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Julio Salas

February 26, 2017

EDFD 404
Field Hours

Field Hours Week 6

For this weeks field hours I spent the full week in a 6th grade classroom this time

covering math. The class this week learned about quadrants, coordinates, and how to find

and create polygons on a 2 number line graph. During the week I was able to attend a

PLC and because of it I am able to compare and contrast this schools with mine.

To begin with the staff meeting occurred during the day at around 1:30 pm CSA

or Colorado STEM Academy is an innovation school in the district of Westminster Public

Schools. The school has an early release day every Wednesday by 2 hours and it is during

this time that teacher have their weekly staff meeting. Right off the bat this is different

when compared to my school, as our meetings take place after school on Wednesdays,

and runs from 3:25 to around 4:35. Other differences are the content of the meetings; this

is not unusual as these types of PLCs have their own individual agendas. Location

differences were also noticed, the STEM school does not have a library in the building

and the PLC occurred in a large room that the assistant principal and principal share. Our

weekly PLCs take place in the school library, as it is a large room with chairs and tables

available for use.

What was discussed at the PLC I would like to keep private, as it has to do with

innovation contract. Besides that staff and educators discussed upcoming events and how

the school is doing in terms of summative assessments, as mid year assessment result will
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be coming back soon. During my PLC, again I would like to keep this to myself as it is

regarding changes coming to the school itself. Many things discussed did only pertain to

teachers as empower and dibbles were discussed. I do know what dibbles is, but do not

know how empower works. It was at this point in both meeting that I was given the ok to

leave if I wanted.

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