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This is a fking shit I uploaded to scribd to download

files ssry guy if u came here

We gonna show you our environment work about
CCS; these Are the acronyms of carbon dioxide
capture and storage.
Ok, C02 is a is a colorless and odorless gas. Made
up of a single carbon atom and 2 oxygen. four
hundred two ppm by volume and 6 hundred eleven
by mass
We see how the amount of CO2 is increasing in time
year per year.

fire extinguishers, Producing beer, Synthesizing

aspirins Stunting animals before slaughter, Growing
algae, Cleaning insects food
the Main problem is the CO2 accumulation in the
athmosphere that produces the greenhouse effect-
increase global warming. Climate change.. despite
Donalds trump friends say its not
From land-cleaning, intensive farming, burning fossil
fuels like oil natural gas and coil

CO2 sources, countries graphs

Precombustion capture:
Coal is combined with Oxygen to create a gas, made
of carbon MONOXIDE and Hydrogen atom. And
water causes the reaction We have a mix of H and
C02, and the CO2 can be safely captured and the
hydrogen is burned to drive a turbine and generate
electricity, or the H can be used to another purpose
like fill fuel cells for cars

POST combustion capture

The fossil fuel is burned as normalbut the flue gases
travels up the chimeney that passes trought an
absorber column filled with liquid solvent wich
absorb CO2 before contact with the atmosphere.
CO2 is separated from the solvent by high
pressure membrane filtration,
adsorption/desorption processes and cryogenic

Oxyfuel Process
nitrogen is stripped from oxygen in an air separator,
the leftover O2 is pure than normal air, and when
combustion with the fossil fuel produces CO2 and
water vapour, the mix drives trought the turbines
and generates electricity , the water vapour is
cooled, condensed and removed. the remaining co2
is captured

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