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To succeed in any area of your life, be it business or personal, you must start

with a goal. Your ability to set and achieve goals will provide you a sense of d
irection and is the first step in becoming successful.; it gives you the address
of where you want to go so that you can determine the route you need to take in
order to get there.1.Decide. Think of something you want to do or work towards.
2. Write it down. Carefully. ...
3. Tell someone. Telling someone we know about our goals also seems
to increase the likelihood that we will stick at them.
4. Break your goal down. ...
5. Plan your first step. ...
6. Keep going. ...
7. Celebrate.
It is an important method of deciding where u want to get to in life. Without go
als a person is lost and can't succeed.
Once we have succeeded in achieving our goal its time to think about our next go
How to change your goals:-
keep in mind that you can always change your direction. Your goal is there to sh
ape your life in a way that delights you, not enslaves you. If the pursuit of th
e goal is draining your life, then why keep it?
We adopt goals for one reason and one reason only: to change our lives. Rather t
han adopting a goal you hope will change your life once you reach it, do it the
other way around. Choose the journey that for you would be awesome the activities, p
ersonal growth, and friends. Then choose a goal that acts as a compass to give y
ou that life as part of the journey.
And if you ever feel your direction needs changing, change goals. Because it s not a
bout where you end up, it s about the life you live on the way. Your life is too pre
cious to settle for less than extraordinary.

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