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Aurora Reiki (TM)

(Indonesian and English Language)

Original by Yulius eka Agung Seputra
Dont copy this document about writer permission.
Aurora Reiki (TM)
(Indonesian and English Language)
Original by Yulius eka Agung Seputra
Dont copy this document about writer permission.

In Indonesian Language

Apakah Aurora Reiki ?

Aurora Reiki ( 9 juli 2003) adalah Reiki yang memperkuat Aura anda
sehingga pesona dan daya tarik anda meningkat.

Aurora Reiki mempunyai 3 tingkat

1. Dasar --- membersihkan Aura diri sendiri
2. Madya -- membersihkan aura orang lain
3. Master -- dapat memberikan attunement.

Semoga bermanfaat, terutama bagi kaum muda yang ingin tampil lebih menarik, semoga cepat
mendapatkan pasangan, bagi yang ingin menambah daya tarik pesona
semoga makin mempesona dan makin disayang atasan, pacar, istri dan sebagainya

Yulius Eka Agung

Aurora Reiki Founder.

Mengenal Diri Dengan Aura

Setiap makhluk hidup memiliki medan energi di sekitar dirinya. Secara sederhana saja hal ini
dibuktikan, misalnya, saat bertemu dengan seseorang yang belum dikenal sekali pun, sudah
dapat dirasakan rasa senang atau tidak senang. Ini menggambarkan adanya interaksi aura atau
medan energi antara orang dengan orang lain.
Penyelidikan mengenai aura manusia telah dimulai sejak tahun 1935 ketika seorang Profesor
Rusia, S. Kirlian mengembangkan suatu alat fotografi bertegangan tinggi untuk melihat medan
energi di tangan dan kaki manusia. Teknologi itu kemudian dikenal dengan nama Fotografi

Sekitar tahun 1985, beberapa ahli riset menemukan teknologi baru yang dikenal dengan
Fotografi Aura. Teknologi ini menggunakan sensor biofeedback pada kedua tangan dan
mengirimnya ke kamera kemudian mencetaknya dalam bentuk foto polaroid. Dari teknologi ini,
dapat dilihat aura diri sendiri secara statis yang tercetak dalam lembaran foto.

Perkembangan teknologi aura ini kian hari kian menarik sejak ditemukannya Computerized
Multimedia Biofeedback System oleh seorang periset asal Jerman bernama Fisslinger pada
tahun 1998. Dengan menggunakan komputer tersebut, dapat dilihat secara langsung dan
dinamis aura seseorang pada layar monitor. Computerized Multimedia Biofeedback System, ini
diberi nama Aura Video Station. Teknologi terbaru ini menggunakan beberapa pengetahuan
untuk menunjangnya, seperti teknologi komputer, biofeedback, pengetahuan tentang color
therapy dan pengobatan dengan vibrasi.
Dengan menggunakan Aura Video Station dapat dikenali diri seseorang yang sesungguhnya.
Yaitu: - Mengetahui level stres dan relaksasi. - Kondisi pikiran dan badan. - Level energi di
badan. - Dominasi Yin-Yang. - Grafik analisa pikiran, badan dan jiwa (mind-body-spirit). - Kondisi
esmosi diri. - Dominasi energi di bagian kepala dan jantung. - Dilengkapi analisa Aura sebanyak
14 lembar.


Berdasarkan riset yang dilakukan oleh Fisslinger, terdapat 12 jenis warna aura:

Merah Tua (Deep Red). Orang dengan warna dasar ini memiliki beberapa karakteristik umum,
yaitu: kekuatan fisiknya prima, pekerja keras, orientasi ke aksi, realitas, vitalitas tinggi, sangat
membumi, kondisi overaktif, hawa nafsu rendah, metrealisme, stres.

Merah (Red). Orang dengan warna dasar merah memiliki karakteristik umum, yaitu: Energik,
kompetitif, pemimpin, pemenang, keberanian, keinginan yang kuat, seksi, berjiwa wiraswasta,
penuh kegembiraan (excitement), bergerak di bidang promosi.

Oranye (Orange). Orang dengan aura dasar ini memiliki beberapa karakteristik umum, yaitu:
Produktif, positif, petualang, kreatif dan ekspressif, menyukai tantangan, kegembiraan,
kesenangan, orientasi bisnis.

Kuning Kecoklat-coklatan (Yellow Brown). Orang dengan aura dasar ini memiliki karakteristik
umum, yaitu : Teliti, intelektual, logis, detail oriented, jujur, total, kukuh dalam berpikir dan
beraksi, berkaitan dengan ilmu pengetahuan, keamanan dan struktural.

Kuning (Yellow). Orang dengan aura dasar ini memiliki karakteristik umum, yaitu : Penuh
kehangatan, optimisme, kreatif, fun (kegembiraan), murah hati, senang mengebut, cuek (easy
going), senang belajar, kecerdasan. Namun jika kecerdasan itu sudah untuk menipu aura
menjadi kuning keruh.

Hijau (Green). Orang dengan aura dasar ini memiliki karakteristik umum, yaitu : Sosial, dekat
dengan alam, menyukai hewan piaraan, harmonis, guru, senang berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi
dengan orang lain, penjamu yang baik. Pada umumnya, orang-orang dengan aura dasar hijau
(dominan) adalah orang-orang yang bergerak di bidang pelayanan.

Hijau Gelap (Deep Green). Orang dengan Aura dasar ini memiliki karakteristik umum, yaitu:
Berorientasi pada hasil, kekayaan, matreal, komunikatif, pemimpin yang kaya, penuh tanggung
jawab, pengelola yang baik, perencanaan yang ambisius, keinginan dan ambisi yang kuat, pola
pikir yang cepat.

Biru (Blue). Orang dengan aura dasar ini memiliki karakteristik umum, yaitu: Sensitif, penolong,
penuh kasih sayang dan perhatian, loyal, penuh kedamaian, keinginan untuk membantu orang
lain, orang yang senang memberikan pelayanan dan perhatian pada orang lain.

Biru Tua (Indigo). Orang dengan aura dasar ini memiliki karakteristik umum, yaitu : Penuh
kejelasan, tenang, memiliki perasaan yang dalam, penuh kasih, pencari kebenaran, introvert,
artistik, memiliki nilai-nilai yang mendalam dan autentik.

Ungu (Violet). Orang dengan aura dasar ini memiliki karakteristik umum, yaitu : Intuitif, artistik,
idealistik, magis, sensual, theorist, futuristik, karismatik, memiliki visi ke depan, tidak kompromis,
penuh kemungkinan dan penemu yang inovatif.
Merah Muda/Pink (Lavender). Orang dengan aura dasar ini memiliki karakteristik umum, yaitu:
Penuh imajinasi, mistikal, penuh fantasi, pemimpi, artistik, lembut, kreatif, mudah terluka
perasaannya, sensitif, sering mengawang-awang (mengkhayal), tidak realistik dan eterik.

Putih (White). Orang dengan aura dasar ini memiliki karakteristik umum, yaitu: Transformatif,
transenden, spiritual, penyembuh, ketenangan, pencerahan, sensitif, hidup di dimensi yang lebih
tinggi, relasi dengan Tuhan yang dominan, sedang dalam kondisi yang kurang fit.

Merah muda bunga mawar. Kasih sayang yang tulus (tanpa pamrih), kelembutan hati dan budi
pekerti yang luhur.

Coklat. Pelit dan kecenderungan mementingkan diri sendiri.

Emas. Keluhuran budi, keselarasan dan ciri-ciri yang baik.

Perak. Energi tinggi, sangat berguna, perubahan terus menerus.

Abu-Abu. Kemurungan, rasa takut dan energi yang rendah.

Hitam. Jahat, niat buruk dan culas.

Para peneliti dengan Foto Aura menyimpulkan antara orang yang sehat dengan yang sakit
memiliki medan aura, bentuk dan kecerahan warna yang berbeda. Bahkan jika secara fisik
dikatakan sehat, namun masih dapat dilihat apakah auranya mengatakan demikian. Karena
sebelum kondisi fisik timbul, medan energi atau aura itu sudah memberikan indikasinya. Selain
itu adapula jenis aura khusus yang biasanya hanya dimiliki beberapa paranormal, yaitu:
Tingkat pertama: Merah. Artinya orang ini punya prewangan jenis siluman.
Tingkat kedua: Ada tiga jenis. 1. Hitam. Artinya dia punya ilmu mengerikan seperti santet, dsb.

Cara melihat aura :

1. Santai
2. siapkan kertas putih
3. lalu niatkan untuk melihat aura dan pandang dulu lampu neon atau langit yang biru
4. letakkan tangan di atas kertas
5. lihatlah akan ada warna yang muncul.

Cara Menerima Attunement

1. Santai
2. awali semua dengan senyum kepasrahan dan jalani semua dengan senyum dan
3. Lakukan afirmasi Saya menerima Aurora Reiki Level .(sebutkan levelnya) secara
sempurna memperkuat aura aura di seluruh tubuh saya yang lemah, membersihkan aura
saya yang kotor secara sempurna, terjadilah terjadilah terjadilah terima kasih terima
kasih terima kasih.
4. bayangkan sinar putih menyelimuti seluruh tubuh anda dan tubuh anda bersinar.
5. rasakan sensasinya selama 5-10 menit.
Cara penggunaan :

1. Berdoa mengucap syukur kepada NYA

2. awali semuanya dengan senyum kepasrahan, jalani semua hal dengan senyum dan
3. niatkan mengalirkan Aurora Reiki misal dengan afirmasi, mengalirkan
Aurora Reiki untuk memperkuat Aura dan Daya tarik tubuh selama 1 hari (maksimal
pemakaian 1 hari).
4. Lakukan meditasi dan senyum pencerahan minimal 15 menit.
5. untuk jarak jauh bisa membayangkan membersihkan tubuh & aura orang yang bernama .....
bayangkan sinar putih membersihkan secara zigzag seluruh tubuh orang itu.
6. Aurora Reiki tidak mempunyai lambang dan penggunaannya amat sederhana.
Cara mengalirkan Aurora reiki ke benda :

1. Berdoa mengucap syukur kepada NYA

2. awali semuanya dengan senyum kepasrahan, jalani semua hal dengan senyum dan
3. niatkan mengalirkan Aurora Reiki misal dengan afirmasi, mengalirkan
Aurora Reiki untuk mengalirkan energi aurora reiki untuk Aura dan Daya tarik tubuh selama 1
hari (maksimal pemakaian 1 hari) ke benda (sebutkan jenis bendanya
4. Lakukan meditasi dan senyum pencerahan minimal 15 menit.
5. untuk jarak jauh bisa membayangkan aurora reiki masuk ke benda...... bayangkan sinar putih
dating dan masuk benda secara zigzag.

Meditasi memperkuat Aurora reiki

1. Berdoa mengucap syukur kepada NYA

2. awali semuanya dengan senyum kepasrahan, jalani semua hal dengan senyum dan
3. Lakukan afirmasi Saya memperkuat Aurora Reiki Level .(sebutkan levelnya) secara
sempurna memperkuat aura aura di seluruh tubuh saya yang lemah, membersihkan aura saya
yang kotor secara sempurna, terjadilah terjadilah terjadilah terima kasih terima kasih terima
4. Bayangkan sinar putih datang secara zigzag menyelubungi aura anda.

(melakukan meditasi di bawah bulan purnama, di daerah pegunungan, air terjun, pedesaan
menghasilkan penguatan lebih baik untuk aura dibandingkan di daerah kota yang padat

Meditasi sinkronisasi Aurora reiki

1. Berdoa mengucap syukur kepada NYA

2. awali semuanya dengan senyum kepasrahan, jalani semua hal dengan senyum dan
3. Lakukan afirmasi Saya melakukan sinkronisasi Aurora Reiki Level .(sebutkan levelnya)
dengan aura dari (sebutkan aura tempat yang ingin anda sinkronisasikan ) secara sempurna
memperkuat aura aura di seluruh tubuh saya yang lemah, membersihkan aura saya yang kotor
secara sempurna, terjadilah terjadilah terjadilah terima kasih terima kasih terima kasih.
4. bayangkan sinar dari suatu tempat yang anda ingin snkronkan auranya dan masuk ke tubuh

Cara Healing dengan Aurora Reiki (dapat pula menghilangkan kemarahan orang lain (tinggal
diniatkan saja) :

1. Berdoa mengucap syukur kepada NYA

2. awali semuanya dengan senyum kepasrahan, jalani semua hal dengan senyum dan
3. Lakukan afirmasi Saya melakukan healing ke (sebutkan nama pasien anda) dengan kasus
(sebutkan masalahnya yang berhubungan dengan aura) terbersihkanlah aura orang yang
tersebut di atas dengan Aurora Reiki secara sempurna memperkuat aura aura di seluruh tubuh
saya yang lemah, membersihkan aura saya yang kotor secara sempurna, terjadilah terjadilah
terjadilah terima kasih terima kasih terima kasih.
4. Lakukan meditasi dan senyum pencerahan minimal 15 menit.
5. untuk jarak jauh bisa membayangkan membersihkan tubuh & aura orang itu bayangkan sinar
putih membersihkan secara zigzag seluruh tubuh orang itu.
6. Jika telah selesai, niatkan saya menutup aliran energi healing aurora reiki ke orang bernama
(sebutkan nama lengkap dan tanggal lahir), terima kasih terima kasih terima kasih terjadilah
terjadilah terjadilah.
Aurora Reiki (TM)
(Indonesian and English Language)
Original by Yulius eka Agung Seputra
Dont copy this document about writer permission.

In English Language

What Is Aurora Reiki ?

Aurora Reiki ( 9 juli 2003) is Reiki energy strengthening your Aura so that
fascinate and your fascination mount.

Aurora Reiki have 3 levels :

1. Elementary --- cleaning Aura ownself

2. Madya -- cleaning others aura
3. Master -- can give attunement.

Useful hopefully, especially to young people wishing come up more interesting,

hopefully quickly get couple, to which wish to add charming fascination hopefully
more and more to fascinate and more and more superior darling, girlfriend, wife

Yulius Eka Agung

Aurora Reiki Founder.

What Is Human Aura ?

What is the human aura? The dictionary says "any subtle invisible emanation or
exhalation." English authorities as a rule attribute the origin to a Latin term
meaning "air," but Hindu authorities insist that it had its origin in the Sanskrit root
Ar, meaning the spoke of a wheel. This is to remind us that the human aura
radiates from the body of the individual in a manner similar to the radiation of the
spokes of a wheel from the hub thereof. Most metaphysicians go by the Sanskrit
definition while simultaneously seeing value in the Latin definition of an aerial
emanation as 'not foreign,' to the real significance of the term. What will follow
will be general principles of agreement as held by advanced occultists, both
ancient and modern, while omitting minor points of variances between the
different schools of thought.

In brief, there is an oval shaped etheric emanation surrounding humans within a

distance of two to three feet all around the body. Some refer to the emanation as
a 'psychic' or 'magnetic' field. Let me interject a martial principle and 'apply' it in
a-priori (theory,) for the sake of explaining how it is we all 'feel' good or bad
vibrations. Simply, in a world of contrast we choose to play in, there is only "law
of attraction."

We each 'know' what 'feels' good or bad. As Bruce Lee would say, "use
emotional content." Let me put this into western analogy for a change. In western
metaphysics of astrology, the 12 signs are divided into fire, earth, air and water.
Each of these has divisions of mutable, fixed and cardinal. The progression
always finishes a cycle in water. Water puts the finishing touches of the
cumulative building of fire, earth and air in sequential order. It represents
emotion. Our bodies are mostly water. Emotions that let us know gut level how
we 'feel' are indeed a guidance system to keep us always choosing a 'thought
that feels better.' In kung fu we say "move like the wind and hit like water." So,
even though this is all metaphysical 'pseudo-science,' nevertheless, we as
martial artists already realize that the foundation of the Chinese art of kung fu
indeed itself is metaphysical. If we are open minded and free after first being
grounded in what I refer to in my own experience as the religion "I am that I am,"
we are more tolerant, flexible and most importantly 'appreciative' of our
similarities and thus the larger picture of opportunities to share knowledge,
wisdom, truth and freedom in our ever closer family global village.

I believe we can sense 'personality' outside of just our five senses. Even children
respond to this influence and respond to it in the manner of like or dislike. The
aura is dense and thick in the portion nearest the body. It thins out as distance
from the body increases. 'Luminous cloud' and phosphorescent flame' are two
descriptions that are common. Many occultists know the aura to extend beyond
even clairvoyant vision can see.

As a reader of The Urantia Book since 1968, fellow followers of the on-line
discussion group have aided me tremendously. Some reminded me of water
weight studies that confirmed the missing of about 2 grams upon death.
Christians worldwide agree on Pentecost or the seeding of the Holy Spirit upon
all born thereafter. Does this later sentence make you ponder the metaphysics of
spiritual, medical or religious qigong prior to Pentecost? Perhaps the message is
free will, and as Bruce would say, "take what is useful and disregard the rest." My
debates with the study group focused on principles of theory. My theory is that
thoughts are not subject to gravity, thus prayer works. This is also why psychic
warfare in the martial arts works and should be used for good. This 'mind intent'
or 'pure desire' is integrated into the concept of "physician heal thyself."

On my Panther Dim Mak series tape "Scientific Analysis of Chi," we read 'energy'
using tools called an 'electro-meridian imaging unit' and a dark field microscope
hooked up to a video monitor. We have known of Kirlian photography and now
there is the 'bio' auric computerized reader.

The aura is seen to be composed of all the colors of the spectrum. Combinations
differ with individuals and are constantly shifting in the case of all of us. The
colors are representative of mental and emotional states. My former teacher said
he could read the changing colors of my aura. For those of you looking for
metaphysical reading on 'color,' check out the writings of Dinshaw who was in the
same category/class of adeptness (Theosophically speaking) as say, Madame

To those truly clairvoyant, reading the mind and character become a form of
divination in and of itself. Be warned though that each of us has free will. This is
pseudo-science so don't let anyone convince you they or you can 'literally' read
another's mind. Also remember 'nothing impure can enter that which is pure.'
Cancer cells die in lemon juice!

In our chi projection meditations, we learn to 'feel' the aura of another and have
them 'feel' ours. This can be in a martial or healing context, depending on 'intent.'
The colors are the outward appearance of the vibrations themselves, just as
color in the physical plane are outward manifestations of vibrating matter. In
passing, out of the 100 or so rays of the sun's subtle energies we only use the
first 30 or so in our physical world of communication referred to as Hertzian
waves. We are indeed radio-active beings. Science had to first discover the
human 'atmoshere' before acknowledging the 'possibility' of similarities with auric
color and mental and emotional state

Seeing the Aura

This exercise is designed to see Aura for the first time and/or practice seeing
Auras. Choosing good conditions is important: not only you see the Aura better,
but also to gain a confidence about what you see.

1. Situate the person in front of a very softly illuminated PLAIN

WHITE background. A color background will change Aura colors, so
you need additional knowledge about combining colors. Some
combinations of background and Aura colors may cause
misinterpretation problems.
2. Choose ONE SPOT to look at. The middle of the forehead is VERY
GOOD. This is a location of so called Brow Chakra or the Third Eye. In
some cultures (India) they put a mark on a forehead. Such a mark in
ancient times meant the invitation to look and see the Aura.
3. Look at this spot for 30 to 60 seconds or longer
4. After 30 seconds analyze surroundings with your peripheral vision,
while still looking at the same spot. Continuing the concentration is
most important. Resist temptation to look around. You should see that
the background nearby the person is brighter and has a DIFFERENT
color than the background further away. This is your own perception
of the Aura. The longer you concentrate, the better you will see it.
Remember, concentration on one spot increases your sensitivity by
accumulating the effect of the Aura vibration reaching your eyes.
6. Most advanced Aura exercises are performed in total darkness, but
require hours of concentration and systematic practice.

Observing auras of other people

The best is to look directly at someone's brow chakra (third eye or
wisdom eye, which is located 1.5 cm above the nose, between eyes) and
aim to achieve the state of mind similar to the concentration
technique described above for at least 30-60 seconds. I have tried
also looking at throat and heart chakras with similar results. However,
if you concentrate on someone's chest it looks so unusual that the
person concerned is usually very uneasy about it. When you look into
someone's brow chakra you can actually continue conversation.
Again, VERY softly illuminated background, with no shadows is best.
With practice, any uniformly illuminated background (such as a blue
sky for example) will suffice.
How to see your own Aura.
Stand about 1.5 m in front of a good size mirror. In the beginning it is
best if the background behind you is plain white and there are no
shadows. Illumination should be VERY soft and uniform not bright.
Follow instructions above for seeing Auras. PRACTICE for at least
10-15 minutes each day to increase your sensitivity and develop Auric

Meaning of Aura and its colors

The Aura is a reflection of our True Nature at any given moment. At
this point it is perhaps necessary to explain what do I mean by "True Nature" and
why some effort is necessary to "discover" it. Our society emphasizes symbols,
stereotypes, habits, manners, superficial behavior, pretending, following others
and submitting free will to "leaders". Our "education" is largely based on views
and expectations of people who try to control the flock.
Our True Nature is what is left when we recognize and discard all our
habits, stereotypes, manners, and pretending, superficial behavior and
become fully conscious, truly natural and spontaneous. Note that some
people are so attached to their manners and habits that it is very
hard, if not impossible, to discover who they really are. The only way
to get an instant insight into their personality is to watch their Aura,
because it shows their True Nature, behind any facade of superficial
behavior. In general, the more colorful, cleaner and brighter the
Aura, the better and more spiritually advanced is the person. Also,
the more uniform the energy distribution in the Aura, the healthier
and more balanced the person is. Distribution of the energy in the
Aura can serve as a powerful medical diagnostic tool, but usually
requires using a complex equipment. The scope of this article is to
concentrate on what we can easily see with our eyes.
Our Aura surrounds the entire body, but the interpretation of colors
below relates to the Aura around the head only. Meaning of colors
around the head presented below suggested in the literature has been
confirmed by the author. When you learn to see Aura well, you can
verify it for yourself, by concentrating on certain thoughts while
watching your Aura, or telling people what their thoughts are when
you see their Auras. Usually, people have one or two dominating colors (strong
points) in their Aura. Thesecolors (or their Auric pairs) will be
most likely their favorite colors.
In addition to dominant colors, the Aura reflects thoughts, feelings
and desires, which appear like "flashes", "clouds" or "flames", usually
further away from the head. For example a flash of orange in the
Aura indicates a thought or desire to exercise power and control.
Orange as a dominant color is a sign of power and general ability to
control people. Quickly changing "flashes" indicate quickly changing
thoughts. Meaning of Clean Colors of the Aura (colors of the rainbow,
bright, shiny, monochromatic colors):
Purple: indicates spiritual thoughts. Purple is never a strong point in
the Aura. It appears only as temporary "clouds" and "flames",
indicating truly spiritual thoughts.

Blue: Balanced existence, sustaining life, eased nerve system, transmitting

forces and energy. People with blue strong point in their Aura are relaxed,
balanced and feel ready to live in a cave and survive. They are born survivors.
Blue thought is a thought about relaxing the nerve system to achieve the balance
of the mind or a thought about surviving. Electric blue can override any other
color in the Aura, when the person is receiving and/or transmitting energy or is in
telepathic communication. For example Michel Desmarquet, author of
"Thiaoouba Prophecy", frequently glows with the electric blue during his lectures,
especially when he answers questions from the public.

Turquoise: indicates dynamic quality of being, highly energized

personality, capable of projection, influencing other people. People
with turquoise strong point in their Aura can do many things
simultaneously and are good organizers. They feel bored when forced
to concentrate on one thing. People love bosses with turquoise Auras,
because such bosses explain their goals and influence their team
rather than execute commands. Turquoise thought is a thought about
organizing and influencing others.

Green: restful, modifying energy, natural healing ability. All natural

healers should have it. People with a green strong point in their Auras
are natural healers. The stronger the green Aura, the better the healer. They also
love gardening and usually have a "green hand" anything grows for them. Being
in a presence of a person with a strong and green Aura is a very peaceful and
restful experience. Green thought indicates a restful state and healing.

Yellow: joy, freedom, non-attachment, freeing or releasing vital

forces. People who glow yellow are full of inner joy, very generous and
not attached to anything. Yellow halo around the head: high spiritual
development. A signature of a spiritual teacher. Do not accept
spiritual teachings from anyone who does not have such a yellow halo.
Buddha and Christ had yellow halos extending to their arms. Today it
is rare on Earth to find a person with a halo larger than 1 inch. Yellow
halo appears as a result of a highly active brow chakra (which can be seen
glowing with violet by many people at my workshops).
Highly spiritual people stimulate the brow chakra continuously for
many years, because they always have intensive spiritual thoughts in
their minds. When this chakra is observed when highly active, a yellow
(Auric pair) halo appears around it, surrounding the entire head.
Yellow thought indicates a moment of joy and contentment.
Orange: uplifting and absorbing. Inspiring. A sign of power. Ability
and/or desire to control people. When orange becomes a strong point,
it usually contributes to a yellow halo, which then becomes gold,
indicating not only a spiritual teacher, but a powerful spiritual
teacher, someone capable of demonstrating his/her unique abilities.
Orange thought is a thought about exercising power or a desire to
control people.

Red: materialistic thoughts, thoughts about the physical body.

Predominantly red Aura indicates materialistically oriented person.
Pink ( =purple+red): love (in a spiritual sense). To obtain a clean pink,
you need to mix the purple (the highest frequency we perceive) with
red (the lowest frequency). Pink Aura indicates that the person
achieved a perfect balance between spiritual awareness and the
material existence. The most advanced people have not only a yellow
halo around the head (a permanent strong point in the Aura) but also a
large pink Aura extending further away. The pink color in the Aura is
quite rare on Earth and appears only as a temporary thought, never as
a strong point in the Aura.
Meaning of Dirty colors: (colors appearing darker than background
more like a smoke than a glow)

Brown: unsettling, distracting, materialistic, negating spirituality.

Gray: dark thoughts, depressing thoughts, unclear intentions,
presence of a dark side of personality.
Sulfur (color of a mustard): pain or lack of ease, anger
White: serious disease, artificial stimulation (drugs). Why does the
white color in the Aura indicate problems? White color is like a noise,
rather than a set of harmonious tones (monochromatic colors). It is
impossible to "tune" the noise to an orchestra playing harmonious
music, hence the white Aura indicates a lack of harmony in the body
and mind. Nature, which we are a part of, is harmonious. This harmony comes in
discrete vibration "tones" or harmonics, partially described
by the modern quantum physics.
Several hours before the death, the Aura becomes white, and greatly
increases in intensity. Note, than in most cultures the death is
depicted in WHITE (not black),
because in the past, people could actually see a white Aura before
death. It seems that our ancestors knew much more than we are
prepared to admit.
Accepting Attunement
1. Relax
2. begin with smile surrenderness and feel smile with joy
3. Do afirmation " I accept Aurora Reiki Level .( mention aurora reiki level) perfectly
strengthen aura aura in all my weak body, cleaning my dirty aura perfectly, do it do it do it
thank thank thank
4. conceiving white ray blanket entire/all your body and your body shine
5. feel its sensation during 5-10 minutes.

Use Aurora Reiki Energy

1. Pray thanks GOD
2. begin with smile surrenderness and feel smile with joy
3. Do afirmation " I use Aurora Reiki Level .( mention aurora reiki level) perfectly
strengthen aura aura in all my weak body, cleaning my dirty aura perfectly for 1 day, do it
do it do it thank thank thank
4. meditate and smile for 15 minutes
5. for long distance can conceive to clean body & aura one who is so called ..... conceiving
white ray clean zigzagly entire body
6. Aurora Reiki don't have device and its use very modestly.

Conducting Aurora reiki to object (also use for aura healing, neutralize emotion,etc)

1. Pray thanks GOD

2. begin with smile surrenderness and feel smile with joy
3. Do afirmation " I use Aurora Reiki Level .( mention aurora reiki level) perfectly to
conduct aurora reiki energy for the Aura of and Fascination body during 1 day (or
mention your purpose example: aura healing, neutralize emoption,etc) ( maximal of
usage 1 day) to object ( mentioning its object type)
4. meditate and smile for 15 minutes
5. for long distance can conceive aurora step into object...... conceiving white ray and enter
object zigzagly.

Strengthen/Synchronize Aurora Reiki Energy

1. Pray thanks GOD
2. begin with smile surrenderness and feel smile with joy
3. Do afirmation " I use Aurora Reiki Level .( mention aurora reiki level) perfectly
strengthen aura in all my weak body, cleaning my dirty aura perfectly for 1 day, do it do it
do it thank thank thank
4. meditate and smile for 15 minutes

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