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Norse Myth Discussion Questions

How Odin Lost His Eye (113)

1. Why is it a more powerful symbol to have Odin give up his eye than to have him
sacrifice his hearing or a limb?

Friggas Necklace (118)

1. In myths, impersonal forces like nature are personified, that is, they are often given
human characteristics and even living form. How is evil personified in this story?

2. Why was it wrong of Frigga not to admit she had stolen the gold? How do you think
Odin would have reacted if she had confessed what she had done?

Sifs Golden Hair (125)

1. How is the plot affected by the fact that Thor pays attention to Odins warning? How
does this fact affect your opinion of Thor?

The Magic Gifts (128)

1. Compare the arguments that Loki and Frigga use to persuade a dwarf to help.

The Dwarfs Contest (131)

1. Why does Loki attack Brock instead of Sindri? Wouldnt it have been smarter to
attack Sindri since he was the one making the magic gifts?

2. Lokis appearance as a horsefly showed that he had magical powers. Whose powers
were greater, those of the dwarfs or those of Loki? Why do you think so?

3. Loki lost the bet with Brock. However, Loki was a god and Brock was only a dwarf.
Do you think a god should have to pay a dwarf? Why or why not?
Thors Voyage to the Land of the Giants (139)
1. Do you think that Thor was fair in taking Thialfi and his sister with him as punishment
for eating the bone? Explain your opinion.

2. Would you have felt it was a terrible punishment to travel with the gods? Remember
that their journey could be dangerous as well as exciting.

The Contest with the Giants (144)

1. Sometimes strength in a characters personality can turn into a weakness. Do you
think that Thor is overly confident? Or is it good that he believes in himself?

2. Do the contests that Thor engages in test his intellectual or his physical powers? Does
this kind of contest fit Thors personality?

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