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2000 Chaos List

- Chaos Lord w/ MoN, Terminator Armour, PMace, Blight Nades. 125

- Helbrute w/ TL Lascannon. 125
- Helbrute w/ RAC and Missile Launcher. 115
- Helbrute w/ RAC and Missile Launcher. 115

- x7 Plague Marines w/ x2 Plasma Guns. 198
- x7 Plague Marines w/ x2 Plasma Guns. 198
- x6 Plague Marines w/ x2 Meltaguns. 164
- x15 Cultists. 70

Fast Attack
- Heldrake w/ baleflamer. 170

Heavy Support
- x7 Havocs w/ x4 Missile Launchers. 161
- x2 Oblits. 152
- x2 Oblits. 152

- Defence Line w/ Quad Gun. 100 TOTAL-1997

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