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Bretagne et Normandie Food

Hmmmm dlicieux!
Britanny Food Specialties

The traditional drink of Brittany is cider. Brittany is the

second largest cider producing regions in the whole
of France
Brittany also has a long beer-brewing tradition,
tracing its roots back to the 17th century.
Crpes and galettes are the two most iconic Breton
dishes. The crpes, made and served with butter, are
eaten for dessert and the galettes are usually salty.
Brittany is surrounded by the sea so you can find a lot
of seafood like a fish stew called cotriade.
Normandy Food Specialities

Normandy produces lots of cheeses. Norman cheeses

include Camembert, Livarot, Pont l'vque, Brillat-
Savarin, Neufchtel, Petit Suisse and Boursin
Seafood is popular in Normandy. Oysters are major
delicacies throughout France and Normandy is the
chief oyster-cultivating, scallop-exporting, and
mussel-raising region in France.
Apples are also widely used in cooking: for
example, moules a la normande are mussels cooked
with apples, cream and cheese
Normandy is known for its pastries.
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