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ideas ¢ artes + Lenguaje * ciencia * curiosidades algarabia \ léeme y sabras , DELA FOTOGRAFIA ALA ILUSTRACION c? | PHOTOSHOP imagen ajustes Y nisiquiera se imagina de ese pacto misterioso con su alma y tu cerebro. No tiene la tactica adecuada pa’ arrancarme de tu pecho, yo que te falle a ti mil veces sigo siendo tu duefio. Que me pregunte como te conquiste, que anote mis truquitos en papel, no bastan los modales ni ser fiel, si tu deliras por el malo que te eriza la piel. Yo en cambio encuentro el punto debil que te lleva hasta el exceso. Te enamoras de el. Y nisiquiera se imagina de ese pacto misterioso con su alma y tu cerebro. No tiene la tactica adecuada pa’ arrancarme de tu pecho, yo que te falle a ti mil veces sigo siendo tu duefio. Que me pregunte como te conquiste, que anote mis truquitos en papel, no bastan los modales ni ser fiel, si tu deliras por el malo que te eriza la piel. Yo en cambio encuentro el punto debil que te lleva hasta el exceso. Te enaimoras de el. Y nisiquiera se imagina de ese pacto misterioso con su alma y tu cerebro, No tiene la tactica adecuada pa’ arrancarme de tu pecho, yo que te falle a ti mil veces sigo siendo tu dueno. Y uisiquiera se imagina de ese pacto misterioso con su alma y tu cerebro. No tiene la tactica adecuada pa’ arrancarme de tu pecho, yo que te falle a ti mil veces sigo siendo tu duetio. Que me pregunte como te conquiste, que anote mis truquitos en papel, no bastan los modales ni ser fiel, si tu deliras por el malo que te eriza la piel. —<$<$<<__— | Brillo/contraste... Niveles... Curvas... Exposici6n... Intensidad... Equilibrio de color... # Blanco y negro... C8 Filtro de fotografia... Mezclador de canales... Consulta de colores... Invertir # Posterizar... Umbral... Mapa de degradado... Correcci6n selectiva... Sombras/iluminaciones... Tonos HDR... Desaturar C# Igualar color... Reemplazar color... Ecualizar I don’t really care what people say. Y ya que encontre el punto donde te excitas y sientes tu calor, pero si no es de susto, no controlas tus impulsos, Cuando me Ilama al celular es por que quiere dormir y yo no me voy a negar por que siempre estoy puesto pa’ ti, baby. Cuando me llama al celular es por que quiere dormir y yo no me voy a negar por que siempre estoy puesto pa’ ti, baby. You look so dumb right now standin’ outside my house tryin’ to apologize, you're so ugly when you cry just cut it out. Yeah, I got a fistful of your hair but you don't look like you're scared. You just smile and tell me, "Daddy, it's yours." ‘cause you know how I like it, you's a dirty little lover. PHOTOSHOP herramienta dedo Ooh I got a body full of liquor with a cocaine kicker and I'm feeling like I'm thirty feet tall. So lay it down, lay it down you got your legs up in the sky with the devil in your eyes, let me hear you say you want it all. Say it now, say it now, look what you're doing, look what you've done but in this jungle you can't run, “cause what I got for you I promise it's a killer, you'll be banging on my chest. Bang bang, gorilla You and me baby making love like gorillas. PINCELES J * S 4 mee a) PHOTOSHOP herramienta corrector eF Ae a eee | Fa Pte al Ryle Benes alg Paes) PS Herramienta Movimiento con deteccién de contenido “te Herramienta Pincel de ojos rojos Oh, her eyes, her eyes make the stars look like they're not shining, her hair, her hair falls perfectly without her trying. She's so beautiful and I tell her everyday. Yeah, I know, I know when I compliment her, she won't believe me and it's so, it's so sad to think that she doesn't see what I see but every time she ask me do I look okay? I say... When I see your face there's not a thing that I would change. Her lips, her lips, I could kiss them all day if she'd let me Her laugh her laugh, she hates but I think it's so sexy she's so beautiful and I tell her everyday Oh, you know, you know, you know I'd never ask you to change, if perfect's what you're searching for, then just stay the same so don't even bother asking if you look okay You know I'll say. 5 When I see your face there's not a thing that I would change ‘cause you're amazing just the way you are. And when you simile the whole world stops and stares for a while, ‘cause girl, you're amazing just the way you are. The way you are, the way you are. Gul, you're amazing just the way you are When I see your face there's not a thing that I would change ‘cause you're amazing just the way you are. And when you smile the whole world stops and stares for a while, ’cause girl, you're amazing just the way you are. tr tie Beet (email | OMe hae Reet ang tea ad MO Re kee hel {fee Es Sang shall @ Herramienta Pincel de ojos rojos Oh, you know, you know, you know I'd never ask you to change if perfect's what you're searching for, then just stay the same so don't even bother asking if you look okay You know I'll say. When I see your face there's not a thing that I would change, ‘cause you're amazing, just the way you are And when you smile the whole world stops and stares for a while ’cause girl, you're amazing just the way you are. PHOTOSHOP herramienta licuar Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes but it's the only thing that I know. When it gets hard, you know it can get hard sometimes it is the only thing that makes us feel alive, we keep this love ina photograph, we made these memories for ourselve, where our eyes are never closing. Hearts are never broken and time's forever frozen still so you can keep me inside the pocket of your ripped jeans. Holding me closer ‘til our eyes meet. You won't ever be alone, wait for me to come home. oe |i] 1 a rb oA LO a Lieuar Convertir para filtros inteligentes Galeria de filtro. Angulo ancho adaptable... Correccién de lente. MayiseCtl+A Maytise Ctd-R, Pintura Punto de fuga... Alte CtrleV Desenfocar Distorsionar Enfocar Estilzar Interpretar Pixelizar Ruide Video Otro Digimare Explorar filtros en lines. Loving can heal, loving can mend your soul and it’s the only thing that I know, know I swear it will get easier, remember that with every piece of you. Hm, and it's the only thing we take with us when we die. Hm, we keep this love in this photograph, we made_ these memories for ourselves where our eyes are never closing. Hearts were never broken and time's forever frozen still, So you can keep me inside the pocket of your ripped jeans holding me closer ‘til our eyes meet you won't ever be alone. And if you hurt me that's okay baby, only words bleed Inside these pages you just hold me and I won't ever let you go. algarabia \ léeme y sabras , BUAP COLEGIO DE DISENO GRAFICO EDICION DIGITAL DE IMAGEN AUTOR: DIANA HERNANDEZ RICO

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