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I. Transform into Passive:

1. Some dogs bit John.

2. Everybody calls Darla.
3. People play football all over the world.
4. All my enemies beat me.
5. He ignited the engine.
The engine
6. The tiger ate the explorer.
The explorer
7. The teacher scolded* a student.
A student
8. Tim wrote all these books.
All these books
9. Soldiers destroyed the building.
The building
10. Pupils took the papers home.
The papers

to scold= to criticize smo severely for sth they have done wrong.

II. Put the following verbs into the passive, mentioning the agent where
necessary. Where there is an Indirect and a Direct Object make the
Indirect object the subject of the passive verb.

e.g.: They gave her a clock She was given a clock.

1. They feed the seals at the zoo twice a day.

2. They showed her the easiest way to do it.
3. Lightning struck the old oak.
4. A jellyfish stung her.
5. An uneasy silence succeeded the shot.
6. The lawyer gave him the details of his uncles will.
7. Beavers make these dams.
8. Most people opposed this.
9. A rainstorm flooded the gypsies camp.
10. The howling of wolves kept him awake all night.
11. We use this room only on special occasions.
12. In some districts farmers use pigs to find truffles.
13. A thief stole my dog and brought him back only when I offered a 20
reward for it.
14. The judge gave him two weeks in which to pay the fine.
15. They make these artificial flowers of silk.

III. Make passive voice sentences in the past simple or present simple.

1. The post (bring) ________________ every day.

2. Peter (ask) _________________ to run in the last years race.
3. Yesterday, the children (tell) ______________ to be quiet.
4. Homework (do) _______________ every afternoon.
5. Apples (pick) _____________ in autumn.
6. In that hospital, the patients (visit) _____________ in the afternoons.

IV. Make passive voice sentences in the present simple.

1. The runners (give) ___________________ their certificates after the race.

2. The books (collect) ________________ after each lesson.
3. The documents/ print. ___________________________________________.
4. The window/ open _____________________________________________.
5. The shoes/ buy ________________________________________________.
6. The car/ wash ________________________________________________.
7. The litter/throw away __________________________________________.
8. The letter/ send _______________________________________________.
9. The book/ read/not ____________________________________________.
10. The songs/ sing/not ____________________________________________.
11. The food/ eat/ not _____________________________________________.
12. The shop/ close/ not ____________________________________________.

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