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Full Moon of the Guru

with Dr. Pillai

Full moon of the Guru, or Guru Purnima, is the most important time for all
spiritual aspirants. The grace of the Guru is abundantly available on this Full
Moon day.

You can accomplish a great deal of things on the Full Moon of the Guru.
Dont miss this Full Moon of the Guru. The Guru receives energy and passes it
on to the student. ~ Dr. Pillai

Mark this Amazing Date

Monday, July 22, 2013 (in all time zones)

10 Incredible Power Tips for this Day

Tip 1: Chant Moola Mantra
Do this as many times as possible during the day.

Reciting it in your midbrain brings protection against negativity and manifests your desires.




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Tip 2: Write Prosperity Mantra
Do this as many times as possible during the day.

Writing the mantra grounds the energy and brings the vibrations of wealth in your life.


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Tip 3: Meditate on Gurus Form

Do this as many times as possible during the day.

Gazing at the Spiritual Masters image allows you to access divine wisdom and brings clarity.

Tip 4: Focus on Gurus Feet

Do this as many times as possible during the day.

Visualizing the Spiritual Masters feet in your brain and heart dissolves your ego and brings
incredible peace.

Tip 5: Observe Silence

Do this for the entire day or atleast for a few hours.

Silence enables you to connect with the Spiritual Master and be conscious of your thought

Tip 6: Be on a Fast
Do this for the entire day, or from sunrise to sunset, or even for a single meal.

Fasting rejuvenates your body and makes your mind receptive to blessings from the
Spiritual Master.

Tip 7: Do Acts of Charity

Give food packets or clothes to the poor and donate money for a good cause.

Charity earns you the grace of the Spiritual Master and frees you from problems of all kinds.

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Tip 8: Join Spiritual Technology
Sponsor and participate via proxy in a fire ceremony.

Fire ritual brings the energy of the Ascended Masters who can remove pain and suffering
from your life.

Tip 9: Visit a Powerspot

Go on a pilgrimage to the tomb of an Enlightened Master of any faith.

Powerspot contains the subtle presence of that Master who can fulfill your wishes.

Tip 10: Cry Out to the Guru

Do this as many times as possible during the day.

Devotion creates a powerful bond with the Spiritual Master and brings miracles in life.

In Indian spiritual tradition, Guru is considered God. Guru is everything.

What about the traditions and religions where there is no Guru? There, the
Messiah and the Prophet are Gurus. They are called by different names; they
are representatives of God on earth.

Without the Guru, it is impossible to be enlightened. You may read a lot of

books and practice meditation for years. Still you may or may not succeed.

However, if you win the grace of the Guru, everything will happen in a
second. ~ Dr. Pillai

2013 Pillai Center for MindScience. All Rights Reserved.

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