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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam -

March 07, 2017

Why should we be consistent in executing all our duties? Bhagawan lovingly explains to
us today.

All of you have vast resources of powers. When you do not utilise
them while discharging duties to yourself and to the society that
sustains you, you are only becoming a target for ridicule. When
you are on a railway station platform, waiting for the train that is
due and you hear the announcement that it will arrive five hours
later, how do you feel? Dont you fling abusive words at the train?
When the mere coaches receive from you such a treatment, how
much worse treatment would you deserve if you do not fulfill your
duty and your responsibilities to the society? Utilise your skills
and learning as consistently and effectively as duty demands.
Unless used, even a watch gets rusted, what can be said
therefore of unused skill? The body has not been granted by God
to be fed, well clothed and to be paraded around in pride. The
body has to be exercised to keep it trim as a tool for serving

- Divine Discourse, Jun 27, 1981

Avoid hating, envying or even disliking anyone. Put love into practice through service.

07 mwrc, 2017

sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn

pRSn : swnUM, AwpxIAW swrIAW ifaUtIAW nUM pUrw krn leI ikauN pikAweI r`KxI cwhIdI hY? Bgvwn, A`j swnUM,
ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[

auq`r: quhwfy kol, SkqIAW pRwpq krn dy keI swDn hn[ jd qusIN, AwpxIAW auh SkqIAW , Awpxy leI Aqy
Awpxy smwj leI iemwndwrI nwl pRXog nhIN krdy qW lok quhwfI bdKoeI krdy hn[ jd qusIN, rylvy stySn dy
plytPwrm qy g`fI Awaux dw ieMqjwr kr rhy huMdy ho Aqy ieh GoSxw huMdI hY ik g`fI pMj GMty lyt hY qW quhwnUM, iks
qrHW dw mihsUs huMdw hY? kI qusIN g`fI nUM, mwVy Sbd nhIN boldy? jy qusIN, g`fI dy f`ibAW nUM burw Blw kih skdy ho qW
soco, jd qusIN Awpxy smwj pRiq AwpxI ifaUtI, iemwndwrI nwl nhIN inBwauNdy qW qusIN iks qrHW dy ivvhwr dy
h`kdwr ho? Awpxy hunr Aqy is`iKAw nUM, ifaUtI dy muqwbk lgwqwr Aqy sUJ-bUJ nwl vrqo[ijvyN, nw pRXog ivc
Awaux vwlI GVI nUM jMg lg jWdw hY ausy qrHW pRXog nw kIqw hunr vI bykwr ho jWdw hY[Bgvwn ny ieh SrIr, Bojn
Kwaux, cMgy kpVy pwaux Aqy hMkwr nwl isr au`cw kr ky clx leI nhIN id`qw [ies SrIr nUM cusq r`K ky lokW dI
syvw ivc lgwau[( 27 jUn, 1981 dy idvX pRvcn)[

iksy nUM vI nPrq krn, eIrKw krn Aqy nwpsMd krn qoN bco[lokW dI syvw kr ky Awpxy ipAwr nUM, A`iBAws ivc lY
ky Awau[(bwbw)[

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