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I am going to post a large number of messages

from today.
Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-26 01:25 "Jim, Perhaps you should review this subject for those who do not know. I don't
know if you have discussed this before. BUT before all that, here's an overview of how a few thousand
jews can ruin a country.

So What Is Expected Of A Sayanim? The standard Sayanim routine is basically favoring other Jews in
ordinary transactions, but the sayanim can be called on to protect any criminal enterprise. From the
traffic court Judge to an Appellate Judge - fellow sayanims receive special treatment. The special
Sayanim (200, 000 of them worldwide but there are probably a lot more now) will be expected to
cooperate in any Israeli Mossad (Israel's Secret Service) enterprise including murder, sabotage and
any form of Fifth Column activity (does 9/11 ring a bell?). A division of the Mossad ( Katsas) keeps
records, and stays in active contact with this group, the Mossad."

My response: These people get on the staffs at all the colleges, and are precisely why the colleges
are brainwashing centers. They get into all the courts, which is precisely why they are so corrupt. They
get into all facets of society that can be leveraged to destroy it, - medical, legal, education, social, media
- you name it. And THIS is the swamp Trump has to drain. The average joe is probably going to have
to help, in not so political ways.

,,,2017-02-26 01:16:20 "President Trump is the Golden Goose laying golden eggs for Jared and Ivanka
Kushner as long as Trump retains his position. The Kushners might be being politically tricked into
getting Trump removed, but I doubt they would be doing so intentionally. They seem to be schemers
on behalf of Israel and their own goals. Leaks that weaken Trump wouldn't seem to benefit them. Lame
Cherry claims it is Katie Walsh who is the leaker who wants Trump removed and replaced.

I don't think there is anyone in Trump's circle who is trustworthy, exept maybe Sessions. It is hard to
perceive Trump as being such a an ignorant fool in his administrative choices, except that they really
aren't his choices. Blackmail? Or his campaign rhetoric was just well-programmed lies that the majority
of Americans wanted to hear and believe. It is obvious that Ivanka has an unnaturally close relationship
with her dad. (Melania is actually the outsider in the Trump Clan.) Ivanka is a schemer born of schemers
and close friends with the Clinton schemers. Both families merged with Jewish mafia wealth and power
and are financially tied to Soros, bound to Israel and Jewish power control.

Kushner may not be the leaker, but the Kushners (Sayanim for the Mossad) are likely Trump's handlers.
Lame Cherry keeps claiming the subverting Pence/GOPe political goal is to get Pence into the
Presidency by ousting Trump and appointing Jeb Bush as VP. Obviously, Trump is targeted for removal
by almost all the DC criminals/perverts and their billionaire handlers. When alt-news information
providers never mention criminal 9/11, Israeli crimes, and Jewish power/filth in the USA, one can
assume they are also Jewish comrades covering up self-condemning truth."

My response: Ummmmmm . . . . quite possibly. Lots to think about there.

,,,2017-02-26 01:09:01"Hi Jim, are you aware of the lectures by Harald Krautz Vella, in particular 'Bases
at Woodborough' he completely vindicates your Fukushima report and added some new info ref
Chernobyl, I tried to copy the link- All the best."
My response: There are lots of people who are onto this. Even the engineer who designed reactor 3
vindicated the Fuku report except that he could not believe Israel would do it. And he was adamantly
and angrily against even thinking Israel would do it, so much so that it wrecked communications.

Aaron sent:

,,,2017-02-26 01:04:28 "Jim, What do you mean by blacklisted by google? I just opened up chrome and
typed Jim stone in the address bar. Your site came up first hit. Same on yahoo. What do you mean by
blacklisted? Thanks, Aaron"

My response: What good does it do to censor a site for people who already know the name? Not
allowing it to come up for people who KNOW IT EXISTS would prove censorship. HERE IS THE
CHALLENGE: Type any subject that is on this site, without the site name or my name, and try to get
Google to give you something. You will be 0/1,000,000, tries. A search engine's job is to show you web
sites you do not know about. If it will not do that, it is censoring.

Anonymous sent:

Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-26 00:38:34 "Can you please recommend free software to create password protected
folders? [I use Windows XP 32-bit SP3] Thank you. Keep up the good work homie. ~ Merit Freeman
Conscious Awareness For All"

My response: I am sorry, I have never done that except for on web sites and that is not XP. Not an
expert on that topic with regard to the desktop.

Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-25 23:30:21 "Jim,I've noticed you haven't commented on trump ramping up the drug war
targeting non violent weed users. Surely you see how futile such a thing is when the war on drugs is a
proven failure as you yourself have said before. How can you rationalize trumps actions on this?"

My response: Trump is a VERY SMART MAN, not a God. Yep. that would be a fail.

Jioe sent:

,,,2017-02-25 23:15:58 "several articles posted, allnewspipeline, Rielpolitik, concerning "pedo-gate." a

common opinion is that Trump intends to push on it. anyway, pretty good articles. -jioe"

My response: Those sources are not the best, but I have heard this from other sources so one can
only hope.

Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-25 21:37:40 "Hi Jim,

You've seen this, right? It details the link between Jared Kushner and George Soros. It gives believe-
ability to your Honey Pot theory about Jared Kushner. George Soros is the secret financier behind
Kushner-backed startup Cadre Investor's family fund issued $250M credit line: sources January 27,
2017 12:45PM By Konrad Putzier

Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-25 21:07 "Perusing news this am Saturday, Trump going after trafficking, please report. Also
for 2-3 weeks takes many tries to get into drudge website please let him know. Thanks"

My response: I did a somewhat detailed report about Trump going after child traffickers and tied it into
pedo gate. That is down the page a ways. I have not had trouble with Drudge lately, it could be a
regional problem.

Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-25 19:44:00 "Hi Jim, just wanted you to know I put up petition to Investigate John McCain
for treasonous acts against the US. I hope we can get enough signatures to get Trump and Sessions
to look into Mr McCain's traitorous acts. War hero my ass!"

My response: "War hero my ass." All the petitions are hacked. One against Google censorship that
has only been up for a day is now counting backwards after going at least as high as 39,898 signatures.
Trump has got to be made aware of this.

Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-25 18:52:18 "Re Google vs Mike Adams and Alex --- Just listened to 45 min audio interview
of Adams by Dave Hodges. They say it's a prelude to a gigantic false flag or coup attempt or
assassination of T. Mike enumerated, though did not name, others being threatened and taken down,
including one who had been offered even more at $150K!@#$%^&* Say they must take down all alt
media so people will believe the false flag or accept the coup or ...."

My response: I like David Hodges and this makes perfect rational sense. I am worried about this too.

Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-25 18:42:50,"I think they're messing with the white house petition to ban google from
censoring free speech. When refreshed the count went from 39, 898 signed, to 39, 771 signed"

My response: By my own observation, the petition to jail George Soros went over 100,000 on day one
and was smashed down to irrelevance in a similar way. THANK YOU INTEL CORE V PRO. or
whatever other back door was used. The petition site is WORTHLESS. That HAS TO become an issue
or our voice will not be heard.

Anonymous sent

,,,2017-02-25 18:26:05 "All you do is bitch and moan about what Jews do. All you say does not deal
with the problem.Jew removal is the only solution. You do not have the guts to deal with the only
solution. You are playing Whack-A-Mole with a cupcake on a stick when you should be using a
My response: Ummm . . . . well, I did not delete your comment because . . . . .

Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-25 18:08:56 "Q/ Daddy daddy what will President Trump do after he's done being president
? A/ Well son he'll probably go back to his previous job, running a successful business that provides
jobs for several thousand people. Q/ Is that what Mr. Obama did daddy ? A/ Yes son, he went back to
being a left wing rabble rouser."

Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-25 17:26:07"Gotta luv this article and graphics about Madonna's election witchcraft

My response: I did not smash the "immaculate collection" CD because it belongs to Claudia.

Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-25 16:29:24 "The above article "Short-term on Hiv Supplementation and Highly Active
Antiretroviral Treatment Adherence, CD4 Cell Counts, and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Viral Load"
from the National Institute of Health (NIH) may answer your question:

Here is a quote: "In the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV) infected individuals still use complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) widely. Studies
have shown that individuals mainly use CAM as a complementary rather than an alternative treatment
to HAART to alleviate symptoms associated with HIV disease and its treatment or to improve quality of
life. >Consult a herbal doctor on hiv cure :"

Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-25 15:49:00"Funny how few folks have mentioned that thousands of WITCHES obviously
supported HILLARY. What does that tell you?! And, PLEASE don't give any more clues to these
demons or they will do another ritual that might work.

And you are so right about Pedo-esta. He was made yard dog at WaPo so he could bark "fake news!"
at the growing mountain of evidence that his favorite perversion is widespread in DC. The gall of
fakestream media never fails to amaze."

Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-25 13:58:15 "You are right Alex Jones Infowars is taking forever to load. I won't go there for
that kind of lag."

My response: AND THAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is the objective.

Ann sent:

,,,2017-02-25 12:34:25 "Good Morning, Jim, Good counteracting prayer BTW. I'm writing this morning
to offer a few observations. This could be nothing at all, or it could be the early signs of something. So
file it away, in case. As I've mentioned, I live in a close-in suburb of DC. I have many friends my age
and quite a bit older (70s through 90s) who hold or have held fairly high up government career positions.
Different agencies. I do not currently work for the government. Many (but not all) of my coworkers,
friends and family are liberals of one sort or another.

I have kids in college. Just saying, I do connect with and tend to be aware of many undercurrents and
seemingly disconnected datapoints, past and present. This observation is specifically: 1) traffic around
here, always bad and gradually worsening, has taken a sharp uptick in the past few weeks in terms of
what I would call nutty, dangerous driving. What I mean is, we normally have random drivers on the
road who veer unexpectedly or sleep through the traffic light changes or drive aggressively, coming out
of nowhere. I'm saying there is a sharp uptick in this -- I am not the only one who has noticed. I would
say 2x or 3x more crazy, and it started a few weeks ago (maybe 3 or 4 weeks ago).

2) many people I know (liberals, upset with Trump) have been commenting to me, or where I can
overhear them, that they are having unusual difficulty, all of a sudden, sleeping. They can't fall asleep
at night. They wake up at 4:00 a.m . and can't get back to sleep. They don't understand this. And
simultaneous with this, different people who are normally early risers (getting up at dawn on the
weekends to do grocery shopping before the crowds hit) -- are independently telling me that they used
to have the roads and stores to themselves at 8:00 a.m. No longer! The roads are populated with more
of these unhinged drivers and the grocery stores in the early weekend hours have way more customers
than in the recent past.

3) I have been hearing that therapists around here, especially, are booked solid. Many people needing
"support" since Trump's election.

4) For a long time, I have been aware that drugs of ALL sorts, not just psychiatric drugs, can impair
driving and cause unhinged behavior, with the person taking the drugs totally unaware of the drug's
effects on them, while they are on them. This is called anosognosia, I believe. So my observations are
real. People definitely are more unhinged around here -- it is noticeable with the much crazier driving
and also people out on the roads much earlier than was recently normal. I don't know if these people
are on psychiatric drugs or not. But I'm thinking there is something going on, affecting people's cognitive
functioning and ability to behave in a predictable and sane (and safe) manner. And I think they are
unaware of these changes. This is dangerous, and I'm increasingly wary.

Have a good Sunday, Jim -- Ann in DC"

My comment: WOW. That is a great update on the status of DC. Important: Antidepressants cause
insomnia. Most likely all these people seeking counseling are getting put on them. If DC is in that bad
of shape, well, I am totally against antidepressants but the symptoms - crazy driving, insomnia, change
of daily pace, are all associated with antidepressants. Because I am so against antidepressants I won't
say more, but would certainly like to.

,,,2017-02-26 00:57:30 "I have written to you several times Jim but can not tell you my name but I have
much respect for you and your integrity.

Benjamin Fulford( LEON GREENBURG ) and the white dragon and red dragon are part of the not listen to them..they are told what to say. THE GAME IS OVER they will not be allowed
any more FALSE FLAGS on this planet. anybody tied to the CABAL..ROTHSCHILDS, Rockefellers,
Soros, Bill Gates..THE ELITES will be stripped of all they have stolen from the more
stealing of children and raping them...they will not be allowed to hurt humanity anymore....these people
will be taken care of for all their CRIMES and stealing of money and everything from humanity. TRUMP
is well protected, nothing is going to happen to him.

The CRASH is around the corner. Silver..the real price of SILVER is $1, 000.09 an ounce soon will be
$1, 000 to $10, 000 an ounce when the CRASH happens and no more dollars. The Dinar will be used
like silver.They have manipulated Silver the last 5 years so the Elite can buy it cheap and be richer
after the crash..."

My response: Right about the silver, not so sure about Ben Fulford being Cabal and I am worried
about Trump. Ben knew and said the truth about Fuku. The cabal would NEVER DO THAT. The cabal
would also NEVER EVER in a MILLION YEARS post the cannibal dinner photo either. The white dragon
society is an interesting story, but Ben is one of us.

Anonymous sent:


Jay sent:

,,,2017-02-25 07:06:,"Jim, It's a good day to be a Trump supporter. Sleep well, James. Jay"

Merbailey sent:

,,,2017-02-25 06:53:29 "The ritual ends with the witches blowing out the orange candle to visualize
Trump "blowing apart into dust or ash." Since the rite is done when the crescent moon is waning, the
witches have set more spell casting rites on March 26, April 24, May 23 and June 21. [4 more dates,
Jim] http....://
trump-christian-group-to-counter-with-day-of-prayer. ...htm Thank you for the wonderful, inspiring
prayer. Merbailey"

Catchya sent:

,,,2017-02-25 05:58:53 "Gday Jim. Craig from Aus. Have tried for 2 days to get to your site. Even tried
your ip as you have said works. Nada. Only way i have found to get through is by using goodgopher.
Mate, you be bloody careful. Something happening. Catchya."

Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-25 05:28:09 "Anonymous: What is your opinion of VeteransToday and the writers like
Gordon Duff? I didn't like when Jim Fetzer was kicked off the site and I'm not sure about Stew Webb
who also left. I lost faith in that website after they defended people like Hillary Clinton and George

My response: I lost faith in that site after their micro nukes report and Israeli death laser report.

Anonymous sent:
,,,2017-02-25 05:09:28, "Hi mr stone, was going over your prayer repeatedly from 2350 on a tablet. At
2358 with 66% battery, it went to sleep by itself. Just turned it back on, but it never did that before.
Thought it was an odd coincidence."

Jay sent:

,,,2017-02-25 04:47:07 "Jim, That gave me goosebumps. Perfect! By the way, the actual witches who
are Democrats will not be joining them. Apparently they remember the Threefold Law. Stay safe and
never change. Jay"

Wilhelm sent:

,,,2017-02-25 04:46:47 "Jim I'm going to give you a little flak on your Alex troll piece. Alex may be in
the alternative media, but he's not in your foxhole. He's way across the valley. Granted he's going the
same direction, but he does it for money. You don't lose or earn 4 million in AdWords simply because
you believe in the truth or your site would be making buckets of cash.

There were some articles from a few years back that the troll may have been referring to but i dont
recall the content. I realize they helped you but you know the saying.. Friends close enemies closer.
Anyways I'd go with the saying trust no one...


Anonymous sent:

,,,2017-02-25 04:10:30 "Interesting Scripture: Isaiah 45:1-6 King Cyrus, God's Instrument. Trump is the
45th President."

Tom sent:

,,,2017-02-25 03:50:28, "Jim theres a Jewish guy on youtube called George Webb his speciality is
exposing human, organ trafficking etc check out his channel if you have time, he focuses on dynacorp
and all involved its very interesting segments he does. Facebook asked me to identify friends from
pictures before and they must have a motive eg asking me to identify who they are then close their
account, I never bothered doing the confirmation to be honest as I didn't have a clue who two of the ten
people were from the pictures they provided so they cant have been my friends as I knew all of them
on that account I have a good memory for names and numbers. Take care Tom"

Troll sent:
Brain cell for brain cell, your readers must be the dumbest, must gullible cretins to ever peruse the internet, or
indeed draw breath. The fact that some of them actually donate to you is flabbergasting. I find it amazing they're
not at least a tad suspicious when a quick google search puts you right at the top of results. Oh, but that must
be a cunning stunt.

My response: Try taking any subject on this site and get it to produce results on Google without directly
quoting large amounts of text and putting it in quotes. (quoted text would also prove you know this site
exists.) If you can't get a single hit on this site by simply typing a request for any topic here, it is
Proof of Google censorship

Like I said, considering the budget this site is #1 for impact on the web. DEAR TROLLS: Find ANYONE
ELSE who can do that on an average budget request of $550 a month, while being censored by Google
and all other search engines, so blacklisted it is not even allowed on publicly visible blacklists, and
completely denied meaningful advertising. Take your trollage and STICK IT, you OBVIOUSLY FAILED.
You can kill the weak I guess, but will and determination can do a HELL OF A LOT.

If this site was Jewish with that much traffic it would easily rake in five figures per month in ads and be
a serious bragging point for some A-hole even with the near total censorship. Absent the censorship
and ad denial, I'd have a staff and probably easily out CNN.

And by the way, that is only the main server. There are 3 active servers (minimum) at any one
time and the stats do not cross. One of the secondary servers that puts up the small pictures gets
over 10 million hits a month, but not as many users because you have to load a page to be shown as
a user and it only serves the pages that are in the links at the right of the main page. Those don't get
hit as much as the main page. A third server handles the message window. There are more waiting in
reserve if this site gets *ed with.

My gut is telling me this morning that the wiccan efforts had no

desired impact.
Time will tell.
Ok, so I guess I could give a reason for probable failure (but this is not the error in their
spell). The people who participated in the wiccan ritual this time around were small potatoes who are
not completely aware of the conspiracy and have some good in them. Their spell had faults that
mirrored the lies on CNN, and because of the way the spell was arranged, it could not have portions of
it be based on fiction and still work. I won't say what the actual errors were, but that pretty much sums
it up.

I am going to leave the prayer I figured would cancel their spell on this page and will bump it to the top
the next time it matters.


I was told by MANY people, not just a few, to NOT say what is wrong with their spell that they distributed, and to ONLY post
what should be said to counteract it. Here it is, say it in a way that is appropriate for your religion:

Dear God: Tonight the forces of darkness will be attempting to damage Donald Trump, our president and a man of good
faith. Please counteract their work of darkness by canceling all efforts to confuse Trump, and help Trump succeed in all
efforts he embarks on that are for the good of the nation, the good of our spiritual future, and the good of mankind. Please
give our president a special blessing and gift for bringing truth, awakening, and persuasion to good, to all people whether
they support him or not.

End of prayer. Repeat this prayer as much as you can with conviction in your heart.

That short prayer will be likely to exploit the flaw in their spell.


UPDATE: This triggered a (probable) attack that locked up ONE window:

Troll wrote: "Jim, how can you look at the following evidence, a majority from Alex's own mouth, and
conclude fairly, without bias and with proper logic, that Alex Jones is not an intelligence asset?"

My response: How can you look at the fact that Alex played a major role in getting Trump elected, a
majority from Alex's own mouth, and conclude fairly, without bias and with proper logic, that Alex Jones
is not one of us?

I cannot believe you can't make a simple observation about how the enemy and American intelligence
is acting right now to unseat Trump and that Alex is still supporting Trump 100 percent. That kills your
"intelligence asset" theory. You are either some sort of idiot savant who has as "savant" the ability to
put together a sentence and type while lacking all other cognitive skills, - or a PAID TROLL. Media
Matters, KMA and GO AWAY.

I quite frankly don't give two sh*ts about the fact that Alex is not right about everything. He's
one of us, and either we stand together now or we will ALL GO DOWN.


I got your media matters re-write to smaller file size. But there are changes to the document, and if it is going to
be posted it has to be exactly as it was released or people can say it was tweaked. I obviously understand where
you are coming from with the comments but if they are there it will get trolled.
I am going to go over the ODT later and see how much needs to be put back to original form. 63K is a
lot better than several megs.


Facebook just started kicking people off, and asking them for photo ID of everyone they have friended on
Facebook. Facebook is claiming to have been hacked, and is ordering people to reset their passwords. There
are two options: Give photo ID of friends on facebook, or have Facebook send a confirmation call to your cell

It is not the first time Facebook has demanded a state ID to prevent your account from being
suspended, Facebook has done smaller versions of what is going on now since 2014. This has never
made big news and this is the first time Facebook has ever asked you to provide ID of your friends.
Who's going to have that anyway? Obviously Facebook is trying to clamp down on confirmed and
TIGHT circles of association, just like what happened in Communist Russia, so people who think alike
are pinned down with precision.

Asking for the ID's of people you have friended, to be sent to them through YOUR account??!!?? WTF,
OVER!!! Obviously this is not going to get sent to everyone, only people who are of the ULTIMATE
special interest . . . . .

I think I have figured out how Trump will drain

the swamp
Trump has vowed to put the full weight of the federal government behind destroying
human trafficking

I automatically associate pedophelia with human trafficking, because that is where they get the kids from.
Correction made.

It has become evident that Trump has read up on Pizzagate, and knows it is 150+ percent legit. Trump
has no doubt discovered that pedophilia was deeply entrenched in the worst part of the swamp.
Obviously the source of the kids for the pedophiles is via child theft and human trafficking. Trump has
now announced that he's going to jail countless human traffickers that are working in the government
and elsewhere. The number of these people is so huge that if it is removed, a large portion of the federal
government will be in jail.

How will that work against the Democrat minority, if they lose a large number of senators this
way? Podesta was, with incredibly convenient timing, given a job at the Washington Post. Why
would that be? Perhaps so when Trump goes after him, all you will hear is how "Trump is jailing
journalists" and CNN will never mention the real reason.

When Trump jails all the human traffickers, who's customers are the pedophiles that will obviously be
jailed also, he will accomplish a political objective, without ever "going after political opponents". That
is efficiency, and the blackmail system that kept people in line in DC is going to backfire BIG TIME.
Sad thing is, I think Podesta actually enjoyed it, and was not just forced to do it as a means of enforcing
a blackmail threat. A lot of them probably enjoyed it.

In response to the above, Anonymous sent: "Sad thing is, I think Podesta actually enjoyed it, and
was not just forced to do it as a means of enforcing a blackmail threat. A lot of them probably enjoyed

You think? Anyone with any sense of morals would have said no and go F yourself to anyone saying
you have to screw kids to get the job. Then they would have outed them. I know... Then they will just
kill you right? So they do it out of fear for their own lives. These people aren't just sick and perverted,
they do it ritualistically. Satanic rituals. I know you know this I just couldn't help myself."

My response: What better way could there possibly be to ensure you have placed in government
completely morally rotten obedience, that will commit any crime you ask without question? Raping and
beating little boys to death in the shower as they shriek in absolute agony, (as the latest Podesta video
shows) would probably be the best filter there is to make sure the personality you placed in government
is "correct for the job" when the agenda is total annihilation of a large portion of the governed.

Witches against Trump?

UPDATE: to be clear, I will post on this shortly before midnight EST.

Several readers did not want me to give up the secret to what is wrong with the wording of their spell. Thinking
about it . . . . .

Yes, tonight they are going to be casting a spell against Trump at "midnight". They have announced
what they will be asking for, and I have analyzed it and found a critical weakness. Their spell will not
work very well, because it has a critical flaw that they will be too arrogant to admit to.

Midnight really is the darkest hour. Since before the internet (so this is not just a story off the web) I
knew several people who had participated in fire demon ceremonies, and they insisted, no matter how
they were questioned (because time was there for huge long conversations) that when they did the fire
demon dance that one said that the fire became a demon and stood up - and others said that after that
happened in their particular rituals that the demons actually jumped out of the fire and danced around
it with them. The people who said this were highly credible. They were not wack jobs and worked IT.
(IT professions were around long before the internet)

At any rate, one of them made it very clear that "midnight really was the darkest hour." If you wanted
success with a fire dance, that is when it should be done.

So from sources that were not rumor, it was confirmed that midnight is the darkest hour, and these
wiccans will be using "the darkest hour" to cast their spell on Trump. This means that they are calling
on evil to help them, and that they have at least a partial chance of success. But there is a HUGE
PROBLEM with the spell they will be casting. I think it stands a high chance of failure.

I am not going to announce what the problem with their spell is at this time, because I don't want to give
them time to fix it. The flaw will allow the right prayer said the right way to God to exploit it, and make
their spell backfire badly. And even without prayers to God, their spell stands a good chance of
backfiring because they were arrogant, and entirely certain they were on the side of "good" when they
wrote it. Their spell could, in fact, boost Trump and it all depends upon how the flaw is viewed by the
side that listens to it, at the very least the flaw will make "the dark side" called upon at "the darkest
hour" want to puke. If the spell does work at all, it won't be by much.


EXPLOITS IT. I am pretty sure the spell will backfire due to the arrogance, stupidity,
and assumptions made by those who wrote it. If enough people pray, I believe it will
cause their poorly thought out spell to backfire and become a resource that can be

I am confident that the Wiccans actually do have power handed to them by dark forces. However, many forces
that are not completely dark are there to listen to whatever they do, and decide if they will help or not. This is
what will be exploited to our favor, while the flaw in the spell makes the true darkness they are calling on want
to puke. They have set themselves up for failure where they could have succeeded if they had the guts to admit
the evil that they are and write an appropriate spell, rather than try to write a high minded spell that looks good
to decent people, to satisfy public consumption.

This will be updated at 9PM cst, BE AWAKE AT MIDNIGHT TO PRAY and I will post a prayer


Thank you proofreader, mistakes do get made!

Whether or not you want to believe it, you cannot trust ANY of the Jews in your
cabinet. Jared would have sought out Ivanka for the sole purpose of being your
handler. It is MODUS OPERANDI and we can only hope you stop being stupid about
this before America is once and for all DEAD.

Forget looking for leakers in the FBI when the problem is all the Jews in your own cabinet!

Project Veritas CNN bust

It must be good, because the trolls are hitting it hard, claiming there is nothing in hundreds of hours of audio after
having less than an hour to listen. The server is down. When it comes back up, I will link it then so people
don't get frustrated trying to get to something that is for the moment not working AT ALL.

The project Veritas CNN bust consists of about 800 hours of audio recordings of private CNN
conversations for the years 2009-2016. Today's release was the year 2009. I'd rather have 2016, but it
is at least a start.



They are so sensitive about this message that I had to unplug the modem, prepare it
offline and inject it via combat mode
Anonymous sent: "Hi Mr Stone, tried to send this before, but seemed like it didn't go through.

The Alex Jones story reminded me of something that happened to me about 10 years ago or so. Might
even be a little longer.

Back in those days I was moderately involved in state level politics and knew some mid level
functionaries in a few foreign countries. I am naturally stand-offish in spite of that.

So anyway, all of a sudden one day this Jewish guy turned up out of nowhere and wanted to be
my best friend. I didn't really know as much about the ways of the world back then, but I had read
about the Moonies and 'love bombing' and felt like this guy might be doing something like that. So I
gave him the brush off.

Then right after that, all of a sudden this Jewish girl turned up, and she was all over me - calling,
emailing, everything. Finally I got rid of her and this other Jewish girl turned up. That one displayed a
knowledge of my life beyond what she ought to have had. When I remarked on it, she -literally -
DISAPPEARED, never to be seen again.

By this point, even I was not so dense that I couldn't see what was happening. After that, this other
Jewish guy turned up, again all up in my face. Someone asked what was up with this guy, and I said
something like, 'He is trying to get to be my handler.' Although this guy wasn't there for that
conversation, he also immediately disappeared.

After that I never had the same trouble again. But I can see how Alex Jones maybe got love bombed
and they snared him up on the first outing. If they hadn't been such hard charging assholes,
they might have gotten me too. I honestly don't know what they were after, but I can't imagine it would
have been anything to my benefit."

My response: I got trolled hard in the in box for saying what really happened with Alex Joneses Jewish
wife, by trolls who were obviously new around here and did not see the full report I posted on this topic
right when Joneses divorce was happening. DEAR TROLLS: If you are going to troll the in box, KNOW
YOUR HISTORY, the post about Alex and the honey pot was not off the cuff!

send honey pots to people they believe will become of influence and these honey
pots either kill these people outright if they are out of control, or they wait for a prime
moment and then destroy. Fortunately Alex got option #2.



Anonymous sent:

Hi Mr Stone, I tried to pare down your Sweden report and post it to 4chan. When I clicked to post it, I
got redirected to 'you are permanently banned'."
My response: Yes, I guess explosives in a Swedish nuclear plant, to keep in place a blackmail threat
of forced immigration and national destruction would get banned on 4chan. There is a reason why
Sweden is laying down to die. THAT IS THE HOT NEWS, so hot, I think I'll post it again:

Jim Stone, Sunday, July 1 2012

We need ACTION on the following topic:

Immigrant Nuclear Blackmail? perhaps

so. Explosives found in Swedish Nuke plant


UPDATE: The original link I had for this report is now dead, however the BBC covered
it, but not as well or as accurately as the original report I quoted did.

The original report was very clear: The explosives were found on top of the fire extinguisher behind the seat of
a forklift that goes in and out of the reactor area of the nuclear facility. BBC did a relative whitewash, but at least
their report proves something happened.

Prepare for another Fukushima! A fist sized lump of plastic explosives was found on top of the fire
extinguisher in a forklift which had access to the heart of a Swedish nuclear facility. Plastic explosives
of the type used for demolition are like modeling clay, which can be rammed and crammed into any
space. And you cannot get a fist sized lump of this type of explosive left laying around ANYWHERE
unless it came from a larger batch. You can bet the forklift brought in a whole pallet or several pallets
of explosives, which are now planted inside. The linked report tries to make it sound like "A fist sized
lump on the fire extinguisher in the forklift" was no big deal because "it did not have a detonator." Where
did that fist sized lump come from? Someone most likely spaced out, and forgot one of those fist
sized lumps in the forklift while DOING THE JOB. Probably while repositioning the forklift to make it
easier to grab more to cram it into the bottom of one of the reactors. OOOPS!!

All the news reports about this are playing it down, and I beg the question WHY? WHY WOULD THEY
PLAY THIS DOWN? Explosives found in a nuke plant? The answer is obvious. Someone is
blackmailing Sweden with a nuclear armageddon the same way they did with Fukushima, and the only
way Sweden, and not Israel, will be forced to take the blame for any nuclear disasters Israel causes is
to keep a tight lid on the fact that Israel is using it's victim status and the holocaust to blind people with
sympathy while they use security firms to install death promises for non compliance to whatever Israel
and other zioelitists want. Update: Yes, Sweden's immigration situation was probably deeply
rooted in this incident. And if this was silenced in the ziopress, the Jews did this, pure and simple.
And if the Swedes do ANYTHING to remove the explosives, they are no doubt under surveillance and
will be set off.

If explosives were found at a Burger King in Peoria, do you think it would be more newsworthy? Why
are they silent about this at a nuke plant?
I will make a guess. If Sweden now fails to live up to blackmail demands and destroy their country doing
it, the nuke plant goes BOOM. So it will be a choice between a physical death and a financial/cultural
one. I would bet this is one of MANY nuclear facilities around the world which has been rigged to
explode just like Fukushima did. This is just the one where someone spaced out and it got caught by
someone who could speak around the censorship. And I predict (but I will not put a date on it) that IF
the elite really feel threatened they will just destroy a large number of nuclear facilities, contaminate
everything, and THEN use the window of opportunity to throw the final control net. Explosives in a nuke
plant is such major news the silence on this topic is damning.

Think about this - They have TRILLIONS of dollars to blow, and have hired MILLIONS of psychologically
sterilized goons, on top of having almost their entire tribe be to one extent or another psychopathic.
They easily have the manpower and patience they need to get the right people into key places in various
facilities to lace them with explosives under the full permission of security and the employees. Needless
to say, when the places go boom they will have all called in sick that day, or will have left one by one
in the months before the event. Explosives in ONE nuclear facility is grounds for having ALL of
them shuttered and gone through by legitimate bomb teams, but you can bet that will never
happen. The fact that it will not, and the media silence on this issue is proof that the world has
for the most part already been conquered. The alternative press did not even run with this story.
What's up with THAT?

No doubt Stuxnet also found it's way to wherever the explosives did, to create a plausible scenario
before the place goes BOOM.

We need ACTION on this topic.



David Hodges is one of the few people who has anything I'll occasionally post in full on this site. DAVID CAME

Immediately after Google took ads away from Infowars, (and trolls hopped on immediately, bashing
Jones to pieces with B.S. allegations) Natural News was contacted and threatened. The threat? We
will pay you $50, 000 for dirt on Alex Jones. If you do not comply, we will destroy you. Mike
Adams obviously said NO. And today, every page at Natural News (140, 000 pages) has been
completely de-indexed by Google.

Here is a quote from David Hodges web site:

"On my last radio show (2/19), Mike Adams revealed that he was contacted and was told "We will pay
you $50, 000 to provide us with damaging information against Alex Jones. If you do not help us, we will
destroy you".

In the PM on February 22, 2017, Mike Adams reached out to me and informed me that
Googles search engines have removed all 140, 000 pages of content from Natural News
( If the reader puts Natural News in the Google search engine, it comes
back as This is Mikes back up site which is a shell of his original

Given the time proximity between the attempt to blackmail Mike Adams and Googles
takedown of one of one of the biggest websites in the Independent Media, it is too suspicious
to be considered to be a mere coincidence. It is clear from just the circumstantial evidence, that
entities representing Google tried to blackmail Mike Adams into providing damning information
about Alex Jones and then when Mike did not respond, they took him down.

In the same time frame, Alex Jones lost $3 million in Google advertising revenue which serves
to validate the Mike Adams' claim that he was indeed blackmailed in an attempt to destroy Alex

I recently published information that showed that Google's owner and now the owner of the
Washington (com) Post had entered into a $600 million dollar deal with the CIA and indirectly
with 16 other intelligence agencies. In my opinion, and in the opinion of my sources who have
done business at this level, Mike Adams and Alex Jones are both victims of a CIA hit
orchestrated in conjunction with Deep State and in this instance, that would be the Washington
(com) Post.

Why Would the CIA and the Washington Post Target Adams and Jones?

Many will think, for example, that Adams was targeted because of his fine work in exposing the dangers
associated with vaccines which is big business for many of the elite (eg Bill Gates). However, Mike has
been exposing this information for years without suffering these kinds of illegal intimidation and anti-
trust actions by Google. What do Alex and Mike have in common that would cause these people to act
with such reckless abandon? The answer can be summed up in one word, Pizzagate.

One must consider the fact that both Alex Jones and Mike Adams have been among the leaders
in exposing Pizzagate and linking this heinous criminal enterprise with very prominent people.
Names are beginning to be named and no doubt, Mike Adams and Alex Jones would be among
the first to strike blows in this arena by naming prominent politicians. We fully know that we are
days and weeks away from these revelations. The Common Sense Show is beginning to receive
names of the participants.

What has happened to Mike and Alex is damage control, a killing of the messenger. The criminal
left is desperate. There is no false flag that these animals will not engage in.

Another Related Motive (Read the rest HERE)



They had an official from the DHS saying: If you don't want to be separated from your children, you can prevent
that by GOING BACK TO MEXICO BY YOURSELF, NOW. They ran it long enough for him to explain: When
you are grabbed off the streets, no questions are asked, if you are illegal you are deported and if you have kids,
they will have to be taken into custody, without you there. You will then be deported and will have to arrange a
way to get back together with them.

So I predict there won't be nearly as many deportations as there will be voluntary exits. The warning
was clear.
Natural News got de-listed from Google
As of this morning, even directly typing their site name will not bring up their site. Unlike this site, which has been
de-listed forever (but Google fakes it by at least allowing it to come up when you type the name,) Natural News
got over 30 percent of its traffic from Google. After the Fukushima report, this site went from over 80 percent of
its hits from google, to less than 0.7 percent, and that 0.7 percent came from people directly typing the site name
into Google. You won't get to this site from Google if you do not already know about it, and now Natural News is
in the same boat.

Google still lies about what it sends this site in the form of hits, and claims it sends around 5 percent of
the traffic here.

If Conan O'Brien pulls his Mexico stunt, he

should be jailed for sedition and subversion.
Conan started running commercials on Mexican television for an "All Mexican Trump Bash-a-thon" that will air
from Mexico and "Have an all Mexican staff". It will air on March 1.

The commercials are absolutely disgusting and come close to treason all by themselves. If he goes
through with this, and it ends up being the way he's making it look, he will amount to an enemy operative
and should be arrested at the border upon return.

Some people may think this is an exaggeration but if anyone saw the commercials they are downright
sedition and an open effort to subvert the Presidency. That's time in a federal pen no matter what,
especially when the crime is committed against the United States while on foreign soil.

After what I believe was not a voluntary resignation from Breitbart, Milo has stated he will be opening his own
media platform. I have mixed feelings about Milo, because he is so openly gay. However, he's quite good on
other topics which probably makes him a "net plus". The fact that liberals actively sought to destroy him, and that
he is getting trolled as bad as Alex is getting trolled now goes a long way to show that liberals won't tolerate
anyone who even partially disagrees with them even if they perfectly meet a pet agenda. I really did not expect
liberals to attack Milo so badly.

More on Jones divorce:

Dane sent the following, which mirrors what I know about what happened to Alex perfectly. Alex needs to get
control of his own comment section, because trolls are running it now, and obviously censoring it also - which is
what happens when you use any opposition platform to host anything for you. Alex has a LOT to learn, and his
comment section proves it. Anyway,

Dane sent:

Alex Jones did not get divorced because of infidelity.

2015.03.19: Alex Jones Jewish wife has filed for divorce, and is gunning for a huge divorce settlement.
Alex is forced to pay Kelly over $43k a month totalling over half a million USD for the year. He is also
being forced to part with his Austin Tx property to Kelly, who seems to have promptly put it on the
market and is selling for just under $900, 000. Did it ever occur to men like Alex that it would not be the
Rothschild, Rockefellers, the Marxists, or the feminists who personally would kick the chair from under
him, but instead his own wife?

Alex was set up by the Jewish tribe because they knew he was a threat to Zionism due to his popularity
among an awakening audience, and as a result he was sent a Jewish wife as handler. This is a common
tactic of the Jews. When Alex went off his reservation, as far as her instructors saw it, she was ordered
to divorce him. Alex went of his track, time and again, by showing up at Bilderberg meetings, thus
exposing the Zionist Jewish Financial Elite. But the last straw was when Alex invited David Duke on to
his Program, at Infowars.

Before the show Alex regarded David Duke as a KKK member, out hunting Black people. But the Zionist
Jews trying to control Alex already knew that David Duke was on to the Zionist Jews as the prime threat
to world peace and prosperity. The divorce courts will be only one of the set backs used to annihilate
Alex Jones. 2017.02.21: Infowars banned by GOOGLE. Infowars will lose approximately 4 million Dollar
a year in revenue. Dane"

My comment: His ex took him back to court, and got a payout of seven million dollars, paid over 6
years. There is absolutely no question whatsoever that Alex was sent a honey pot wife, who was
triggered to destroy him. Now the trolls are bashing the hell out of him in his own comment section,
which he probably does not control, and probably gets his own custom version of so he can't see what
is really being said there.

Maybe Alex will now finger Israel for 911, since they have screwed him into oblivion. He probably
knows, but was kept under pressure to be quiet about it.


Perhaps so.

Jens from Denmark sent:

Thanks for a great site! I would like to hear your thinking on a possible nuclear-blackmail of Sweden
and (germany/france/holland/denmark), to force the mass immigration of 3 world people to kill the
country(s), there was a news report where explosives were found at a swedish nuclear power
plant a while back, and there was no explanation to this from the fake news..I would love if you
would have this in the back of your mind for a while, and if you see something please share with
us all,

may you be blessed for your work, I LOVE the way you think and write, keep up the good work!

Best, Jens from Denmark"

My response: Here is a report I did on this topic years ago. Since then, the news report (which is linked
here) has been expunged. This was reported by very few American news outlets and the alt media
(except for this site) ignored it entirely.
Jim Stone, Sunday, July 1 2012

We need ACTION on the following topic:

Explosives found in Swedish Nuke plant


UPDATE: The original link I had for this report is now dead, however the BBC covered
it, but not as well or as accurately as the original report I quoted did.

The original report was very clear: The explosives were found on top of the fire extinguisher behind the seat of
a forklift that goes in and out of the reactor area of the nuclear facility. BBC did a relative whitewash, but at least
their report proves something happened.

Prepare for another Fukushima! A fist sized lump of plastic explosives was found on top of the fire
extinguisher in a forklift which had access to the heart of a Swedish nuclear facility. Plastic explosives
of the type used for demolition are like modeling clay, which can be rammed and crammed into any
space. And you cannot get a fist sized lump of this type of explosive left laying around ANYWHERE
unless it came from a larger batch. You can bet the forklift brought in a whole pallet or several pallets
of explosives, which are now planted inside. The linked report tries to make it sound like "A fist sized
lump on the fire extinguisher in the forklift" was no big deal because "it did not have a detonator." Where
did that fist sized lump come from? Someone most likely spaced out, and forgot one of those fist
sized lumps in the forklift while DOING THE JOB. Probably while repositioning the forklift to make it
easier to grab more to cram it into the bottom of one of the reactors. OOOPS!!

All the news reports about this are playing it down, and I beg the question WHY? WHY WOULD THEY
PLAY THIS DOWN? Explosives found in a nuke plant? The answer is obvious. Someone is
blackmailing Sweden with a nuclear armageddon the same way they did with Fukushima, and the only
way Sweden, and not Israel, will be forced to take the blame for any nuclear disasters Israel causes is
to keep a tight lid on the fact that Israel is using it's victim status and the holocaust to blind people with
sympathy while they use security firms to install death promises for non compliance to whatever Israel
and other zioelitists want. Update: Yes, Sweden's immigration situation was probably deeply
rooted in this incident. And if this was silenced in the ziopress, the Jews did this, pure and simple.
And if the Swedes do ANYTHING to remove the explosives, they are no doubt under surveillance and
will be set off.

If explosives were found at a Burger King in Peoria, do you think it would be more newsworthy? Why
are they silent about this at a nuke plant?

I will make a guess. If Sweden now fails to live up to blackmail demands and destroy their country doing
it, the nuke plant goes BOOM. So it will be a choice between a physical death and a financial/cultural
one. I would bet this is one of MANY nuclear facilities around the world which has been rigged to
explode just like Fukushima did. This is just the one where someone spaced out and it got caught by
someone who could speak around the censorship. And I predict (but I will not put a date on it) that IF
the elite really feel threatened they will just destroy a large number of nuclear facilities, contaminate
everything, and THEN use the window of opportunity to throw the final control net. Explosives in a nuke
plant is such major news the silence on this topic is damning.

Think about this - They have TRILLIONS of dollars to blow, and have hired MILLIONS of psychologically
sterilized goons, on top of having almost their entire tribe be to one extent or another psychopathic.
They easily have the manpower and patience they need to get the right people into key places in various
facilities to lace them with explosives under the full permission of security and the employees. Needless
to say, when the places go boom they will have all called in sick that day, or will have left one by one
in the months before the event. Explosives in ONE nuclear facility is grounds for having ALL of
them shuttered and gone through by legitimate bomb teams, but you can bet that will never
happen. The fact that it will not, and the media silence on this issue is proof that the world has
for the most part already been conquered. The alternative press did not even run with this story.
What's up with THAT?

No doubt Stuxnet also found it's way to wherever the explosives did, to create a plausible scenario
before the place goes BOOM.

We need ACTION on this topic.

PREDICTION: There will be no Oroville disaster

It will be a hell of a show, but nothing will happen. This is because it is becoming obvious that they used weather
modification to stop the forecasted rains from hitting, (11 forecasted inches got knocked down to 2.5) and that
bought enough time to fix the emergency spillway well enough to prevent it from washing out when it gets used.
I believe it will be used when the snow melts, but that it won't result in serious consequence because the
preparations were too intense, too well executed, and progressed for too much time. It is probably fixed well
enough now.

Problems: In order to buy enough time, they stopped all outflows from upstream reservoirs and now
they are all maxed out. So the game now will be to try to release as much as possible from the upstream
reservoirs (to restore their flood control capacity) and keep Oroville's outflows at around 60,000 CFS to
drain it as fast as possible without too seriously risking washing out the upper part of the main spillway.
If that holds, there probably will not be a serious disaster.

I still believe 100 percent that communists in California's government blew the main spillway with
explosives in an attempt to wipe the dam out, but because that was clearly and loudly stated, and then
the $50 dam break matched Oroville's appearance so perfectly, that they HAD TO back off on
destroying the dam and every effort was subsequently made to save it, to save Commie butt. Obviously
we won't ever get the answer on this, but that is what I believe happened.

There have been several posts about "shoddy spillway repairs" made by people who are not qualified
to say it, all I ever saw them post was pictures of what I would totally expect to see done to keep the
dam in perfect shape. It makes no sense at all that after running the dam at 170,000 cfs a few years
ago that it would catastrophically fail at only 60-70,000 cfs, with clear photos showing the spillway did
receive maintenance, and also when the spillway was rated at 250,000 CFS. The only thing that makes
any sense at all is willful destruction in an attempt to destroy the dam entirely.

About Infowars losing Google ads

They ran a simultaneous smear campaign against Alex, saying his divorce happened
because he cheated on his wife with an escort, and that escort then joined the
Infowars team as Lee Ann. Simultaneously, they posted several reports about this to
pornography web sites, where "Lee Ann made full admissions to this".

Ok, so we know that is BULLSHIT. And we know who did this to Alex. Since the Jews run practically ALL
pornography web sites, and they also have absolutely no compunctions about lying and back stabbing people,
we can write off the escort story entirely. And yep, people are not buying it, here were the top 3 messages
in the message window this morning:

Anonymous sent:

I never heard the escort angle about Alex Jones before today but I did hear they were divorced a while
back. Was never said why or I just never bothered to find out. Seriously doubt it was because escorts.
I don't think he would do that."

Jay sent:

"Jim, I have heard the story about Alex before. I doubt that it's true about Alex, but that is the same
story, or similar, that happened to the owner of snopes. They know that when word got around
about it snopes lost even more credibility. I can't honestly say for sure but it is very fishy and it
fits the M.O. They like to accuse people of crimes, often sex related, in order to discredit
them. Jay"

Anonymous sent:

"Snopes hilarious escort story recycled on Alex Jones?"

The next comment, from a slightly different angle: Anonymous sent:

We hear about the resignation of Milo from Breitbart one day and the economic warfare against
Infowars the next. Was Infowars smacked down so they couldn't afford to pick up celeb journos like
Milo? Infowars would have been one of the only far-right news sites big enough to afford to have him
on staff."

A few messages

Anonymous sent:

I watched the video of Putin congratulating Trump (in Russian, spelled "Tramp" but the a is pronounced
like "ah") on his election. There's no warmth in it. Putin is almost spitting out the words, not a happy

And now he's running Russian ships 30 miles off Connecticut. Maybe Trump got rid of Flynn because
with more (classified) information it became clear that Flynn was wrong about Russia."

My response: All I know is that I am right about the communist takeover of America. There is some
chance I am wrong about Putin's intentions but the spy ship 30 miles out? Some are saying that Trump
was wrong for wanting to sink it. But what most people do not realize is that America's declared
border is not 12 miles out, it is 250 miles out. Russia was FAR within that.
Michele sent:

"If that video of Podesta torturing that boy is genuine ( I am still upset over the Fulford "dinner" photo-
and just don't want to endure any more of this) the guy deserves (I think)to have the truth beaten out
of him; everything that can be extracted from him regarding the evil filth he and other Satanic
Pedophiles have been doing and just WHO they are- than do humanity a favour; be civilised- try them
in an honest Court; (if there is such a thing anywhere) and than execute them afterward.


Anonymous sent:

"President Trump doesn't like the msm so you'd think he would spend some time reading the alternative
sites. I like most others read a wide range of them and basically they all boil down to the same advice,
shut down the NSA, decimate the CIA and start prosecuting leakers and govmnt., pedo's, but he makes
no move to do any of these. Also people are saying that he is isolated in so much as the right people
can't get to him and offer the right advice but if he was following the alt news he would see this and
contact these people, but he doesn't, it's confusing and a bit depressing."


Infowars will now lose approximately 4 million a year in revenue. At the same time Infowars got cut off financially, t
Infowars and said Alex had his wife divorce him because he was running around with an escort and got the escort preg

I NEVER HEARD THAT ONE BEFORE. I DOUBT IT. So now Infowars is totally screwed. This is exactly why
like Google cannot be allowed to exist. When companies get that powerful they can destroy whatever they wan

Did anyone ever hear of Alex getting divorced because of an escort? i don't care what people can "google", I
know if ANYONE EVER HEARD OF THIS BEFORE TODAY. I bet not. This should have been common knowl
rate, this is not a good development at all. I always thought it would be only my web site blocked from getting a
are creeping it outwards more and more.

A small Oroville update

Anonymous sent:

Jim: It appears that there may be a bit of slight of hand RE: Oroville dam.... according to articles,
Although the California Department of Water Resources is claiming Oroville Dam is safer because the
water level has fallen by 52 feet, that feat was largely accomplished by over-filing 9 upstream reservoirs
that are all expected to flood as another Pineapple Express storm-train brings 48 hours of heavy rain
through Wednesday.

My comment: You are right. I have paid attention to this and am paying attention to it. Now the game
will be to try to drain the upstream reservoirs through Oroville while praying there is not a lot more rain.
But they did get Oroville down quite a bit, regardless of the method, and that bought time. It is on its
way back up now though. Keep an eye on the embedded dam situation chart in the top section of
this page.
One writer said my site has never left cookies, but started to recently. That is because of the dam chart
I embedded, this site itself still does not leave cookies - calling in that chart is what is doing that Probably
no big deal.

Hillary receiving money from China and Russia

Many people have sent messages about an article that appeared on Infowars, which goes a long way to prove
my point that Putin cannot possibly hate Hillary. What we are witnessing now with Trump is what happens
when a true American gets thrown in the middle of a Soviet caused mess. Even if Putin is not a Soviet style
communist, America's problems are still rooted in infiltrations that happened decades ago, and the fact that the
media was first usurped, and did nothing to warn people about it. Many people can see how Communists have
become deeply entrenched in many facets of American government, and it all started decades ago. And it does
bother me that Putin accepted so much from, and gave so much to Hillary, who is one such communist that was
working to subvert the United States.

Though the Infowars report does not focus on communism, it does reveal a lot to prove that Russia
can't possibly be any sort of friend of the U.S., SEE THIS

Trump products
After all the bashing Trump took with his products, I decided to look into it, to see where they can still be
purchased. Google made good and sure that could not be done, and pointed only to where these products
have been discontinued.

As it turns out, Trump products appear to have been AWESOME. Trump did not set up his own
manufacturing, he instead submitted the designs Ivanka and himself came up with to high end furniture
manufacturers in America and elsewhere (usually the countries they would be sold in) and had them
make the furniture to design specs. Here are a few examples of what the Trump brand looked like.
There is only one dining set here I would probably skip if I could afford it, (the one with the star shaped
mirror) but the other 4 sets are, as far as I see it, a home run. Nice stuff.
Obviously there would not be a reason to discontinue these products that went
outside of politics. Over 230 stores that had galleries like these closed them in foreign
countries simply because they did not like Trump's politics, there is no indication
whatsoever that there were any financial or quality issues with these products.
Trump has paid a steep price for wanting to "Make America Great Again." Hopefully these products are still for
sale somewhere because they were not crap at all.

Remember two weeks ago there was an explosion at a French nuclear plant? They said it was nothing. Now,
there is radioactive iodine showing up all over Europe. Blamed on something the Russians did at the North Pole?
If Russia did something at the North Pole, howcome nothing showed up in Alaska or Northern Canada? Both
are closer to the North Pole than Europe. Things that make you go Hmmmmmm . . . . . .

I'd bet that explosion in France really was something after all, and they do not want to admit it. How
else do you get an American radiation sniffing plane flying around, and readings that say something
big happened all over Europe and nowhere else?

Republicans are NOT INCOMPETENT

Drudge ran a headline saying the Republican party is incompetent. This went to a page at The Observer which
gave an example by saying how much more Obama's administration accomplished in it's first month, and then
talked all about how the Republicans have failed to get anything of substance at all done.

Folks, this is not incompetence. They are doing their job for the shadow state perfectly. They
have ONE JOB: STOP TRUMP. And the only solution to any of this problem is to get the current
Republicans voted out and replaced with new people in two years. This can only be accomplished by
changing the polling systems and enforcing election laws so the vote is counted accurately. Trump
wanted to live up to all of his campaign promises. But he was immediately hit in the face with traitors,
sedition, and treason at every turn. If the American people cannot get the traitors out of the government
via an honestly cast and counted vote, Trump is going to have a hard time getting anywhere.

He's a brilliant man. So time will tell how well he manages to play chess against the dark state. I'd like
to be positive about the outcome, but I do worry about how far America has fallen. It may be beyond
recovery absent massive accurately directed bloodshed. America really might need a second civil war.

In response to my comments on the report "Washington Post receives cash from

Russia to publish propaganda" Anonymous sent:

Actually WaPO received millions from the CIA to run fake news, but Russia and China are convenient patsies to
distract. Putin was for Hillary ? Really ? Stop taking the meds

My response: How could Putin NOT be for Hillary when she sent Russia 20 percent of America's
uranium as secretary of state, and all the high tech secrets Russia could ever hope for? Stop being a
dupe, Putin probably hates Trump but showing that is not part of the game.

Fourteen Lies That Our Psychiatry Professors in Medical

School Taught Us Med Students
Originally posted at

"The FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) tests all new psychiatric drugs"

My input on this: That really is a lie. The FDA does not test SSRI antidepressants and never did.
When it comes to SSRI's the FDA simply takes the manufacturer's word for it and conducts no tests of
their own. 8 years ago I successfully hacked into GlaxoSmithKline's web site via defective site mapping,
so that's their fault if I "accidentally" got in somewhere. One of the things I got ahold of was their testing
for Paxil. They actually did test the drug for an 8 week period on 3 groups of college kids that were paid
guinea pigs.

With group 1, they told the kids to take it and do nothing, relax. Six months later, and a year later, they
were asked to state any adverse side effects. Several people complained that they never got over
taking the drugs, but were still able to function in life.

Group 2 was asked to do moderate exercise and did this with a coach. At the same time interval
afterwards they were asked about any adverse reactions. There were many, many of the kids said it
changed their life and that they never feel "good again", lacked energy, and had many other side effects.

Group 3 was asked to do intensive exercise daily, and did this with a coach who ensured the exercise
was intense. At the same time intervals later, they were asked about adverse reactions. The majority
of this group reported that their lives changed entirely and that they had many many problems they
believe were caused by the drug testing.

Glaxo then went on to recommend people be as active as possible while taking Paxil, and to
stay on it for no less than 9 months. It was apparent from this that their only goal was to destroy
whoever took the drugs. Included in these documents were cross comparisons with Prozac (a
competing product) and how well that drug wiped people out.

The documents also clearly stated that the FDA simply took their word for it that the drug was safe, and
did absolutely no further testing. Additionally, the FDA had access to the same classified documents I
got my hands on, and they approved it anyway, which means the FDA is also a malicious entity.

It has been a few years since I have gone over these documents, but they are backed up on numerous
flash drives in 2 different states and here with me also. If Glaxo does not like me saying this, I'll just
publish their own documents (and (I have before, it would not be the first time). They know damn well
they were destroying people and it was apparent that it was fully intentional, and a desired outcome.

Lie # 2:

"FDA approval means that a psychotropic drug is effective long-term"

Lie # 3: "FDA approval means that a psychotropic drug is safe long-term".

Lie # 4:

"Mental 'illnesses' are caused by 'brain chemistry imbalances'"

In actuality, brain chemical/neurotransmitter imbalances have never been proven to exist (except for
cases of neurotransmitter depletions that can be caused by psych drugs) despite repeated
examinations of lab animal or autopsied human brains and brain slices by neuroscientists. Knowing
that there are over 100 known neurotransmitter systems in the human brain, proposing a theoretical
chemical "imbalance" is laughable and flies in the face of science. Not only that, but even if a theoretical
imbalance between any two of the 100 potential systems did exist a drug could never be expected to
re-balance it!

Such simplistic theories have been perpetrated by Big Pharma upon a gullible public and a gullible
psychiatric industry

Lie # 5:

"Antidepressant drugs work like insulin for diabetics"

Lie # 6:

"SSRI 'discontinuation syndromes' are different than 'withdrawal syndromes'"

The so-called "antidepressant" drugs of the SSRI class are indeed dependency-inducing/addictive, and
the neurological and psychological symptoms that occur when these drugs are stopped or tapered
down are not "relapses" into a previous "mental disorder" but are actually new drug withdrawal
symptoms that are different from those that prompted the original diagnosis.

Lie # 7:

"Ritalin is safe for children (or adults)"

In actuality, methylphenidate (= Ritalin, Concerta, Daytrana, Metadate and Methylin; aka "kiddie
cocaine") is a dopamine reuptake inhibitor drug and, it works exactly like cocaine on dopamine
synapses, except that orally-dosed methylphenidate reaches the brain more slowly than snortable or
smoked cocaine does. Therefore the oral form has far less of an orgasmic "high" than cocaine. Cocaine
addicts actually prefer Ritalin if they can get it in a relatively pure powder form. When snorted, both the
synthetic Ritalin has the same onset of action as the natural cocaine, but it has a longer lasting "high"
and is thus actually preferred among addicted individuals. The molecular structures of Ritalin and
cocaine both have amphetamine base structures with ring-shaped side chains which, when examined
side by side, are remarkably similar. The dopamine synaptic organelles in the brain (and heart, blood
vessels, lungs and guts) are unlikely to sense any difference between the two drugs.

Lie # 8:

"Psychoactive drugs are totally safe for humans"

Actually all five classes of psychotropic drugs have been found to be neurotoxic (ie, known to destroy
or otherwise alter the physiology, chemistry, anatomy and viability of the vital energy-producing
mitochondria that is in every brain cell). They are therefore all capable of contributing to dementia when
used long-term.

Any synthetic chemical that is capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier from the capillary circulation
into the brain can alter the brain. Synthetic drugs are NOT capable of healing brain dysfunction or
reversing brain damage. Rather than curing anything, psychiatric drugs are only capable of temporarily
masking symptoms while the abnormal emotional, neurological or mal-nutritional processes that mimic
"mental illnesses" continue unabated.

Lie # 9:

"Mental 'illnesses' have no known cause"

The root causes of my patient's understandable emotional distress were typically multiple, but the vast
majority of them had experienced acute and chronic sexual, physical, psychological, emotional and/or
spiritual traumas as root causes - often accompanied by hopelessness, sleep deprivation, serious
emotional/physical neglect and brain nutrient deficiencies as well.

Lie # 10:

"Psychotropic drugs have nothing to do with the huge increase in disabled and unemployable American
psychiatric patients"

Many commonly-prescribed drugs are fully capable of causing brain-damage and dementia long-term,
especially the anti-psychotics (aka, "major tranquilizers") like Thorazine, Haldol, Prolixin, Clozapine,
Abilify, Clozapine, Fanapt, Geodon, Invega, Risperdal, Saphris, Seroquel and Zyprexa, all of which can
cause brain shrinkage.

Lie # 11:

"So-called bipolar disorder can mysteriously 'emerge' in patients who have been taking stimulating
antidepressants like the SSRIs"
In actuality, crazy-making behaviors like mania, agitation and aggression are commonly caused by the
SSRIs (Prozac [fluoxetine], Paxil [paroxetine], Zoloft [sertraline], Celexa [citalopram] and Lexapro

An important point to make is that SSRI-induced mania, agitation, akathisia and aggression is NOT
bipolar disorder, and SSRI-induced psychosis is NOT schizophrenia! (Google to read
over 5000 documented stories about SSRI drug-induced aberrant behaviors, including 48 school
shootings/incidents, 52 road rage tragedies, 12 air rage incidents, 44 postpartum depression cases,
over 600 murders (homicides), over 180 murder-suicides and other acts of violence including workplace
violence. These cases only represent a tiny fraction of the possible cases, since medication use is
rarely reported in the media.).

Lie # 12:

"Antidepressant drugs can prevent suicides"

In actuality, there is no psychiatric drug that is FDA-approved for the prevention of suicidality because
these drugs, especially the so-called antidepressants, actually INCREASE the incidence of suicidal
thinking, suicide attempts and completed suicides.

Lie # 13:

"Americas school shooters and other mass shooters are 'untreated' schizophrenics who should
have been taking psych drugs"

Lie # 14:

"If your patient hears voices it means he's a schizophrenic"

The very sobering information revealed above should cause any thinking person, patient, thought-
leader or politician to wonder: "how many otherwise normal or potentially curable people over the last
half century of Big Pharma propaganda have actually been mis-labeled as mentally ill (and then mis-
treated as mentally ill) and sent down the convoluted path of therapeutic misadventures - heading
toward oblivion?"

In my mental health care practice, I personally treated hundreds of patients who had been given a
series of confusing and contradictory mental illness labels, many of which had been one of the new
"diseases of the month" for which there was a new psych "drug of the month" that was being heavily
marketed on TV or by the drug company sales staffs.

Many of my patients had simply been victims of unpredictable and un-forseeable drug-drug interactions
(far too often drug-drug-drug-drug interactions) or simply adverse reactions to psych drugs which had
been erroneously diagnosed as a new mental illness. Extrapolating from my 1200 patient experience
(in my little isolated section of the world) to what surely must be happening all over America boggles
my mind. There has been a massive iatrogenic (doctor- or drug-caused) epidemic going on right under
our noses that has affected tens of millions of suffering victims who could have been cured if not for
the drugs.

The time to act on this knowledge is long overdue.

The report above is abbreviated. The actual report has in depth explanations of all 14
points, and is Here, at


At first I ignored this topic, because I figured it had to be bogus because of the type of radioactive iodine that has
been found widespread across Europe should be impossible, and part of what I try to do is filter B.S. so it does
not pollute the front page.However, now I think there might be something to this, because the reports are
too widespread, and the material causing the radiation has been identified as iodine 131.

Iodine 131 is only produced by nuclear blasts, or extremely

fresh material removed from nuclear reactors that are being run
in a way that will produce it. There are no other sources. And
the source cannot be Fukushima, because the recent high
levels of radiation discovered there, despite being high,
won't produce iodine 131 and that reactor type won't do it
in abundance either. So you can rule out Fukushima.

IF these reports are real, and there really is

radioactive iodine spread across Europe, the only
things I can speculate is that 1. There is a dirty bomb
scenario being set up, or 2. Somehow there was a
nuclear test that no one knew about (doubtful) or 3.
There was an explosion of a very hot running
reactor that happened and did not get reported.

Here's a good possibility: Someone did not want to

use polonium so they are running around with iodine 131 poisoning people. That
would do this too.

Whatever it is causing this has not been discovered yet, all they know is that across Europe in many places
particles of iodine 131 are showing up. Iodine 131 has a short half life of only 8 days. If this stuff is out there it
there may be a mass assassination action underway, where many people are getting poisoned across a wide
region. Since nuclear blasts and reactor explosions tend to be more noticeable than a few pigeons, if this
radioactive iodine scare is real there might be a black op underway.

Once again, I'll say I only reported this because it got widespread coverage and it could be nothing at

Here's a good one:

I don't usually post other people's stuff, but this is just too good! This was posted at Natural News
Revealed: The same Washington Post that accused 200 web sites of being puppets
for Russian propaganda actually TAKES money from. . . Russia

Within days after Donald J. Trump took the country (and the world) by storm and won the Nov. 8 election, the
Washington establishment media, suddenly shaken to its core by the realization it could not muster enough
power and influence to push Hillary Clinton into the White House, began a smear campaign against the president-

Launching the first in what would become a series of fake news salvos, the Washington Post published
a story full of baseless, unsubstantiated allegations made by a shady organization no one had ever
heard of that Russian intelligence fed information to hundreds of "alt-right" web sites aimed at hurting
Clinton and helping Trump.

Among the named sites: Natural News, which prompted founder/editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger,
to demand a retraction. (RELATED: Trump calls out press for sabotaging his efforts to improve relations
with Russia)

The Post, within a day, essentially did that, all but admitting that its fake news story about fake Russian
news...was fake. But the die had been cast and the Post put the narrative in play: Without proof or any
evidence, the paper claimed (and others followed) that Russia unduly influenced the election outcome
for Trump because Moscow hated Clinton and anyway, that's the only way she could possibly have lost
to a former reality TV host and billionaire real estate mogul non-politician.

Now, we find out that the real recipient of Russian largess is...the Washington Post.

As reported by Liberty Blitzkrieg, a recent interview between Fox News' Tucker Carlson and Eric
Wemple of the Post, who covers the media, was forced to answer why his paper accepted so-called
"native advertising" from Russia, which is essentially the Post receiving money from Moscow to publish

While that may be news to most Americans, it certainly is a poorly-kept secret within the world of the
Washington media. In fact, in 2007, Slate lampooned Russia's Washington Post propaganda effort,
"Russia: Beyond the Headlines"

"Soviet propaganda hit the skids during the Gorbachev era, and as the empire broke up, its propaganda
essentially vanished. But the heavy-handed purveyors of party-line orthodoxy and nationalist cant have
returned with the rise of President Vladimir Putin," Slate reported, not mentioning that the return of
propaganda was largely thanks to Putin, a former KGB agent himself who is familiar with the intelligence

The Daily Caller also reported on this - and in fact, its not just Russia, but China also pays homage
to the Post to run its propaganda:

Chinese and Russian propaganda supplements are regularly included in The Washington Post, but the
widely read newspaper won't say how much money it gets on the deals.
Read the rest at Natural News

My comment: Putin is former KGB. Putin never called out the Washington Post for this. And I would
therefore suspect that Putin may have in fact been for Hillary, so Russia could swoop in as the hero
after America was destroyed. But he had to play against her to make it all believable.

Remember the cold war game plan:

The cold war plan all along was to make life in America such hell that Russia would be seen as the savior when
it all fell apart.Put on your cold war thinking cap if you are old enough to remember this: Khrushchev said
he'd bury the United States, not with military/economic might, but with social warfare. AND NOW WHAT
PARTY? Cold war era Bolshevik communists, dyed in the wool of Khrushchev. See anything fishy with
that? It is an established fact that the Rothchilds, Soros, and the rest of the clan supported these types.

SO: If Putin is KGB, would it be too far fetched to speculate that the collapse of the Soviet Union was
a hoax, and Putin was playing the hero so America would welcome Russia as a savior, after all the
mayhem and destruction Russian operatives on American soil caused? The Clintons and Obama are
clearly communist, as is the entire university system and mainstream media in America now. Would it
be far fetched to say that Hillary would have been the crowning achievement of a massive cold war
effort? Propaganda payouts from Russia to the Washington Post would surely support that hypothesis.

Now, I don't think that today's Russia is the same old Russia by a long shot. And that is because the
people who ran the old Russia went elsewhere. And I don't think the original cold war plan is progressing
as originally intended because there are too many new players with their own interests. However, to
say the old Russia is completely dead would be an absolute folly, when it is still run by former KGB and
all of the old Communist companies like Sukhoi and Tupolev are still alive. A LOT of the old Communist
structure is still there. Russia did not just up and die when the Soviet Union fell apart. Obviously Putin
would know about the payouts to the Washington Post. Why did that not show up on RT when all the
"Russian Propaganda" garbage was happening to stop it cold, if Putin really was pro-Trump?

The game was played so well that it is really hard to see what the actual reality is. But there is one clear
truth in all of it: The people on Team Hillary, and many more, clearly, clearly, are the same communists
that ran Russia. They left Russia in the late 80's and came to America as the Soviet Union was
"collapsing". One way or another, they want the old Russian system restored. They almost had it. Food
for thought.


A few months ago I registered this site forward with unique IP until 2020. That did not show up, and only the recent problems
caused me to catch that. This site does not have the typical $9.95 a year domain registration, it is an advanced registration
that cost $230 for that time frame. That is a lot to pay for only an address. The donations I asked for during the ICANN
with the way things are configured this site can't just be snuffed by ICANN. A lot of people made it through the block without
even knowing it happened. Others got here through the IP address which ICANN could normally shut down also, but not in
my case. that part is completely out of their jurisdiction because I studied jurisdictions and found out what they have no
control over. They can bump me off the DNS servers but they can't kill that IP and that is KEY.
The message window is the best way to send anything
I won't click on a mail most of the time anyway, because virtually everything that arrives is a phishing or
encryption virus and I won't make special arrangements. I can back door the mail with a programming editor
without opening it in a mail client and see if it is from a known source but can't do that with any new source and
I am not going to dig through reams of text to check for virus code. The message window is BULLET PROOF,
zero threat type deal and it is practically all I ever use.

The chance of an e-mail making it through the censors is practically zero and if it does make it, you
have to be a known sender that has been sending for years before I will touch it.

Trump is not orange

Trump is not orange. His colors are completely normal. The orange color is a 1950's era communist tactic that
was used in Soviet Russia.
Anyone of age who has even a basic American education would be likely to know this.

To make opponents look bad, communists always skew the color of their opponents either orange or
red. This is easily done by adding filters during photo processing or nowadays simply tweaking the
cameras, and in the case of high level media cameras, they can assign various faces in the same frame
different colors.

The fact this is so universally happening to Trump only proves how much the old soviets have taken
over American media, and the American government.

Mexico screwed up last night and during an alternative broadcast actually showed Trump the way he
really is. Completely normal. People were shocked, asking why he's not orange. Then I had to explain
and they were still skeptical because they were so completely convinced he's orange.

I think I have discovered a method the elite are

using to cover for child murder crimes
This is partially a gut suspicion, but I believe it is an accurate one. Many of you may remember when Ben Fulford
posted the picture of a cannibal dinner. I reposted those pictures on this web site. I believe they were 100 percent
genuine, but took them down after someone started making claims that they were from a B-rate horror movie. I
was not convinced any special effect would get it that right, but had to back off on the story.

Now, people looking into the Pizzagate scandal have apparently uncovered a video of John Podesta
torturing a little boy in his bathroom shower, obviously to death. And the trolls handled it like this: Step
1: you can't prove that is a video of a boy being destroyed because it is not clear enough. Then
someone lightened the video and made it more clear. People could then see it was CLEARLY a
little boy being tortured. Step 2. Trolls then claimed that there was a video game, and that this video
was only a capture of that video game. (match for the cannibal dinner being a b-rate horror flick) Then
someone claimed to have somehow gotten a picture of John Podesta's shower, and it matched the
shower in the little boy torture video. (IMPORTANT: There is very clear photography of the inside of
John Podesta's house on the web, so this is very plausible) Then people started comparing the voice
in the video to John Podesta's voice, and it seemed to be a match.

Now, All of this is speculative. Ultimately I can't say where that video came from, and I don't know what
Podesta's shower looks like, but I do know they have used the "This appeared in __________ excuse
that did not convince me at all (but forced me to back off on the cannibal dinner) on this new Podesta
video and that makes that excuse VERY WEAK NOW.

The boy shrieks in ways that you'd never get recorded for a video game unless you actually killed
someone, and the audio flow is perfect, and the video does not look AT ALL like it came from a game,
especially an obscure one no one ever heard of.


appeared in _________ so you are wrong and stupid.

I am not exactly in the mood to post that video on this site because it is horrific. USE SEARCH TERMS: Podesta,
little boy, shower, torture and have only results from this last week show if you want to read up on this,
and maybe find that video. If the video disappears it is already archived.

And oh, yeah, THIS:

SpaceX launch aborted
They were going to launch at 10:01 this morning, Cape Canaveral time and aborted with 13 seconds left in the
count down. It was a resupply mission to the space station with 3,000 pounds of food and supplies, and 2,000
additional pounds of external hardware for the space station.

The position of an engine nozzle in the second stage was the cause of the aborted mission.

About the "Jew" that wrote claiming to be

I knew he was fake, and that is why I treated him the way I did. Lots of annoying crap makes it into the message
box. And his message was obviously sent in response to my post about how the Jews own 96 percent of all
communications in the U.S., and that every single location is overwhelmingly probably an intelligence gathering

I posted his message because it was so easy to shred, and proved I hit a nerve.

Soros the Nazi

Anonymous sent a GOOD ONE: "Nazi hunters similar to the likes of Simon Wiesenthal track down and
prosecute/persecute people in their 90's who had minor positions and are probably suffering from age related
memory loss or dementia, yet soros a self confessed Nazi collaborator seems to have a Teflon coating....... why
would this be?

Here is a legal question....... if a person is granted US citizenship , regardless of if they have dual
citizenship with their mother country, can their US citizenship be revoked and if it can what type of
behaviour would provoke this action....... of course I'm thinking soros"

My response: He will never be arrested unless someone like Trump triggers it because some people
are more equal and have the advantage of concepts such as "fairness". No one who has dual
citizenship should be allowed any influence in American affairs, or any government position whatsoever
as far as I see it. When you look around you, it is overwhelmingly these types that are wrecking the
country. And no, Israel is NOT America's 51'st state. As far as revoking Soros, I don't think that would
matter, he needs to be jailed instead.

Lake Oroville water levels - new source

The government source is nowhere near as good as this. Total rain average for Oroville watershed today: 0.6

Proof of weather mod at Oroville?

There is a radar anomaly happening near Oroville, only it might not be an anomaly because it has now shown
up in some form on's radar, and clearly on Beale Air Force Base weather radar for WAY TOO
LONG to be a glitch.. I am going to post this, because Beale's weather radar has shown this anomaly clearly in
all updates for approximately 2 hours. And what does it seem to be doing? DISSIPATING THE STORMS OVER
OROVILLE. Yep, at the center of this bullseye the storms are consistently fading as they pass over.
Keep in
mind that this really does look like a common weather radar anomaly, caused by it being out of
sync, but usually this only happens for one frame of radar, and this has kept going for hours.
Additionally's radar is acting funky in this area also. But ACCUWEATHER RADAR
SHOWS NOTHING ODD HERE. So maybe different systems reacting differently to whatever it
is? If it is anything at all?

I am going to stick with "they got caught, and are now trying to stop a disaster at Oroville, rather than
cause one to save their sorry butts." We will know if that "11 inches of rain that is supposed to hit" turns
into no consequence for the dam, one way or another.


organized protest strike against Trump on Feb 17

Yep. If you post that before it starts, you only give it publicity and make it bigger. If you post it while it is happening,
it is old news.
I know there is a minimum of 11 inches of rain forecasted for Oroville which would
absolutely destroy it if it hit, but I don't think it will actually hit Oroville because it is too easy
to prove this was all a setup for the $50 scenario and they have to back out on that plan now.
The last rains did NADA. That means that somehow, seemingly impossibly, nothing landed in
the oroville watershed despite massive heavy rains in the near vicinity. I do not believe that was

Facebook artificial intelligence based

censorship censored
Mark Zukerberg released a short 6000 word manifesto about Facebook's future, and in an early version
accidentally stated he is developing an artificial intelligence that will automatically censor all discussion that could
conceivably be construed as against the New World order. While you could get away with posting something
against the New World Order on your Facebook page (to fake there is openness and freedom of speech) there
would be an AI running in the background to automatically prevent it from being spread by others. Only globalist
supporting content will be allowed to be spread.

Now, within short few hours, all reference to using artificial intelligence to filter free speech in the
background while it fakes total openness in the foreground has been wiped off the web. I cannot find it
anywhere. All Google puts up is how Facebook and others are using AI and how it "could be misused"
but google is refusing to give up any evidence that Zukerberg fully intended to do it on purpose to shut
up anyone who speaks out against the new world order.

Now, all that is admitted to is that Zukerberg's AI would be used to monitor what is posted, and flag
"terror". One such report is HERE and I am bewildered because this changed even as I was typing
about it. There is obviously a system already in place to smash topics into oblivion at the flip of a switch


Fake is fake. Fakebook. Where fools spew their life straight into the hands of a Jewish troll.


HERE IS HIS MESSAGE: Really sick of all this JEW-HATE on your website I am Jewish and fought and served
for this nation for 25 years. My FATHER landed at Inchon with MacArthur, and my brother died in Vietnam! Many
times, I was NOT ALLOWED to RnR in Muslim countries because I have a Star of David on my DOG TAGS...
While my platoons were partying in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, or the UAE... I was sent to Jew-Hating Germany,
Greece or Italy.. Yes, a VERY FEW "JOOS" own SOME telecommunications, Banks, Factories etc. But YOU
ON VIDEO EVERY DAY! This will come back to bite your ass and every fool who believes it. There will NEVER
BE another NAZI GERMANY because EVERY JEW I KNOW is ARMED and PREPPED. (if every Jew in
Germany in 1935 had a Mauser k98 and a full internal magazine of just 5 rounds, WITH THE WILL TO USE IT..
The "Holocaust" would have never happened.) Mark my words, Get off the JOO SHIT and GROW THE FUCK
UP! You are DISMISSED, Gunny USMC E-7 ret. 1978-2003"

HERE IS MY RESPONSE: You got out in 2003, eh? Ok, so THAT's where the fake WMDs in Iraq
probably came from, because you were PISSED they would not let you have any fun because YOU
wore a star of david. OK, I guess that denotes a special privilege then because Christian's don't get a
cross on their dog tags.

"while my platoons were partying in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Quatar or the UAE I was sent to Jew hating
Germany, Greece, or Italy?" What a load of SHIT. The military takes leave wherever it wants, and you
chose to take leave there, PERIOD. If you took leave in Europe, it most likely means you were stationed
there and that is where your platoon was. If it was so damn dangerous for you to be out having fun with
your pals, it would have been too dangerous for you to be stationed in the middle east at all. And since
you lied about this, your father landed NOWHERE and you probably don't even have a brother.


Ok, so I imply the Jews are the enemy, when really the Muslims are? HA HA HA, what a load of CRAP, it is
WELL KNOWN that Site Intelligence Group, the source for ALL the "horrifying ISIS videos" is an Israeli front,
and ISIS itself is a U.S. based mercenary corporation. It is well known that Larry Silverstein A JEW said "pull it",
that Cheney, A JEW gave the stand down on 911 and let the planes hit the tower, and that it was JEWS that
were seen dancing on top of a van on 911. Who is the enemy? Duh.

Next point: "A FEW Jews own SOME telecommunications? HA HA HA, A FEW JEWS
OWN PRACTICALLY ALL telecommunications, 96 percent of all telecommunications are now owned
by Jews. What was the motivation for that? Why did they seek such a smack down in that area?

Oh, but all of that could be hearsay, but Carl Cameron did this as a 12 part series, which the Jews
CENSORED after part 4 because they could not handle the truth. HERE IS THE BEGINNING OF THE
TRUTH THE JEWS CAN'T HANDLE, cut when there was 66.6 percent of it left to be told. Listen
to that report, and WAKE UP, someone at least tried to tell the truth and it aired on FOX of all places
shortly after 911. That alone proves the Jews own communications, and have for a long time. Only a
F****** FOOL would say business secrets over the phone now.

I don't carry a phone AT ALL because when I do there are too many weird incidents and traffic
anomalies compliments of WHO? And they won't let it work anyway, I get ONE call per cell phone and
POOF, they never work again. Gee, I wonder why. I have a stack of cell phones from before I gave
up, after every cell phone I had during the 2 decades prior worked perfectly and suddenly no
more after the Fuku report. Believe me, the Fuku report did not suddenly make me too stupid to dial
a phone, or receive a call. WHO WOULD CAUSE THAT??!!?? Can you please send me information
on a non-Jewish phone provider so I can have my phone back? If Jews don't own it all, I WANT A

THE CHALLENGE: I challenge ANYONE to get phone service from a company that is
not Jewish. Try to do it! And if you can, SEND ME THE NAME OF THAT COMPANY
Oh, here is the report that got GUNNY shooting his mouth like a fool, READ IT, STUDY


Set up your own pre paid phone card company. You will need at least a 50 line phone switch, where every line
is answered when the same number is dialed. These are easy, many businesses have them. You put that number
on the phone cards and hand them out cheap to people who will re-sell them. These people are all over the big
cities, you see these phone cards everywhere. Then you set up VOIP and have someone else handle the output
from your phone switch and actually make the connections everyone who dials into your switch asks for.


EVERYTHING. BAM. There's your own little NSA. You will be able to listen in on ALL contacts
and ALL calls made by approximately 3,000 people with that ONE 50 line switch, because they
won't all dial out at the same time. And if max capacity is reached, you can just start dropping
calls because everyone knows those cards are crap. They will just try later. And you will know
everyone anyone calls, what their business contacts are, what they will be doing, EVERYTHING,
all from one little 50 line switch that is easy to get, and one VOIP deal with a secondary handler
so you don't have to handle the hard part of it.

The Jews do this ALL THE TIME, it is modus operandi. I'd bet every single phone card out there is
exactly this. And they will absolutely destroy anyone they want that makes a call over their system.

This is true of any cell phone service (but that is hard to set up), any land line service (but that is even
harder to set up) so just sell pre-paid cards. THAT is EASY.

A strategy against Trump I think they are trying

All of us saw what happened with Flynn, where the intelligence agencies hit him with baseless accusations and
then forced him out of his position only to have the intelligence agencies immediately flip and exonerate him of
all wrongdoing - this could be a tactic they are going to use to make people afraid to join Trump's administration,
so Trump is then left with no options. Trump had to make something up and fire Flynn just to stay alive. Trump
knew what the intelligence agencies were trying to do and did what he had to.

The CIA and other intelligence have sent a message that they will destroy anyone who associates with
Trump, and that if they don't betray Trump they will be fighting a wall of lies and accusations from
powerful people. Lies and accusations that will carry the full weight of reality (no matter how baseless
they are) in court. The intelligence agencies have sent a clear message - that they will fabricate anything
they want and destroy people who get on the Trump train.

That is my take on this, and you can read any flavor of opinion out there with what happened with Flynn.
I am going to leave it at that, and give a heads up: It has become evident to me that a filthy tactic is
coming out of the intelligence agencies now - and that is to destroy anyone who associates with Trump
with baseless accusations and slander. If the public knows they are doing this, it will go a long way
towards stopping them from using this tactic.

It once again looks like Oroville may not get the rain
"huge rainstorms" went through the area and the lake levels are still dropping. That means that for as menacing
as it all looked, they missed the mark. I am not going to say the dam is out of the woods yet, but I am least hoping
the elite backed off on destroying this dam and will prevent the rains from hitting in critical places. Let's all hope
we get a new $50 without incident. Obviously it is too early to call this, but so far so good.

Here's an interesting message

"Hi Jim: A relative who lives in Calif and does big contracting work out there says money was allocated to the
maintenance of the Oroville dam, but it was used for something else. (like the new rail line?) Ana"

My response: I would not be surprised. Here's a nice little unrelated tidbit - I have an acquaintance
who is a contractor. He tried to get hired on by the state so he could start getting state projects. And
right up front, in negotiations for being qualified, he was told that he had to give kickbacks to certain
people, or he would not get any contracts. He did not seem to be bothered by it, all he did was run the
math, figured out he was getting paid so much more for the work than was needed that he could turn a
good profit and pay the kickback.

That is how it all runs I'd bet, in all governments everywhere. THAT IS HOW YOU END UP WITH A

There is so much crap getting spewed about Oroville and the coming rains that I
cannot sort it out.

Watch and wait. If you live in the flood zone, get whatever is most important in the car ready to go. Watch the
water levels. If they come to within 3 feet of the top of the emergency spillway and are rising rapidly, I would say
that is your signal to bug out and be ahead of the wave.

A GMO apple will be hitting store shelves this

It has been genetically programmed to not turn brown when it is cut, bruised, or spoils. I won't be eating this
apple. See this

A few messages
Anonymous sent:

Jim- Since Trump is many moves ahead of the cabal, he would have forseen all that is happening.
Operation: Take Back America is long in planning. I suspect the Flynn 'plan' was designed to expose
these leakers; just look how the conversation changed and is now about charging these people. I have
full confidence in the people behind Trump. They know what they are doing X1000."

My response: I can only hope. I am worried.

Anonymous sent:
"Jim I live a few miles above Oroville dam and we've been having a heavy storm here for a couple of
hours. Lightening up right now, but it was furious for quite awhile, and very concerning about flows this
might create behind the dam."

My response: I think I was wrong about Haarp tech stopping the storms. (oh, and a note on that )
Haarp is a name like Kleenex. It no longer applies to the facility in Alaska. But any time you use the
word, even in that context, the trolls will bash you into oblivion and will never back down, claiming
Alaska is shut down and you are stupid. Anyway, that is annoying. It now looks like weather mod
tech is not going to be used to save Oroville. Too many strong storms are moving through. I got
sight of that storm you are talking about on weather radar earlier, and then the power supply cut out . .

I have really paid attention to the dam situation and have concluded the primary spillway will probably
fail all the way up to the gates and whether or not this ends in disaster will depend entirely upon whether
or not the gates themselves give out. They are anchored in bedrock so maybe they will hold.

Anonymous sent:

"I think you were right on the dam all along, you let the cat out of the bag and they shut you down. I
think you had a hand in ensuring it didn't happen. Once they knew it could come out it's been rigged all
along, they had to fold their cards (and stopped messing with your site when they realized they could
use haarp, which is what I felt they could do to stop the rain). I believe you are partly responsible for
ensuring Trump's win too. Your instincts are right. Go with what your gut tells you. You're a bigger
influence than you think."

My response: There was no reason to cut the DNS servers for this site. I have gone over things and
can't find a single reason, other than that someone really did manually take it offline. The outage was
spurious and never got to all DNS servers but it got to a lot of them. That alone is fishy. It is as if planted
people in various locations took it off whatever servers they had control over. If the shut down was legit,
ALL DNS servers would have simply cut off. I was surprised the site started working again like normal
after that letter I had posted here that I sent to tech support, and I was also surprised at how well the
site resisted the attack, because traffic was still substantial.

Anonymous sent:

"Jim, Paul Preston just gave an 8 minute update on the Oroville dam with Dave Hodges on the common
sense show (youtube). He lives locally and his sources at the dam are saying right now with no rain
there is still a 30% chance of failure, let alone the rain that is to come over the next week. He will be
packing up and leaving the area within the next couple of days. He will lose his house and everything
also.......the situation is very dire."

My response: The problem is, that even if there is no rain and the emergency spillway is not used, the
primary spillway has a major problem that is definitely working its way up to the flood gates. They can't
stop this, they just have to accept what happens, and dam failure is a very real possibility, with ZERO
rain. This is literally like riding an airplane that is losing a wing, and looking out the window at it, hoping
you will land safely.

Anonymous sent:
"hi Jim, as of today, one of my firefox plugins (Adaware) suddenly started to tag your site for being
"malicious". I reported this error to them. I rarely had any problems reaching your site so its very
disappointed to see this what they resorted to. Please post more "malicious" information."

My response: Adaware is supposed to be open source if I remember right. That means that someone
got on the open source team that does not belong there.

Anonymous sent:

"Jim, I realized that a perfect proof as to why the Orroville Dam broke. Look at the first pictures closely
and look for bare rebar hanging from the edge of the broken cement. If you have this then the cement
eroded away from the reinforced metal through water mechanic. If the 1 to 2 inch rebar is gone then
they blew it away pure and simple. I don't understand why I didn't think of it till now. It's because I didn't
see any rebar on the edge because it was all pulverize by the explosive. I knew something was missing
but couldn't pin why in my mind's eye. Lots of Love"

My response: I am sticking with the sabotage angle because it is the only thing that makes sense, fits
the communist agenda, and would get my site shut down. They don't shut down B.S., someone very
powerful got scared as far as I see it.

Anonymous sent:

"Hi Mr. Stone, I had a funny experience last night. I was on 4chan. org/pol/. I tried to refer to this guy
miles w mathis. when I tried to post my comment, I was immediately banned. I went to
and literally almost the first comment I saw was someone complaining they had come there because
they had been banned from /pol/ for trying to start a thread about miles w mathis. I have even seen
people refer to you on there. never experienced a ban there til I tried to mention his name. It was very

My response: HMMMM . . . . . .

Do not post my name sent:

"Hi Jim, You have not mentioned Zika for awhile. Here's an interesting development in Vietnam. They
are releasing Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes to combat Dengue carrying mosquitoes.

Notice in that Scientific America article, the Australian scientists have trailed this in Brazil. They are
trialing in Vietnam and Indonesia now. Note that Australia is a vassal state of the Empire, could the
previous release of Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes in Brazil be related to the Zika outbreak? I am
keeping a close eye on Zika or new pandemic in Nam and Indo.

My response: Yes but the actual problems were caused by a new Tdap shot and the mosquito was an
Shadow government steps forward and shows
who is boss
A nuclear strike on the FBI, CIA, and NSA is probably America's only way forward

Obviously these agencies are not under the control of the American people, as they turn their observation powers
inward at their own government, and do all they can to destroy it under the instruction of infiltrators such as
Soros, Rockefeller and Rothchild, who want America destroyed. The only answer is to destroy the intelligence
agencies, and jail everyone in them, and eliminate all people who appear to be external to them that actually
own them by any means necessary to accomplish it. If the white hats within these agencies will not unite and
destroy the darkness, they deserve to go down with the entire ship.

I really do not know what can be done to stop what is going on. Obviously if any action is launched
against them, they will know and render it neutral. The infiltration of America by dark forces which are
obviously old world communist is now showing itself to be so complete that there is no way the American
people can ever take the country back in a peaceful way.

Trump sent out several tweets that amount to an emergency distress call, stating that the intelligence
agencies have gone fully rogue and are working directly against the American people. He is right. And
I do not think his firing of Flynn was anything other than a desperate attempt to distance himself from
an attack by the intelligence agencies that was fully intended to go all the way up to him, and take him
out as well. The bottom line is that by becoming President, Trump basically bought the Titanic 1
minute before it broke in two pieces as it was sinking after it hit the iceberg. We all knew it, and
are hoping he's some sort of God that can lift the Titanic back out of the ocean. He might be, but the
war is going to be a tough one.

Trump's biggest disadvantage is that he still trusts Jews. They will rip his guts out if he does not grow
a brain, and he won't even know where the attack came from.

FACT: The Jews own all the telecoms, and have their own spies for everything. If you can't make
a phone call without them knowing what you said, you can't organize an effort to take the
country back even if the NSA was not there. This is CLEARLY outlined in the Carl Cameron Fox
News audio file that was done shortly after 911 that I have linked in the top portion of this page.
That report shows clearly that the police could not do ANYTHING to stop Jewish crimes, all the
way back in 2002 because the Jews owned America's communications and knew everything
about what the police would do ahead of time because they could listen in on everything the
police said. If Trump does not address this issue, he can do all he wants to save America and
eventually the Jews will erase his efforts.

The swamp is such a cesspool, primarily Jewish, that Trump is like a lone firefighter trying to snuff a 3
state wildfire in a forest full of cannibal pygmies with blow gun darts that are trying to paralyze him and
serve him up for lunch. If he does get this fire snuffed, it seems it will be by the will of God alone.


EASY, absolutely anyone can.
Set up your own pre paid phone card company. You will need at least a 50 line phone switch, where every line
is answered when the same number is dialed. These are easy, many businesses have them. You put that number
on the phone cards and hand them out cheap to people who will re-sell them. These people are all over the big
cities, you see these phone cards everywhere. Then you set up VOIP and have someone else handle the output
from your phone switch and actually make the connections everyone who dials into your switch asks for.


EVERYTHING. BAM. There's your own little NSA. You will be able to listen in on ALL contacts
and ALL calls made by approximately 3,000 people with that ONE 50 line switch, because they
won't all dial out at the same time. And if max capacity is reached, you can just start dropping
calls because everyone knows those cards are crap. They will just try later. And you will know
everyone anyone calls, what their business contacts are, what they will be doing, EVERYTHING,
all from one little 50 line switch that is easy to get, and one VOIP deal with a secondary handler
so you don't have to handle the hard part of it.

The Jews do this ALL THE TIME, it is modus operandi. I'd bet every single phone card out there is
exactly this. And they will absolutely destroy anyone they want that makes a call over their system.

This is true of any cell phone service (but that is hard to set up), any land line service (but that is even
harder to set up) so just sell pre-paid cards. THAT is EASY.


UPDATE: Light rain is now coming across. I could be wrong with this, but we have to
wait and see if anything like the forecast actually happens to know for sure.

UPDATE: They opened the main spillway up to: ABSOLUTELY RIPPING. They are
worried about something.

There are no pictures since the beginning of this crisis that show it flowing like this picture, which was taken
around 11 AM California time.
HAARP Tech will be used to stop Oroville
from failing to save Commie @ss.

I still think the main spillway was blown with explosives, the
$50 bill dam break, ALL OF IT. However, I have been
keeping a close eye on the weather radar, and it seems
to me that a Haarp type system is being used to block
the rain, and push it North, away from the dam. The
rains will not hit.

To the left here is a storm that has been stalled 200

miles West of the dam for more than a day now. It is
being mostly kept in the ocean. How would Haarp do
that? By creating a high pressure region between the
dam and the storm. The storm will not pass through a
high pressure region. All they have to do is keep a high
pressure zone over the dam, and the rain will not come.

They can probably have this in any flavor they want,

but the outcome now will be that the dam will not be
allowed to fail because the plot to destroy it was

The rains will not be a problem now, all they

have to worry about is the spring runoff, and
they will probably be able to handle that.

Watch. I'll probably end up being right. Let's hope I am.

CONCLUSION: The $50 dam break might not ever happen now, EVER. I did not believe it for the
Hoover dam, because Hoover dam looks nothing like what the bill depicts. That bill shows Oroville, so
clearly it has to be what it is. If the rains are stopped and the intentionally set up failure of the emergency
spillway is circumvented by a massive construction project that is allowed to continue for weeks,
resulting in a rock solid strengthening of the hill below it, they won't be able to make the dam break
happen no matter what they try. They will have to print a new $50 I guess.


What you will see in This Video that is noteworthy

1. They got the large scale mining trucks (these are way beyond what is allowed on the road) and used them to
rapidly bring in large rocks from a mine somewhere, and with them built an entirely new road across 50 plus foot
deep erosion trenches.

2. With that road in place, they managed to get cement trucks back onto the ground at the emergency
spillway, and they are pouring concrete as fast as they can.

3. A secondary helicopter effort to bring in rocks to areas that the trucks still cannot get to.

Do I think it will work? Not if the spillway is put to heavy use in the next couple days. But the effort is
actually a real effort. I never would have thought they would ever get a road back in, but they did it, and
that alone is a major achievement. It was the only way they would ever have a chance. How effective
they are with this will all depend upon how much concrete they can manage to lay down, and if they
can get it into the key places.

I don't want to comment on this report, It is too depressing and

I am already stressed out.
They cannot drain the dam enough. As of this evening, they have only dropped it 15
feet. They can't hit the target, which means they had better hope the weather man is

The main reasons why they can't run the generators and get rid
of water that way:
1. There is too much garbage backflowing from the broken spillway to discharge into. Though I don't think there
is risk of generator damage as long as the intake is clean, they made that decision and shut them down. But
there is a bigger reason I think they shut them down: the power lines that go across the natural part of
the dam.

2. If there is any chance of the power lines getting washed out, power lines that are providing the load
that prevents the generators from overspinning, you can't run the generators. If those lines toppled, the
first thing they'd do is either blow the generators by shorting them out, or blow a protection circuit. If
that happened, suddenly none of the generators would have anything holding them back, preventing
them from overspinning. The valves are huge, and I doubt they'd close fast enough. You can't just
unload a system that large that is being driven by as much inertia as water has completely and instantly
and expect a happy outcome. Even the water itself needs time to slow down, because the column of
water in the pipe will have as much or more motion inertia as several semi trucks. You really cannot
just slam that off. So the generators are sitting there, idle because it is not safe enough to run them.

3. THIRD REASON - A NEW ONE: The spillway damage has caused so much debris to flow into the
river that it has impeded the water flow, caused the water to back up and now the power station is
flooded. There is NO CHANCE the power station will ever come back on until this crisis is totally over,
and after the power station is no longer flooded there will probably be major repairs needed.

No problem with people going back to Oroville

A reader asked if I thought it was a bad idea to let the people go home. I do not think it was a bad idea at all.
They all know the dam is still in danger. I do not believe in mandatory evacuations - I instead believe in telling
people the way it is, and let them decide for themselves. Mandatory evacuations are communist.

Right now, there is no imminent danger of dam failure. For there to be imminent danger, they have to
have either the main spillway eat much closer to the floodgates, or overtop the emergency spillway. If
neither happens the dam will live.

I am not going to play games saying only the man made portion to the right of the floodgate is the dam.
To say so is fraud. Part of this dam is man made and part of this dam is natural. It is ALL DAM. If it was
not ALL DAM, there would be no emergency spillway, no main spillway, and it would be only a hill out
in the desert with no water either. If it holds the water, can fail and let it go, IT IS THE DAM. And I was
seriously annoyed with the scam play on words saying "the dam is in no danger, only the spillway is".
That's lawyer/commie/Hillary speak. No honesty in the statement at all.

Anyway, I am ALL FOR informing the public and letting them make up their own mind. If my home was
in the path of this I'd be going back right now, now that they have allowed return, and I'd pack
EVERYTHING, including on top of the roof racks - EVERYTHING of value, carefully calculated for what
took space and what things cost. I'd park it in the garage to help prevent theft and keep an eye on the
situation myself, not waiting for the government to decide for me. Obviously they gave the evacuation
warning so late that everyone would have been dead. That was a real show of idiocy.

Hey folks, the emergency spillway is now failing within the hour, PACK UP AND ENJOY A 7 HOUR
TRAFFIC JAM. Yep. That was cute.

I still think this dam will fail. They have record water by a long shot, and no way to get rid of it. The
emergency spillway absolutely will overtop again unless the hand of God holds back the water and I'd
have to see some really nifty helicopter work to believe they could do anything at all about this. The
erosion is way too much. Maybe they will be able to control the rains that are coming, but they are going
to be toast when all the snow melts.

Trump wants Russia to give Crimea back to Ukraine

Where in the world did that come from? Is Trump drugged or what? Is Trump even running the government?
Now I am worried. Trump should not be poking the bear, that has nothing to do with making America great again.

I had to check to see if this was fake news. NOPE. It is not fake news.
New format to keep the most important issue on top: The dam near perfectly
matching the disaster on the $50 bill. - I am going to post today's stuff in the crudest simplest way to
save time while I fight a war AND keep the most relevant topic at the top of the page.

New Mexican soap opera features white supremacist shooting Mexican school in opening episode ** OROVILLE: The whole story in precious few words **
Google: Claudia's perspective: They are evil ** Michael Flynn Resigned ** Absolutely rational: Oroville was built to fail on cue ** Kim Jong's half brother
killed **

Staged event: Dam failure in $50 bill near perfect match for
There is a dam failure that shows on the $50 bill if you fold it right. This could be it, Oroville, being the
tallest dam in the country could DEFINITELY BE IT.

INDEED LOOK A LOT LIKE OROVILLE! Look at the trees on the side, and compare it
to Oroville!
Much awaited Oroville updates
Aside from handling the attacks on this site this morning, I have spent a fair amount of time getting rock
solid info on the Oroville situation which seems to be difficult to do.
1. They cannot get trucks into the emergency spillway area to repair it, because the road is gone.
See this:

2. There is a huge ravine that may look small in the photos, but it is very large that has eaten its
way to within a short distance of the emergency spillway. It is at least as deep as the hole in the
road photo above, which also looks insignificant in wide area photos because this disaster is
so big it cannot be shown in a photo.

They are trying to fill the holes with helicopters, but I do not believe that will work with holes
that big. If the dam overtops the emergency spillway again, it will fail, period. The only way they
would have a chance is if they could get a huge line of cement trucks in there, and they clearly
cannot because the road is gone. And how many truckloads of cement would it take to patch
even the first hole, which cut the road in half, and is washed out for at least a thousand feet with
similar ravines and erosion? That is not even the big hole in the photo above, it is only the one
that starts the cut in the road.

3. The main spillway continues to get eaten. In my opinion they are not letting enough water out
of it. They need to simply let it rip at the full 250,000 cfs it is rated for and hold onto their pants
and pray the whole mountain does not give out, or that the entire spillway system including the
gates is not ripped out from it after being so badly damaged. What else can they do? Clearly,
the emergency spillway is death upon next use, so they had better do everything possible to
avoid using it.

4. Every other dam in California's system is filled to capacity, and spring runoff has not even
started. Levee failures are already happening due to all the dams at high outflow and the fact
that communists in California's government gave $25 billion to illegals, while they let
California's water infrastructure rot with far less than $1 billion. Good solid snowflake logic
there. And the "snowflakes" in the mountains are going to do a nice job of re-enforcing the
outcome of that logic this spring.
MY CONCLUSION: Lake Tulare, an enormous 600 square mile inland sea that was
once in the San Joaquin valley is coming back this year, and the city of Tulare is

Oroville alone would fill lake Tulare, but is not well positioned to do it. It will take other problems to cause
that, which will probably happen.


Joy Villa, a singer I have never heard of, wore a Trump Make America Great Again dress at the Grammys.
Within hours, her album sales exploded by 18,106,633%. Ok, I hate it when people state percents,
because it makes it look like more than it is.So let me say that with real numbers: After Joy wore the
MAGA dress, her album sales increased by 181,066.33 TIMES. So if she sold six albums yesterday, today
she sold over a million. Her album, "I Make the Static" was number 2,300 on the charts, which means
with normal sales she probably had 100 a day. It is now #1. It is on Amazon HERE
By the way California spent $25 billion on entitlements for illegals last year, and only budgeted
$730 million for water infrastructure. I don't think that is what caused Oroville to fail, but it really
is something to consider . . . . . .


There will be no more updates tonight because I have to get some sleep. Listen to the emergency
personnel, this emergency is no hoax.

UPDATE: By opening the primary spillway to 115,000 cfs they drained the top foot
and a half off the reservoir quickly and dropped the lake level to below the emergency
spillway level. However, so much erosion happened that they don't know how far
below that they need to go to get the water to stop flowing around the emergency
spillway through an erosion breach. THEY HAVE NOT GIVEN THE ALL CLEAR, but it
might be getting better, my guess.

They decided to sacrifice what's left of the main spillway to stop a catastrophic failure elsewhere. That
won't last, more rain is coming and record snow is there to melt.

There were a few readers who said I reported about the dam too much. I kept on it,
because I strongly believe the spillway failure was sabotage. And I did not think they
would sabotage the spillway unless they had run endless 3d modeling proving an
absolute failure would result. I was confident this failure was the end result of careful
modeling and sabotage to make it happen, but did not say it because it sounded too
"out there".

And now, TOO BAD, I'D RATHER BE WRONG but now the emergency spillway is failing also, because it
is just too much water to run over a damaged dam. I believe communists in California's government blew
the primary spillway up with explosives. After that, nature would finish the catastrophe. And I believe
they carefully planned this out fully, complete with ground penetrating radar scans to prove there would
be a horrible end result. That is the type of people that are running California now, I would not put this
one inch past them.

Whatever happens now all depends upon how strong the rock in the mountain is that all of this
water is going to flow over if the emergency spillway does give out completely. Hopefully we
will only lose the top 50 feet of water, and not all 770 feet of it. The dam report will be updated
regularly in the embedded window.


They are trying to patch a breach that happened to the side of the emergency spillway with rocks and
sand bags dropped from helicopters. They also alleviated the pressure by opening up the main spillway
a lot more than they wanted to. Time will tell if this works, but the problem is, more rains are on the way
in a few days, and it is going to be difficult to drain the dam down far enough for this, to prevent
overtopping of the emergency spillway again if they manage to get this latest breach stopped.

And then there is that snowpack . . . . .

My guess is that they will probably save it tonight, and lose it later. They simply can't handle
what is coming when the main spillway has to operate at it's full capacity of 250,000 cfs to get
rid of it and maybe even that would not handle it.

All oroville dam reports below this point have been superseded
by the emergency failure report above, yes, they lost it but not
catastrophically yet and are trying to get it back by dropping
rocks and sand bags from helicopters.

Oroville update
I spent a couple hours going over videos, comments, and pictures with regard to Oroville dam. From
what I can see, the hillside below the emergency spillway is better material than what the main spillway
went over. However, there are some minor indicators that the emergency spillway has issues. I don't
know how significant they will end up being, but it appears there might be minor erosion happening on
the face. And so far, the depth of the water going over it is only about 1 foot 4 inches. If the inflows
become significant, I would guess it could have a wall of water 6 feet high going over it. That will be an
entirely new ball game.
All the maintenance records on the dam show that the spillway was in perfect condition. Since
the initial rupture video shows concrete flying high in the air, I still think the spillway was blown
up or sabotaged. This dam has had recent outflows through that spillway of 170, 000 cfs (double
Niagra Falls) without issue. For it to self destruct with only 60-70, 000 is a serious reach, I do
not believe this was any sort of mishap. Obviously I have no proof of explosives destroying the
spillway, or of intentional digging under it by a sabotage crew happened, but can say that is a
perfectly rational explanation. Even the engineers are wondering how this happened. That
means a LOT.

I have my doubts that this will end well, but also have a fair amount of hope that it will. But this
year outflows are likely to reach 300, 000 cfs and with no control over what is going on, well,
what can be said? Can the mountain side handle 3-4X Niagra falls? Your guess is as good as

Ultimately it will all depend on how well the materials around the emergency spillway hold up,
and how well the spillway itself holds up.
Whale beachings

9th Circuit Court considering hearing immigration ban block

President Trump did not request this. The 9th circuit court did. The first hearing was done with only 3 judges.
The court is considering doing the hearing again with 11 judges. Why would they do that? Because they know
they broke the law, and want to avoid being broken up. Breaking up the 9th circuit court is the only way to handle
them obstructing justice, when the law so clearly states Trump had the power to do the travel ban.

WHAT'S WORSE? They want Trump to file for them so they can run it again! If Trump is smart,
he'll tell them to stuff it and simply take the court apart.

The MSM is doing backflips to try to say it is a new executive order the are going to hear. But I have
been over a few reports, and in the second half, they all say the 9th circuit court wants to re-hear the
ORIGINAL executive order with 11 judges, not a new one. And the only way they'd be considering that
is if they knew their butts were on a hot plate.

Oroville dam within 1/4 inch of overflowing over emergency

The emergency spillway is a concrete wall that simply drops the water onto the mountainside. If it works without
ripping the mountain back, that's great, but there is significant reason to believe it won't go so well.

All the maintenance paperwork was submitted for the main spillway, and all of it shows the spillway
was in perfect condition. The spillway gets regular inspection, and all reports said it was in perfect
shape. I still say the most probable scenario was that it was intentionally sabotaged or bombed.
If they can produce the paperwork to show it was in perfect condition, and all the photos out
there indicate that, then what else is there to conclude?

They have a serious problem - the erosion is so extreme now that they had to reduce flows over the
main spillway because it was going to eat the mountain all the way back to the power lines (these are
in the pictures, they are the super huge ones) and make the power lines fall. The original breach was
nowhere near those power lines, but running the destroyed spillway caused the water to eat the
mountain back so far they were worried about the power lines falling. That is hundreds of feet of erosion.

Hey jim, do you know anything about what causes whales to beach themselves? A mass beaching of
300 whales just happened in NZ, and i found some information saying whale beachings are indicative
of a major earthquake or changes in the earth's magnetic field...your thoughts please

My response: The biggest cause of whale beachings that I know of is high powered navy sonar that
is searching for submarines. High powered Navy sonar is so loud it can be heard by whales for a
thousand miles. When it is close enough it hurts them badly. And they often beach because of
it. Whales will beach themselves any time they think they are sick enough or have enough of a
problem to harm other whales. Mass beachings happen when large numbers of whales get
extremely upset about something, enough to make them think they have a problem with
themselves. So whatever that would be, outside of navy sonar it is anyone's guess.

Trump has backed the one China policy

When Trump first took office, he offered support to Taiwan as an individual nation. China sees Taiwan as a
renegade province. Previous administrations have honored China's claims to Taiwan by dealing with Taiwan
only through China. When Trump gave Taiwan special attention in the first days of his presidency, it angered
China badly. Today, in a call with President Xi, Trump backed off on supporting Taiwan as an independent nation
and supported the one China policy. I say that was a GOOD MOVE, if Trump wants to "Make America Great
Again" there is absolutely no reason to anger China. It is going to be rough enough going as it is with the new
position on trade. By backing the one China policy, Trump has greatly reduced the chance of war with
China, which is the last thing he needs. Let China be China, and stick to MAGA.

That boy learns quick.

Trump said no to Eliot Abrams

That's good news, we don't need a POS war hawk swamp supported big media loved globalist back stabber
like that running the state department. We don't need another Clinton clone in office anywhere.

The state department, in my opinion, got so corrupted under Clinton, Bush, and Obama that it needs a
purge all the way down to the lowest employees. Not just stopping with ambassadors. Trump has
already done a significant purge, but it won't do a whole lot of good if he puts crap right back in.

Oroville update:

The water is now 4.5 feet from the top of the emergency spillway. They are using the damaged spillway as much
as possible. One reader asked why you can't see the rebar My guess is that the cameras can't resolve it
because the scene is too big. If there is none, that would be quite a shock.

Betsy DeVos got attacked

This is pretty much a non story but I will mention it because it is making the rounds. Leftists at a school in DC
attempted to prevent her from entering an event at the school. She managed to get to a door that was not
blocked, and spoke at the event. That pretty much sums it up.

Lots of messages about Kristol

Both sides of the fence. I am on the side of : If he in any way said whites should be replaced by immigrants, he's
toast and belongs in the grave. Period. End of discussion.

Preliminary impeachment filed against Trump

Yep, they did it. The basis for impeachment proceedings is that Trump owns businesses, and there is a conflict
of interest. The chances of this working are probably nil, but it is still important to at least say someone had the
audacity to do it.


if they accept the complete death of the normal spillway.
UPDATE: They are going to just open up the damaged spillway and let it rip. That
would be a good move as far as I see it, because it will put the worst erosion more
than a thousand feet away from the top, rather than risk whatever happens if they use
the overflow and put the erosion right at the top.

New damage proves probable doom

This photo to the left shows the damaged after they did a small release to see how the damage would progress
if they tried to use the spillway. As you can see, it is total doom, because it is working its way up the dam rather
than down it. The next photo down is making the rounds, claiming it was a maintenance issue. Though
that might be possible, I still think it is improbable and that what has happened is the result of sabotage.

This doom photo to the left here shows it has progressed up the dam to where the maintenance trucks
are in the photo below. The trucks in the maintenance photo could have been there for any reason.
And IF they are at the point of the original failure (that is hard to determine but I don't think so) all it
proves is that the democrats who have been destroying California for decades now chose to neglect
things rather than repair them, and it is still their fault. This happened after Arnold was out, but I don't
think he'd have done anything either because he's a worthless pocket stuffer as bad as any democrat.

What we are seeing at Oroville is cold hard proof that environmentalists, democrats, all of what has
been running America lately have real consequences in the real world and it really does not matter how
much they can spew about how great they are when we can look at the results right here. There is an
extremely high chance of total catastrophe now. I was totally depressed last night over this,
because there is true impending doom that would have NEVER happened in Trump's America
and there is nothing at all that can be done about it now, we just have to watch whatever
happens unfold.
Improbable explanation photo for dam failure making the
I seriously doubt it!

There is a 2013 photo of

maintenance crews with their
trucks on the spillway making
the rounds, and the claim is
that they knew the dam had a
problem and did nothing. I
doubt it. Obviously if they
can just drive their trucks on
the spillway this is normal
maintenance and from what I
can find of this photo, the
trucks are not even where the
failure actually happened,
they are higher up on the
spillway. The photo is
cropped in a way that makes
it impossible with the different
perspectives to see where
the trucks actually are on the

You can't just take a

random photo and then
make a claim like this, but
this will probably still go
viral. My take is that this
dam was sabotaged by
communists in California's
government to cause the
current problem, and
maintenance had nothing
to do with it. And if I am
wrong about that, it was
still Communists anyway,
who probably made a
stupid environmental excuse for doing nothing while they stuffed their paychecks with the money that
should have gone to maintenance because they hated America and wanted it to fail. I doubt it, but if it
was maintenance related the story would be that.

And lots of people I can only call idiots are saying the dam failed because it was old. That's a load of
BUNK, this type of infrastructure is designed to last 500 years or more, this dam was
NEW. Mexico is absolutely loaded with dams that were built at the time of Cortez and age has not made
a difference, they are fine. Their biggest problem is reduced capacity due to sedimentation.

Nuclear plant explosion in France

There was no explosion at a nuclear power facility in France and that is why I did not mention it. The
reports should have all said "Explosion near nuclear facility in France". All the reports mention there was an
explosion but I did not see one that mentioned exactly what exploded. Most likely it was a transformer or
something else of the sort. But it happened outside of any nuclear area so I did not bother with it.

The Oroville dam will probably overtop by tomorrow

at noon. If not then, shortly after. Then it will finally
be big news, when it is TOO LATE. Just the way the
scamming MSM and other assorted communists
would want it.


BLEW IT UP THAT WAY. That is a lie. They peaked
at 70,000 CFS and I have re-confirmed that it was
designed for 250,000 CFS. My (unproven) explosives
theory stands stronger now, because why would
they lie like that? If the destruction was not
intentional they'd have instead said, "we were only
running it at 28 percent capacity, and it gave out".
Now they are inventing stories to explain how on
earth it got destroyed and that is very suspicious.

I did a capture of Wikipedia because it matched what I already said.

Don't let the trolls fool you, WHY ON EARTH would they lie about this

Surprise: I wanted a second source to post here about the

spillway capacity in case Wikipedia got expunged. But there are
countless reports about this that are years old, and they all say
250,000. So don't fall for the lie when it gets spewed about them
"blowing it up" with 70,000. Oh, yes, they probably did "blow it up", with the water as a coincidence.


He just came right out and said it. And he was worried about getting caught on video saying it. Well, he did get
caught on video saying it, and of course, Youtube jammed the video so it cannot be viewed. If anyone has this
video, SEND IT. He's obviously now finished. And Youtube should be finished for blocking this truth from
widespread views.

Kristol said that white America had become lazy, so they should be thrown away and have immigrants
work instead.PROBLEM: White America built the greatest country on earth. You don't do that by being
lazy. Immigrants do not work as hard or as well as white America because it is too hard, and wherever
they come from has either no work schedule or a relaxed schedule. Additionally, no pool of immigrants
is anywhere near as educated as the baby boomers or GenX. That matters. Even Mexico has relaxed
work schedules. They do not work in Mexico as hard as white America works in America. That said,
Mexicans don't have to work as much because the Mexican government is not screwing them at every
turn. Maybe Kristol should suggest similar treatment of Americans. Oh, he hates Trump because Trump
is going to do that! Kristol is just a white race hater and that is all. He can't possibly be that stupid on
this topic.

Trump presented his tax plan

No taxes on singles making up to 25,000, married couples making up to 50,000, no death tax, and no tax rate
anywhere above 25 percent. Loopholes completely ripped out for corporations, they will pay now.

Sounds good. Awaiting details.

Brexit passed Parlaiment.

I don't know enough about British government to know what happens next, but the margin it passed by was
ENORMOUS. 3:1 (approximately). It looks like the British government is not going to walk on the people after
all. This is euro DOOM to the max.

Department of education to be disbanded in 2018

REP Massey Thomas submitted a bill (H.R. 899) to abolish the department of education. This is to
happen in December of 2018. DeVos will clean up the mess, and then it will likely be put in a trash bag
and thown on the curb. does not have the text of the bill posted at the time of this writing,
but when it is posted it will be HERE

Melania won her defamation lawsuit

Even the scamming Politico had to be honest about this. She sued the Daily Mail and blogger Webster Tarpley
for calling her a high end escort and other defaming comments that were pure fiction. The court threw out her
case against tthe Daily Mail, saying it was out of the court's jurisdiction. But they let the lawsuit against Tarpley
proceed, and she won. Sorry about the link to Politico, but their report is complete. You can tell they hated to say

Nothing changed at Fukushima

The only difference between this week and last week is that this week the mainstream discovered just how bad
it really is. This is something I have covered for YEARS. And they still are not saying how bad it really is. I am
not going to bother with this topic right now because I have already said it all and more multiple times, and Oriville
dam is a lot more important for America.

A dam in Nevada just broke

The twentyone mile reservoir in Elko county Nevada broke. It is not nearly as bad as the Oroville dam but it
should be mentioned. This will result in flooded roads and little more.

Trump knocked down by courts

The swamp monster lives in the court system. I will not say justice system. The courts violated the law, and for
some reason are protected. This needs to be priority number one on Trump's short list.
The Oroville dam is going to overflow and there
is nothing they can do to stop it.
Right now the inflow is 180,000 cfs and they can only get rid of at most 30,000 cfs. The conditions at the dam
were greatly worsened by increased rains. I still believe the spillway was destroyed with explosives to prevent a
controlled release. If the spillway was not damaged, it would handle the current inflow without incident. However,
now they are going to have to let the water flow over the mountain that forms part of the dam, and that has never
been done before. If the mountain cannot take the beating, it is going to be GAME OVER.

At the current inflow rates, once the dam overtops the mountain will have to take, at this time, the full
fury of the entire Niagra falls, TIMES TWO, and worse, Niagra falls only has a drop of a little more than
200 feet. This water will do a drop of 900 feet. It is going to be epic, even if it does not end up being an
epic disaster.

There is nothing they can do to stop this, because with the spillway as damaged as it is, there will be
little difference between letting the dam overflow and trying to use the spillway which is effectively

The silence of the government is deafening. They are still telling the public not to worry. I believe that
is negligent to the point of criminal. At the current rate of rising water, the dam will overtop
tomorrow. If you live downstream it would be a very good idea to pack the car and take a week
end vacation.

Target stocks down $10 billion since bathroom

Many of you may remember when Target changed its bathroom policy about a year
ago. This change in policy let a man use the woman's restroom if he claimed to be
a transgender and at least half dressed like a woman. Well, it backfired on Target.

Target has been forced to discontinue expansion efforts after its stock value
fell by $18, which was a 25 percent decrease.


They can't take much more of this. As much as Wal Mart should
not be an option, it is a FAR better option than Target, which is
a self declared enemy of values and common sense.

Breitbart had a great write up on this, SEE THIS

Some of my readers are saying I have understated the capacity of Oroville dam.
My calculations are accurate, and are based on the acre feet the dam is stated to be capable of holding. It may
be the tallest dam in America, but what it will actually hold is completely dependent upon the terrain behind it. It
is not the highest capacity dam, it is the tallest dam. Even still, 4.8 estimated cubic kilometers at overtopping
level is a lot.

Why is it important that Jeff Sessions was

sworn in?
Because Jeff Sessions is not a traitor to the United States, and Jeff Sessions has the ability to destroy corrupt
judges. Jeff Sessions has the ability to launch prosecutions and drain the swamp. Sessions will destroy the
corrupt judge that defied Trump's immigration ban because the judge clearly went against the laws of the United
States. Here is the text of the law the judge violated in clear insubordination to the President:

8 U.S. Code 1182 - Inadmissible aliens - (this code was written before Trump took office, so he's
totally in the clear on this) (f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States
would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period
as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or
nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.
Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of
the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used
by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the
Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such

The judge that blocked Trump's order, which was clearly a legitimate order that was based on
this pre-existing code, is going to be in DEEP DOO DOO now that Sessions is sworn in.

A final summary of the Oroville dam situation


The engineers are totally confused at what happened, and are saying they can't explain it because "it was not
supposed to do that". That is engineering lingo for "there is something seriously unexplained here". Yeah, like
2,000 pounds of high explosives.

They probably will not be able to make the mental leap to that conclusion however, because, you know,
the brain wash.

A giant dam in Northern California (the largest dam in the United States) suffered a major failure in its
spillway when it was operating at 28 percent output capacity. Forget what others are saying about how
"huge" the outflow was because the outflow from this particular dam is always huge. Some say it was
at 60,000 cfs when it failed, others say it was at 70,000 CFS when it failed, but when it can handle
250,000 cfs that's just a trickle no matter how huge it looks on camera.

I strongly suspect it was destroyed by a bomb by communists and subversives in California's

government. I find it extremely odd that this enormous water resource has been crippled right when it
could save California agriculture after an extended and proven fabricated drought, which absent the
draining of the dams on purpose would have meant nothing. It is proven that the dams were drained
in the name of giving tons of water to a fictitious fish called the "delta smelt", which was an
invasive species dropped in the Sacramento River delta by settlers 100 years ago. It does not
belong there anyway, so saying it is endangered is pure fiction, and nothing but an excuse to destroy
California. A textbook communist tactic.

Due to the well proven fact that California has been over-run by subversives who fully intend to destroy
America, I believe it is perfectly rational to state a high but unprovable probability that the destruction
of the spillway at the Oroville dam was done with explosives. "Made In America" does not fail at 28
percent capacity, "made in America" fails at 300 percent capacity, when this dam was built America
usually overbuilt everything by that much. It is irrational to the fringe of lunacy to think that there would
be any reason at all, other than intentional sabotage and destruction for this to have happened.

Now the dam is filling at a record rate, and over the last two days has used 230,000 acre feet of
it's 500,000 acre feet remaining reserve. My estimate, probably bang on. And the snow runoff
season has not even started, with record snowpack. The dam cannot release enough water
through the power station to get rid of the water that is coming in, the spillway is needed for
this. They can either use the spillway and destroy it entirely, or allow the water to flow over the
top of the natural part of the dam (which has trees, roads, it is just basically a mountain) and
hope to God the natural materials can handle having that much water running over them. At this
time, "that much" is equal to the flow over Niagra Falls. When the spring runoff hits, it will
probably be more than that.

My big worry is that even if the natural mountain can handle that, that there are probably additional
explosives embedded, that will be set off once enough water is flowing to obscure the blasts. Granted,
this dam is in a remote region but it is designed to hold 4.3 cubic kilometers "business as usual" and
will be holding (by my estimate) 4.8 cubic kilometers of water when it over tops. That is a recipe for a
serious disaster.

To sum it up: There is a very tense situation developing in Northern California that could result in
absolute catastrophe. There is nothing the engineers can do, because the hole is 30 feet deep, 100
feet across and 200 feet tall. This will be impossible to fill in only two days, which is approximately how
long it will take for the dam to hit 100 percent and start flowing over. I believe it was done intentionally,
with explosives but have no proof other than common sense. And even if the dam does fail, I do not
believe communists in California's government will turn on the pumps in the delta to give any of the
huge burst of water to California growers because they want California agriculture destroyed, that fact
is plain as day from past actions alone. When the government becomes your enemy, and wants your
nation destroyed (which clearly, clearly is true of California now) this type of thing will become the status


UPDATE: Engineers were sent to the spillway to assess it. There is probably nothing they can do unless a
national effort involving every aircraft available bombs the hole with cement to fill it before the dam overtops.
This probably won't be done.

They cannot explain how the hole got there to begin with and are only guessing. They might just open
the spillway and accept it being destroyed. I think that would be safer than letting the water flow over
the top of the dam. Everything is very risky when there is almost 800 feet of water pressure being held
back. Absolutely anything can happen.


This means Pizzagate will finally be prosecuted, and Hillary is going to jail. It means a whole lot more. This is
what was needed to FINALLY drain the swamp. It means the people who wrecked the dam in California are
probably going to jail. MAGA!
I have no proof of this yet, but the videos of the failure show chunks of concrete flying high in the air when this
failure happened. Add to this a huge crater at the failure site, and the cold hard fact that the dam was
discharging water at only 28 percent of capacity when this happened and outright sabotage starts to look
very plausible. And there are other questions: This is the tallest dam in America that is about to be overtopped
by floodwaters. This is IMMINENT, and now they can't get rid of the water. Yet the state says no one needs to

This all adds up to the dam being wrecked on purpose, to invite a spectacular disaster. This report is
getting widespread attention and I think I should tone it down a bit, but COME ON NOW, something is
fishy here and I really do think this is an attack on America's infrastructure by hardline communists in
California's government that want nothing other than for America to be destroyed. That this is
happening just as California agriculture has a chance after a totally fake drought/water crisis
the same communists caused is just too fishy to ignore.

Be aware that they are comparing the output of this dam to Niagra falls, and how much water was
coming out - that it matched Niagra Falls. That sounds impressive, but this dam is designed to be able
to output 2.5x as much as what goes over Niagra falls when Niagra falls is at absolute max. So the
comparisons are a ruse that sounds good, but NOT IN THE CONTEXT OF THIS MASSIVE PIECE OF

This happens to be an absolutely giant dam, with absolutely awesome output capacity. 28 percent of
that capacity will look like a LOT.


Whatever happens to this dam is going to depend upon what the base under the spillway is made of. If it is
predominantly solid granite, a complete failure might not do a lot. But if it is any sort of aggregate it is going to


This dam is 50 feet taller than the Hoover dam.
The communists in California's legislature set this disaster up and are ignoring it on
purpose. WHY??!!??


Anonymous sent:

Isn't the dam system a federally funded project? Why can't the feds step in and do something about
this? I have been on lake Oroville many times and you cannot get a proper perspective of the
size of the lake with pictures. It is huge! If they do nothing and it breaks the death toll will be
unimaginable. There are a lot of homes that will simply be swept away. To let that happen knowing it
is a possibility should make the government guilty of pre-meditated murder! It is absolutely insane that
there is not even a sign of anything in that picture that shows they have even looked at it! Not even a
"Do Not Cross" tape around it. Clearly a case of mismanagement at the very least! Un-f**king

My response: If Trump is kept in the dark about this long enough, the disaster will happen and then you
can bet they will try to use this as grounds for impeachment all the while Trump had nothing to do with
it. That is how the left in this country operates. The camera angles used to photograph this crisis are
borderline criminal. It is all camera tricks to make people think this is just a small project, when in fact
it is the tallest dam in America with 2.5X the controlled output capacity of Niagra Falls at peak flow.
They make the damaged spillway look like a small rain gutter in the pictures! And the floodwaters are
going to overtop the dam in less than 5 days without the spillway working. Ignoring this is CRIMINAL!.

I have searched for pictures that show how huge the dam is, and there is nothing that can show it
because the dam is so huge that by the time the dam is in the picture, anything people normally
recognize is too small to see. Cars, people, houses, all become either indistinguishable or invisible

To be clear about Arnold Schwarzeneggar for the dam report:

Arnold was the governor of California until 2011, and he let subversives destroy California agriculture and get
away with the delta smelt water shortage fakery until he left the governorship, and at that time the water scam
was well into three years. He is either a foreign enemy on American soil or a complete idiot only able to act a
script. Being from Austria he should never have been allowed a government position, let alone be governor of
California. Just because he acted Terminator really well means nothing, I don't own a terminator movie that has
him in it and never will. Boycott.

The bottom line is that the dam failure in California was probably done intentionally
via sabotage and intentional mismanagement, to finalize the destruction of California
agriculture. And even if the dam breaks you can bet that evil powers will do
everything they can to divert even that flood away from growers, and if they do a
controlled drain of the dam for repairs, the growers will not get a single drop.

Publicity trolls are trying to cover up the fact it was probably sabotage by comparing the dam's output at failure
to Niagra falls. FACT: Despite having almost as much outflow as Niagra falls when it failed, IT WAS ONLY AT
28 PERCENT RATED MAXIMUM FLOW. The dam was built to absolutely dwarf the flow over Niagra falls.
Failure with an outflow that was so much less than it was designed for is far more than improbable.

California authorities are saying there is no danger to the dam or to the public. This is a LIE.
They just want people to sit on their butts until disaster strikes and at current inflow rates that
will happen in less than 5 days. Maybe the dam itself won't fail, but the mountain to the side of
the dam, where the spillway is located, sure as hell will. Why the word play? Ask your local
California communist.

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