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Kimberly McRae

EXSC 483
Journal 8

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

-Observed orthovisc knee injections
-Observed corticosteroid joint injections
-man with bi-lateral shoulder osteoarthritis came in for consultation

Thursday, March 2, 2017

-Woman with bursitis in hamstring came in for injection
-observed orthovisc knee injections
-observed corticosteroid knee injection
-saw a case of tendonitis
-learned about what bursitis is
-observed corticosteroid hip injections
-saw concussion patient who might suffer from ADHD

The coolest part of my day was learning about what bursitis was on Thursday. We
had a woman come in who was told she had bursitis and based on her x-ray, that
could have been the case. Dr. Pollack planned to give her an injection, however, her
bursitis was very medial to her groin which was somewhere I had never seen
bursitis occur before. Afterwards I asked Dr. Pollack about bursitis and he gave me a
really great explanation of it and talked about ways to treat it, such as PRP. So far I
have only seen PRP used to relieve arthritis in joints but I was excited to hear of its
applications in many different tissues. I am even more excited to see how he uses
PRP in this unique case.

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