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File (hide): 723d401f7d28a56.jpg (14.57 KB, 400x300, 4:3, every_time.


Cloudflare has been leaking secrets Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu)
21:39:46 44a782 No.9348577>>9348679 >>9348758 >>9348784 >>9349496 >>9350275 >>9350612 >>9350784 >>9350824 >>9351311 >>9352500 >
>9352838 >>9353931 >>9355656 >>9356605 >>9356953>>9358069 >>9362991 >>9369620 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
>We fetched a few live samples, and we observed encryption keys, cookies, passwords, chunks of POST data and even
HTTPS requests for other major cloudflare-hosted sites from other users. Once we understood what we were seeing and
the implications, we immediately stopped and contacted cloudflare security.
>We've been trying to help clean up cached pages inadvertently crawled at Google. This is just a bandaid, but we're doing
what we can. Cloudflare customers are going to need to decide if they need to rotate secrets and notify their users based
on the facts we know.
>I don't know if this issue was noticed and exploited, but I'm sure other crawlers have collected data and that users have
saved or cached content and don't realize what they have, etc. We've discovered (and purged) cached pages that contain
private messages from well-known services, PII from major sites that use cloudflare, and even plaintext API requests from
a popular password manager that were sent over https (!!).
If you haven't been using basic OpSec online (local password vault, VPN, moderately hardened browser, etc.) and you
visited a cloudfare "protected" site. There is a chance that your traffic has been scraped due to a memory bug a lot like
heartbleed. Nothing that anyone on a fine Cambodian knitting forum should be concerned about of course. This is just
another one of those subtle hints reminding everyone that you have to be serious about your personal online security.
>It looked like that if an html page hosted behind cloudflare had a specific combination of unbalanced tags, the proxy
would intersperse pages of uninitialized memory into the output (kinda like heartbleed, but cloudflare specific and worse
for reasons I'll explain later).
Wonder if Jim knows
Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 21:56:38 98b8cb No.9348679>>9348705 >>9348763 >>9349211 >>9358200
>>9348577 (OP)
nigger unless you own the internet and isp's then you're fucked an yways

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 21:59:50 7ace30 No.9348705>>9348763

fuck off kike

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:00:14 41af31 No.9348708>>9348723

does Cloudfare even have a competitor?

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:00:42 000000 No.9348712>>9348865 >>9350085 >>9350126 >>9350587

Unless you can recommend something more trustworthy. Tails is a acceptable choice, despite its origins and dubious
personnel issues.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:01:41 000000 No.9348723>>9348864

The CIA does not abide competition.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:05:09 246a7b No.9348758>>9348932 >>9348946 >>9350407

>>9348577 (OP) (checked)
Wonder if this has anything to do with the reauthorization on my Android phone today.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:05:45 77c215 No.9348763>>9348828 >>9349971 >>9350257 >>9357751

he is right tho, ISPs monitor every bit of traffic that goes through your network and are more than willing to share every
single bit of it with gov and other agencies with no resistance.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:07:29 517f85 No.9348784>>9348816 >>9348864 >>9352838

>>9348577 (OP)
We're all fucked anyway. If you're not on a list already you're doing it wrong.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:09:39 000000 No.9348799>>9348825 >>9356953

>(((Cloudflare))) is compromised
>posts link that's hosted by cloudflare

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:11:29 0c40f4 No.9348816>>9351097

File (hide): 75143ba8cc54d66.png (43.57 KB, 366x425, 366:425, 75143ba8cc54d66b88ef70a011.png)

pretty much this. Come kill me I don't care.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:11:38 4b151e No.9348818>>9360850

Who needs NSA mormon data closets when you have cloudflare!
"I'm finding private messages from major dating sites, full messages from a well-known chat service, online password
manager data, frames from adult video sites, hotel bookings. We're talking full https requests, client IP addresses, full
responses, cookies, passwords, keys, data, everything."

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:12:46 4b151e No.9348825

10% of web traffic is cloudflare.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:12:59 7ace30 No.9348828>>9348840 >>9348879

this is why you opsec it up cuck

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:14:31 77c215 No.9348840>>9348865 >>9349022

why are you so triggered by what I said? Nobody is saying not to opsec, but don't pretend you are safe just because you
don't use a kike platform.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:14:36 000000 No.9348842

this. the point is to flood their shitty list. if cia niggers are watching me they're hilariously wasting their time and money

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:15:58 000000 No.9348851

What are you worried about if you've got nothing to hide, goy?

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:17:29 248686 No.9348864>>9352735

Good thing cianiggers are about to get purged, eh tor poster?
Pretty much. I was put on a list long before I ever found /pol/.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:17:34 246a7b No.9348865>>9350587

File (hide): bc09627ed82e2cf.jpg (68.61 KB, 405x298, 405:298, down_the_road.jpg)

I think OP's point is, no one is safe, period and opsec is really the only thing that can be done. Yet another fucking
wakeup call.
Carrier Pidgeons
Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:18:11 20d620 No.9348877>>9350806 >>9354927 >>9356953
File (hide): 317199c6a6bd1c6.jpg (684.8 KB, 1200x1188, 100:99, 59898499_p1_master1200.jpg)

Government's about to find a shitton of doujins and 3D aryan women on my drive.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:18:24 40fdd3 No.9348879

Are you hacking into a MIC company network or browsing a Vietnamese frog drawing discussion imageboard?
tl;dr you know fuck all about opsec nigger.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:21:59 0d6f41 No.9348911>>9348947 >>9349021 >>9356953

So whats the damage? Are my passwords not safe or is it just browsing history?

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:24:17 3f1c75 No.9348932>>9348946 >>9350407

Happened to my android too. Must be a (((coincidence))).

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:24:51 679332 No.9348940>>9348961

all these shills ITT
Only faggots would speak negatively towards opsec or anyone proposing opsec

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:25:21 20d620 No.9348946>>9350407

Okay now I'm fucking spooked. I had to reauthorize shit too.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:25:22 246a7b No.9348947>>9348967 >>9348992 >>9349718

>>9348911 (checked)
Won't know for a couple of days but always safer than sorry. Is anyone else having to reauthenticate on the major
services? (((Chrome))) yes I know, what I surf "normie" sites on to leave a purposeful footprint made me reauthenticate all
accounts tonight as well as my phone. 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:25:48 91b4c4 No.9348950>>9348965 >>9348997 >>9349021 >>9358391

I stopped using VPNs when Rule 41 passed and using them could get you put on a watchlist.
What the fuck is there left to do? I don't really care about my IP anyway might as well start namefagging with it :^)

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:27:06 d89cf4 No.9348961>>9349627

Blame the cuckchan rapefugees that feel the need to post when they have nothing of value to say.
4cuck has been banning en masse again for whatever reason. Hopefully it will pass.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:27:29 7a208c No.9348965>>9348984 >>9348997 >>9351005 >>9351012

There's anons here who aren't already on a watchlist somewhere?

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:27:46 20d620 No.9348967>>9348998

File (hide): e56ba356a799bfa.jpg (10.58 KB, 219x187, 219:187, 1430959336465.jpg)

Same here. Anons I'm worried about going to sleep tonight now.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:28:09 6358f1 No.9348971>>9348983 >>9348988

File (hide): abc7b94bffc6521.png (1.28 MB, 3133x3990, 3133:3990, cloudbleed 1.png)

Related thread on /tech/:


Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:29:17 20d620 No.9348983>>9349015

>any passwords you may have sent
So as long as we didn't send any personal info we're good? That's the impression I'm getting. 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:29:21 91b4c4 No.9348984

>There's anons here who aren't already on a watchlist somewhere?
Everyone's likely on several - I just doubt that they will leave me alone and probably use any excuse to v& me like some
spammer(liek doggore - which is illegal in my area) using the same VPN as me.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:29:34 246a7b No.9348988>>9356953

File (hide): af3109901f48545.jpg (26.51 KB, 500x500, 1:1, holy_fucking_shit.jpg)

Oh look it even has a logo

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:29:47 0d6f41 No.9348992>>9349026 >>9350639

I have 2 factor auth on the 2 accounts i really care about. what do you mean by reauthenticate? Does it mean relogging
in? its a good thing im super paranoid about browsing the web. I might not be infected

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:30:08 39df59 No.9348997

people can fuck with your router if it's a piece of shit.
ex: something distributed by Verizon a few years ago.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:30:09 43f4ab No.9348998>>9349004

File (hide): 5318dc1e2365eb4.jpg (45.71 KB, 237x237, 1:1, kamina wink.jpg)

don't worry anon you could probably take on whatever nerds they send. i'd sleep with a sharpened twig if i were you

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:30:52 20d620 No.9349004>>9349032 >>9349116

More like an AR15 and 1500 rounds. 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:31:39 91b4c4 No.9349015>>9349019

sent as in sent and received data
as in input/output

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:32:11 20d620 No.9349019>>9349044 >>9349085

Right, I haven't sent or received shit so I guess I'm good.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:32:23 cb2775 No.9349021>>9349034 >>9349085

If a site you use is a customer of cloudflare, I would consider that password to be public information and should be
tl;dr sites that use cloudflare were spitting out way more info than they should have been because of some piss poor
attempt at email obfuscation
zayo bandwidth, nice. I have to use VPNs in order to work, and I use different VPNs for personal shit either way. If that
gets me put on any lists I have a viable cover.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:32:29 16fc3c No.9349022>>9356953

File (hide): 91bce5c03ba6ae9.jpg (22.75 KB, 262x297, 262:297, 91bce5c03ba6ae94ebb6e49b11.jpg)

> because you don't use a kike platform.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:32:40 246a7b No.9349026>>9349411

Yeah, chrome and android both gave me the little red triangle saying "Need to Reauthenticate" or some such nonsense.
Means they wiped the tokens their side and needed a fresh password entry THANKS OAUTH! since mine were stale.
Probably preventative on their side since, you know, Google. With two step you should be groovy.
Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:32:56 43f4ab No.9349032
they're nerds anon, you could spraypaint a banana grey and they would most assuredly give you their wallets

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu)

22:33:01 0d6f41 No.9349034>>9349051 >>9349061 >>9349085 >>9349114 >>9349184 >>9350260 >>9351411
How do i know if its cloudflare? 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:33:58 91b4c4 No.9349044>>9349055 >>9356953

you have never clicked "log in" on a site backed by kikeflare? Become technologically literate.
They don't just mean "i sent you an email with my password in it"
they mean data sent to any server running kikeflare. any data.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:34:46 cb2775 No.9349051>>9349067

This is a good start https: // www.cloudflare. com/case-studies/

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:35:17 20d620 No.9349055>>9356953

I go here, I listen to RLM on jewtube. and I go on tweetdeck because fuck normal twitter. That's about it.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:35:20 679332 No.9349057>>9349068 >>9349124 >>9362946

attention anons
>get open source firmware router (buy or DIY)
>make sure whatever open source you go with supports Openvpn
>get VPN service that supports Openvpn (no tracking from your router to VPN, just encrypted)
>pay for VPN with prepaid gift card
>get burner laptop
>configure iptables (basically linux firewall) on open source router to use VPN only with burner laptop
>get 2nd burner laptop
>use free wifi from public places
>or crack neighbors WPA keys
>NEVER check your email, bank account, etc from this burner laptop

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:35:40 7a208c No.9349061>>9349071 >>9349111 >>9349184


Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:36:04 0d6f41 No.9349067

Is it safe to visit cloudflare sites now?

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:36:07 679332 No.9349068>>9349100

plus you can use Tails
and/or Tor

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:36:17 7a208c No.9349071

Shit, I didn't realize that site requires an account.
My bad.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:37:32 246a7b No.9349085>>9349184

That's the trick, 10% or so of the internet runs through the fuckers. You really don't.
If you visit a website you "send" data requesting the site, you then "receive" data from that request. If you have a
password on any site that is hosted on Cloudflare as >>9349021 said, you should consider it public now.
In other words if you visited which is hosted / or passed through on cloudflare- or pulls any cloudflare CDN
info, it is likely that your IP address, any postings you made, any hot hentai you downloaded, etc. was scraped up by
baidu bot or bing.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:37:55 0d6f41 No.9349089>>9349099 >>9349107

Is the leaks limited to just cloudflare websites? Or are they able to access non cloudflare websites?

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:39:05 0d6f41 No.9349099>>9356953

I mean passwords. Can they get not CF passwords. 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:39:08 91b4c4 No.9349100>>9349123 >>9356953

TOR is jew'd lad - just shell out the cash for a decent VPN. explains how to pick one.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:39:44 246a7b No.9349107

Disclosure is just about Cloudflare so just affects them and their customers it looks like.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:39:52 000000 No.9349110>>9349146 >>9349160 >>9349634

This is the Trump administration closing all the sloppy backdoors that can be used by China to fuck the US over. Look at
his cyber executive order.
SHA1 was also announced today and given 90 days.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:39:54 1117c4 No.9349111>>9349127 >>9356953

Does builtwith . com use CloudFlare?

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:40:31 4433d0 No.9349114

When I've browsed with tails cloudflare sites have thrown portal pages with captchas at me. If you really want to check
that might work. Or maybe there's an easier way ..?

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:40:56 248686 No.9349116>>9349136

Ah shit nigger you on a list naow.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:41:18 679332 No.9349123>>9349182

VPN > Tor > a different VPN

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:41:18 cb2775 No.9349124>>9349144 >>9354980

>Get burner laptop in cash
>Write garbage data to the drive, then install your OS with full disk encryption
>Never connect to clearnet with it
>Install a physical router/computer that pushes all packets from a tor-only subnet over tor, no access to clear net or the
rest of your network. Disable all connections to this router from your tor subnet.
>Then connect to VPN if you want/need to
Most of the Tor unmasking is either timing attacks (which this doesn't solve, need extra noise on the line) or when a
computer/browser gets malware and connects to clear net.
For a little bit of added security, run VMs on your laptop, dispose of the VMs regularly or revert to previous snapshot.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:41:31 7a208c No.9349127

Good point.
no idea

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:41:51 54c714 No.9349133>>9356953

h8chan won't let me post with a vpn, wtf.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:42:07 20d620 No.9349136

I've assumed I'm on a list for years now. My background check was fine when I bought my AR so I can't be too high on
their watchlist. Sage for offtopic.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:42:21 0d6f41 No.9349140>>9349311

If i havent used a CF website in a while, am i fine?

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:43:00 679332 No.9349144>>9349166 >>9356953

>For a little bit of added security, run VMs on your laptop, dispose of the VMs regularly or revert to previous snapshot.
Or just use Tails

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:43:21 000000 No.9349146>>9354074

mass adoption when?

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:44:59 20d620 No.9349160

>This is the Trump administration closing all the sloppy backdoors that can be used by China to fuck the US over.
If this were true I would feel so much better about this shit. I want to believe but I'm a skeptic. 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:45:21 91b4c4 No.9349166>>9356953

Qubes is slightly more secure but also slightly more complex than TAILS

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:45:45 246a7b No.9349168>>9349177 >>9349199 >>9349221 >>9351385 >>9356249
File (hide): e6a4e69b98a9133.jpg (390.44 KB, 1247x799, 1247:799, i_was_right.jpg)

Wow reading the comments from Hackernews

>Oh, my god.
Read the whole event log.
If you were behind Cloudflare and it was proxying sensitive data (the contents of HTTP POSTs, &c), they've potentially
been spraying it into caches all across the Internet; it was so bad that Tavis found it by accident just looking through
Google search results.
The crazy thing here is that the Project Zero people were joking last night about a disclosure that was going to keep
everyone at work late today. And, this morning, Google announced the SHA-1 collision, which everyone (including the
insiders who leaked that the SHA-1 collision was coming) thought was the big announcement.
Nope. A SHA-1 collision, it turns out, is the minor security news of the day.
This is approximately as bad as it ever gets. A significant number of companies probably need to compose customer
notifications; it's, at this point, very difficult to rule out unauthorized disclosure of anything that traversed Cloudflare.
>It is far from over, too! Google Cache still has loads of sensitive information, a link away! Look at this, click on the
downward arrow, "Cached":"CF-Host-Origin-IP:"+"author
(And then, in Google Cache, "view source", search for "authorization".) (Various combinations of HTTP headers to search
for yield more results.)

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:46:21 246a7b No.9349177>>9349204 >>9356953

apologies for the abortion on the greentext, it looks like fucking reddit on that board

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:46:45 000000 No.9349182>>9349241

>surfing the web at 14,400 baud

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:46:47 cb2775 No.9349184>>9349934

You can determine which sites use cloudflare with curl (with the -I, capital i, flag). e.g.: curl -I 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:48:12 91b4c4 No.9349199>>9349212 >>9356953

File (hide): 066805ebf6dade9.png (428.34 KB, 700x526, 350:263, 3fc14a8eccedc8192e33d6b9e4.png)
File (hide): c1182c1995f28dd.jpg (54.46 KB, 700x466, 350:233, nervous but excited doggo.jpg)

>it was so bad that Tavis found it by accident just looking through Google search results. 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:48:36 91b4c4 No.9349204>>9349228

yc is reddit for silicon valley kikes.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:49:29 dab8b7 No.9349211>>9350169 >>9356953

If it's not encrypted coming out of your modem you might as well just email it to NSA.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:49:32 20d620 No.9349212

File (hide): fbf3a113359aaee.gif (1002.26 KB, 200x150, 4:3, mfw_58.gif)

This really is as bad as it gets, isn't it?

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:50:33 b9e43f No.9349221

File (hide): 37429cb8a7c5fe3.jpg (22.29 KB, 267x274, 267:274, 37429cb8a7c5fe39fd6dc87b27.jpg)
File (hide): 406ee72c07ab79c.png (463.49 KB, 944x655, 944:655, 69db528d961cd418eb9cb1a7fa.png)

>This is approximately as bad as it ever gets.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:50:36 4433d0 No.9349224

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:50:50 246a7b No.9349228

>at this point, very difficult to rule out unauthorized disclosure of anything that traversed Cloudflare.
>anything that traversed Cloudflare.
Glad I found it then. Kinda like reading the Protocals of the Elders of Zion but for (((nerds))).

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:51:57 679332 No.9349241

>implying nigger

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:53:02 246a7b No.9349250>>9349261 >>9352673

File (hide): c5989574dac8607.png (40.36 KB, 1296x480, 27:10, Selection_115.png)

Oh holy fuck! HAHAHAHA

>'m also seeing a ton from with oauth, cookies and even geolocation info.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:53:57 20d620 No.9349261>>9349292 >>9349517

File (hide): e244c319775f338.png (228.57 KB, 350x350, 1:1, 1314423340720.png)

>tfw not tech literate but can still feel how bad this is

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:55:12 0d6f41 No.9349272

All right, i changed the only password that would be bad to lose that doesnt have 2 factor auth. I think im safe. GL with the
rest of you though. It seems bad.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:56:51 246a7b No.9349292>>9349327 >>9349350

File (hide): bdbcf839cf0e517.png (20.27 KB, 684x447, 228:149, Selection_116.png)

>The "well-known chat service" mentioned by Tavis appears to be Discord, for the record.
Yup, it's bad.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 22:58:54 0018ba No.9349311>>9349322 >>9349327 >>9349337 >>9349340 >>9353886 >>9356953
You're using one right now.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:00:01 0d6f41 No.9349322>>9349326 >>9349337 >>9356953

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:00:28 4b151e No.9349326
10% of all internet traffic, anon. All in the wild now.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:00:35 2e4e7b No.9349327>>9349365 >>9349425

I knew Discord was bad, but this is kind of fucked since Cloudfare is on a ton of websites.
Exactly. Did /tech/ wake up the codemonkey yet?

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:01:12 246a7b No.9349330>>9349349

File (hide): 2910bbb2b18533d.png (40.56 KB, 674x530, 337:265, Selection_117.png)

These comments. Yeah, best be changing those passwords lads. This looks like it is actually fundamentally worse than

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:02:01 0ad97e No.9349337

File (hide): 779f54091792091.gif (4.95 MB, 429x178, 429:178, 15464897344.gif)


Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:02:23 4433d0 No.9349340

File (hide): 16ecd899a3f87d8.jpg (104.13 KB, 618x800, 309:400, !CDPhpj!!mk~$(KGrHqUOKoYE0.JPG)

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:03:14 000000 No.9349345>>9349362

how come (((msm))) isn't reporting on this yet?

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:03:38 0d6f41 No.9349349

Do i only need to change passwords on CF websites or everywhere?

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:03:40 20d620 No.9349350>>9349359 >>9349363 >>9349378 >>9349388 >>9349413
If I uninstall discord right now, is it already too late?

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:04:16 4b151e No.9349359>>9349372 >>9349385

>he fell for the discord meme
How does it feel that you not only walked into a goon honeypot but all your shit got leaked anyway

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:04:44 4433d0 No.9349362

they will, tech sites are showing it

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:04:48 b9e43f No.9349363>>9349375

You are literally hacked by Russians right now, your next post isn't even written by you. 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:05:20 91b4c4 No.9349365

chodemonkey is knee deep in flip ladybois now lad.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:06:00 20d620 No.9349372

Feels pretty shitty that Russia's looking at my doujins right now.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:06:19 246a7b No.9349375

err Haallo fellow nahdzi

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:06:28 0ad97e No.9349378

File (hide): be4115f07db1bfd.gif (72.48 KB, 500x380, 25:19, be4115f07db1bfd01d6fbdd6f8.gif)


Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:07:30 0d6f41 No.9349385>>9349396

The one thing discord has going for it is it being a better skype essentally. 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:07:45 91b4c4 No.9349388>>9349400 >>9356953

File (hide): 55522a78cfa0f72.png (509.38 KB, 1615x783, 1615:783, 55522a78cfa0f72f9d3d75ca15.png)

File (hide): 98db868437e2f65.png(2.73 KB, 1x1, 1:1,bypass.png)

nah you're boned. this is exactly why we told you faggots not to use that shit.
also >tfw you'll be playing this in less than 12 hours

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:08:21 679332 No.9349394>>9349768

Here's my question
Does the update servers for various Linux distros run on cloudflare? Ports for Unix?
Could this leak people's auth passwords for updating?

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:08:43 4b151e No.9349396

>chat service run by goons
I don't care if it sent robot hookers to give free blowjobs, if you use a goon service you deserve the cyber-aids that you get
from it.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:09:16 20d620 No.9349400>>9349402 >>9349408 >>9349459 >>9356953

Nobody told me not to use it. I was told it was better than Skype, and I figured it was true because of Microshit. 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:09:57 91b4c4 No.9349402>>9349407
>Nobody told me not to use it.
except for everyone here that sagebombs any threads regarding discord and tells anyone who discusses discord to kill

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:10:27 20d620 No.9349407>>9349424

Somehow I missed those.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:10:29 0d6f41 No.9349408>>9364847 >>9364880

This is why. Skype is definitly worse than discord. Is there even a program that does what discord does but without the

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:11:17 6961b1 No.9349411>>9356953

What? Some password fuckery has happened on my android too

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:11:31 246a7b No.9349413>>9349415 >>9349506

File (hide): e5314401616c058.png (36.91 KB, 1252x194, 626:97, Selection_118.png)

Supposedly it was "fixed" so the damage is already done. The problem is it was spraying all the data out so the bots /
crawlers / page cachers / etc. could grab all the goodies.
Pic attached pretty much sums it up. If they were on the stock market they aren't we would be talking about a company
killing blow from this; but instead these fuckers will keep siphoning off the backs of the internet with their "security". I hate
cloudflare, makes Tor nearly unusableand their captchas can kiss my fucking ass

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:12:03 20d620 No.9349415>>9349431

>Supposedly it was "fixed" so the damage is already done.
Yeah I'm gonna go with the assumption it's still not fixed. 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:13:05 91b4c4 No.9349424>>9349429

not anyone's fault but your own - lurk moar.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:13:12 3f072c No.9349425>>9349431

But don't expect codemonkey to give a shit. It's not a front page feature nor bui spamming /leftypol/ so he'll ignore it.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:13:40 20d620 No.9349429>>9349440

Did I say it was anyone else's fault?
Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:14:25 246a7b No.9349431>>9349469
Wise choice, guess I won't have to hide the stupid 'POL' discord threads anymore.
Dunno what he could really do, possible the mods and BO's credentials got leaked though. Hmmmmm 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:15:55 91b4c4 No.9349440>>9349555

No, can never be reminded to lurk moar enough though.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:16:10 000000 No.9349441>>9349467 >>9349470 >>9349511 >>9349555

Some people tried to post about this here and it got slid to death. This is all part of the giant TAO leak that has heart
attack in it.
This is nothing compared to what will be revealed in the next few weeks

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:19:10 6961b1 No.9349459

I heard Tox is better alternative instead of discord.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:20:23 7a208c No.9349467>>9349529

Has the fire been started?

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:20:25 0018ba No.9349469

Stop using cloudflare? It's not like it's really mitigated any DDOS attacks against the site, since every time there is one it
still goes down.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:20:28 246a7b No.9349470

File (hide): 045b0280f655a1c.webm (4.05 MB, 480x360, 4:3, cloudflare_headquarters_l.webm) [play once] [loop]

Wouldn't it be funny if the NSA homebase was "Cloudflare" protected and Equation group just grabbed the tools off of
Baidu or VKontakt webcrawler data.

Anonymous 8chan Administrator 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:23:24 c28c7b No.9349496>>9349520

>>9348577 (OP)
>Wonder if Jim knows
Yeah we know. 8chan should be fine due to the nature of image boards.
Ill make a note for mod.php users suggesting them to change their passwords.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:24:13 4433d0 No.9349506

File (hide): 4e546afbe52b66b.gif (266.12 KB, 275x204, 275:204, aaaagggghhh.gif)

So their service has access to he client's encryption keys etc. Am I reading that right. I guess they'd have to. That's lovely.
Shady as fuck. The whole problem is likely the result of their data sniffing activities. Or collateral damage from third party
penetration into cf's data vaults.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:24:38 cb2775 No.9349511>>9349532 >>9356953

I have read a few articles about him before, he seemed to be an incompetent autist and somewhere it was claimed that
while working at TAO he was only making their burner accounts, bitch work. Who knows?

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:25:09 9bf8e4 No.9349517

Same here. Urgh. Who is responsible, would be my question. Does anyone know?

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:25:18 cb2775 No.9349520

It has since been fixed, but some old passwords may have been grabbed.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:26:03 0ad97e No.9349529

File (hide): 626341be3359ec4.webm (439.38 KB, 640x360, 16:9, the_fire_rises.webm) [play once] [loop]


Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:26:10 448099 No.9349531>>9349541 >>9349607

>you have to be series about your online identity
>because everyone I know including my boss doesn't already know I hate liberals, faggots, niggers, spics, and jews
>hope they dont dox me
I live in the bay area you fucking fags. If you're afraid to express your views IRL, you are a pussy bitch and not a man
Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:26:16 000000 No.9349532

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:27:24 20d620 No.9349541>>9349610

>reddit spacing
Anon, some of us are in positions where opening our mouths could result in the loss of our jobs. You wouldn't know
because you talk like you don't have one.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu)

23:28:47 6960de No.9349555>>9349573 >>9349596 >>9349598 >>9349629 >>9349634 >>9349715 >>9356953
File (hide): c4320a2b3dc2eb2.png (267.76 KB, 828x1403, 36:61, firecomfy.png)

So pretty much everyones fucked? This is some hilarious shit. Many kek's will be had in the ensuing chaos. Glad I saw
this coming and switched back to nix entirely quite some time ago. I know i'm far from 100% safe, but I'll take my odds
and honestly don't give a shit if (((they))) know that I frequent a tanzanian book binding forum for my main news source.
This namefagging nigger get's it. Don't think I fucking ever bro saw discord being discussed without a rain of shit coming
down afterwards on whoever mentioned that jewy pot o' honey. And I may be old but I'm relatively new around here, and
honestly I should still be lurking, got like 9 more months to put in. Been a fun ride so far. Posted a bit during the peak of
election season ofc, but seriously faggots lurking is better for you. Have some humility, it will catalyze the rate at which
you may truly understand and swallow dem pills. 4 realz.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:30:48 77c215 No.9349573

I came here to check these trips. Shadilay

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:32:43 6305f5 No.9349588>>9353198 >>9356953

List of sites:
Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:33:18 0ad97e No.9349596
File (hide): e2f02be14c733fa.webm (3.79 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Shadilay bunker dance.webm) [play once] [loop]

>>9349555 (check'd)

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:33:47 6961b1 No.9349598>>9349860

Is this a general /tech/ thread nao?
Can i ask questions about opsec?

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:34:45 4433d0 No.9349607

hear me roar

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:35:00 448099 No.9349610>>9349620 >>9349633 >>9349637 >>9349724 >>9349802
its not reddit spacing if its meme arrows faggot. I'm a project manager for a construction company. Its all redpills from the
top down.
Get a real job.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:36:12 b9e43f No.9349620>>9349642 >>9349802

File (hide): 0432f1fb1d6d2de.gif (2.25 MB, 288x540, 8:15, animu_eating_grapes.gif)

>tfw watching a blue pilled normie post on /pol/ for the first time and getting BTFO

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:37:09 5cf954 No.9349627>>9349643

File (hide): a551137532cb761.jpg (412.68 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Sad Alisa 28.jpg)
>tfw cuckchanners are too stupid to use a vpn and/or a proxy
I don't know whether to be smug or terrified they'll come here 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:37:25 91b4c4 No.9349629

>no brownies next to that hot cocoa

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:37:41 6961b1 No.9349633>>9356953


Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:37:59 000000 No.9349634>>9349802 >>9350445

There's an executive order in place to deal with it. See >>9349110 The problem is that some of the backdoors are in
place at the algorithmic level. That means that unless you write your own encryption, any encrypted file or computer can
be accessed. The other big problem is that the hardware backdoors are put in during manufacturing and all manufacturing
of hardware is done in China. This is the real reason the IC is having an internal war right now. The US got too sloppy with
the backdoors to spy on their own citizens and now every country has access all their information.
If you have encrypted data you want to protect, encrypt it again using LibreSSL or GPG2 after you modify the data in way
that corrupts it and only you know how to fix.
In other words, literally open files with a hex editor and replace all 'A's with 'Z's for example 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:38:11 91b4c4 No.9349637

it's reddit spacing especially if it's greentext. you don't know what >reddit spacing means.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:38:55 448099 No.9349642>>9349666

>i have to keep my politics a secret. look at this bluepilled normie on /pol/. im so alpha

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:39:13 4433d0 No.9349643>>9349654

So many of you guys seem to have a lot of faith in vpns. I don't share that. Representative 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:39:26 b9e43f No.9349644>>9349661 >>9356953

File (hide): 68ba7348aae3146.jpg (27.38 KB, 377x388, 377:388, 68ba7348aae3146461481df303.jpg)
File (hide): 6bda2f78006e17e.png (109.63 KB, 338x419, 338:419,ron_paul_already_in_hell.png)


Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:40:22 7a208c No.9349654>>9349715 >>9349732 >>9349767 >>9349774 >>9350088
How do you vet a VPN provider? 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:40:51 91b4c4 No.9349661


Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:41:00 baab91 No.9349663>>9349688 >>9349765

Seriously, did anybody not expect something like this?
Halfchan /g/ called it from the beginning.
Web and browser developers care more for implementing new features than security hardening or clean code. Which is
why Javascript has always been such a mess, and why php is so popular.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:41:08 b9e43f No.9349666>>9349688 >>9356953

File (hide): 39d48a5566f8e41.png (823.78 KB, 1093x706, 1093:706, Screenshot from 2017-02-18.png)
File (hide): 0554224db770ebf.jpg (134.56 KB, 529x377, 529:377, 1356723391032.jpg)

>le wagecuckie is redpilled meme

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:42:58 6961b1 No.9349688>>9349701 >>9349860 >>9356953

File (hide): 996810b3ea5e502.jpg (33.84 KB, 353x482, 353:482, tubular assault with sledg.jpg)

Is it bad opsec
opsec to transfer my files from my android to a pc?
>not cuckchan
>>9349666 (checked)

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:44:12 6961b1 No.9349701

>>9349688 (self checked)
Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:45:35 246a7b No.9349715
>>9349555 (checked)
Word of mouth, research and prayer. Lurk boards like this, /tech/, etc. I'm satisfied with mine expressvpn, but it costs
shekels. See what their terms are, if they have a warrant canary. If you can hop to it through work or a university (to
obfuscate the front end feed back to you). Unless you are about to get droned and are on a list to aloha snackbar though,
it is unlikely that you need the hop in my humble opinion

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:45:56 baab91 No.9349718>>9349735 >>9349758

I do polposting and normieposting on different devices, on different networks, with different software, on different
languages. The polposting networks can't be traced back to me.
Am I safe?

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:46:27 20d620 No.9349724

File (hide): 6f122b7aac669f2.jpg (17.74 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1459340305080.jpg)

I work at a gym. What do you do?

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:47:00 679332 No.9349732


Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:47:15 6961b1 No.9349735>>9349822

File (hide): 20645db4ebf53f3.jpeg (10.05 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 5e0480d225cb22b9dbb94f3a8.jpeg)

>i do polposting
Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:50:14 0ad97e No.9349758>>9349822
File (hide): f0c2436e5b33e93.gif (820.25 KB, 245x209, 245:209, wew.gif)


Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:50:59 2e4e7b No.9349765

Normalfags ruin everything.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:51:24 b9e43f No.9349767>>9349778 >>9349795 >>9349936

'private internet access', allegedly started/run by Swedish pirate party. Accepts bitcoin and gift cards (which you can buy
with cash at shops). Never use a credit card, never use real name/address, use a separate email account from personal

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:51:31 baab91 No.9349768>>9349829

>Does the update servers for various Linux distros run on cloudflare? Ports for Unix?
Linux distros are autistic about CRCs and certificates. You can spoof the update server with modified packages, sure, but
the package manager will throw a hissy fit and refuse to install them.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:52:04 4433d0 No.9349774>>9349813

Pay them.
Here's a link to an article, not about vpns, but including references to expressvpn, in the comments too. inb4 it's in China.
The Chinese tolerate some vpns. Why? Because they get access one way or another. If the Chinese are doing it do you
think that we're any more secure over here? I don't.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:52:42 6961b1 No.9349778>>9349796

>Gift cards
What types and countries do they accept?

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:54:07 000000 No.9349795

This good advice. Pirate Party or anything non-NATO is good. Pay with a cryptocurrency.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:54:13 b9e43f No.9349796

No idea anon, you'll have to investigate. Pretty cheap though too, something like $6 USD a month

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:54:32 6960de No.9349802>>9349863

>>9349634 know I'd read about that hardware shit from china being integrated into certain military tech and it costing us a
shitload of money a few years ago.been out of the industry for a while so I never really focused much thought on the
idea other than a few kek's and laughs. (much less patriotic a few years ago) Anyway that is scary as fuck though..wew.
I didn't realize
>So pretty much everyones fucked?
applied to possibly almost every piece of hardware created in the last 10+ years.I was just thinking of us anons and
maybe some normies.not the military. wew, well hopefully the god emperor will lead us to victory over those red fucks.
Damn anon.I'm tripping a bit right now.
I'd like to have a beer with you. Getting into construction myself up north in wa, it's nice to be able to throw salutes and
openly condem jews. I was gonna agree >>9349620 with this anon and make a dinosaur joke, but your ID checks out with
the double dubs bro. Ya'll neet's with your waifus need to have a little more fucking respect for "wagecuck" anons like me
and 448099. We may not create and distribute memes as effectively as ya'll, but we build shit with our hands that keeps
your heads dry. It's a bell curve anon, you should know this better then any if you're truly redpilled. We may be
superficially different but we are all one and the same in the end fighting for a shared vision of the 1488 future.
** I wish /meadhall/ was more active, watching this in-fighting between us is truly upsetting to me. Such wasted energy
that should be multiplied by anons, not canceling each other out with bitter bickering.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:55:51 246a7b No.9349813

> [Edit 2016-02-15: ExpressVPN reported to me they finished upgrading their CA keys from 1024- to 4096-bit keys. Yay!]
Ahhh, I feel slightly smug at my well placed purchasing decision.

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:57:07 baab91 No.9349822>>9349831 >>9349842 >>9349871 >>9356953

File (hide): fade71ee037268c.jpg (318.93 KB, 988x1500, 247:375, 9ea7e5070a5f4fee6490af1588.jpg)
How would you call it?

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:58:06 679332 No.9349829>>9349915

I'm asking about the update servers. If a distro's update server is on cloudflare.
Could someone's root password get leaked during an update

Anonymous 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:58:31 6961b1 No.9349831>>9349915

I would call it killing yourself. 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:59:33 91b4c4 No.9349842>>9361183

>killing varg
wtf I hate National Socialism now

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:01:28 cb2775 No.9349860>>9349906 >>9349934 >>9363833

Anything you write to flash media you can considered compromised. That includes every USB drive, cell phone, or SSD
with the one caveat is that you trust it was encrypted before it was transferred to the flash media. Due to wear leveling,
data can still be dumped from those devices, even if you "delete" or overwrite it. You can't DoD overwrite data on SSDs,
because the area on the physical disk may have been removed due to wear leveling and the controller isn't allowing you
to overwrite that part of the disk anymore, so it is still there.
In your case, if from Android -> PC, your android files can be read later should anyone ever be in possession of your
Sort of off topic, but either ask here or create a thread somewhere and link it.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:01:42 679332 No.9349863

just ignore the bickering

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:03:37 0ad97e No.9349871>>9349906 >>9363240

File (hide): 10a7ac3e42b9994.webm (4.25 MB, 1056x588, 88:49, MarkREEEEEEEE.webm) [play once] [loop]


Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:07:23 6961b1 No.9349906>>9349912 >>9349993

So should i not transfer it? Is there any way i can do it without fucking my security up more?
And does that mean it would still be on the phone if i did or deleted it?
>hwndu shit
Please no. 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:08:08 91b4c4 No.9349912

It's /v/'s kike BO so it gets a pass.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:08:12 baab91 No.9349915>>9349922 >>9350027

>Could someone's root password get leaked during an update
No. Unless his computer sent it over the network, but why would that happen?
The root password for a server could be, if there was a remote login over http to the server, or for stuff like phpmyadmin.
But unless the signing keys for the packages were in the server (they aren't, package maintainers sign them in their own
computers before upload), it wouldn't work to compromise the clients. Only exception would be the install media images,
ISOs and such, it would be easy to detect, but would fool those who didn't check the hashes. Or if the site serving the
hashes was compromised, and you didn't check the signature file for those.
I wonder, does any distro use the bitcoin blockchain for publishing the hashes for the official install media? Seems like it
would be a good idea.
In other words, you haven't a better name or are trolling. Gotcha.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:09:35 6961b1 No.9349922>>9356953

>ur trolling
You have to go back

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:10:58 246a7b No.9349934

Read an article about that when I got serious about security. LVM crypto with a strong key is a seemingly option from
what I understand if 1. If the drive is fresh and 2. if you later reformat the drive using a different crypto key. The data is still
"there" just encrypted and buried. Phones are worthless when it comes to security. Have no idea how well my android's
encryption is, but I don't fucking trust it as far as I can throw it.
One of the sites I use to obfuscate was behind CF and I would have never known it. Rest of the password protected sites
were chummy though I hopeunless the CDN was grabbing shit and spraying it as well

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:11:16 0fb84f No.9349936>>9349961 >>9349992 >>9350000

>another pia shill
pia is a US based honeypot++ 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:15:30 91b4c4 No.9349961>>9349992

this. only use non five-eyes VPNs and nothing put out by some sketchy liberal political organization that might try and
threat-index the bad goys
Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:16:35 a22efd No.9349971>>9350051 >>9350207
Your ISP cannot see what sites you visit when using a VPN. With only https, they can't even see the page content you are
loading, only the domain. Maybe my 8ch traffic is /pol/, but it could be /christian/. They're none the wiser.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:19:22 b9e43f No.9349992>>9350024 >>9350057

File (hide): af803ffb9e97956.png (182.03 KB, 329x371, 47:53, Screenshot from 2017-02-24.png)

Is it really? I thought it was owned by Swedish guy, pic related (founded Swedish Pirate Party). Is he controlled op?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:19:33 cb2775 No.9349993>>9350052

From android (flash media) to PC, not if the pc is storing it encrypted. Either way, if someone gets a hold of your phone,
that data is theirs for the taking. No real risk. Is it something that could put you in jail for a lot of years? Then keep it off of
your phone and your home computer.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:20:06 6961b1 No.9350000>>9350009 >>9350012 >>9350016 >>9350052 >>9356953
What's a better alternative if true?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:21:54 b9e43f No.9350009

File (hide): d440473966435b8.png(289.71 KB, 371x489, 371:489, Screenshot from 2017-02-24.png)
File (hide): 4d942ad13ed4279.png(96.22 KB, 382x491, 382:491, proofs_cereal.png)

File (hide): 66dc65ed7236dbf.png (16.4 KB, 215x171, 215:171,66dc65ed7236dbf6e0e15e0e23.png)

quads of proofs

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:21:59 481aff No.9350012

>>9350000 (checked)

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:22:21 f9c8d9 No.9350016

>>9350000 checked
I recommend nordpvn 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:23:14 91b4c4 No.9350024>>9350056 >>9350648

> Is he controlled op?
What do you think?
>2. Defend the free flow of ideas, knowledge and culture.
>5. Do not accept or espouse discrimination of ethnicity, origin, beliefs and gender.
>6. Do not support actions that involve violence.
>8. Politically defend an open, participative and collaborative construction of any public policy.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:23:45 679332 No.9350027>>9350068 >>9350126

okay so root password is just so package manager can have privilege. not any type of update server auth
thank you
I'm obviously a beginner

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:26:07 cb2775 No.9350051>>9350127 >>9350132 >>9350178

incorrect, they can see the full request, but POST type data and the page contents are encrypted. They have access to
every url you go to. For instance, if your super secret page uses GET data (just http way of moving data, get puts it in the
url, so it isn't a secret) https://furryporn.bigdicks/myprofile.php?username=amazingautist&password=dogdicks then they
have everything in the url. The full http request is visible, just not the page data. You can verify this yourself with
With a VPN however, that then shifts your VPN provider having access to all of your HTTP/s requests. VPN usage and
what you're doing online is often leaked via DNS. Meaning you run all of your requests through your VPN for web pages,
but to figure out the IP for furryporn.bigdicks, you use your ISPs DNS or ask it over clear net, they (can) have a log of that.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:26:10 6961b1 No.9350052>>9350083 >>9350126

File (hide): 4e9a8ed3f71c9c4.png (11.34 KB, 255x250, 51:50, a27a0df56099e80e6931a92903.png)

No its just /pol/ related shit like memes. I was just wondering if it would be secure to do.
>if someone gets a ho-
Even if i deleted it all? So what, am i suppose to hammer that shit?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:26:22 b9e43f No.9350056>>9350113 >>9350149

What are you doing namefaggot? Are you high?
Still no proof pia is a honeypot.
Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:26:23 0fb84f No.9350057
>The sites footer points to London Trust Media, which also provides nothing more than an e-mail address. A little
searching led me to find, and then get in touch with, the CEO of London Trust Media, Andrew Leeone of the firm's two
owners. Lee has a background in the world of Bitcoin (he was one of the original founders of Mt. Gox)
Mt. Gox .. this good for bitcoins.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:26:46 4535b4 No.9350060

Doesn't facebook and twitter and almost every major social media and/or e-mail server rely on cloudflare?
Are you tell me I can hack into anyone's faceberg, twitter, etc. account? As in, I could hack into Hillary's twitter account
and shitpost into oblivion?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:27:53 246a7b No.9350068

File (hide): 2c9a13cdcbe79ae.webm (5.94 MB, 480x360, 4:3, cute_otter.webm) [play once] [loop]

Everyone was at one time Anon very few will admit it though Here's an otter.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:30:26 cb2775 No.9350083>>9350186

If you want to make sure no one else can ever get that data off of that phone, yes, physical destruction. It sounds
extreme, but it is the only way unless the information written to it was encrypted when it was being written. After that, you
can just lose the encryption key and it is as good as gone (as long as you use a really long fucking pass phrase and don't
re-use it anywhere else). If I were you, I wouldn't worry about it.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:30:36 beeeed No.9350085>>9350360


Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:30:44 48c915 No.9350088>>9350177 >>9356953

VPNs are almost meaningless, they've cracked down on them hard and ALL international North American traffic goes
through the Long Lines Building in New York. It gives you a fuckhuge fingerprint and you'll pop up in databases, seeing
who uses a VPNs is a lot easier than going through content; they'll know where to look. If you don't have a job/class that
might require a VPN, you'll be watched very closely.
The best practice is to assume the internet is public and everything you do is in a database somewhere, avoiding attention
is the key.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:34:02 0fb84f No.9350113>>9350153

>Still no proof pia is a honeypot.
>aggressive pricing
>"too good to be true" server pool
>paid shills everywhere

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:35:35 4535b4 No.9350126>>9350141 >>9350186 >>9350222 >>9350852

root password is so you can install the downloaded .deb files to the proper places.
You could do it all manually if you were super autist about it.
dpkg -i yourfile.deb
Of course apt-get is more secure, and unless you want to break your shit just use the "package manager"
>Even if i deleted it all? So what, am i suppose to hammer that shit?
Is it android? It runs on linux.
That means you can dd over the drive or shred the whole thing or do just about anything you want with it.
But yes, physical destruction is your best bet and stop watching CP you giganigger.
I recommend Linux From Scratch tbh. Failing that kali linux, linux mint, etc.
Honestly I am getting so fucking disgusted with everything nowadays I'm going to build my own computer from ICs and
run my own assembly language. Fuck it.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:35:39 a22efd No.9350127>>9350192

>incorrect, they can see the full request,
You don't know what you're talking about. SSL operates at a lower level than HTTP.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:35:46 4bf6fe No.9350128

What's that kike-on-a-stick prophecy about everyone knowing everyone's sins in the end times or some such shit?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:36:30 246a7b No.9350132

File (hide): 3a74fd8c390c6c8.png (2.02 KB, 206x29, 206:29, Selection_119.png)

To add on, the best way to circumvent DNS leaking is to (at the router level) set your DNS to one that is not ISP specific
and non-five eyes. That way the only thing the ISP sees is that you connected a VPN tunnel to I can't
remember how to config in windows but in linux you set it at the /network/interfaces (or if you have a decent firewall at the
perimeter- set it there). Pic related is my favorite DNS. Advantages are when something goes titsup at say
(Google) it takes awhile for the DNS poison attack to propagate; also when Google decides it is #FakeNews your ISP is
going to agree. If you have one that won't censor- your good. Like a vpn, no logging as well.
Not shilling them but DNS is dime a dozen do some searching, these are IP's.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:37:51 baab91 No.9350141>>9350349

>Honestly I am getting so fucking disgusted with everything nowadays I'm going to build my own computer from ICs and
run my own assembly language. Fuck it.
At that point you might get a Z80 based computer or something from that era. 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:38:22 91b4c4 No.9350149
but it is proof of the pirate party(their supposed owners) either being cucks(who would sell userdata) or controlled(also
eat shit and die kike
>why namefagging
read the thread.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:38:40 b9e43f No.9350153>>9350244

None of those things prove it is a honeypot. If that is all of the (((evidence))) you have, you should be ashamed of yourself
for screaming "honeypot".
I've used more than one VPN service that has about the same pricing, and also several with server pools as diverse.
Proof it is US based?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:40:51 97a70b No.9350169>>9355667

File (hide): 728a04ec12fd106.png (270.19 KB, 506x495, 46:45, Screenshot_10.png)

>>9349211 (checked)
Even if it is, they're still probably capable of reading, even the most autistic measures aren't a guarantee when encryption
algorithms have been compromised in the past.
Just don't do things that can be held against with something connected to the entire fucking world and that passes
through dozens of unaccountable middlemen. That goes double for cellphones.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:41:46 b9e43f No.9350177>>9350255 >>9356953

This is anon is high AF.
>they've cracked down on them hard
How exactly, and how does it threaten me, a user who pays anonymously with cryptocurrency and uses whatever WiFi
networks I come across?
>ALL international North American traffic goes through the Long Lines Building in New York
Do do you even know what a VPN is for? I'm not even going to bother responding point by point to the rest of your post,
you're full of shit.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:41:52 c341d9 No.9350178>>9350192 >>9350252

>hey can see the full request,
No, they do not. The request is sent after the TLS connection has been established.
Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:42:44 cde9ff No.9350186>>9350200 >>9350349
I'll just do it anyway since folders of smugs are not even near pizza tier shit. Also could
you redpill a retard like me on how i can encrypt shit?
Its literally just pdfs,webms and waifus.
I thought if i transfer it, some data from the phone would be attached to my shit. which is bad.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:44:04 cb2775 No.9350192>>9350228

I was wrong, the length of the URL, and the domain are visible, also the length of the page. Both the page length and url
length can be approximate.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:44:56 b9e43f No.9350200>>9350232 >>9356953

Cellphones now have always-on microphones and transmit your position constantly to towers. Your meta-data being sent
to the towers is also being scanned continuously by third parties (law enforcement) by nearby IMSI scanners (this allows
them to see who you are spending time with physically and where).
If you care about privacy you should not even own a device with a GSM or LTE antenna.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:45:44 136d28 No.9350207>>9350220 >>9350228 >>9350286

>trusting a vpn you cant really know about even if they say theyre good and (((anti-government)))
Why is /pol/ so shit at tech

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:48:12 b9e43f No.9350220>>9350237

You can run your own VPN on a $5/month linux VPS in any country you please, and generate your own TLS keys, if you
Commercial VPNs do provide some plausible deniability, as long as you pay with gift cards or cryptocurrency.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:48:28 136d28 No.9350222>>9350232 >>9350235 >>9350349 >>9356953

>kali linux, mint
So the more i read the more i see that /pol/ truly is retarded. Kali is a pen testing distro that is no different than most
others. It exists merely as a tool. Mint is kiddies first distro. How can you possibly be this fucking retarded

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:50:04 c341d9 No.9350228

That guy is completely correct, stop larping.
>I was wrong,
No worries.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:51:01 6961b1 No.9350232>>9350252

Sometimes people are in ceritan circumstances which forces them to use a shitty mobile.
Anyway once i move my shit will there be any backtracks?
b-but mint looks good to me.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:51:41 b9e43f No.9350235>>9350248 >>9350252 >>9350349

>>9350222 (checked)
This anon is correct though overly-triggered.
The best distro for newbs I would say is a Debian Gnome 3 install. It's pretty much braindead to install now (could
probably just keep pressing enter), everything tends to work fine, and the Gnome 3 desktop environment is pretty normie
We should be more encouraging of people moving away from Windows, but I agree Mint is absolute trash.
If you want to be opsec ultimate, you need to go full OpenBSD, btw.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:51:46 136d28 No.9350237>>9350272

Cryptocurrency is still not safe unless you purchase face to face and even then, the majority of anons are tok retardsd to
figure out how to keep it "hidden" before getting rid of it.
Hosting your own vps is the same issue for anons as they just dont know how. Also its even more stupid than just signing
ul thru a company as its literally JUST you using that device. Not to mention you still have to trust the host of said server
unless you go set your own up somewhere. But lets be real here, how many anons have anything that any letter agency is
going to care about.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:52:30 bd1ec5 No.9350244>>9350430 >>9356953

PIA is owned by London Trust Media, their HQ is in Denver, CO.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:53:43 6961b1 No.9350248>>9350278 >>9364693 >>9365425

Is void linux any good?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:53:47 246a7b No.9350252>>9350290 >>9350297

exactly this
sorry for the shitty "diagram" this is the magic of a vpn.
Local TLS- tun/vpn ? end-site
[ISP can see] [ ISP cannot see ] (your IP with ISP) then changes to Etc. Etc.
All of your packets are tunneled over to the VPN, all of them. The only thing the ISP sees is that you have a connection to
https:supersecret.vpn and traffic is going through it.
None when you move the files over, just know that there are traces of them on your phone Mint has issues, but Debian as
>>9350235 recommends is incompatable with some newer hardware due to being on Kernel 3.x but one thing about linux,
everyone has an opinion and they are all right.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:54:04 48c915 No.9350255>>9350321 >>9351197 >>9356953

Using a VPN provider will not make you anonymous. But it will give you a better privacy. A VPN is not a tool for illegal
activities. Don't rely on a "no log" policy. Do you disagree with that statement?
>How exactly, and how does it threaten me, a user who pays anonymously with cryptocurrency and uses whatever WiFi
networks I come across?
There's quite a few ways. First off, does your device have a dynamic MAC address? Most mobile devices don't.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:54:14 794bf6 No.9350257>>9350349

File (hide): e76ef9f9134b69f.jpg (51.34 KB, 425x507, 425:507, albert G.jpg)

>ISPs monitor HTTPS

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:54:27 fa4911 No.9350260>>9350276

Ping the site to get its IP, then try connecting to that IP in your browser.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:56:27 b9e43f No.9350272

>Cryptocurrency is still not safe unless you purchase face to face
You are forgetting currency that you mined yourself from X IP address, and currency sent to your wallet for transactions /
donations that have no way of being tied to your personal identity. If someone is buying cryptocurrency with a credit card
they're retarded, that goes (I hope) without saying anon.
>Also its even more stupid than just signing ul thru a company
No, it's not more stupid, because if you pay for the VPS with cryptocurrency there is no way to trace that VPS back to you
even if (((they))) subpoena the provider you chose in Khazakstan.
To be clear, I have no illusions about evading the NSA / ayy lmao. I care only about local law enforcement.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:56:47 c0fea9 No.9350275>>9354002

File (hide): 5332ccc949350a1.png (32.17 KB, 999x434, 999:434, Selection_029.png)

>>9348577 (OP)
>cloudflare is bad
>links witch uses cloudflare
Thanks op!
Another note apparently went full kike and isn't allowing vpns to acesses it
>pic related
Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:57:00 246a7b No.9350276>>9350309
curl -I
worked a charm too.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:57:11 b9e43f No.9350278

Never tried it. Install Debian testing and then 'apt-get install virtualbox' and try Void Linux in Virtualbox.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:58:35 39a2c5 No.9350286>>9350349

>Why is /pol/ so shit at tech
>How can you possibly be this fucking retarded
> So the more i read the more i see that /pol/ truly is retarded.
You're not special. Did you fall for the gentoo meme, think yourself as l337 and decide to berate others? Let me guess,
you configured i3 and now you're an authority give me a break.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 00:58:59 6961b1 No.9350290>>9350304 >>9350342 >>9352825

If i encrypted my files would there be no traces now, right?
Also What if i installed a new OS on the phone? would it still be there?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:00:40 b9e43f No.9350297>>9350349

>recommends is incompatable with some newer hardware due to being on Kernel 3.x
Nigga are you high AF? I'm on Kernel 4.9.0-1 right now.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:02:47 b9e43f No.9350304>>9350345 >>9350349 >>9350357 >>9352825

Here is what you do anon. Transfer your files off your phone for backup, then delete the files on your phone. Download an
app that wipes the "free space" on your phone, there are a few in the store. This writes zeroes to the flash RAM on your
phone (the "hard disk").
Then do a factory wipe of the phone, then do another empty space wipe with the same app.
That's about as good as you can do. I always destroy my old phones, personally.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:03:37 fa4911 No.9350309>>9350316

90% of people aren't on linux

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:04:31 c0fea9 No.9350316>>9350323

File (hide): d8b68903ffdc370.jpg (52.15 KB, 640x480, 4:3, usagi tries to summon the .jpg)
But they should be

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:06:00 b9e43f No.9350321>>9351087

>does your device have a dynamic MAC address
I of course have a script that changes my MAC on command.
They can make a log of my random MAC addresses, the random IPs I used to connect, and the IPs I connect to. All they
can see are encrypted connections to other hosts.
In my country, posting anything critical of Islam is "an illegal activity", and you bet I use a VPN to do so.
It's all about not being the low hanging fruit, anon.

Todd Howard the DOUBLE_NAMEFAGGOT >:^^^^^^) 02/24/17 (Fri)

01:06:27 91b4c4 No.9350323>>9366898
nah dude I need windows 10 for my flash online-pornography-players and video games like DOOM

Todd Howard the DOUBLE_NAMEFAGGOT >:^^^^^^) 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:07:16 91b4c4 No.9350328
And I mean 2016 DOOM not that outdated misogynist filth that inspired every school shooter ever

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:10:30 246a7b No.9350342>>9350409 >>9350474 >>9352825

This is kinda a long answer and I'll try not to geek out but ish. If you move the files to an encrypted drive, you are golden
with the files then. They are encrypted on the target, and were written encrypted. No problem. But there will still be traces
on your phone unless your phone was encrypted before the files were put on. It is a different discussion but when a file is
"deleted" all it says to the controller is "this space is free", it doesn't really change the contents- at all. Back in the good old
DOS days you could actually find the files on the HDD prefaced with a ? if I remember correctly. On a HDD that's cool
because when the head overwrites everything (with secure deleting it overwrites everything with 0 a few times first), but
SSD are a problem because of the way the chips are configured.
So on an SSD your data may look like this:
and the way the controller writes later (after delete, italic are ignored blocks by the controller):
if it is encrypted on writ (originally) your data looks like this:
and after it looks like this:
So there is a trace, usually enough, for the big guys to piece together what was there. That's why you want to encrypt
everything all the time. and porn is badmmmmkay If it is a burner phone, and the files are that confidential, move them to
an encrypted store, go after it with a hammer then take the pieces and leave them in etching material for a few days.
Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:10:49 6961b1 No.9350345>>9350475
File (hide): efde68e3e1e4f48.png (30.89 KB, 448x357, 64:51, efde68e3e1e4f484240e765c33.png)

well fug. that's gonna take a while for a tech iliterate fag like me to do but if it means more security it's worth it, right?
Also is all the info on these steps online?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri)

01:11:10 4535b4 No.9350349>>9350355 >>9350372 >>9350388 >>9350409 >>9350414 >>9350417 >>9352740
Honestly I don't care.
The shit programs they come out with nowadays are ridiculous memory hogs. I remember when 512M of RAM was
decent enough to run games like stronghold ffs. Nowadays everything is so fucking bloated you can't even open up a web
browser without using 1/4 of a Gig.
I am sick to death of these shitty H1B programmers who come over and just throw dogshit ontop of pre-existing programs
bloating everything up, wasting bandwidth, and shitting up the world.
A computer does not need 8GB of RAM to be useful. There is absolutely zero fucking reason for that shit. Modern OS's a
shit. Modern hardware is 'optimized' for these shitty Os's and is also a shit. Everything is fucked.
Use an SD card; save it to card, move card to computer, copy files. Not that difficult m8.
>Kali is a pen testing distro
And? I'm giving out recommendations, anyone who is a paranoid schizo on /pol/ is going to want the tools it has anyway
whether for hacking or just because they want to use wireshark.
>mint is kiddies first distro
>muh gentoo stronk!
Nobody cares faggot. Use whatever the fuck you want to use.
>best distro for newbs is Debian anything
Best distro for newbs is mint if they're coming from windows 7 or ubuntu if they like faggy looking desktops
Newfags won't be able to figure out how to even download debian.
Mint wasn't always as bad as it is now; it's starting to fill up with bloatware to accommodate retards who keep spamming
the IRC help chat asking how to get their off-brand chink graphics card to work.
It's about as bad as ubuntu was in 2014 or so. I'll give it another few months before I switch to my own.
They could MITM it if they wanted to. It's not that difficult.
I'm no expert, but I know a retard when I see one.
There is nothing wrong with using a VPN; you should be using a VPN. In fact you should be making your own portable
VPNs out of raspberry pi's or chink knock off orange pi's and dropping them in coffee shops around the world.
>I'm on Kernel 4.9.0-1 right now.
Huh. latest update I got was a couple weeks ago to 4.4.0-62
>Download an app
No. Just use the command line functions. Android is a linux distro. Google is just a bunch of faggots who thought using
Java instead of C or C# would be "better", but the kernel is still there and so is /dev/zero and /dev/random
Just use the adb shell 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:12:00 91b4c4 No.9350355>>9356953

>notto diso shitta gen.jpg

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:12:12 baab91 No.9350357>>9350395

*Flash ROM

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:12:45 a7fd3f No.9350360>>9350452

That ID.
Whonix is good. Whonix + Qubes is better.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:14:34 136d28 No.9350372>>9350475

Lol youre recommending a pen testing distro to normies. You have absolutely no idea how tech works apparently. Why
not just recommend jewbuntu if youre going to be this retarded

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:17:01 baab91 No.9350388>>9356953

File (hide): c03e0ff10cc7a99.png (20.56 KB, 989x177, 989:177, 2017-02-24-091539_989x177_.png)

>A computer does not need 8GB of RAM to be useful.
Preaching to the choir, amigo.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:18:44 b9e43f No.9350395

Actually we're both wrong, it's NAND flash.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:19:55 dfe1eb No.9350399>>9356953

Daily reminder a quick fix for temporary, quality anonymity is a single visit to a public WiFi hot spot while using a
randomized MAC address and browser user agent on a computer dedicated to this sole task provided you are not seen by
security cameras or wear a disguise. Sure it's inconvenient to go out somewhere for a onetime thing, but what else are
you going to do when it really matters?
Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:20:54 aa765e No.9350407
I had to do it as well. Couldn't figure out why.
Also Hotwheels tried to avoid Cloudflare for 8chan but NiggerSquad DDOS was too much for anything else.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:21:20 6961b1 No.9350409>>9350419 >>9350475

might smash it now that i think of it tbh.
Since phones aren't good for portable shitposting it seems. What about making one of those mini raspberry pi things? Is
that safe?
>not that difficult m8
But what about muh traces of data? Do you think that is irrelevant for a fag like me?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:22:43 b9e43f No.9350414>>9350431 >>9350475

>Best distro for newbs is mint if they're coming from windows 7 or ubuntu if they like faggy looking desktops
Both Ubuntu and Mint are based on Debian, just with added bloat, shitware, and literal spyware.
>Newfags won't be able to figure out how to even download debian.
Downloading and flashing/burning Debian is no more difficult than Ubuntu or Mint. It is a fucking ISO file. If they are using
Unetbootin, it's in the dropdown menu with the rest.
Give me one single reason to recommend Mint over Debian to absolutely anybody. If you say "Cinnamon Desktop
Environment" you're retarded, because Debian now comes in Cinnamon flavour.
There is absolutely no excuse for recommending Ubuntu, under any circumstances. It has actual spyware in it and is the
most Jewish Linux ever created. Fuck you for even recommending it at all you filthy kike.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:23:30 33a077 No.9350417>>9350475

Go be autistic somewhere else.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:23:52 921772 No.9350419>>9350431

>What about making one of those mini raspberry pi things? Is that safe?
as long as you discharge any static first

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:26:14 b9e43f No.9350430

I looked into it and this anon is correct. For some reason I thought pia was based in Sweden. Technically this is a 5 eyes
jurisdiction, so yeah, you can find a better provider for sure.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:26:31 6961b1 No.9350431>>9350446 >>9350475

I meant is it secure to use.
I know a debianfag. He told everyone how it was great for his haxxing but one day he said it was shit and started
usingubuntu. Idk what was wrong with him. I think he was a mud so that could be the problem.
Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:28:59 a7fd3f No.9350445
> In other words, literally open files with a hex editor and replace all 'A's with 'Z's for example
Bad idea that will fuck your data permanently. Unless you also record the file offset of every modified 'A', it is unknown
which 'Z's must be translated back to 'A's in the reverse operation.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:29:05 6961b1 No.9350446

Probably was a scam artist now that i think of it since he enjoyed putting viruses on white kids pc's "fur deh lulz xD"

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:30:29 bd1ec5 No.9350452>>9350482

Do explain Whonix + Qubes?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:35:20 6961b1 No.9350474>>9350535

>move files to a encryped drive
What if you don't have one of those?
Can i just "encrypt" it or do i need to buy another drive now?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:35:26 4535b4 No.9350475>>9350498 >>9350503 >>9350518 >>9350535

>copy files over
>delete files on android; assuming you don't know how to use shred just delete them normally
>mount android with adb
>send command: dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/tempFiller.deleteMe bs=1024 count=$COUNT
or even
>cat file1 >> file1
>Lol youre recommending a pen testing distro to normies.
Kali linux is debian based and runs off of a USB stick. It's essentially tails only you can actually do things with it beyond
shitposting on an imageboard,
>You have absolutely no idea how tech works apparently.
$10 says you don't know what an ALU is.
>Muh debian is better!
Oh what the fuck ever, it's all shit you nigger. If you aren't making it yourself you have no idea what is and isn't on your
>But what about muh traces of data? Do you think that is irrelevant for a fag like me?
I think you're overly paranoid and nobody give a shit about your shitposting on an imageboard.
Until they make it illegal.
Bottom line is you're going to have to try it to find out what you like.
Debian or a debian based distro like ubuntu and mint is always recommended for newfags to get used to linux.
Any of them are going to be more secure than windows shit.
As for the raspi thing; you're in full control over it, so it'd be as secure as you make it.
Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:36:37 a7fd3f No.9350482>>9350488 >>9350535
The Qubes devs can explain better than I, but the crux of it is, the Qubes system is partitioned into multiple virtual
machines to sandbox potentially insecure drivers. Qubes has built in support for Whonix out of the box.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:37:33 bd1ec5 No.9350488>>9350499 >>9350505 >>9356953

Thanks anon. <3

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:38:53 b9e43f No.9350498>>9350535

File (hide): 59102cff3a0fde4.png (300.65 KB, 521x704, 521:704, Screenshot from 2017-02-24.png)

>If you aren't making it yourself you have no idea what is and isn't on your system.
You recommended two inferior operating systems that are nothing more than modifications of Debian. I asked for your
reasoning in recommending them over their base OS, and you admit you have none.
We're talking about a good first Linux OS, not building your own OS like Terry Davis to evade the CIA niggers.
Thanks for the lulz, kid. Keep cucking away on Ubuntu, nothing personnel.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:38:55 a7fd3f No.9350499>>9356953

You're welcome, Hitler.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:40:31 000000 No.9350503>>9350535

I'll be honest, Mint was my first Linux OS after windows 7&10 went spyware. I've since moved on to Arch, after trying
Ubuntu and a few other distributions. But Mint took my cherry, and I am grateful for their assistance. Though I would never
use that OS again, I would feel comfortable recommending it to a newbie. 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:40:48 91b4c4 No.9350505>>9350535

Can vouch for qubes.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:41:29 352dec No.9350510>>9350576 >>9350579 >>9350595 >>9351558

File (hide): b9938a98c783902.png (400.85 KB, 623x629, 623:629, Questioning anime girl.png)
So this means that 10% of the entire internet has been completely and utterly compromised?
Could this be Deep State fuckery?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:43:12 6961b1 No.9350518>>9350532

Alright then. I'll just do this for now and maybe later will do the complex route or just smash it.
Also, is there any real difference between mint and debian cinnamon? Is mint more aestheticly pleasing and better for
newbs like me?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:46:22 352dec No.9350531>>9350552

This thread makes me want to become tech literate.
What the fuck can I do besides shitpost on /tech/ and /g/ and absorb it all via osmosis?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:46:44 000000 No.9350532>>9350537

Mint feels and behaves more like that familiar desktop you grew up with in Windows. Debian requires a bit more
experience though anyone with a browser and search engine can figure just about anything out. The Mint installer is also
very refined and easy to use. I do not know what the Debian installer is like.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:47:25 cb2775 No.9350535>>9350589 >>9351493 >>9351525

Everyone has to start somewhere.
qubes is legit
Debian is a good starter OS in my opinion. They can follow the endless Ubuntu tutorials with little difference and it doesn't
have the same shitware
>As for the raspi thing; you're in full control over it, so it'd be as secure as you make it.
It also has a random number generator that only takes a package and a config file in order to use.
The encryption thing is usually very operating system specific if you are doing full disk encryption (LUKS vs encrypted
ZFS vs whatever windows uses, lol don't use BitLocker). If you're on windows, go ask some fags on a message board
who focus on that shit, something like TrueCrypt might be worth looking at, but it has been abandoned. However no one
knows if it has been successfully broken.
Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:47:44 b9e43f No.9350537>>9350551 >>9350608
>Mint feels and behaves more like that familiar desktop you grew up with in Windows. Debian requires a bit more
False. Debian Cinnamon looks and functions identically to Mint Cinnamon. And Cinnamon isn't even that good.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:50:26 000000 No.9350551

It's been some time since I last played with debian. Perhaps it's easier to use now.
Personally I always liked xfce the best.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:50:42 041692 No.9350552

I'm not as tech literate compared to some of the anons here but this may help you as it has helped me.
h ttps://

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:54:30 423458 No.9350576

File (hide): 685ee6a598faf2d.gif (948.96 KB, 155x173, 155:173, ah1.gif)

>Could this be Deep State fuckery?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:55:01 15a6e5 No.9350579

10% of the internet and probably 90% of most widely used sites

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:55:58 45b459 No.9350587>>9355756

File (hide): 9b2fdb55a79cc4b.png (300.62 KB, 928x657, 928:657, IPoAC1.png)

File (hide): 6f49046fe790be8.png (78.34 KB, 922x709, 922:709, IPoAC2.png)

File (hide): 5104d0a26c600f4.jpg (149.67 KB, 500x333, 500:333, pigeons.jpg)

>Carrier Pidgeons
Carrier Pidgeon internet confirmed best internet.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:56:41 6961b1 No.9350589>>9350631

So what does encryption do that's good anyway?
>OS specific
What if i'm dual booting?
Also Can't i just pop in a encrypted drive and it'll work magically instead of trying to encrypt it myself? 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:57:40 91b4c4 No.9350595

File (hide): 6b6799d77199c18.jpg (131.29 KB, 700x525, 4:3, 26.jpg)

File (hide): 043370c8e07dc45.jpg (1.06 MB, 1036x1200, 259:300, ico gondola.jpg)

>Could this be Deep State fuckery?
Do you really have to ask at this point?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 01:59:24 4535b4 No.9350608

Mint is easier to use and setup. Debian requires command line knowledge which newfags don't have, which they'll get
over time as they spam linuxmint-help for help

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 02:00:07 47244d No.9350612>>9350624 >>9350658

File (hide): b0ea0b4f2085467.jpg (76.94 KB, 1500x1335, 100:89, prism-005.jpg)

>>9348577 (OP)
Ultimately any large provider of web services is a client or a customer of the intelligence services. That's what Prism
revelation was all about. I hope no one forgot that.
Your VPN provider can be compromised in exactly the same way Cloudflare can. If they exist in the material universe, the
CIA and NSA can get to them. Research your preferred services carefully and try to assess risks yourself.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 02:01:59 4535b4 No.9350624>>9350662 >>9350677

It'd be nice to make a decentralized p2p wifi network.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 02:03:55 cb2775 No.9350631>>9350672 >>9350685

Encryption is only important in a few scenarios. If your computer is ever stolen (by cops or someone else) your
information stored is untouchable. If you use an SSD, well you can't really wipe those and be 100% certain that all of your
data is off of those because of how flash memory works, so only write encrypted data to them. Flash includes usb thumb
drives/ sd cards/ memory in portable devices like your phone. Don't store shit on those that could incriminate you. A lot of
this is paranoia, aka OPSEC. If you're doing illegal shit, don't store it on flash memory unless it is encrypted. Encryption
only really helps when you need to prevent someone from stealing your shit (while it is powered off, if it is powered on,
your key is stored in memory, so you're fucked).
I use encryption because when a drive fails I can just toss it in the trash. No one is getting their hands on my data. Also if
someone steals my shit, they don't have access to anything on my computers. Sorry for the rambling, I'm heading to bed

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 02:05:29 15a6e5 No.9350639

2FA won't protect your password.
AND since this is uninitialized memory we're dealing with, it probably contains things like function calls and probably
database queries i.e.
select 2FAToken from users where name = "John Smith";
send2FACode(2FAToken, 24378);
I know, I know, these would be executed on the servers on which the services you are requesting are hosted. BUT what
happens if they send these queries to other cloudfare-protected servers to be executed, via load balancing servers or
similar technology? Suddenly niggers have access to your 2FAToken which can be spoofed or modified via SQL injection
(which is a separate attack from just using this bug in cloudflare but still a possibility). Now your 2FA is useless.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 02:06:47 27d329 No.9350648

the most famous holocaust denier is jewish
and recently >>9253348
all of the most public holohoax and history revisionists have changed their opinions

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 02:08:08 352dec No.9350658>>9351093

File (hide): e0d0038b027c377.jpg (114.96 KB, 424x604, 106:151, Praise Kek spooky.jpg)

>Not connecting to the noosphere using your connection to Kek while dreaming to browse the Wired
Fucking plebs

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 02:08:22 15a6e5 No.9350662

With more recent advancements in wi-fi that's actually a thing. You can host things on private servers connected only to
your network and not to the outside world and still access them as long as you're in range of your network. Set up your
own DNS and you'll have a more secure mockery of the internet that (((they))) can't see into.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 02:09:26 b9e43f No.9350672>>9350885

File (hide): 988dbd7b40595c2.png (274.53 KB, 471x423, 157:141, Screenshot from 2017-02-24.png)

>If you use an SSD, well you can't really wipe those and be 100% certain that all of your data is off of those because of
how flash memory works
This is pretty much true but here is a good trick. Say you are running an unencrypted OS and delete a bunch of files
(didn't even shred them). You can write a file of zeroes to the disk until the process exits because the disk become full:
dd if=/dev/zero
If you want to you, you could use /dev/random, but it will take a lot longer.
I recommend setting up full disk encryption when install Debian, that way it asks for a password at boot, and even the OS
files are encrypted.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 02:10:19 352dec No.9350677>>9350688 >>9350694 >>9356953

Honestly if we ever created a decentralized imageboard that operated on a different system that didn't require mods we'd
be in a much better situation.
I find it sad that imageboards haven't really improved beyond functionality since 2003. There's been no real

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 02:13:07 6961b1 No.9350685>>9350706

Are you refering to those expensive SSD's for pc? Can't they be encrypted like hdd?
>if a drive fails i'll toss it in the trash
So where is all the data stored?
This sounds like the cloud or some shit tbh from a retards perspective.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 02:13:44 15a6e5 No.9350688>>9350694 >>9350696 >>9350705 >>9356953

it's an image board what the fuck kinds of features do you want? facebook integration?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 02:15:40 4535b4 No.9350694>>9350760

I just think it's bullshit people have a monopoly on what is essentially a very big LAN network.
It'd be nice if you didn't have to go through your ISP which tracks your, cloudflare which tracks you and leaks your
information, and then onto some shitty datacenter which tracks and markets to you after being passed around through a
hundred or so other datacenters just to get to 8chan to shitpost.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 02:16:09 45b459 No.9350696>>9350701 >>9350716 >>9350760

He does have a point about the decentralization, though. And it's not like we don't have bittorrent to handle the
decentralized transfer of info. It'd just be a matter of encrypting it at the client level before blasting it out to the other peers.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 02:17:50 4535b4 No.9350701>>9350719

We do have overchan/nntpchan
It runs on tor, but it's bretty dead.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 02:18:12 352dec No.9350705>>9350760

Honestly I want a way to apply our hurtbox to large complex projects like vidya, animation, film, ect
Honestly I feel like the ideas and benefits of anonymous communication and communities is a largely untapped goldmine
and can be taken so much farther than it has.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 02:18:14 cb2775 No.9350706>>9350720

Sorry, I'm leaving out a lot of information. If a drive fails, I restore from a backup, but I run most of my shit in RAID 1, so if
a disk fails, I plug in a new one and make it copy over the data from the existing drive, so I don't even have to power the
mother fucker off if shit breaks (for the most part, swap partitions are a bitch unless you use a RAID controller).
I am talking specifically about full disk encryption, meaning your entire hard drive, operating system and all is encrypted.
Other types of encryption are file encryption, and transportation encryption (TLS, like https stuff). If you are just looking for
file encryption (are you hacking the FBI? probably don't have a lot to worry about), then file encryption is probably up your
ally. jewgle/duckduckgo "windows file encryption" or "macos file encryption", to find something that is suitable for you, and
learn how to use it. I can't really recommend any for a noob, I use full disk or command line pgp/aes sort of shit. Good
luck, maybe someone else can help steer you toward something that works for you

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 02:20:57 cb2775 No.9350716>>9350760

How to handle things that get added to the blockchain though, especially with an image board (CP, etc)? You can't really
delete it from my understanding. That would then be a really risky thing to run on your computer.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 02:21:35 45b459 No.9350719

Yeah, tor is too slow and has a bad reputation already. Are there any chans on i2p that you know of?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 02:22:00 6961b1 No.9350720

Ok, that explained some of it a little better.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 02:36:06 15a6e5 No.9350749>>9350760

>It'd be nice if you didn't have to go through your ISP which tracks your, cloudflare which tracks you and leaks your
information, and then onto some shitty datacenter which tracks and markets to you after being passed around through a
hundred or so other datacenters just to get to 8chan to shitpost.
That's not a problem with imageboards though. That's a problem with the Internet. So many people fell for the Internet
meme that they didn't pay attention to the problems with it. It's several fucking layers of unsecured technologies stacked
on top of each other like a pile of shit. If you want an imageboard like the one you described, it would have to be so off the
grid you wouldn't even access it through a web browser. Hell one might even exist. You just haven't heard about it
because it's off the grid and no one wants to invite outsiders who could potentially leak info outside the P2P imageboard

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 02:37:44 0997fb No.9350755>>9350769 >>9350809 >>9356953

Is Linux Mint safe to use? (autistic answers appreciated, "its ubuntu so its shit" not so much)

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 02:39:37 15a6e5 No.9350760

meant for
I totally agree with the decentralization thing. It's just that it's not an issue with imageboards themselves.
I also agree with this.
if it uses true peer-to-peer data sharing then yeah you can't delete it. However, if you construct an ad-hoc network using
Wi-Fi Direct or similar technology, you no longer use true peer-to-peer file sharing and instead have locally, off-the-grid
hosted pages and images, which can be deleted and added like any normal imageboard.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 02:43:47 15a6e5 No.9350769>>9350781

It uses the Linux kernel with a desktop environment and shell specific to Linux Mint. Since Linux Mint is not a canonical
project, the shell and DE are not subject to the privacy leaks Ubuntu has (I THINK). So if I had to guess without looking
into all the programs packaged with Linux Mint, I'd say it's safer than Ubuntu but not as safe as building your own Linux
distro from scratch, which isn't really that hard.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 02:47:06 0997fb No.9350781>>9350788

Alright thanks, then I'll use both Mint and Debian for the time being and have Windows 7 on the side. Is 7 safe to just grab
an iso of or has that been pozzed too somehow?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 02:49:20 5244f8 No.9350784>>9350791 >>9350801

>>9348577 (OP)

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 02:49:58 15a6e5 No.9350788>>9356953

7 was never "safe". It collects and sends data to Microsoft, like all Microsoft OSes. That being said, it's pretty much the
only option for vidya gaems til games for Linux start becoming more widespread.
Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 02:50:40 5244f8 No.9350791
[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 02:54:22 91b4c4 No.9350801

what is the IP it's probably better we use that now.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 02:56:20 f21da2 No.9350806

File (hide): 91a3f4c8e1e2eeb.jpg (87.66 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, man of culture.jpg)

Honesty is a virtue.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 02:57:13 fccbd8 No.9350809

Another distro which is nice for general use (and newbie friendly) is OpenSUSE. They seem to have a pretty attentive
security team as well.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 03:00:24 000000 No.9350818>>9350827

if all of us use the same IP,, then all our packets will smell the same to the NSA internet sniffers. And we can plot
to take over the world in privacy.
Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 03:02:57 cda175 No.9350824
>>9348577 (OP)
>using a service from Silicon Valley ever

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 03:04:56 15a6e5 No.9350827

File (hide): 445a3e27e50d673.jpg (200.39 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 1bbr7r[1].jpg)

>anonymity == privacy

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 03:10:11 e3a36b No.9350833>>9350848 >>9350855 >>9350925 >>9356953

Non-English guy here, i looked through the thread but im still unsure what its all about.
Could someone please tell me, in a simple way, what the problem is and how it affects a "normal" person from Not-The-

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 03:10:54 0997fb No.9350836

All of our processors are pozzed up with that intel Management Engine and the AMD equivalent anyway, don't forget that.
A literal extra core running a little OS designed to spy on you.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 03:15:18 caabd5 No.9350848>>9350855 >>9350925

This, please explain for non Burgers.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 03:16:02 ed15e6 No.9350852>>9350857

File (hide): b6d3891a51e7dd1.jpg (72.64 KB, 640x426, 320:213, serveimage.jpg)

>You could do it all manually if you were super autist about it.
>dpkg -i yourfile.deb
that's right, trust the binary from goy
>not compiling from source
>not using gentoo

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 03:17:13 15a6e5 No.9350855>>9350866 >>9350867 >>9350983 >>9356953

The problem is that your password, your private personal information, etc. on 90% of the sites you use are now
compromised and public knowledge. It doesn't matter that you're outside of the US; you don't use a different Internet than
we do.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 03:18:15 15a6e5 No.9350857>>9351291

>trust the binary
>implying you can't examine the source
>or write your own

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 03:22:33 e3a36b No.9350866>>9350894 >>9356953

Passwords related to websites, like Amazon? And what kind of personal information are u talking about? Im mostly
concerned about my shopping accounts, are they gonna be fine if i change the password now?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 03:22:46 caabd5 No.9350867>>9350872 >>9350884 >>9350894

There is only 3 or 4 sites where I have a password and none have my personal information. Is there a list where I can see
which sites exactly have been compromised?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 03:26:10 ed15e6 No.9350872

i doubt cloudfare even knows and if they do, you'll be the last to know

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 03:30:36 d95844 No.9350884>>9350894 >>9350904

These are not all buttflare sites

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 03:30:44 02482c No.9350885>>9350929

I lke to blank disks similarly with
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda
etc. The problem with flash is that there are other ways for data to remain. I don't remember the details, but I think areas
that are flagged as unreliable and no longer to be used can still contain information, or partial information. But zeroing
every writable address is probably good enough for most scenarios.
When i threw away some old hard drives I mangled the platters with metal shears. Physical destruction win if you don't
want to use it again.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 03:34:43 15a6e5 No.9350894>>9350904 >>9350931 >>9350983

>Passwords related to websites, like Amazon?
>And what kind of personal information are u talking about?
anything you've sent: name, home address, credit card numbers, date of birth, social security number, etc.
>Im mostly concerned about my shopping accounts, are they gonna be fine if i change the password now?
You'll be fine for now. But the damage is probably already done. RIP your private info.
this list here
Just to be safe I'd change every password on every site I care about. It's a good thing to do every now and again, anyway.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 03:37:09 caabd5 No.9350904


Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 03:40:07 d8a2f4 No.9350909>>9350936

Let's assume I am using linux, firefox with a couple of cool addons. Also to start computer I have to Log password for
Motherboard OS, file encryption and then user loggin, how fucked am I?
Also not a degenerate, most incriminating shiet is Hitler LARPing as Human

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 03:45:28 cb2775 No.9350925>>9350944 >>9350959

Websites that you go to sometimes use a service called cloudflare. They use it for DDOS protection, so when you go to
their site, you're actually going to it THROUGH cloudflare. Well cloudflare fucked up something serious causing a memory
leak, this means any data going into, or out of those sites may have been leaked to anyone visiting ANY cloudflare
protected site. This data would include plain text login information, credit card info, real nasty shit.
Right now, there isn't a comprehensive list of all cloudflare sites that were compromised with this bug, so it is safer to
assume any site using cloudflare has leaked info. It may have gone unnoticed, it may have been record, no one really
knows yet. So, safe money is changing your passwords that you use on any site that is hosted on cloudflare.
Which sites run on cloudflare? Good question, there isn't a comprehensive list. You can check yourself from the command
line looking for cloudflare headers via curl -I otherwise stand by for a list. Popular ones include fitbit, uber,
and discord.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 03:47:04 b9e43f No.9350929>>9350987

File (hide): 07febb897ec34cd.png (701.66 KB, 1280x1112, 160:139, gnu_1488.png)

File (hide): 4ff6cb510028d34.jpg (37.85 KB, 600x525, 8:7, 4ff6cb510028d34f028ec8360c.jpg)

>I lke to blank disks similarly
Oh HELL yes, ddbro appears on the scene.
Use it all the time, for all sorts of things. Did you know it's such an old Unix app that the name 'dd' is unknown in origin and
meaning? It's basically an ancient spell you can drag up from the deepest catacombs from some old dusty Unix tome.
>I think areas that are flagged as unreliable and no longer to be used can still contain information
I read the same. For some disks the manufacturer provides a low level format utility or boot disk image. There's no way of
knowing what those actually do, however, if anything.
>zeroing every writable address is probably good enough for most scenarios
Yeah, and if you sell it, just sell to some random pleb on craigslist or something, or destroy it physically if you're paranoid.
Or just do what I do and use them until they fail. :^)
>I mangled the platters with metal shears
This is the way to go. Actually pretty much as soon as you open the HDD casing, let alone touch the disks/accidentally
scrape the drive heads across the platters, your data is as good as gone. They could do a clean room rebuild, but still it
wouldn't be a good scene.
I've taken to keeping the platters as small mirrors. They're platinum coated if I recall, and they have a very vivid reflection
quality that I can't easily describe.
May your dds always target the right device!

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 03:47:10 e3a36b No.9350931>>9350944 >>9350948 >>9350968

>anything you've sent: name, home address, credit card numbers, date of birth, social security number, etc.
>RIP your private info.
I never send any private info, if you mean like chatrooms and such. Or is my account information like credit card number
fucked now, because they are stored in these websites?
Honestly it looks like it more of a problem for faceberg user type of people as far as i understand.
Also, thanks.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 03:47:57 ed15e6 No.9350936>>9350943

none of this shit matters.
if you used any site using cloudfare your vulnerable (logins, page requests, etc).

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 03:50:10 2e1c6b No.9350943>>9350958

But it's only stuff related to Cloudflare-using sites? Or am I "infected" because I visited sites that use CF?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 03:50:43 ed15e6 No.9350944>>9350978 >>9356953

it's not the storage that's the problem, it's shit sent to or received by the site using cloudfare
cloudfare is one giant MiTM
this seems to be a good list

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 03:51:42 b9e43f No.9350948>>9350954 >>9350963 >>9350976

>. Or is my account information like credit card number fucked now, because they are stored in these websites?
If you have recently sent the information to the website, such as when you initially sign up, then yes that information is
potentially out there right now in some cache.
The fuckery of this is that now if you go to change it, that will be out there too until this is fixed.
The entire world is about to be digitally ass raped. I wonder if this is how the US dollar will collapse.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 03:53:46 15a6e5 No.9350954>>9350968 >>9350970

>that will be out there too until this is fixed
Cloudfare has already fixed it. It should have been as simple as using calloc() instead of malloc() for a C program or
otherwise nameOfVariable = 0; for already-allocated memory

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 03:54:47 ed15e6 No.9350958>>9350968 >>9350976

cloudfare says they fixed it
>The industry standard time allowed to deploy a fix for a bug like this is usually three months; we were completely finished
globally in under 7 hours with an initial mitigation in 47 minutes.
and it only took them 7 hours, all of you goyim should use cloudfare, they are expert

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 03:55:03 caabd5 No.9350959>>9350968 >>9350996

>You can check yourself from the command line looking for cloudflare headers via curl -I
You'll have to explain that one. Sorry for being a fucking noob.
So let's say I want to check wether is compromised: I first open the command prompt, then I type
curl -I
and press enter

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 03:56:50 575727 No.9350963>>9350968

What kind of implications does this have on btc?
I was going to buy some btc and altcoin but all the btc markets are cloudflare.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 03:59:24 15a6e5 No.9350968>>9350972

if you shop online ever, you are affected. When you shop online, you must provide mailing address, name, and credit card
info. If you sent this info to a site that used cloudflare (again, probably 90% or more of commonly used sites and virtually
every shopping site), you are affected.
again, not a hard fix. See >>9350954
it doesn't work with Windows command prompt normally. You will need to use a shell (command interpreter/command
prompt) on a machine using a Linux distribution.
That's actually a really good question. If you have virtual wallets (coinbase and exchange account wallets) you'll want to
change the passwords for those. Other than that I don't think BTC will be affected.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:00:00 b9e43f No.9350970

I am too retarded and lazy to even read the OP, so thanks for correcting me. kek

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:00:54 caabd5 No.9350972>>9350978

>it doesn't work with Windows command prompt normally. You will need to use a shell (command interpreter/command
prompt) on a machine using a Linux distribution.
Oh ok, thanks.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:01:46 e3a36b No.9350976>>9351006 >>9351011

Well, luckily i didnt put in any accounting data in the last 2 months at least. My shekels should be safe, i can reverse any
transfer of money anyway.
Good to know but these fuckers should be held accountable.
Do Onion sites use cloudflare too? Has there been any compromise?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:01:58 15a6e5 No.9350978

No problem. There's a list of affected sites here: >>9350944
Again, just to be safe, I'd change passwords on all sites I regularly use and care about.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:01:59 ae0b43 No.9350979>>9350985

Sekrit shit on a separate machine, encrypted linux partition, vpn on startup set to kill any unprotected connection, pay for
vpn with bitcoin while on another connection with user agent spoofed, encrypted VMs used for anything bad goy and
deleted after.
Umatrix the three dots in a line next to on/off lets you spoof user agent, referrer and force https.
Learn to change MAC address and do it often.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:03:16 0eab10 No.9350983>>9350990

>public knowledge
Wait how public in particular are we talking?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:03:48 15a6e5 No.9350985


Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:04:14 94a967 No.9350987>>9350999

File (hide): 07303cc2dae316e.jpg (229.8 KB, 516x516, 1:1, 1455142144368-3.jpg)
>I've taken to keeping the platters as small mirrors
tfw i have a THICC stack of ancient patters ready for target practice

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:04:46 15a6e5 No.9350990>>9351017

Public as in 1337 H4XX0R5 have it and can do whatever the fuck they want with it. If they so choose, they can upload a
file to dropbox or some shit and release it on twitter, making all the information easily accessible to the entire world.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:06:39 ed15e6 No.9350996>>9351006

more obvious command on linux
dig NS | grep cloudflare
dig NS | grep cloudflare
result: 8285 IN NS 8285 IN NS

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:07:02 b9e43f No.9350999>>9351068 >>9356953

File (hide): e92267b41cfcb45.png (1007.58 KB, 1252x701, 1252:701, Screenshot from 2017-02-24.png)

>stack of platters
What hue are they? Grey, blue, amber?
try giving a shiny one to a qt gf as a makeup mirror for her purse. surprisingly impressive to most

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:07:43 000000 No.9351002>>9351016 >>9351043 >>9353995

Gee, who ever thought putting a man in the middle, who can thus at leisure read everything you post in
plaintext even if you think you are encrypted, would be bad?
I hope they get sued out the ass. I hate CIAflare invading fucking everything so god damn much.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:08:30 9eb2f9 No.9351005

Probably not given Pepe cemented us as stormfront with frogs. I'm not bothered as I'm not important enough to fuck with,
and I'm not dangerous unless they crack down on shitposting.
I like to think my assigned stalkers are growing to love touhou, anime and hentai.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:08:43 cb2775 No.9351006

>Do Onion sites use cloudflare too?
No. It is clearnet only
Sorta. Some re-brand or use their own DNS servers + C NAME

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:09:46 ed15e6 No.9351011>>9356953

.onion sites don't use cloudfare
tor defeats cloudfare's jewry and data mining, which is why you have to work for free everytime you go to a cloudfare site
over tor instead

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:10:15 ae0b43 No.9351012

It's not about whether you're on a list or not, it's how many and what for and how many institutions have access to them,
whether they're whitewashed or not and how the gov want you to be treated via info they share.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:12:25 ed15e6 No.9351016>>9351029 >>9351040

that's the shit about cloudfare
https ====> cloudfare - site
it isn't:
https===| |====>site
cloudjew has to be the ones to decrypt that way they can datamine

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:12:36 0eab10 No.9351017>>9351045 >>9351056

Mh thanks.
So while I cant do shit against someone showing my stuff around the chance of it happening for any other reason then to
extract money is probably low.
I would guess that a lot of lowtier criminals would try to grab some random passwords as long as its not changed know to
steal some money.
So if I change all my Passwords like from paypal asap I cannot be harmed except if someone would want to for personal
reasons which shouldnt be the case.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:17:50 ed15e6 No.9351029>>9351040

also notice
Cloudjew own's's SSL cert, not 8ch

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:22:40 000000 No.9351040

Yep. Kikeflare just snips out the user keys and forwards its own keys for whatever connections they want to spy on, which
by default seems to be everyone always.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:23:11 15a6e5 No.9351043>>9351059

the same can be said about every fucking piece of technology in the modern web as well, from the OS to the shell to the
servers running Python, Perl, etc. scripts, to the HTTP protocol itself, to ISPs, routers, modern web browsers, etc. None of
it was purpose-built for security, and any compromised layer acts as an outwardly-accessible entry point to gain access to
anything communicated through it.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:24:21 15a6e5 No.9351045

sounds pretty accurate, yes.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:28:04 ed15e6 No.9351056>>9351749

unsuprisingly none of the real jewish institutions seem affected, they don't use cloudfare
amazon, paypal, banks, I haven't found anything major besides maybe coinbase that was affected
discord but w/e fuck discord

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:29:05 000000 No.9351059>>9351063

The difference is it's perfectly possible to scan your own connection and see there is no unknown data being sent. It's
literally impossible to be safe over kikeflare.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:30:44 ed15e6 No.9351063

don't worry nothing was leaked on it's way TOO cloudjew goyim

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:32:52 94a967 No.9351068>>9351080

File (hide): fd01cc537f5a65f.png (249.16 KB, 520x599, 520:599, 1453260316204.png)
>>9350999 HECKED'
grey. I've never seen a blue or amber HDD platter before
I'll have to remember that if I ever drop out of my mage apprenticeship.
broken substrate can be ridiculously sharp and jagged depending on it's crystalline orientation. I'd package it in something
safe, like plexiglass but not shit, before handing them out as portable mirrors.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:40:03 b9e43f No.9351080>>9351126 >>9351535

File (hide): ca5e6ac445e28d9.png (533.12 KB, 752x720, 47:45, 97e2c25767f15f08bcd91d5c8d.png)

>broken substrate can be ridiculously sharp and jagged depending on it's crystalline orientation
Oh fascinating, I've actually tried bending some platters with pliers before and they were very tough metal of some kind,
couldn't break them. There must be different materials of platters, and different coatings. The only amber platters I ever
saw were from very old drive from the 80s and early 90s (shucked e-waste around a warehouse one summer).
I have been meaning to fill up a few old HDDs with folders full of copy pasted pepes, to troll law enforcement if my shit is
ever seized (the rest is all encrypted)

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:41:39 45b4a3 No.9351087>>9351101

>In my country, posting anything critical of Islam is "an illegal activity"
Are you talking about real life or is this some kind of sick fever dream shit

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:43:21 8eb798 No.9351093

Btw decentralized internet alternative when?
Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:45:06 62917d No.9351097
File (hide): 373ca3e362b0da0.jpg (80.32 KB, 1280x694, 640:347, iuztre765456.jpg)

This. Fuck them.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:45:57 b9e43f No.9351101

File (hide): 830c8936c1e7796.jpg (102.73 KB, 599x586, 599:586, 830c8936c1e7796cfb8e69dafc.jpg)

>Are you talking about real life or is this some kind of sick fever dream shit
Need I say more than pic related, anon?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:57:34 94a967 No.9351126>>9351128 >>9351394

File (hide): 1c38c188cf8dbf5.jpg (66.08 KB, 800x533, 800:533, Wafers_reactor.jpg)

File (hide): f60472a5b70659f.jpg (76.4 KB, 512x512, 1:1, baka cup.jpg)

from kikepedia
>Platters are typically made using an aluminium or glass and ceramic substrate
maybe they're safer than I thought. I've only dealt with silicon substrate, my mistake anon.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:59:17 94a967 No.9351128>>9351394

File (hide): b62c92dfd7185d7.webm (3.55 MB, 640x354, 320:177, Southwest Center for Micr.webm) [play once] [loop]

eh, ignore the goytube link. have a webm of it

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 05:28:31 9c08c1 No.9351197>>9351214

MAC addressed only matter PtP between devices. Your MAC gets dropped at the router You really don't know what
you're talking about.
Just because an encryption method has been "hacked" or broken, doesn't mean it can be done within seconds on any
new connection. That's retarded if you know anything about how ESP and IPSec work. Each frame has data for padding,
and it would take too much time to break through random traffic. You would need specific targets and focus just on them,
not thousands of different people sending random traffic to all different sites.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 05:33:05 94a967 No.9351214>>9351237

mac will matter on public networks.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 05:37:58 9c08c1 No.9351237>>9351258

Of course it does, but remind me again how they're going to trace your activity back if you're using an encrypted tunnel?
Re-read my post.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 05:50:22 ed15e6 No.9351258>>9351314


Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 06:00:33 f127b5 No.9351291>>9360018

there's a reason all hardened linux distros compile from source rather than distribute binaries that require we trust they
didn't add onto the source before compiling.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 06:04:03 d107fd No.9351300>>9356953

h ttps://
Apparently it's fixed now

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 06:09:40 f4243c No.9351311>>9356953

File (hide): 2ae6db0c104ebe4.png (121.22 KB, 712x478, 356:239, Screen Shot 2017-02-24 at .png)

>>9348577 (OP)
could be related?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 06:11:39 9c08c1 No.9351314>>9351380

Holy shit you're a fucking moron HAHAHAHA!!!!!

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 06:19:13 01994a No.9351317

You scripts
built into you browser should consist of the following.
Script killer
Cookie detsruction script
And of course a VPN
You should have a good software on your firewall and you should be in shadow mode
You should also make use of your hardware router and its features to further block negative traffic.
Setting a few devices on your network and leaving them open as honeypots is a good way to capture traffic logs
modify your router user and pass every week
This is basic shitget them
CDN is a form of large scale tracking as well

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 06:24:05 0fa272 No.9351323>>9351535

File (hide): de26f3adf56c04c.png (43.5 KB, 458x730, 229:365, falangista.png)
Meh, by this time they already know every detail about my life

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 06:41:40 9250ac No.9351351>>9353129

Is it ok to get one of those pre made linux livecds or usbs online?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 06:57:18 55a4fe No.9351380>>9352000

Could you give us a breakdown why he's bullshitting? I heard that ISPs with 'socket access' could compromise any
connections made over the network, but I could be very wrong on this of course. I understand that randomly brute forcing
traffic would be a pain but if they had an automated method of compromising the handshake process wouldn't it make it a
lot simpler?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 06:58:55 439620 No.9351385

File (hide): 183332e0192225d.gif (1.16 MB, 900x760, 45:38, 183332e0192225d097612f6f23.gif)

File (hide): 80b4e1426f44a0e.png (62.64 KB, 250x274, 125:137,80b4e1426f44a0e9b03b635590.png)

File (hide): 6459a1cf8148634.png (223.21 KB, 878x1089, 878:1089,ea2151ffcb13485c676f6b1256.png)

File (hide): 342a6f251cd047d.jpg (140.02 KB, 1008x792, 14:11, Arch Agitator.jpg)

File (hide): 71de0e4aa092ff4.jpg (247.95 KB, 604x558, 302:279, 1466746274614.jpg)

>This is approximately as bad as it ever gets.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 07:03:40 41af31 No.9351394>>9351399 >>9351410 >>9351412

File (hide): 68b05e88e48122b.jpg(817.59 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, totally spies 1055.jpg)

File (hide): a49042bc36066b7.jpg(45.83 KB, 639x960, 213:320, totally spies sam 9832.jpg)

but which is the 1010 and which is the 1111?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 07:05:24 55a4fe No.9351399>>9356953

Wow you really couldn't figure it out? kek

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 07:09:48 94a967 No.9351410>>9351412

100 on the left.
111 on the right.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 07:10:08 f52a81 No.9351411>>9356953

File (hide): 6cd0194c83760f1.png (60.44 KB, 653x676, 653:676, 2017-02-24-080759_653x676_.png)

The other options offered are good but you can also check certificate on sites that are working with SSL. Because for
Cloudflare to provide their service they need to be an SSL/TLS man-in-the-middle, they have their own certificate facing
toward the end user. Here's the cert for 8chan as an example.
The fact that Cloudflare removes SSL and gets to see all traffic plaintext is the real concern even moreso than what OP is
showing (although that's a great story that helps get this into public awareness). Cloudflare literally "does it for free" and
gets just about nothing out of providing this anti-DOS service other than the ability to spy on lots of people. It looks a little
bit like a protection racket where you pay in privacy, or else get forced off the internet.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 07:10:26 55a4fe No.9351412>>9351471

File (hide): 9e8f057078399e1.png (250.81 KB, 656x468, 164:117, Screen Shot 2017-02-24 at .png)


Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri)

07:33:44 a4796a No.9351470>>9351521 >>9351546 >>9351572 >>9351577 >>9354681 >>9354783 >>9355157
File (hide): 59d52b265c6f9f9.jpg (13.36 KB, 390x280, 39:28, 856942e2cccfa4966f58d81f72.jpg)
Honest question here. Now this is for the Americans here, I know you Europoors might actually get fucked. Say the
NSA/FBI knows about your nazi posting. So what. What do you think is going to happen? Do you think you're going to get
v& for saying mean things about brown people and jews? Do you think the alphabet agencies are going to publish a list of
everyone who's ever participated in a nigger thread on Tibetan tap dancing image boards? What exactly is the risk
regarding this? I think you're trying to inflate the risk you're taking in order to add to the edge and excitement of what
you're doing. Its feigned paranoia about a danger that doesn't exist to add drama to being a /pol/ack.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 07:33:47 9250ac No.9351471


Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 07:34:09 5ce63f No.9351473

I have multiple personas on here and spew loads of bullshit. They can either pick and choose what they want from it to
characterize me however they like or they have to admit I've said a lot self-contradictory shit and just having all my posts
from here doesn't mean they actually know me.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 07:41:11 000000 No.9351493>>9351504 >>9351525

Believe it or not: it's so secure the US government took it down. Just get a legit copy of version 7.1a!
exe from a German server(make sur to click on manual installation to not download their shitty downloader/installer):
then you should have TrueCrypt_Setup_7.1a.exe

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 07:42:28 000000 No.9351504>>9351525 >>9352825

and remember that every file that touched a hard drive is recoverable unless you overwrite the space 6 times with random

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 07:46:17 9250ac No.9351521

File (hide): 88739b23ab565cc.jpg (5.79 KB, 259x194, 259:194, alt right meem .jpg)
nothing to hide nothing to fear xD amirite fellow alt right nazi skinhead member of the organization known as "polocks" ;)
Remember to kill all those jews at 7 o clock if you are a top nazi!!!1 <<<<clik

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 07:46:45 000000 No.9351525

and DON'T SAVE THE PASSWORD, use a long secure 20 character password.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 07:48:52 baab91 No.9351535

>I have been meaning to fill up a few old HDDs with folders full of copy pasted pepes, to troll law enforcement if my shit is
ever seized (the rest is all encrypted)
Funny, I have a shoebox of floppies for that exact purpose
Viva Espaa camarada!

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 07:52:59 469274 No.9351546

> Do you think you're going to get v& for saying mean things about brown people and jews?
No. you still (for now) have basic 1st amendment rights. the Jews might change this in the future, but there's nothing they
can realistically do to you.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 07:53:07 9250ac No.9351549

How long does a typical hdd last for nowadays?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 07:56:51 b143a2 No.9351558>>9351571 >>9351633

When is it not Deep State fuckery? Everything bad that happened in the last 50 years has had the Deep State involved.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 07:59:11 9250ac No.9351571

Was the deep state involved with the fall of cuckchan and hwndu?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 07:59:29 0c40f4 No.9351572

When their overrunning your country, you should have every right to convey those feelings anyway possible. The only
thing these intel agencies are looking for is if your planning attacks on said immigrants. Most of the immigrants are cash
cows for your leaders anyways and they will always protect their assets from being removed.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 08:00:18 b143a2 No.9351577>>9351633 >>9356953

Getting followed by spooks is never fun. Even if things are technically legal it won't stop them from fucking with you if
you're one of their targets. So far, it's the biggest risk about being a bit too politically inclined and speaking loudly about
how the CIA are a bunch of crooked pedo enabling drug dealers..

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 08:16:02 d87e51 No.9351633>>9351699 >>9352106 >>9356953

File (hide): 8bf01d4df77957f.gif (984.8 KB, 440x247, 440:247, le jew dance.gif)

Yes go-erm-guys it's just the deep state illuminati NWO globalists behind it all! Certainly not us jews, oy vey, we dindu

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 08:29:06 b143a2 No.9351699>>9356953

Jews are part of the deep state, retard.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 08:33:47 04f07f No.9351721>>9351911 >>9353198

Was anyone really not aware cloudflare is the NSA.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 08:37:53 002792 No.9351749

>unsuprisingly none of the real jewish institutions seem affected, they don't use cloudfare
They use a decentralized neurotic hand-rubbing based protocol for transfer of information shekel fragments.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 08:49:14 47244d No.9351854

If the intelligence community wants to shut it down they will do so at the platform level, not the individual level.
In the U.S. posting hate speech is not a crime, although incitement to violence is. In all individual cases, proving the
identity of a poster and building a chain of criminal evidence against them for a successful prosecution would be costly. It
would also introduce legal problems with evidence collected by exralegal means. It would also publicly reveal classified
data collection methods.
It's much simpler to simply shut the platform down. There are a number of ways to accomplish this. 8chan ownership
could be prosecuted for CP in the Philippines yes Jim closed down boards but people still post it and old evidence is still
evidence. More likely 8ch's US ISP could be convinced to simply drop them as a customer. As could the next host they go
to. And the next. Two to three weeks of outage and the platform will never recover.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 08:50:13 3acc5c No.9351865>>9351947

What is the list anons are worried about being on? So I'm on a list now.. what comes next? Are there any repercussions to
being on the list?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 08:56:14 47244d No.9351911>>9356953

Gambler's illusion. You consider multiple possibilities, and when one is proven right you believe you were right all along. If
you chose an advantageous course you congratulate yourself on your wisdom. If you chose a detrimental course you
curse yourself for not following your instincts.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 09:01:49 b143a2 No.9351947>>9351998 >>9352024

In case of war or civil unrest, there is. Depending on which list you are might determine if you end up in a FEMA camp, in
a secret offshore prison or simply taken out preemptively.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 09:06:35 6a8843 No.9351998

Lists help the enemy gather data and form strategy, which should not be underestimated, information asymmetry is the
biggest advantage you can have in any type of war, physical or otherwise. Other than that lists are worth shit if they aren't
followed up on with force, which is why I don't really give a fuck about being on lists, I am not going to be cowed into
submission by the mere possibility of some numale intern at ZOG *gasp* writing my name down! If any CIAniggers of
FEMA agents want to round us up and take the guns I wish a nigga would, I fucking beg any kike to come try and fuck
with me.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 09:06:40 9c08c1 No.9352000>>9356953

Authentication is hash-based and dynamic. They would need your actual credentials, not just the intercepted hash. Man in
the middle attacks would prove fruitless even if they did decrypt your traffic and attempt to use it later.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 09:09:23 9250ac No.9352022>>9352055 >>9356953

Is it better to connect my phone to the computer to save files or save my files on a sd card and insert then save?
Any difference?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 09:09:30 c5556c No.9352024>>9352064

I probably am at the potential terrorists list of my country, long before finding the chans, the police dindu nuffin about me,
there are bigger fish to fry.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 09:12:53 b143a2 No.9352055>>9352092 >>9356953

Either way you're fucked simply using your cellphone, although I wouldn't ever connect a phone on a computer that I wish
to keep relatively safe. Smartphones are basically tools you pay for to get spied on.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 09:14:05 47244d No.9352064>>9352108

Being on the 8/pol/ list should put you in the very lowest risk category, as imageboard users are the least likely to
accomplish anything in life.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 09:15:01 ae36cb No.9352075>>9352104 >>9353954 >>9360018

File (hide): a24298af18b88ea.png (3.47 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, e31b3b185f14.png)
>mfw using an invite-only VPN provider also used by major criminal organizations, drug barons, arms dealers, chinese
hacking armies and spies.
>mfw Sergei, a russian mafia mob gives daily cooking tips on its internal mailing list
>mfw I can order paramilitary hitsquads to any place in Europe within 24 hours.
>mfw the first order is free, because I posted a lot of /pol/ memes on its mailing list and even 30 year old south african
mercenaries laugh about them
>mfw a hobby hacker from spain was found 'suicided' one day after he tried to DDoS my provider for fun.
I feel pretty safe.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 09:18:07 9250ac No.9352092

I know what a hard drive is but what does the hard disk do, anyone care to explain?
So SD card it is.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 09:20:41 9250ac No.9352104>>9352141

File (hide): d079192cdac7d2c.png (10.87 KB, 1187x846, 1187:846, 24ad65a93c28ca22e3495f354f.png)

Proofs? You don't seem the lying kind.
my dad works at nintendo btw.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 09:20:52 e55f1f No.9352106

File (hide): da403bb3dd84c10.jpg (21.75 KB, 624x172, 156:43, how do you do fellow :pol:.jpg)

>how do you do fellow \POL\sters, the deep state is not jewish in the least

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 09:21:22 c5556c No.9352108

Like the government gives a fuck, the moment they need to revive the ghost, they will.
The moors have been both a curse and a blessing, we all know about the curse, but the blessing wa that they took the
attention away from here.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 09:28:11 ae36cb No.9352141>>9352174

give me your address. If you're able to post something the next day after tomorrow, then I obviously lied.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 09:34:12 9250ac No.9352174>>9352186

725 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022, USA
Fuck me up, i dare you.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 09:36:10 ae36cb No.9352186>>9352190

nice try FBI

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 09:37:38 9250ac No.9352190

Haha, too scared kid? You aint see nothing yet.
Heil hitler.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 10:34:24 7bc14e No.9352500>>9352679 >>9356953

File (hide): f68048a25cf5cb1.png (5.18 KB, 247x96, 247:96, mfwgui.png)

>>9348577 (OP)
>root pass
>linux boot from usb stick
>server side encryption
>virtualmachine running another linux distro
>DNS/DHCP/IP randomizer
>https only
>javascript disabled
if you're not on this level, get off the internet forever

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 10:46:27 054613 No.9352585


Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 11:00:01 4360eb No.9352673>>9352782

>just rode uber back to my place yesterday

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 11:01:51 000000 No.9352679>>9353031

> no tor
> root pass
> dhcp randomizer
> server side encryption
> doesn't even mention BIOS backdoors
just tell how high are you

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 11:14:32 7fb2eb No.9352735

Yea, I joined Ebay and Paypal in like 2007. The stuff I bought on there definitely got me on something. Back then it was
more wild. Salvia, potassium nitrate, LaVey's satanic bible etc.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 11:15:06 c5f7c0 No.9352740>>9353954

>Honestly I don't care.
The shit programs they come out with nowadays are ridiculous memory hogs. I remember when 512M of RAM was
decent enough to run games like stronghold ffs. Nowadays everything is so fucking bloated you can't even open up a web
browser without using 1/4 of a Gig.
I am sick to death of these shitty H1B programmers who come over and just throw dogshit ontop of pre-existing programs
bloating everything up, wasting bandwidth, and shitting up the world.
A computer does not need 8GB of RAM to be useful. There is absolutely zero fucking reason for that shit. Modern OS's a
shit. Modern hardware is 'optimized' for these shitty Os's and is also a shit. Everything is fucked.
Same, it's not just Windows, it's everything. iOS, etc. And it's not just pajeets, it's also women who can barely write 100
lines of code without posting a picture to their shitty $ocial $media. Normalfags were the cancer that killed computing.
Now that Trump wants to limit immigration, those hook-nosed faggots in SF are shitting bricks about losing 3/4 of their
On a side note, I tried Windows 10 a couple of months ago due to a system failure and needed a new OS. I rage
formatted the next day and am using W7 SP1. I honestly think I could get by on XP if my current installion dies. I only play
UT2004 and use old Adobe CS6 software, not the (((Creative Cloud))) bullshit.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 11:23:16 33a077 No.9352782

It's apparently been "fixed" since then so you're probably fine.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 11:30:51 000000 No.9352825>>9353048

>Then do a factory wipe of the phone, then do another empty space wipe with the same app.
Non encrypted data is not safe, regardless the media or means of deletion/encryption later.
>I always destroy my old phones, personally.
If something is at stake, your or friends, families, property, health, freedom or life, it is much much cheaper to destroy the
compromising media.
>That's why you want to encrypt everything all the time.
I would not trust electronic media with real secrets, encrypted or not.
>go after it with a hammer then take the pieces and leave them in etching material for a few days.
To destroy media with corrosive substance needs much stronger agents, extremely dangerous and unhealthy acids,
hydrofluoric acid. Takes to much time and produces dangerous waste.
Destruction of Media
Don't simply whack it with a hammer.
Chances are that the device is broken but media can be still read.
Disasemble the device until you are able to access the all the chips and platter/disks.
On rotary disks one needs to destroy the magnetic/optical disk. Drilling holes into it is OK, particularly if it is platters made
of glas, which will shatter. Wear eye, face and breathing protection, gloves. On metal platter the best way is to sand away
the magnetic layer. On optical disk do the same with the optical layer, which is in the plastic not the metal reflector. Don't
breath in the dust.
It's prudent to destroy any chip your data might have contact, even those on your hard disk/CD
To destroy chips a bench press drill is handy. Drill holes in it. Remember the chip/silicon might be much smaller than the
case, there might be more then one in a housing. Use drills fit to drill in hard metal/ceramics.
The British way to destroy chips is using an angle grinder and grinding down the chip until nothing is left on the board. Be
careful, the chip is not simply ripped from the board and internally undamaged.
Of course always wear eye, face and breathing protection, gloves.
Memory, SD, SIM cards might be cut into pieces with an strong scissors, be careful to hit the silicon.
A high temperature furnace can be used to destroy any media, if you have access to the furnace of a steelwork just dump
it into it.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 11:32:38 8cdb71 No.9352838

>>9348577 (OP)
there are to many of us and most of us are insignificant enough for it not to matter that much

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 11:44:10 1d8e68 No.9352914>>9353071

One thing that I don't fully understand is this: Due to the nature of this breach, does that mean that my password, or the
sites I have visited or the things I have done on them, are easily findable via a google search if someone knows my IP
Does this mean now that people can link me across IP addresses if I had used a VPN if they can find my password or
some other piece of identifying information?
How fucked am I? I use the internet is a pretty paranoid way already but I post bare-ip here sometimes, I log into some
normie sites here and there like plebbit and kiketube and goyim-mail.
And as well I do keep some stuff hosted on, how skeptical should I be of it now?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 12:02:31 7bc14e No.9353031>>9357821

Hi, FBI-kun. Tell me why are you such a huge faggot who doesn't know what an exit node is?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 12:04:33 7bc14e No.9353048

>cant into camping
>cant into building a fire
>what is thermite
go away

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 12:08:21 7bc14e No.9353071>>9356372

Rule number one. Treat your ISP like a stalker. If you use a VPN, they only know what the data amount your
up/downloading is, not what it is. If you post to chans bare-assed, barring some sort of liberal dumbfuckery where a law is
passed, they can and will send your information to the authorities. Goes double if they suspect you uploading copyrighted
or illegal material to known doxbins like dropbox, volafile, and mega.
Even if you're Joe Nobody, make them fucking work for your information. Don't make it easy. You should also have dead
emails you use to sign up for torrents and or other shit you don't want getting back to you. Basic OPsec.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 12:15:45 cb2775 No.9353129

No. You have no idea who did what to the drive. Download the ISO you want to install and do it yourself, it isn't very
difficult. It might take a few tries but it is worth the effort. You can burn ISOs in windows using just the OS. I think MacOS
can do the same but you will have to ask some macfag. Otherwise to make a usb drive on windows use unetbootin, for
mac, ask a mac fag.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 12:17:18 469274 No.9353144>>9353151 >>9356953

If you're in the ZOG, unless you are into cp, islamic terrorism, or the usual shit this is going to have no impact on you.
People come here to try and measure dicks with who knows more /tech/ shit, and 80% of the time none of the posters
know a fucking thing. Unless this is your job or you are outside the ZOG, this isn't going to be your problem.
t. someone who has seen a lot of similar shit before

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 12:19:01 469274 No.9353151

addendum- as always, "ZOG" is universal but THE ZOG is the US gubment.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 12:24:15 469274 No.9353181

(and even if you're outside the ZOG, this is a case of "everyone is fucked so no one is." The Jew you are worried might
fire you for posting here is worried his wife will find out about the rent boys he is fucking and so on up the ladder.)

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 12:27:02 423458 No.9353198>>9353223

There was a thread on /pol/ a long time ago after the DDoSing and 8chan started using CloudFlare which said that it was
under government control, a FBI honeypot if I remember correctly. Either way, isn't CloudFlare based in the USA? They'd
have to abide by USA spying laws without disclosing it to customers or users.
If this wasn't government spying, they could've been selling data through this security hole and being a security hole
they'd have plausible deniability. No criminal charges will be brought against CloudFlare for this, I'm sure. None of the
articles I've read seem to mention it, but this could also include credit/debit card, banking routing/account numbers, name,
birth date, address, social security number, security questions, and anything else you've sent to a site through CloudFlare.
The github list of sites is not comprehensive though.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 12:31:08 cb2775 No.9353223

>Cloudflare is headquartered in San Francisco, California, with additional offices in London, Singapore, Champaign,
Austin, Boston and (((Washington, D.C.)))
Reverse proxy is a nice way to say Man-In-The-Middle, a form of network snooping. They offer a free service out of the
goodness of their hearts, all you have to do is let them spy on all of your traffic.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 12:46:54 94efa5 No.9353333>>9353339 >>9353632 >>9353708 >>9353873 >>9353894 >>9356953
If you're a goy that walks the Earth, then the elite jew pigs already have you on the extermination list. Whether or not you
are anonymous just changes how far or down you are on the list.
Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 12:47:20 94efa5 No.9353339
You can't argue with these quads goyim.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 13:25:46 566c33 No.9353632

>>9353333 (checked)
Also fuck, this is annoying.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 13:38:11 5fec3d No.9353708

Low level Jews are just past those who are anonymous :^)

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 14:10:32 443d84 No.9353873

Nice quads.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 14:14:12 a4c6e6 No.9353886>>9353904 >>9354501

Wait, so what does this mean? Does that mean my IP address is linked to all those racist things I've said on /pol/?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 14:15:27 0f0d1a No.9353894

wew maybe 6 million jews with a list 6 billion people long

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 14:17:29 136d28 No.9353904


Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 14:20:09 b551bd No.9353915>>9359596

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Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 14:22:48 000000 No.9353931

>>9348577 (OP)
Use tails faggot
Either way even with tor this doesn't change shit
Well except if you don't go into cloudflare hosted/protected services witch always ask you to enter a captcha if you use tor.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 14:28:21 11d074 No.9353954>>9369495

Sounds like someone needs to switch to *nix
>you had them whack some spanish script kiddie instead of Merkel or a similar high ranking kike
Low. Energy.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 14:33:37 11d074 No.9353995

blame hosting providers for not having proper methods of dealing with DDOS and instead just going the cheap route of
having the intel agencies (((handle))) it

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 14:34:40 11d074 No.9354002>>9354018

Yeah, my VPN is banned from now as well due to this.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 14:36:02 cb2775 No.9354018

Can you screenshot the banned message please?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 14:46:04 000000 No.9354074

>mass adoption when?
Gnunet has a much better censor resistance and anonymous design than ipfs
>Contrary to other designs, we do not believe that users achieve strong anonymity just because their requests are
obfuscated by a couple of indirections. This is not sufficient if the adversary uses traffic analysis. The threat model used
for anonymous file sharing in GNUnet assumes that the adversary is quite powerful. In particular, we assume that the
adversary can see all the traffic on the Internet. And while we assume that the adversary can not break our encryption, we
assume that the adversary has many participating nodes in the network and that it can thus see many of the node-to-node
interactions since it controls some of the nodes.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 15:57:20 469274 No.9354501

>Does that mean my IP address is linked to all those racist things I've said on /pol/?
Unless you are either very wealthy or have some sort of job with a security clearance, highly unlikely that you personally
would be targeted.
I'm autistic about my OPSEC simply because I don't like the Jews to be able to access my shit at will, and I'm always on
VPN, but even if not, you can believe everyone has something to hide on the internet.
when one site like (((Ashley Madison))) gets hit, that's a big MSM story. As massive as this is, what do the Jews print?
As far as a VPN, this a decent way to vet (you can find guides by true autists if you jewggle/duckduckgo around):
-Not located within "5 eyes."(Us, UK, Aus, NZ, Canada)
-Does not keep logs
-takes payment via Starbucks or other giftcards
-have gone to court to protect the data of pedos. If they will go to court to protect pedos, they will protect you for "hate
speech" or whatever else
-No DNS leaks. Depending on your provider and skill level, this can be a major pain in the fucking ass you will have to
spend a weekend fucking around with your router and software
These are just the basics. Good opsec will make you feel more secure, esp. if you live outside the ZOG and can get
banged up for "hate speech." I don't think much is going to come of this one, simply because it's so hugeyour Jew boss
or the SJW are going to be so worried about covering their own ass, I doubt much time to deal with low-level people who
post here.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 16:23:52 3df3b9 No.9354640

You can make a pouch out of foil for your cell phone. It will block your location and block imsi catchers.
Of course when you take your phone out to use it your current location will be known.
If needed Vysk makes a case that blocks your microphone with white noise.
Anyone know if/ how long the microphone can record and saves convos when your phone's in foil?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 16:24:35 3df3b9 No.9354643

You can make a pouch out of foil for your cell phone. It will block your location and block imsi catchers.
Of course when you take your phone out to use it your current location will be known.
If needed Vysk makes a case that blocks your microphone with white noise.
Anyone know if/ how long the microphone can record and saves convos when your phone's in foil?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 16:33:31 3df3b9 No.9354676

Anyone try tunnel bear?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 16:35:01 97a70b No.9354681

Alphabet agencies are like niggers, they don't care about laws or morality. Assess the risk involved before exposing
yourself needlessly to either group.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 16:35:54 efc216 No.9354684

You can make a pouch out of foil for your cell phone. It will block your location and block imsi catchers. Of course when
you take your phone out to use it your current location will be known. If needed Vysk makes a case that blocks your
microphone with white noise. Anyone know if/ how long the microphone can record and saves convos when your phone's
in foil?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 16:36:47 efc216 No.9354690>>9354704 >>9364561

You can make a pouch out of foil for your cell phone. It will block your location and block imsi catchers. Of course when
you take your phone out to use it your current location will be known. If needed Vysk makes a case that blocks your
microphone with white noise.
Anyone know if/ how long the microphone can record and saves convos when your phone's in foil?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 16:39:03 a69e7e No.9354704

Jesus wept my man, stop posting this so many times!

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 16:47:34 10f05a No.9354765>>9355002

Think it's best we follow /tech/'s example and fuck off to endchan for the time being - use their onions or i2p in case it
really is some epin goon honeypot

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 16:48:27 d380ad No.9354772>>9354848 >>9354897

You can make a pouch out of foil for your cell phone. It will block your location and block imsi catchers.
Of course when you take your phone out to use it your current location will be known.
Vysk makes a case that blocks your microphone with white noise, but it's expensive.
Anyone know if/ how long the microphone can record and saves convos when your phone's in foil?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 16:51:03 b9e43f No.9354783>>9354876

>o you think you're going to get v& for saying mean things about brown people
It has already started happening in Canada. Guy was literally v& for posting sarcastically about muslims (three weeks

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 16:56:22 000000 No.9354811>>9356953

no escape goyim

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 16:57:50 000000 No.9354818>>9369034 >>9369268

The user/passes/logs for all discord conversations are sitting in caches that you can google right now.
DNC/CTR/ShareBlue use discord
How is no one talking about this?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 17:02:10 ed15e6 No.9354848

assume phone has 8gb storage.
128kbps audio file = 16KB/s audio file
8GB = 8,000,000KB
8,000,000KB / 16KB/s = 500,000s
500,000s=8,333 minutes
8,333 minutes = 138.88 hours
138.88 hours = 5.78 days

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 17:05:44 b9e43f No.9354876

Should clarify that the guy was posting on Twitter, not image boards.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 17:10:21 e52d89 No.9354897>>9355155

Holy fuck you retarded kike gtfo. Tin foil doesnt work anyways youre literally a retarded faggot

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 17:15:08 5ce63f No.9354927

Up that shit on mega, I need it to start a weeb persona.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 17:25:43 5ce63f No.9354980

Then you just get kiked by either being the guy who stands out so much because of his configuration and obscure
software rather than being one in a sea of millions or you've finally gone boss mode but the psychic jew then remote views
you because you didn't put up etheric protections over your whole house that cover you both in the past and in the future
and in the present.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 17:30:26 a6ae57 No.9355002

File (hide): 918d7c7b2d493c9.jpg (104.79 KB, 750x700, 15:14, 918d7c7b2d493c974d0b26eeb0.jpg)
We knew about this shit for years, the faggot moloch kikes DDoS sites that become too popular and offer Cloudflare as a
"cheap solution". Frederick had to use it since every other "DDos" protection service is retardedly overpriced, they really
wanted to fuck this site over.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 17:33:33 a69e7e No.9355026

Does anybody here really think their life is gonna change because of this leak? Finding everybody who ever said "nigger"
or something similar here would be such a monumental challenge that I doubt anybody would care enough to take it up.
Also, is there even any proof that 8chan was one of the affected sites?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 17:56:06 957a02 No.9355155>>9356953

Wrap your phone in tin foil and try to call it then.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 17:56:32 5ce63f No.9355157>>9355166 >>9355213 >>9355268 >>9355303

I've had the police show up at my door three times now because of posts on here.
The global admins are working with (((them))).
NVM this cloudleak shit, check the gooks and race traitors who run 8chan.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 17:57:46 b9e43f No.9355166>>9355211 >>9356953

File (hide): 8924a672a576046.jpg (22.96 KB, 499x499, 1:1, 0949 - MWU2itP.jpg)

Story time anon. What did the cops say to you each time?
Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 18:05:10 5ce63f No.9355211>>9355243 >>9355268 >>9356953 >>9364651
They were just like "we're checking up on you buddy, don't let things get you down, someone was concerned about your
wellbeing and your potential to commit suicide". They were really nice white cops every time, sometimes two men,
sometimes two women, and they were redpilled.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 18:05:33 01a529 No.9355213

Are you Yuropean? What did they ask you?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 18:09:24 b9e43f No.9355243

File (hide): f9c6e644cf3e797.jpeg (12.4 KB, 253x215, 253:215, wait_a_sec_gooby.jpeg)

well that was nice of them

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 18:12:12 cb2775 No.9355268>>9355311

Are you posting from your home connection? Learn2computer man.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 18:19:39 fa4911 No.9355303>>9355311

Are you US or UK?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 18:20:33 5ce63f No.9355311>>9355321 >>9356953

In one case it was because of (((Skype))) other times it's just the global admins on 8chan stalking my posts and knowing
who I am.
I have some threads on /sudo/ right now in which I'm being persecuted by globals trolling me. They gave away one of my
boards I put like a hundred hours into with custom CSS, board pages, etc. and let some antifa vandal have it who
proceeded to post my dox everywhere. The globals are complacent.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 18:21:21 fa4911 No.9355321>>9355339

Country? I'm not surprised you aren't from US though.
Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 18:23:39 5ce63f No.9355339>>9355641
I'm from Honorary America.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 19:05:27 a69e7e No.9355641

Are you Canadian? The nice cops sound Canadian. And I know Canada is a big welfare state.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 19:07:48 f57b6b No.9355656

>>9348577 (OP)
im a new fag should i not be using google chrome?

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 19:09:36 0c7984 No.9355667

This. THe internet is not safe at all and everything is designed with a backdoor.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 19:23:15 036058 No.9355756

>that packet loss rate
STILL better than fucking TWC

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 20:28:00 db983d No.9356249

File (hide): 940d11efbd3b7ef.jpg (49.43 KB, 500x532, 125:133, 1467798618637.jpg)

>This is approximately as bad as it ever gets.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 20:49:51 1d8e68 No.9356372

>Basic OPsec
Yeah, I have been doing the basic of the basic but now that I have the feeling things that I don't even know about can
break at random times and leak my info I am planning to step it up a notch.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 21:25:25 516de0 No.9356605>>9356621 >>9356749 >>9356831 >>9360018

>>9348577 (OP)
I'm starting to write my own operating system. Literally everything has backdoors on it. Every word we type could be
keylogged. We need to over the years quickly start creating our own technology. It will be extremely difficult but it is

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 21:27:24 516de0 No.9356621

Actually, not just technology. Our own food supply, transport, banks, etc. We have a few years before Big Brother is
complete reality.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 21:43:10 5ce63f No.9356749>>9357536 >>9360018

Why write an entire fucking operating system when you could just join the Temple OS guy or join a linux project and
subvert it?
Make yourself useful and infiltrate the Linux Mint project and make damned sure it's secure.
Otherwise you're going to make some shit OS nobody ever uses.
Don't fucking recreate the wheel - basic programmer wisdom.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 21:51:41 b9e43f No.9356831>>9356889 >>9357051 >>9360018

File (hide): 29cae6fda3e76da.png (254.01 KB, 501x427, 501:427, Screenshot from 2017-02-24.png)

You should check out OpenBSD. There is plenty of *nix software that can easily be personally verified to be free of
You know what would be really cool? A third party audit of the Linux kernel. There are other kernels too, such as the BSD
kernel, and GNU Hurd.
Check out coreboot/libreboot for open source BIOS/EFI, limited hardware compatibility, but there some nice thinkpads
that can run it.
Search online for open source hardware projects. There are a shit load of open source ARM computer board projects,
some of which are decently capable computers that can run Linux and a desktop environment for general computing (and
are very low energy use to boot).
Lots of stuff going on out there like this, actually. Would love anons to organize third-party audits of important software
such as kernels, encryption tools (similar to the Truecrypt audit), etc. etc.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 21:57:54 5ce63f No.9356889>>9357243

Nobody on /tech/ will even do any of that shit. There's always a hundred, maybe a thousand "idea guys" for everyone that
actually gets down to looking at and editing the code.

EXTREME DIGIT CHECKER PRO 02/24/17 (Fri) 22:02:47 49d33f No.9356953>>9357074 >>9358525
File (hide): 2702d4a153b822c.jpg (37.15 KB, 480x360, 4:3, famousepainter.jpg)
>>9348577 (OP)
>>9349111 (trips!)
>>9349555 (trips!)
>>9349666 (trips!)
>>9350000 (Quads!)
>>9350222 (trips!)
>>9350999 (trips!)
>>9352000 (trips!)
>>9353333 (Quads!)

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 22:10:32 cb2775 No.9357051>>9357369

I'm a long term OpenBSD user and I have one suggestion against it: unless you're ready to upgrade every six months and
having to go through the process then you're not doing yourself any favors running it. They're on a 6 month release cycle
and the upgrade process is always slightly different. It's not that difficult, but if you don't keep your system clean and do
everything the OpenBSD way, you are gonna have a bad time. Also if you need any bleeding edge software or anything
not in ports, expect to be doing a lot of work (or making packages yourself).

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 22:12:41 5ce63f No.9357074>>9357452


Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 22:24:33 e9d77f No.9357183>>9357516

File (hide): 5e309e722fa4e83.png (2.44 KB, 110x40, 11:4, 2017-02-25-002317_110x40_s.png)

Hey, would you look at the time.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 22:29:50 a14b2d No.9357243>>9357489
Linux scarcely gets the auditing it should. A lot of that is because people are doing it for free and don't have the
time/resource to do proper audits. This aspect needs more funding from the Corporations and Agencies that are using it.
Some actually already do contribute to this.
IMO, a good feature that should be added into Gitlab, SJWHub, BitBucket, etc, should be audits by users per commit. So,
for each commit, several people can "vouch" for the code as safe before merging into master. Anything merged without
audit should raise a red flag.
Would help rat out the backdoor weasels too. If they "vouch" for a backdoor'd or otherwise insecure commit, it taints their
credibility in the FOSS/GNU/Linux/Stallman community. If it's a blatant backdoor, it would be "very painful" for CIA
As a side note, /pol/ should support FOSS a bit more for Decentralized and Federated services. Some aspects of
GNUSocial are becoming almost normalfag friendly (, for example) and should advocate moving to platforms
like these instead of trying to find other centralized alternatives which will likely be Nose'd eventually.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 22:40:32 b9e43f No.9357369>>9357395 >>9357521 >>9359335 >>9360018

File (hide): 8bec5e72457f000.png (236.55 KB, 474x411, 158:137, Screenshot from 2017-02-24.png)

>unless you're ready to upgrade every six months and having to go through the process then you're not doing yourself
any favors running it
Currently only experimented with it a bit on a spare laptop I had kicking around. I was able to pretty quickly get a wm
running and a web browser, which is bretty neat I guess. Really like the ZFS & encryption you can enable at install time
now (full OS/disk encryption iirc?). ZFS is what we will be using on our space ships in 200 years.
I'm a bit of a weirdo. I have everything organized in a home directory (with crons backing up important OS config files
etc.), and I reinstall my OS every few months, sometimes a lot more often. Pretty much every time I'm forced to install
some stupid binary or sketchy .deb for whatever purpose, signals the beginning of a new install cycle for me, but it's super
fast to just reinstall the few packages I need, and replace my home dir.
What I'm saying is beyond aptitude upgrade almost every day, I cleanly reinstall (generally Debian) on a weirdly regular
basis. It's partially a type of paranoia and partially Unix neet OCD. (Because I use full disk encryption each time, and
because of the way LUKS works, that means my old data is forever lost the moment the partition header is overwritten).
I no longer spend much effort configuring window managers or desktop environments, I just have zsh and vim set up the
way I want and I am happy. My OS usage has become utilitarian, I no longer tweak shit, I rarely even bother to change
the default OS desktop background anymore. I'm too lazy and too busy with other things (like shitposting amirite?).
I've begun running instances of Debian and other Unixes or whathaveyou in virtualbox for web browsing, and just deleting
it every so often and copying an older version etc. (Like frogmaster Elliot Alderson in mr robot).
I guess I would be fine with reinstalling OpenBSd for general purpose browsing and such every 6 months, I just haven't
felt triggered enough yet to make the permanent switch. The only reason I use Debian is because it has so much software
ready to go from the maintained repositories, isn't fully ZOG pozzed AFAIK (but honestly it probably is), and I'm used to it.
Just rambling. We should really make some basic opsec memes and have a thread dedicated to this to educate the other

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 22:43:25 4b151e No.9357395>>9357489

Anon you'd probably increase the quality of /tech/ by a factor of 10 if you posted there regularly. There's no law against
crossboarding, and it's actually encouraged.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 22:48:37 4b151e No.9357452

You never learned the first lesson. If your internet identity is burned, you drop it utterly. If you keep coming back to the
same e-identity, you're a dumbass.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 22:52:12 b9e43f No.9357489

File (hide): 938cad348a98048.png (958.63 KB, 919x695, 919:695, Screenshot from 2017-02-24.png)

Interesting, I should visit more boards in general just to see what's around. I'll check it out later, thx. I think some 1488
themed opsec memes are absolutely in order too though. I will see what I can do.
>hould be audits by users per commit. So, for each commit, several people can "vouch" for the code as safe before
merging into master. Anything merged without audit should raise a red flag.
This is a fucking awesome idea.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 22:54:20 e7cea0 No.9357516

Check date +%s -d 2017-03-07
It's gonna be a beautiful day.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 22:54:59 cb2775 No.9357521

>I no longer spend much effort configuring window managers or desktop environments, I just have zsh and vim set up the
way I want and I am happy. My OS usage has become utilitarian
Same, I work with a few hundred servers/vms, I made myself familiar with the tools that work most places and in their
default configuration. I don't care to install crap on every machine unless I have to, which makes scripting a bit of a
challenge, but then you're not maintaining different versions and shit.
I haven't used ZFS on OpenBSD (does it work?), but I have used it elsewhere, and I like it way more than LVM. I have
however run into a few edge cases on machines with giant datasets (~500TB).
>We should really make some basic opsec memes and have a thread dedicated to this to educate the other /pol/lacks
I like this idea
Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 22:57:41 516de0 No.9357536
Temple OS is written as Ring-0 only, without networking,

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 23:08:54 0c85db No.9357635>>9358069

I use the Private Internet Access VPN suite. Is that enough or am I getting party vanned by our newfound friends at

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 23:23:31 09911e No.9357751

ISPs don't monitor traffic for shit. They certainly keep a record of your traffic for many, many months, which they'll gladly
hand over if asked to by law enforcement. But unless there's someone investigating you, no, there isn't a guy sitting at a
desk watching every website you visit, every file you download or upload and everything you post to the internet just to
report if they see something they don't like. Fuck, they don't even do random monitoring.
Mind you, if someone in a position of power doesn't like what you said on the internet, you can bet your ass they can track
you down.

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 23:34:57 000000 No.9357821

> implying hidden service traffic ever touches exit nodes
> implying I'm using it on a home connection

Anonymous 02/24/17 (Fri) 23:56:58 cfd52d No.9358069>>9358307

File (hide): a6a7d2ae1a1736d.png (13.93 KB, 726x314, 363:157, cloudflare.png)

>>9348577 (OP)
Here's a shitty diagram

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 00:08:42 000000 No.9358200

Shove that blackpill up your ass, Shlomo.

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 00:23:28 000000 No.9358307

cloudjew totally doesn't save those Passwords,CC, etc too

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 00:33:56 000000 No.9358391

Good goy.

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 00:49:13 136d28 No.9358525

Name fagging is one of the most deadly sins. I will personally hang you when the day comes. Now stop being a nigger.

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 02:09:23 5ef2c8 No.9359137

dick cock sex

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 02:17:35 789702 No.9359171

So sick of this pozzed internet. Its all botnet down to the silicon. Why couldn't I be born in a simpler time before all this jew

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 02:19:15 f7d63b No.9359176

File (hide): 633a4a61506e777.jpg (136.58 KB, 750x750, 1:1, ascension frog.jpg)

this thread has convinced me that if i ever get into a solid financial situation the first thing im doing is hiring an ocd
paranoid neet to secure my shit up full time

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 03:12:24 a14b2d No.9359335>>9360018

>Because I use full disk encryption each time, and because of the way LUKS works, that means my old data is forever
lost the moment the partition header is overwritten
Might have to be a bit careful here if you're using an SSD. Even if you over-write the partition headers, it's likely you're
actually writing to another physical location on the SSD, so the old header will probably remain somewhere else.

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 03:49:54 000000 No.9359467>>9360018

Remember goys TOR is JIDF-only you must give your 's to us VPN providers because of the six million!!!

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 04:20:49 9a5afd No.9359568>>9360018 >>9363443

>Sorry for bad english, i usually only lurk here because i know how to read english but i'm bad at write english.
I just use a old notebook with a linux distro based in ubuntu but very lightweight in LXDE 64 Bits with all .deb packages
easy to download in synaptic or click in .deb
O download this linux and i configure the browser and extensions, i let the firefox to visit websites like this (When i don't
use proxy) and google chrome for normie fun things tht i don't care for google spy myself since i don't log and i don't go for
the same websites in google chrome, i have different behavior in firefox and other behavior in google chrome, but i try to
configure both to have the maximum of privacy possible even without proxy, i go in about:config and i install and configure
some extensions for https, no referer, no https referrer, no script, button to turn on or off the referer, button to turn on or off
the flash, configure noscript, avoid to be tracked (But without proxy and with personal extensions and whitelist on noscript
become easier to be tracked)
I configure this linux, change wallpaper, install all video editors that i use (Linux have all that i need) and for pictures i only
use gimp
I also download and configure tor browser and i put in a hidden foloder in linux, i configure the about:config, disable some
things, referrer, localization, and disable the "allow global dangerous script" in noscript to the extension who comes in tor
browser block all javascripts by default (This broken many websites and comments but you still can browse and read
some websites) never download nothng in tor browser, never install other extensions, never maximize the tor browser,
never create whitelist in noscript within of tor browser, configure everything and is easy and fast since i already know what
i need to change in about:config and noscript to block javascript, i don't go for no website before i create my .iso linux
After all browsers, programs, editors, proxy, wallpaper everything is edited in my lightweight linux 64 bits based in
ubuntu/debian but in the right size to not make the iso become higher than 2,6 GB (But could be 3,2 but you would have
less temporary space in your memory ram)
I download the program pinguybuilder.deb and i install it, but before i use the ubuntu tweak cleaner, then i use the
administrator bleachbit cleaner,

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 04:21:15 9a5afd No.9359569

and i restart the computer, then i go to synaptic package manager and i install ubiquity gtk (Because this always
automatic removed, and without this i can't install the linux that i created to edit again) then after i install the ubiquity gtk
searching for this in synaptic package manager, i close the synaptic, and i clean the linux again with the administrator
bleachbit and i close the bleach bit, and i open the pinguybuilder and i click to create backup of the whole .iso (This will
create a original live cd, live usb, lve DVD of your linux with all your configuration)
After the pinguybuilder end to create the .iso of the linux i copy this .iso to some flash usb, and i put this .iso on the
desktop of my windows and i format my flash usb and then i open the program called "rufus" and i burn this .iso in my
flash drive, after this end, i also burn this .iso in a dvd to be safe for future if i need to edit this .iso again.
(I don't have nothing sensitive not even memes in this .iso so i don't wipe gunttman) I delete the linux.iso and shut down
my windows, then i go for some old notebook without hard disk and i put my flash usb in this and i wait the linux start (In
my linux distro the wifi works fine)
The i can browse websites like this with maximum privacy and even if i die for natural things like die for some criminal or
for a car in future nobody never will know that i visited a website like this, since this notebook don't have hard disk and i'm
browsing the internet in a live USB linux, (But i don't make nothing ilegal, i only make these things for privacy of nobody of
my family know the websites i visit like this because i don't want my family visting or clicking in a website like this because
is not good the pictures and things who sometimes have here)
But even in a notebook without hard disk if you're paranoic could happens the cold boot attack to try to recover something
from your memory ram, if you're paranoic you could go to the memtest and let the memtest dor 5 minutes working.
But i just shutdown my notebook most of times since i don't need to be this paranoic since I'm not making nothing ilegal, i
only want privacy of the rest of my family
I have 3 browsers in the same linux, one is for normie things with other kind of behavior and never using the same
websites, and other browser is all configured to visit websites like this with the most privacy possible even without proxy,
but i try to let the configurations different in all browsers to avoid be tracked, I have different behaviors and i visit different
websites, chrome for normie and fun things and the firefox to visit website like this more configurated for privacy

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 04:27:19 9a5afd No.9359583

Never make nothing illegal even in configurated proxy, i dont want to see anon/pol/ here having problems for their life
because of my comment.
It's very rare to i use proxy here but i wanted my linux with these 3 browsers if needed in some momment.

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 04:30:52 dded10 No.9359596

File (hide): ed2f4a7d3145359.jpg (573.71 KB, 908x1251, 908:1251, sswiking.jpg)
>tfw based fbi haxers did this to finally show a papertrail to king yid

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 06:11:07 2d4f5f No.9359922>>9359968 >>9360018

File (hide): 4ba6236e224006d.jpg (109.83 KB, 600x800, 3:4, Free_Me_by_MacLoudDS.jpg)

The solution seems pretty fucking obvious you faggots. We build out own internet using Tesla stratosphere currents and
modified ham radio receivers. Prove me wrong.

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 06:22:15 b9e43f No.9359968

File (hide): 19c26d999e1bea4.png (496.55 KB, 500x485, 100:97, 0240 - TI44O9i.png)
Tits & dubs of truth (checked).
This settles it. Tesla stratosphere to ham radio controlled pidgeons shitposting like you wouldn't believe.

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 06:34:49 4535b4 No.9360018>>9360585 >>9363460 >>9369620

File (hide): a777743273d9255.png (6.18 KB, 385x65, 77:13, capped.png)

either way you're at risk. That's why we have github and md5 checksums.
If you're super autistic about it:
1: Make your own hardware
2: Write your own assembly langauge
3: Write your own compiler
4: Write your own OS
5: Write everything else on your own.
You'd be bretty much immune to any non-targeted hacking attempts if you did it ALL on your own
>mfw I can order paramilitary hitsquads to any place in Europe within 24 hours.
>mfw the first order is free, because I posted a lot of /pol/ memes on its mailing list and even 30 year
Would you like the Rothschild's address?
>>>/baphomet/ will help you out if you're not full of shit
>I'm starting to write my own operating system
Me too. Compiling is a PITA though, takes too fucking long, There used to be a Natsoc linux distro out there, but it was
. We should probably start a new one.
>Why write an entire fucking operating system when you could just join the Temple OS guy or join a linux project and
subvert it?
It helps to learn what is actually going on in your computer so you can tell the bullshit "zomg h4xxordzz killed my dog"
stories from the "you're fucked" realities that get 2 minutes of coverage.
Besides, as much as I like mint it is becoming too bloated. You want a secure distro not a 'we wanna be the next
windows/mac' distro.
And you know, it's much easier to add on features as you go than it is to remove them. That's part of the reason we have
I might make my own kernel, with blackjack, and hookers.
As far as encryption tools those are easy as shit to write, hell you could use bc and a terminal to encrypt if you wanted to.
The real auditing for those is crypto-cracking.
>I no longer spend much effort configuring window managers or desktop environments, I just have zsh and vim set up the
way I want and I am happy. My OS usage has become utilitarian, I no longer tweak shit, I rarely even bother to change
the default OS desktop background anymore. I'm too lazy and too busy with other things (like shitposting amirite?).
Fuck, are you me?
>Full disk encryption
m8 it's not like windblows where they use the same encryption keys. Linux generates its' own keys each and every time
you install it
capped for all eternity.
>those double dubs
>those double ds
Only problem is it's illegal to encrypt radio traffic over ham afaik.

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 07:58:25 af71bb No.9360494

itt: braindead /pol/ users pretend to know anything about network security

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 08:13:08 5ce63f No.9360585>>9360869

>Besides, as much as I like mint it is becoming too bloated. You want a secure distro not a 'we wanna be the next
windows/mac' distro.
So you'd rather put your time and effort into a distro people won't use?
We should be subverting the fuck out of Mint and Ubuntu.

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 08:37:33 cc1676 No.9360732

You can't protect your data, this is just to bait people into thinking they can secure their data to build a list of everyone that
thinks they're safe and has the knowledge to do so.

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 09:13:26 119bb9 No.9360850

File (hide): f9e79be16134c1f.png (52.25 KB, 200x200, 1:1, kekkevik.png)

>NSA mormon data closets

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 09:16:49 119bb9 No.9360866>>9360878 >>9360893

File (hide): 3871bd5055bad56.png (223.92 KB, 600x472, 75:59, CDT4-qXVEAAawc-.png)
Shitflare, protecting ISIS sites since 2015
This is actually from an actual ISIS account, cheering that they let the kikes host their shit

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 09:17:58 cd6aa0 No.9360869>>9360928

100% libre.

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 09:19:39 0100a1 No.9360878

>Jews protecting Mossad OP
Wow, who knew?

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 09:19:55 119bb9 No.9360879

We got freedom of speech and farting here, so if I want I can go up to the King and call him a damn Swede, but I would
ofc not do such a horrible thing to my Ruler.
But for you in the hate speech/fart countries, I get your shit.
It's a needle in the haystack though, anyways what will a couple of shitpost do really?

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 09:23:00 7ebf6d No.9360893>>9360911


Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 09:27:12 119bb9 No.9360911>>9361089

Good point
I trust the icelander's though but you never know
The thing is
I don't give a fuck!
It's diff here you know, you cannot be anonymous here, everyone knows who I am
Go to the town here and ask
>Do you know of any computer intoings faggot
oh yeah the computer guy, he fixed my PC many times, he lives up there now, here is hsi address
It's different from you
But now I must run and buy the beers for dem programs, fucking commie shit, beer sales stop in 30 min

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 09:31:04 000000 No.9360928>>9360971 >>9361241 >>9362879

Libre OS won't protect from a BIOS backdoor. Intel ME is a nasty kind of shit. What everyone needs is relatively recent
hardware capable of running deblobbed coreboot/libreboot.

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 09:40:17 173786 No.9360971>>9360998

Can I get those mobos at the same place I buy my unicorns?

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 09:45:30 000000 No.9360998>>9361268 >>9361361

Thinkpad X200/T400/T500, an Atheros WiFi card (ar5b95 is fine), a matching SOIC clip, some wires and a Raspberry Pi,
all from Ebay. Enough for the most of the serious business.

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 09:47:57 119bb9 No.9361009

Like computer fall for the brazzo meme, so I use it.
I don't give a shit. I have a network of other puters that are not online, this is just an old shitbox.
But I understand you faggots who live in countries where you can get the language police on your door etc and other
things we don't mention
young man, I see that on Feb 21th you wrote Nigger on the internet
I am afraid you have to come with us
Sad shit

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 10:08:36 7ebf6d No.9361089

They will come get you. Eventually you niggers that think you are safe will come to the realization that the blue revolution
won't stop. Its not a game. Its not an internet joke. They are lining up against you.
>It's different from you
>But now I must run and buy the beers for dem programs, fucking commie >shit, beer sales stop in 30 min
What are you trying to type?

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 10:23:39 247653 No.9361183

Varg isn't a NatSoc. More like a tribal primitivist.

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 10:35:23 cd6aa0 No.9361241

>Libre OS won't protect from a BIOS backdoor.
Not saying it would. But a Libre OS is a start especially with Libre hardware.

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 10:41:57 cb2775 No.9361268

wireless can be snooped, that is part of how they convicted that hippy Jeremy Hammond. wired>wireless
I do recommend those laptops though. I have several, always buy a fresh battery, new drive and max out the RAM,
~$110-120 USD total. The chargers are dirt cheap too.

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 11:00:33 173786 No.9361361

Yeah, I looked into those a few years ago. They would make good shitposting machines, but I do actual computing often
enough to make them seem as old and busted as they actually are. I've actually considered getting a graphics card just so
I can crunch numbers faster with it.

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 12:28:36 4b151e No.9361916>>9362492 >>9362846 >>9363972

File (hide): e64db231a121802.png (236.48 KB, 1229x703, 1229:703, oshi.png)

oh shi-

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 13:22:14 da893b No.9362492

Tuesday March 7th = end of globalism

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 13:23:22 d9f29b No.9362504

>mfw never even looked into how to use a vpn
>mfw dont care
Please Jesus shoot me in the fucking head already.

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 14:08:22 79afbc No.9362846>>9363972

File (hide): 1793c3951d66667.png (6.93 KB, 422x100, 211:50, Tomorrow.PNG)

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 14:13:42 000000 No.9362879>>9364802 >>9366501 >>9369559

>Libre OS won't protect from a BIOS backdoor
Indeed, nut it protects you from mandatory backdoor that are surely in nin-free/libre blobs.
>What everyone needs is relatively recent hardware capable of running deblobbed coreboot/libreboot.
Indeed but recent hardware seems to be impossible.
Since the tranny libreboot guy has gone crazy (how surprising) and that price from minifree went skyhigh for his hormonal
treatment there is less hope. for now since librecore forked.
For now I stick with these

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 14:24:34 e833af No.9362946>>9364790

The hassle of this is why I haven't done the whole VPN thing.
I'm scanning this thread and not seeing anything about free VPNs

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 14:31:22 d8256e No.9362991>>9363015

>>9348577 (OP)
Hey guys. I own a website and I used Cloudflare.
I turned it completely off except for DNS. My DNS still goes through their nameservers. Is this ok?
It's not chacheing pages like it would if you have their "speed enhancing" bullshit turned on.

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 14:36:12 cb2775 No.9363015

That prevents them from jewing you via MiTM, but they can always redirect your traffic at will by responding to DNS
queries with different results if asked to by (((someone)))

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 15:20:58 b16aa6 No.9363240

File (hide): 799334ee7074d4e.jpeg (30.7 KB, 220x300, 11:15, average polack.jpeg)
Holy shit. That short, dark fuck.
Are there any white people on /pol/?
The fucking coasts in this country, man. Shitskins. Shitskins everywhere.

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 15:57:02 9a5afd No.9363443

I forget to say that is not possible to comment here in 8ch with the referrer and referer disabled so if you can't comment in because of something in your firefox maybe could be this.
8ch force you to enable referer and referrer to comment, i have a shortcut button in the bar of my firefox to automatically
enable and disable referer, but i need to go to about:config to put my referrer in true for comment here, and in false for
more privacy when browsing without comment
In other websites i can post without enable referer and referrer.

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 16:00:15 9a5afd No.9363460

It's one of the most lightweight 64 bits distro with the .deb packages to easy install the majority of programs that i prefer.

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 17:20:07 2330cb No.9363833>>9366914

>You can't DoD overwrite data on SSDs, because the area on the physical disk may have been removed due to wear
leveling and the controller isn't allowing you to overwrite that part of the disk anymore,
Best way to zero drives is Secure ATA erase. Zeros out the drive, SMART data and even tries to zero bad sectors.
Secure erase on SSDs is fast enough a few dozen runs takes 4 minutes with a bash script.

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 17:46:17 4b151e No.9363972

Globalism is over.

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 19:18:47 d3a821 No.9364561

>Anyone know if/ how long the microphone can record and saves convos when your phone's in foil?
As long as the battery lasts.
Consider that for voice 8kbps is sufficient, and that modern smartphones have GBs of storage.
Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 19:29:09 d3a821 No.9364651
>someone was concerned about your wellbeing and your potential to commit suicide
By shooting yourself in the back of the head twelve times.

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 19:34:49 5b016a No.9364693

Yes. Make use of the documentation.

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 19:41:33 8a7362 No.9364726


Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 19:50:17 5b016a No.9364790

File (hide): ae75db174dc5566.png (17.64 KB, 807x595, 807:595, 05a49821ea43106063297d120a.png)

>I'm scanning this thread and not seeing anything about free VPNs
Are you retarded or are you just a silly Pooh Bear that's looking for pots of honey? For fuck's sakes, stop taking candy
from strangers. How many times are you going to have to get Jewed before you learn your lesson?

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 19:52:03 d3a821 No.9364802>>9369784

> and that price from minifree went skyhigh for his hormonal treatment

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 20:02:20 5b016a No.9364847>>9364880

>Is there even a program that does what discord does but without the aids?
Is this really so hard to understand? FFS
You need to start supporting the development of Ring right the fuck now. https://

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 20:09:14 289c50 No.9364880>>9365166

what about tox

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 20:58:14 39df59 No.9365166

tox is ok, just use a VPN/TOR anyway and watch out for MITM payloads, meaning, verify that the person you are
speaking to is sending a file and have him tell you the size of the file. I had a few attempts where randomly a 600mb file
was requested to be downloaded, and the other person had no idea what the fuck it was.

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 21:04:14 bfb526 No.9365190>>9366926

If you use a VPN don't forget to have some kind of firewall. Many types of VPN basically put you on the internet as if you
put your computer in the DMZ or basically unfirewalled. When I connect to my VPN my firewall sees a massive amount of
shit it has to block, not that I have any services open on those ports but hackers target the IPs associated with VPNs
hardcore because they see it as a good opportunity (you never know who is going to connect a machine to the VPN that
has some exploitable service open). Most often I see attempts at bitcoin-qt or something and of course SSH but I just
basically wanted to mention that if you use a VPN you should secure your computer because you may be putting it on the
internet without a dedicated firewall as you would normally have on your basic home connection.

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 21:49:45 ed15e6 No.9365425>>9365726 >>9367608 >>9368437

void is a meme
Beginner - Ubuntu
Intermediate - Arch
Expert - Gentoo

Anonymous 02/25/17 (Sat) 23:00:01 39df59 No.9365726>>9366051

more like:
1) Normal
2) no weekends
3) no life

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 00:20:24 7a208c No.9366051>>9366266

>no weekends
Bit of an understatement.

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 01:12:17 79b65d No.9366266

meh you can make scripts to compile OS's to your liking. also for newbies there's Manjaro to play with just to get the gist
of things.

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 02:16:15 0997fb No.9366501>>9368437 >>9369784

Are these X/T*00 laptops free of the Intel Management Engine? Are they good shitposting machines? (Need one, have
desktop only)

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 04:07:30 4ba527 No.9366898

both of which you can use on Linux.

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 04:12:05 4ba527 No.9366914

do you even need to run it multiple times on SSD? They're just flip-flops, there's no magnetic resonance like HDD have.
For those I just use:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/[drive name here]

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 04:14:30 4ba527 No.9366926

you should always secure your computer anyway. Shit, even your ISP's provided router can be fucking comp'd it give
access to God knows what.

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 07:10:16 73b85b No.9367608>>9370592

"Void is a meme" is a meme. It's one of the few good distros that doesn't make use of systemd. If you want to enjoy the D,
go for it, but some of us aren't into D. Polite sage.

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 09:12:24 173786 No.9368437

Arch is actually harder than Gentoo these days, and Arch comes with systemDicks. SystemDicks is the default on
Gentoo, but it literally only takes adding "-systemd" in package.use or in your use flags to switch to OpenRC. The only
downside of Gentoo is finding something else to do while you wait for it to compile.
Void is decent. When I first tried it I had an issue with a few broken packages, but lately I've been hearing good things.
Runit is a great init system.
I'd rate:
Beginner - Trisquel or Mint if you like dicks
Intermediate - Devuan
Expert - Gentoo
Wizard - LFS
>Are these X/T*00 laptops free of the Intel Management Engine?
Yes. They are safe.

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 10:35:16 31cd15 No.9369034

How 2 find these.jpg
*rubs hands*

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 11:02:01 90dd5f No.9369245>>9369273 >>9369432 >>9369840

Anybody know why (and the other related domains) block many VPNs from viewing archived articles? Doesn't
make a lot of sense to me. I'm trusting that place less and less as time goes on.

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 11:05:36 4b151e No.9369268

Post a pastebin, what the fuck are you waiting on anon?

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 11:06:21 4b151e No.9369273>>9369283 >>9369432

Same reason why the kikes spam 8ch with commercial VPN services, so anons can't access or post. They are that

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 11:08:03 90dd5f No.9369283>>9369301 >>9369432

Doesn't make any sense to prevent viewing an archived page. Creating a new archive, yes
Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 11:11:00 4b151e No.9369301
DDOS, I'm assuming. They had a million captchas turned on before. I'm not sure why the VPNs are blocked entirely now.

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 11:28:14 cb2775 No.9369432>>9369466

I imagine cuckflare isn't fond of VPN users because it makes their data collecting slightly less reliable. They are still in a
great position to check cookies and profile all of the websites users. Many people would pay top dollar to have access to
that data.

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 11:32:56 4b151e No.9369466

I've heard that enterprise flash is a way of making DDOS less effective. True Y/N?

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 11:38:18 02132d No.9369495>>9369506 >>9369523

File (hide): 790d3b11720b85e.png (1.4 MB, 1280x1024, 5:4, 1373560767087.png)

I tried Crunchbang before it dissolved and it was good, but as of now it's only good for web browsing for the end user. It
used less than 100MB of memory idling, compared to Window 7's >1GB. WINE is a pain, and I need muh proprietary
software like UT2004, PS, AI, Pr, and others
pic related was on a random computer in my basement, dual athlon

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 11:40:02 4b151e No.9369506>>9369708

*nix and a windows VM, anon.

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 11:42:24 90dd5f No.9369523>>9369708

Alpine and Void use even less. I remember being somewhere around 40MB idle after boot into openbox-session, conky,

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 11:47:02 000000 No.9369559>>9369784

> Tehnoetic Service of Libreboot and GNU/Linux-libre Installation - 278 euroshekels
> laptop not included
hand rubbing intensifies
It's like "How to get filthy rich with a raspi and a screwdriver set". The stock laptop costs no more than 120$, some chink
SPI programmer, wires and a SOIC-16 clip (fits SOIC-8 too) - ~20$ combined. The flashing process is literally typing just 4

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 11:53:35 000000 No.9369620

>That's why we have github
Github devs are probably datamining and are helping SJWs
You should also read this anon
Eric Raymond is totally based when it comes to SJWs.
Also the github kikes are helping permissive licensing like MIT ord BSD thus effectively blocking users from changing their
OS or software on phones like android.
Imo the only reasons that more people use the MIT or BSD is because companies are shilling devs to use it without
understanding it.
Since data-mining is THE actual tendency it makes sense that companies doesn't want a license that permits users to get
rid of it.
See more about datamining
>and md5 checksums.
Do you know what's actually happening with sha1 ?
MD5 and sha1 are too weak now.
Even if Sha1 isn't completely broken.
Use Sha512 or WHIRPOOL for you archives.
To go even further you can use the "whirlpooldeep" software that can make recursive hashes of all your files for your
future archives that will also have a hashes.
>>9348577 (OP) (checked)
See the websites that are referenced and hit by the cloudflare vulnerability
Protect freedom anons, the jew slavers are going to fall one day.
Praise kek

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 12:02:29 02132d No.9369708>>9369795

I'm sick of Windows at this point, but it's a necessary evil. Even my normalfag friends are complaining about W10 blue
screens, brought to you by pajeet and female programmers.
As for Mac, it's used by teenage girls and low-t cucks; a user base not worth saving. You need to buy a $3 app from the
Mac app store just to remove scrolling acceleration.

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 12:10:57 000000 No.9369784

The minifree maintainer is Francis Rowe he went full retard/sjw by going against the FSF saying that they where firing
Trans people because they were trans without proof of any sort.
Well he was already retarded when he decided to go thought hormonal treatment without any medical consultation.
It's in his head, like most trannies.
>Are these X/T*00 laptops free of the Intel Management Engine?
Intel ME is removed from these laptops thanks to replacement of the bios to libreboot.
Just use tails to do whatever you want anon.
But learn how to verify hashes and GPG signatures to be safe.
>Are they good shitposting machines?
They are more than capable of browsing any websites, especially if you use a GNU/linux distribution.
>It's like "How to get filthy rich with a raspi and a screwdriver set". The stock laptop costs no more than 120$, some chink
SPI programmer, wires and a SOIC-16 clip (fits SOIC-8 too) - ~20$ combined. The flashing process is literally typing just 4
>Complaining about someone who's trying to work
At least the money isn't going to some Transgender abomination.
Plus if you want and have enough energy to learn you can do it yourself documentation is available.

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 12:12:39 90dd5f No.9369795>>9369870

Openbox is a window manager

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 12:19:59 000000 No.9369840

The only system that I can imagine that won't be fucked by government/corporation via DMCA or other is when somekind
of archive will only use gnunet.

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 12:23:52 02132d No.9369870>>9369954

Alpine appears to use Xfce and Void appears to use Cinnamon, Enlightenment, MATE, and Xfce. Enlightenment seems to
be advertised as a WM, but has the functionality of a DE.

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 12:36:08 90dd5f No.9369954>>9369968

You don't have to use one of the flavors for Alpine or Void that include a DE. Especially if you're trying to enjoy the
customizability and lightness you would probably avoid those. Those are for lazy asses that would probably not want to
use either of those distro anyways or for use as live distro on portable media.

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 12:37:52 02132d No.9369968>>9370025

File (hide): f2b41a76f28a145.png (51.92 KB, 1457x553, 1457:553, systemd.png)


Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 12:46:18 cd6aa0 No.9370025

OpenRC is king.
Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 13:09:11 2f804f No.9370187>>9370239
File (hide): a9eca78f8f31b35.jpg (31.69 KB, 308x263, 308:263, spookedpepe.jpg)

>tfw understand almost nothing in thread

fbi r haxoring me )-:

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 13:16:55 54c714 No.9370239>>9370367

tbh I'm not convinced much of this is really stopping the FBI from haxoring anyone. What you're trying to do is make
yourself more secure from our enemies that are non-state actors. Corporations and the leftist groups that have started to
parasitize them are trawling through the internet to find and profile people like us.
The alphabet agencies could come grab us anytime they like. Your shitty $3/month VPN, TOR browser (which has been
infiltrated) and Linux distro aren't going to stop the NSA. If you use them properly, they might stop some faggot from
doxxing you though.

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 13:31:40 b9e43f No.9370367>>9370521 >>9370616 >>9370623 >>9370658

The NSA have quantum computers and things we couldn't believe.
All encryption is broken. They are literally using ayy lmao tech.

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 13:48:37 7a208c No.9370521>>9370613

I wonder if large corporations like Google also have similar tech, if only on a smaller scale or with less sophistication.

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 13:58:30 4ba527 No.9370592

but how often does it get security updates? It's easy to h8 on major distros but with less eyes on it, and less security
contractors/companies using it, I would imagine something very funky can be left on there for quite a while before

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 14:00:51 b9e43f No.9370613>>9370725

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>I wonder if large corporations like Google also have similar tech
Can you imagine the robotic tech they have that we will probably not see until the shit really hits the fan and the air drop
10k terminators somewhere?

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 14:00:59 4ba527 No.9370616>>9370707

>all encryption broken
So why are they so fucking eager to put backdoor into everything everywhere if security is so hopeless? The only reason
why (((they))) are looking into deploying hardware back-doors is because more people are turning to FOSS.

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 14:01:24 2f804f No.9370623

Shiieett, I thought only CERN had that level of technology. Those inter-dimensional alien god alters are extremely spooky.

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 14:05:07 0997fb No.9370658

Just hack in to the ayy lmao quantum computer terminals, then. The password is probably something like "guest"

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 14:11:26 b9e43f No.9370707

File (hide): d042b65e4ebcece.jpeg (87.24 KB, 639x639, 1:1, d042b65e4ebceceb6e20bb035.jpeg)
It's the ayy lmaos that can read all our shit.

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 14:13:19 4ba527 No.9370725>>9370797 >>9370925

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

enjoy your nightmares

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 14:24:03 b9e43f No.9370797>>9370885

Jesus Christ. So all of a sudden they have new battery tech and these things are basically silent? It wasn't long ago that
"big dog" was running with some kind of combustion engine.
The speed at which those things can move is terrifying. These robots could easily tear a human limb from limb, or
instantly crush a man's head with a swift blow. That one creature's head that could also grasp cups etc., is clearly capable
of crushing human skulls with that pincer maw.
In my mind there is one ray of hope with regards to apocalyptic robotics: EMPs. As far as I know, there is no good way to
shield electronics from a solid EMP blast. I think in a SHTF scenario one could probably build an EMP weapon in one's
garage that could seriously annihilate electronics at a reasonable distance (say 6 - 12 feet?).
Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 14:39:00 4ba527 No.9370885>>9370925 >>9371040
yea totally, EMP surge is your best bet. funny how nothing in this word is impervious.

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 14:46:33 b9e43f No.9370925>>9370943

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Remember: they recently used a robot with C4 strapped to it to take out that black shooter a while back. Once they start
weaponizing those quick dog robots in a similar fashion, we're breddy fucked.
Burgers should demand that they be allowed to own terminator robos and exo skeletons as part of your 2nd amendment
Also, in this >>9370725 video, at the end the robot disobeys, physically threatens, and appears to frighten the man on the
couch, then it scurries off and plays dead. Meanwhile the Chinese probably have similar robots gathering random humans
to have their organs harvested.

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 14:49:15 90dd5f No.9370943

>Remember: they recently used a robot with C4 strapped to it to take out that black shooter a while back.
I couldn't believe that when I read it. Crazy times

Anonymous 02/26/17 (Sun) 15:06:28 0c954c No.9371040

File (hide): e7fe079a0e943f3.jpg (64.59 KB, 550x660, 5:6, en_Cellphone_Jammer_UHF_VH.jpg)
Time to invest in some self-improvement radio frequency and antenna design theory. Forget the EMP surge, you'll be
better off jamming every frequency you can constantly so they can't even get a control signal to the thing bonus points
for also rendering their communications totally useless too.
Remember: AI doesn't exist yet. Those things are all glorified remote-control cars.

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