan the Black Hopefully, the party should be ready fora fight. Ifthe party has been weakened too severely by the red dragons from the previous encounter, have Trapper suggest the expedition camp for the night before proceeding onward, Providing the party ddoesr’t start waking the dead with wild abancon that night, the over-celebrating party of Sir Ivan won't know they have com- pany until the party arrives on the scene Inany case, the party gets the jump on Sir Ivan, so they/d bet- rT ter make good use of their advantage. Although weakened in ‘numbers and strength, and more than a litte bit drunk (a tacks it), Sir lvan's band of renegade warriors and thieves are no pushovers by any means. Read: arousing amids! a veritable mountain of gold, gems, and jewelry ares half dozen armored men, Sir Ivan’s band of ‘drunken scoundrels i casually filling sack after sack with the most precious of treasure and magic "They seem completely oblivious to your presence at time Note that the party does not sce two of Sir Lvan's party right away. One of them. a thief, i hiding inthe pile of gold ard jewels, waiting to playfully surprise one of his friends. The other, a fighter, is sleeping peacefully down in a nearby alcove. When and if combat breaks out, these two additional warriors have their own personal agenda (see below) "The party should take a few minutes to prepare themeclvee vith spells and potions before surprising Sir Ivan and his mea, If they need a hint, Trapper politely informs the party that "Sir Ivan’s men are real tough. Yes, even compared to you guys.” Infact, Sir 1van's band could probably take the party out quite easily ina fair ard equal fight. In their moderately drunken state. they should be easier to manage, but no pushovers. Even if the party stages their finest ambush to date, the baitle should be a grand and deadly affair. Similarly, if the party is discovered because of their own stupidity, or challenges the knights openly, the fight should be very costly to them indeed, ‘ir Ivan of Thremp (male human 9th level warrior): ST 18/79, DX 17, CON 16, INT 14, WIS 15, CHA 18; AC -S (plate mail +2, shield +3), MV 12; hp 96; ¢AT 2 long sword +3); Dmg. 143 +9 (magic weapen, stcength, and specialization bonuses), SA Nil; SD Nil: AL CN; THACO 6; carries a long sword +3, and potions of extra-healing and levitation; wears a ring of free ac- tion, plate mail +2, and a shield +3. Marcus and Allan imale human éth level fighters): ST 18/01-50, DX 15, CON 15, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 10; AC 1 (plate mail +1, shield +1}; MV 12; hp 60; #AT 3/2 (long swerd +2); Dmg 1085 (magic weapon, strength, and specialization bonuses); SA Nil; SD Nil: ALCN; THACO 12; each carries a long sword +1, and either a potion of healing or oil of slipperiness; each wears plate mail +1 and a shield +1. ‘Denes, Jurki, and Villem (male huran 7th level thieves): ST V7, DX17, CON 12, INT 11, WIS 9, CH 15; AC -1 (chain +1. shield +2); MV 12; hp 38; ¢AT 1 (long sword +2), Dmg 1db-+3 (magic weapon ard strength bonus); SA Nil, SD Nil; AL CN; THACO 14; each carries a Jong sword +2, and either a potion of extra-healing or a potion of invisibility; each wears chain mail ‘FI and a shield +1. Abter the combat begins, the thie in hiding (urki) moves in to backstab an unsuspecting character in the rear of the party. (i.e, a wizard or cleric). Meanwhile, the sleeping warrior (Mar~ cus) awakens two rounds into the battle, and immediately starts hacking the closest party member from behind. Since both of these men are admirable foes in their own right, the arrival of these twa characters is optional in this adventure. If the party is doing vyery well, bring in the reinforcements. Ii the party is about to die, any additional overkill only spoils the tense excitement and danger of a closely fought batile. Ifthe party wins, the hoard is theirs For now (see Encounters Uand V). If they lose, any party members left alive are given the chance to join with Sir Ivan or face immediate execution. If captives do not join up, they are not killed, but ae instead load- dup with an inordinate amaunt of treasure, and driven like pack Red Dragon ‘mules down Fire Mountain, The DM should prepare suitable op- portunities for escape and/or rescue, in order to continue the Adventure from here on in. Go to Encounter V for some possible alternate endings to the adventure U. The Dragon's Hoard ‘The party members can hau only. as much treasure as their characters can carry safely. The DM should definitely refer to the Wilderness Survival Guide rules on Encumbrance, page 30, at this time, to keep the players from receiving too much of a ‘good thing, ‘The treasure itself is nearly endless, but only the most pewer ful kems and most valuable stones should be of importance to the party at this time, The DM should pick two magic items of significant value and power for each surviving party member. ‘The type and nature of the bounty should be determined by the level of the characters and their performance during the adven- ture. Three miscellaneous potions, scrolls, and net-so-powerful magic items (ie, Quaal's feather ‘okens, figurines of wendrous ‘power, ec.) per character should also be awarded. The total value ff all transportable gems and jewelry should be irom 160,000-240,000 gold pieces, again deperding on the level of the party members and the difficulty of their quest. ‘The ayers might correctly assume that this s great for a first trip, but they can always return for more, In a way, they are right, Iti very likely, however, that the next time they ascend the peaks of Fice Mouniain, they will wisely decide to return ‘empty-handed (see Encounter V), V. Conclusion and Further Adventures Getting the treasure dawn the mountain should bea major feat in iteelt, The hazard braved earlier should seem twice as difical shen fully encumbered with treasure, The DM should remembe: to restock the mountain with new beasts, if the party faced such additional hazards on the way up: ‘Once the treasure is recovered, the Mayor and Minister take their cut (i.e. 50%) and leave the party with the rest. The king's agents arrive soon after and as long. as nobody goes around flashing their new-found wealth, or bravely telling of ther e- ceent derring-do, the royal exchequer's office becomes no richer for the whole affair Ifthe party did not return after going up the mountain on their ‘ows, or refused to take the mission in the fist place, the local Mayor and Minister swear out fale burglary complaints against the party members and attempt to make the king hunt the fugitives down. If the party is captured quickly, the characters ar returned to the town for trial. The Mayor offers to let them 40 for only 75% of the recovered treasure. Otherwise, the adver turers can be assured of being put avsay for a very long time Should the party get greedy, and wish fo return to Inferno's abandoned lair, the foolish heroes are in for quite a nasty sar- prise ‘Within thelast few days, Inferno's errant mate, Lugach, returns to Dragon's Peak only to find his mate (and possibly children) dead. Ifthe child:en survived the ordeal, they tell “papa” what really happened. Otherwise, Lugach figures out most of it himselé and comes to the logical conclusion that the human town neat by is somehow responsible. First, however, the great wyrm has had a long flight and needs a nap, ‘Whenever the party next arrives, Lagach will be asleep. Thit ‘ves the party a fair chance to get in, ee one monstrously im- pressive red dragon sleeping on his hoard, and safely choose not to bother thenew stranger. Ifthe party is feeling way 100 brave, and ignores the DMs best advice not to attack (Trapper runs away with terror in ber eyes), then let them plan the ambush, initiate the assault, and die in horrible agony. Start a new ‘campaign. Assuming the party is smarter than the average bear, they finish the adventure better off than when they started and move on to newer and more manageable tasks, Maybe they should keep one eye over their shoulder for a great red dragon who might just be coming their way ‘After a few levels of adventusing, who knows? Maybe Lugach ‘meets up with a strong band of heroes who know his lair almost a well as he does, and who have conveniently obtained the on- lye dragon slaying two-handed ordi existence, They might even smell somewhat .. . familiar. 'W. The Unpicasant Future of Dragon's Peak Hopefully the players hear of the following events froma few drunken sailors many thousands of miles away rom Dragon's Peak, However, since the party might choose to set up a base ‘of operations in the town, or might just settle down for one reason ‘or another, here area few of the interesting things about to hap pen to Dragon's Peak. ‘Natucally, Lugach isthe big “random factor’ here. He's going to burn down a few houses te be sure, but eventually lears that ths mate died of natural causes. The snivelling Mayor of former renown would bargain this information in a vain attempt to safe his lif. This generous mercy, Lagach offers rot to kill everybody for hundreds of miles around if the annual tithe the town used to pay te his dear, departed Inferno is doubled. If his children were Kelled by the party, the tithe is tripled instead, Remember all those new friends the characters were making? Well, hard times are about to befall Dragons Peak, and the townspeople are going to be locking fora scapeycat or two. The ‘Mayor is dead and the Minister was jailed by the king for fiscal impropriety (lucky manl), so who are they going to blame? ‘Might be a good time for a sea cruise Wemics, Lamias, and Thri-Kreen Terra Plains Total Party Levels: 45 Total Magic X.P.: 7.700 Total ep X.P.: 9700 Set-Up * PCs encounter a young wemnic cub belng sold by slavers. ‘They decide to return the cub to its tribe. * PCs are given custody of a wemic cub and changed with returning the cub to its tribe * Alter battling savers, the PCs discover a wemiceub among the captives ‘The Slave Trader The PCs encounter travelling menagerie of unusual animals and monsters, under the ownership of lvan Golightly. There are eight wagons, each carrying one or more cages. Each wagon has ite own driver Golightly calls himself an “animal trader." He is taking this load off for sale in a distant city bat he is willing to sell the PCs any creature they express an interest in, In truth, Golightly is a slave trader with a modes: amount of il fame. After “business dificulties” forced him to abanden his eld trade and territory, he gathered what little remained of his fortune and gang, bought a load of animale and headed to other, hopefully les dangerous areas where no one would know of his pest Due to Golightl’s il fame, any PC rolling his Intelligence or less on percentile dice recognizes Golightlys name anc remembers there is a 400 gp reward for him. Ivan Golightly: AC 7; MV 9; R4: hp 15; #AT 1; Dmg 146 (sword); AL CN: THACO 19. Henchmen (8): AC 8; MV 12; Wa; hp 12; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 (sword); AL CN ‘Among Golightl's captives is a wemic cub named Cattlechaser In wemie terms, he is the equivalent of a twelve-year-old boy, Although Cattlechaser has been loudly demanding his freedom, he only speaks the wemic language, The wemic tongue sounds like normal feline growling. hence he has been unable to attract help. The trader understands a bit of wemic, but pretends that Cattiechaser i only a dumb brute. Since Cattlechaser has been captive for two weeks now, he has grown quite angry at humans In general, and the slave trader in particular. If the PCs find a way to communicate with Cattlechaser, either through magic or knowledge of the wemic language. the cub speaks freely of his capture and his hatred fer the slave trader. The cub has the traditional wemie arrogance and demands the PCs free him. Once this happens, he anawers their question tel ing them the following "Lam of the pride of Thundercloud Dragonfighter. My mother | Deerswift. was hunting alone when I was captured by a band of humans, They sold me to this slaver.” IE the PCs prompt him to remember more about his original captors, he sniffs the PCs and admits the captors did not smell like most of the humans he has since encountered. They had @ stronger, feline smell, They also smelled of flowers He brusquely thanks them for their help in freeing him and tells them itis time he returned to his tribe, Unfortunately, Cat- Hechaser is lost and unable to find his way home alone, although he denies this. Due to the current hostilities, itis also unlikely he could make the trip without probably getting himself killed ‘The rest of the animals of Golightly’s menagerie can be of any type. Except for Cattlechaser, the rest of the creatures are enintelligent. If released, they run off and return to the wild, If the encounter cccurs in an inhabited or patrolled area, a patrol arrives shoctly after Cattlechaser is freed. The leader is aware of Colightly's reputation and commends the PCs for the capture ofthe infamous slaver. The patrol ether arrests Golightly ‘ortakes possession of his body (depending on the circumstances). If the PCs capture Golightly, the patrol leader writes them receipt that enables them to claim the 200 gp reward at the nearest town hall ‘The patrol leader is upset to discover the presence of the cub; hye relates the following to the PCs “This bodes badly. The wemic nation are a proud people, They do not take wll tthe nation of wer as human captives. This If someone brings up the idea of returning the cub to is tribe the patrol leader expresee regret that he lacks the men for such 1 journey. If the PCs express any inclination to return the cub themselves, he shakes everybedly’s hands and gives them his pro: found thanksin the name of the local government, Although he regrets that he cannet offer them much help or a reward, he gives them a map and a pouch with 4 gp, 12 sp, and 23 cp (all the ‘money he hason him). Themap showstthe local regien, including a large area marked “Wemic Nation”. Where the nation’s ter ritory overlaps the desert, there is an “x” and the words “absn. doned fort” writen under the name "Zinderneu!” If the PCs are reluctant to take on the mission, the patrol leader also suggests that the wemics might provide a reward for the cubs return, “The Wemic Nation Boundary ‘The area marked on the map ie large expanse of plaine meng. ing into desert. It is the known area traveled by the nomadic ‘wemics, The area is aso heme to lions and thrl-kreen, The near by desert is home to a lara lar, ‘The lamia are trying to incitea war between their neighboring races, the humans, wemics, and thri-kreen, The lamia hope to then claim the newly-depopulated areas (for more information. read the lamia section). Lara disguised as humans captured and ‘eld Cattlechaser. They alzo rearranged the eaptuce s itappear that humans were responsible. The lamia’s main tac: tics are killing wemics, humans, and thrickreen and making it appear ene of the other species was responsible, and charming humans and wemics into seeking out members of the other races to kill When the adventure begins, the wemice have called for 3 gathering oftheir nation to discuss the recent upsurge of hostilities Wemics, Lamias, and Thri-Kreen and debate possible actions. The prides and tribes are moving, toward the rendezvous point ‘The Massacre Circling vultures andl a plume of smoke lead the PCs toward sina ranch. All the buildings are in ruins: some of the wood ‘still smoldering, There are seven human bodies here, three men, two women, a boy (age 8), anda girl (age 5). All the bodies have been partially eaten. Ithe PCs search the area, they diecover the following: ‘= Leonine paw prints + wemiestyle beadwork (Cattlechaser can identify this as a warrior’s medallion). * A child's drawing showing crude figures fighting with figures, that misht be wemics, lamia, or even centaurs If the PCs ask if Cattlechaser recognizes any scents, he says the smoke in the air is blocking his nose. Cattlechaser is a8 ap. palled as the PCs about the carnage. He angrily refutes any PC ‘accusation that wemics are responsible, In truth, the lara massacred the ranch occupants, then planted false clues implicating wemic guilt. The lamia were disguised as ‘wemics when they attacked; thus the child's drawing is an ac- curate portrayal af what occurred. Ifthe PCs have a means of speaking with the dead, the spirits ofthe slain can only recount what they knew when they were alive If the PCs camp overnight among the ruins, the apparition of the litle gil, Mina, appears. She isa scared, pathetic child who does not know where her parents are and does not want to talk about what happened, If the PCs can coax her, she reluctartly tells them hout the lion men” who attacked the ranch. She then breaks into tears, Ifa PC cleric performs a funeral forthe slain, ‘Mina happily cries ou “Mommy, Daddy” and disappears, never ‘The First Wemic Attack ‘The PCs encounter two wemic warriors, Unbeknownst to the PCs, these werrice fll victim to a lamia's Wiedom-draining magic. Both wemics have a Wisdom of 2 and the urge to “go kill seme Jumans’, as they were ordered to do by the lami “The wernics are extremely foolhardy and belligerent. They roar a challenge at the PCs and charge. Due to the wording of the Jamia’s command. the wetris can only attack human PCS. If any of the nonhuman PCs notice this arattempt ta fight the wemics, ‘ene ofthe werics tells them in heavily accented Common, ‘Dont interfere; we were told to kil some humans and that's what we're gonna do. ‘Wemics (2): AC 6/5: MV 12; HD 5+8; hp 20; #AT 2 or 3 Dmg 1di/164 (claws), Id 6 (club); ALN; THACO 73. ‘Depending on how the FCs have treated Cattlechaser thus far the cub either tries to stop the attackers, joins them, o& just wat- ches the whole batile in puzzlement. In their addied state, the wemics are literal minded, IF the ‘human PCs die (or appear to), the wemies break off their attack and stagger off. They do not attack nonhuman PCs unless the PCs attack them. If the PCs can subdue and interrogate the wemics, the wemics ‘eventually remember meeting a lamia, whom they refer to 28 a bald wemic. She was the one who told them to go kill some humans. She smelled pretty, likea flower, If the PCs ask about the appearance of the "bald wemic", the wemics accurately describe the ami, although they are unfamiar withthe actual name “Lamia” ‘The Sandnunner Pride ‘The PCé are traveling over the desert when they epot a wemic, ‘war party in the distance. As the PCs move closer, they observe 9 the wemics are attacking a small group of humans, Before the PCs can interere, the wemics grab the obviously severely injured ‘but sill ving humans, then run off. If the PCs parrue, they are able to maintain atermitent viual contact os the wemcs move ‘among the dunes. I any ofthe PCs check for tracks, they novice tha there is only a single set of tracks In truth, the wemies and their victims are an illusion cast by a lama. The lamia’s partner has cast a similar ilusion for the Iheneft of a wemic war party, the Sarclrunner pride. The San- runners are chasing what they see ae a band of humans hauling ‘away a seversly injured wee, The lamia and theieilasione are running toward each other, hopefully with the PCs and wer in pursuit. When the lamia meet, they hope to dispel thet i= sions, tigger their rings of invisibility and ide until they can seerelly move avay. ‘When the wemict catch kight ofthe PCs, they assume the PCs are the humane they were pursuing. if Catlechaver ie with the Cs, the sight of the young wemic confirma the wens’ susp sions. The wemics form a line and change the PCs. Dating the bute, the wemics roar challenges and inst tthe PCs, ncuding calling them tortures and assassins, They do not listen ifthe PC protest their innocence. During the baile. Cattlechaser is cor- fisedl who to assist and sts the initial battle out ‘Wemics (14): AC (males) 6/5, (females) 7, MV 12; HD S+8; yp 26;4AT20r3, Dig 14/1 (claws), 106 lub), Lb Gavein DS ~2 initiative modifier; AL Nj THACO 13, Unbeknownst to everyone, including the lamia, three hungry chimerae have spotted the combatants. The chimerae circle ‘overhead uni two of the combatants have fallen, Atths point, the chimerae plunge toward the combatant, breathing flame fom their dragon heads, The chimerae make one pass over the com- batanis, then land and start attacking. The Fist chimera lanes rea’ any PCs who have not jolted the battle. The second chimera lands near any wemics who are not in the battle, ‘The thicd chimera attacks the lama (wih surprise advantage, The chimerae are out to ill eveyore, PC. lamia or wemic, and attack all with ‘equal probabilty ‘Chimerse (3): AC 6/8/2; MV 9, F118 (E); HD 9; bp 40, #AT 6 Ding 13/13 (aya), 14/14 (home), 2-8 lion head bite), 3-2 (aragon head bte); SA:324 (breath weapon); AL CE: THACO 1. “The wemics turn irom attacking the PCs to attacking the chimerae, although fa PCattacks a weric, the wemic fit back. The FCs hisas an oppor teesape, one the chimerae leap in purault. “The wemics do not propose cooperation. However, ifthe PCs propose cooperation, the wenicsagre, at least forthe momen. ‘When two of the chimrce are down. thethird attempt co leave U possible, he springs ito the air ard breathes flame from above {or the next three rounds, then leave ifthe PCs survive. Ifthe last chimerae cannot fly he attempts to run away When the chimerae are defeated, the wemics look to the PCs to decide what happens nex. Ifthe PCs attack, the battle con tinues ao before if the PCs avant to parey, the wera move a defensive postion and signal thelr willingness to talk. It the FCs suggest they have al ben the victims ofa hoax. the pride leader azree (DM's NOTE: Inall this confusion, itis certain that ether the PCr or the wemics will detect the lava (or thst remain), thanks to the surprise attack of the chimerae. No matter what tlt com divion, the game is over for the lama, The PCs can take ther prisoner and interrogate them, or drag their corpses along to the upcoming tribal gathering as prooi thatthe aitacks are not of human origin. “The PCs can win the respect and gratitude of the pride if the PCs heal any wemice injured inthe Care way fight I they do so and can persuade the pride that they were innocent dupes, Wemics, Lamias, and Thri-Kreen the pride leader suggests the PCs travel to the gathering of the nation and present their case to the King. The Sandrunners give the PCs general directions to the nation’s gathering place, but refuse to it the PCs accompany them. "Each price must make iis own way to the gathering,” 's theif response ifthe PCs ask to travel with them. They do promise, however, to spread word ‘of what as taken place here to other wemic prides ‘The Sandranners also refuse to accept responsibility for Cat- tlechaser. The pride leader explains pragmstically that Cat tlechaser Is the PCs’ responsibility (“You brought him, you take him”) and that the presence ofthe cub may protect the PCs from. being attacked on sight. ‘The Sandrunners allow the PCs to share their campsite for the night. The next day they depar. ‘The Western Tribe ‘The PCs encounter a wemic tribe, the gathering of 17 pres, When the PCs arrive, they must stay outside until invited to enter. Cattleckaser eaves the PCs to speak with the chief, If the PCs attempt to follow or Force their way inside, all 390 wemics of the tribe turn threateningly toward them IF the PCs can persuade the guards to let them in, they are cacorted to the chief, If not, Cattlechaser returns four turns later and escorts the PCS to the chie’ Before the PCs can speak, the chief tells them they are not of the tribe and that they must earn the right to speak, The leader ‘of the PCs must fight the chie’s chosen champion, Normally such challenges are Fought with only the body's natural weapons (clave, teeth), but since the humans liek claws, the chistallowe them tothe right to request that the wemie champion refrain from using his claws. In either case, the chosen PC cannot use his armor. If the PC does not request that the wemie chamoion bind his dla thisives hi arene stature, expecially he wins he ita combat The combat lasts until either combatant falls unconscious. If the PC loses, the paity is ordered to leave the area. If the PC ‘wins, the chief roars out the declaration that the PCs, for this day, are of the tribe, He then listens to anything the PCs have to say, He tells the PCs of the attacks on his people by both humans and thri-kreen, Theae attacks are without provocation, yet they have driven the wemic nation to the point of war, I the PCs declare their intention of convincing the wemic na- tion that war is unnecessary, the chief states only the king can Prevent the nation from going to war, regardless of what proof they have, IF the PCs ask where they can find the king, the chiet tells the party that his tribe is on its way to meet him now, The PCa may accompany the tribe, but he ware them that they shall again have to prove their sight to speak. ‘The Wemic Nation ‘A total of 1560 wemics have gathered for a convocation of the ‘wemic nation, The boisterous roaring of the wemics is audible long before the PCs spot the gathering, ‘The nation hae gathered on a low mesa. The hide shelters of the assembled tribes and prides spring like leathery trees from the flat mese, Wemics are everywhere, running, engaging in mock battles, or arguing at the tops of thelt lungs If the PCs are alone when they approach the nation, twen:y wemic warriors block their path, then encircle the PCs. They do not attack unless the PCs try to g0 passthem. The flowery scent of the larnia captives (or corpses) fils them with suspicion. If the PCs are escorted by some of the wemics they had en: countered earlier (excluding Caitlechaser), the wemic warriors form a corridor to steer the PCs into a spot on the edge of the ‘mesa. Young wemics dat around the PCs. if Cattlechaser is with the PCs, the cubs squeal greetings to him: he then spots someone he knows and breaks from the PCs, He disappears into the na- tion's throng. ‘The wemics tell the PCs to stay at this spo! until they are sent for, Six ums later Cattlechaser and a band of ten wemics come to escort the PCs toa large clearing in the center ofthe encarnp ment, There, surrounded by hunereds of onlookers, the PCs face the King, Desertlord, a large, powerful-locking wemic. He is flanked by his four chieftains, including the leader of the tribe the PCe had encountered earlier ‘One of the chieftains spealcs, He ignores anything the PCs have to say, He announces in Common that any of the nation's ‘members may speak before the King, but that these who are not of the nation will remain silent. Outsiders may earn the right to speak by submitting to the Challenge, If they win, they are cor- sidered to be of the nation and they may speak before the King. He asks if the PCs want to submit to the challenge. If they say no, they are excorted from the encampment and told to leave W they say yes, the wemie recites the rules of the challenge: “One: All members ofthe challenging band must participate ‘An equal number of wemic challengers will oppose them. ‘Two: No weapons or armor are allowed. Wemics must sheathe their claws. “Three: No lethal attacks are allowed, However, it is acknowledged that accidental fatalities may occur. “Four: Combatants may voluntarily withdraw or surrender from the challenge by sitting or lying dewn. Such noncon: batants may not reenter the challerge, Five: This is personal combat. A combatant may not aid his comrades. However, a combatant may take the fight if his fellow combatant leaves the challenge Six, A combatant who leaves the challenge ring is con- sidered defeated, and may not reenter the challenge "Seven. When a foe is defeated, the victor may seek a new foe to fight. The challerge is over when only one sce remains. Wemics, Lamias, and Thri-Kreen ‘The four were chieftains fight the PCs. The wemic shamans participate in the challenge if the PC party includes priests or ‘mages. The rest ofthe number is made of male or female wemics, depending on the PC ‘Ones the rules have been read, the PCsare asked if they under- stand. The wemics answer only questions about the rules, The chieftain’ interpretation is literal: anything not specifically for~ bidden by the rules is allowed. This inclides magic and enchanted items that are neither weapons nor armor in their shape. Again. ifthe PCs reuse the challenge, they are escorted beyond the camp defenses and told to leave If the PCs agree to the challenge, they are led to a peint 100, fect from the King. A band of wemics equal in number to the PCs forms ata spot halfway between the King and the PCs. The rest of the werics form a ring 150 feet in diameter. ‘The PCs have ten minutes to prepare. When they signal they are ready, the challenge begins. The wemies form a line and charge the PCs. Each wemic seeks a PC they judge their physical ‘equivalent, The chieftains seck out the visibly stronges: PCs, the shaman and wokan concentrate on battling the PCs capable of spell use, and so on. The Wemic King (1): AC 3; MV 12; HD 9; hp 52; THACO. 13: FAT 2 or 3; Dmg 1d8/1d8 (claws), 146 (cub). 16 (javelin): SA 42 to attack with any weapon; SD -2 initiative modifier ALN ‘Wemic Chieftains (4): AC S; MV 12; HD 644; hp 20; #AT 2.013; Dmg 1d6/1d6 (claws), ide (clubj, 106 javelin); SA. + to attack with any weapon; SD -2 initiative modifier; AL N; THACO 15. ‘Wemic Shaman (male) (1): AC 6/5: MV 12: HD 5+8: hp 30: HAT 2or 3 Dg 1dd/1dd (claws), 146 (club), 1d Gavelin); SA Priest spelis; SD -2 initiative modifier; AL. N; THACO 15. ‘Wemic Wokan (lemale) (1): AC 7; MV 12; HD $-+8; hp 31 AT 2 oF 3; Ding 144/104 (claws); SA Wicard spells; SD -2 in- Itiative modifier; AL N; THACO 15, If the PCs are Defeated i the PCs are defeated, the Sandrunner chietain stop forward. He tells the King of the battle with the chimerae, and explains the treachery of the lama, The king tells the PCs that though they have provided the necessary proof to avert war, they are ‘obviously not strong enough to aid the wemic against the lamia in combat, The chief of the Sancrunner tribe intercedes on the PCs behalf. saying thatthe PCs are only human |i.e., not wemics) and that although they were defeated in the trial combat, they ‘more than proved themecives against the common foes. There will be much (sometimes loud) discussion among the chieftains and the King, bur the King will be persuaded ro allow the PCs to join the tribe as wards of the wemie nation. The FCs are given food, and the wemic shaman will provide magical help for heal- ing any of the PCs) wounds. I the PCs Are Victorious ‘The King walks toward the standing PC and, laying a hand fon the PC's shoulder, roars out thatthe PCs are declared a tribe of the nation, The entire nation joins in a deafening roar of welcome as the PCs and the defeated wemies are escorted from the challenge ring, ‘The PCs are escorted to the Sandrunner encampment, where they are given Food and help with their wounds, “That evening, the PCsare escorted to the King, There isa great feast to celebrate the inclusion of the new tribe. As equals, the FCs are now allowed to speak of anything before the King and assembled nation. When the subject of the cecent hostilities arises, the King free- Iy admits the nation was convened to discuce going to wae against an the humans, In light of the discovery of the lamia, itis obvious that isnot the corzect approach to the problem. The King charges them with takeing this knowledge to the other nations of the region, along with an offer of alliance against the common fos. ‘They are given until the full moon two weeks from now to return sith emissaries from the other folk for a council of war. The ‘wemics will take no action until then, any of the PCs were killed or severey injured in the challerge, a wemic replaces each PC who is unable to continue the adventure. the larnia were taken prisoner, they will never leave the camp alive, Over fifteen hundred angry wenics will see to that. ‘Starting Out If no wemics have joined the PCs, one day after leaving the nation they are approached by a female wemic warrior, Slystalker. Siystalker is actually a lamia in disguise who wants to join the PCs learn what they or the wemic nation have learn- ced, Slystalker tells the PCs she has been hunting on her own and, when ske saw humans, she thought she would investigate. Slystalker acts very friendly and professes ignorance of any knowledge of hostilities between the lamia and the nation. If ques- tioned about ths, she explains she was spending the pas. month in solitude while conternplating the mysteries prior to her becom ing a shaman. Slystalzer acts horrified i the PCs tell her about the current threat of war, She demands to know whats going ‘on, and plies the PCs for as much information as possite. ifthe PCs mention the fate of the two lamia, Slystalker says that they “got what they deserved,” When she is told of the PCs mission, she voices suspicions about the hri-kreen. She refers to them very derogatorily and suggests that although the king Knows best, “we mammals have to stick together.” When Siystalker cannot find out anything more and feels she has suffi ciently posoned the PCs’ minds, she leaves, saying she must return to the nation and make ber report ‘Despite her act, the lamia has two possibly fatal areas in her plan, First, she does not know the name of either the wemic shaman or mage. Ifthe PC can trip her with this ignorance, she realizes the PCs euepect her. Second, due to close proximity to the captured lamia, the PCs havea small (10%) chance of dele ting the flowery scent she exudes. If the PCs detect the scene, a successful roll to dsbebeve (saving throw vs. spel!) will break her illusion, She then tries to escape. If escape is not an option, she will engage the party in combat, ‘After the PCs have departed the nation, they will find they hhave gained a follower in the form of Cattlechacer. Cattlechaser secretly trails the PCs as they continue on their mission. There is a 10% cumulative chance each ¢ay that Cattlechaser reveals hs presence. When the PCs let Cattlechaser know they have cliscovered his presence, he joins the PCs and refuses to go home, He also points out the PCs cannot spare the time to return his to the nation ‘The Lost Patrol ‘The PCs spot a flock of vultures soaring in the distance. When they investigate, they discover the remains of an armed human patrol, There are eleven bodies with light, standard-issue armor and simple weaponry. All the bodies have been partially con- fumed and show signe of purposeful butchery. ‘The breastplates of two of them contain clues about their slayers. One has a thrikreen arm spike imbedded in it; ledged in another is a broken thri-kreen throwing wedge. “The leader's corpse has better armor. In his pouch is his pet~ sonal journal. The last four entries are of interest to the PCs. The first entry, dated three weeks ago. retells the pairol’s orders to seek out and eliminate the thi-kreen raiders wha have just begun Wemics, Lamias, and Thri-Kreen to attack human outposts end caravans, If possible, the patrol was to determine why the thrickreen have grown hostile ‘The second entry recounts the discovery of four dead wemics and the scattered remains of two thri-kreen exoskeletons, The leader mused that the wemics may be persuaded to join the humans in an alliance against their mutual foe. The third entry recounts the patrols fight with a thri-kreen war party, in which al seven thr-kreen were killed and half the patrol were wounded. The entry concludes with the fear that, Intheir current condition, the patrol would be defenseless against another thrickreen attack, There are no further entries. ‘The Chiffside Lair ‘A cave entrance is vieible 60’ up a clif wall. A series of 9 mall lecges, each separated by 10-20, lead upward to the entrance, ‘A band of @ adult thri-kreen axe in the aie, Their human captive, Jory, is a 12-year-old boy, He was squire and errand boy for the patrol discovered earlier. The thi-kreen paralyzed Jory and brought him here. Jory (O level young human male): AC 10: MY 12; hp 3: #AT 1; Dmg (by weapon); SA Nil; SD Nik ALNG; THACO 20. Thri-kreen (6): AC 5; MV 18; HD 6-43; bp 35, 20, 17, 12, 9, 8; #AT 5; Ding Ldtxd (claws), 14-41 (bite), 1d6 +2 (throwing, wedges); SA paralysis posson; SD Dodge missiles on 9 or better AL CN; THACO 15, Three of the thri-kreen are seriously in- jured. The thr-kreen are hostile but they donot leave their com- trades to attack the PCs, I the PCs try to communicate with the tha-kreen, they are willing to talk, although with suspicion. They surrender thei: captive if bribed with a large amount of meat or |f their injured friends are healed by the FCs. They were recently attacked by a human patrol (actually polymorphed lama). In the battle, Ralf of the thvi-kreen were killed, When the thr-kreen stumbled across the patrol (see En- counter 1) they attacked. killing all but the boy Jory. whom they took captive. When the poison wears off and Jory can be questioned by the PCs, he confirms the journal's entries, and the last part of the ‘hriskreens’ statements. If parley is successful, the the-kreen ex- plain that their prophet has charged them with the mission of finding out whet has driven the humans to attack thri-kreen Suspieious PCs who question the thri-kreen about the nature of their “human” attackers are rewarded when one of the party remarks that the attackers smelled almost like flowers, quite dif- ferent from the normal human meat-seent. The thri-kreen have no treasure exerp their tools and weapons. DM NOTE: Jory is Cattlechaser's equivaient in age, develop ment, and temperament, If Cattlechaser is with the PCs, he and Jory do not get along, ‘The War Party Centinaing through the desert, the PCs are stalked by a full- strength thn-kreen war party. This group has shadowed the PCs since they entered thrickreen territory. The thr-kreen are more interested in observing rather than at- tacking the PCs at this point, Ifthe PCs attacks rather than talks with the band at the elffide, the war party do not assist their kin, They prefer to wait for a more opportune moment. Thri-Kreen (12): AC 5; MV 18; HD 6-+3; hp 40 (x2), 39, 38, 36, 35 (x2), 3UMU), 29642), 20 (x2); FAT 5 (1); Dmg Idd Got claws), 1d4-+1 (bite), 1d6-+2 (throwin wedges. polearms): SA bite paralyzes (save or paralyzed 28 rounck), sell use 1.2 level ability; SD dodge mizsles on 9 or beter, AL CN; THACO 15. Whea the thri-kreen finally confront the PCs, their response 's based on the past actions of the PCs. Ifthe party has attacked any thri-kreen they encountered, they are attacked without war- 2 ning. If the PCs have chosen to communicate with the the-kreen, the war party attempts to parley with the PCs; two thri-kreen reveal themselves while the rest remain in hiding. The mage thi kreen is ready with spel’, If the PCs have avoided batile with other thr-kreen, the war party will openly approach the PCs with their arms outstretched in a non-threatening manner. "The war pity is aware ofthe recent rash of hostilities involv: {ng humans, weries, and thr:-kreen. Although thr-kreen are in. dividualistc by nature, this group, as well as the others, are ip the service of the Voice of the thr-kreen, This being has decided that the prospect of open warfare istoo dangerous to allow, and is therefore set on discovering the cause ofthe recent unrest and putting a stop to it If the FCs can convince the thri-kreen of the amvia's responsibility, the thr-kroen will wend 4 contingent af war. iors to join the wemics and the PCs in a mutual assault on the ama, They must first, however, present their case tothe Voice of the Thri-Kreen ‘The Voice ofthe The-Kreen “The war party leads the PCs on a march of around a day and half Though the thickreen ae the dominant species in thie part the desert, there ae tl other flora and fausa who share the clever with them (consult the Random Encounters, Subirepical Desert sections of the Monstrous Compendium for example). Eventually, the joumey ends ata large (350') mesa, The mesa isfeatureless, devoid of eave entrances o: cracks. The thi-kreen rage performs ritual and ene round later around opening ap- pears in the mera wall. The thrickreer escort the party into the ‘pening into what they refer 'oas the Chambers of the Prophet "The party leader explains that in times of great enol, the the-kreen call forth one who shares a part of the essence of al Uhrikreen, This isthe Voice; the one who can speak for and com- mand all mants-olk in times of great darger. These chambers are normally unoceapied until the Voice is called ferth. He also States that she swale them now in the warren’ central chamber. “The group is led through a maze of passages Everywhere, there are thi-kreen perfosming various asks: car yng food, shepher- ding young, making tools and weapons. Those who have en- countered thri-kreen before recognize this as highly ‘regular behavior for this nomadic. solitary people. The muide explains thal inthe presence ol the Voice, the urge to fight and maintain territory is suppresed, allowing the individual the-kreen vo work together. He personaly ovshes that this could go on forever, for the fedings of unity he experiences are very pleasent, “as though the whole world belongs to my clutch Eventually, the group is led to a chamber that is guarded by two lage thr-kreen, They ask forthe group's weapons. The thr- ren leader gives all his weapons tothe two guards, indicating thal the party must leave all weapons and ites of power here ‘To do otherwise, he 307 is to insult the Voice and be denied an audience When the party enters the ceniral chamber, they see an area 300 in diameter, with a raised ledge (10°) high and 49 wide at the far side. Standing on the ledge. in Front of a aveclike open- ing, isa large the-kreen, the large any of the party have ever cen (1 fet), Her carapace i lched with strange, Jotike sym bls in various bright colors, Some appear to be inlaid in siler and gold Thri-kreen Propket: ACS; MV 18, 18; HD 8++3; hp 50; #AT 501 3; Dig 1 4(xa)/2—5 or by weapon; SA/SD magic use at 7h ievel of ability, spell-ke abilities of telepathy, empathy, cige misiles on 9 or beter: AL N/ THACO 13. ‘She weleomes the PCs to her chamber om behalf of her poo- ple. Ilasked about her position, she explains tht if she were human, she would be considered a. queen. The difference however, is that she leads the thr-kreen only for the duration Wemics, Lamias, and Thri-Kreen ‘of this emergency. When the crisis has passed, she will die, torn apart at the claws of her own people, She hasalready performed her other task, that of laying the clutch of egge from which the next Voice of the thri-kreen will come, She has sealed the eg, chamber, and hopes that maybe the next Voice will not be sum- moned for a very long time. Getting down to business, she com- ‘mands the PCs to tell her of their mission, leaving out nothing. i the party is truthful, telling her exactly what has eccurred. in the nation of the wemics and withthe thr-kreen, she says that she is inclined to believe the PCs, but requires more proof before she will accompany ther back to the wemic nation for a council ‘of war against the lama “infestation.” I for some ceason the PCs Iie to her, or present a hosile front, she will fy from her perch, to land 10'from the leader of the PCs. She then uses her hold person (12th level ability) and telepathy faculty to get the truth from him. Ineither case, daring the proceedings, Jory somehow sneaks past the PCs, the guards, and Cattlechaser, climbs the ledgs and enters the cave opening! The Spy The sound of seams from the eave pening shocks both the PCs and the thri-kreen out of their negotiations. The Voice tums, flies back to the entrance. and dashes inside. The thri-kreen leader fellow, tling the PCs that i they value ther icin they wl fellow “The PCs ind the Voice of the Thi-Kreen stopped dea in her tracks, sari at the torn-up bodies of two thes kreen They ap- parently were guarding a plug of compacted sand at which Jory. ‘was tearing with a thri-kreen javelin when the Voice arrived. Jory turns ia the PC with tear n his eyes, creaming thatthe age Lied his erly fiend and! that he wl have evange, The Voter, however, lakes this opportunity to leap screaming on Jory, kil ing him alter» brie struggle. Ifthe PCs plan to take revenge for this st, thereversion of Joy” body to that of alamin quick- 1y-cispes any such impulses. A Council of War ‘The Voice assures the party after this incident, she is convine ced that the lamia are behind all the unrest and racial violence that has disrupted the desert, She bids the PCs enjoy the hos ty of the thrkreen while she engages in contemplation. In the intervening two days, the PCs can interact with the thri-kreen fof the warren, guided by the war party members. If ko inclined, lexierouss PCs can receive instruction in handling the Famed thr kreen throwing wedges, ‘After the PCs have been refreshed and their supplies replenish: ed, they set out, along with the Voice and the war party, toward the territory of the lamia. The Voice assures the PCs that she has contacted the wemic king via mental telepathy. A force of wemics will rendervous with them at the suspecied Lamia stronghold, marked on the map as "Zindemeut” The Lions ‘On their journey, the PCs encounter a pride of lions. The firs: ‘encounter i with 1-2 lions, who keep their cistarce from the PCs, Additional lions join them at the rate of 1-2 per turn until there are twice as many lions as there are PCs. The lions continue to stalk the PCs, fanning out to flank the PCs and the thr-kresn, ‘The fiest two lions reveal their presence and move toward the ren the PCs react, the rest ofthe lions move in, For some reason, the lions seem to focus their attacks on bath the PC leader and the Voice of the ThriKzeen, When half ofthe lions are dead or injured. the rst break of the attad Lions: AC 5/6 (males are AC 5 on theic forequarters, AC 6 fon therear); MV 12; HD5+2; hp30; ¢AT 3; Ding 1-4/1-4/1-10- 2B SA Rear claws 146++1 each: SD surprised only ona 1: AL N; THACO 15, ‘The False Lions ‘Two days ater the PCs encounter the lions, the PCs spot six more lions in the distance. These lions keep their distance but they follow the PCs. if the PCs approach, the lions try to bacs off and seatter, then regroup to maintain their surveillance. ‘The lions are actually a pair of lamia maintaining the illusion of being lions to mask theie teue identities. They tey to drive the PCs avvay from the desert fort that hides their lair, Each Lamia Is capabie of creating the illusion of 18 Lions; they may split up ‘and each create an illusionary pride to give the PCs the idea they are threatened by a small army of lions. I any of the false lions are killed, the illusion drops and the two lamia are revealed Lamia (2): AC 3; MV 24; HD 9; hp 46; 4AT 1; Ding 1-4 (cag geri: SA Spells, Wisdom drain; SD Nil; AL CE; THACO 12, Sandtown, The FCs and thri-kreen come upon a small town. Actually, isa single street defined by the twelve buildings that line i ey are greeted by six armed men who demand the PCs give them back their daughters, They also demand to know why the PCs are “running with bugs." “The situation is. very tease, as the men are armed with crossbows. The Voice of the Thri-kreen is silent, as thewe armed humans make it quite clear that they only will speak with the PCs, Ifthe party explains their mission, one of the men mumbles about “knowing that desert feller didn’t leak right,” Ifthe PCs are non-threatering, the men will dowly lower their weapons and explain that one week ago, a well-dressed man rode through town and stayed over night. The next moming, he was gone, along with the town's young women. They tell the group the man apparently rode toward the Zindemeaf ruins. The largest ‘of the men breaks down and cries, saying that they must have their daughters back, and ifthe PCs can help, they would be ter nally grateful, They are poor, but i their children are returned, they will ive the PCs whatever they can ‘The Ruins of Zinderneut ‘The PCs discover a derelict desert outpost, The outpost is marked "deserted fort” on the PC's mapy the faded sign over the entrance reads "Zinderneuf”. The outpost is a low-walled castle ‘with « main building and five lesser buildings insice, The walls are intact but the two panels of the gate are missing, The panels are lying on the ground, and appear to have been ripped oftheir hinges by the company of wemics that are outside, screaming and roaring taunts at the lamia, Cattlechaser immediately breaks from the PCs upon catching the wemics’ scent, shouting that theve are his people, the Dragon: Fighter pride! As the PCs end thr-krexn approach, they witness the emotional reunion of the pride's youngest member with his family. ‘According tothe wemic reports the lamia lars hidden beneath the fort, The lamia tried to hide most traces of their presence. ‘but were flushed out by the wemics, who then laid siege to the Fort, Two passageways lead lo the underground laie. One i hi. den in the basement of the main building: this leads to the Chamber of the Initiation, The other, beneath a rear watchtovrer, leads to the lamia hall. The weric leader suggests that the thr:- kreen and wemics remain outside to attack, harass and divert the lamia guards while the PCs slip inside. I the PCs attack the fort in daylight, there i¢ a 50% chance they are spotted by a lamia guard, The guard retreas jo the base of the corner watchtower and observes the PCs while they i vestigate the fort Wemics, Lamias, and Thri-Kreen ee ee ‘Ada Of Valuables Alo, here @ tarous sors owe the ain Trang PC has trating ably, he can spot the nora and on tracks In the sand, The prin fad to either of the hidden entryways “The lamia want the PCs to explore the entrances, Both are bodbytrapped with a 6" herecntal row of ple that dows 6 fonts of Camage to everyone cught by ther The rapeare hd enby histone cast by te lamia gear Whenetiher oobyrtap springs also tings 1 gong in te aria complex below. ‘The Lamia Complex. If the surviving PCs descend by the stairway under the wat- c’chtower, they come to the main lamia hall, This arched cireular chamber serves as meeting room, battleground, ancl feasting hall. ‘The hall-eaten remains of a horse lie in the center of the floor. ‘Twenty alcoves ine the walls; twelve ofthese are used as sleep- ing chambers for individual lamia, Three doorways are equally placed at intervals around the chamber. One of the three door- ‘ways leads to the Chamber of the Initiates, where the human women stay; the second leads to the Tempe of the Initiation; ‘and the third leads to the lamia nobles’ chambers. ‘As the party looks around, they are surprised by a lamia no- ble, who teleports into the chamber and attacks. She lays into the party, unleashing spelis of devastating effect (levels 2-8) un- tileither none of the PCs remain, or she is defeated. In that case, the lamia noble bolts for the Chamber of the Initiates, ordering, them to come out and attack (see below for Initiate statistics) She then retreats to her chambers, Female Jamia noble (1): AC3; MV 9; HD 10-41; hp 37, #AT. © SA spells, Wisdom drain; AL CE; THACO 10, ‘The Chamber of the Initiates "The Chamber consists ofa smaller arched hall lined with twelve alcoves. The hall acts as meeting place and communal room for the human women living in the lamia complex, The twelve alcoves are individual sleeping chambers. A doorway leads to the Temple of the Initiation, ‘The Temple is used for the ceremony in which human women are transformed into lamia. The Temple has a raised platform rear the back wall, behind which are thrve doorways. The center docrvay and the hallway behind it are rounded; it is used by the lamia nobles and leads to their chambers, One of the other door’ leads to the lamia chambers; the other leads to the hidden entrance in the basement above. Thisis how al the Initiates first entered the complex Unless they are ordered into batle, the twelve current Initiates are in the main chamber when the PCs enter. The Initiates were all chocen for cleverness and use whatever strategies serve them best against the PCs, Depending en the circumstances, they might ‘openly attack or pretend to welcome the PCs as rescuers, then attack when the PCs. guard is down, Initiates (12): AC 10; MV 12; Fl, hp 4 each; @AT 1: Ding 1d4 (dagger'; AL CN; THACO 20. i the Initiates attack but are subdued, they cage like wildeats for the next day or two, after which they calm dewn and pre- tend to welcome the return to their homelands, ‘Chamber of the Nobles ‘These three rooms serve as the private quarters of the lamia robles. They can be reached by a tunnel from the lamia hall or by means of the circular tinnel leacing from the Temple of the Initiation, The anteroom is alo the chamber where the newly transformed neo-lamia reside while net accompanying the nobles, Because the neo-lamia and lamia nobles must remain together En {for the time of enchantment, the neo-lamia and lamia nobles do rot leave this chamber unless threatened. The male and fernale lamia nobles, along with neo-lamia, wait under cover of an invisibility spell to attack the PCs. ‘Neo-lamia (1): AC 3; MV 24; HD 9; hp 46; ¢AT 1 Dmg 1-4 (dagger): SA spell use (lvl 2-8); SD Nit, AL CE; THACO 12, Male lamia noble (1): AC 3; MV 9: HID 10-+1; hp 57: 4AT 4; Dmg 1-8-+2 (scimitar +2), 1-6 dagger): SA spell use (Ivl 1-8), Wisdom drain; SD Nil AL'CE, THACO 10. The resubling battle is furious; the lamia nobles will not fall ‘without trying to take the PCs with them! They attack in a one- two punch, the female using spells, the male attacking with his, scimitar and dagger. (DM Note: Ifthe batle is going poorly for the PCs, bring in the thr-kreen and wemics as reinforcements.) When thelamia nobles are defeated, one will beg for mercy, of- fering to tell the PCs their seerets in exchange For his lite. Ifthe PCs do this, read the following; “The initiation of the Lamia “The procedure by which a human woman is transformed into 2 fll lami i long and petlou. ‘The kubseion begins when 2 ian aable oat'x paljiciph spel od ber, ndttning ber oe ta Fores ofa lenin Only $04 of the initlaten survive the traaformation. The mrvving neerlamia have the physical abllticy of a lama but lack the ical powers, Each neo-lamia pair with alaria nobe; for themext Evo weeks fey remain together as the ami noble en. dows the neo lama with magical powers of her own. At theend of this period, the Initiate proclaimed a full lami, ne weak before this adventure, the lala nobles transform cfu ties ito neo-laia,Allfoureurvved. One went with tach ofthe wo amis nobis wi heer two wen wth he Lamia Treasure Room ‘This room contains the bulk of the lamis hoard, It containe both treasure and whatever otherwise unusable items the lamia took from their victims, such as sudles and armor. If the PCs search the piles of loot, they discover 8900 ep, 3000 gp, 500 pp, a wand of polymorphing, figurines of wondrous power (ivory: oats), eves of petritication, arobe of the archmagi, a scarab vs. igolems, a potion of heroism, a potion of flying, a citrine worth 50 gp, a peridot (50 gp value), and a jacinth worth 5,200 gp. Epilogue ‘Though the Initiates may appear to be calm and-even anxious to return home, the mental conditioning, they rece:ved at the hhands ofthe lama lingers, The thrickreen Voice offers to reverse the conditioning using her mental abilities. IF this is accepted the process will take approximately two days to complete. The Dragonfighter pride thanks the PCs for the eturn of thei child this has earned them a place as members ofthe pride and of the wernic nation, The thr-kreen war party is faced with a problem: having served her purpose, the Voice must die. Inventive PCs may solve this problem with the wand of polymorphing. Using ito tarm her into a human frees the thr-kreen from her iniluence and spares her life. She returns with the women to the town to live a normal life among them, Doing this aleo earns the undy- ing respect of the party leader, who refers to the PCs as clutch mates of the thri-kreen, If the lamia are al killed, the menace is ended. The thri-kreen, and wemics will return home, secure in the knowledge that the desert is safe from the threat of the lamia Trolls and Centaurs Terrain: Total Party Levels: Total Magic X.P.* Total gp. XP. Mountains 30 (Average 4th) 1500 1500 This adventure is intended for player characters who use thelr brains as well as their weapons, and who already interact well with NPCs. Itis especialy suitable if a player would like his character to fallin love. The PC in question is presumed male, but the advervure can be shuifled about to provide a love in- terest for a female PC without much trouble. Setup ‘The party is traveling through the eastern foothills oF a moun tain range that runs north-south. While the land is generally good here, the past several months have been very dry. with prairie arasses turing brown and rivers diindling to trickles. The druids promise rain within the next week, but for now, the PC's must provide their own water: (One morning, the party encounters horse-tracks in the dirt leading towardsthe mountains far from any paths. A character attempting to identify the tracks with a successful Tracking non- \weapon proficiency check notices a peculiarity tothe prints: thece ie an unusually heavy amount of weight on the front hooves {A druid recognizes them as centaur tracks, far beyond the Forests to the southeast that delineate normal centaur territory. Baran, a nine-year old in town, reports seeing, “horse-people” out in the hills, He was playing in the dried-up river-bed when he saw about a half dozen of them, inclucing children, in the hills ust north of town, Baran would characterize thei attitude az ‘sneaky, like they were airaid that somebody'd see them. The ids looked tired and kind of sad.” Wetherson is an elderly shopkeeper whe has done members of the party favors in the past: he's accepted huge gems a pay ment for dry goods; he's allowed characters to run up short-lerm tabs; and he's been generally supportive ofthe adventurers, ready with a kind word and selid advice Recently, Wetherson's health has been failing. He's been hav- ing troubles walking, and hia strength has all but disappeared, This is not merely old age; Wetherson seems to have suffered damage from a nerve infection, Cre wourds spells cannot aid him, since he isnot wounded, and neither does his condition fal under the domains of cure disease, cr even the ministrations of 4 potion of healing. Wethersoms sister, a priestess, has heard thout 4 variation on a potion of healing that mighi repair the injuries Wetherson has euffered. Unfortunately, the potion lists troll bloed as a major compenent, and trolls are rare in these parts. Fortunately, a raiding party’of trolls has been spotted in the mountains a couple days west of town. If the party can get back within a few weeks with fresh trol blood, Wetherson' sister can prepare the potion and bring him back to health. For their part, she offers the PC's 1500 gold pieces to bring back five ounces Of troll blood that has been unexposed to fire. After two successful Tracking rolls in the correct area (reports, can pin down trol! activity to an area about two miles square), the PCs ean spot troll tracks, The trolls (a character making his roll by over 25% can tell there are about a dozen of therm) seem to be following earber tracks, left by centaurs. The Adventure ‘Amonth ago, a pack of tolls patrolling the forests to the south stumbled up on an enclave of centaurs, There were only eigh- teen trolls to nearly seventy centaurs, but the horse-people have litle feel for fire, a trolls one weakness. The centaurs sent a scouting party to find Milleriel a copper dragon whe had pro- mined friendahip with the centaurs, but Milleriel never came, and the scouts were not seen again. And the trolls kept coming, Now, months ater, the centaur tribe has reached its final days, ‘All the warriors have been killed; all hat remain are the yourg,, the aged, and widows with no feel for combat. Even if the at tacks were to cease, the tribe would die out. And still the trolls. attack, Bet laneiseus, the centaurs’ wisest sage, remembers a legend, The stories talk of a safe haven, « Land of Peace and Content” ment, Just on the other side of the mountain range to the north west. And so, with trolls in pursuit, the centaurs have left their home. It should not be difficult for the party to locate the centaurs. ‘The encounter will probably happen after aday or two of track- ing and searching, and will occur a day into the mountains. IE the centaurs are startled (that is, i the party surprises the cen ‘urs and is not immediately friendly), their first action will be ‘obolt at a movement rate of 8, the speed of laneceus, the slowest ofthe tribe, Ifthe centaurs surprise the party, they will attempt to flee, If neither sice is surprised, the centaurs will hold their ‘ground and wait for the party to mako the first move. Centaurs (7): AC 5; MV 18; HD13, hp vary; #AT 2G); Ding 1-6/1-6/Possible weapon; AL NG; THACD 19 (17 if 3 HD). Taneireus is the revered patriarch of the tribe. He is respected ‘ot for is years but rather for his wislom, He is, however, near death; he has only 2 Hit Dice remaining. and a vicious wound in his left haunch, He currenely moves at 8, and is down to 3 hit points. Were he healed, he would move at 12 and have hie full complement of 7hit points, He reminds his people about the urgency of thelr quest, ard provides stern encouragement tothe dispirited, ‘Amphinome is laneireus’ second wile, She has 2 Hit Dice and. 7 hit points. Their two sons and three daughters were killed by the trolls. Amphinome is tired, and looks older than her 65 years. (Centaurs typically live to see their 8Oth bisthday ) She is look- ing forward to the Lands ot the end of their quest. Antenor withdrew from being an active protector ofthe tribe only a few years ago. He has 3 Hit Dice and 10 hit points. He still carries @ composite longbow and.a supply of sheat and flight arrows, including three Hight azrows +2. Antenor realizes the necessity of flight from the trolls, but he doesn't like it, Bitter with hindsight, he's certain thatthe tribe could have beaten the ‘swo-legged vermin, if only the tribal leaders hadn't made so many mistakes. Trolls and Centaurs Marpesse is a widow of the tribe, She has 2 Hit Dice and 7 hit points, She keeps to hers, but she is very much alaid of the tuolls. She has not slept well snceher husband died, but finds seime comfort in thy chiles that hive survived this Far Matpecae loves children, and could not bear to vee another one killed by the trols Clarisse has 3 it Dice and 10 hit points, She i in her easly twenties, and she is beautiful. She was betrothed to Gereus, a brute anda drunkard, but he was killed some months back. Clarise never thought much of Gereus inthe first pace, akin him lor a coward and a out, hut she isnow elased a a widew. and is Free to tarry Who che chooses: She is wie inthe ways of nature, kindly, and gracious Eurybates is jst barely 1o years old, and considers himself to be the leader of the tribe. He has 3 Hit Dice and 16 hit points. He fights with a moming-star as well as with his front hooves, and he has incapactated a couple of trolls in single combat. Euryhaterfenot cath, nar she pushy, bat hedes take his respon sibilities very veriously. He appreciates laneiree years of ex perience and ofien seeka advice from Claris, bui he reserves the right co make the final decision, He lacks in experience, but he compensates by erring in the side of safety. Euryabates is rot allthat bada guy: he's likable enough, as long as outsiders don’t try to take his authority away from him, “Laodike is 9 years old, She has 1 Hit De and 6 hit points. She docs not undertand exactly what a trol ie, but che knowe that they killed her parents and all her friends, just for Cun, and that only fire and dragons can kill ther, She trusts Eurybates and Clare os her bestfriend. Lacdhike some times falls asleep in Marpesse’s arms. ‘Dexamene is 3 years old, Laodike's younger sister, She has 2 hit points. Her movement rate is only 9, ar the has yet ta Jeary to gallop, She misses her mor, but Marpeste fea nice lady, ‘The centaurs speak the language of elves, but net commen. The reaction ofthe centaurs will depend apon the attitude c the party, but Eurybates is more than willing to accept the ad of the PCs as guards against the trolls, as long as they are willing tofollow hs instructions and abide by @ common sense code of behavior, To's centaur, humans and dwarves are shunned Because such races do not understand how to live in harmony with nature, urybates wants to make sure tha the party behaves itoelt when escorting the centaur. Ifthe party insists on payment Antenor is willing to surrender his fight arrows +2, requiring from the player characters in return a vow to sve their Dest = fort to seFeguard the centaurs unl they reach the end oftheir ques. Fist Combat Without magical assistance, the trip to the top of the moun- tains would take three hard days of climbing for the party. But such terrain is difficult for centaurs (particularly forthe children} and will take five days at a forced march (only eight hours of reat a day), oF seven at a moze leisurely pace. Marching is con- sidered milly strenuous. The DM should impore the rales in the Wildemess Survival Guide, page 88, with the provision that the fatigue checks come every hour; the time between successful Con- stitution checks isnot recuced. Al centaurs, including laneireus, are considered to have 18 Constitution for parposes of this check. There are magical means of cutting down travel time over the ‘mountains (rainbow spells, potions of flying, and so.on), but the ccentaurs will be reluctant to experiment with such matters. Am: phinome in particular is skitish about magical transportation, ‘During the first night, ¢wo hours before sunrise, the encarnp ‘ment will be attacked by trols Trolls (9: AC 4; MV 12: HD 6+6; hp 25, 33, 29, 34, 38, 30, 28, 30, 27; PAT 3; Dmg §-8/5-8/5-12; SD: Regeneration; AL CE: THACO 15. ‘The pack of trolls pursuing the centaurs has split into two ‘zroups. One half dogs the partys trail, while the other attempts to move ahead of the herd and ambush them. This is an attack tof the firet group, and has come up from the grastlands below. ‘They will, with typical tollsh tactics, seream some gibberish in trollspeak and rush the encampment. They will try to kill anything that moves, giving preference to the dangerous PCs, but more than happy to take a swipe at one of the centaurs. Although any centaur may be fair game for the trols, the DM ‘might consider thatthe death of Clarsse or Eurybates at this time ‘would harm the story. The DM might also le the players know ‘about the experience point bonus for keeping the centaur alive. If more than one troll is incapacitated, or the party inflicts significant damage on the tolls with fire or acid, or ifthe party thas inflicted about twice as much damage on the trolls as they have received, the trols will flee into the night. Their infravi- sion, combined with an ability to climb even sheer clif faces 80% ff the time, and a willingness to throw themselves off 50’ cliffs to avoid capture (why not?) should hinder pursuit. For their part, Barybates and Antenor will join the PCs in com bat unless one of the Player Characters insists that they stay out of the fight, The two centaurs team up on one of the trolls, in- Acting serious damage. ‘The code of the cencaurs limits the party's ability to use fre. ‘The lands around are very dry, and the use of burning oil pro- jectiles, eball spells, and the like, is responsible. Remember, "ill the trols first, then set them on fice.” The centeurs will in. ‘mediately extinguish any brush fires so that they does not set the entire mountainside kindling, Ifa fighting troll is set aflame, it will fle into the night, possibly starting a grass fire, ‘The cen- taurs will be able to contain the damage tonight, but alterwards, such an indiscretion has a 10% chance of starting 2 major fice For details, cee pages 66 t0 68 in the Wildernese Survival Guide. ‘Once the battle is over and the centaury feelings about fire are understood, the party can rest for the night. However, for the rest of the night, and at intervals through the nights te come, the trolls will hide in the terrain surrounding the encampment and laugh, These trolls will atack at night, 75% likely to do so Alter midnight, on a roll of 1-2 on a dé, checked each night Ambush ‘The other set of trolls hasn't had as much luck, Their clever ambushes have gone unused, since the centaurs have taken cif {erent paths than those the trolls were expecting. In the moun- tains, however, the centaurs have limited optiors. Now, the am- ‘bushes become a real danger. Trolle (Bi: AC 4; MV 12; HD 6-6; hp 30, 38, 39, 34, 39, 41 43, 40, ¢AT 3, Dmg 5-8/5-8/5-12; SD regeneration; AL CE, THACO Is, ‘The ambush takes place three hours after noon; check to see ary ofthe PCs are fatigued, as above. Unless the trols are sur prised, they will begin combat while they are 30 yards above the party and 55 yards distant, throwing. 15 pound boulders for 1-8 points of damage. Naturally, these trolls do not have ary signs ‘f fire damage thatthe party might have inflicted on the group the night before, They are particulary trying to hit centaur, and each troll comes ready with three boulders. After the boulders are thrown, the trols wil sweep down (taking 4 rounds) and at- tack the party until they break morale or the party withdraws. ‘The terrain is considered to be precarious, but with a -2 bonus to the Dexterity checks (zee Wilderness Survival Guide, page 84). (Characters ailing the check are thrown 10-60 Feet away, and suf fer damage a if they had fallen helf that distence. Because of their exceptional agility, trols fail their checks only on a result ff 20, and need only make one check per round, even if they miss their target more than once, Trolls and Centaurs The centaurs will atiempt to find cover. They will ind 50% concealment in 12 rounds, and 50% cover an additional 1-4 ‘ands later. In any melee with these uel, the centaurs wil retreat and let the PC escorts deal with the threat. The trolls canbe surprised, but only ifthe party is moving ata forced march. In this case, the party stl receives a2 penal- ty to surprise the trolls (hiss an ambush, after al) but i si ciently ahead of schedule to have a chance at taking them unaware, Thissituation is startling the tells: a-2 penalty isassess eelto their morale during the combat, On the other hand, trols do not suffer a morale penalty for being reduced in hit points unless the damage is caused by fie or acid, in which case the Denalty is doubled ‘While they live, these irels will contre to harass the party with such ambushes during the day. IFan ambush does not kil allthecentaurs, the tells will regroup and set up another attack 1-3 days later. With advanced warning (invisible point guards, eagle-eyed senties on wing above), the party cught to be able to deluse many of these situations Its also in the days that follow that Clarisse will confess to aPC (preferably a male character who's been looking fora love ieterest that she has fallen for hirn Ske has admired those vit- tues has exhibited in combat. She iat sure shed want to enter the Land of Peace and Contentment i meant losing the PC Ideally, the player character ought to return Clans’ atrasion Uf net, the storyline wil stil run its course, but Clarisse’s love willbe unretumed, and the story may lee some of its poignancy, The PCs Strike Back (On the last dey of the trek up the mountains, the “day trolls” will certainly atiack, but this time, the party has an advantage, ‘The characters are now above the imberline, and the rocks and lichen are unlikely to catch fire from any attacks the party might throw at the trolls. Mitigating this advantage, however. is the treacherous nature of the terrain at the peak: the area it tll con- sidered precarious, but the -2 bonus to Dexterity checks is not applied, Ard any fall will take the character 10-100 feet away from the fight, with tve character taking damage ashe had fallen tone half that distance. Any irlls that flee this encounter will join with the “night trolls.” That night, there will be no troll attacks. Abou! midnight, clouds will rll in, intermittently obscuring the moonlight. All of the centaurs sleep very soundly. Nothing short of physical in- jury will awaken any of them, as they dream of Skernit, “the Forester,” a Power which guaid the centaur race, These dreams bring comfort to Eurybates and his people, They waken the next ‘morning at the first touch of sunlight through the clouds, refreshed and renewed for the trip down the mountain The Way Down Skerrit has granted thewe mountains the power to act aca por- tal for those centaurs cooking shelter and sanctuary, a portal to the Beastlands, that Outer Plane known to humans as the Hap- py Hunting Grounds (see Manual of the Planes, page 91.) The farther the centaurs descend the western face of the mountains \it's a three-day trip down), the more they belong to the Beasilands, and the less claim the Prime Material Plane has on them: ‘Alter ahalf-day’ journey, they can smell the Beastlands, and can hear the roar of great cats in the distance, They also receive 10% Magic Resistance, as they are not entirely connected to the Prime Material ary longer ‘Alter one day, they pass without trace, At this point, Clarisse realizes what is happening. and thatthe process is removing her forever from her beloved The second day, rain begins to fall, but the centaurs are un- touched by i, sill standing in the sunlight of Krigala, the frst z layer of the Beastlands. Asthe party progresses down the moun: tainside, the rain begins to pass through the centaurs, who are now AC 1 and possessed of 30% Magic Resistance, Clarisse refuses to go any further, fearing that every step she takes dovwn the hill a step forever away from her love. Taneireus (or some other centaur, if Ianeireus is dead) reminds ther that the journey is one-way. Once begun, it ean never be recanted. She is now trapped between worlds. Ske can either enter the Beasilands with the rest of the centatis, o7 she can remain as sheis, a spirit without substance, haunting, never having, her hearts desite Even so, Clarisse declares, she would turn away from the Beastlands. for with out her love, they could never be the Lands fof Peace and Contentment for her, Taneireus accepts this, but offers that there is @ third choice, if Clarisse and the Playe: Character truly love one another, The pportal was never intended to keep a centatr and his or her beloved apart, If the PC is willing, he can join the centaurs on their journey, laneireus warns the PC, however: if his love for Clarsse is not true, he'll spend a long time regretting his decision If the PC is willing to cross over with Clariese, the other cen- taurs will accept that decision. He will feel the san on his face and hear the sounds ofthe forest around him, He too has an AC bonus of +4 and 50% Magic Resistance, but creatures of the Prime Material have the Armor Class bonus and 50% MIR against the magic of the PC as well. As the party continues to descend the mountainside, that Player Character will come more and more into the Beastlands, there 1o spend his life with his beloved. Ie is suggested that the player retire thal character and begin the next adventure with & new PC. Tt may be that the PC isnot, infact, in love with Clarisse, or feels other obligations that force him to decline her invitation, Iso, she will plead once more to him, and then, if he stil refuses. she will charge down the mountainside in tears, never tobe seen again In any case, the rain will continue as a drizzle into the night ‘The centaurs and the PC accompanying them into te Beastlands) are still sunlit through the night, And the final troll attack (all those remaining from both the “night” and “day” troll forces) ‘comes at midnight. The trolls realize that something is happen- ing tothe centaurs, and they don’t likeit at all. They attack with a Morale bonus of +2, determined to wipe out the centaurs. By this time, the centaur (and Clarisse's love) give and receive on ly half darnage in battle with the tolls, and enjay AC -1 The next cay, around two hours before noon, the centaurs begin a slow fade from view, Their voices sound far away. By noon, they are gone, safe at last. Bandits (80) Terrain: Total Party Levels: (60 (Average 7th) Total Magic X.P.: 14,150 Total gp. X.P. 15,590 This adventure requires the player characters to think on their feet in situations not necesarily of the party's choosing. Setup The own of Avendellsstuated« hal-day’s walk from Lake Reymashe, a vecy larg freshwater lake. Avendell is in fact om the edge ofthe valley that was molded over the millennia by the lake's flooding and receding, Overiocking Avendel, and shading iti the afternoon san, {5 700" high elif, sheer after the fist, Sofeet, These rocks, named the Wailing Cis after the sepulehyal sound ofthe wind along thir face, suppoct the hilltop residence ofa storm giant name Trinas, Trinas exacts tribute (one magic item of exceptional beauty each year) from Avencbll and offers hi protection to the city's popation in return ‘The party is rsting in Avendell between adventures, perhaps plannirg o investigate the caves inthe Walling Cll, They receive 2 summons from Whelssetr and Grifia, the husband and wite who govern the toven. There seems to be a problem. "This town is guarded against the dangers in the valley by Trinas, a giant who dvells atop the eifs, Fach year, he asks us for one item of both magic and beauty, to show our apprecia tion of his guardianship. This year, we meant to present him with the urn ofthe greenlands, The urn isa rae find, the handiwork of a race of elves that settled in the valley some thousand years ago. Its agile for a magical item, made of thick, green-tained alas and covered with intricate cameos of pastoral scenes. The tir stands four foot high, and weighs a litle over fifty pounds Ue asked, Grffia will explain the urs powers. Animale which drink water from the urn are healed of disease and relieved of fatigue. Such animals de not tire for full day, Also, Uhe urn will, once each day, purty any grains placed therein immeciate- Iy alter harvesting. Small loaves of bread! made of such grains (4d6 +12 such loaves can be baked from one urnful) cure 1-3 pins af damage. The second power requires a brief ceremony {nwhicha priest caste both bless and panty food and drink over the crops, “Avendell had intended to present the um to Teinas this past week, but it was stolen from us just oatside of town by a band Of dark bana, living twerty miles up alorg the rver that feeds into the lake. IF the urn isnot presented to Trinasby davin tomor- row, the aniversary of our pact the pam’ wil withdkaw his sup- Port of Avendkl and thoeselisme bandit will descend upon ie "The town was abe to scrape together 10,009 gold pieces, to hire the Lions of Reshallah a mercenary company witha repuca- tion forgetting the job done, But the Lions have not yet arrived, and it dees not seem that they are. kely 0 do so. The gol is yours, if you arrive back here with the um before sunrise Fighters inthe party may have heard ofthe Lions of Reshalish They are led by a human named Prancos(Reshallah having retired some yearsboch), who hava reputation for surprising, bel tac {usin unusual ercumstances. The Lions will examine ary fighting situation without charge; if they show up late and the town cancels thei services, the Lions will ask only for the expenses incurred in the traveling I they actually enter combat, however they demand thee fll price. The Lions have been know to raze patrons who were rhictant to pay. Il the Lions did defeat the baneits, and Avendell ould not pay hem. the mercenaries would lkely level hal the town, Or, at least that's their repucation. 28 ‘The Adventure ‘The bandits are @ tatterdemalion of forces under the leader ship of Khordoc Bushybrow, a power'ul bard from lands to the north. He has united factions from two thieves’ guilds under Lambert, a halt-elven thiel, and combined them with the Hand of Torrace, the pirates who used to raid along the lake, and a band of disgruntled mercenaries. ‘Khordae Bushybrow, 10th level Human Bard: AC 4; MV 12; hp 31; #AT 2/2; Ding 1d6 +2; SA spells thief abilities, inspira tion, AL CN, THACO 14. § 12, D 14, C 13,116, W9, Ch 17, Proficiencies: light crossbow, short sword, voulge, sling: danc: ing, disguise, etiquette, heraldry, swimming. Equipment: bracers of defense AC'5, ring of protection +1, short sword of speed “+2 (already figured into the THACO and damage listed above), potions of extra-healing. and delusion (believed to be a potion ‘of invisibility). Thief abilities: PP 90, DN 26, CW 83, RL 21, Spells in spell book: alarm, cantrip, charm person, sead magic; spectral hand: clairvoyance, hold animal, intravision; Firetrap, hallucinatory ter- rain, minor globe of invulnerability, phantasmnal killer, wizard eve ‘Khordoc is allowed to have memorized three first level spells, three second lovel (speciral hand three times), two third level, and one fourth level spell ‘Khordoc isan easy talker and a good leader, even if bis goals, are criminal, He has taken a collection of disparate bands of wanderers, and is well on his way of cementing them together sa bandit force to be reckoned with, one that uses stealth as ‘well as steel, Khordoc is fir, iF capricious at mes, and he ge ruinely likes his lieutenants, Lambert, 7th/8th level Half-elf Pghter/Thiel: AC 4; MV 12; np 44; AT 3/2: Dmg ldb-+4: SA thief abilities; SD invulnerable, 30% resistant against sleep or charm; AL LE; THACO 10. $17, D 19, C11, 116, W 11, Ch 14, Proficiencies: staf, staffing, dagger, bastard sword, bindiighting, sumping. tightrope, tumbl- ing. Equipment) staff +3, +6 agains! undead, ring of warmth. “Thief abilities: PP 58, OL 86, F/RT 45, MS €2, HS 50, DN. 41, CW95, RL @. ‘Lambert was the recipient of an improperly made potion of invulnerability. The effecis of the potion were permanent, as noted above, but Lambert is no longer able to drink alcohol. Should he do so, he will lose his powers of invuinerability and Bandits (80) in addition be at -3 on all statistics forthe duration ofthe intox- ication. As Lambert was a hard-drinking elf hefore his altera tion, he curses hie new state more often than praising it Norethelese, he has found his thieving sills improved as he has abandoned his armor, and now goes around wearing litle more than a tunic and loineloth, even on the coldest days. This has only served to increase his reputation as a free-spirited swashbuckler, Lambert is the lieatenant in charge of the thieves in the gang. Rather than take his meals and sleep with the other commanders fof the band, Lambert stays by his thieves. This has earned him a certain degree of loyalty, 30 he does not let on that he does so out of suspicion. There are members of two former thieves guilds under him, From 2 band of Chaotic Neatral elven thieves, Lambert commands four secondslevel thieves (one of whom is 2 2nd 2nd level wizard;thiel whose spell book contains detect undead, friends, grease, Nystul’s magic aura, and read magic) ‘with 7 hit points apiece, and six first-level thieves (5 hp). From a Neutral Evil guild out of a coastal city to the north, Lambert thas gathered two third level thieves (one of whom isa cwarf with Find and Remove Trap skill of 62% and magical tocls that in- crease her Open Locks and Find and Remove Traps scores by 10%) with 14 hp apiece, two second level thieves (7 hp), and three firstlevels (3 bp). Except for the dwarf, all these thieves are human. The elves have concentrated on learning how to move silently and hide in shadows. The humans have concentrated on leeks, traps, and climbing, Torrace, 8th level Stout Halfling Fighter: AC 3; MV 9; hp 66; #AT 2; Dirg 5-6; SD: +3 save against wands, staves, rods, spells, and poison; AL CN; THACO 12. Proficiencies: hip, whip (spec.), single weapon style (sce “Complete Fighter,” page 62), single weapon style (ope), dagger, sling, navigation, rope use, seamanship, swimming, Equipment: leather anor +3, whip * 2 rope of entanglement, two doses of potion of speed, dagger, sling. ‘Torrace has trained sufficently in the use of the whip that he ‘can use it to knock weapons from his opponents’ hands at ranges from 10 to 30 feet, by succeeding in a "to hit” roll against AC 3, and can pull an opponent to the ground with any successful int followed by a Strength chee, but the halfling must then spend the rest of the round untangling the whip. ‘Torrace has proven himsel time and again asa capable leader and a wise pirate. One of hs better moves was to join with Khor- doc. He brings with him 20 pirates. half of them female, each wearing ring mail (AC 6) and carrying broad swords and Tongbows, Five of them are dth lavel (31 hp), ten are ed level (21 hp), and five are 2nd level (10 hp). They act as the strong arm of the bandit gang, often times entering a cornbat by swing” ing down upon an opponent from ropes i the trees. ‘Fam, Sth Level Human Fighter: AC 4; MV 12; hp 36; #AT 1 Dmg 248-41: AL N(E); THACO 15. $17, D 13, C16, 112, W 17, Ch 14. Equipment: Spl bastard sword Fam leads the mercenaries of the company, 40 2re-level men in splint mail with long, swords and shields (AC 3, T8 points of damage, 12 hp apiece’. These men are roughnecks, il-bebaved and loatish, But they doenjoy a good fight. Their armor, made ff alternating bands of brass and tarnished steel, have earned them thenickame ‘Pinstripers.” They usually atack anyone who calls them this to their faces. however ‘Also with the bandit Forces are 20 non-combatants. These in clude a team of cooks, grooms for the 40 draft horses that pull the bandits belongings, a cooper, a weaporsmith, and an assort- ment of less reputable hangers-on who get presse into service for odd jobs. ‘Khordoc and his band have raided around the river and lake valley for several months now, and the bard heard stories of Avendel's agreement with the giant, He sent the Harel of Tor: race te ambush the small diplomatic mission that was delivering SL 2» the urn of the greenlands, with instrvctions to steal the urn but to leaveas few corpses as possible. In this way, Khoedoc thought to heep on Trinas’ good side. He figured that the bandits did not reed a storm giant any angrier al them than was necessary. But the urn was suxpassing in beauty. And so did greed begin to gnaw at Khordoc. Lambert argued that the bandits shoud raid the giant, since the people of Avendell had paid him a treasure ‘on the same level as the urn every year for a generation, and cho knows what might be next to those in the giants treasure vault! Khordoc might sill have declined the temptation (Torrace was dead-set against an assault against -a known threat for an ‘unknown reward) when Vengar, the dwarven thet, said that she ‘was exploring the Wailing Cifls and came across shaft of cave that looked asif it went all the way up to the giant’ castle. Upon further examination, it was in fact a secret pasiay lair. This was too much of a temptation, and s0 the bandits, Jed by Lambert's thieves, made a raid against the giant “They came away with fantastic boety: Khordoc especially fell in love with the harp of transformation which, when properly played, casts a spectral force with a radius of elfect of SO fee (He's still getting the hang of it.) And the rope of entangling was jst perfect for Terrace. Other items, which Khordoc hacn'theard about, would most likely be lenced inthe cities to the south. And the 600 gol pieces mined in archale ose were bd ha, But Trinas has today realized that some of his most precious {easures have been stolen, and he has prayed for guidance, and he has sent his grfors out to search for the thieves, and he has planned to war with them at sunset “Trinat plans to assault the bandits by first hitting them with destructive we ather and then advancing into baitle personally ‘He has called upon his friend Esail, a 950 year old silver dragon, to aid in this raid. The dragon, haying no love for bandits and some Fear of his own horde being raided, agreed, but first sought cout Avendell ‘Two hours after the player characters let Avendell, Fsali flew into town, at king 10 speak to the elders of the community. He explained that there would be horrible weather that night, 2 “Trinas warred with the bandits, and so the townsfolk ought to keep under cover, “But we've just set a band of warriors out to retrieve our stolen treasure.” Wheissseir protests. "Theyll he caught out with the bandits!” ‘The silver dragon immediately fis off, Trinas would not be stopped by this news, and Esai is committed to helping with the fight, But perhaps his grand-daughter Dulsinar would assist The Encampment ‘The bandits have not tried to hide their encampment. Indeed, as the most powerful military fore in the valley, they have grown ‘overconsident, unaware that the Lions of Reshallah are orly hours away, and unwilling to admit that a sirall party of adventurers ‘can cause thein gril, They have camped by the Reymashe River, {in rine semi-permarent tents, with the kitchen tent and the stables just on the riverbank, the other tenis thirty feet further from the ‘water. The encampment can be moved, but only with effort, Khordoc’s Forces have put down a settlement intended to last for weeks. Next to the river are theve large ovens, necessary te feed such tuoops. There's usually a half-dozen salved carcasses hanging, the kitchen tent, as well as other quantities of foodstuffs. The three cooks will not react to the P’s unless the characters bother to point out that they are strangers here, Between the pirates, the thieves, and the mercenaries, the cooks haven't bothered #9 learn any faces, and will asgumne that the party i just @ part of Khordoc’s forces. Next to the kitchens ae the stables, where the Bandits (80) draft horses and Khordoe' ight wathorse Lightning (a chestnut brown quarteshorse witha white blaze} are quartered. The four rooms will react with much the same indifference as the cooks. ‘The two large tents inthe encampment, and the two loudest, quarter the mercenaries. These are rough, ilsmelling places, with {couple of dirty lantems casting dim light on games of chance {many of them rigged), the beginnings of the evening's drinking although none of the mercenaries are drunk yet, most of them are working diligently towarcs that state—pawdy songs in one comer, and other rowdy entertainments. Ii the PCs enter here thout having alerted the camp (see below), the DM shoul rll forthe mercenaries’ reaction. The mercenaries wil ignore the PC's until provoked in some way 25% of the time; 30% of the time, they will loudly demand that the characters leave, figuring the party to be from the pirates or the thieves; 20% of the time, the mercenaries will recognize that the PC's are strangers, shout an alarm, and attack: and 15% of the time, they will invite the Aadventarersto jain them in theircelebration Once the alarm has been sounded, the men here will be strapping on armor and Preparing for a fight ‘The elvish thieves camp together. Lambert sleeps with them half the time, joining them in their depreciation of the human thieves, with their love of mechanical things and their ignorance ofthe finer point of roguery. PCs, even elves, wll beunwelcome here, and the alarm will be sounded i the elves suspect intra sions inte the compound. Lambert spends the rest of his nights with the humans, sym- pathizing with them as to how the elves could steal anything, Allright, as Tong as they didn’t have to open any doors oF climb through any windows fo get to it. The mood here is usually ug- ly. Herein dwell the only truly evil chacacters in the compound, and the discussions of technique would cuedle most listeners rouls, If the PCs pop in here before sounding any alarms, the thieves reactions wil vary. Ifthe party might pase itself of a3, say, some of the pirates (who are all human), then the thieves ‘would invite them in, fo maybe tease them and have some fun at their expense. If the party cannot pass as anything but in- truders. the thieves will sllinvite them in, the beter to backstab them while calling the alarme The pirates dwell by themselves. They are more mellow than the mercenaries and not as savage as the thieves, They spend a ‘great deal of time discussing tacties and strategy in theoretical sea batiles over tankards of what the cook claims is ale. They may react well to the PCs (Figuring them to be stil more new reerits inte the gang), asking ther to join inthe discussions and introducing themeslves. Or they may not appreciate the distur bance and euitly aak the party to leave. Orthey may figure that the PCs are an invasion and defend shermseives, ‘A small tert off to one side Js where the leaders dwell, Here can be fourd the quarters of Khordoc, Torrace, and Fam, and ‘ccasionally others as well, Lambert, for example, spends afew days here when he's feeling paraneid about Khordoc. All the ‘magical items in the bandit’s haul are placed away somewhere within Khordoc’s cheats. These chests, marked "spare blankets are locked with very complex (-50% to thie Open Locks rol) padlocks, and are too heavy to carry away (weighing, at least 300 Ibs a chest). Each chest is trapped with 2-4 subile (-15% to Find and remove skils) traps, most of which involve poisons. Andeach ie fire-trapped at 1th level, In-one ofthese chest rests the urn of the greenfands. Should the party confront Khordoe here without raising any alarm, the bard will angrily demand to know the reason for this intrusion, He will try to bully his way outside, where he will couse the camp and attack the party This tent will probably be empty once the alarm is sounded, ‘Off to one side sa small black tent. No one goes near't. This ie the tent wherein is kept all the gold and silver thatthe bandits » have accumulated, The tent iself is fir-trapped, and there are glyphs of warding which drain a lifeleve! (save versus death ‘magic to avoid the effects) when any of the three chests inside are opened. Distributed among the chests ar silver, some gold, and some pouches of rubies and sapphires. as well as an orate ceremonial bresstplate, sized for dwarves, made in silver and platinum, The boety comes to 11,890 gp, including the 6000 geld pieces the thieves took from Tiras. When the party approaches the camp, it will most likely be an hour after sunset, with fading light stil in the western skies, painting purple streaks across the dark storm clouds gathering, ‘The party can smell the pork dinner cooking on the cool even ing winds, “There are always five guards on duty, unually one of the pirates and four mercenaries, in full armor. If they see the party ap- proaching, they will move to intercept them 100 yards from the ‘camp. The guards may try to intimidate the adventurers away, them to “get lost, stay lost, and forget that you ever saw this place.” IF they are attacked, the guards will ight back. This is 60% likely to make enough noise to alert the camp. Ifthe guarde are outnumbered, or i the party demonstrates just how power ful they are, the guards will immediately retreat and sound the general alarm: ‘The party may approach the bandits looking to parley, to negotiate forthe return of the urn, Unfortunately, Khordoc and his men are too arrogant to enter into such discussions serious- ly. They will invite the party to the leaders’ tent, where they will be asked to remove all weapons in a sign of good faith, Khor doc, Torrace, and Lambert, presenting themselves as the leaders fof the bandits, will do likewise. Then, the full force of the pirates willenter the tent, Fully armed and armored, and subdue the par- ty, moving the Fight outdoors if possible. Khordoc will then in- tercede and begin his interrogation of the party “This assumes that the party enters the bandit camp as soon as they can. In truth, the adventurers have a few hours leeway torest or plan, and still get back to Avendel in time. Ifthey choose to bide their time, perhaps entering after the bandits have gone to bed, they will be outside when the rain begins. It is a solid rain, the First stage in Trinas’ assault against the bandits, and the ‘camp quickly doses down for the night ae Bandits (80) ‘Timetable of Destruction “And 20 begine the aeault of the storm giant. Trinas, Storm Giant: AC 0 or -¢; MV 15, HD 194-7; hp 98; #AT 2 or i; Dmg 3-18/3-18 with bow) or 38 +15 (with maul) SA spells; SO immune to electricity; AL. CG; THACO 3, Trinas is a7th level priest, aris capable oe casting the follow ing spel’: cure ight wounds, detect evil (x3), faerie Fie; hold cobscurement (x2), slow poison (32); hold animal, prayer Sarshine; cure serious wounds, plant door, This isin addition to his natural powers of cil lihining, control weather, conirol vrinds, levitate ten tore, lighining bolt, predket weather, and eather summonirg, “Trinas appears as an elderty, balding giant, witha wild flow- ing beard and his Tong hair in back tied in a ponytail. Ke wears redand black, loosefiting clothes, and caries a great black two- keanded (even for hin!) maul ‘An hous after dark, Trnas' weather summoning begins to take fect, sending torrential rains down upon the entire north shoreline of the lake. An hour later, the ball begins. Hallstones ‘of up toan inch in diameter (consicered mediuny sized) pummel the encampment (see Wilderness Survival Guide, page 33). The tail will ip chrough tents in $ minutes, exposing the bandits to the damage of the Failstorm. The natural defense againt hail cf course, to wear heavy armor. However, It sat this time that “rings will all ighening down upon the encampment. Again, consult the Wikleress Survival Guide forthe effects of lighting, ppatcilrly those involving beavily-armored characters. Needless to say, exposing the um to the hailstorm is 2 Bad Idea, ‘An hour later, the halsiones are reduced to smal siz. Three hours after that, the halstorm is epent, and the rain returne, At thie time, the giant puts on his great armor and caries his ‘weapons into battle against the bancits. He will accept neither Surcender nor the simple return of his treasure; he wants to see these people disbanded, broken, ot dead “Twenty minutes ita the hailstorm, Esa the Silver Dragon will attack as well, designing, his assault to best cause disarray and panic among the bandits. He i also keeping an eye out for the PCs. if he should spot ther, he will attempt to ansteh them, tivo at a time, andl depest them some ditance tothe north, out ‘of danger. Ifthe party insists on staying, ether to fight the ban- its, oF tofind the urn, Esal wll accept ther wishes but will not 0 out of his way to rescue them should they find themselves in perl because they chose to stay. Once the hall is gone, Esall flies off. his job ver. Ecali, Mature Adult Silver Dragons AC -6; MV 9 F130; HD 18; hp 90; #AT 3:+Special; Dmg 1d8+7/1d8 47/506 +7) SA breathe thre ies for 1id10++7 cold ox paralyzation cloud, and thers; MR 35%; AL LG. Powers: polymorph self, cloud walk, feather fall, wall of fos. control winds, control weather Dulsina is Esalis grand-daughter, only twerty years old. She has polymorphed herself into the form of a handsome ell wat- for woman in brilliant gold plate mal, and is belping her grand- father by searching the encarnpavent for the PC's. Once she finds them, ste wil explain the situation and polyzmorph into a golden Pegasus, o lake the party to saety Dulsinar, Young Silver Dragon: AC-2; MV 9B 30; HD 13; bp $8) AT 34+Special, Dg 1d843/168+3/Sd6-43, SA. breathe for édtO +3 cold or paralysis; AL LG; THACO 7. Shoriy afer the rain returns, but tare turns before the plant ‘makes his appearance, the Liens of Rashallah appear. If there are any bandits lef, the Lions charge them. There are 100 ‘mercenaries inthe company, whose official language i, oddly ‘enough, lizard man. All battlefield commands are barked out in the tongue, and all ceremonial announcements are proclaimed init. There are three leaders, each with a Command Radies for the benefit of the BATTLESYSTEM™ cules) of 10”, Thece are a 30 infantrymen of 3rd level, wearing chain ard shield and fighting, with long sword; $0 cavalry in leather armor on medium horses, wielding lances and horseman’s flail, all 2nd level; ane there are 20 archers (shoribow) in leather armor, also 2nd level. The in- fantry and archers are mounted on riding horses for greater mobility in combat, but they dismount to fight or shoot. If the Lions begin fighting, the party is in trouble, To avoid being ransacked. the town council of Avendell would have to pay them their wages. But that would require the town to renege fn its payment to the party. The adventurers might be able to persuade Francos to call off the fight, or they might later per- ‘suace him that the Lions jumped the gun, since the bandits were pretty much wiped out by the giant. If the party recovers the turn and the town presents it to Trinas, the Lions may decide to accept this argument, rather than fight a town under the protec- tion of a storm giant, An Adventure Awaits in the RPGA™ Network GA, na 2° oco, an POLNEDGON at Hoda wry TR, se. O49, ARONA Reve Husotenty Spon faion| Playing the AD&D® game—playing ‘any role-playing game—isn’t enough ‘anymore. To get the most out of your gaming hobby, join the RPGA™ Network, an international ‘organization of role-playing game enthusiasts All members receive a special Introductory kit ang the ‘Gwarc-winning, blmontniy POLVHEDRON™ Newszine. The Newazine is packed with gaming advice, news about the Industry, and features for a variety of role-playing ‘games, including the AD&D game. ‘and 2nd Edition AD&D game. In ‘addition, there is an exciting ‘adventure in every issue. Playing the game just isn’t enough ‘anymore. Discover that there Is more to the roleplaying hobby than just the rule books. 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