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Write a body paragraph: The Last Spin

Topic Sentence:

The short story explores the concept of inner journey through the development of
relationships and emotional interconnection. The concept of inner journey
recognized throughout the story was developed over the period of time alongside
the building of characterization. The characters inner development associated the
connection between various similarities one another shared which was not
established in the beginning. The perspectives of one another was clouded with
opposed judgment, this could be seen as they identify themselves with symbolism
off their jackets. Symbolism was also presented through the gun which connotated
death in terms of a single trigger. The techniques represent a development of inner
journey as death is final quest of the journey of life.

The Road not Taken:

People undertake journeys to experience a new imagined or real world which can lead to a change in
perspective on life and a better understanding of the self or intellectual enrichment.

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