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Pillais Meditation on
The Sun and The Moon
~ Sit on a Chair

Keep your spine erect. You can also sit on the ground cross-legged.

~ Close your Eyes

Darkness activates Pineal Gland to secrete a chemical called DMT

(Dimethyltryptamine). This chemical is known to take you to a different dimension and
time frame.

~ Focus on Right Brain

Put your attention on your right brain.

Visualize a Full Moon inside the right brain.

~ Focus on Left Brain

Put your attention on your left brain.

Visualize a bright Sun inside the left brain.

~ Merge Sun and Moon in Brain

Now, the Moon in the right brain starts to move towards the Sun in the left brain.

The Moon is going closer and closer to the Sun.

The Moon is starting to enter into the Sun in 16 steps.

Count 1, 2, 38, 9, 1014, 15, 16

The Moon enters into the Sun, and merges into the Sun.

~ Chant Gayatri Mantra

Om Bhur Bhuva Swaha, Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi, Dhiyo Yonaha Prachodayat

2013 Pillai Center for MindScience. All Rights Reserved.

~ Merge Sun and Moon in Heart Center

Visualize the Sun and the Moon following each other, rotating inside the Heart Center.

The Sun represents the prana, the life energy. The Moon represents apana, another air
that circulates within our body-mind.

The Sun and the Moon come close to one another, but never touch. They are both
constantly in motion.

Now, the Sun and the Moon are rotating and getting closer to each other.

The Moon has come very close to the Sun.

The Moon enters into the Sun, and merges into the Sun.

~ Chant Gayatri Mantra

Om Bhur Bhuva Swaha, Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi, Dhiyo Yonaha Prachodayat

~ Watch Your Brain and Heart

Watch the Sun and the Moon merged within the Heart Center.

Watch the Sun and the Moon merged within the left brain.

Watch your breath.

Stay in that position for however long you want.

Relax and slowly come back to yourself.

Once you have mastered the Solar/Lunar calendar, then you can master
your own calendar of appointments because you have a higher wisdom of
which you are in charge. ~ Dr. Pillai

2013 Pillai Center for MindScience. All Rights Reserved.

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