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Theoretical Framework

According to Zero Waste Theory by Candice Anderson, in order to achieve a zero

waste environment, waste should be move from the back end of waste disposal to
the front end of resource management. If it cant be repaired, rebuilt, refurbished,
refinished, resold, recycled or composted, then it should be restricted, redesigned,
or removed from production.

But because of the rapid growth of population, unfinished street layouts, and
improper waste disposal, zero waste environment is hard to achieve. These factors
are also the cause of flooding on streets during rainy seasons. These improperly
disposed waste blocks most of the drainages that blocks water the opening to
where flood water should enter flawlessly into the drainages to the sewer pipes. The
researchers therefore proposed a prototype waste segregating storm drain that
separates street garbage from flood water before entering the sewer pipes. This
study aims to know the impact of the waste segregating storm drain to be used on
streets. This study also aims to lessen the flooding on streets due to improper
disposal of garbage that gives way to a clean environment

Conceptual Framework

Input: Process: Output:

Drainages The researchers will find what GEMIDRAIN:

along causes flooding along Anonas A prototype
Anonas Street and what will be the waste
Street solution in order to prevent segregating
flooding. storm drain.


The design of the

gemidrain is dependent
on the cross-section
layout of the soil and
the location of the
pipes and drainage

From the chart above, the research will took place along Anonas street and its main
focus is to study the drainages along it. The researchers will study the causes of
flooding along the street and how to lessen it in order to prevent inconvenience
among students, residents and the transportation. As its output, the researchers
proposed a prototype waste segregating storm drain that varies design depending
upon the given layout.

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