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What is Soil Improvement? countries coastal properties are already densely populated
In the dredging industry soil improvement is typically >` i >i> i>L >i Vi >>V ii v
implemented: recreation and residence. Consequently, with the growth
U / ii iVii iii v iV>i` >` in the worldwide population, land along the coasts has
i Li} i` v VV i become scarce, causing land prices to escalate.
i>} i >` vi > i iii
U / i>Vi i vvi `i ii /V>i>`Vi>i>iV>>i>i
iv>V >` Lii `>>}i Vi >V>>>i>>>`/iii
iViii} >i> vi V v V >i v v V>
U / i>Vi i i> i} v i ii ,iV>>Vi>ii>`iiv>i]
v>i V>} `ii>` i} 7>} v i >>
U /i>ViiLi>}V>>Vvi>` iiiv>`>iV}>`V
U /Li>LiV>>`i`}i` />VVii>iiiiiVi]i`i`}}
in order to eliminate environmental impacts. ` > ii` iii iV}V> ii>V
Soil improvement techniques vary depending on the i V`> v ii v  >``] i
V>>ViVvi-iiVi>i>i` iiV>i`vi>i>i>`ii`
V`>ii}iL>`i>iiVvV> be compacted.
How is Soil Improvement used to
What is the difference between reduce environmental impacts?
c ompaction and consolidation? Soil improvement is also applied to improve the mechanical
A distinction should be made between compaction V>>ViV v V>>i` v L L}
iVivi>`>`V`>iViv heavy metals and other soil contaminants. Many techniques
>Vi`vV>i}>>` have been developed to consolidate contaminated
and can be done with smooth rollers, HEIC, or dynamic sediments such as dewatering the sediment to reduce the
>V >` >V V>V Lv> >v]VL}ii`i>``i]
7iivi]]i>Viii` V > } i`i Vii V > i
>ii`/iiV>Li>`i]}`i>`} iVVi i v i i`i > VV >`
with cement or other suitable materials that render the soil reclamation material.
> i`>i i>` v i "i iVi >i
i`iVivii`}V`>vi How does Soil Improvement help in
/ii V`i iV> `>] >` `> >` > i earthquake prone regions?
> > i> >] 
" */ ] > i > Vi>i}vi`i>>>`
vacuum consolidation, all methods in which soil i viiV v iV >V V> Li i>i}
ii>i>}ii`vi >i VV / V> Li > i i i
Why is consolidation for Soil V>i]>v]]>ii>>`
I mprovement used during land Here too, advanced technologies have made steady
r e clamat i on? >`>Vi `ii} Vii>i v V}
>` iV>> >} V>i i v i ii>viV>LL}iV>Viv
}vV> >Vi v i `i`}} `  iv>V
W hat is soil liquefaction? >i `>i i ] }>`> v} v i
iv>VVV>>i`]>]V stressed zone. Increased pore pressure may also cause soil
the space between individual soil particles is completely >L>`>iv>i>i
vi` >i /i >i ii > ii i A vertical drainage system drains are generally placed
>Vi>viVi}i>Viiii > >i >}> >i] >Vi` > >L
are pressed together. Water pressure in soil is generally ii q > v > v>i i> v iVi i >i
relatively low. However, when an earthquake occurs, the `iVi>}iv>iv>i/iV`>v
shaking can cause the water pressure to increase to a degree vVii}iV>`>V>i`Viiii
where the soil particles begin to move around and create ivi>i}>Li>}V>>V
an unstable situation. Such an increase in water pressure adequate and construction can commence rapidly.
can also be activated by construction-related activities
V>L>}iv>V`iVi>iii}vi What is vacuum consolidation?
>` i`Vi i V>>V v i i 6>V V`> > Vi iiL >V
v`>vL`}]L`}i>`iVi/i ii>i`>>i>>i>`>i`*6
Lviv>VV>VVi}i i>Vi>ii`>ivviViiii>
as well as in reclaimed land. iVi ii i >V> v > V>}i
>`} iii >i v i v V> -V
I s Soil Improvement always necess a r y ? >`}Lii>iViviiVi>`}
 i V>i v iV>i` >`] V`> iv to which the developed land will be subjected. In vacuum
natural course may take a decade or more. Given the consolidation, the vacuum pressure applied contributes to
}iii`vi>>}i>Li i V>}i >`}] >` iivi >V> V>}i
>Li L`  v>V] v i i >` >Li v i}>ii`Vi`>``>>>`>>}iv
VV i > i>>Li iv>i >` i>ViV>ivi>Vii
i v>Vi Li} L >i `i>i` i >` > >` i Vi>i` ii v i >L `i
settled enough to support buildings or an airport or houses, i>`}] i`V} V`i>L i v i v>i
the project may be jeopardised. A lengthy turnaround i}viV>}i
i` V> >i VV> V> >` v>V>
V>] Vi v L iVV >` V> i> What are the BeauDrain, IFCO and
the reclaimed land is usually needed as soon as possible. PTD systems?
/i}`iiiViLi}i``> ,iVi ii> i i v vVi` V`> L
>i }vV> ii` i iv>i v i>} }vv}`>i>iLii`iii`6>>
ii>`vi>`iiviiVi`iiVV v iVi >i V>i` 
"] */ >` i> >
>L v > iV /i V`> >i > /i i> >
"*/ VVi VLi i}]
LiVi>ii>>vii>`ii> i i` V > iV> `>>}i V `>]
techniques have been developed to stabilise the new >iV >`} >V V`>] >` i
}` } ii >i iv>LV>i` iV> `> possibility to apply additional surcharge to accelerate the
*6 >` } Vii `ii } V`>Vivv]ViLi/i
i` >`*/ >i>`ii>`>`>Viv
vV>V}iiivi>` i>Vi>>`iv>Lii]>`>>i
L /i iVi }`>i i> >> v i
W hat are vertical or wick drains? `}>`}`>>>v>i>Vi/i
->L>}iv>LV>i`iV>`>*6 i> > i Vi >Vi` v
or wick drains are applied in areas with loose, compressible vertical wick drains, all connected to a horizontal collection
>`>i>>i`V>V>>`V>/ii `> /i > ViV `> >i` > >
soils are characterised by a very weak soil skeleton and a `iv>>iiiLiivi
>}i i >Vi] > vi` >i i >i compressible strata and is connected to a vacuum pump,
7i>>`V>>>`iL>i]>`>Vv V}ii]iiiVi>i
> `i] >Vi` v ViLi ] }vV>
iii > VV /ii iii V> Vi>i Are there other methods to improve,
serious problems. Any increase in load can result in an reinforce or stabilise soils?
Vi>ivi>iiiii>Li] / i`Vi iii >` i i> i} >`
>i] i i` } L >} }
L>`i /i Vii i>V i i >i v i ]
resulting in an in-situ hardening process. In this way, the soil
i` iVvV V> >` i >`>`
required in the shortest time and in an economical manner.
/ii Vii } i` >i >i` v i
>` >v iV ivVii v i} >i
Vi v`> v L`}i i] >] >>`]
>`] i `i >` L`} Vvv > >` L>Vi`

What is vibroflotation?

i> ` v L> V> V>i i] Vii
The wick drain system is one method used to hasten the removal Lii>>}i`>iLiViiii`ii
of water from soil. Here, wick anchor plates are being used to / V>V i>i >` Vi>i i Li>}
mark the location of each wick prior to installation. `ivi]i`V}iV>Viviiiv
iv>V v iV i 6Lv>
vvi>`ii]ii`V`i iiV> ivviVi > Vi v
iV]}i}`]>>iv} iVi
v V] i] i` V i`] > What is the sand drain system?
L`}}>i>Liii`>Vii>vi /i>``>i>i}vii
i v>Vi >`} i `Vii ingredients, such as cement and anti-separating agents,
-}vV>iV>}}ii`ii i >` V iv > V>} 7i `]
iVi] >` i }ii> `i > }vV> i v >` i V `i }i>i Li>}
>}/iii>i>iV>iV V>>ViLi>`iiii`vi
What is High Energy Impact A specially developed sand drain vessel equipped with
C ompaction (HEIC)? V>}>>>LiVii/iiiV>
/i } i} >V
>V] i` V>V i ii }i`i i >`
iiiiviiV>i`>`]Vv L>` v} >` > i `ii` V> /ii
a non-circular, asymmetric compactor module towed along casings are driven into the seabed to the required depth.
the ground by a tractor. In every rotation, the module rises /i ii i V>i` i
up on its contact point with ground and drops to create an V>}Vv}>>`ii
>V ii}] V `i i V>V /i
impact compaction mechanism enables the compaction How are geotextiles used for Soil
energy to reach deeper levels than can be reached by Imp rove m e nt ?
normal static bulldozers or vibratory compaction methods. iii >i > >V> V`} v>
What is the in-situ soil mixing o r v iL>i >L> >` } i Li>}
c ement mixing system? V>>V v v v`> >i iV
 > > v i ` v L > i i i Li }i i V v i
Li v >i VV  ii >] }iiiviVvV>1}>>Li}iii
} vi iii` / i` V>Vi>i>vi>}>`i}`v>i>`i`Vi
> > i Vii `ii } i`] iiiiviLv`>
> } } /i L> v > ii What are other advantages of Soil
}i>Vii>`iivi` Imp rove m e nt ?
>ivViiiVi`iL -iiviii`V>>`i
high power pumps. Simultaneously, during this injection > VivviVi i> v i`V} V>>
tel. +31 (0)70 352 3334, fax +31 (0)70 351 2654, e-mail:,

i>i} V>>i` > > v` ivviV -i with which the land is secured. A well-managed soil
vii`V>Liii`vVViV] improvement system appropriate to the site will enhance
i>}iii`ii>`/ii>} iiVvi>`>viiV`ii
unusable sediment is reduced in quantity decreasing the
> v >Vi ii`i` v >}i] V >> > For further reading and information
costly, environmentally sensitive issue. In addition, when > i>}>]
> i ] *ii i] />Li}
additives such as cement are used during soil improvement i*v L>i]Terra et Aqua, Lin]-iiLi
i L Vi>i i Li>} V>>V v v
construction works and also immobilise contaminated  i>}>] * -> >` * i Challenging
Geotechnical Conditions at the Seawall Project in Brisbane, Coasts
marine sediments.
]V>`] <

Is Soil Improvement worth the effort?  `i] * i]  i>}> >`  `> x

 iV>> iV] i V v `i`}} >` v} Sophisticated and Interactive Design Process Delivers Success for
Brisbanes Seawall Project,
operations, including soil improvement and building Australia.
i>>] >i i > i Vi i >i ii v
i} >` > i >iv ,iVi `i >i -> >] > >i] i >iii >` >
6>iVii - -}> +> ii v
V>i` i} >iv ii ,i`>]

>V > i i > i>>  *iV]
-}>i] L>>`/iiV>i`>` Terra et Aqua, Lii
> V>i i V v iV>> >` ii
compared to using urban land at high-priced shorelines i`iV >`i i Engineering Treatment of Soils.
>i i i >` v>V> >>Vi >` >Li 
addition, the environmental advantages to improving soil
 > >`  > `i v ,iVi
can be seen in mitigating instabilities during seismic events > i i} >`
V v ,>>
L>i]Terra et Aqua, Li] iViLi
>` } i Li V>>V V>i v
L >` i v>Vi VV L  `iii] */-] >i>` *
i> i>}] i i v i` >Li` }i,iV>>-v-LL->}/
`i`}i`i`ViiiViv}>` >iv->`\/iL}*iVi>i`>Terra et
Aqua, Lin] iViLi]

I s one Soil Improvement system  6> i}i]  i]  /i]  i 6i}i >` -
p r eferable over another? 6>`Vi `}-v-]Terra et Aqua,x]
Reviewing many trials and tests, the conclusion must be
`> > > i V V> VViv ,> *>> x Ground Improvement Techniques.
>VVii>iiV`>v>``i`}i`i`i i>i`>*L}
to develop newly reclaimed land or compaction methods to
 -i /iV i\ 6iV> `>>}i >i` v
stabilise subsoils in vulnerable seismic areas. Each technique ii>i>}i`i]Terra et Aqua]
has its own advantages and disadvantages in relation to >V]n
V`i i iVvV ii` v > iV >` V>V This brochure is presented by the International Association of D r e d g i n g
Companies whose members offer the highest quality and professi o n a l i s m
in dredging and maritime construction. The information present e d h e r e
Although this evaluation stage may bring additional costs, is part of an on-going effort to
ii>>]Li}`i>}>vi` support clients and others in
understanding the fundamental
>`>L>i}>`iiiv>Vi}] principles of dredging and
>i Li iVii` i i}ii` ivvViV maritime construction.

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