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., r
VOL. 21 NO. 257 LOOK JAPA , SEPTEMBER 10. 1977 Price 660

A New Page in Japan's Southeast

Asian Diplomacy
-fulcuda Visits JISEJIN & Burma-

A EAN leader together with the leader of the three non-member nation in Kuala Lumpur. Left to right; Tanin (Thailand), Lee
( ingapore), oeharto (Indone ia), Hu ein ( falaysia), farcos (the Philippines), Fukuda (Japan), Fra er (Au tralia), and Muldoon
(New Zealand).
At the nd of what Prim Minist r Fukuda has termed his Seeking Strengthened Regional
"very productive" meetings with various Southeast Asian leaders,
he concluded, "W ar now opening a new page in the history of the Solidarity and Resilience
relation b tween Japan and the nations of outheast Asia. We are Major changes have occurred in Th ASE nation them elves
reaching together for higher levels of mutual trust, based on 'heart Asia during the last few year . have come to realize the fact that
to-h art' understandting between us." These include such significant de the s curity of ach country can
Prime Minister Fukuda left for Throughout his meetings with velopment as the withdrawal of only be obtained by building up
Kuala Lumpur on Augu. t 6 to meet the individual outheast Asian American military troop from their respective economies, thu
the ASEA Heads of Government leaders, Fukuda reaffirmed the Indochina and the consequent emer trengthening its resilience.
after the conclusion of the econd basic principles of Japan's policy gence of socialist regime in Viet
ASEA summit meeting. ASEA towards Southeast Asia a economic nam, Cambodia, and Lao . ( ontinued on Page 2)
had invited three non-member na cooperation and a commitment to ,,,.....,.......,....,,..,,,..,,,,,.,,......,,r...,,..,...,,,...,,,,...1i,,,,.,,,....,....,.,,,.....,.......,...,......,......,...,......,,,...,,,,J,.,;,w,,,,....,,,.J,,......_,,,....,......,,,.....,,,..

tions, Japan, Au tralia, and ew peaceful mean in attempting to
Zealand, to participate in post gain the understanding of the di
summit meetings. This marked the verse people of each Southeast
first time Japan had been invited Asian nation. SPECIAL REPORTS ON FKUDA'S VISIT TO ASEAN AND BUR MA .... 1-8, 26
to meet with the A EA leader . Look Japan places great impor
,( ,S
Hatoyama Visits Southwest Asia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 >
Following the conclusion of his tance on the long-range signifi \ \
cJ Basic Policy of Japan on Nuclear Non-Prolif eration . ...... .......... 10 <
meeting with the ASEA Heads cance of Fukuda's visit, a step Simplifying Exchange Controls on Capital Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2
of Gov rnment in Kuala Lumpur, which we regard as opening a new } )'
} Prime Minister's Statement on the Occasion of the Adoption of the 1
Fukuda visited each respective era of mutual tru t and coopera } "Comprehensive Economic Measures" .......................... 14 )
ASEA country, as well a Burma, tion as equals between the two {\, Inauguration of OLUHO Cable Celebrated in Three Nations ............ 16 >>
holding extensive and wide-rang areas. This special edition seek : Practical Application of Optical Fiber Tran smission System . . . ..... ... 22 J

ing discussions with the leaders of to present a comprehensive out New s in Brief ................... . . . . . . . . . .. ..... . . .. ........... 25
those countries. He returned to look of the relations, past and M_ITI Labo Pat n t New s ( 74 ) . ...................................
Tokyo a fortnight later on August future, between Japan and the " N . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . ....... ... ....... .
N1ppon: The P I tf a 1 1 of JASEA
18. Southeast Asian area. ( \.-
""w'V ,'""'"V'w'V V'vl"V '"'''" >,Jl'.; V"'..,..r,,"".,.,,.,, .....,,..,_,.........,,"-,'" ""''-''"""V"'-''-'""'V'.,.""'I'"""..,,......,-"'..,,,
"' "' "" "" ""'
Southeast Asian Policy- t:aer a:1'.
fh! :i! m\tt
0 t Itinerary of Fukuda's Visit to ASEAN and Burma
( ontinued From Page I) Prime Minister Takeo Fukuda
For that purpose, the thu met the five A EA r
A EA T lead r ha r - leader i n Kuala Lumpur on
alized the nece ity of co Augu t 7 after th completion
operating with the advanced of the second meeting of th
indu trialized nations, par A EA Heads of Govern
ticularly those in the Pacific ment. Aft erward , he paid
region. official visits to each re pec
Prime Minist r
Takco Fukuda
ince it i nauguration tiv A EAN nation, a well Tokyo
a n organizatio n , A E ha as Burma aiming at further
performed a wide range of olidifying Japan's frie ndly
regional coop rativ activi tie by frank, con truct ive
ties, includin g the e tabli h dialogue with the lead rs of
m nt of forum with the E , these c untri .
Au tralia, ew Zealand, and Prime Minister Fukuda
Japan . The e ext ma ! unceasingly explained Ja

forums h ave contributed to pan's policy towards ou th

U Ne Win

the region's peace and de east Asia during his visit.

v lopment in th fund am n In Manila, the last t op be
tal spirit of self-relian ce fore returnin g to Japan, Fu
amon g th natio n of outh kuda deliver d a peech
ea t A ia. (refer to "What which comprehen iv ly um
A EA ") marized thi policy. We can
O n the occasion of the see in t his speech, dubb d
econd ummit meeti ng of the "Fukuda Doctrine" by
A E N (the fir t meeting ome of the pr s, the philo
b ing i n Bali, Indone ia in ophy and ba ic po iti n of President
1976), EA invited the Japan's foreign policy to
Ferdinand E. Marcos

leaders of Japa n, Au tralia, wards outh a t A ia.

Japan and ASEA

Especially Close Friends
"The peac and prosperity ASEAN ."
of Southea t A ian nation Al o, Japan 's cooperation
is a ma jor co ncern of Japan, with ASEA r "should be
itself an Asian na ion, an d extend d i n uch a manner
it is from this per pecti,e as to co ntribute towards
Prime Minister
lee l<uan Yew
that we i n tend to ext nd co- A EAN' effort at elf-
operation to their various relian e in order to enhan c
!forts to develop them elve EA Ps economic reliance
in th spirit of elf-reliance and consolid ate furth r
a seen in th effort by ASEA 's olidarity. They
ASEAN t hrough p rsonal agreed to develop, through
xchange , active co ntribu uch cooperation, a pecial

tions to nation-buildi ng, and a nd clo e eco nomic relat ion


other mean ." Thus poke hip b t ween ASEAN coun might become nece ary in pa n' readin e s to cooperate ly and positively in the
Prime Mini t r Tak o Fu tries and Japa n in the spirit the process of completing the with ASEAN countrie in exiting int rnatio nal com
kud a in his Admini trativ of partnership." projects." th ir effort for promoting modity agreement coverin g
Policy p ech at t h 80th As for Japan' oopera- Regarding trade, Prime exports of its products to EA commodities and
e sion of the ational Di t tion with A EAr indu t rial Mini ter 'ukuda and the Japan through mea ures in that Japan would mak b st
n Jan uary 31, 1977. proj et , which wa one of the A EA r leader agreed "on cluding the tabli hment of effort for the early conclu-
It i obviou from this primary focu es of the } uku the urgent need of curb a permament A EAN trade i n of oth r ommodity ar
'P ech that Japan i 1eady da vi it, the tatement said, ing prot ectioni m and pro an d tourism exhibitio n hall rangemen t covering com
to coop rate n a br ad basi 'Japan agr ed to exte nd moting free international in Tokyo." modit i of i nt re t to
with A EA on variou fi na ncial assis tance to one trade to ensure t h stable As for primary commodi A EA . In the pirit of thi
matters. industrial project in each of development of the world ties, "Prime Minister Fu a ffirmation, th rim Min
Prime Mini 'ter Fukuda re the five countries, provided economy" and recogn ized kuda and the A EA Heads i t r of Japan a nnoun d
affirmed thi ba ic po that a h project was e tab 'the n eed for a st ady ex di cu ed th e tabli hm nt that Ja pan would co n id r
in clear t rms in th lish d as an A E pro pa nsio n of trad b tween of a sy tern along the line positively the n es ary
poin t ,Join t tatement i u d ject and that it fea ibility Japan and ASEA of the TABEX chem mea ures I adi ng to Japan's
on Augu t 7 following the wa confirmed. Th Prime A EAN nation tron gly ( tabilization of export ea rn voluntary ontribut ion t o
"hi toric" m eting of the Minister of Japan stated that request d Japan ' coopera ings) a an important up the buffer stock of the Inter
Prime Mini ter of Japan and Japan would con ider favor tion in improvin g the access plementary mea sure to th national Tin Agr ment an d
th A EAN Heads of Gov- ably the reque t for the total of A EAN good , primary price tabilization scheme Japan ' r adine s t co
rn m nt. ccordi ng to th amou nt of one billio n S and manufactured, to Japa and to the IMF ompen a op rate for the early co n
taternent, the meeting wa dollar i n extendin g su h nese mark ts. According to tory fi nancing facility," and clu io n of an int rnational
"held in a fri ndly and cor assi tance. Such assi tan ce t he stat ment, the Prime Min further, Fukuda agreed "to rubber pric stabilization
dial atmosphere reflectin g would be extended on on i ter of Japan expre ed conduct a joint xa mination agre ment which i accept
the traditi nally clos t i ce ional t erm to the ex "Japan' readines to facili on the variou problems in abl to both pr ducing and
betwe n Japan and th tent po ibl , in accordance tate A EA ' efforts to in conn ction with the tabili con uming ountrie .'
ASEA countri s." with th nature and require crease xports to Japan zation of expor earni ngs Wh n former Prime Min
The statement, referring me nt of the projects. The through various m asures in from primary commodities." i ter Tanaka vi ited outh-
to the role pl ayed by ASEA Prime Mini ter of Japan as cludin g further examination At the same time "they ast Asia in 1974, th pra -
towards str ngthening re , ur d A EAN that Japan s of EA 's reque t for re pl ace particular empha is on tic of Japan se corpora
gional coop ration, aid, "He bilateral cooperation with moval and/or relaxation of the ne d to tabli h a om tion wa on of th target
(the Prime Mini ter) ex ach A EA country will tariff and no n-ta riff barriers mon Fund exp ditiously and of outheast sian riti i m.
pre ed Japan' de ire to a - not be a ffect d thereby. He within th context of th agreed that Japan a11d Thi tim , however, outh
si t ASEAN r gional eco al o stated that the Govern MT , improveme nt of Ja A EAr would ooperat ians welcomed Japa
nomic cooperation programs ment of Japan, upon pecific p an 's G P and t he introduc closely to achieve this ob n se direct investment. Th
and to furth r stre ngth n r quest, was prepared to con- tion of A EAr s cumulativ jective. The Prime Minister tat ment aid, "The EAN
th relation of interdepe nd ider giving variou form of rule of origin under Japan' of Japan affirm d that Ja Head of overnm nt
en between Japa n and technical a i tance which G P. He also affirmed Ja- pa n would participate activ - t res ed the importance of
tff : ,f:ifi!fill{f!!l/.i nf LOOK JAPAN, SEPTEMBER 10, 1977 3
continued and inten ified .in tinued, "the A EAN Head
ve tment by the Japanese of Government welcomed th
private sector to contribute pr posal and both side
to the acceleration and agr ed to set up a joint
diversification of indu trial tucly group for thi pur
development in ASEA ,' po e."
an I further, that "ASEAN Furthermore, the tate-
countrie would continu to ment said, "Both sides agreed
take mea ures to promote that Japan-ASEAN coopera
private for ign inve tm nt." tion hould not be limited
In his reaffirmation of Ja to mat rial exchanges but
pan's intention to more than . hould be aim d at building
double it Offi ial D vclop lasting foundations of mu
m nt Assi Lance in the next tual tru t and understand
five y ar , Prime Mini ter ing. Th Prime Minist r of
Fukuda stated that, "great r Japan assured the A EA
empha i would b plac cl H ads of overnm nt that
upon the cooperation with Japan would upport the ef
A EA in this forts of A EA to achieve
proce s of increa ing a - self-reliance and solidarity.
i tan The A E N H ad of Gov
A a m ans to sLrengthen ernment, in recognizing that
"h art-to-heart" contact be th re xi ts an e pecially
tween Japan and ASEAN, clo e fri nd hip between Ja
Prime Mini ter Fukuda pro pan and ASEAN, welcome
po d that "a joint study be th a urance." the leader and Fra er.
undertaken to determine th The Prime Minister set
kind of co p ration required forth the po ition of Japan the firm expression of Ja
in connection with A EA "to follow a peaceful course pan's determination to re
cff rts to promote cultural and not to become a military
cooperation within A EA l.'' power and the onsequent
main a peaceful nation.)
In conclu ion, the leaders
The Three Pillars of Japan's
H also stat d that "Japan d Lermination of Japan to con
Southeast Asian Policy
of Japan and A EA na
is prepared to c nLribute t tribute to world p ace and
tions agreed that ''thi hi -
these fforts including an pr perity in its tatu a a toric meeting had b en of
appropriate amount of finan tabilizing force in Asia and gr at value in furthering Prime Minister Fukuda Japan ha a quir d great
cial co peration, taking into a an conomically important the trong and friendly tie. delivered hi so-called Ma power through it phenome
accoun the re ul of Lh nation in the world." (The that hav linked Japan with nila S eech ju t prior to hi nal economic growth during

-- .._ -- -- --
tudy." The statement con- A EA leader welcomed th e five countrie ." return to Tokyo on Augu t the pa t three decades. The
1 . This sp ech expr s s his Constitution, however, for

What is E ., philosophy about Japan' bids Japan fl' m xploiting

basic relation hip with this enormoui; conomic
outheast Asian nations, power to cr at, any form of
based on the knowledge he offensive military strength;
ASEAN: A Venture in Regional Cooperation gained during th tour a th refore, the national de
well as his prior belief . It fen e budget remains 1
The Association of outh- wis known a the ASEA member-country. was a reaffirmation of Ja than 1% of G P.
asl Asian a t i o n Declaration, now forms the A EA functions through pan's stance to contribute to During his A EA trip,
( A EA ) is an organization ba is for the conduct of co a system of committees th peace and pro perity of Prime Mini ter Fukuda clear
of five outhea t Asian oun op ative und rtakings gear which ar group . of experts Southea t A ia and the entire ly reiterated the fiim inten
tri s, namely, Jndon sia., ed toward the dev lopment onvened to discuss, recom world. ( ontinued on Page 4)
Malay ia, the Philippines, of outhea t A ia. m nd, and implement speci-
ingapor , and Thailand. Th formation of A EA fie projects of the Associa
ASEAN is devoted to a . a r t]ional o1ganization
establi hing joint ndea, wcis th result of more than tion. These Cornmitt es in
vo1s in various field of a year of se1ious delib ra elude, among others, Trade
activiti s d signed to ac tions and continuous consul and Tourism; Jnd1.1stry 1 Mi
celerate the economic growth fotion among the respective nerals and Energy; Food,
and socio-cultural develop Gov rnments of the five Agriculture and Forestry;
ment of the 1 gion and to countries. The need to estab Transportation and Com
prornol the peace and stabi lish a r gional organization munication; Finance and
lity of Southeast Asia, a arose from the realization
well as to dev lop close and that no country, no matter
friendly 1elations among the how powerful, can exist by National Secretariat
m mber- ountries. its lf, and that only through have be n established in all
A EA is n ither a mili coop ration and joint endea ASEAN countries to deal
tary allian nor an arrange vors can the countrie. of the with A EAN affairs, and to
m nt intended lo s1tPJJlnnt, 1 gion hop to e tabli h a upe1vis and coordinate the
replace or eliminate any truly p1ogressive and pros- impl mentation of d cision
other xisting grouping in pe1'0u community. of th A EA Foreign Min-
th 1egion. A EA i de tructure: The permanent, ister on the national level.
signed to provide a new highest poli y-making rgan
? Th ational er tariats
p rspective in regional co of A EA is h Meeting of
. are each headed by an
op ration, and i the m For ign Ministers
bodiment of the belief of th A EAN Ministerial Meet- ASEA
Directoi-General. C. ltoh. The link
p ople of outheast Asia ing) which takes place an- The ational ASEA Direc- between natural resources and you.
that collective eff01ts and nually by rotation in accord- tors-General have formed
coop ration are th key to anc with the alphabetical thems lves into an advisory In cooperation with many countries around the
the growth and development ord r of the names of the and upervisory group at world, C. ltoh is actively engaged in the development of
of the region. membe1-states. The annual the intermediary level. natural resources. In this way, we are providing a very
Ristorical Background: Ministeiial Meeting makes Permanent Secretariat: necessary function - the link between the allimportant
A EA was formally stab important policy decision to
During the eventh Minis source, and you.
lished in Bangkok on Au be implemented and sup r-
gust 8, 1 967, upon the sign visecl by the tanding Gani- t rial Meeting held May 7- 9 ,
ing of the Joint Declaration mitt e durin.Q the y ar. A 1974, in Jakarta, the Minis
by the Foreign Ministers of Foreign Ministers' meeting ters reaffirmed their d cision
th fiv m mber-countri . may b conv ned in special to e tablish an A EA Sec
The Joint Declaration, other- . e sion upon request by any retariat-General in Jalcarta.
In hi Manila speech, Fu
Fukuda' s Visit- kuda paid tribute to the
Mr. Fukuda's clear defini
tion of the pos ibilities and
(Continued From Page 3) A EA countries for hav impo ibiliti of the rela
ing expressed in the joint ion hip rec iv d full under
tion of Japan not to de lop communique of the A EA tanding fr m th A EA
into a great military power. summit meeting "their de lead r . ingapor Prim
"Throughout the world's sire to develop peaceful and Minister Lee itlu trated this
history, great economic pow mutually benefic.ial relation by saying, " EA a cepts
ers have alway been great with the nations of Indo the Japanese po ition that
military powers a well. china, enunciating their pol wa arn stly explained by
Japan, however, ha et for i y that 'further effort Prime Minister Fukuda."
h r elf a new ideal, un hould be made to enlarg It i:s ignificant that Prime
precedented in hi tory, of the ar as of under tanding Minister ukuda larified
relying for the afety and and cooperation with those Japan s ba ic policy t wards
survival on the ju tice and countrie on the basis of outheast Asian nation and
good faith of nation . We mutuality of interest'." furth rmor , that thi ' wa '
have chosen not to take the Fukuda then expressed hi Garbed with a colorful " reath of flo er Fukuda accepted in full by the leader
path io great milita1y power. own trong desire to better pell out outhea t A ian policy at a Manila banquet. of A EAN and Burma.
Although we possess the Japan's relation with Indo well. I know Japan will be this point of view that I Th Manila spee h can be
economic and technological china; "Japan will al o eek such a friend to A EA J.' have expressed Japan's readi- ummal'iz d by describing
capability needed to produce to place it relations with
nuclear arms, we have firm Reflecting on the non-eco- ne s to ext nd our full co the ba ic three prin iples
the nations of Indochina on
ly rejected the acqui ition nomic aspect of the relation- operation in this regard in nunciat cl by Fukuda:
a solid foundation of mu "First, Japan, a nation
of u h weapons. ship, Fukuda stressed, "It i response to the concret
tual understanding." committ d to p a e, r ject
"This is a challenging ex not enough for our relation- formulation by A EA r of a
Since its inception in workable scheme for such the role of a military power,
periment without parallel ship to be ba eel olely on
1967, A EA ha widened
in bi tory. I am, how v r. mutual material and eco- enhanced intra-regional ex and on that ba i is re
the cope and dimension of solved to contribute to the
persuaded there can be no nomic benefit. Our material changes."
intra-A EA r conomic co As an important and con peac and prosperity of
other prop r course for Ja and e onomic relations
operation and has achiev d outheast A ia and of the
pan." should be animated by heart- crete mean to supplement
greater regional solidarity. "heart-to-he a rt" under tand world community.
Th refore, Japan can and felt commitments to assist-
At the Kuala Lumpur meet " econd, Japan, a a true
should direct it energies ex ing and complementing each ing, Fukuda responded "po i
ing with Prime Mini ter friend of th countl'ie of
clusively to contribute to calledother a fellow Asians." The tively to the reque t for co
Fukuda its leader peration to th value of one outheast A ia, will do it
world peace and tability, need to communicate with
Japan "an esp cially close
parti ularly in th South friend" of A EAN. The Japa what he calls a "heart-to- billion dollars for A EA be t for consolidating the
heart" understanding among industrial projects." relationship of mutual confi
east A ian region, an area ne e Prime Mini ter in turn to Japan's pre- dence and trust based on
the people of Japan and Referring
which i e pecially ignifi pi dg d that "the govern
cant to Japan. Japan hould ment and people f Japan outheast Asia is thu an viously-announced policy of heart-to-heart 11nderstand in"
constantly eek "specially will never be skeptical by integral part of his diplo- more than doubling its ODA, with the e countries, in wide
macy. Prime Mini ter Fukuda ranging fields covering not
close trade and economic standers in regard to only political and economic
tie with the ASEAr na A EA ' efforts," but "are In thi light Fukuda re- claimed that agriculture as
wel l as industr y should be areas but al o social and
tion ," but a the Prin' good partners, walking hand ferred to the importance of
; "It s stre ed in economi c plan cultural areas.
Minister pointed out "th in hand with ASEAN." cultural exchange goe
without saying that the pro- ning. He st ated, " e antici ''Third, Japan will be an
futur stability and prosp 1 Furthermo1e, Fukuda tat an nt equal partner of A EAN and
motion of the two-way cul - pate that importa part
ity of the ASEA area can ed, "A true friend i one
only be as ured within a who off r his hand in un tural exchange between Ja- of this assistance will on its member countries, and
cooperate po itively with
framework of peaceful pro der tanding and cooperation, pan and the ASEAN nations tinue to be for industrial
project in outh a t A ia. them in their own efforts to
gres throughout outhea t not only in fair weather, but should be further intensi-
At the same time, we shall strengthen their solidarity
A ia a a whol ." in adver e ircumstance a fled." He added, "It is
intensify our coop ration in and resilience, together with
areas close to the people' other nation of th like
welfar -agri ulture, health mind out ide the region,
and education." while aiming al fostering a
In the field of trade, Prime relationship based on mutual
Minister Fukuda agreed with under tanding with the na
the outheast Asian leaders tions of Indochina, and will
to further expand bilateral thus contribut to th build
trade. Fukuda said that Ja ing of peace and pro perity
pan shall continue to be a throughout outh ast Asia."
responsible member of the Many have raised doubt
world conomy, but warned as to whether all of Fu
"A world <livid d into xclu kuda's promis s an be re
sive economic blocs would alized. Yet Fukuda has re-
be something uicidal for all p ndcd to th i by saying,
the nations on arth." Hence ''I am not only the Prime
Prime Mini ter Fukud Minister but also an econo
maintained the basic princi mist. I am well aware of

Financial handiwork ple of free trade and reject the dome ti situation. There
ed A EA 's request to e - is no rea on why we cannot
tabli h a regional preferen conv rt the promises into
Sumitomo B ank. tial tariff arrangement. Fuku reality.'
Where up-to-the-minute computerization da explained that the world Fea ibility studie and
helps make business conomy was currently in re other forms of follow-up are
easier and more efficient. cession, and that a regional being pur ued at th mo
But helpful hands bloc would work again t the rn nt. We earne tly hope this
long-run interest of ASEAN new page will be fruitful for
will always play a prime part
nations. both sides.
in getting a project done.
Economic oop ration ith Indonesia
Japan's economic coopera- the con truction of three
ti?n with Indon sia began dam in East Java, including
with reparat10n payment in lhe Karang Kates Dam and

+ The Sumitomo Bank, Limited

Osaka, Tokyo, Kyoto, Kobe, Nagoya and other major cities in Japan
195 . During the period up
to 1970, Japan made repara-
t ion payment of
0,300 mi!-
hon (about US$223 million)
of plywood and pap r anu
facturing plant in ulawe i.
In 1959, loan guaranteed by
reparations totalling 29 400
ew York, Chicago. Los Angeles, S an Francisco, Seattle, London,
Dusseldorf, Brussels, Vienna, Hong Kong, Singapore, Jakarta, Sydney, to Indone ia. These funds million were advanced. Th se
Mexico City, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Beirut, Tehran, Cairo were u ed, for instance for ( ontinued on Page 5)
funds were u ed mainly for eluding Hotel Indone ia, turing plant . a. on truction of a rural j cts, a grant of up to 1,300
the con truction of hotels, in- bridges and paper manufac- Bilateral grants other than exten ion center, up to 120 million for food production
reparations include KR food million. incr a. e and $4.5 million in
aid and emergency aid. KR b. Irrigation facilities for KR food aid will be provided.
Promises of Economic & Technical Cooperation Made by food aid provided during the a ericulture center, up to The a i tance program for
Fukuda to ASEAN and Burma five years from 1972 to 1976 100 million. food produ tion in rease i a
(Those for which the xchange of note was signed and new eh me not offer d before
totalled about U $23 million. c. Domestic tel communica
those for which assistance wa pledged) Other bilateral grants extend and is d signed to increase
tion facilities, up to 240 mil
Malay .ia ed to Indone ia during the lion. the technological capability of
en Loan the 4th Yen Loan: 21 billion same period amounted to d. Con truction of a live the recipient country to in
(assistance for the infrastructure related U $20.6 million. stock re earch center for the crease total agricultural out
projects in the 3rd Malaysia Plan) Grant pledged by Prime prevention of animal di ea e, put.
Grant Min.ister Fukuda during hi up to 600 million. Government loans, with an
Technical visit include; In addition to the ( ontinued on Page 6)
s istance technical cooperation on Japan Int'l Co
operation Agency (JICA) basi : approx.
1,300 million
Yen Loan assi tance to the 4 projects and 4 commodity
loans: 2 .54 billion (signed on June 21)
Grant 1) a biomedical re earch center (Phase II):
1,500 million ( igned on July 12)
2) assistance for food production increa e:
Y600 million*
on JI A basis: approx. -270 million

1) IGGI loan for FY 1977: - 49 billion+

2) loan for rice import: - 6,500 million*
Grant 1) ericultural center: 100 million
( ign d on July 13)
2 Lampung rural extension center: 120
million (sign d in July)
3 KR food aid: l ,240 million+
4) supply of telecommunications facilities:
240 million+
5) assistance for the construction of an animal
disea inv Ligation center: 600 million+
6) a si tance for food production increase:
1,300 million*
on JI A basis: approx. 3,600 million

Take "trans" (across) and "action" and you get Mitsui & Co., one of
. i tanc on JI A basis: approx. 220 million the world's largest trading companies. Handling about a tenth of Japan's
a pledge to cany out a preliminary survey imports and exports.
for the establi hment of the ingapore-Ja But our activity does not involve only trade with Japan. Offshore trade,
pan Training Center
or trade among third countries not involving Japan, is one of the most
ThaiJand rapidly expanding of Mitsui's trade activities totaling 9% of the present
Yen Loan the Fifth Yen Loan: 27.5 billion turnover of US$30 billion.
(assistance for the second year of the This is part of the picture. But the TRANSACTIONALISTS do much
Fourth Five-Year Plan)
more. Mitsui's role is to provide a full and closely integrated set of services
Grant 1) as istance for the construction of an in
stitute for rice experiment station: 120 for trade and economic development. This includes technology exchanges,
million (signed on July 13) financing trade and industrial development and daily dissemination of
2) assistance for the construction of the In business information worldwide. There are 59 Mitsui offices throughout
stitute for Skill Development in the orth Japan and 130 overseas offices.
ast Thailand: 1 billion+ Mitsui & Co. is also an active partner in joint ventures in Japan and
3) assistance for food production increase: other countries. We have invested heavily in the development and proces
900 million
sing of resources. In many countries, Mitsui is also assisting the growth and
on JI A basis: approx. 2,400 million productivity of local industry.
It is in the interest of the TRANSACTIONALISTS to serve your in
terests. And that is just what we have been doing for over 100 years.
the 6th Yen Loan: 27.5 billion
(including 5 billion commodity loans)
Grant 1) supply of rice mill facilities: 100 million
(signed on April 28)
2) assistance for the construction of the Na
tional Hydraulic Research Center: 600
3) assistance for food production: 1,300
i tance on JICA basis: approx. 2,200 million
GRAND TOT L 178.51 billion
Yen Loans: 160.04 billion
Central Java's new cement plant,
Grant : .48 billion with its annual production of
T chnical 600,000 tons, supplies one-fifth
tance: - 9.99 billion of Indonesia's present demands.
A multiple joint venture with
a sistance for which was pledged during the tour P.T. Gunung Ngadeg Djaja
(Indonesia), Onoda Cement and
+ whose xchange of note was signed during the tour Mitsui & Co.
Indone ia- to an LNG project in both Japan's Bilateral Economic Cooperation Japan's Bilateral Official Development
1973 and 1974. For the Asa by Region Assistance by Region
(Continued From Page 5)
han Hydroelectric and Alumi (Net disbursements for 1976) (Net disbursements for 1976)
exc ption of the emergency
nium Smelting Project, Japan
loan of US$30 million in 1966,
has provided various financial
consist chiefly of yen credits
assistance including a govern
extended within the frame
ment loan amounting to 26,-
work of the Intergovern
250 million.
mental Gtoup for Indone ia
(IGGI). Indonesia is the largest re
Japan has made annual cipient of Japan's technical
assistance. The cumulative Middle
commitments in both com
modity and project aids total of 11.5 billion on the
through this con ultative JICA basis until March 1977,
group. In J'ecent year the lat include the dispatch of 484
ter form of aid has been the speciali ts to Indonesia and Asia
major part of Japan's gov the training of 2,846 Indo 77.2%

ernment loan to Indon sia. nesians in Japan. The tech

At the JGGI m eting in nical a sistance rendered has
brought about many satisfac
April 1977, Japan decided to
allot Y49 billion (a 20 % in tory results.
crease over 1976) for the an Japan International Co
nual project-tied yen loan. operation Agency (JICA J
Prime Minister Fukuda gave plans to spend about "3.6 bil which conducts feasibility for the land below the Riam machinery and equipment.
official commitment to these lion in fiscal 1977 in Indo studie for various planned Kanan River Dam in Kali On-going projects are the
pledges when he signed the nesia. As for technical assis projects. Eighteen surveys mantan, and a study on how MARA vocational school to
train welder and hipbuild
notes in Jakarta. tance on a project basis. a and fea ibility tudies are due best to protect farm land from
total of 1,080 million, in to be carried out thi year. fl o oding by the Brantas Mid ing engineer in Johor-Bahru,
Projects in this 49,000 These include a study for a dle Reache River in east and the Ungku Omar Poly
million figure include: cluding provision of goods
amounting to 590 million. i 30,000 ha. irrigation system Java. techni Institute in lpoh
a) a thermal power plant which trains ship engineers.
b) road rehabilitation in planned for fiscal 1977. Ongo-
Japan will also assist in the
umatra ing projects include the estab- Economic Cooperation with Malay ia establishment of a water man
c) irrigation system in 1i hment of a dmonstration Official aid to Malaysia be- tric project, all of which serv- agement training center,
central Java far at an agrcultural ex- gan in l966 in order to help ed as a basis for industrial which will train experts to
d) expansion of the elec tension center m Lampong finance various projects relat- development and the improve- supervise an irrigation pro
tric train network in Jakarta. and the building of a ed to the First Malaysia Plan ment of living standards. ject in the Kemubu region.
In addition to the above vocational training center at (1966-1970). Japan extended In 1967, Japan embarked A major feasibility study
credits, Japan pledged an ad Sulawesi. JICA considers the yen loans totalling 18 bil- on the task of compensating to be financed by the Govern
ditional loan of 6.5 billion to training of middle level tech- lion to Malaysia's First Five- for the unfortunate incidents ment of Japan concerns the
finance rice imports. nicians important, and thus, Year Plan, and a total of 72 that occurred in World War laying of an underseas tele
ber 21 of that communications cable be
Moreover, independently in the funds for fiscal 1977, billion under the second and II. On Septem
from the group, Japan has third yen loans to the Second year, an agreement for grant tween Kuantan in east Malay
surveys to establish a program 29,000 million
Malaysia Plan. These yen ing about
made various loans to Indo to in truct nurses and one to loans were used to finance (M $25 million) wa' signed. sia and the 1,000 km. distant
nesia for resource and indus city of Kuching in Sarawak.
train agricultural extension power development project, Two freighter were upplied Cooperation on the private
trial development in three
major projects, uch as Y:23,- workers are emphasized. highway construction project, to Malay ia under thi agree- level with Malaysia, encourag
000 million to a petrochemical Another important aspect the expansion of telecommuni- ment. ed by various measures taken
industry development project of technical assistance is the cations broadcasting project, Malaysia had requested Ja by the Malaysian Government
in 1973, and 62,000 million Development Survey Program, and the Temengor Hydroelec- pan' s continued financial as- to promote direct investment,
i tance for the Third Malay is being promoted in labor
sia Plan (to begin in 1977) intensive and export-oriented

Kawa aki hefps bui II strong irdstti"al

before the Fukuda visit to indu tries such as electronics,
Kuala Lumpur. The Govern textiles and chemicals. Such

oandations.1. r 1 j_
ment of Japan thus pledged cooperation usually takes the

I l - 21 billion in yen credits for form of joint ventur s. Long

this express purpose. Specific term export credits are also

Ce e t Ian s re n; impo'itan, wy.

projects will be decided by increasing in volume. The e
joint consultation between the funds are being u ed mainly
two governments. to buy industrial machines
Solid industrial growth requires strong indus Japan's technical coopera and communication equip
trial foundations. tion with Malaysia takes ment.
Helping the international business community various forms. Japan ha re Th Government of Japan
add to these bases is an integral part of ceived trainees from Malaysia ha been giving it full sup
Kawasaki's philosophy. and has sent expert to that port to the important activi
The design, manufacture and export of cement country. Japan Overseas Co ties of the Southea t Asian
plant equipment and technology is one important operation Volunteer have Agency for Regional Tran -
way. From fully-automated plants on a turn-key been dispatched, too. Japan
basis to all pivotal plant components and related has also conducted both pre port and ommunications De
machinery. Kawasaki can provide everything liminary and detailed surveys velopment (SEATAC) located
needed for reliable profitable cement production, since 1969 to check shipping in Kuala Lumpur, by grant
including complete consultation service at every routes in the Malacca traits ing the amount of $127,839
step of the way. in cooperation with the three (a of the end of 1976).
Backed up by almost a centuries'worth of ex nations facing the trait - Japan has o far contribut
perience and expertise in such varied fields as Malaysia, Indonesia and ed th total amount of $245,-
shipbuilding, rolling stock, aircraft, machinery, ingapore.
plants, steel structures and motorcycles, Kawa 316 to the Inter-Governmental
A total of 270 million has
inating Committee on
saki stands ready to aid in industrial growth been allocated for technical oord
and development through the forward-looking assistance projec ts for fiscal Famil y and Population Plan-
exchange of both products and services and of 1977, 160 million of which ning (IGCC), which is also
knowledge and advanced techniques.
At Kawasaki, we believe the key to international being for the provision of lo ated in Kuala Lumpur.
prosperity and coexistence lies in international
understanding. Economic Cooperation with the Philippines
Japan's economic coopera- ended in July 1976. The funds
tion with the Philippines be- disburs d were used for the
gan at the conclusion of a construction of cement and
Make good use of us.
reparations agreement grant- paper manufacturing plants
ing a total of U $550 million and lumber mills and to pur
HEAD OFFICE: Nisse1-Kawasak1 Bldg 16-1. Nakamachodo(I 2-chome, lkuta-ku. Kobe-sh1. Hv<>goken 650-91 Japan. Cable Address: ..KAWASAKIHEAD KOBE"" Telex 5622-355
TOKYO OFFICE: World Trode Center Bldg, 4 1,
- Hamamatsu-cho 2-chome. M,nato-ku Tokyo 105. Japan. Cable Address. '"KAWASAKIHEAVY TOKYO"" Telex: J-22672 in July, 1956. This agreement chase ships, machines and
LOOK J APA , EPTEMBER 10, 1977 7

Economic Cooperation with mgapore

chemical project. time transportation. Dil'ect ha b en g1vrng it full up
ince the establi hment of inve tment and the provi ion port to the activities of the
Ee nomic ooperation with station for satellite ommuni the Prototype Produ tion and of long-term export credits Re earch D partm nt of the
ingapor is mainly of a pri cation. The oth r half was in Training Center in 1967, ar the pecific way through outheast A ian Fi heri s
vate nature because this government loans, which to Japan ha al o been providing which private cooperation i
D e v e I O p m e 11 t e 11 t e r
country i now in a relatively taled Y2,9 40 million, f r the vocational training in uch provided. uch coop ration
advanced tag of conomic construction of the earth sta field a machining, die cast repre ents the large t portion <. EAF D E ) I cated in han-
developm nt. tion and other project . ing and hipbuilding con ul of Japan' economic oopera- g1. by granting the total
The fir t government-level In addition, 800 million tancy. tion with Singapore. amount of $1, 307, 000 a, of
agre ment, dated eptember in a new loan wa upplied As of March 1977, 646 The Government of Japan 1976.
21, 1967, called for Japan to in 1972 for the con truction Singaporeans have been train
provide economic a si tance of a econd aerial for the ed in Japan, and 96 special Economic Cooperation with Thailand
in th amount of Y5,8 O mil earth station. In 1973 another i t from Japan have b en
lion ( 50 miilion) in order additional loan of 9,000 mil dispatched to ingapore itself. Economic ooperation with mi cellaneou pr ject ) .
to compen ate for the un lion wa extended to help Thailand dates back to 1955 Particularly not worth. i
Prime Minister Fukuda as when a pecial Yen Agre - the Banchaonen hydro I tri
fortunate in id nts that oc finance a thermal power plant sured the ingaporean ov
curr cl in World War JI. Half project in enoko and other ernment that the technical ment in\'olving a grant of power project, whi h began
of that amount wa provided projects. Furthermore, Japan assistance for establishing -5,400 million wa igned. In con truction in l 974. Co
in grant for the construction has d cid d to extend finan 1962, another pecial Y n finan eel by th World Bank,
the Japan- ingapore Train Agr ement ( 9,600 milli n) it is expected to become one
of a hipyard and an earth cial as i tance to a petro-
ing enter i being positively wa igned. In addition to of the large t generator f
The Philippine - Cent r (up to Y600 million), con idered in re ponse to the the e grants, Japan ha pro electricity in Thailand upon
(Continued From Page 6) Fukuda d cided to offet a ingaporean r que8t. The vided government loan , tech completion in 19 1. Th e
other industrial equipment. grant up to Yl,300 million enter is planning to in nical cooperation and privat - Governm nt I an were al o
Loan uarante d by r - under the a si tance program stitute four cour eN for 200 level cooperation. extended to the Bank for
parations totalling Yl 7,200 for food production increa e, people, and the ingaporean ince the fir t government Agriculture and Agricultural
milli n (about $47.8 mi!- f !lowing appr priate con ul Government is a king Japan loan wa provided in 196 , oop rativ s (BAA ) and th
lion) wer xtendecl in 195 . tations on a working-group to as i t in the provision of Japan has extend d four Indu trial Finan ing ooper
The e loan were advanced in ba is. machinery and quipm nt series of government loan to ation of Thailand.
conn tion with the telecom- lhe cumulative technical totalling about Y6 0 0 million, Thailand, totalling 127.3 bil The yen r dit of 27.5
munication xpan and a 8i tance on th JTCA basi ending of specialists and lion (to March, 1977 ). Th billion pledged by Prim Min
imp1ov ment proj th in th 19 :'6-1977 period am training of per onnel. breakdown of the e figures is i ter Fukuda will supplement
Kagayar1 railr ad to Y5. billion. This in luded ooperation at the private a follow : 45 1 to hydroel c the fourth 5-year plan of
proje t, and th Malikina th training of 1,900 Filipino level i xtended in re pon e tric and thermal power pro Thailand, cheduled to begin
multi-purpo e dam construe- in Japan and th dispatch f to Singapore's inclu trial de jects and the expan ion of thi y ar in 1 7 7. This plan
tion proj cL. ('T'h last of 13 peciali ts to the Philip- velopment policy in a broad electric cable Jin , 2 <;;. for in- mpha ize. a r ducti n in the
the e thr e pr jects-th pine . range of sector including 8tallation of telephone n t inequality of incom and more
Malikina Dam projec wa A istance amounting to hipbuilcling, industrial ma works, and 1or: to the con- funds for r gional develop
ub quently an 11 d.) 2.2 billion is planned for chinery, food, commerce, con truction of roads and bridge m nt. The sp ific projects to
Financial cooperation oth r fiscal 1977. truction, finance and mari- (the remaining 17 r: w nt to (Continued on Page )
than reparations was extend- A for technical a i. t-
d in 1969 when a governm ni anc pr jects, a t ta! of Y780
loan of YlO, 00 million wa million, including provision
provided to help financ th of ma hinel'y and equipment
so-called ,Japan-Philippine amounting to Y410 million,
:F'riend8hip Highway. Since is plann cl for fi ea! 197 7.
1971, Japan hM extend d to Ongoing proj et in lud the
th Philippines fiv govern- Kagayan Integrated Agricul
m nt 1 an. totalling Yl 14,700 turn) Developm nt Project
million, of which 64,900 mil- and the Urban Transport en
lion was project aid and Y49,- ter in the Metropolitan Manila
800 million commodity aid. Ar a. The latter aims at lv-
ixte n proj et whi h are ing traffic problems in the
the ubject of the above- Manila area. Technical a i -
mentioned project aid are yet tance is al o being offered to
to be completed. an afforestation project in the
The Philippine i the only Panta1Janga11 area and a re-
A EA counlry where earch program into . chisto-
grants. largely reparatio11 omia i .
payments, surpas d yen Feasibility urveys will be
er dits in th 1956-1977 carried out in proj cts such
period. rants totalled 200.4 as building a fore try enter
billion, while yen l an came to train worker in the Panta
to Y114.7 billion. bangan region and drawing
Grant w r made during up a topographical map for
five y at from 1972 to 1976 the Kagayan region in north
in the form of KR food aid ern Luzon.
totalling a!Jou 4 million. C'oop ration in the private
Other grant aid, amounting to sector involve the pr vi ion
Y O million, was provid d to of long-term export credits
establish a flood foreca ting for plant and machine and
Turning jungles into energy suliers
investment for the develop
The Philippin overnm nt ment of primary product takes JGC's kind of engineering know-how
requ ted the Governm nt of su h as mineral products and
Japan earli r to provide a timber. In gen ral, private Onl) hy u,in JII IH r-:d11111l{h.!'.'- -.Jn mJn hopi! 11 t.' cffe 111,t
sixth major yen loan to fi inve trnent has been nil since u of the v.orld\ rl\ollfl,;"'). Tiu 1 th1.. pr1111:1p!t.. 1'el11nJ JC;C.s hH.11
ennernng_J11<l ..:\1mtru..:t1u11 l.'.lpah1li1. :i. r1111t..ipll! 111.&t h,1, takc1 J(,(
nance ight development pro the In estment Promotion to O\er JO counllll''i
j ts. Th Japanese Govern Law went into effect in 1967. 1111', v.J, 1UKt' J U'l("le'l'I Jllni!I\." 111 Bnmei ,nw 11\ J souit..e ul dt.'Jn
cnerg\, liquel)' in .OOO.OOO ton, of llJtural cas 'H',11 I
m nt d cided to off r - 27.5 The Government of Japan Jinrnt:1' L c; plant 1!l. ooh. nne .&111n11 m.m p:,l('..:t c.:Jlling ,)Jt J{3t'
billion in yen credit , which has been giving it active

totJI cngmt..'t'rlll .md t..nn 11u.. 11on \."Jp,1h1ht \h haH -:<m1pletcJ or JIC
Fukuda gave official tatu by support to the significant urrrntly cntafed m rt!!lncry pr '.ft!'d'i 11l thc Plnl!pp111c. Do111i1H\.J and
Hr.1111. JnJ t..rut.k nil pw..:t.,,.111 i'!Jnt lf1 \ttJ J, lnJonl!.,1a.
igning note in Manila. The work of the Aquacultur De JGC\ 1,700 t11p-ll11.!ht c-nci1ht..'(' ,ut. engal.'!Cd in l.'Pl1\11lt111i;. e1111htri11g.
el ciion of the project will ,,,o\. 1rem'-nt, C(lll 1ru1.:uon and l'lperat,un nnJ}.'1.'me11t r1\11..!..' 111
partment of the outheast t111lcum 111d prtrnd1emi J! proJ1..'..:ts: 11:Jtural ga, JHJ 11ud..Jr projc!'d:,;
be decided later by joint con - ,r -- - '
Asian Fisherie Development
ooJ ;md line dwmt..:JJ pWJCds; a\l. atcr Je;)Jltn..tlion pr11Jc..:1 .. :
ultation. p1pcli11l pw,edc.; J.Jld envinn1111ental prntc1,,t1on prilj\.ds

In additi n to as i tance to nter ( EAFDEC) located I hat 'i H,(' fot )-OIi ReJ Iv anJ v.111111),! h>,..1,, un Jnll-turnkcy projt' ts !ott Enc)ntttne 1nd con,uutt,on WCKld""

an)v.hcre 111 rhc Y..,.111d. \\h1.rever the- joh 1,. whether m Jsc1t or jungle.
a ric mill facility (up to in Ilo Ilo, by granting the rn mJ1shlJnJ M tumfrJ, \\\! i:an do It.
-100 million) and onstruc total amount of 1,064,000 as
Forn rly J;1pan Cuohn Co. Ltd

tion of a Hydraulic Re earch of 1976.

LOOK JAPAN, EPTEMBER 10 1977 c::ffi!Fllfil!'1'k/.i:ZliT
Thailand- River in western Thailand. Japanese Trade with ASEAN Nations and Burma in 1976 (in US$ million)
b. an indu trial proj et in Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand Burma
( ontinued From Page 7) north a tern Thailand which
be financed will b det rmined would include agro-proce Export Import Export Import
through joint con ultation ing and mineral proces ing 1,639 4,091 704 1,362
between Japan and Thailand. plants. Paknam, by granting the
rant aid ha b n provided c. a project to equip vari total amount of 1,3 9,000
for the King Mongkut' In ou in itute , center , etc. of (a of 1976). (a) eneral Picture on picuou , and in 1976,
stitute of Technology, and for the Kasetsart Agricultural Japan' trade, both out- Japan' ratio of imports over
a Foot-and-Mouth Di ea Univer ity. Japan actively support
the pre tigious A ian In- going and ingoing with the export stood at 1.2 -to-1.
Vaccine Produ tion enter Th overnment of Japan five member-nations of Thi meant an excess of
and other . has b en giving its full up titute of Technology (AIT)
located at Pathumthani by EAr , has been expanding 1,6 3 million in Japan's
Before Fukuda' visi to port to the ignificant activi steadily in r cent year . imp rt from the EA
Thailand, the Governm nt of tie of the Training Depart contributing grants amount
ing to 3,37 ,OOO (as of During 1976, Japan' trade countries over it exports
Japan had decided to offer ment of the outhea t A ian with the A EAr countrie for that year.
grants totalling 1,120 mil Fi herie Development en 1976) and by dispatching r ached a two-wav total of n a country-by-country
lion for such projects a an ter ( EAFD C) located in profes or to the In titute. US$13,799 million: Thi fig- ba is, ach A EAN ountry
in titute for skill development ure account for 10.5% of Ja- ha be n r gi t ring a con
and rice experiment station, Economic Cooperation with Burma pan's total 1976 foreign trade tinuing trend toward an im
etc. During Fukuda's di u - of U 132,02 million, repr - provement in its trade balance
ion with Thailand official , Japan now rank a of Burma and strengthen it
Burma' large t partner in agricultural elf-reliance. enting a growth of 12.3% with Japan in r cent year .
a grant up to 900 million over the prec ding year. In the ea e of Indone ia
wa offered under the assist economic cooperation. Ja Meanwhile, Japan' gov
pan' economic cooperation ernment loans to Burma have Japanese import from and Malaysia, Japan's trade
anc program for food pro balance ha how d annual
du tion incr a e. Thi new with Burma was initiat d been increa ing steadily over A EA countrie in 1976
with the igning of a World the years, tarting with a regi tered a remarkable in- deficits from 1972 through
program. imilar to tho e 1976. Japan's trade deficits
offered to oth r outhea t War II reparation agr e yen loan of about 30 crea e of 21.6% over the
ment (totaling 200 mil million in 1969 for the afore previou year. with Indone ia, in particular,
A ian nation eek to im- have been oaring annually,
prove the socio-e onomic lion) in 1954. pon comple mentioned '4 Prnjects." Fol As for the trade bal-
tion of the reparation pay ance between Japan and the with the xport-import ratio
tatu of the p ople through lowing the fir t government
A EA r countrie in iecent reaching 2. -to-1 in 1976.
trengthening the r cipient' ment , Japan promi ed to loan, Japan has xtended to
provide Burma with a total Burma from 1971 to 1976 year , a rough quilibrium On the other hand, Ja
elf-suffici ncy in food. pan's trade with ingapore
Private inve tment in Thai of U 140 million in grants even government loan to had been maintained between
196 and 1972. and Thailand during the
land has expanded rapidly over a period of 12 years taling - 79,530 million. The e
inc 1973, however, an same five-y ar period has
ince th promulgation of a from 1965 under a newly- fund were u ed, for in-
unfavorabl balance of trade continued to show a surplu .
law in 1962, which encourag d igned agreement for eco tance, to help finance the
on Japan' part ha become In addition, the Philippines
foreign inve tment in Thai nomic and technical coopera development of undersea oil registered a deficit in it
industrie . Japan now rank tion. Th cooperation und 1 fields and the Mann Oil Re
pan ha dispatched 104 ex trade with Japan in 1976.
as the largest foreign inve - this agreem nt wa com finery Project, and to pur
perts in variou fields to As for the degree of the
tor in Thailand. pleted la t April. cha e m dical upplies or
Burma. Approximately 2.7 A EAN countrie ' reliance
The amount of technical co The grants of these two capital goods. on Japan for their total for
operation offered to Thailand agreement have been u ed The Burme e Government billion i planned for fi cal
1977. eign trade, the 1975 trade
on the JI A basi in the for the construction of the a ked the Government of records show that, a a
1955-1977 period totals Y'9.5 Baluchaung water power ta Japan for more yen loans A for technical as istance who! , they were d pendent
billion. This total includ the tion, and the o-called "4 during the Fukuda vi it. The projects, a total of 43 mil on Japan for 25.4% of their
dispatch of 330 peciali t to Project '-th manufacture Burme e argued that such lion is cheduled for fi cal total foreign trade in that
Thailand and the training of of light and heavy vebi le , projects as a urea plant, a 1977. Even though uch co
2,779 Thai at center in Ja farm imp! ments, die el en rice-cleaning mill, and a operation ha been limited to
(b) Export
pan. The government plan to gin s and electric appli pharmaceutical plant need the medical sector, i.e., Bur
ma Dental niversity, the Japan's exports to the
spend approximat ly - 2 bil ance Japanese cooperation. But
lion on the JICA ba i in fi - Japan said that it would Government of Japan wi he A EAN countries in 1976
In 197 , Japan al o ex total d US 6,05 million, or
cal 1977. nder di us ion ar tended to Burma a grant aid wait to evaluate the results to broaden it cooperation in
plans to train aspirant from of the currently-funded pro to fields other than medicine. record d a 2.2% gain.
amounting to 700 million By item, Japan' 1976 ex
neighboring A ian countrie for the construction of the jects before authorizing any Two training centers, one in
at KMIT. bridge con truction and one port to all A EA coun
Biomedical R earch enter. new loans.
A for technical as i tance in fore try technique , are trie showed that machinery
Further assistance in fiscal In the area of technical
projects, 10 proj et are cooperation, Japan has pro planned with this in mind. and quipm nt accounted for
1977 of up to 1,500 million 53.2% of the total in value,
being implemented at the will be provided for the vided a total 1.4 billion on A comprehensive survey of
moment, with agricultural the Irawadi River, Burma' metal and metal products,
c nter. a JICA basis during the 23
and fish ries development major river, is scheduled 20.3%, and chemical , 10.7%.
As in other countrie , Fu year of formal cooperation
(c) Import
dominating this. These two kuda promised a grant of between the two countries. with agricultural, fisheries,
areas will remain the basis 492 Burmese have been and forestry development a Ja pan's 1976 import from
up to 600 million to in the ASEA countrie reach
for further expan ion of pro crea e the food production trained in Japan, while Ja- project goals.
ject assistance. ssistance to ed a total of U 7,741 million.
th Thai National Cancer In The figure accounted for
Trends of Japan's Official Development Assistance 11.9% of Japan's total im
stitute and the Koral ericul
ture Development enter to ASEAN Nations and Burma ports of 64,799 million
(northern Thailand) are in for the year.
cluded among the ongoing pro Th annual increa e of im
jects. ports in the 1976 figure came
to 21.6%, much larger than
A total of 800 million, in
the 11.4% annual growth of
cluding provision of machi
nery and equipment amount total exports.
ing to 450 million, i plan By country, ju t as in the
ned for fi ea] 1977. case of exports, Indonesia
During his vi it, Fukuda carri d the greate t weight,
approved a istance for the accounting for U $4,091 mil
e tabli hment of a vocation lion in value, 52. % of the
al training center in Khon
total import from ASEAN.
Kaen in northeastern Thai Analyzed by item, mineral
fuel was by far the largest
land. 75.540
import item in value, ac
Eight surveys and fea ibi counting for 47.3% of Ja
lity studies are to be carried 60000 43,080 pan's total imports from the
out under the Development Malaysia
33,960 area, follow d by other raw
urvey Program, including: Burma materials (24.6%) and food
a. an irrigative project to stuff (13.6%) .
cover approx. 400,000 ha. of (Related rti I ont.
land along the Maekhlong 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 on Page 26)
t re t of the hina and

Hatoyama Visits Southwest Asia

the U . . .R. intertwine here
in a complicated manner.
Peace and stability of this
region thu i important not
merely to ia, but al o to
Mr. Ii hiro Hatoyama, Min that the level of the annual tween Japan and epal. the entire world.
ister for Foreign Affair , consultation between Japan The epale e Governm nt Japan has traditionally
paid an official vi it to Ban and India should be raised to expr s ed gratitude for Ja- maintained friendly relations
gladesh (July 17 to 19), In that of Foreign Minister . pan's economic ooperation, with th outhw t A ian
dia (July 19 to 22) and pal Mr. Hatoyama agreed to this. while reque ting further ex- countries, cent ring on trade
(July 22 to 2 ). He wa Prime Mini ter Desai invit tension of economic coop ra- and conomic cooper, tion.
warmly received by th gov ed Prime Minist r Fukuda tion to epal. Foreign Min- However, compared wiih the
ernments and people of to visit India, and in r turn i ter Hatoyama stated that fr quency of visits f South
these countries. Japan invited Prime Minis Japan would c ntinue ex- west Asian dignitaries to
The primary purpose of t r Desai to vi it Japan. For tending economic coopera- Japan, vi it of important
hi official vi it lay in eign Minister Vajpaye ac tion so a to contribute to Japan figures to thi re
deepening mutual under cepted Foreign Minister Ha the epalese economic dev 1- gion have n t be n uffi i ntly
tanding between Japan and toyama's invitation to visit opm nt. In order to r ctify frequent. It is for thi r a
the outhw st A ian coun Japan. In addition, Mr. M. the trade imbalance, the on that thes c untries had
tries, and furthermore Dharia, Minister of Com epalese side a ked Japan to been strongly reque ting a
trengthening the friendly merce and Civil upplie , in r a e purcha e of Nepa- vi it of Japan's Foreign Min
and coop rative relation al expressed his int ntion to in le e agricultural products i ter.
ready exi ting betw en Ja Foreign Minister Iichiro vite Japan's Mini ter of In (rice, jute, spice, etc.) and The vi it of Foreign Min
pan and th se countrie . For Hatoyama. ternational Trade and In the proce ed good of the e i ter Ha yama wa a p si
eign Mini ter Hatoyama held du try, Mr. T. Tanaka. to primary products. tive response to this requ t,
frank talk with the leaders vi it India. Prime Minister Giri invit- and it e ms that this vi it
f ach ountty, and he has visit Banglade h. In epal, Foreign Minister ed Prime Minist r Fukuda to has gr atly c ntributed to
succe fully attained thi In India, For ign Minis Hat0yama was received in vi it Nepal so as to enhanc the promotion of the friend
purpo e. ter Hatoyama paid courtesy audience by His Maje ty the exi ting friendly rela- ly !'elations with ihos coun
Mr. Hatoyama is the first call on Prime Minister M. King Birendra Bir Bikram tion between the two coun- tries. The three countrie
Japanese Foreign Minist r D ai, the then Acting Presi hah Dev; he al o paid cou r tri s. de ire Japan's po itive co-
who visited India for th la t dent B. D. Jatti, Vice- hair t sy call on Dr. Tulsi Giri, The local papers of the op rati n in the field of th
seven year , and h i al o man of Lok abha G. Prime Minister, and Mr. R. three ho t countries con- economic development of the
th fir t Japanes Foreign Murahari, Finance Mini ter H. harma, hairman of the i tently gave front-page cov- r spe tiv ounfri s. A a
Mini t r who i ited H. M. Patel, Minister of Rashtriya Panchayat. He erage to Hatoyama's visit. m mber of the ian om
Bangladesh and ommerce and ivil Supplies conferr cl with Mr. K. R. The Southwe t Asian region, munity, Japan hould con-
In Banglade h, Foreign M. Dharia, Minister of Steel Arya!, Minister for Foreign onnecting the Middle Ea t tinu to xtend as mu h co
Mini t r Hat yama h ld on and Mines B. Patnaik. He Affairs, concerning the itu with East Asia, o cupie a operation a pos ible to m et
ference with Pre id nt al o h Id two round of talks ation of outhwest A ia and geographically important th e xp ctation of th
Ziaur Rahman and Mr. M. with Mr. A. B. Vajpayee, the bilateral relation be- po ition. In addition, th in- outhwe t sian countrie .
Haq, m mber of the ouncil Mini iel' of External Affairs,
of dvi ers to the resident and exchanged view on in
in charge of th Mini try of ternational affair and the Hatoyama Met with These Government Leaders
Foreign ffairs, concerning relation b tween Japan and
the situati n of A ia and India. Foreign Minister Vaj
th bilateral relation be pay e explained that the
tween the two countri . In ba ic foreign policy of India
addition, at a joint meeting is based on the principle of a
which wa attend d by five "genuine non-alignm nt."
member of the Council of Prime Mini ter De ai ex
Advi er to the Pre ident, plained India' position that
Mr. Hatoyama di cu d with India would promot peace
them matters concerning pro ful utilization of atomic
motion of conomic coopera power, but there would be
tive relations between the no other explosion for peace New Delhi
two countrie .. At the meet fu I purpo es. This tatement
ing the Bangladesh ide ex drew great attention.
press d gratitude for c oper oncerning bilateral rela
ation which has o far been tion , Prime Mini ter Desai
xtended by Japan for the and all other ministers were
conomi development in unanimous in expressing India
Bangladesh. At the same trong hope that the friendly
time, they reque ted Japa relations, especially coopera
ne e cooperation mainly in tive economic relations be
the following area : (1) co tween India and Japan would
operation in Bangladesh's be tr ngthened in the fol
development projects, (2) lowing fields:
pr moti n of joint ventures, (1) promotion of Japan
(3) rectification of the trade Indian joint venture in In
imbalance, (4) establi hment dia as well as cooperation Prime Minister
of a joint economic commit between Indian and Japanese M. Desai
tee. enterprises in third countries.
Foreign Minister Hato (2) promotion of cooper President Ziaur Rahman
yama expre sed that Japan ation between the two coun
would extend a much a sis tries in such fields as light and
tance as po sible fot econo heavy indu tries, rural devel
mic development in Bangla opment, and the development
desh. He pledged economic of medium and small enter
operation for this fis al prises.
year in the following ar as; It wa agreed that India
commodity aid (worth 15,- would di patch a team of ex
000 million), KR food aid pert to Japan, and confer
( 4 million) and technical co with representatives of Ja
operation and o on. Presi pan's private enterprise
dent Ziaur Rahman accepted about the possibilities of in
the invitation to vi it Japan, dustrial cooperation b tween
and the President invited the two countrie . Foreign
Prime Mini ter Fukuda to Mini ter Vajpay e propo ed
10 LOOK J APA r EPTEMBER 10, 1977

Basic Policy of Japan on Nuclear

--Ogiso Addresses CCD--
tatement b mba ador Motoo Ogi o My Governmen is on-
Japane e Repre entative to U.N. onference of vin ed that resolut m as
the ommittee on Di armament (CCD) ur are d perat ly r -
lntrodu tion it clear that I fully hare quired in b th th field
the cone m that further in of nucl ar di armament and
I . hould like to tak up ternational cooperation is nucl ar coop ration fully
the que tion of nuclear non now urgently required to r cognizing that the exe u
pr liferation, which i one prevent the danger of nu i n of which depends on the
of the mo t urgent cone ms clear proliferation. political will of the major
of our time, and to expre What i now needed in
the ba ic vi w of th Japa nucl ar pow r . The e m as-
order to re.pond to thi ut alon uld induce the
n e G vernment on thi challenge is to take concr t
matter. Th qu tion a far r maining nu I ar-weapon
mea ures to e ure the ffec
has be n pr nted in terms tivene s f the NPT itself tat s and many threshold
of how to s cure th use of as well as to explore what countri out id the PT to
atomic energy for the in measures should be taken t be ome members and th r by
creasing energy d mand and reinforc the PT regime giv thi Tr aty true uni er-
at the ame iime, how to pr - from the outsid , with the nuclear disarmament. ality.
vent the dang r of spreading participation not only of This is the reason why In the light f the politi
nuclear weapons that is, those nations with advan ed they undertake, a a legal year, to issu a tatement, cal premis that PT with
how to pur ue th se two im nuclear technology, but also in which it trongly urg d all the e inh rent problems
obligation provided for in
peratives in harmony with of a greater numb r of "the nuclear-w apon tates in fact th most funda
each oth r. Artie! VI of the Treaty, "to to take concr te nuclear dis
countrie whether or not pursue negotiation in good mental international legal
This question has co rn to they ar m mber of the armament measur s." This framework to prevent nu
assume in r cent months faith on effective mea ures Statement al o emphasized
NPT. cl ar proliferation, the most
growing ign ificance to a relating to cessation of the the conviction of my govern con tructive ta k for the in
number of countries. How nuclear arm race at an ment that "for the well ternational community is o
ever, the que tion should be
Meaning and Scope of early date and to nuclear being of all mankind, inter reinforce th PT regime.
examin d more broadly and the NPT disarmament." I may add national cooperation with Then how hould we arr
ba ically from the point of further that the non-nuclear respect to the peaceful uses out this ta k inside and ou -
In proc eding to xamine of nuclear E>nergy hould be
where does the real danger th weapon State , having placed side th framework of the
subject in depth, it vigorou ly promoted in ac
of nuclear pr liferation lie, would be worthwhile to con- their trust in the intention NPT? I should like to pro
and what can b done to cordanc with the provi ion po e the following measures,
ider one again what ac- on the part of nuclear- of this Treaty."
prevent uch a danger, in tua11 Y the PT regim i . It dealing first with measme
the field of both the mili- weapon tates to honour Moreover, my country wi hin its framework.
contain , from the tand- that obligation, have become
tary and the peac fu I us point of di armament, an made it clear in th tate
of nuclear energy. element of nucl ar arm con-
pa1-ties to the Tr aty, thu ment by it then Foreign Mea ure to be Taken
accepting an unequal status. Mini ter, Mr. Ko aka, at the
At the outset of my ex- trol, to be exercised pri-
In return, the Treaty assures G neral A s mbly Ja t
Within the Framework
amination, I should like to mar11y by the superpo"'e1
emphasize the fact that th "
1n try1ng to p1ev nt other ' them the inalienable right year, that, "thi inequality of the NPT
Treaty on th on-Prolifera- to develop the peacefu I uses b tw en the nucl ar-weapon
countne f rom acqu1nng nu- of nuclear energy without Fir tly, all th tat
tion of uclear Weapons of States and the non-nuclear-
clear xplo ive capabiliti s. discrimination. Those two Partie to the PT that pos
which over one hundred weapon States hould neith r
Moreover, it i al o the ym- element make up the very ess advan ed nuclear t eh
countrie are now members be consolidated nor perpetu-
nology, including the nu
n titute , in pite of it bol of hope on th part of fabric of the PT regime. ated and this hould b
cl ar-w apon tate , hould
inherent inequality, the mo t no11-nucl ar-weapon tates Ther fore, in order to give rectified by the aboli hm nt
take in their nuclear co
importa11t exi ting interna- which have joined the a more effective thrust to of all nuclear w apons, on
operation with th non-nu
tional legal framew,nk f r Treaty in the belief that it the NPT regime, which i the part of the nuclear-
lear-w apon tates Parti s
prev nting nuclear prolife- is a realistic step toward the essential framework for weapon tates."
po itive mea ur s to guaran-
ration and, as uch, is th nuclear disarmament. From nuclear non-proliferation, it However, we have to ad- t e the right to th peac ful
basic instrument upon which the standpoint of the peace- i of vital importance that mit that, while up until now, us of nuclear energy pro
further int rnational effort ful uses of nuclear energy, the nuclear-weapon tat there has not b en any vided for in rticle I of
should be made. Therefore, it j a y tern of interna- take concret mea ures for meaningful progre s in the the PT. Th non-nuclear-
the most practical way to tional. cooperation to assure nuclear disarmament in re field of nucl ar disarma- w apon tat m mber ar
further international effort the non - nuclear - weapon sponse to the trust placed ment, there ar recurring entitled to demand the
for preventing th pr ad of tates Partie to th Treaty in them by the non-nuclear case of nuclear cooperation mea ures a their I gitimat
nuclear weapon h uld be the inalienabl right to de- weapon State , and that the and inalienable right under
of late in which Muntri s
to take the PT regime a v lop nucl ar energy for inalienable right of the non the Trea Y, which hould
nuclear-weapon State to the which are not members of
a starting point. peaceful u s without dif- not remain a m re "pie in
peaceful uses of nuclear the NPT enjoy the same
omparing the present ferentiating them from nu- the sky" but be ubstanti-
}ear-weapon tates. energy hould be substan benefit as those of PT at d at any O t.
situation with that of 196 '
tiated to counterbalance the members without undertak-
when th PT was ndor ed Th Tr aty provides that, To re tri t th civil u e
by the General A sembly of obligation they have under ing the ame obligation. Thi
while non - nuclear - weapon of nuclear n rgy in tho
taken to forego nuclear tend ncy might well weaken
the nited ation , I r call tate Partie assume the countries which have volun
that the relian e on nuclear obligation to renounce the weapons. th credibility of the Treaty, tarily giv n up th option of
energy ha been rapidly in- production or acqui ition of If this be not the case, ven mor so in view of the producing or acquiring nu
pecially after the nuclear weapons, the nu the credibility of the NPT fact that n w and additional clear weap n and which
clear-weapon State ar al- it elf will be jeopardized have contributed, in spite of
cri i , to meet the re trictions are b ing con
lowed to produce and po ess and it will make it more dif the above-m ntioned in
world's growing en rgy ficult to achieve universal templated or di cu d with
nuclear weapon ; that is, equalitie inherent in the
needs and that atomic power adherence to the NPT re- regards to the d vel pment
they ar accorded a "special PT, to the caus of nu lear
generation has b en rapidly status." Such a privilege, gime. of the civil nuclear pro n n-prolif ration will not
and broadly augmented dur- however, is accompanied by It was this r a oning that gramme of non-nuclear fail to cau e them mis
ing this intervening period. a pecial responsibility to led the Government of Ja- weapon States Partie to th gi ing . It will al o di our
Here, I hould like to make take concret mea ure for pan. on the occa ion of de- 1JPT. ag non-Partie to the PT

to adher to thi Treaty. In technology and mat rial , in the conclu ion of the - nuclear explo ive devices for in the en e that it will erv
specific terms, I hould like their application for peace U R A cidental Warfare peaceful purposes cannot be in narrowing, relatively
to propose that the Parties ful purposes, from being Prevention Treaty and the di tingui hed from tho e for peaking, the area in which
to the NPT consider some diverted to military pur U -U R Hot Line Agree- military purposes. Thi tech nu lear weapons an be em
oncrete mea ure by which po e ; in other word , how ment were welcomed a an nical difficulty wa confirmed ployed and, in a en e it will
to a sure th non-nuclear t e tab Ii h an effective effort to avert such a dan- in the prov1s1011 of the help to contain them. It should
w apon State Parti s the afeguards y tern to pre ger and I should like to pro- Treaty between the nited be borne in mind, however,
acces to th upply of natural vent it. The know! dge and pose that they further ti- tates and the oviet Union that the e tabli hm nt of such
uranium, enrichment and r - xperience of the IAEA, ac pulate the obligation to notify of 1976 on uclear Explo ion zone requires amp! con ider
processing service , reactors cumulated during more than each other in the event of for Peaceful Purposes. ation of the actual ituation
and other necessary facili twenty years of it hi tory, such potentially dangerous Judging from the above, in each region.
tie , a well as related tech should be put to the best activitie a missile launch- it is obviou that, if we pre Th propo ed Peace Zone
nologies. po ible use and to thi end ing te t and military exer- elude the regulation of P 1 E of ihe Indian Ocean would
econdly, all the members its role has to be further cises. under the TB regime, it al o contribute to th ecurity
of the PT in their nuclear trenghened. lead to the danger of (1) of the countrie within the
cooperation with non-mem- The trategic Arm Limita non-nuclear-weapon State ac region concerned, provided
ber Stat , hould reque t Measures to be Taken tion Talk between the A quiring nuclear explosive that the e tabli hment of
the latter to accept at least and the USSR (SALT) capability in th name of uch a zone:
the application of IAEA Outside the Framework peaceful purposes, and (2) (i) gain the consensu of
af guard to all of their of the NPT With re pect to the danger nuclear-weapon States finding the tates concerned, includ
civil nuclear activities, and of the exi tence of nuclear a loophole in the TB re ing nuclear-w apon tates,
further, should coordinate I would now like to ex weapon . it i neces ary to gime. My Delegation is of the (ii) doe not undermine
their exporting policies in amine in a wider cope, be curb the nuclear arms race, view that no P E hould be the p ace and curity of the
such a manner that the yond the TPT, where the both in quality and in quan conducted unle an interna r gion or the entire world,
control to be applied to the dang r of nuclear prolifera tity; that i to ay, to prevent tional agreem nt i reached (iii) is furni hed with an
civil nuclear activities of tion lies with respect to the vertical proliferation of on an international uper effective saf guard y tern
those States outsid the PT both nuclear arms control nuclear weapons. vision and control system embracing inspection and
-hould be tricter than the and the peaceful uses of nu In specific terms, I fervent which will ensure that no v rification; and
clear energy, and to con ly hope that the econd part weapons-testing can be ar (iv) is con i tent with the
afeguards which the Par
of th trategic Arm Limita ried out in the name of P E. principle of international
tie to th Tr aty have ac- sider, in a general way, what
can be done to prevent uch tion Talks will lead to early Jaw, including the principle
pt d. This would give th
danger on national, regional results, enabling the two ut-off of the Production of of the fr edom of navigation
n n-member tate a p cial
superpower to enter into Fi ionable Material for n the high eas.
in entive to b come Partie and wodd-wide ba s. SALT III negotiation , aim
to th NPT. Weapon Purpo e
Nuclear Proliferation in ing at the ubstantial reduc Nuclear Proliferation in
Thirdly, th nuclear- Military Activitie tion of nuclear weapons. For Giv n the trend that the Peaceful ctivitie
weapon tate hould olun the moment, the complexitie production and tockpiling
tarily ubmit their civil nu A I have already pointed I hould now like to touch
involved appear to be un of fissionable material of
clear activiti s to the JAEA out, the NPT i a global surmountable. revertheless, I weapon grad will b in upon mea ure in the field of
safeguard y tern. At th rder concerning nuclear th p aceful u e of nuclear
expect unwavering courage urplus while fissionable
technology. That is, how to
same time, the c tat s arm control. It d e not, and brave leadership from materials for peaceful pur
. hould commence negotia however, go so far as to the leaders of the two super poses will be in short upply control effectiv ly the ensi
tions for the cutting-off of prescribe the restriction of powers in bringing about in the long term. I propo tive technologies and mate
the produ tion f nuclear production nor the elimina fruitful results. rial which can lead to the
that, as a second concrete
fissionable materials for tion of nuclear weapons. step toward nuclear di arma capability of d loping nu
weapon purpose, a I will How ver, in di cu ing the Conclusion of a Comprehen ment, the nuclear-w apon clear weapon . I hould like
mention later in thi tate ri k of nuclear prolifera sive Te t Ban Treaty tates halt the production of to propo e the following mea-
m ni. ln thi c nnection, I tion, we cannot overlook the fis ionable matedals for weap ure and empha ize that
welcome the fact that both fact that the very existence My Delegation ha appeal- on purpo e . o a to divert th y should be implement d
the nited tates and the of nucl ar weapons is the ed at the CD for years for thus with due con id ration being
pared natural and
United Kingdom hav ai core of the problem. An in an early realization of a enriched uranium to peaceful given to the conomic and
r ady concluded afeguards er ase in the absolute num comprehensive nuclear te t purpo es. And it is to be other relevant ituations of
tho e countrie which have
agreements with th IAEA ber of nuclear weapon ban, and has made year after added that the technology of
year, concrete proposal to already met the legal require
and I would like to reque t leads to an increa e in the a uranium blending process
ment of the NPT.
the e two tat to promptly po ibility of their acciden that end, because we attach for this end is being explor d.
great importance to ending Fir Uy, I hould like to
apply the IAEA safeguards tal or unauthoriz d use. This would be a substantial
the qualitative improvement point out the fact that the
to their facilities for peace There is al o the clanger and eff ctive tep toward
nu !ear fuel cy le in which
ful u es by implementing that nuclear weapon or nu of nuclear weapons a the preventing the growth of
fir t step towards nuclear plutonium obtained through
their Agr em nts at an early cl ar materials may be lo t stockpiles of nuclear weap
disarmament. You may recall the repro ing f pent fuel
date. I w uld al like to in ac ident or may fall into ons, as well as in helping to
that I made a pecific pro i r cycled, i th only fuel
appeal to the other nucl ar th hand of t rrori t . Hav meet the growing demand for
posal on procedures for the e 1,uclear fuel. ycle which ha be n cho en
weapon tat s to take the ing aid this, the following a a re ult of international
negotiations on April 21 t at
ame measure . mea ur should be prompt res,mrch ov r the past thirty
this mmittee, taking into Security of the Non-Nucle
}, ou rthly, th role of the ly implemented: ar- years, and i now technically
account the progre s made so Weapon tate
International Atomic Energy and economically e tablished.
far, the technical problems
Agency should be streng- P r vention of Accidental se involved, and the maturing
thened. It goes without ay- of Nuclear Weapon Th la t but not least im- J hould al o like to point
of the political environment. portant que tion i how to out that countri like Japan,
ing that th major objective It i obvious that, with In anticipation of the on a ur the ecurity of the non- which cann t but rely on
of P aceful u e under the the increase in the number vocation of the UN pecia1 nuclear-weapon
tate , who nuclear pow r generation to
PT regime i to dev lop of nuclear warhead , namely, Session on Disarmament in have given up
their option meet a large amount of
research, production, and thou ands of strategic nu less than a year from now, on nuclear
armaments. Thi en rgy demand, and which,
use of nuclear energy for cl ar warheads and tens of I should again like to reiter question, on which
mo t of from ecological considera
P aceful purpo s a well a thousands of tactical nuclear ate my request that negotia the argument were center d tion , cannot physically pro
to develop the free xch , nge warhead , the chances of ac tions for the conclusion of a at the I T Review onfer- vid for the long-term storage
of equipment, mat rial and cidental warfare multiply un TB b started in this om ence in 1975, is indeed a of spent fuel cannot do with
t chnical information among Jes an ab olutely effective mittee at the earliest po sible difficult one to resolve. I thin]{ out the reprocessing of pent
m mber tates. y tern of control is estab- date. that a concrete and reali tic fu 1 and th r -utilization of
on equently, trying to Ii hed. In thi onn ction, I would way to assure the non-nuclear- the uranium and plutonium
freeze th se legitimate rights J think it necessary that like to make clear again my weapon tates of their secu- obtained therefrom, to ecure
and activitie of NPT Par- both the United tates and country's position on peac - rity is to explore a solution a stable supply of energy on
ti s even partially, out of th oviet nion, which are ful nuclear explosions in the based upon the prevailing a long-term basi .
the fear of nucl ar prolifera- overwhelmingly dominant in light of it importauce in the political and military condi- At the same time, in vi w
tion, i not he right way to the number of nuclear weap- 1 B negotiation . At the tions in each region. of the fact that the spread
olve the probl m; and in ons in their ars nal , con CD Expert Meeting on I believe that the idea of of reproce iug and enrich
fa t, it may b de cribed as olidate each of their control Arm ontrol Implications of tablishing nuclear-weapon- m nt technology i clo ely
a case of "the r medy being y tern for nucleat weapons P E' held in 1975, a large fr e-zone , u h a the u- linked to the proliferation of
wor e than the di ease." and develop th m into an majority f the experts were clear-Free-Zone of the Latin potential nuclear cxplo ive
What really matters is int rnational arrangement. of the opinion that, at the American countries, may be capability, an eff ctive inter-
how to prev nt nuclear From this point of view, pre ent tage of technology, one appr ach to the subje t ( ontinued on Page 15)

Simplifying Exchange Controls on

Capital Transactions
The Ministry of Finance decided on May 13 to the middle road between the yen which has been convert (a) When securiti s are
implify exchange control procedures for current trans free yen account and the or d from foreign urr ncy. acquir d by yen converted
actions of invisible trade, includin!) purchase of foreign dinary yen. However, the ex (b) In other cases (main from foreign currency:
currency for travel abroad and service contracts. These i tence of an Article 5 yen ly when ecurities are ac tocks-remittance to a
m asure went into effect on June 13 ( e August is account complicated the ex quired through non-resident foreign country is fr e.
sue). upplementing these measi(ffes for invisible trade change control system and deposit accounts), remittance orporate bond , b n -
transactions, the MinistriJ of Finance implemented may have contributed to the to a for ign country general ticiary certificates, Jong
on June 27 a series of mea ure to simplify the ex frequent misunder tanding ly i not authorized. How term government bonds, lo
change controls on capital transactions. Due to these that Japan's exchange con ever, remittance is authoriz cal government bond and
two related measures of simplification, the burdens trols are particularly severe. ed in th following ea bank debentures-income
b01ne by tho e who are engaged in external trans In addition, the Article 5 i) distribution money of sur from disposition of each
actions will be conside,mbly alleviat d. yen account system was plus assets of stocks acquir bond six months or more af
As was announced on May 13, the Ministry from e tabli hed at the time that ed no les than three years ter acquisition is remittable
now 01i will mainly study the simplification of pro the Foreign Exchange Ordi before; ii) redemption money to a foreign country, but
ced'l,(ffeS for trade transactions involving the standard nance was first enacted of beneficiary c rtificat s tho e purcha ed within the
settlement system. in 1950. Until the free principal which were acquir- six months period must be
yen account system went d thre years before; and depo it d in a non-r ident
(I) Abolition of the depo it (e) Payments to tho e into effect, this Article iii) redemption money of the deposit account.
account for non-re ident and who ha e departed from 5 yen account had been a principal on corporate bonds, (b) Other cases :
an accompanying liberaliza- Japan to take up residence yen account to be held by a long-term government bonds, Income from di po ition of
tion of remittance of the abroad; non-resident other than the and local go ernment bonds securities three year after
sale of yen-denoted securi- (f) In tallment remit- special account. The condi- purchased two years b fore. acquisition can be freely r -
tie acquired by a non-re i- tance of living expense for tions of the credit and debit (3) Income from disposition mitted to a foreign country.
dent within the pa t six account holders who are in I dger were initially severe of securities Income from disposition of
month needy circumstances; and the items of entry were
Since this account was sub- (g) Remittance to a for- limited to authorized pay- Simplification of Capital Transactions
ject to Article 5 of the For- eign country of the larger ments or reception of such (1) The Article 5 en account
eign Exchange Ordinance, it um of either 30% of the payments. However, since the (Before reform)
was commonly called "the account balance at the end balance of this account was (a) Except for yen to be deposited in the free yen ac
Article 5 yen account." of the previous year, or partially authorized for count, uch yen as designated by the Minister of Finance
When the non-resident in- 720,000; transfer in 1961, restrictions must be deposited in the Article 5 yen account (Article
tended to deposit domestic (h) Payments to a for- on Article 5 yen accounts 5 of the Foreign Exchange Ordinance).
means of payment, he had eign country of the interest gradually have been eased. (b) Must keep a credit and debit ledger for Article 5 yen
to d po. it it in the non- on non-resident deposit ac- They include the liberaliza account (table 25 of the invisible tr de ministerial ordi
resident deposit account counts tion of remittance of inter nance).
(excludi11g non-resid nt free As stated above, the bal- est on Article 5 yen accounts (After reform)
yen accounts). Based on ance of the Article 5 yen ac- (1961), and the authoriza (a) Abolition of the Article 5 yen account.
table 25 of the ministerial count was remittable to a tion to remit to a foreign (b) Article 5 yen account balances now existing are
ordinance for invi ible trade, for ign country in specific country the larger sum of considered free yen.
the neces ary conditions for ea es and it transfer to either 20% of the account (2) Free r mittanc of in ome from di po ition of yen-
openiJ1g a non-resident de- other article 5 yen account balance or 720,000 (thi denoted ecuritie
posit account and keeping a wa fully authorized. Thus, percentage was raised to 30% (Before reform)
credit and debit ledger were it could be said that ex- in 1969). In addition to the Income from disposition of yen-denoted securities within
itemized a follows. chang of the Article 5 yen foregoing, depositing the ac six month after acqui ition belonging to a non-r ident
(1) Main it ms a credits account was partially au- count balance in a free yen mu t be deposited in the rticle 5 yen account (tabl 22
(a) Redemption mon y thorized. account or remitting it to a of th mini terial ordinance).
or income from disposition Unle a non-resident de- foreign country was authoriz- (After reform)
of the principal of yen-denot- posits yen in the Article 5 ed in 1969 and 1971. The
Income from di po ition of yen-denoted securities of a
ed securitie which have yen account, he is at present importance of this account
non-re ident can be d po it d in the free yen account and
been acquired legally accord- suppo d to either depo it cnse_ uently has gradually
i remittable to a foreign country, even if they are dis
ing to the Foreign apital the amount in a free yen ac- d1m1mshed to a present level
posed of within ix month after acquisition.
Code; count, or hold it as ordinary not reaching 50 million.
(b) ash, depo it and yen (i.e. cash or deposit). As At pr snt alo t all of the (3) Participation in mployee' own r hipby tho e worf.
other funds that non-resi- for the former, free ex- transact10ns m yen by non ing abroad
r idents are done through (Before refo1m)
dents held prior to their de- change and transfer are co rn-
parture from Japan to a re i- pletely authorized. (Liberal- the free yen account. ubject to individual permission (table 22 of the minis
denc abroad; ization of foreign exchange In view of the simplifica- terial ordinance).
(c) Payment based on in Japan wa previously ex- tion of exchange controls, it (Afte1 reform)
inheritance or bequest; amined when Western coun- was decided to abolish the No permission necessary.
(d) Interest on a non- tries ea ed the exchange con- Article 5 yen account in one (4) The re ident foreign currency deposit account
resident deposit account; trols on their domestic cur- stroke. The remittance of in (Before reform)
and rencies in 1958. As a result come from the disposition of (a) The general re ident foreign currency deposit ac
(e) Transfers from other of this study, a non-resident yen-denoted securities ac- count;
non-resident deposit ac- free yen account wa estab- quired within the last six The balance must not exceed the average balance of the
count Ii hed in 196 0 in order to months by a non-resident October-December period of 1973, but is fre up to the
(2) Main item as debits authorize a non-resident to has also been liberalized. In amount of 20, 000.
(a) Paym nts of expenses hold yen which can be ex- the pa t, the collection of in (b) The foreign currency deposit account of ov r as
nece ary for stablishing changed and transferred.) ve tm nt funds for Y n-de transportation companies and in urance compani s;
or managing Japan-based In the latter case, since noted securities held by a The balance must not exceed the average balance of the
branches of foreign corn- the character of yen cur- non-resident was treated a October-December period, 1973.
panie , and payment to ac- rency held by a non-resident follows: (c) The foreign currency deposit account of securities
quire yen-denoted securities; is just the same as yen held (1) Interests or dividends companies (accounts to be opened in foreign exchang
(b) Payments to acquire by Japan se themselves, a -remittance to a foreign banks in Japan and accounts to be opened in financial
real e tate in Japan; non-resident is not authoriz- country i free. institutions abroad) ;
(c) Payment based on ed to exchange or to trans- (2) Redemption of the prin- The balance in an account opened in foreign exchange
inheritance or bequest; fer ordinary yen except for cipal. banks in Japan must not exceed the average balance of
(d) Payment incurred specific cases. (a) Remittance to a for- the October-December period, 1973 and the credit entry
by a non-resident during his The Article 5 yen account, eign country is free when with an account opened in financial institution abroad
stay in Japan; thu , could be said to take securities are acquired with mu t be within 7 days.
securities purcha ed within rictions had become unnece - the reception of payments deposit with another foreign le than even bu ines
three years must be put in sary. for services (such as artistic exchange bank or a financial days. By the recent mea -
a non-r sid nt deposit ac- It was thus decided that performance ) in ordinary institution abroad, the bank ure , the restriction im
count. restrictions placed on remit- yen has been made free. It was exempt d from the re- posed on th resident for
It can be readily under- tance relating to indirect has al o been made possible triction o long as the con- eign currency deposit ac
stood that the e r sfrictions investment by a non-resident for non-residents to change tract satisfied the necessary count in e the end of 1973
on the collection of invest- would be aboli hed. As a re yen held legally at the time conditions, determined by have all been abolish d, in
ment funds for Japanese se- suit, a non-resident can at of departure and take it out Minister of Finance, accord- eluding this r striction on
curities held by a non-resi- pr ent freely collect both of Japan into foreign cur- ing to which foreign ex- the retaining p riod in a
dent wer imposed to prev- redemption money and in rency. change positions or the ac- foreign currency deposit ac-
ent precipitous flow of come from disposition of yen This, together with the re- ceptance of hort-term for- count.
short-term capital. It is also denoted securities. Hence, it cent measures for capital eign currency funds mu t be IV Aboli hing the actual
true, however, that uch is certain that short-term transaction , have newly au- adjusted. Securities corn- demand principle concerning
re trictions have not only securitie investment by non thorized all exchange trans- panies, overseas tran porta- the acquisition of real e tate
had a negative effect on Ja- residents will increase in the action of yen held by a non- tion companie , and insur- abroad
pan, who ha adopted a plat- future. (A for the OECD r-sident. ance companie , all consider- It wa d cided in July,
form of free exchange con- codes, Japan has annotated II Alleviating the re tric- ed obliged to hold a for ign 1971, that a re ident eeking
trol, but also have unneces- the method of payment of tion on the acquisition of currency deposit on a cur- to acquire real tate abroad
sarily complicated th ex- the e r strictions, but this hort-term foreign ecuritie rent ba is, were al o given hould receive the auto-
change control ystem. Be- will al o ceas in the fu- As one of the liberaliza- comprehensive permission t matic permi ion from the
ides, in vi w of the recent ture.) tion measures for indirect hold a foreign currency de- Bank of Japan, provided
tate of Japan's economy, it In the recent simplifica- inve tment abroad by a re i- posit. that it wa acqufred for his
wa widely r cognized that tion of exchange controls for dent, securities investment The authorization for g 11- own u (thi i called the
the existence of these re t- invisible trade tran actions, trust companies were au- eral resident to hold a for- actual demand principl
thorized to acquire foreign eign currency deposit was This was abolished in Octo-
(After reform) ecuritie to the maximum of granted in May, 1972 when ber, 1972. Any uch acqui i-
$100 million in April of 1970. Japan abolished the foreign tion now automatically re
(a) The restriction on the balance abolished.
(b) Th re triction on the balance abolished. Insurance companies were currency concentration ob- eive the permi sio11 of the
( ) The restriction on the balance and the retaining likewise authorized to ac- ligation. Thi was called the Bank of Japan, xc pt in
period aboli hed. quire fol'eign securitie in "resident account of foreign ase which might give rise
------- January of 1971. The upper currency deposit" in the to an internati nal probl m.
(5) Acquisition of real e tate abroad limit set upon acqui ition ministerial ordinance for in- Due to a state of em rgency
(B fore reform) wa aboli hed in July, 1971, visible trade. Thi ordinan e na ted during the oil cri i ,
When it i not l a1 that the acquisition is based on and in addition, tep were made it pos ible for a re i- however, the Bank of Japan
a tual demand or when it may give rise to an interna taken to enable general in- dent to depo it legally-ac- individually examined once
tional probl m, it do n t re ive the automatic permis- ve tors to acquire foreign se- quired foreign curren y at a again acqui ition ea es
ion from the Bank of Japan. curitie. through Japanese foreign exchange bank in which were not apparently
(Aft r reform) securitie companies. Japan. ba ed on actual d mand.
The principle of actual d mand i remov d and made The acquisition of hort- During the oil en 1 s in R trictive policy wa thu
subj t to automatic p rmis ion from the Bank of Japan term foreign securitie was 1973, however, the balance reenacted.
(ex luding such case which may give rise to an interna thu initially lib raliz d in of this account increased ab- In keeping pace with the
tional problem . July, 1 971. However, due to normally (pre-crisis balance afore-mentioned liberaliza-
(6) Acqui ition of hort-term for ign urities the sha rp turn in th bal- totaled $200-300 million; at tion in other area , thi
(Before reform) ance of payment brought the end of 1973 it surpas d re tricti n, too, ha been
oes not receive compr h n ive permi ion. except in the about by the oil crisi in $800 million). Due to the do!- abolished by the r ent m a-
following two in tances 1973, restriction were again Jar speculation created by ures. In ther words, th
) orrespondent foreign exchange banks. imposed as a corrective mea- the oil cri is, restrictions on temporary m a ures taken at
(2) e uritie investment tru t companie , provided that ure. In November of 1973, increase in the account bal- the time of the oil cri is
th am unt is I s than 5% of th total foreign currency re triction were imposed on ance were introduced in Jan- have now all been abolished.
as ets as of the end of December of 1973. the acquisition of such se- uary, 1974. The restrictions In addition, procedures will
(After r forrn) curities. Corr spondent for- originally stipulated that the be further simplified in th
ompreh nsivc p rmi ion i giv n. eign exchange banks, how- account balance mu t not ex- future, for the acquisition
ev r, do have the authoriza- ce d the av rage balance of and dispo ition f real e tate
(7) Acquisition of foreign tock through employee's tion to acquire foreign e- the October-Decemb r period (including acquisition of
owner hip in a foreign-affiliate curitie in investing short- of 1973 or 10,000. In June, real e tate in Japan by a
(Before reform) term funds, subject only to 1976, however, re trictions non-re ident).
ubject to individual permi ion from the Minister of certain re trictions prescrib- were eased and th limit was V Other mea ure
Finance. ed in the ministerial ordi- raised to $20,000. (a) Acquisition of for
(After reform) nance. ecurities companies Similar re triction. were eign tock relating to m
Comprehen ive permi sion is given on an individual were also authorized to ac- imposed on the balanc of ployee stock owner hip in a
foreign-affiliate basi . quire short-term foreign se- a foreign currency depo it foreign-affiliate wa in the
( ) Acqui ition of foreign ecuritie which do not involve curities up to an equivalent account opened by over eas pa t subject to individual
payments which are newly directed to a foreign of 5% of their total foreign tran portation companie and p rmi ion from the Minis
ountry currency as ets as of the in urance companie . The ter of Finance, but this has
(Befor refor1n) end of December, 1973. ow, definition of for ign cur- been given comprehensive
The following cases ar subject to permission from the the e restrictions again are rency deposit accounts held p rmi sion on a company-by
Minister of Finance or th Bank of Japan (table 24 of removed, and, in titutional by s curities companies in- company ba is. Acqui ition
the mini terial ordinance); investors and general inves- eluded both those opened in of stock of the parent com
(a) At the time of a merger of Japane e corporations, tors are able to freely ac- a foreign exchange bank in pany by employ es on owner
tran fer of tocks to the corporation which will continue quire short-term foreign se- Japan and tho e opened in hip plans for Japanese m
to exi t after merger, or to newly-established corporation, curities ( uch as foreign a financial in titution ab- ployees working in over ea
trea ury bills). road. Securitie companies branches of Japane e enter-
(b) At the time of a merger of companies incorporated
abroad, acqui ition of tocks of the company incorporated III Removing the re tric- i ue receipts and payments prises has b en made free.
tions on the balance of a for the dispo ition of foreign (b) cqui ition of for
abroad which will continue to exist after merger, or of
re ident-held foreign cur- ecurities of their cu, tomers eign ecuriti which do not
newly- stabli. hed ompany abroad,
rency deposit account through this foreign cur- go with new payments to a
(c) Acquisition of stocks through an organizational
A re ident making a for- rency depo it account. foreign country ( uch as
change of a company incorporated abroad,
eign currency deposit con- Yet, looking at the actual merger , tock dividends)
(d) Acquisition of stock through stock dividends or
tract with another resident ircum tance of uch tran- wa in the past . ubject to
fr distribution, or a non-resident is analo- actions, to impose restric- p rmi ion from th Minis
(e) Acquisition of tock issued by stock splitting or gous to becoming a per on tion similar to tho
e im- t r of Finance or the Bank
merging of stocks, concerned in creation of a posed on other foreign cur- of Japan, but thi has been
(f) Acquisition of tocks by convertible bonds or con claim which i ubject to rency depo it accounts wa made free.
version tock , permis ion und r Article 13 difficult. Hence, the r tric- (c) cqui ition of Japa-
(g) Acqui ition of stocks as collateral for a loan to a of the Foreign Exchange tion imposed on securities ne e ecurities a an in-
re iclent. Ordinance. tipulated that foreign cur- direct investment by a for-
(After ref01m When a correspondent for- rency received in a foreign eign inv stor has always re
P rmi ion i made unnece ary for acquisition, except eign exchange bank made a currency deposit account c ived the automati appro-
f r foreign exchang banks. contract of for ign currency could b retained only for ( ontinued on Page 14)
14 LOOK JAPA r, SEPTEMBER 10, 1977

On the Occasion of the Adoption of the

"Comprehensive Economic Measures"
tatement of ou views on the futur And thi dawn i now in
Prime Mini ter Takeo Fukuda course of the Japanese econo sight. I am fully aware of
my, each con idered from a the hardship which my fel
The Government today decided to adopt the "Com different angle. low citizens, specially those
prehensive Economic Measures." I would like to take On the one extreme, th related to smaller enterprises
this opportunity to express my view on the management view that expects the econo and other indu tries hardest
of the econorny, and ask for your understanding. my to return to the happy hit by re sion, must under
period of high growth in the go in this period of drastic
Basic Stance on Fiscal and Monetary past still exists. On the other transition. I empathiz with
your hardship. It is to alle
Economic Measures to Stimu extreme, ther are tho e who
are unneces arily p simi ti viate these hardships and to
Management late the Economy about the future of our give you courag that I de
The immediate objective of We will, first of all, il1- economy. cided to take these mea ure
economi management is, crea e domestic I do not think either of at this time.
first and foremost, to strive these two views appr - We have mobilized all p s
through additional public in
for stable economic recovery priate. sible policy m a ures under
vestment and other mea ures.
in order to ecure the tabi pres nt financial and mone
amely, we volume of public With the coming f the
lity of th national livelihood, tary condition , and indeed,
investments by the Govern age of "limited energy and
especially of employment, a the magnitude of the e mea
ment, governmental institu resources" for the fir t time
well as to contribute to the sure is great.
tions and local public entities in world history, we are now
balanced development of the will be expanded in order to I am confident that our
sible measures to prevent any faced with the greatest turn
world economy. enhance social capital, which economy will steadily recov
instability in employment. ing point in human hi tory
The economy has recently has trong demand-creating er by the implementation of
Such policy measures, how that ha ever been experienced the present program, and
been undergoing a moderate effect a well a providing before.
expansion, with an increa e the basis for improving the ever, should not undermine that the true foundation of
the recent trend toward price The oil crisis which occur- a stable and ustained growth
in public investment and living standard of the peo red for years ago was. a
private con umption. How ple. We will additionally pro stability. Although consumer policy, which I have been
price are expected to follow ymbohc event representmg continuously appealing for,
ever, private demand, such mote the construction of pri suh a turning oit. With
as capital investment, lacks vate housing, which is vital a more stable trend in the will be establi hed.
second half of the pre eni th1s as the begmnmg, the
strength in it upswing and to the table Ji elihood of the The Government, in re-
fi ea! year, the Government world economy fell into un-
the employm nt situation is people, by expanding the loan spon e to the tru t and re
will continue to maintain precedented confusion evi-
till lagging. Moreover, there capacity of the Housing Loan denced by high inflation liance of the people, is deter
are some industrie suffering orporation to cover an addi price-stabilizing measures for
daily necessities and other rates, serious rece sion, un- mined to carry out fully, its
from structural problems, tional 100 thousand unit and r sponsibility for managing
goods. We will also monitor employment problem , and
economic performances dif increa ing private loans for
dome tic prices to ensure that increasing deficits in the bal- the economy.
fer between industries. housing. The total um of the
the appreciation of the yen is ance of payments. And we I a k for youl' full under
The present economic itu above-mentioned projects
being felt. These measures have not yet fully r covered standing and cooperation.
ation, if allowed to ontinue, amounts to about 2 trillion
should hold the rate of the from this confusion.
might undermine the vitality yen.
con umer price increase in However, in the midst of (This tatement was de-
of the Japanese economy and In the field of monetary
this fiscal year to around 7%. this confusion in the world liver d on ept mber 3.)
ociety and exert an unfavor policy, we will promote the re
able influence on the table du tion of the entire gamut of economy, Japan, through the
Adjustment Efforts strenuous effort of each and
development of the Japan se
conomy in the future. The
interest rates and improve the
financial ituation of enter for External every one, ha been able for Exchange Control-
the most part to overcom
international balance of pay
ments shows a trend toward
prises in order to strength n
the vitality of the private
Equilibrium these difficultie . Our con ( ontinued From Page 13)
a substantial surplus, reflect ector and contribute to stable At the last ummit meet tinuous r covery i most re val from the Bank of Japan
ing the internal and external employment. ing of advanced industrial markable even by internation but beneficiary certificat
economic development ; we We will give special con ized nations in London, Japan al tandards. Some in the in with a maturity of less than
must triv for external sideration to increasing pri declared that it would en t rnational community refer six months needed approval
equilibrium under our r - vate demand by such mea deavor to a hieve the target to this a the econd miracle from the Mini ter of Fi
sponsibilitie as a member of sures as promoting private of a 6.7% growth rate o as of the Japanese conomy. nanc . The certificat ,
the international community. equipment inve tments in to contribute to the sustain However, as the oil cri i too, have b en mad subj t
Since the beginning of the power generation and other ed, non-inflationary growth of
the world economy in view of has dealt an especially severe only to the Bank of Japan'
year, the Government has industrie , and also improv
ing the term for consumer the growing interdependence blow to our e onomy, whi h approval and p rmission.
implemented a series of sti
mulative measures, including credit. among national economies. is highly dependent on im Prompt timing of inve tment
front-loaded disbursement With r spect to the prob The mea ures we have an ported oil, our economy has by a non-resident i neces-
for public works projects and lem of the so-called structural nounced today reaffirm our not yet fully recovered from ary in th cas of stock ac
a large reduction in interest recession, strenuous efforts determination to contribute th damage it uffered. Japan quisition a indirect invest
rate . In view of the pres nt are being teadily made in to the sound development of i still in a ituation where m nt; thu , the post applica
economic situation, however, the private sector to adj u t the world economy by ensur the restructuring of our tion y tern has been adopt
we have today decided to pro production and productive ing the achievement of an
economic growth rate which economy in response to the ed. In the future, however,
ceed further by adopting the facilitie , to rationalize man
is highest among the major new age of limited energy tudy will be made of ap
"Comprehensive Economic agem nt and strengthen the
Measures," to be implement tructure of enterprises. The developed countries. I am al o and resource is yet to come. pr ving thi system for ac
ed both by public and pri Government, on its part, will confident that the surplus in Japan's future depends on quisition of ecuritie , too.
vate sectors, including fi take necessary measures on the balance of payments will whether or not we can rnak (d) Effort will also be
nancial and monetary mea an individual basis with a be gradually decreased the adju tment, which i made to simplify the written
sures. With the e measures view to facilitate the smooth through these measure . now being vigorously pursu applications for permis ion
we are determined to make conver ion of the economic ed in both our hou eholds and approval. ( ee the at
utmost efforts to achieve a tructure. New Perspective of and industries. When this tached table for a c mpari-
real economic gtowth rate of
around 6.7%, which is our
In addition, we will fur
ther promote various mea
the Japanese adjustment i completed, we on betw en the convention
growth target for the pres sures for the sake of smaller Economy will ee the dawn of a new al sy tern and the revised
ent fiscal year. nterprises and take all pos- At present, there are vari- society and a new economy. one.)
LOOK JAPAN, SEPTEl\1 ER 10, 1977 15

NPT- inve ted tremendous amounts .--,

f human nergy and financial '-..IUrreD t E CODOffllC S orders in the non-manufac
orvey turing indu try (excluding
(Continued From Page 11) resources in the re earch, Lagging Business Recovery hip and lectric pow r)
national cooperation i re- production and use of declined, tho in the man-
quired to prevent such a atomic nergy for peaceful Weak basic economic indi- will increa e omewhat, and ufacturing industry increa -
danger. haring this concern purposes. Moreover, a major cators reveal a luggi h September production will ed partly a a reaction to the
with many other countries, ity of the e countries have trend towards bu ines re- also show a light increa e. result in May. onstruction
my Government is ready to ratified the PT and have covery. The main economic But the foreca t predicts ord rs how d a 13.7% in
join in such cooperation to accepted IAEA saf guards in indicators are as follows. that production will remain crea e over the preceding
contribute to the establish- the cause of nuclear non Mining and manufac t uring weak in general. month (seasonally adjusted),
ment of an effective nuclear proliferation. The nuclear production index f r July Export in July r gister d continuing the high rate
non-proliferation policy. weapon State may notice represented a 1.5% drop a 22.5% increase over the of growth ince April. This
F or the effective control of that thes deed indicate the from the preceding month same month of la t year, to- came a a result of concen
these sensitive material and si.ncere desire of the non (seasonally adjusted). Al- taling $7,262 million. uch tration of orders for public
technology it would b u eful nuclear-weapon States to co though a rise wa een in an increa e f over 20% was utility works in th first half
to take the following mea- operate for the cau e of chemicals (excluding medi- the first one in three month . of the urrent fi cal year.
sure : nuclear non-proliferation even cal supplie ) and g neral Exports to all geographical Private con truction how
( i) to carry out the pro- by "giving up a portion of machinery, a sizable decline areas exceeded 10%. Machi- ever, decreased du to tag
po ed International uclear what i con ider d their most was seen in transportation nery exports remained favor- nant equipment investment.
Fuel ycle Evaluation Pro- pr cious asset, namely their machinery and iron & steel. able, but color TV ets de- The whole ale pric index
gramme; own national overeignty," as Shipments ro e 0.4%; if crea ed. in July dropped 0.5% from
(ii) to xamine the t eh- Dr. Eklund, Director-G neral boats & hip are excluded, Import stood at $5,771 the preceding month, repr -
nical possibilitie of extra t- of th IAEA, pointed out. however, the shipment indi- million, showing a 2.2% in- enting the first izable drop
ing plutonium in a form It mu t now be clear that cator showed a light decline. crease over the ame month in O m nths. This is at-
inappropriate for the produ _ the pre ent ta k of the inter lnventorie dropped (0. %) la t month. Although the tributable to the high yen
tion of nuclear weapon . national community, as I for the first time in four growth rate remained mall, rat at the exchange market
(iii to conclude a CTB p inted out at the out et of months. Although shipments imports from uch area a and the weak tendency of
Treaty and to urge as many my statement, cannot be ac in July remained dull, the Latin America, increa ed mark t goods in general.
countrie a pos ible to ac- complished by mer ly freez more than u ual control of significantly. Con umer prices also dr p
e de to it in order to prevent ing, either regionally or par production cau ed a certain The rate of capitalization ped 0.3% from the preced
plut nium from being used tially, the legitimat right to degree of inventory tight n- in June tood at 5. , show- ing month , repres nting a
for nuclear te t explosions. the peaceful u es of nuclear ing. The in ntory-to- ales ing no significant fluctuation 2-month on ecutive lrop.
With r gard to the In t r- energy of those tates which ratio stood at 130.4, a de- from the pr c ding month. ompared to July, 1976, con
national uclear Fuel ycl have developed atomi energy crease of 1.1%, the fir t such This is due to the fact that sumer pri e regi ter d a
Evaluation Programme men- ol ly for peaceful purpo e drop in four month . both production and produc- relatively low annual ri e of
tioned above my overnm nt and for the improv ment of According to the for.ecast tion capacity increa eel. about 7 0, du mainly to the
is ready to upport it provid- the public welfare. What i ind-x, Augu t mining and Machinery orders in June de rease of prices for ea-
ed that the nuclear de elop- now alled for is not to manufacturing production (private demand xcluding sonal good .
ment program of my country e tabli h a "philo ophy of hips a11d electri power) The unemployed in Jun
will not be hamp r d. To d nial" for the e ountrie , was advocated by Pr sident showed a 1.7 o decrea e tota eel l, 1 J 0,000, reflecting
make this iniernati n L a- but to implement a set of Eis nhower in 1953 in his (seasonally adjusted) fr m the continuing ritical situa
luation pro ramme truly m asures such as I proposed "Atoms for Peace" pro the pr ceding month, on- tion in mployment. Th m1-
authoritative and effective it within and out ide the frame- gramm namely, to return tinuing a 3-month conse u- em loyment rat stood at a
is indisp nsable that the work of the PT to make to the initial ideal of the tive deer as . Thu , machi- relatively high rate of 2.08%
greatest possible number of the existing nuclear non- peaceful u e of nuclear nery orders appear to have sea onally adju ted).
inlerested countries, including proliferation system effective, energy. shifted to a downward ten- The rate f job off r to
"lhr hold" ountIie as well and further to establi h an dency. applicants ( ffectiv job
a nuclear-w apon tat , international control sy tern (Thi ta tement wa de- It should, however, be op ning rate) \ a 0.52, how-
join in thi effort. It is desir- for th pea eful use of livered on Augu t 11.) noted that while machinery ing a on ecutive drop.
able that available data con- atomi energy ba ed on a
cerning their national facili- general con ensus with the
tie be pr vided as inputs widest pos ible participation
for thi evaluation. of countries intere ted, and

Wall Type
Even while uch an inter- thereby to resolve the prob
national evaluation i b ing 1m in a po itive and con truc
undertaken, w believe that t1ve manner.
ihe reproce sing and pluto- We must emphasize again
nium utilization programme that uch an .international
of u h non-nuclear State effort must be reinforced
Pay Phone
memb rs of the PT a above all by the ubstantial
urgently require the repro- furtherance of nuclear dis
cessing of pent fuel to meet armament, namely, by an ef
their growing en rgy de- fort to prevent vertical
mand, hould n t be hinder d. nucl ar proliferation. Only

Lastly, the question of the after oncrete measures have
phy ical protection of nuclear been bravely initiated toward
material ; that is, the po - a ubstantial reduction of
sible danger of los or hijack- nuclear weapons so that the The model 103 is designed
ing, whi h al o involves peopl of the world can find for multi-metering local
environmental pollution. Tak- hope that they will be freed
ing into a count the tudy fr m the dark shadows of a
and propo als made by xpert nu !ear holocaust, will inter
-- calls and DOD long distance
calls. It has a coin box of
considerably increased capa
under the auspice of the national cooperation for hori city, and features long-term

IAEA, I should like to point zontal n ucl ar non-prolif

out the neces ity of establi h- eration gain powerful mo reliability which is required
ing an international arrang - mentum. This is why I point in this application , since wall
ment for the physical protec- oui again the grave respon phones receive heavy use.
tion of nuclear materials ibility of the major nuclear
during their storage and weapon States for nuclear
transportation. disarmament.
Thi , in my firm belief, i MODEL 103
Conclusion the only way we can rel a e

Tamura Electric Works Ltd.

the world from the nightmare
Almo t four decade have of nuclear proliferation, the
pas ed since man discov red only way in which we can
nuclear fis ion reaction in ucceed in taking a big stride 2-3 Shimomeguro 2-chome, Meguro-ku TOKYO 153, JAPAN
1938 and succeeded in con toward the original and ulti Phone: 03-493-5111 TU< 02466218 PAYFON J
trolling it in 1941. Since then, mate purpo e of harnessing
a number of ountries have nuclear energy, that is, as
16 LOOK JAPA , EPTEMBER 10, 1977

Inauguration of OLUHO Cable

Celebrated --zn-- Three Nations --
The Okinawa-Luzon-Hong Kong Submarine Cable
(OLUHO), a new telecommunication trunk line linking
Japan with the Philippines and Hong Kong, was com
pleted on Aug. 26, opening a new epoch in international
Fukuda Sends Message to Leaders
telecommunications. This new cable supplements the Your Excellency Ferdinand it i of profound signifi-
Japan-China Submarine Cable, which was opened on E. Marcos, the President cance that thi cab! ys-
October 5, 1976. The OLUHO cable was laid generally of the Republic of the tern ha. been completed a
with th object to improve th quality of international Philippine and Your a bridge of voic onnect-
telecommunications with the outheast Asian region Excellency ir Murray ing Japan, th Philippin
and sp cifically to cope with the rising demand for MacLehose, the Governor and Hong Kong, at this
better telecommunications in the Japan-Philippines of Hong Kong; time when th friendly and
Hong Kong region. I would lik to express coop rative relationship b -
The cable's inauguration ceremony was held on my incere thanks to Your tween Japan and the coun-
A1.1,g. 26 in the pr s nee of the concerned people of the Excellency, Pre ident Mar- trie in outhea t A ia i
three countries. During the inauguration ceremony, cos for the mos cordial becoming all th m re 1 e.
Prime Minister Fukuda of Japan, President Marcos of me sage of greeting you Th inauguration of this
the Philippines, ood Governor Maclehose of Hong Kong have ju t sent me. cable ystem, I firmly be-
each sent a congratulatory m sage by the new cable I am now back in Japan Prime Mini ter lieve, , ill greatly enhance
from each capital. from my fortnight visit to Takeo Fukuda the inter hange in the
the outhea t Asian coun- politi al, conomic, cultural
The n wly-laid Okinawa kyo that was cosponsored by tries. It was only a week of greetings on behalf of and oth r fields among
Luzon-Hong Kong ab e was the International Telecom- ago that I visited the Phil- the Japanese ov rnment Japan, the Philippin s and
undertaken a a join inter munication nion (ITU) ippine and received a very and the people of Japan to Hong I ong and will also
national venture b three in and Economic Commission warm welcome from Your Your Excellency, the Pr i- foster the heart-to-heart
ternational telecommunica for Asia and the Far Ea t Excellency, the President dent and th people of contact betwe n the people
tion ervice firms-Kokusai (E AFE) in Tokyo. and from the people of the the Philippines, as well a of Japan and the peoples
Denshin Denwa o., Ltd. Following variou efforts Philippines. I take this op- to Your Excellency, ir of this part of th world.
(KDD) of Japan, Eastern and consultation , the actual portunity to express my Murray MacLeho , the In concluding my short
Telecommunications Philip agreement on construction heartiest gratitude to our Governor of Hong Kong me sage, I would like to
pines, Inc. (ETPI of the and maintenance of the Excellency and to the peo- and the people of Hong submit, on behalf of the
Philippine , and able and Okinawa-Luzon-Hong Kong pie of your country for the Kong. people of Japan, my high
Wir less, Ltd. ( &W) of the Submarine Cable ystem warm ho pitality I receiv- It is my ardent hope that est e teem and good wishes
nited Kingdom to meet the wa. finally igned by KDD, ed on that occasion. Japan and other ountries to Your Excell ncy, Pre i-
increasing need for interna &W and ETPI in Septem- It is the greate t of plea _ in Asia collaborate, in a dent Marco and to th p o-
tional telecommunications b r, 197 . onstruction corn- ure for me to have the op- pirit of cooperation and pi of the Philippines, a
services. m need in June, 1976 and portunity today, at the olidarity, to establish well as to Your Excellency,
The total c nstruction cost the submarine coaxial cable opening ceremony of the peace and prosperity in the Govern r MacLehose and
of the ubmarine able ys r:y tern wa completed on Okinawa-Luzon-Hong Kong world. the people of Hong Kong.
tem, excluding cable landing August 26. able, to send my message From this point of view, Thank you.
tation facilitie , was ap The Okinawa-Luzon-Hong
proximately 15 billion with Kong able ystem extend
KDD and &W ach bearing from Okinawa to Hong Kong
capacities to increase the ef tween Okinawa and Luzon. twe n Luzon and Hong Kong.
40% of th investm n , and via urrimao of Luzon Island
ficiency of telecommunica The "14 MHz Submarine Thank to the ompletion
ETPI bearing the other 20%. for a di tance of roughly
tion cables. Coaxial Cable ystem," d - of the new cab! syst m, the
The " -12M Submarine veloped by tandard Tele improved international tele
The project to Jay the Oki
Brief History of Japan nawa-Luzon ection of the
Coaxial Cable System," de
veloped by KDD, which has
communication & able of communications rvi s of
th e region will enable
the United Kingdom, which
Philippines-Hong Kong cable commenced in March,
a transmis ion capacity of has a transmission capacity freer and b tter mutual co-
l 977, with the "KDD-Maru"
Telecommunications laying the able in four
1,600 telephone channels, is of 1, 40 telephone channel ,
utilized in the ection be- is used for the s ction be- ( ontinued on Page 1 )
operations. Meanwhile, the
The ambitiou idea to link laying of the Luzon-Hong
Japan with outh a t A ian Kong tion of the cable was Principal Submarine Ca hies in the Pacific Area
countries utilizing a ub- accomplished by the cable
marine cable system originat- hip "M rcul'y" of the United
ed in the outh ia and Kingdom.
Far Ea t ubmarine abl
Plan ( AFE ), which aimed Features of the Cable
to improv and d velop inter
national telecommunication
y tern
in the outhea t A ian area. The Okinawa-Luzon-Hong
The idea was proposed by Kong able ystem utilizes
the Japane. e Government in a technique recently develop Midway TPC-1
1959 at Lhe T lecommunica ed by Japan and the United
tions Conference in To- Kingdom: large tran mission




Cable in tallation in Okina, a by the "IillD-Maru."


- our Excellencies, Ladie proving the tel communica-

and Gentlemen, tion ervi e not only be-
tamp giv n. This is Jushiro Komi- tween Japan, th hilip-
yama, Minister of Po ts and pin and Hon, Kong but
Telecommunications of Ja- al o, through inter onnec-
pan. tion with other able y -
It I the greatest of tern , betwe n many oun-
,' honor and plea ures for tri s in ide and out ide the
t me to have an opportunity outhea t A ian region, ,
:'. today to offer my congra- thereby adding aluable
, tulation to Your Excel- ontribution to the d epen-
? lencies and to all tho e ing of mutual understand- ;
pre ent at this ceremony in ing among the people of
( ontinued From Page 16) nding high-frequency ig- commemoration of the open- th world.
nornic and cultural int r- nals through the inner con- ; ing of the Okinawa-Luzon- In concluding my short
change. ductor and outer conductor {, Hong Kong Submarine Ca- communication Mini ter
message, I wish to pay my t
This ubmarine coaxial ca of the submarine cable. J ble. Ju hiro I{omi ama ,,
b] ystem i comprised ot As een in the recent highe t r P ts t all the J
ince the ignal tran mit- \
cable landing tation , ca ted through the cab! under- ; tr nd of telecommunica- partie concern cl who have
bles, repeat rs and equaliz go attenuation, or become tions services of the world, with all the ardor and co- u c sfully a complished
er weaker in direct proportion the construction of inter- operation of the telecom- such a gr at undetaking
In thi y tern, a coaxial to the distance over which f national submarine cable munications carri rs of Ja- and, at the ame time, to
cable i laid on the bottom they are tran mitted, sub- i network is making teady pan, the Philippine and xpress my heartiest thanks
of the ocean betwe n two marin r peater ar paced progr s , keeping pace with Hong Kong a an poch- to Your Excellencies and )
cable landing tation quip along the able as a means ; the rapid advancement of making ev nt in the hi tory all tho e who have render- {
ped with terminal equipment to amplify weakened ignals satellite communications. of telecommunications of d them generous assistance l
which group th hug vol back to their original I especially realize the the world. and cooperation in making
ume of ignals tran mitted strengths, while ocean block ignificance of the fact I am fully convinced that thi project a successful
from central tation into equalizers are also provided l that thi cable sy tern has this cable y tern will play one. l
transmi sion "bundles." Com with definite spacing along b en completed at this time an important rol in im- Thank you.
munication is achieved by ( ontinued on Page 20) ..,,_,-..,,-,-4',-l--4''-,-..,,-,-J,-l-..,,-,-..,,-,-..,,-,
't-_,r,..,r-,-,,,,_, ..,,_,_..,,_,_..,,_,_..,,_,_..,,_,_..,,_, ..
..,,_, .. ..J,_, ..
..,,_, ..
..,,_,_..,,__, ....,,_, _

Highways of International Communic

Okinawa-Luzon-Hong Kong Cable Completed-

All countries in the world have with a 1.5 inch coaxial submarine
come to respect the quality of OCC cable.
cables. OCC cables, which satisfy all pos
The latest achievement of OCC was sible needs of any customer, already
to supply the 1,360 km section of the play an important role in existing
cable between Okinawa and Luzon international communication services.
The No. 1 and No. 2 Transpacific

. Cables, the Japan Sea Cable, and the

Japan China Cable were all supplied
by occ.
In Europe, too, OCC cables have
been used for the No. 2 and No. 3
cables between W. Germany and Swe
den, as well as for the No. 4 Denmark
Norway cable.

In this way, OCC continues to serve
the entire globe with the goal of bet
tering the communications between
all nations.

Cable installation by KDD.

ea/Jk eo., .P.U.
Shinshibuya Bldg., No. 16-10, 1-chome, Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150, Japan
Tel: Tokyo (03) 463-5051, Tix: 02422789 OCC J, Cab: OCCABLECO TOK

Fujitsu helps bring Japan and the Philippines

a little closer together.

Congratulations on the completion of

the new Okinawa-Luzon submarine cable.
Fujitsu is proud to have participated in
this important project.

Japan and the Philippines are in closer on a full turn-key basis. Offering both shallow
touch than ever these days, thanks to the and deep water configurations and capacities
recent completion of a submarine coaxial of 120,480, 1,200 and 2,700 channels
cable system between Okinawa and Luzon. (4 KHz spacing), Fujitsu has already com

Fujitsu, Japan's top computer maker and pleted or is currently working on many large
a leading manufacturer of telecommunica capacity submarine systems, including links
tions equipment and systems, played a major
role in this project, manufacturing and
between West Germany and S-veden, and
Denmark and Norway, as well as many ....-.
supplying repeaters, equalizers and terminal domestic submarine networks.
equipment. Fujitsu also has a total system Fujitsu. Keeping the world in touch.
capability for such submarine cable links, Bringing the world a little closer together.
organizing all aspects of a system, from With telecommunications. On-site resting of terminal equipment for Oenmark-Norwav
design and survey to construction and testing, submarine coaxial cable svstem

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ComrrwnicalionJ and [tectronic:J
Head Office: 6-1, M2runouchi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan Telephone: 03-216-3211 Telex: J22833

1 1 m1 m1 1 m1 1 1 1 1
MAIN PRODUCTS DTelephone Exchange Equipment DCarrier Transmission Equipment oRadio Communication Equipm nt [!]Space Electronics Systems DElectronic
Computers & Peripheral Equipment (FACOM) o Telegraph & Data Communication Equipment D Remote Con rol & Tel m t ring Equipment o Electronic Components
,-.. ,.. .. ,.... ,.....,,... ,..... ,, ....,,..... ,,;...... ,,,,,,. ,.... ,,,...... ,......... ,... ,.. ,... ,, .. .. ... ..
... ,, ... ... ... .. .. ... ... ...
2 .. ... ..... , .. , .. , ... ,,.., ... ,, ... ,,, .. ,, .. , ... ,,,, ... , .. __ ... , ... ... ., ... ,,, .. ,, .....,, ...j Main Data of Submarine Cable System

! KDD President's Message I


Cable system -12 M sy t m (Japan)
\ Number of circuits 1,600 circuits (3 kHz band)
) This i Mr. Manabu lta- be linked with each other 2
} no, Pre ident of Kokusai Landing tation Japan; Okinawa, Philippines; urrimao
literally through a power-
) Den hin Denwa o., Ltd. Length of route 1,340km
ful bond of friendship,
ubmarine cable oaxial cable (copper), Inner diam t r
I thank you very muc:O thereby adding a glorious )
\ for the most cordial me - page to the history of our t ubmarine repeater
3 .1 mm
Transistor type
) age you have given me long-standing friendship f
rumber of repeaters 11 5
) ju t now. and that this cable, through (
: It i the greate t pleasure it u al o for int rnation- \ umber of equalizer 7
Cable ship KDD MARU
? for m , a on of the par- al telecommunications be- S
{ ties to this cable onstruc- tween various other coun- i
> tion project, to peak to trie , will make valuable I
} you per anally through the contribution to the peace Luzon-Hong I ong
\ cable y tern just omplet- and prosperity not only of S
the Asian region but also ) able system ST 14 MHz system (England)
) ed, at th opening ceremony
? of the Okinawa-Luzon- of th whole world. t rumbe1 of cil'cuits 1, 40 circuits (3 kHz band)
{ Hong Kong ubma1ine a- In concluding my hort Landing station Philippines; urrimao Hong I ong; Hong
) ble. Our three companies, message, I would like to ') Kong (Deep Watel' Bay)
who are the parties to this expre s my sincere thank ) Length of route 0km
/ A the relationship b - ubmarine cab! oaxial cable (aluminium , Inn r diameter
tween Japan, the Republic cable con truction project, to the members of East rn :
of the Philippines and have ince been proceeding Telecommunication , Phil- ( 36.7 mm
< Hong I ng has, in an its with the construction works
under th guidance of the
ippines and Cable & Wire-
less, Hong Kong who, a
ubmarine repeater
umb r of repeaters
Transist.or type
\ a pects, r cently been g t-
) ting all the more close, the Governments of the coun- sincere partners to this } Number of equalizers 4

) demand for telecommuni- trie concerned, by utiliz- project, have devoted un- ) able ship

t cation ervice between our ing the mo t up-to-date

technology, and ke ping in
flagging efforts to the ea-
hie construction work.
{ three nations has also been Submarine Cables Extending to Abroad from Japan
} on a steady increase. close contact with each I wish at the ame time
oth r. The cable between that the friendship and the )
l n
I ord r to cope with umber of Year of
t uch a ituation and at th
fir t completed, which wa
and Hong Kong was faith, which have so far
been brought up among
/ circuits Installation
same time, to establish an 1 o. 1
followed by the succes ful our three companies, will )
) int rdependent system of 138 1964
communications laying of the cable betwee n be maintained and deepen- ,'
/ atellite
' and sub marme eabi e n t- Okinawa and Luzon, and to- ed in the future, and final- <, 120 196!)
l works, an agreement was day we are celebrating the ly, 1 would expres my ) Tran pacific Cable o. 2
open ing for service of the
( r ached in eptember
among our thr e parties to able system.
1 9 75
best wishes for the ever- t ,
(TP 2) 45 1976
)', growing prosperity of all Japan China Cable 4 0 1976
) construct a ubmarine cable I firmly believe that, with Okinawa-Luzon-Hong 1,600
system connecting Japan, thi cable system now of ou. :
Thank you. { Kong Cable kinawa-Luzon 1977
} the Philippine and Hong open d, Japan, th Philip- (OLUHO) 1,840
Kong. pines and Hong Kong will ( , Luzon-Hong Kong
., , ..., "'" .. .., ..._,. ,...... ..., '.,,. ,., ,...,. ,.,...., ,....... ..."' ..... ,.. ...,, ......,. ......... ..., ..................................., ......, ,.,......, ,,,.,, .."'''" .....,,........, ...........,, .................... , ....... ...,... _.,..., .....,,...,. ......,...\

(Continued From Page 1 ) able l o. 2 that extends

the cable to equalize the fre from Okinawa to the

quency lo s characteristics of mainland via Guam and
high-frequency ignals. Hawaii and whi h wa put
into ervice in March, 1976.
The Okinawa Cable Land- It therefor is a vital link
ing Station, which is the in the submarin abl net
landing place of the ki- work which links Japan with
nawa-Luzon-Hong Kong ub- the ..and with other part
marine oaxial able n the of A ia.
Japane e side, i locat d in The Okinawa able Land
Gushigami village, in th ing tation i connect d to
south ea tern part of ki- KDD International T 1 com-
The international telephone demolishes nawa. municati n Techni al per
distance. And makes calling Japan as This cable landing tation ation & Maintenan e ffices
easy as calling across the street. also serves as the landing in both Tok and O aka by
Even from the other side of the tation for the Tran pacifi ( ontinued on Pa e 24)
A modern miracle made
possible through ad
vanced submarine ea
ble and satellite corn
munications technol
ogy. And made real
ity by KDD.

Serving the world with


telephone, telegram, telex.


LOOK JAPA r, EPTEMBER 10, 1977 21

40GHz Band
Area Coverage Transmission System

This new radio MACT -1 is an economi able for local distribution system as
cal and practical answer to many appli well as for intra-city trunking facilities.
cations for short-haul transmission of
both voice and data. The MACT -1 sys Excellent communication quality and
tem utilizes bi-phase shift keying modu system economy are assured in MACT
lation, and has a transmission capacity series through utilization of advanced
of 24/96 telephone channels. It is also PCM technology. MACT series provides
capable of transmitting FAX and data superior performance not only in spe
signals by interfacing with PCM multi cialized common carrier but also in all
plexers. The system is especially suit- other civil/governmental uses.

SINCE 1881

OKI International Division: 10-3, Shibaura 4-chome, Minato-ku,

Tokyo 108, Japan Tel: (03) 454-2111 Telex: J22627
electric Cable: OKIOENKI TOKYO
industry Head Office: 10, Shiba Kotohira-cho, Minato-ku, Tokyo
company; Jtd. 105, Japan Tel: (03) 501-3111

Practical Application of Optical ih r Cahl

Transmission Syst m
To apply optical t chniqu s to telecommunication cation Laboratory, engag d and Jippon heet Gia s Co., tran mis ion lo of 0.47
i not a n w concept. For exanipl , the switching on in the application of opti- Ltd. dB/km (at 1.2rn wave-
and off of an ordinary fiash light can be con idered a cal fibers and optical fiber Many academic confer- I ngth), a low los ap-
an xarnpl of light communications. cable. e n ces related to optical corn- proaching the theor tical
v rtheles , the start of full- cale research of Mu ashino Electrical om- rnu n ication hav been held li mit value, wa, realized
optical fib r cabl transmis ion had to wait for th in rnu n icatio n Laboratory, in recently with a large number for the fir t tim in thl'!
vention of th la er in 1960 and the r alization of th charge , f optical d vice of cholars parti ipating. world by removi n g impuri
low los optical fib r with 20 dB/km loss in 1970. and basic re earch. For in tance, more than 600 ties to the utmo limits.
Th optical fiber cable tran mi sion system i corn Today, 1 TT' technical researcher from 19 coun- lf put into u e, thi opti al
po ed of an O])tical fiber cabl which contains optical ability, investment in r - tries attended the IO C '77 fib r would theor tically al
glas fib rs each having a diameter of about 0.1mm, search, and re earch per on- (1977 International on fer- low tran mi sion over 100 km
an optical transmitter that transforms el ctric ignals nel are widely recogniz d in- ence on Integrated Optics without interm diat r p a
into light, optical rep aters that amplify or regenerat ternationally as ranking with and Optical Fiber om muni- t r . (In the ea e of the x
weak n d light, and an optical rec iv r that transform the Bell Telephon Labora- cation) held in Tokyo and i ting copper cable, r p at r
light into l ctric ignals. torie ( . .A.) to be the aka in July of thi Y ar, ar r quired at interval of
foremo t in the world. and 176 pap r w r gi n. 1.5 to 10 km). rp to now, it
dvantage of Optical economical optical fiber TT i also conducti n g wa thought that O. m was
with high fficiency, optical Jorn r search on opti al Re ult of Recen the wa elength for the mini-
Fiber able Tran mi - devices with long lifetime, fiber cable with three cable Re earch mum tran mi io11 lo of
ion y tern and small optical repeater manufacturers - Fujikura The e effort hav brought optical fiber, but it ha been
In the optical fib r tran - with high performanc i Cable Work , Ltd., umi- forth a large nu mb r of clarifi d that it is clo to
mis ion sy tern, becau e the necessary to make a viable torno Elecric Indu try, Ltd., achievem nts worthy of at- 1.2 .m. Th nece ity to de
fiber has a mall cros - c optical fiber tran mi sion and Furukawa Electric In- tention. For exa mpl , th velop new light ources and
tion (for example, diam ter sy tern. du try o., Ltd. It i al o TT group has achieved r - optical detector u able with
of 0.1mm) and i lightweight R earch and application pur uing joi n t re earch on ult in variou fields nece - a wavelength of 1.2 .m has
( p cific gravity of glass i project are being carried optical semiconductor light ary for the realization of an become recogniz d by r s arch
1/.i that of copper), the pro out to meet this goal at the ource with Jippon Electric optical fiber cab! transmis- institutes throughout the
duction of a long and ea y r arch and development in- Co., Ltd. and Fujit u Limit- ion system, such as produc- world.
to-handle cab! (for exarnpl , stitutes of various countri . ed. tion method of optical fib r , (3) Invent ion of a low lo
in 250 fiber one kilometer) and developme n t of optical method of connection:
is possible. Moreover, the mplementation of the ide-Ranging With a new connectio n
device and optical r peaters.
tran mi sion capacity per y t m Re earch (1) Invention of an econorni-
method using adhesion techn-
fiber is large (for example, tructure cal, continuous manufac- ology, an average connection
1 Gb/s); hence ultra-large The optical fiber cable loss of 0.09 dB has been real-
B sides the NTT-centered hiring method of optical
capacity transmission i po - tra n mi sion system has the fibers: iz d The Past a c v rage conn ec-
possibility of bringing c bout re earch and practical appli-
ible. B caus the optical In the pa t the ha ic mate- lion loss ran..,ed from O 2 to
a big change in the public cation efforts, application of < "

cable also ha a low los fac rial for optical fiber could O6 dB
the optical fiber cable tran -
tor, th distan e between in telecommunication network. only be produced in a hort (4) De e l op en t o f a l ong -
Anticipating such changes. rnis ion y tern to the control .
termediat repeater can be length in many batche . The hfe . em1conductor la r:
the ippon Telegraph and Y terns. of electric power A sem1conductor laser with
lengthened con id rably in . compam e and to CATV sys- optical fiber macle thi way
Te 1 phone Publ1c orpora- 'f 1
comparison with past tran - . t em, 1..
, .ess.
a1 so mak'mg p10g1 onlv . had a maximum length
a presu . . ed h etime exce d' ng

mi sion y terns. A big eco t ion (NTT) ha made steadY of about 6 km. Th n ew con- one rn1 11ion h ours ( about one
Furthermore re earch i
nomic effect can be antici progress in technical devel- t i n u Ou manufacturing hundred and tw nty year )
b ing conducted by the Ele _
pated and maintenance i opment ince the start of method, the fir t of its kind
wa cevel ?ped. Only th ll
full-seal re earch in 1966. tro Technical Laboratory . es and :NTT J
made easier. . Laboiatou have
Ag 11 of I d t . 1 c n in the world can theoretical-
Furthermor , th optical ,TTT re earch has cen ered : ;: r ;,, l\ : ly produce '1arge-size basic be n ucce sf_ ul in e uring
an chno o ap . .
cable is trongly resistant to around the three p1ll ars matena 1 _cotnuous 1 y with- such
a l ng hfet1m
well a. by en terprises other
ext rnal interference such which will mark the future out any hm1tation on length.
t 1 tco 1:1mt m - than those mentioned previ-
as electro-magnetic induc dev_e1 opment of d: The economical manufacture
lightning. The l , 1g1 a l1za 10n, ously such as Hitachi Ltd .
tion and cations; L . ' . . . ,
M 1t ub1 h1 Electric orpora-' o f' un1far m. op.t 1ca I fib. i of
safety factor i al o high and optical fiber tran mis- h 1gh capac1ty I an t1c1pate d.
tion, Tokyo Shibaura Electric .
since radio wav and park , ion techno 1 ogy. . .
o., Ltd., Ok"1 Electnc I_n d. u (2) uce m d. evelopmg
are not r lea ed out ide. More specifically, develop- optical fib r "' 1th an ex-
t Company, Ltd., Da1111ch1
Copper re ources can be ment i being advanced joint- f
1ppon. Cables, Ltd., howa tremely low lo : factor:
av d, in ce coppei i not I y by th fo11 owmg three .
Electric Wire & Cable Co., In the pring of 1976,
used as the material. TT re earch institutes: emiconductor la r
Th se are amo n g the many Yoko uka Electrical Commu- Loss Spectrum for Multimode Fibers module.
advantages of this "dream n icatio n Laboratory, which
transmi sion y tern," a it is responsible for system 100 ealization of em i nt
has been called. Yet, ther design and overall plan- Charact ristics of the existing r peater :
are problems which must be ning. 50 multimode fiber Various highly efficient
olved. The development of Ibaraki Electrical o mmuni- optical repeater. , mall in size

A Block Diagram of Optical Transmitter,

20 ,'
Absorption by OH radical
and con uming a minimum
amount of electric power and
capable of operating at dif

,,,, ,
Repeater and Receiver
10 ,., \
.. f I
f rent p eel from 1.5 Mb/s
to the world's fastest 00

--GBB- S-CTID-BEG '"\\.... "'J:\

5 1fb/ , have been developed.

as:- I
I \
I -
' ntal
- 2 ,.,' me
0 'I
By organ ically integrating
OPTICAL RECEIVER the foregoing re ult to con
0.5 firm th feasibility of an opti
cal fiber cable tran mi ion

0.4 0,6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 system. tests of the total sy
t m were conducted from Oc-
Wavelength (ml ( ontinu d on Pag 24)
LOOK JAPAN, EP'l'EMBE 10, 1977 2

9,830,000 lines supplied and installed at home ...

937,600 lines supplied and installed in 44 different countries ..
2,570 container-type units supplied and in service worldwide .. .

What makes Hitachi

telecommunications so oooular?
Innovativeness in developing new, high-speed processing and full diagnostic
requirement-meeting switching systems, that's programs.
what. The D20 Container-type Unit: Here is a unit
Hitachi has supplied the widely-used large that houses telecommunication technology at its
capacity D10 and small to medium capacity D20 current highest level - technology that
Electronic Switching Systems, and a large represents the culmination of Hitachi's
number of container-type switching systems innovative work in crossbar exchange systems
worldwide. And today, Hitachi is meeting broad that take the space-saving container
telecommunication needs with the perfect configuration and exhibit high reliability and
product family of D10 and D20 Series ESS and excellent economy.
container-type D20 units. Whatever the customer requirement, Hitachi
The D20's features: The Hitachi D20 is has the hardware and the software to meet it
totally up to date. It has _a magnetic bubble with either a D10 or D20 member of the
memory. A high-density IC memory. And all the ESS Series.
other fully-proven features found in the popular What makes our telecommunications so
D10 ESS including stored program control, popular? Innovativeness, that's what.

IC memory
averaged 3 dB/km for 0. 5 about 50 dB lo
m wavelength. Within a Future Problem the e syst m , overall trans-
fiber cable. mi ion te t for telephone
t mperatur range of -10c . Pro p for and televi ion ervices will be
-+6ooc, the transmission smg the above-mentioned Introduction
equipment and optical fiber onducted in autumn of next
lo was within 0.2 dB/km. year. It i also plann d to
Trial manufacture of km of cable, ucce was achieved in Much valuabl technical ex-
cable with these outstanding multiple relay te t of ix re- perience es ential for the de- conduct te ts which will con-
characteristic was carried peaters for 480 telephone cir- velopment of a feasible opti- nect. ,.JTT' DIPS Y terns
out. cuit (32 Mb/ ) over 64 km. cal fiber cable tran mi ion by optical fiber cab! s.
32 1b/ optical repeat r. _ Y tern was obtained from
1: wenty opical repeaters, Transmis ion te t of 63 Ba ed on this experience,
optical tran m1tter , and opti- Mb/s were also co ducted bY the e t t . it i anticipated that the opti-
cal detectors to operate at 32 . Testing of the 100 M b ea! fiber cable transmi sion
u mg another eqmpment, to-
Mb/ were manufactured on Y tern (1,440 telephone chan- ystem will be introduced in-
a trial ba i for th t st . A gether with te ts of equip-
ment using a light emitting nel ), a 30 Mb ystem (4 0 to the public communication
miconductor laser light
ource and an a alanche diode in place of a emicon- telephone chann 1 ) and a network in a f w years. In the
photo-diode optical detector ductor la er. TV tran mi ion system, are 21 t century, many of the
were u ed. Light output from even kinds of mea uring scheduled to commenee n xt field in which copper cable
repeaters into the optical fiber in trument needed for the March between the TT are now being u d, from
wa approximately -2 dBm. te ts were manufactured on a building in Tokyo using 20 long-distance trunk lines to
n avalanche photo- The neces ary average light trial ba is. The e equipment km-long optical fiber abl . ub crib r circuit , are like
diod modul . rec iving ele tric power into and cable are continuing By accommodating practical ly to be r placed by optical
repeater wa -55 dBm with stable op ration at pre ent. commercia 1-use circuits in fib r cable .
Optical Fiber - an error rate of 10-10. It i
thu po sibl to approximate
( ontinu d From Page 22)
tober 1976 at TT' oko A Cross-Section View of a
suka Electrical Communica
tion Laboratory by actually
New Optical Fiber Cable Construction of Coastal Earth Station
.For Maritime Satellite Communication
laying an optical fiber cable
in an und rground tunnel.
The optical fiber cable used
in the tests had a diameter of
10 mm with eight optical The Koku ai Den hin D n cult for hortwave radio eating with the atellite over
fiber and had a weight of 70 wa Co., Ltd. (KDD) announc communication to meet the the Indian Ocean, Japanese
kg /km. The tran mi sion loss ed in August that it has needs of u er . When thi hips could not utilize the
received a permit from the maritime atellite communi MARI AT communications
nawa-Luzon-Hong Kong uh- Ministry_ of. Post and T le cations service will be in senic . Yamaguchi tation
OLUHO Cable - marine Cable, the Trans- commumcations to con _
truct practical u e, the quality ha expres ly been develop
pacific Cable o. 1, the a coa t l
earth tat1n or and tability of communica ed to overcome that handi
Tran pacific able o. 2, the the antime commumcaton tion will be greatly improv cap. At completion of this
( ontinu d From Pag 20)
Japan ea able, and the satellite over the India_n ed. atellite ervice for Japa earth tation, effective mari
means of Nippon T legraph Japan China Cable. Ocean. KDD added that 1t ne e ships on the Pacific time communications service
& Telephone Public Corpora would commence construe Ocean and Atlantic Ocean, will be provided for Japa
tion's (NTT) dome tic tran - The e submarine cable tion at no very distant date. utilizing the Am rican nese ships in the Indian
mi ion ystem . sy tern , together with the KDD ha been holding MARI AT system, ha b en Ocean. Enabling ship in
I T EL AT communications consultations with omsat underway ince April 1 . Japan e, .E. Asian or Af
The urrimao able Land satellites, comprise the tele-
ing tation, the landing point communications General Corporation (U ..A.) Each MARI AT satellit rican waters to communicate
of th submarine cable y - serving th Asian, Pacific over the con truction of the is pre ently in orbit o er the directly with Japan, without
tern which extend both from and other regions of the earth tation, and the two Pacific, Atlantic and Indian u ing the two i ting Amer
Okinawa and Hong Kong in world as the arterie for in- compani r cently reached ocean ince Japan had no ican stations, will be a big
the Philippin s, i locat d in ternational telecommunica- an agreement. Th scheduled earth tation for communi- improvem nt.
!locos Norte in the northern tion . site for con truction i the
part of Luzon. The Hong Yamaguchi atellite Com
Kong able Landing tation The provi ion of multiple munication Center in thf! city
is located in D ep Water Bay route for international tele of Yamaguchi in southwe t
on the Pacific Ocean ide of communications ervices ap ern Japan; completion of
Hong l ong I land. Th ep pears iuunin nt in the face ite is cheduled for Augu t
Water tation also serves a of 1.he urging traffic in in 197 .
the landing place for the t rnational telephone, inter Communication between
outhea t ian Common- national telex, international land stations and ocean-go
wealth Cable y tern sub criber dialing and inter ing ships i currently achiev
( A linking Australia national data communica ed primarily by hortwave
proper, Guam, Malay ia and tions services, and in view radio rvice. However, the
ingapore. of the need to offer more in tability of shortwave pro
diversified and sophisticated pagation, as well as conges
Differing from high-fre
international telecommunica tion of communication traf
quency radio communica
tions services in the future. fic, make it increasingly diffi-
tions, submarine cable are
unaff cted by natural pheno In addition, the construc-
m na and con tantly provide tion of an extensive and fail-
quality telecommunica ions proof international telecom Coverage of MARISAT Satellites
ervice . munications network will be
ubmarine cable y t m nece ary to permit provision
are usually adopt d for con of stable international tele
necting two points having a communications service ,
large volume of communica with one form of communi
tions traffic, with the re ult cations supplementing the
that numerous submarine other, should communica
cable systems vital to in tions either by satellite or / /
t rnational communications by submarine cable inadver- ,
have been laid across the tently undergo some sudden
Atlantic disruption.
MARI)A Si onr

Pacific Ocean, P..: .o< L 176 5 E


Ocean and in the Mediter Hence the completion of

ranean Sea. the OLUHO cable system is )
For example, submarine an event of deep significance
cable sy terns from Japan to for the provision of a stable
many parts of the world in international telecommuni
clude, in addition to the Oki- cations ystem.
News in Brief

Government Invigorates Economy

While Tokyo suffered a record-breaking 22 con pre ent rate of population r .z. Fi herie Minister
secutive days of rain, the nation's eyes were glued to growth will low down. Jame B. Bogler visited Japan
the annual high school baseball championships in sunny The report wrote that mo t xpre ly for the purpose of
Osaka. people are eating below an reaching some agr ment
Prime Minister Fukuda avoided the major part of acceptable nutritional 1 el, with the Japane e about in
this rainy spell during a two-week trip to .E. Asia. and criticized the internati 11- crea ing imports of .z. beef
F'ulcuda spell d out the "new page in Asian diplomacy" al community for failing to and clarifying the fi h
in his speech in Manila, which was sub equently dubbed develop global res rve for quotas. The :.z. gov rnment
the "Fukuda Doctrine." crucial cereals and grains. states that th r mu t be an
Although r luctant to take teps to stimulate the * * * outright trade of beef for
economy for f ar of reigniting inflation, Fukuda cam An FAO report, " ommodi fi h; the Japane e want to
around to the pleas of many busines l ad r and eco ty Review and Outlook, 1976- eparate the two i sue .
nomist . Th result was a 7-point, 2 trillion refla 77", report d that developing Bolger threaten d that Jap
tionary pa kag , dominat d by loans to tiniulate re countries ended a long-term an would receive no quoia
sidential hou ing and funds for public works. downward trend and increased at all if it did not import
The trade surplu urg d to a n w high in July. their hare of world commod.i more beef and dairy product
The Japane e pledge made at th London ummit in ty exports. from N.Z. He hinted that the
May to regist r a $700 million deficit thi year is pain Fukuda with Prime Min Developing countries' hare . . .R. might take over Jap
fully ironic at thi point. ister Lee l{uan Yew at a ro e 12% to $3 billion. ane e quota if no agr ement
wherea that of developed were reached.
Th major labor union all held conv ntions in reception in ingapore.
countrie ro e 4% to $123 * * *
rniddle and lat August. Th ocialist Party (JSP) was
the great t i sue under discu sion. billion. It mu t be not d, The hinese amba sador to
financed largely by Japane e however, that developing Japan, Fu Hao, ha been bu y
Economi new was not all capital. Japan Exim Bank and countrie till only account making pee he and calling
Dome tic Economy bad. The au omobil manu- eight commercial banks signed for 23% of total trade; the n official in e his arrival
J rim 1inister Fuhuda, fac urer are enjoying a pros- an agreement with EGAT, large agricultural-exporting in arly August. Fu officially
partly in r sp n Lo bu ine perit.v which they have not Thai Ele tric Power orp., to developed countl'ie. uch a railed on Fukuda on ugu
pre ure and also to the good en for year . provid 3.7 bi!. of "buyers' .s. anada, and Australia 30, unu ually fast for diplo-
n ws abou sul.Jsiding infla Toyota Motor Co., the 35th er dits". The e credit , the till dominate world trade. mati etiqu tte. Variou
tion, annou need on eptember large t indu trial company in fir t of it kind to be n goti Roughly O o of th earn igns indicate that the hi
Ra reflationary package, hich the world, i p:1rticularlv feel- ated with Thailand, will al ing of developing countrie ne e are anxious to mov to
includ d a Y2 tril. upple ing it oat . lt teported an low Thai con trnction com are in four commoditi : cof ward n gotiating the long
mentary budg t. all-1 ime record profit figure ofpanies and importer to buy fee, rubber, cotton, and oil awaited treaty with th Japa-
Much of the money will go Yll6 billi n for fiscal 1977, mat rials directly from Japan meal . 11ese.
towards incr asing the de a 17.3% jump over the previ in y n. * * *
mand for housing; local ous year. * * * Politics
An UN TAD study, "World The ea on of labor conven
pub/i w rks will also re Japan and Mongolia igned Economic Outlook for 1977-
ceiv a large cut of th rade an agreement which will x 7 ", reported that Third tion began with the bigge t,
pie. Fukuda express d his the SOHYO convention, on
The Finance Ministry re- tend Y5 bil. of grant aid to World countrie without oil
confidence that with these ported an ther record trade the central Asia, country will see their trade deficits in August 18 in Yokohama. On
m asures the conomy would surplu for July. the high- over the next four years. A crease even further thi y ar. of th major i sue was to de
r ach its promi ed growth t figur of any month thi ea hmere and camel hair pro It expects accumulated debt cide what kind of upport it
rate of 6.7%. Th Bank of Y ar. The 2.05 billion sur- ce sing plant will be con of non-oil-exporting countrie should gi e the J P ( ocialist
Japan imultaneou ly lower plu for July bring. the 7- tructed with thi aid. Japan to rise bv 74 bil. to a total of Party), which uff red badly
ed the official di count rat month t ta! to .67 billion hope that thi aid will help $235 bi!. This d bt ervice in the July elections. OH 0
to 4.2 %, a drop of 0.75%. ( urrent a count 4.:>J bi!.). dispel some of the anti-J apa will absorb about 2 % of the decided not to abandon sup
This new rate will consti of ships (.1 ne e feeling. caus d by the export earnings of the e port for the J P, but it did
tute one of the !owe t in th jump f 59.5% ), motor vehi- Japanese military during countrie . leave open the po ibility of
post-wa1 period. cle (41. 4% ), and motorcy- World War II. upporting another party.
* * * * * * Diplomacy nion leader Motofumi Maki
cle (34.4 % ) led the port
umitomo Shoji issued a growth; on the other hand, The long-await d LNG hip- The 200 -mile economi zone eda also criticized the J P
pessimistic foreca t on the color TV exports decreased ments from Indonesia corn- within which is a 50-mile mili- for divi ive factionalism.
tat of th world economy. 14% du to th restrictive menced August 1. Japan x- tary zone, of . Korea went All the labor union onv n
The report, which includ d a marketing agr ement igned pects to import about 7.5 mi!. into effect August l. Japa tion were mark d by a mode
urv y f some Eastern bloc with the . . Export to ton annualy of Indone ian na- ne e fi hermen are concern- ration of p Jitical demand
nation , Lated the world econ hina, mainly steel, al o ro e tural ga over a 20-year pe- ed that the unilateral de- and a trend toward a mor
omy is in "th wor t state 5" %, bowing the first in- riod. claration will dta ticall:v af- pragmatic position. *
of d cline ince the end of crea e in hina-Japan trade Japane e n gotiators have feet their fi hing catch. Fi h- * *
World War II." I eason ? The in over Y ar. been trying to lower the price er.v as ociations i. n southw . t- The o-call d radical wing
r port Ii t d the quadrupling The trade urplus, however, of the ga , which was bought em Japan e pecially ar con kyokaiha, of the J ame
of oil pri e in 1973 and the i expe ted to bring Japan at 99 cent per million BTU's cerned. Squid fishing would be und r increa ing atta k from
re ultant inflaLion as 1 hn .under critici m in int rna- in 1973. Indonesia subsequent- most seriou Iv affected b:v the all ides throughout Augu t.
major barrier in preventin<f tional circle to decrea her 1:v igned a contract with an declaration; it accounted f r The anti-kyokai for as-
conomic r covery. xports and open her own American company at 63 over 0% of the total atch sembled 637 delegat at a
* * * markets to foreign import . cents, about a 50% reduc- within the zone last year. meeting in Tokyo to organiz
Japan National Railways * * * tion. But th Indonesians A spoke man for a fishery their struggl again t the
(JNR) reported a staggering Japanese steel mill signed have not bud d from the cooperative on the i land of kyokai. This group demanded
deficit f r th s cond conscu an agre ment with Vietnam 1973 contract price. T ushima said: "North Ko- Lhat the kyokaiha divulge se
tive year of roughly Y914.9 Min ral Import-Export Corp. rea's 200-mile zone is sur ly cret documents to party 1 ad
billion. It utf red uch a lo s (Minexport) for the shipment Third World a matter of life and d ath for ership and stop functioning
despit an a ro s-the-boad of 130, 000 tons of rolled car- An Asian Development Bank u a a eparate entity within
50% hike in pa eng r fare.' bon te I laier thi year. A (ADB) report on agricultural * * * the party.
and the sh lving of almo t all syndi ate of Japane e corn- development in A ia reported rew Zealand and Au tralia The moderate within the
of its umulative debts. m rcial bank I d by the Bank that little progress has been are preparing to enforc the J P finally won a partial
Higher fares, however, en of Tokyo i offering a 5-year made in the pa t decade to 200-mile fi hing limits th y victory when the kyokaiha
couraged passenger to use Joan to finance he agree- eliminate poverty and raise in earlier declared. The det rio gave in to demand and
other form f tran port. Of m nt. t el exporters feel come level in the rural sector. ration of relati ns between turned over the docum nt
ficials w r shocked to hear that thi mark the beginning It c.ited that c real produc ew Zealand and Japan, and mater.ial to party chair
that the reknowned Shinkan of larger sales to Vietnam. tion a tually fell in some oun- however, might xclud the man arita on S pt mber 1.
s n carried 10% fewer pa - * * * tries and that food production Japanese from r ceivin any Thi tep smooths the way
enger than th previous A hydroelectric project at i. barely keeping pace with quota within .Z.'s water at for a reform of the party and
ear. Ban hao Nen on the Kwai population growth. It also all. the general conv ntion in
* * * River in Thailand will also be does not believe that the * * * !at eptembe1.

Foreign Pres Comment on Fukuda's Vi it Indonesian s tudent to meet problems remain regarding A ia ns .
with him. " niversity stu the Japanese attitude towards All A EA pa p r tre sed
Genera lly s peaking, the towards this region in the dents represent the true, Indochina. For example, is in onclu ion tha t Japan's
genuine entiments of the Japan going to extend aid on promises of economic
Fukuda visit to ASEAN and pas t, outheast As ian nations cooper
Indone ian people," the paper the governmental level? Or atioi1 ar on ly promi
Burma ha be n highly rated have at Ja t come to under until,
wrote. will the Japanes financial for xample, one of the five
as "opening a new chapter" tand that large urns of as
in Japan' s r lations with istance will be nece ary to Other papers, though s uch circles be allowed to invest in indu trial proj cts i actually
the e outhea t Asian oun- turn back the rising tide of a Kompas, looked favorably Indochina freely on the prin- r alized. Other paper saw
tries . upon the results of the Fuku iple of the divis ion of la the rectiti ation of the trade
ommunism," the paper not- da trip and the basic prin bor ?"
The skepticism and s u pi- eel. imbalance as th fundamenta l
ciple embodied in the "Fuku- Thai paper also trong!y pr bi m. The papers caution
cion which the e coun tries As Fukuda met with the da doctrine." Indonesia' reiterated that, despite the
have held toward Japan as A EA leaders in Kuala hief of taff for Security many proclamations of fr e ed that any intra-ASEAN
a res ult of World War II and Lumpur, promi ing sub tan and Order, Admiral Sudomo, trade and economic oopera feuds or delays in proj et im
recent economic is s ues have tial aid and as sistance to highly appraised the vi it. tion, Japan still mainta ins an plem ntation would only al
been almos t comp! tely Jim- various ASEA1 projects, the "Tanaka's vi it generated a unfair trade surplus with the low the Japane a convenient
inated and the two regions perception of Fukuda chang harsh reaction from a num ASEA countries. (Actually, xcu to forg t th ir pro-
have en tered into a n ew eel con iderably. The press in ber of Asian countrie ," Malaysia and Indone ia chalk mise. autiou optimi m
stemming from old-fas hioned
relation hip. Southeast Asia began to ense Sudomo commented, recalling up cons istent urplu es with
new paper pragmatism and a
In t rms of s pecific is sue the genuinene s of Fukuda' the riot in Jakarta three Japan in the current account, time-tempered a ppraisal of
and places, the r a ction by efforts to improve the batter years before. "But Mr. Fuku while Thailand suff rs large Japan' intentions, now pre
the foreign pre wa varied, eel image of Japan in outh da has made a good impre - deficits .) The Thai paper vail among th press. Like
depen ding upon the time, th ea t Asia and to put the re sion. He really under stand Nation Review wrote in an everyone in Southeast sia,
country and the particular lationship of the two areas on Asia. He is very down to August 16 editorial, "Jus t a the pr s is waiting f r some
publication . a new footi ng. earth and, at 72, retains a Fukuda wa leaving Bangkok tangible re ults.
Time was clearly on e deter- They were impres ed by sharp mind. He is imbued for Manila, it wa announced
Th reaction of nation in
mining factor. Editorials and both the ize of the economic with certain wisdom and w in Tokyo that Japan had directly related to th summit
cooperatio n offered and by the hope he will u her in a new chalked up a monthly visible
c lumns in A EA papers exp ctedly aried. The
written before Fukuda 's arri- eeming sincerity to regard kind of relation hip." trade surplus of $2,050 mil U . .. R. an d Vietn a m to
val in Kuala Lumpur on Au- A EA a an equal in a ra A Filipino columnist for lion for July. It i very diffi- xtent criti ized Ja
gus t 6 were s ometimes criti tional economic sense. For the Daily Express, Teodoro ult for u to believe that pa n' diplomacy a covert
c a l. Some criticis m of the example, the Indones ian paper Va lencia, who is often critical Japan is going to orrect this ly uc eeding Ameri an im-
Fukuda visit hinted that this Kompas wrote in an August of the practices of Japanese imbalance in trade-which is eriali m in th Southeas t
vis it was merely another at- 12 editorial, "The ess ence of businessmen abroad, prai ed what members of ASEAN Asian region. A July 5 issue
tempt to extend Japanese the re ults of the summit Fukuda for being the first want more than anything of the Vietnamese Army
economic and political in- meeting, on whatever level Japanese leader to openly el e." paper Quang Duy Nan Dhan
ftuence in outheast Asia. or sphere, was that it wa a offer to cooperate with On the plus ide, the hinted at secret collusi
n be
'heart-to-heart' dialogue. To ASEA as an economic A EAN press wa reassured
The Indones ian paper Mer-
our way of thinking 'heart equal. Yet he questioned the by Fukuda's firm statement tween America _and Japan in
deka wrote in a July 26 edi-
to-heart' dialogue means a possible gap in perception be of Japan' s determination not Fukuda's attempt to expand
torial, "Due to pressure from Japanese political and econo
frank discussion of views in tween the Japanese people
the U.S. to rectify the trade to rearm militarily. The
a friendly atmosphere of and Fukud him elf. He mic influence in the region.
imbalance, Japan mu t now
mutual trust." The sa me wrote in an August 18 edi memories of the Japanese The oviet news agen y
a s

expand her trade in other re-

paper, though, later regretted torial "How successful he occupation and a fear of TA implied th s ame sort
gion . Since hina is not ex-
that Fukuda was not able to ( Fukda) will be depends in Japan ese rearmament still
pect d to be such a market,
meet with the Indonesian stu a great meas ure on the will exist among outheas t ontinued on Page 27)
the only area left are the
dents during his visit to ingness of the Japanese peo
A EAN countries and Viet-
Jakarta. ple to cooperate in the adven
nam." The same paper, anti-
cipating the formulation of The press did not change ture of knowing their neigh- Cultural Exchange Between Ja pan and ASEA
th so-calle? " Fukuda doc - from ab olute pessimism to bors."
d on August unbounded joy; the residual Fukuda's statement that Japan's relation with the TRe gMui:t fer iREH"eaeeEI.
tnne ' " contmue . . . .
perceptio n was on of guard- A EAN countrie a nd Burma sia by the Prim Minister's
4 ' "Though 1t 1s given the . . . the welfare and peace of
. mgaporean Southea t Asia hinge on have rapidly become closer Offic , invitation of s tud nts
title Fukuda _doctrine, the ed opbm1 m.
Japanese . policy towar?s paper tres ed the need for ome ort of rapprochement in all s pher s in recent to Japan on Japanes e Gov
A EA will not hange 111 immediate technical oopera between ASEA1 and the years. Japan i s particularly ernme11t s cholar hips by th
any signficant w_ay from the tion and treatment as econo Indochinese countries en inten ifying its effort to ex Mini try of ducation ( a bout
past. Thi s doctrme sees to mic equal ' reflecting the countered the following re pand its cultural exchang s a quarter of th foreign stu
increase Japan ' economic and thorough-going .
economic action in Thailand and with the s ix n ations. d nts taying in Japan on
ma t m o f p ime M i n i s- This is clearly reflected in Japan es e Government chol
political strength in thi area, ;uan Ye; Burma.
and as such only widen the rt
e i ee the a ctivitie of the Ja pan a r hip are from thes coun
. ' According to Japane e pa-
d.1men ions of Japan ' former . For example, the traits pers, e Win i reported to Foundation, a s pecial juridi trie ) , and grant aid for

,, Times ob"Jeet1veI Y appra1 d have said that the establish- c a l body es tablished in 1972 upplying matetial an d
. the re ult of the ummit in for the expre purpo e of quipment conducive to the
These articles portrayed ment of some sort of peaceful s

M r. Fukuda as a skillful dip- n p Augu t . 10 editori al:

co-exi stenc bet ween AS E A promoting Japan's cultura l clevel pment and promotion
lomat turned _a1 e man. It rime
. Mnnster Fukuda< at countries and I ndochina will exchange with other coun of cultur and education.
seemed that the image of Ja- least opened the door a bit. "not be e sy." Ne Win con- tries in an efficient a nd B ide thes forms of
A EA i s no,v f eling the tinued, "There is no mutuaJ s table manner. In fi ea! 1975, bilateral excha nge, mean
pan as an economic aggre or
pressure to open the door
which was violently revealed even wider. A EA r po es e understanding between Indo - more than 30% of th Foun whit , Japan i al o co
chi a and the ASEA ou n d a tion 's budget for cultural operating in multilateral cul
during the Tanaka vi sit to certain commoditie that Ja -
exchange proj et wa ear turnl projects in the A E

Southeast Asia in early 1974, pan desires, and Japan a ls o tries. As long as each id marked for As ia, and of that r gion. For instance, Japan
r mained intact to ome ex- seeks to expand its overseas believes that it can gain a - amount, as much as about i providing the outheast
ten t. inv tments. In other words, cendancy over the other, the 60% went into projects con A ian Mini t rs of Educa
Thai papers expres ed the each ide ha somethin g for tension will likely continue." cerned with the A EAN tion Organization ( EA MEO)
Thai paper s continued to countries an d Burma (about with variou
p rs i tent and overridmg ap- the other 1de , thus, a new ort of co
prehension among Thai about relationship should ertainly be skeptical of such a relaxa 320 million). The ASEA operation, such a th dis
the growing innuence of not be a one-way street." tion in tension. Thailand, be- region and Burma i thus patch f expert , participa
ommunis m on th Indo- Indone ian pa pers received set by e calating b?rder ftght- the mos t important area in tio n in s eminars, upply of
the Foun d ation's activities. materials and as s is tance for
chinese peninsula. In an edi- the Fukuda visit to Jakarta ing with C ambodian troops,
torial on Augu t 2, the Thai in various ways. Me rdeka re- feels that J pan m_ u t take In addition to the projects con vening confer nces and
the Japan Foundation, voluntary contributions. More
s a

paper Expre s offered the mained skeptical of the oft- firmer stand a gamst om-
J apan is also c a rryin g ou over, Japan is extending co
vi w that, if nothing e I se, Iepeated clai'ms that there m_unist influence 0.11 the pe_n- a variety of plan for bilat opera tion to a project for
Japane e economic a. sistance ,,v111 be a substantial change msula. The r
eral cultural exchange with the pres ervation of the Born
ation Review
wa necessary to cOmbat . Com- in Japan's policy towards expressed its genuine thank the ASEAN nation , includ budur Relic in Indon s ia,
munism. "Even though the Southeast Asia, and criticized to Japan for economic cooper i1lg youth excha nge project , which has been organ ized
Japane e Government has the Japanese premier for not ation in an editorial on Au such as the "Youth Ship" through an international ap-
pur ued incon iderate policie responding to the request of gust 15, but continued, "Real regularly en t to Southeas t peal by ES

R i 1 r
Sulfite Pulp Cooking Multi-Stage Flash
Liquor from Sulfite
Pulp Spent Liquor I i.h.l! ,. ,,ffA .w
Distillation Plant
This invention relat e to a broadly classified un d e r the

pH I
f T
mu lti- tage fl ash evaporator. following : (A) an orific or a
This invention rela t es to a um bic a rbonat e obta in ed Thermodynamically, th ea- pe rfora t ed plate for r e du cin g
me thod f o r treating sodium- consequently in th e form of water desalination pla nt us- the cro s- ectional area of the
base sulfite p ulp pent liquor precipitate i separat ed and '" i, g the fl a h evapor ation flow path, is dispo ed in th
(here in afte r ref erred to a further sulfit ed. [ -
method require a la rger a- eawat r flo w path connecting
P sp e nt liqu or th reby re- How ever, the e me tho d in- m m - b -

mount of energy for the pro- adjacent ta ge so that the de -

claiming u lfite c ooking Ii- c onse qu ent ] in the form of ducti o n of a unit ,.v eight of ir ed pressur e differ e nc es i
quor ther efro m a nd o btain- volv e c o mpli c at e d stages o f ]! - - fresh water tha n the pla nt produced through lo s of
ing c alc iu m u lfat e a a by- treatm nt and th odium u sing eith er the r friger ation mechanical energy; a nd (B)
product. sulfite obtain e d thereby as method or the reverse osmo- two adjacent t ages ar e so
Her tofo re, there hav e th e e nd produ ct has a low is method. everthele , this po itio n ed relatively to a ch
been propos d variou m eth- pu rity and c ontain a noti c e- plant i advantag ous in that other uch that there ari es
ods f or the utilizatio n of SP able amount of o dium thio - Series (74) it is operable with low-grade a static pr s ur e cliff r ence
p e nt li quor whi ch i pro- ulfate, a substa n e imp ed- __ energy such a wa te h eat oc- Ly virtue o f which th r is
duc ed in large qu antities in in g the SP cookin g. Ther e-
coo ki ng liquor fr om sulfite curring in thermal po wer pr oduced the d e ired pres ure
the production of SP.An d, fore, th e se m ethod a re de-
pulp sp ent liquo r by u tiliz- generation and, b ecau e the difference.
some of th e method have f ective in that th e product
either spe nt sulfuric fluids t o be ha ndled are in In th cas of a fla h cham
a lr e ady been put to pr a cti- i n its unmodified state, c an ing li uid and a seou t at es, i t ber having a giv n numb er of
a cid or iron-containing sp ent q g
cal use. Yet, it is on ly a not be recycled in the su lfite permit large-scale operation tages a nd mai ntai ned under
ulfuric a id.
very ma ll po rt ion of th e p cooki n g of wood chip. and cnsequent reduction o f a p cific pressure by the
s p en t liquor that is now From th e stan dpoint of To ac complish the af ore- oper at m co t. The e and afore aid mean , if the ea-
m entioned obj e ct , the meth-
utilized fo r the p u rpo e of h at balan c e , it is con idered o ther advantag es hav e enc our- wate r which is fl o wing in to
uch re cla mation . Th e bu lk fairly advantageous to c arry od for ma n u fa cturing pulp aged developmental research the chamber has a tempe ra
o f th e pent liquor is dis- out the c o mbustion of the c ooking liqu or from sulfite on u_ch _sy ten:i lu re hi gh r than the equili
c a rd ed into riv e 1 a nd i con d en e el SP pent lia uor pu lp spent liquor in accord- ,
is mv nt o n provid es a brium
, tempe rature orres
rai ing a s e ri ou i su of in a n oxidizing atmosph-ere anc e with the pr esent inv en- multi -stage fl ash vaporator ponding t the specifi pres-
w ate r po llution . as it has a la rger sulfur c o n ti on inv olv es the step of first capabl of rodu mg fresh sure it undergo fl ash evapo-
Th e methods o fa r pro - ten t in the dry matte r than c onc e ntrating the odium- wate 111 a high
yield by ap- ration. imultan e n usly with
b a s e pulp spen t li quor o b- .
po ed an d brought t o publi c th e kraft pu lp sp ent li quor ain cl in con e quen c e of th proximam g the adi abetic th e consequent generation of
know! dge in clu d e a m thod (hereinafter referr ed to a coll ction o f pulp and ub- evaporation prce s to the team, the eawat r i clepriv-
[TAPPJ: Vol. 40, p. 5 7 KP pent liquo r). H o w eve r, se u ntly convertin it into stat of theo retical rat e pro- d of it wn s n ibl e head
J i- n ucce s fu I m ethod h a q g
d uction . a d he temp erature is r educ
19 57) ] where by s p e n t o
a melt by combu tion. The n
n t

q uor is evaporat d and u b- ver b een d ev elop ed fo r re- sulf uri c a cid is added to thi The pre ent inventi n also ed pr oportionally. G e nerally,
! aimin g u lfite c oo king Ii-
s eq uen tly comb ust ed i n a re-
s melt until the re sulting provides a m Iti-stage flash however, the temperature of
d u c ing atmospher to a fford quor from the a he s whi ch o l utio n a ume a cidity.
ev a porato r wh i ch permits th e the seawater i s not r duc ed
a sm It o mpo e d predomi - ar e o bta in d wh e n a s pent heat tran sfe r area o f th con- to a tempe ratur lo , nou gh
The n, lime is ad ded to the
n a nt1y of diu m ulfid e an d liquor of a rich ash c o ntent r ulta nt acid a ueouR solu - denser to be decrea ed in size for it to b in equilibri um at
odium carbon ate which like S P s pen t liquor , is c o rn q
a compar d with that r e- a given pressur e. That is to
tio n of sulfuric a cid a nd ul-
Bmelt i then ctJy sulfit- busted in a perf ectly oxidiz- iona l say, it fails to reach the t em-
fu r dioxide gas is blown in- quired in the onvent
d, a method [TAPPI: Vol. ing atmusph re. pl a nt and, th e reby, to d e - P rature which is the sum o f
43, p. 699 (1960)] whereby The bj et of this i nven- to th e so lution to ind uc pr e- c e a e th e co t of con true- the saturated steam tempera
th s m It is carb o n ated and tio n i to provi de a method c i pitation of calcium sulfate, twn . tur e e xisting at the pr e sure
whi ch is s parate d from the
ih arbona ed liquor is fur- for recl aiming ulfite cook- G ener ally, a mul ti- tag e in question and th e boiling
olut n. The aqueous o lu-
ther sulfited, and a method ing liq uor through c o mpl ete
fl ash evaporator ha. been con- point elevation. Thi ph eno-
[Paper Trad Jo urn al: Vol. treatment of p pent liqu or. tion of sodium hydrogen sul- structed such that the ea- menon i r e ferred to a "non
151, pp. 3 and 65 (1967) J fite thu o btain ed i neutra l- quilibrium phenome non in
An other obj e ct o f thi in-
iz d, as cca ion d e mand w ater_heated to high tempera-
wherey th e carbonation o f vention i. to provid e a meth- ture, is first pump d into the the proces of flash evapora
with a n alk ali to gi ve ris
sm elt 1 enhanc ed and sodi- o d f r manufactu ring pu I P h amber of the first- ti n," and the "non-equilibri-
t o th a queous o lution o f flas ch
t age to b e fl a hed th e 1ei n. um lo "i. defin ed as th e dif
so di u m sulfite. The aqueou s ,
A Flowsheet Illustrating Embodiment of _ fhe fl h chamber of the last- f e ren ce betwee n the seawater
so lution of o dium hydrogen
the Method of the Present Invention t age is kept und er the lo \\ e t tempe rature le the boiling
su lfit or the n u tra l aqueo us
pr es ure by a , team ej ector point elevation on the one
solution of sodium sulfite
wood or the like. By virtu of a ha nd a nd the aturated t eam
thu pro duc d i u e d a the
cooking chip gr adual d ecline o f pres ure, pressu re on the oth er.
pu lp c ooking li quo r.
liquor the s aw at er i c au ed to
In ea e whe re ir o n-c on - flow lD r ul a r u cc e ion It wa found that the non
(Na2SO:i) ta ing pen t s u lfuI ic a cid ..
g q ui librium lo can more ef-
lime sulfite pulp in
from the first- a ge to t e
i to b e u tili z ed, the melt l a - tg e. Any iven t ae J fective ly be de r a ed by fla h
obtain d by c o ncentr atin g mamta med under a pre cn ed m an having a flow path
an d combusting the so dium-

Na-base _ pressu re by means of th m- with regularly changing cros _
Neutralization sulfite pulp base p u lp p e nt liquo r i di t r tae flash means. Hydro- ectional area such a that of
solved with the iron -c o ntain -
spent liquor dynamically, fla h m an are a bellow -Iik configuration.
ing sulfuric acid add ed
th ereto. Th resulting solu-
ti on i alkalized by the in-
lime Evaporating corpo ration of an alkali and Press Comments hrirtian cienc
n August 9 p rceived the
then d prived of the iron advanc of the conomic an d
( H2S03 ) compo nen t by mean of air ( ontin ued From Page 26) techni al prowe o f Japan
NaHSOJ lime condence d liquor o xid ation. Lime is a dded to of collu i on .
into both ommunist a nd non-
the resulant alka lin e aque- hina, how ver, did not op ommunist A ia a a stabiliz
ous so lution of sodium sul- pose the Fukuda visit when
ing force contributing to the
Cornbust ion fate _a nd the n sulfur dio xide it re 1 o rted the onteni of p ac and welfar e of th r -
S02 at reducing gas I blown the rein to in- the joint decla ration b etween gion. ecr etary of tate yrus
atmosphere d:1c e pr ecipitatio n of e a!- A EAN and J apan in th Vance, con ferring with Fuku
rnm sulfate , which is ub- P opl 's Daily o n Augu t 6. da and Foreig n Mini ter
S02 sequently ep arated from The Peking regim c ontinues H a to ya ma in To kyo on his
calcium th e . ol u tion. The a que ous to reg ard ASEAN as a t abi- way hom e fro m ta lks with
sulfate smelt H2S o lut1011 o f odium hydrogen lizing force in th region and
hine e leaders in Peking,
liquor u lfite f o med con e quently applauds the attempt of
1 n utra_hz ed with an alka li ASEAN lead er to oppo e the al o tated that the U .. Gov
(H2SQ4 ) t? give ns to a que ou olu- domi nation of superpowers in enm,ent lo k favorably upon
Na2SQ4 Acidic 1011 of odmm sulfate, which the region . th e re sult o f the Fukuda
t reatement sulphuric
1s p_ut t u e as the pu lp American reactio n w a also visit, which he term ed ' x el
acid cook m g hquor. favorable. A n editoria l of the lent."
28 LOOK JAPA::,.J, 977
A EAN , a rganiz d a th
height f the ietnam War in Au
gu t, 1967. Judging from thi ne
thing alon , it i evident hat
E , a oppo e<l to the E , did
n ither aim at c 10mi.c unification
n r internal conomic ooperation
at its inception.
How ver, , ith th termi ation of
th war in Vietnam ASEA made
a declaration of eu :rali rn a d,
at th Bali . ummit m ting in Feb pri
ruary, 1976 et forth a policy to
The Pitfall of of economic cooperatiOl \ ithin h
regioi . A d cision f r a h countr
to undertak a Jar e-scale indu -

''JASEAN'' trial project (ut-ea f rtiliz r in

h don sia and falay ia,
pho phate fertiliz r in h
pine , die I engin s in ingapore,
n Fumito hi Taka.h.a hi and soda ash in Thailand) was al o
A ahi himbun r ached at th - Bali meeting.
According to a o gh - imat
pan di c h r economy egoi tical- by ASEA. -If, nece ary ex-
for h - ti ig proj et
ly without regard for the elfar
.1.2-1.5 billion. It ap
of other natio
pear that, amoi g the m jor ad
When I travel d to outhea t
van ed coull ri , Japan i th only
A ia h y ar bef re la t. Japan'
count y that can di bur e uch a
attitud - toward th r ision of th
larg amount of mon y t day. B
nternational Tin Agr ement wa
ace pting this finan ial r pon ibi
being alled into que tion. Thi
lity, Japan will b abl to give im
agr m n had adop d th 'buff r petus t it lagging e nomi c -
stock y em,' m aning that wh n
op ral.ion and to ward off interna
the pric of tin fall below a r
tional critici m at th ame tim .
t in I v 1 th Council enter th It wa for thi' rea on that Pl'im
market and bu . This is aid to
Minis r ukuda made lear th t
be on of he mo. t ad anced agr e
Japan vould extend a total f 1
m n of all the exi ting commodity
billi n of financial coop ration,
agreement . In th negotiation
provid d that "the feasibility of
conducted in n va from ay
the project i confil'med."
through June, 1975, the que tion
A present the r gional federa
as to whether buying exp n tion called ASEA r seem o be
hould b borne not only b pro functioning effectively both for the
ducing countrie alon but also by member counfrie. and Ja])an.
cons ming cou 1 rie and as to an It ha been confirmed that for
in re of inv ntories were dis the ASEAN countrie it i a mallet
cu sed. The tin-exporting countrie of luck" to obtain thL mon y.
tri d to rai e the current I vel of The tendency of Japan t-0 dominate
inventorie from 20,000 tons to 0,- cettail ma k t i1 bilat ral econo-
000 ton , al1d ar u d that buying mic cooperation ha often b e
int rdep nd nc xp n S for th incr ment should criticized. But economic coopera
E r countries be borne by con uming countrie . tion with a regional organization
% of apan's Japan wa he o ly country that ucb a E 1 1 1mmun ueh
her adamentl r oppo d thi propo al. criti i m. Japan can thereby allay
Japan rea oned that an obligatory any suspi ion outh ast A ian
burden on con uming countries countries invariably have about
would make Japan pay as much Japan' military :trength.
a 6 billion in five year . Japan,
Japan' bu ine world al o ap-
a larg ti con m r, oppo d th preciate economic cooperation
propo al and th r by killed it. A with EA1 . This i b cau uch
oluntary c011tribution ystem wa economic a istance to A will
are adopt d in tead of an obligatory et ate "a boomerang eff et," i.e.
de one, but repr enta ive from uch E ! countries will u he fund
an l tin-produ ing countriei a _falay- rec i ed from Japan to buy Japa
ia and Thailand loudly denounced n e good . It is fully expected
Japan' attitude. that thi will hlp timulat bu i
uch in t. nc s al'e too ma1 y to ne in Japan, which i ,s ntly
numerate. Lumberja ks of th uffering a drawnout recesion.
Philippine and Indone ia have
ea tigat d Japan way of buying
lumb r. In a boom period, the Jc pa- 1,S""""'"""--"'"""'"-'"""'"'::.axs:_..'"""",."""'""'' -te- . -- ------ - "'11
Jtook apan

e hunt for lumber and buy i
relation at an incredibl pric ; in a do, n
lo r fri tion h turn, they leav the lumb rjack Publu/rtd mo11l11ly by 1'akenori Kimura
increa ed. In r cent y ar o of- in the lurch even to the point of THE LOOK JAPAN, l TO. E,i,tor: "' W1ll'ln be, Ii11
t n h ar that Japan is not full bankruptcy. n 1, 2-<:hom<.', Kanda Ogawa-mac hi. Chiyoda-ku, To yo, J AP
JI 'lei: 291) 89Sl5 11
, war of h r position and 1 pon It an also be aid that l! Subscription R tes (One Y ,)
ibilit a an conomic po, r. or plaints at'i e b cau e II

!! M

OomMtro !including postagel. - ... , , ,900 r s .. , . . . . . . USS44 ' 1

, ampl , Thailand rank about 20th places great h pe o,. ,. I including pos,ageJ Sea mail (10 all tone,) ...... , , , . USS29
among apan'. radlng partne , It an hardly be deni Ban fief r n(;e:
Ill Airmail
Zone t: A1ia, Australia. Zealand . .' US$38
but from the Thai vi wpoint, Japan A EAN welcom d Prime K Zone 2: U.S.A., Canada, Ceot!a1 Ameroc US$41 The Bank of To yo, Ltd., Kanda Office '
c ._K_n_d_a,_C_hi_vod_ _._T_o_v_o

i h r greate t trading partner. Fukuda be aus of the obviou r; Zo-ne_3_:_E_urop-e,S -ou1h_A_meric_a._A_l_nc_a--- -2-15_,__ u h_,
, , -
necessit of trength ning its r
h numbet f Thai-Japan joint
ven ure mpani is gre t, and with Japan. Firstly, co- Subscriber's am ___________ _ Position---------

Thailand car fully watche every nomi coop ration i hin the
movement th Jap ne economy. A EA region i not proc eding
Thais often omplain tha although atj. factol'ily and the SEAi = .Subscriptio to be sent from to --
th y ar awarn of Japan Ja- countrie ne d , t-rnal as i tanc . x&:K.XJIIUl:z;s:iz:ai.a..aaE. sss,:,::s::.s;2

77 tfh (f/VM

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