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Identified how mutual funds are risky and return by the evaluating models.
The valuation models clearly helps the brokers or individual to make their investment in

right mutual fund groups

Identified shapers and Treynors are one of the best models for evaluating the mutual

funds and gives awareness of mutual funds.

Sundaram smile funds are performing in the top with the calculation of returns.
Sundaram growth funds are performing in the last with the calculation of returns.
Sundaram mid cap funds are performing in the top with the beta Value calculation.
Sundaram smile funds are performing in the least position with the beta value calculation.
Sundaram smile funds are performing in the top with the Standard deviation calculation.
Sundaram balance funds are performing in the last position with the Standard deviation

Sundaram smile funds are performing in the top with Treynors and shapers models

Sundaram growth funds are performing in the least with Treynors and shapers models


The investors are investing in markets are invested for making returns with mutual fund

equities are debts by using models to know the risk and returns of funds.
The investors invest in mutual fund by evaluating models to know the performance of

the funds.
The people choose mutual funds because of Mutual funds diversify the risk of the

investor by evaluating the models.

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